THQ confirmed a new Destroy all humans in the 8ch AMA.

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Other urls found in this thread:

What’s destroy all humans? Sounds like old overrated shit.

Nah, it's just old shit.

the ama is over you can kindly fuck off back to your tranny hole

I only played Big Willy Unleashed, which was meh. Are the others better?

>Yea Forums too busy shitposting to actually care that a long beloved franchise is coming back
Holy shit Yea Forums doesn't care about vidya.
Yes, Big Willy is by far the worst and made by a small separate team.

Why do 8cucks keep advertising their dead imageboard here?

I honestly would like to kill all humans.

play the second one

They're obsessed with us but don't want to admit it

Fuck yeah. PC pls

>Monkey king
Is it time to split!?

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The last one was trash. Also, as it won't be developed by Pandemic, I expect the next one to suck just as bad.

>Destroy all White People

Sequel or remake? Because I'll be honest I'm fine with whatever

don't play with my heart

wake me up when you actually decide to make 40k Dark Millenium. Or an actual decent 40k game.

>Hey guys a new destroy all humans
>8CH 8CH 8CH

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>Dear extinct white “people”

The first was good, but 2 is probably the best one.

>they said nothing about a timesplitters HD collection on PC

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The first two games are solid. After that everything is downhill.

That franchise is dead for too long. It need its comeback.

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Did they say anything about a Battle for Bikini Bottom port/remaster?

>Makes threads about the 8ch AMA then go to 8ch to shit up the thread
>Brings up 8ch unprovoked
>Then claims they are obsessed with us

It's a PS2 game where you play as an alien. It has elements of stealth and action.

And most people here have an obsession with literally everything else. Your point?


go back to your dead website

Oh shit boys, we are getting 80's DAH!

Better dead than full of normalfags

Also Guild 3 is still in production and Black Sea Interactive have not announced any new games despite the merger.

Darksiders Genesis? What the what?

>Reset era on page 40 in outrage
>Most popular threads on Yea Forums are about 8ch
>most popular threads on 8ch Yea Forums are about vidya
So who's obsessed again?

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No, but they did mention Summoner.

>2nd most popular image board

What? No one here talks about 8ch, you delusional faggot

>relevant enough to get an official AMA instead of 4channel

Devs that have AMAed on 8ch
>Yoko Taro
>Hideki kamiya
>American Mcgee
>Titanfall devs
>Five Nights at fuckbears dev
>Creators of Hostile have their very own board and post daily
How do they keep convincing people to post there?

>Darksiders: Genesis
Is that supposed to be Strife's game and Darksiders 4 is the end or is it about one of the previous Horsemen?

Why are zoomers too stupid to use google?

Kamiya came here too.

Hey retard, look at the most popular threads of today on Yea Forums.

People here are too new to remember that

Can you guys believe that THQ Nordic held an AMA on a website banned for child porn? I can't believe it. A website banned for child porn. What the hell were they thinking. They should fire their PR team.

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Probably just ports of DaH 1 & 2 desu.

This is literally the only thread on the subject that's up right now.

Less traffic than this place so it's possible to actually read and answer the questions.
Less moderation and upboating and butthurt than reddit so they can actually get some interesting questions asked.

Nope, they already did that. Dah 1 and 2 can be bought on the ps4
We had 4 more that reached bump limit or got deleted.

Can't be too obsessed if a PR stunt and ongoing topic of discussion has had five threads.

>Dah 1 and 2 can be bought on the ps4

Yeah. The emulated PS2 versions. I think at least DaH 1 is backwards compatible on xbone but I could see them putting them on PC and Switch.

Because all the others were deleted because mods don`t want people talking about 8ch.

You should have been here an hour ago

>losing your entire shit over a blue checkmark
i thought it was the libs who were so easily triggered


Reported for advertising a pedo racist sexist site full of goobergators.

Blue checkmarks are a symbol of pure evil, didn't you know that?

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why are you so closed minded, unlike Resetera?

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Anything about Battle for Bikini Bottom?

What timesplitters got to do with monkey king

>5 of the most popular threads of the day
>I-I'm not obsessed
Instead of talking about Destroy all Humans you are busy being insecure about 8ch.

>Wow, those people are fucking crazy

Uhmmm, sweetie...Its called being a FRICKIN DECENT HUMAN BEING! You should try it some time.

I hate epic games but this is based

"Not yet" or something like that.

What is Black Sea Interactive known for?


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How do they still not realize that bending over for the sjws is the worst move possible

Nick is a dick with licensing, so they probably won`t be getting them anytime soon.

>all the other threads got shoah'd when they're game industry threads

Do they do it for free?

So reddit? Reddit hosted CP far more and for far longer than 8ch. Libshits will think of any excuse to attack a group of people who don't follow their shitty beliefs.

It's old, good shit like Ace Combat.

So basically overrated and old.

I bet it get’s posted constantly in 3x3 cringe threads.

Reddit isn't a neonazi site
Reddit wasn't made with sharing cp in mind
Reddit wasn't made to harass women
Take your whataboutism to stormfront

fuck off zoomer

It's 2019 so it's most likely going to be Destroy All White Males

Honest answer?
Less shitposters.
8/v/ has mods that actually address shitposting for the most part and a populace that genuinely just wants to talk about vidya for the most part.
4/v/ is just a dumping ground for all your shitposts that you don't want to shit up other boards/sites with.

Well then which is it faggot, is all discussion deleted or is it all that Yea Forums is talking about, you fucking retard?

You think tranny janny is just a meme?

There are subreddits for every kind of subculture, moron. Like the internet should be.

Fucking zoomer.

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>darksiders: genesis
>not darksiders 4
a fucking prequel

They should make a new open world rpg. Why no kingdoms of amalour 2?

zoom harder

And they were rightfully shut down and the users banned.
8ch*n still exist and hosts the very same unironic nazis, bigots, misogynists and serial harassers

if they have mods then why do people still post racist Nazi shit?
Moderation might as well not exist in the first place. That's why Yea Forums is better because we can talk about anything.

hi ResetEra.

Nice thread you guys got on this dumb shit by the way.

8ch wasn’t made to share cp newfag. Unlike 8ch reddit defended cp as “freedom of speech”. You know fucking nothing.

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Nah, 8ch mods know that no one cares about racism.
Meanwhile I've been banned here for talking about how chinks have ruined online gaming.
Yea Forums has been dead for years, at least since 2012, arguably since 2009, and 8ch is the closest I can get to pre-dumpster fire Yea Forums on a somewhat active website.
If 8ch had a decent 4chanX equivalent with more comprehensive filters and QoL changes I wouldn't even touch this shithole.

It's a game where you play as an ayy lmao isn't it

This. It’s hilarious when yards try to act like Yea Forums Yea Forums is better, it’s worse in every way.

So no Saints Row? Oh for fuck sake.

We need to get you ResetEra faggots off this board

I can't believe I have indirectly given money to people who support nazis and pedophilia..........

Mega yikes this is so efed up.....

Someone post the Patrick Klepkuk webm again, I didn't get to save it in time before the thread 404'd.

Strange, i recall that other site as being much more of a "MUH FREEZE PEACH DOXING FEMALE GAME DEVS IS GOOD"
Oh right, you're just a revisionist incel that beats off his microdick to loli

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>The Yea Forumsgas this year had a chinese mockery theme and they were banned from Twitch


great move to calm down the trannies, based THQ

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fuck off resetranny

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It's the mods fault. They get Mark, we get a single mom named BEAM and a faggot named I_AM_,ABIB

Each board has separate admins and "owners", so each board have different rules. Only global rule is not posting the kind of shit that is illegal in America.

Damn I should go on ResetEra more often, they live in a fucking bubble, it's hilarious

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isn't cripplechan known for having leftypol? I don't get it

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Then why are you here?

TFW black and have been banned a dozen times for calling someone the N word

That`s Deepsilver, THQ Nordic management and projects are separated from Deepsilver`s. At least the AMA guy said so.

Did they say anything about Space Marine

I guess this means 8/v/ might actually be a semi-decent place. I went to their version of /pol/ a few times and it was so bad and filled with legitimate mental cases that I planned to never go back.

Moot killed this site along with his faggot mods

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This person may have fucked him own life up by just trying to arrange an AMA for the fans of THQ. Jesus Christ the times we live in. You don't even have to say something and you are ruined. I hear its getting even worse. Apparently the big companies are getting AI that analyses your face during interviews for jobs

How is it that a fucking Jew is a better mod than what we have?

Average ResetEra fag's reaction to this.

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If this is true, I totally wasn't expecting this, great shit, loved the first 2 games.

To be fair, they left on their own accord. Reminds me of Neogaf.

Is Neogaf still around after that CP scandal?

Cripple doesn't even own 8 anymore. It's under Watkins now and the only reason it's still alive is because he hates Hiroshima too much to close a website that competes with Yea Forums directly.

Yep, me too.
It's fucking ridiculous and it's really starting to piss me off how incompetent the mods here are.
To shitpost while I'm at work.
I go to 8/v/ when I want to talk about vidya.
Hell, their /agdg/ threads have turned me on to some actually decent indie devs.

Why do leftists think mocking free speech is a good strategy, I sincerely don’t understand and I’m beginning to think people like you need to start dying before you start killing people

Thq is gonna get murdered by journalists. They're gonna get a LOT of mileage over this fiasco.

Why do they think imageboards are full of serial killers and rapists and not a bunch of boring neets/normal people looking for a laugh through shitposting?

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I go there for the share threads, at the very least.

Relic made Space Marine and they're owned by Sega now.
Don't bother digger any deeper. Valrak already tried petitioning them and they told him to fuck off.


is that seriously the best you can do? just mashing words together? no creativity?

Because that’s what their website is filled with

Not sure. I just know that I hate moot more and more as time goes on

Dude what's an 8chen woah so wacky

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Thanks partner.

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Oh NOES, the journalists! I admire them so so much! I don't want the to be mad at me :(

>split Yea Forums in half for family friendly jew golds
>publishers / devs post on 8ch anyways

I'm laughing

The only people who want free speech are criminals and pedos. Who wants to pander to those shitheads?

Might as well kill yourself and get it over with.

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We really need Hiro to clean house and get new mods


The only people who support censorship are those with things to hide


This picture is just sad. These mentally ill people were lied to and ruined.

what was the game interplay owns they they were talking about?

This guy is 100% a sex offender.

as much as I don't care for the boomer/zoomer meme

you can't get any more zoomer than this my dude

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Because Yea Forums is full of retarded children, who the fuck would want to advertise here anyways when no one here has any money?

Oh no! Not the game journalists, those esteemed people within the gaming community!

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Holy fuck Zoomer. Are you retarded. Destroy All humans was a classic on the PS2.

How? THQ went bankrupt, right?

>8ch`s Yea Forums is getting so much traffic that it is having problems loading images.


damn, you're fucking seething

do you assume anybody who replies to you are the 0.1% of the global population you hate? any excuse to post your redditor infographics I guess

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>copyright protected content

Ok you win. There’s nothing worse than falseflagging ironic shitposters. Kill yourself /pol/, you deserve to lose.

You hear that bros? It's the sound of gentrification!

so, what the fuck am I still doing here? I should have switched to the 8 ages ago

“It was like a 2nd holocause”-Mark, the Jewish owner of the video game board attacked.

I just hope this THQ Nordic bullshit doesn't get in the way of Desperados 3 since they're the publisher.

Go dilate yourself tranny

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is here a single thing wrong with this kind of post?
if you really dig down in your logic it's going to come down to
>b-but they should understand the nuance that asanagi's loli porn isn't real CP!!!!!

here's the truth: what you brainwashed mentally ill retards call "SJWs" are just the same old normalfags (and soccer moms) that always existed.
and you retards expect them to understand loli porn. get fucking real.

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>have a differing opinion on Yea Forums
>get called a discord tranny

>have a differing opinion on resetera
>get banned for wrongthink

Hmm, I wonder which is better...?

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It’s not sad, they deserve it

better them than us

I still preffer the uncluttered look here on Yea Forums, but I always go there for the share thread, at the very least.

THQ Nordic isn't exactly THQ from before.

>there are people on Yea Forums defending censorship
This place is dead.

resetera is a board that is very heavily frequented by insiders and industry figures and is known for having comparatively meme free discussions of topics of interest.

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I hate the mods here more then ever

Ok, now this is based

Why didn't they jist do it on Yea Forums instead? Lots of boards have had AMAs here already without incident, like Yea Forums and Yea Forums

>Reddit isn't a neonazi site
It's better to be a Neon Nazi than a Cuck faggot that needs to be Bluepilled.
>Reddit wasn't made with sharing cp in mind
If you think Lolli porn is CP you are crazy and also CP is everywhere do not think for a moment it is not on your site and hidden somewhere. I bet there is some in your HD.
>Reddit wasn't made to harass women
Thots deserve harassment for expecting men to be 6 ft tall, 6 figures and 6 inch cock. Alpha fucks, beta bucks.

I kek'd.

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>Reddit hosted CP far more and for far longer than 8ch.
source? but i expect you made that up like the faggot you are.

Fuck off newfag

If you use resetera you deserve to be killed, prove me wrong.

THQ Nordic isn't related at all. Some other guys bought just the name. I looked it up when they got publishing rights to deep rock galactic.

We live in a time now where people will forget the shit you did last week in seconds. You ultimately just have to lay low and eventually people wont be as mad about it.

Resetera is known for its extremely fragile posters and quick banning of any actual discussion that could possibly deviate from the opinions of the mods. Also for meltdowns.

Because this board is pure shit and that dumb gook Hiro doesn't bother to do anything. Also the mods here are faggots who hate this place

Tick tock tranny, the noose is waiting for your neck.

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Because when they got unlisted for hosting Cheese Pizza the site has been in a downward spiral. Now they are trying to shill the site here.

Because Yea Forums is trash

It's what I do.

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And yet it got an AMA from motherfucking THQ. Maybe if you cucks weren't so obnoxious you'd get one too.

Because the crazy shitposting that would happen. Notice how the 8ch thread had little shitposting until it was posted here?


Go ahead then, upload all the movies, games, books and shit. Don't complain when your ass get DMCA'd to hell and back

it already happened here, several times, each worse than the last.

a lot of resetera trannies come here

Thank fucking god. That's what they get for spamming OAG over here and trying to start shit by rumors and not verified facts.

it's shiteaters from those sites that start with R.

>I looked it up when they got publishing rights to deep rock galactic.
Wait, they did?

not him. it's true

Because Mark, the owner of the Yea Forums board on 8ch, buttered up the PR guy from THQ Nordic saying he`d take care of the shitposting.

Hilarious, I know.

who the fuck goes on 8ch?

tranny >>>>> white neo-nazi

Now it's the time. I have 1 sleeper Resetera account. What should I post on the meltdown thread?

Lol no. It has actually gotten more popular. You are the insecure cuck bringing up the site.

It's a board many people laugh at outside of Insiders and Industry figures.

Yeah. Forget who published it before. I think the publisher got bought out by THQ Nordic.

So an unironic nazi, pedophile misogynist.

People who posted on this website before the year 2012

argue that there is nothing wrong with cp

Difference is cripplechan Yea Forums's "owner" proactively asks devs to have an AMA there. There was no incident within AMA itself, Twitter and Resetera just got buttmad about it after it was done.

So is 8ch Yea Forums actually decently fast and varied in its thread topics? I don't use the website because of all the fucking hubbub and shitposting around the time it was created and when I've tried using it for porn I found it difficult to sift through dozens of dead boards just to find one good new image.

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You are mentally ill and you will die alone once you become 30 years old.

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This webm cant be real, holy shit.

>Reddit isn't a neonazi site
Neither is infinity. One of the largest boards is /leftypol/
>Reddit wasn't made with sharing cp in mind
Neither was infinity.
>Reddit wasn't made to harass women
Neither was infinity.

4channel is a joke site made for shitposting

Doesn't anyone think this "8ch is a hub for CP" is bullshit on the basic that everyone can visit the website and would be immediately shut down by proper authorities? It's like saying "see that street vendor? He's a drug dealer!"

It almost like CP was used by certain retard to illegitimate the site, why is nobody angry toward those retards instead?

mostly retards who never grew out of their Yea Forums phase but don't want to admit it


better than being the most evil symbol in history

Fuck no, 3 was trash.

Its normally slow as hell and has its different subculture than 4/v/.

Because thered be less controversy and controversy is what carries names the furthest

Also post the screencap

>So an unironic nazi, pedophile misogynist
Your shaming language does not work you mentally ill Cuck. Show us the hidden CP you have on your hardrive.

Kek Resetera thinks 8ch is just more underground version of 4ch.

4/v/ confirmed for lame timid cucks by resetera lmao

how come our Yea Forums doesn't have webms with sound?

Polygon b mad

This place has been dead since 2015, you had your chance to move.

its shit

but also do it in a way that isn't obvious like

>"this is really cringeworthy by thq nordic and i will definitely not buy their games from now on"
write stuff like that and then say
>"i don't have a real problem with CP though, it's a good way to get a release if you're inclined that way"

Main problem is its not fast on bad days. But generally is a better place especially if you want to post webms or do a comic storytime (because youre allowed to post multiple images in one post).

There's like none of it on there at all. Not even on /l/.

No it's not. It was quick in 2015-16 but because of mod rules being tighter than Resetara it ended up losing the userbase back to here. It's hardly worth it anymore.

It`s pretty slow in comparison. They have some types of threads that we don`t get here, like share threads, but I still mostly come here.

8/pol/ is completely fucked. Entirely taken over by jidf and lefty Pol pretending to be white supremacists.

8/v/ is pretty decent though. I like that you can talk gaming related industry politics there. You can't here.


Sad we can't any of the mods to do that, mostly because they're so protective of their identities and hate this place

Polygon forgetting which site actually had mods who've been arrested for CP before.

>all these unironic post advertising 8ch recently

this is hilarious, is literally a bunch of autism fighting over wich shithole is better to be at, keep being this mentally deranged its fucking hilarious

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It's slow like how the niche boards here are slow. Kinda weird to see a thread not move for a couple of days since I'm so use to Yea Forums here

Because back when moot was around he thought we would abuse it with screamers and shit.

Yea Forums went to shit the moment the Fappening happened. it attracted normalfags like sugar attracts ants

>all these refugees
they need to go back, and using THQ as a bragging point, thq has sucked ass for over 10 year.

Probably deflecting the fact that reddit and neogaf is literally built by pedophiles

isn't Resetera run by the same fags that defended pedos on neogaf?

user, 8ch went from averaging sub-3000 posts a day to over 10k posts a day site-wide.
Hell, a lot of the best porn artists post their shit on 8ch despite avoiding Yea Forums like the fucking plague.

So why did they even do this? Like of all sites why did they chose there? Because I guarantee they knew the shitshow that would have happened. Hell if they did it here instead the reaction probably would have been the same.

We just need a game dev to do an AMA on theDonald now.

This! I bet they even say the N word there.

hello resetera, soon you will not be welcomed here anymore
the one where you get banned forever? faggot, trannie, retard. See?

say the alien is clearly a cis male

Not him, but being alive is definitely better than being dead

8ch is just reddit with a Yea Forums skin



>even a dead website gets more attention from devs than this shithole

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so let's see if i get this right
all he did was a simple AMA and twitter,retardera and other journalist are assraping the guy because he picked a website with a bad past?
aren't neogaf/resetera even worse?

moot was an idiot. His opinions at times were baffeling

>So why did they even do this? Like of all sites why did they chose there?
Because Mark asked them? Plus theres been multiple developers there already before.

Wait does this chart mean
>40%+ of trannies attempt to commit suicide
Or do they find that 40% of the time it is BECAUSE they are trannies?

Far better discussion but slower. But considering how horribly fast this Yea Forums is that isn’t a bad thing. 8ch Yea Forums is about as fast as our Yea Forums or Yea Forums.


>Twitter is infested with pedophiles
>Discord is currently under FBI investigation for child grooming
>Reddit had CP boards
>The faggots crying about 8ch's "cp problem" will continue to use these sites

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Based dab on the mentally ill

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I wish those faggots got off their fat asses and did something productive, if they really care about children go out and try to help instead of looking for brownie points on social media

nice try, but no. 4channel is more like R*ddit these days.

Being slow is a shame. I only come to Yea Forums so often because it's easy to find something new in the catalog to bide my time when I don't have anything else to do. I'll probably take a look at the catalog anyway just to see once in a while as I do visit slower boards even here; AMAs with real devs is nice, as is the multi-image feature.

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If it was such a classic why did nobody even heard of it before.

What's the point of THQ doing an AMA? Like what the fuck would you even ask?

Defended? They were the mod team at neogaf, which included the likes of Amir0x and another pedo apologist. Irony here is Resetera is run by pedos.

Yea Forums is first place
4channel is second
And 8ch is third.

Yes. It’s literally and objectively better. I only come here to shitpost.

no one ever does an AMA here
feels like we don't matter on the internet

Funny isn't it?

Yea Forums's largest board is /pol/
8ch's largest board is /leftypol/
get fucked nerd

>he actually makes the distinction between Yea Forums and 4channel
You're the one who is a redditor. To everyone else nothing has changed except for the slight increase in discord trannies


No one deserve that

Goddamn it I was gonna go to their monster girl board later

Shit, we've been having an upswing in actual pedoshit lately ourselves. It's unsettling how bold they are.

go back to trannitera

Funnily enough, they're not even the first ones to do this.
They're just the first ones dumb enough to announce it.
Tons of indie devs have had little info sessions on 8ch, including the guys making that Wave Break game.

Telling lies

oh come on you really believe in jewish lies ?jews are fucking evil and need to die for salvation of mankind

>shithole filled with furries, christians, pedos, nazis, commies
>better than Yea Forums

No user, channers are racist pedophiles, and resetera is a loving community of videogames enthusiast

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And webms have sound.

fucking based
/pol/ is r/thedonald tier, nothing more R*ddit than that

they didn't answer shit besides shiposting. hell even that was weak. plus they have shit taste

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niggers incapable of not saying nigger. just don't say it. what, are the jannies supposed to keep track of whether you're black or not?
and am i supposed to care? understand that when someone reads that they usually think of you as pol-types. the context may be different when you're black but as user nobody can tell.

So what has 8ch done that is wrong exactly? Not silencing enough people?

You just described Yea Forums retard

8ch's largest board is Yea Forums, followed by /pol/, then Yea Forums.

8ch is good for niche shit
I go whenever I need my Monster girl fix

I find more worrying how there are pedos fucking everywhere.

Having conservatives not be banned

it's funny how 8ch's largest board is as slow as fucking /ic/

You should be killed, nigger lover tranny faggot kike

>Escaping to 8ch so you don’t have to deal with shitposts
>Creating more of what you migrated from


Maybe its all part of the plan.
Free marketing.

goes to show you care more about how people perceive you than what you actually are.

Nothing. People accusing 8ch of inciting CP and pedophiles, but no solid evidences besides Lolis.

All the other places shitting on 8ch had much bigger and recorded CP problems than 8ch itself.

People who live in the past and refuse to admit that GG is a dead thing.

my dude. those people are setting fire on their own houses just to feel outraged.
yesterday a tranny set fire on his house and called hate crime. turns out it was a setup because bill that helps homos made people care less about the organization the faggot worked on

same number as always, just more prominent now

Everyone is talking about THQ today. Hmm.. maybe the outrage from leftist controlled press is something you can use for marketing your company. A man became president of US utilizing that energy after all.

Jokes aside, how could it be overrated if you never heard of it

It’s faster than Yea Forums faggot.its 2009 Yea Forums speed.

Unironically no u

I loved Destroy all humans as a kid but I don't think the series is particularly great anymore, though the idea has a lot of potential. Rather than an open world action game I think something more stealth oriented would be better. Alien abduction is one of the most terrifying things in the world to me and I think stripping the 50's satire from the series could help it flourish. Having it be a really dark and atmospheric stealth game where you investigate and abduct people who seem to have furon DNA could be really cool. I also think just having Crypto and Pox be these weird sadist who crack jokes while the humans act terrified would make them funnier as well as scarier.

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because normalfaggots and resetrannies unironically believe loli is CP

low iq nigger incapable of proper conversation.
you only make everything worse for everyone.
educate yourself.

Yeah, 8gag is pretty much "Yea Forums retard".

They answered mostly questions regarding relaunches or sequels to their own titles. My guess is thats what they were aiming to market in that AMA, since imageboards generally have less casual players than usual.

>heh Im gonna pretend I'm not a trannie by telling them they should go to Reddit!!

>trigger has regular AMAs in Yea Forums and panders to Yea Forums
>no vidya company would ever do the same here
why is the anime industry so much better than vidya?

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I can’t think of a major website without something of a pedo problem, but we’re all gonna pretend that 8ch is somehow the worst offender because they stem from us?
That’s silly.

no it's not

Drawn children getting fucked bad
Real children getting fucked by drag queens good

if i was in their spot I would just lose it. what am I your fucking parents, I don't give a fuck if it's known for CP

Kinda fucked that they chose of all places there to this place or even fucking Reddit to do an AMA

Except without chucked mods, no captchas, web site with sound, no console wars, actual discussion, 18mb file it, ect.

gee I wonder why......

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The only reason CP is imoral and sick it's because it exploits actual children to be produced and that abuse makes me fucking furious just from thinking about it.

BUT 2D is irrelevant, arguing about feeling that 2D lolis are immoral is pointles and actual thought crimes, which I don't think should even be a thing.

Yea Forums is pretty crappy board but at least it isn't nearly as corroded from /pol/ as Yea Forums is

Ok this is epic

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It literally is faggot.


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>reporter literally trying to fit in

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Or I can just use this site as my shitposting dumping ground and keep actual quality posts contained to sites that deserve it.
If mods are going to do their job incompetently then I'm not going to bother using this shithole for anything other than what it deserves; shitposts.

Namco admitted in a forum post that they lurk imageboards like 2chan, Yea Forums and cripplechan as well for feedback. And did so with SC6.

Yea Forums is a pretty fast board though

To be fair, those aren't necessarily all the bans in chronological order, it's just a sample

HOWEVER, to be doubly fair, even with that, that's a fairly big chunk. Lots of underage kids and dumbasses that can't handle actual b and have to make v a b-lite.

Fuck them.

Tell ya what. You guys have gotten me through some dark shit, so if I ever get big, I’ll come here to do an AMA if you guys happen to be interested. Gotta give back somehow.

Cause our mods are gay?

Not for long if normalfags get a hold of it like vidya and comics.

8ch was a site built upon the idea of complete free speech, there were no site wide rules besides no illegal content
During the gamergate drama, the discussion was getting banned from the site and so 8ch was advertised as a site to discuss GG on
Of course, since there was ravenous easily offended faggots who hated GG with a passion, they wanted to fuck over the site however they could
As people were moving over to 8ch to discuss GG, a group of pedophiles made a board to discuss pedophilia with the catch being that there would be no cp, only legal pictures of kids
Enter Dan Olsen, a sick SJW fuck who covered up Jewario's pedophilia looking for good boy points in the degenerate group he runs with, he ends up posting pictures of kids in swimsuits "censored" to look like CP and reports it on twitter
Google ends up removing the site from google searches as a lot of google's "safety team" are full of SJWs who like Olson, even though the pedophilia boards were pruned as a result of Olsen's bullshit
So now 8ch is a "child porn site" because SJWs who are STILL FUCKING MAD about Gamergate will refuse to not be mad

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Holy fuck this is so pathetic
>hello fellow children

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I'll give you that. There were more than a few child fuckers on Neogaf

>Big Willy is by far the worst
Nah, the PS3 one was the worst

prove it dweeb

Are you the Devil Engine dev

That’s the point. It’s only slow compared to Yea Forums, same as 8 Yea Forums.


I hear him all over Doom 3. That discount Jack Nicholson

why not just go to voat, it's much better than 8con and reddit

they already did thanks to crunchyroll, but Yea Forums has still managed to keep it's culture somewhat.

From the name i would assume is some sort of prequel

So everyone is in agreement that Asuka was always the better choice?

why would you want to use reddit's shitty interface, no anonymity, low userbase, and post with a bunch of pedo losers?

Yea Forums is a lot faster than 8 Yea Forums though

if hiroshitmoot and mods actually cared we would have. but for him this is just a fast board that generates clicks. and our mods literally let faggotry thread on the board for hours and delete threads that have actual discussion.
how many threads about some twink faggot flashing going over 300 posts and shitty frogposting and wojak posting are kept alive but the moment someone tries to actually talk about vidya it gets deleted?

For your own sake, don't. You're just going to attract bad press from that and half the people here don't even play videogames.

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Yea Forums has around 500 ppl, same as Yea Forums.

no just laughter at him.

Not him, but Yea Forums is easily worse than here.

and how does that make any logical sense in your mind? this is prime circular reasoning.
>i'm shitposting because the site is shit..
>and that's because the mods aren't doing their job properly
>because they banned me for shitposting
>and that's why the site is shit
more like your brain is shit.

Screencap this: just like NeoGAF, ResetEra will have pedophiles in their flock

gggrrrhhhhh I'm mad!!!!!

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If you're a pedo, where would you hide? The place where all the normal people are? Or among the weird people that the normal people hate?

>a group of pedophiles made a board to discuss pedophilia with the catch being that there would be no cp, only legal pictures of kids
>Enter Dan Olsen, a sick SJW fuck who covered up Jewario's pedophilia looking for good boy points in the degenerate group he runs with,
>he ends up posting pictures of kids in swimsuits "censored" to look like CP and reports it on twitter

Of course. Tranny/fag culture spawns pedophiles.

>post on Yea Forums - /pol/itics
>accuse any other website except 8gag of being pedo
Pot calling kettle a fucking good-for-nothing yard ape spear chucker

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This is a no brainer.

Doesnt mainstream reddit hate T_D and do everything short of banning it to shut the forum up?

>goes right to race baiting
twitter is for fags

crunchyroll pissed of the anime fandom since their using the money to make literal steven universe knock off. there is also "animegate" happening right now where people are defending the US Broly VA because the SJW at funimation wanted to fuck over him. people even got evidence of their shit show on twitter like photoshoping images, metoo bs, whore that are married to higher ups having their husband fuck with the investigation, bulma's va being a bitch.
Yea Forums still have oldfag culture in them

You see, user, HIS shitpostingw as pretty good. It's all the shitty shitposting that is shitting the board, not his.

No need, it almost always ends like this when people have to posture about how much they hate CP.

It's like saying you hate poison loudly. People will just think you actually love it, but is trying to hide it.

To their credit THQ drummed up lots of publicity today. Made many of their core base happy, upset Twitter checkmark and resetera. This is actually the best thing they could have done to drum up real publicity for their upcoming releases.

but I thought love was love was love was love? fucking hypocritcal faggots.

Saying "nigger" when talking about video games isn't shitposting you stupid fucking nigger.
The problem is that if I'm going to get banned for non-shitposts then I have no incentive to not shitpost here since discussion is already shit and the mods are ban-happy faggots anyways.
And the best part is, that's how everyone treats this shithole, and the mods don't give a fuck.

Yea Forums is not worth it. it is essentially Yea Forums without the edgeness

>thread has nothing to do about the announcements and is focused purely on the drama
Every single one of you should neck yourselves.

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How do we know this is real again?

>no arguments
Back to wherever you came from

Posting some stupid bullshit the OP and saying "what are some games that do this" isn't video games either

So we can't talk about ACTUAL VIDYA COMPANIES doing shit?

And all the hilarious aftermath.

Fuck off, faggot.


According to Resetera 4ch is the Depths and 8ch is Blighttown

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Because most people don't actually give a shit about some ancient joke game.

>Second is on PS4 but not steam.

Yo, hol up.
What the fuck, is Interplay actually still around? What do they do now?

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Hmmm hmmm, because paragraphs were invented by Reddit.


It’s already the case, unless you mean they’ll got caught again.

Doesn't matter, people will do it because it's not worthwhile trying to discuss vidya with the average dumbfuck on Yea Forums nowadays.

>Half the people here don’t even play video games

Neither does the press, lmao
They can suck my dick, as soon as I get big enough, I’m gonna make a game they love and then drop my pants and shit on them
Hopefully they won’t deserve it by the time I’m done but still


I’ve been here a while. It’s worth it to me
Of course any number of things could happen so I’m getting too far ahead of myself.

>the press will say bad things
>so better do what the press says

Imagine if Trump thought this way.

The mods don't care. We have a literal single dishrag whore of a mom as a mod.

>Is Neogaf still around after that CP scandal?

fuckin based

What's that smell?
It's really stinky
Must be trannies in this thread, they're notoriously unattractive and stinky

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Who the fuck is this?


Shame, game looks awesome.

What type of mental gymnastics the Gaf public had to go through to go back despite the scandal?

Good for you. So long as you make good games press can't do shit.

Because they already apologized to the social justice cabal on Twitter duh

No, people shitpost because actual discussion will get you banned. Stop defending the mods retard.

"woahh this is a bit much"

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Do Twitter normies even buy THQ games?

What, you mean like consider the needs of the people and not just his ego?
don't worry lads, kleppek is on it

Fuck off check mart retard. It was joy is who were posting CP. 8ch has literally no cp.


>(((Jason schreier))) pounces
Here come the articles

Twitter was a mistake.

woahh oofa doofa to this chief

Isn't Schreier a nonce? How is he still going? Am I thinking of someone else?

Lmao shame on you Yea Forums resetera thinks you side with them.

Did they say anything about de Blob? I don't know if the developer is still around but a third game with prettier graphics would be a 10/10

its all part of the plan

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why do all 4channers sound like faggots,
>muh reddit spacing!!!!!!!!!
yet you use reddit memes. get the fuck out

We will never be rid of this obnoxious war.

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Sorry man that meme just doesn't cut it

>not enjoying the shitshow unfold
why do these people pretend to go on edgy shitholes again?

>All these Yikes post
Twitter retards and Facebook posters need to be banned on site.

just take your fucking side and go

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>newfaggots still don't understand redditspacing is a trick to out them
Makes me laugh every time

t. redditor

Back to resetera, faggot.

Nobody cares about what a bunch of mentally ill trannies say.