Night in the Woods

Was this any good?

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Other urls found in this thread:


I thought is was better than LiS.

No, worthless shit

yes, i enjoyed playing it. it was good.

it's maximum comfy

Awful dialogue and little to no gameplay. It's a VN basically but the dialogue is shit. If you can stomach the dialogue and characters then it then it might be worth a playthrough if you really like the art

Life is Woods


Jesus christ this game bored me to death
Felt like a liberal wet dream

Its alright. Everyone saying its a tumblr game are buttblasted /pol/ tards who cant handle a single lgbt reference or character at all. Sure its a little bit left leaning but the story doesnt shove it in your face unless you count one of the main characters being gay as just that

not a lot in terms of gameplay, but i enjoyed it

I know it's shit by just looking at the image, user, I get strong life is strange vibes and other walking simulator shit

Liked it up until it looked like the plot was going in a different direction, specifically when Mae wants to start hunting the phantom or w/e it is, stopped playing after that.

Sure its pretty much a VN with walking segments in between dialog, but it's a pretty enjoyable VN, if only because I enjoy laughing at Mae while she simultaneously desperately tries to relive her childhood whilst also wanting to be treated like an's kind of like laughing at a disabled person for wanting to be an astronaut.

You are not missing out.

It wasn't even a video game.

Only enjoyed by that pathetic sort of fag who basically worships tumblr tier shit not because of any far leftist retardation but because he wants to fuck the least sexualized, incredibly stylized cartoon animal character that most would consider unlewdable.

Basically what Yea Forums is mostly made of.

thank god Hollow Knight came out shortly after and completely overshadowed it

for the human male on female anthro material, yes

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Yeah i enjoyed it. Nice slower paced relaxing gameplay and a small town atmosphere i liked a lot. Not without its flaws but for what it was i felt like it was a good game and worth my money.

>He gave them money

That's an odd way to say "for the gay greg porn"

Furfag walking simulator about >muh depreshun

omg so dark

so deep

The mood is fucking great.
I felt more more for the goth alligator stuck in some dying town than for anyone in Life is Strange or any amount of Telltale games.

I felt the fact that they linked Mae's mental problems to the Black Goat, kinda cheapened them a bit, but that is honestly the only real problem I got with the game.

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you sicken me

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best game of that year desu

Gregg rulz ok

I wanna lick his sweet faggy ass

Yes it’s still a Walking simulator but it’s made me nostalgic for a place i’ve never been yet know everything about

You'll have to knifefight him first.

Then you get to swordfight him.

That's not exactly the hardest thing to do

I don’t know can you repeat the question

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It's pretty comfy. Could have had more choices that actually matter and some way to skip the tedious aspects in a 2nd playthrough

no the "mystery" turns out to just be the elders of the city wanting to keep capitalism alive so they have to sacrifice kids to the monster or some gay bullshit like that. literally out of nowhere at the end of the game they just go full out on CAPITALISM BAD UNIONS GOOD

great characters and setting

fucking boring as shit repetitive gameplay
even as a furry I couldn't enjoy this game

bea is bae though

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>Its alright. Everyone saying its a tumblr game are buttblasted /pol/ tards who cant handle a single lgbt reference or character at all.
3 of the main characters are gay, talk shit about straight people, have tryhard cringe worthy dialogue US KIDS HUH, and the entire final hour of the game is a fucking lecture on worker's rights and unionization
it's LITERALLY a liberal tumblr game you tool

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capitalism is bad, and unions are good, though.

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Other than the stealing minigame and the AWFUL music minigames, what gameplay was there?


daily reminder gregg thought austria-hungary were the good guys in WW1 and wears a pickelhaube

oh boy i sure do love playing the 'are walking simulators REAL games' with 4channel dot org

>Capitalism is bad
Move to Venezuela then, kid.

unions aren't good. they're for idiots who can't negotiate themselves. unions look out for the unions and those that run them. not the individual. literally a system for drones.


There were no good guys in WW1.

I personally love it.
It got this really melancholic vibe to it that I haven't really gotten off anything else since FLCL.

Also felt pretty genuine; pretty sure some of the developers went through some shit in their lifes.

Gameplay is rather limited though, so if that's a dealbreaker for you, just watch a letsplay or something.

t. uniondrone
enjoy working for 2 years before you're allowed to take a vacation, gotta work up that seniority! and dont be late with your union dues goyim!

(american voice) but there has to be a good guy and a bad guy, right? and the good guys won? who's the plucky underdog here

It was really good
Went into it figuring it'd be tumblr shit and it was a fun, comfy experience. Story was a bit rushed though. It goes from very slow progression to unloading everything at once.

Never play it but pic reminds me of the Kuro manga regularly dumped around here


>Also felt pretty genuine; pretty sure some of the developers went through some shit in their lifes.
You're a genuine faggot. The game is nothing but pissy bitching and moaning from millenial faggots who think their quarter life crisis qualifies them as tortured souls. You're actually the worst kind of person because you're dumb as fuck but think you're smart.

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What Kuro manga?

are you upset about something

Imagine a game that seems to target art school drop outs specifically. Or like, YIIK but not insufferable.

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Three years into Med School :)

mae's internal struggle isn't resolved at all either

the game is an unfinished mess that gets a free pass because "art"


I think it's good that video games can be (and are!) made for lots and lots of different kinds of people, even 'art school drop outs'.

I like to think Gregg has a tiny penis.
Like I could fit it and his balls in my mouth at once while i fingerbang his asshole.

>Imagine a game that seems to target art school drop outs specifically.
That and everyone from a certain kind of town.

I don't life in America, but the area I live in also used to have major coal industry and has gone to shit after the mines started closing down.

I can symphatize a lot with the gay coyote wanting to just get out.

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very impressive
i didn't go to school and i'm on the board of a fortune 500 company making money off losers like you

good for you, champ

good for you, kiddo

good for you, bud

good for you, sport

yeah, no.

>katawashitjou is still the only well-written western VN
>Dream Daddy was just known for drama with tumblr fujos, DDLC was a short-lived meme that relies on lazy subversion
>on top of that its fucking free

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I hate these faggots.
>put lgbq propaganda in your games
>bitch when people complain
>It's not propaganda lol grow up incel

Every Sunless thread this happens and it's pathetic.

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maybe you're a big oversensitive fragile weenie

Nigga the climax of the game is literally running away from a bunch of right wing farmers that are clearly murderous psychopaths then blowing up like 50 of them with high explosives

Well, I live in Germany and I'm financing myself by working on the side, so I kinda doubt that.

haven't played either but i'm not about to take the advice of someone who can't use apostrophes properly

little baby man shrieking about propaganda, of which he is afraid, because it is strange

>No results
I'm dissapointed

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>losers LIKE you
uh oh! medschools in europe must be prettttttty iffy if this is the kind of reading comprehension the dorks in their 3rd year have!

cheer up, sport

I enjoyed it, mostly for the character interactions.
Mae was insufferable and the goat cult was retarded, but it had its moments. Some of the backstories felt really heartfelt (Bea and Angus in particular) and Selmers and Lori were cute.

>but not insufferable.



I think it just depends on whos playing it, honestly. I liked it a lot.

cheer up, bud

I can relate to Bea, and her frustration at someone coming back after god-knows-how-long, and expecting to just pick up where things left off, then getting confused and hurt when you weren't just in a freezer for that whole time.

Not really. It has vaguely game-like elements but it's basically an interactive picture book in the end. Decent musical score though.

Lol imagine if game companies had this attitude about everything.

>little baby man shrieking about lootboxes, of which he is afraid, because it is strange

>Little baby man shrieking about fag dragging, of which he is afraid, because it is strange

>little baby man shrieking about capitalism, of which he is afraid, because it is strange

i'm going to call bungie and say hey bungie, make a lgbtq Choose Your Pronouns game, and they'll do that for me. just to make you piss your pants. i have power over you

how do you not have something better to do than fill out captchas at 10:30 pm on a tuesday user
med school must not be that taxing

good one, champ

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I'm at work; I do nightshifts at a hospital.

good one, kid.

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i liked it. not the best story based game i've ever played, but its 2comfy to really hate. reminded me of pathologic. cut down on the walking a bit and we'd be solid. plus as a college aged person with depression and imposter syndrome i was amazed at how accurate some of the writing was. life is strange feels like it was written by aliens in comparison
bea is best girl

>who cant handle a single lgbt reference or character at all.

>Greg is gay
>Angus is gay
>Mae I think is bi (she said something along the lines of being interested in both)

Is there a single confirmed straight character among the main group? Maybe Bea.

Gay people existing is now propaganda.

Bea got laid in math camp and has only shown interest with guys.

no you see, it's being shoved down their throats when they look at the steam store page, click 'add to cart', and then enter their credit card details etc, after reading lots of things online about it being a funny-animal dying small town simulator

>When your dumbass relatives start a fight at home and they drag your ass from your apartment to have you help settle it
WW1 in a nutshell

for every gay person that exists in video games, another normal person in video games is wiped from existence

Could you boil it down to a four-panel comic with Pepe and Wojak?

Anyone have the pic of the alligator getting fucked by her dad while he makes fun of her?

I haven't played the game btw.

That is forbidden love.

enjoyed it with a couple friends, but then again, i wasnt the one that paid for it and having to spend money displeases me

I can't imagine what a group of people that play a game like this together looks like.

Pretty sure you couldn't imagine being part of a group in general.

In fursuits and engaged in sex most likely.

Sounds hawt.

I love Mae

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Not hawt at all.

>In fursuits and engaged in sex most likely.
Girl furries refuse to have sex in their suits because they're anal about the fabric getting ruined.

Furry orgies are 100% male.

For what purpose?

n i g h t m a r e e y e s

>Furry orgies are 100% male
Um, good?

I have seen girls (female) being fucked in murrsuits in the usual Porn Hub links.

>implying I like girls

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S t a a a a a a a a b.

Do you like traps?

Eels, honey

why is she so perfect guys?

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Looks like a liberal tumblr game, is it one though?

She is dead inside.

>>katawashitjou is still the only well-written western VN
Yes, and? Are you seriously implying Japanese video game writing is better than western?

Why would you use visual novels as an example of good writing when it consstently has some of the worst writing in the entire medium? The argument is especially nonsensical considering western-made Visual novels barely even exist. 99.999999% of VNs are Japanese.

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I'd put some life into her if you know what I mean.

You can't unhaunt a haunted house.

You team up with your gay pals to fight capitalism, what do you think?

just like me :)

ew no
boys (male) or go home

that explains why my brother loves the game enough to get figurines....

Would you eat her out?


>NitW is cringe and bluepi--

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It's a game for effeminate failed males

that was a good part

>"There's No Reception in Possum Springs"
>No reception here
>I wave my black phone
>In the air like a flare
>like a prayer
>but no reception
>I read on the Internet baby face boy billionaire
>Phone app sold made more money in one day than my family over 100 generations
>More than my whole world ever has
>World where house-buying jobs became rent-paying job became living with family jobs
>Boy billionaires
>Money is access access to politicians waiting for us to die lead in our water alcohol and painkillers
>Replace my job with an app replace my dreams of a house and a yard
>With a couch in the basement
>"The future is yours!"
>Forced 24-7 entrepreneurs.
>I just want a paycheck and my own life
>I'm on the couch in the basement they're in the house and the yard
>Some night I will catch a bus out to the west coast
>And burn their silicon city to the ground

One based and redpilled scene doesn't make up for a game of tumblr


poetry that doesnt adhere to a form is the gayest shit, regretted staying for that garbage

Poetry is for the incels.

I dunno man I've dropped into r9k's poetry threads and it's like having your toenails slowly pulled out with pliers


Not even once.

Oh look it's cherrypick-kun! Can I play too?

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it's like a zoo only with asshole animals, like those monkeys that steal stuff and break things off of cars. also you're allowed to poke the exhibits with sticks

>play game
>slowly but surely start getting into it
>even enjoying the "tumblr OC" furry characters a bit, but stays most for the "mystery" of the plot and cuz I relate to the whole "drop out of college and dont know what to do" status
>story ends in a massive weak way, ignoring all the supernatural shit that been happening with the MC since the game started
>"lol no theres no Elder God underground, its just old people being crazy, the end"

Like seriously? That was one of the most limp dick ways to finish a game I ever seen.
Even as a kid I could come up with plots like that AND a interesting way to end them.
Whoever wrote the plot for Night in The Woods literally gave up halfway and called it a day.

honestly I don't mind furries, I'm fine with then and I think they're sometimes cute but I really didn't like this game
>what I expected
Furry Persona
>what I got
"relatable" visual novel "platformer"

they had so much they could work into but in the end it just felt boring to be honest, the platforming is "okay" and even though I like the characters, the game relies too much on writing for it to not be that good
Deltarune on the other hand looks like it's going to be a fucking blast

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>Every Sunless thread this happens
Wait you mean Sunless Sea?
I thought that game was just about traveling a dark sea.
I was actually interested in it cuz Chtulhu feels.


You had one job.

>katawashitjou is still the only well-written western VN

Eh, cant really think of any western VN so I cant refute that, but its still feels wrong.
Also if Katawa Shoujo was made by Yea Forums anons why they never did anything else?
It was pretty decent, at least the legless girl route I played.

Angels with Scaly Wings

Wait, let me try again. Kathulhulhu

My dog just grew a bunch of legs, the fuck did you do?

Kalulu Does The Hula From Hawaii

I think it’s okay. I like the little everyday moments being represented as short warioware type mini games.
But the ending is a real copout and if you don’t like artistic games you shouldn’t play.

>tumblr game
>canonically bi protagonist
>doesn't let you fuck the cute gator
What's even the point?

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Unions are good, but in an age of globalization they're kinda weak.

Those types of people always seem to have a lot of energy but when they put that energy to use it quickly goes away. Don't know if it's laziness or burning out to fast.

You could have at least edited the text to make sense. "Badly translated English"? Diablo was made by American devs, you dummy.

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>canonically bi protagonist

Attached: spurdo proof.png (860x650, 60K)


Yeah, it was good. Could've been better.
It was peak comfy and the ost was really fucking good.

She meets a girl in Bea's last hangout that she ends up calling "bombshell", and in the graveyard she states her ideal date's gender would be irrelevant as long as they could watch wrestling. Also in the graveyard, if the embarrassing memory you pick to tell is from college, Mae explains that she tried to ask out a cute girl and humiliated herself.

She says in the graveyard that she is not picky with who she dates as long as they can wrestle with her.

Not especially, worth pirating I guess. I am strangely infatuated with Bea.

Jerm is cool too.

She wants a piece of Angus's ass. Also she crushes on a girl during a party and her ideal life is with a wife.

You mean eldritch cult members?

we sat on a couch and chatted about and between dialogue

>and her ideal life is with a wife.

[citation needed]

When talking with Rabies, Mae talks about how when she was younger she dreamed about having a wife and living on a farm.

Did you suck her dick?


It just feels like a waste to end the game in such a shitty way like that.
For a furry game it was legit interesting till that final point.
And apparently Redditors are fine with it cuz "it leaves it up to the imagination".

You never mentioned the gameplay so it tells me it's trash

Only girls (male) play this furry shit.

I am wood

you walk and talk and look at things, also you smash lightbulbs with a baseball bat

none of us are gay as far as i know

>he didn't do everything in the game

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The creators said they didn't know furries were a thing when they made them all anthros and regretted it after learning about them, right?
Or are people telling me lies on the internet again?

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>talk shit about straight people
I must've missed that part. Also Bea is canonically straight. Wouldn't she have been upset?

Did you lick her pussy?

I don't think it was exactly that but it was definitely something really stupid.

A walking simulator that I liked. It's required you graduated from high school in the Midwest. I think it's kind if niche to fully understand it.


No you dumbo.
You need both.

You need capitalism as an incentive, and unions to make sure workers dont get taken adventage of by people overly stimulated by capitalism.

Take away either and it becomes a dictatorship, socialist shithole or modern day slavery, poverty and/or a combination of all of the above.


Post THAT picture.
You know the one.

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The music is great. Aquaria 2 when?

>Dat Bassoon

Pure portland-hipster crap, but the porn is good.

>but the porn is good.

Post examples.

based and rotationpilled

You know what's better than the porn?
The SFW lewd

Why don't you MAKE ME

>SFW lewd

No such thing.

SFW - not porn
Lewd - still erotic
Combined, they mean stuff like pic related.

Attached: bea.jpg (719x1200, 81K)

That's softcore, not SFW

Not lewd enough.

I really don't understand why some people here like this shit.

Someone post THAT webm

And skies, yeah. It's full of gender madness and lgbq characters. It's not bad most of the time, but Isery (the... Thing I posted.) In seas who the narrator tells you you find alluring. Heshe is in 4 quests and none of them give you the option to do anything bad to it even though it's job is literally tearing out people's memories with bees to make drugs for pirates.

Then there's the felined eccentric in skies who was a demigod man who turned into an engineer woman in a magic prison and but now her toxic masculinity is evil cats so you need to sort her gender issues or theyll keep terrorizing your crew. They're fun, they just go megatumblr at times and it's annoying.

My favorite songs. Rainy Day and Mallard's Tomb.

I can never get into Grand Strategy or RTS games, some people here say that's all they can play. It's entirely dependent on what a person is looking for in games.

Some of the most highly regarded games is where you date disfigured/crippled women.

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It's less that they like it, and more that they hope we'll like it so we'll be into socialism and trannies.


The title theme reminds me so much of Dishonored, for some reason. I think it's the 'dun dun dun-dun-dun' beat, like all the stomping miners who aren't the backbone of Possum Springs' economy any more. Both have this bittersweet sadness to them, too.

>Marx: capitalism is exploitive! We must overthow the bourgeois, seize the means of production and institute a dictatorship of the proletariat to lead us to communism!

Socialists: we just want to coexist with capitalism trust me senpai haha you need us.

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me on the left haha

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Seems pretty accurate.

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ah nobody's cared about that since like 2011

it's harmony day tomorrow. nobody will notice or care

I want to impregnate those qt lesbians.

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it was pretty good i enjoyed it for what it was trying to do not worth a replay for another "route" tho

it's not a visual novel you absolute faggot


For what purpose?

accidental impregnation

>fucking some disgusting cat
>not the superior qt gator

Attached: virgin furry chad scaly.png (2100x854, 452K)

>Not the bear poet

imagine making this

It takes small effort.

Bea smokes, acts too glum, and has a bad aesthetic. Goth sucks

She quits smoking by the end of the game.

>Mei has the bigger tits
>Bea has the larger ass

Why is this so common in fanart.

They both are thikcshit, Bea is a ligger though people who draw liggers with tits are rightfully made fun of

Still cant help but draw them thikcshit, though, because they use it as a crutch for poor anatomical understanding

>hates thick

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Would you?

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I would rather fuck the mouse (when she gets older).



I'm getting ss13 flashbacks. Thanks user.

Bored me to death, I played it for the artstyle but I really couldn't finish that shit. I hated almost every charecter, certainly all the main ones apart from maybe the alligator chick.


what's with the resurgence of night in the woods threads? not that I minds

HD remaster

where? I thought it was already hd

anyway my two cents is the game captured the feel of coming back to your small town main-street and visiting your high school mall hang out spot as a college failure more perfectly than I ever could have imagined, so I give everything else about the game a pass.

too much running, too little playing

any number of small pennsylvania mining towns, any number of the used-to-be-factory towns in the valley of southern connecticut, I happened to live in both

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Decided to pick up the bass after playing it. So it’s good enough in my book.

Someone had to do it

Get off my lawn

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reaction img =/= argument. go back to tumblr, bulldyke commie

>(when she gets older)

>All those buzzwords

maybe people just like thick you dummy

Absolutely boring



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I want to blow Mae's dad

While he watches Garbo & Malloy?

The game is marxist trash and so are the developers.

Have you met them?


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Just check their Twitter accounts.

because there's enough gay shit in the game already

Not canon

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For what purpose?

Not an argument.

The fact that the Dev made this and Yea Forums is still peddling this garbage is proof that Yea Forums is full of retards who buy games to fap to fan art.

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I liked it. dug the vibes it put out. Doug

>and in the graveyard she states her ideal date's gender would be irrelevant as long as they could watch wrestling
What a woman

the ost has some good tracks, game has good environment but gameplay is lacking, wish some of the minigames were replayable and not the one in mae's laptop

>ywn be mr chazokov's student and get fucked by him after class for free As
why love?

So he stoped drawing his pony shaped monstrocity of OC or ponies in general?

The aesthetic, style, laptop mini-game and some of the characters are great.

The "gameplay" is lackluster, the plot/other characters go from interesting to Benson's blatant wannabe-communist circlejerking, and the ending is pretty empty. It had a good setup and then squanders it, especially since the winter-themed demo it had used some nice ideas that could've worked here too.

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It was fun for a while, then it suddenly goes to shit in an incomprehensible way. Music is good tho.

This game will do absolutely nothing for you if you're regular Yea Forumsirgin sociopath.


How come?

IIRC once the creator found out what furries were he removed all animal references the characters make.

[citation needed]

Oh yeah this was the thing.

Comfy, enjoyable.
The dream sequences could have been used more effectively, and there is a substantial lack of payoff with the ending. But overall the ride is fun

ending was kinda meh but the rest was really really good also the ost is amazing especially in the dreams

Yeah supposedly there was a big hubbub about it amongst furries and someone told me they just told em all to go "yiff in hell".
I think I heard that furries tried to make a legal thing of it but "fursecution" does not count as hate speech and thus it isn't recognized by the paw, I meown the law.

Cool story, bro.

bro story cool?

Can you feel that? Thats nostaliga

Why didn't you tell me the creators where this based?

>NITW was 12 years ago

Jeelzebub christos...

For all its flaws i still really liked it, very comfy and great soundtrack. pacing towards the end is fucked though and the ending sucks

Didn't happen

I'm pretty sure they removed all of the "animals acting racist to eachother" bits after Zootopia came out because they didn't want to be accused of ripping it off

Night in the Woods wishes to be half as subtle as Zootopia.

I wish they'd either gone whole hog with the lovecraft elder god shit or just not included it at all, the story would have worked either way and what we got just feels like it doesn't go far enough in either direction. Mae could have been being influenced by some great old one or she could have just been really fucked in the head, either way would have been fine but instead we kind of got both and neither at the same time

Games like this make me hate americans even more.

It's a canadian game you fuckwad

game is good and comfy and hits you in your feelings.

That would explain a lot honestly.

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Salty fuckers.

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>aurora okami

based kotor ref

>Knights of the Republic

you know you want to go back

Game looks really nice though

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>one of the best rpg series of the 00's
>not based

time to stop talking

>Star Wars
>Not shit

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weebshits in denial

It's one really boring stock bioware slog and one half of a well written story stuck in barely functional gameplay held together by duct tape.

It's a game with a charming art style and comfy music. They really nailed down the atmosphere.

The writing however is its biggest flaw, but also one of its best strengths. You'll get shit like Bea's route where it'll hit you hard with an emotional sucker punch, but then you'll get "lol randumb ironic statements xD." The whole sp00py cult nonsense derails a lot of the plot and it just becomes a mess thats never really resolved.

The gay characters don't bother me, because they feel like at the very least they attempted to make that only one part of them, rather than their entire personality.

>if you don't like normie wars you must be a weeb
Swing and a miss

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I wanted an actual hikki NEET simulator desu.

>Calling other people losers
>Is currently on Yea Forums

You can't cure being a cunt.


>implying anything other than the films in the SW franchise is normie

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If you told me the twilight books were way better than the movies I still wouldn't read them

>322 posts
>no one mentions the fact that the creator is the same guy who made this

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I actually completely forgot that this existed despite playing it.

When did this come out again? I don't know if I'm becoming senile or if these walking sim games are taking a toll on my brain.

You didn't look hard enough, dipshit


>pathetic male feminist ally cuckold
Imagine my shock

First time I've seen this. Was this in the game or something? Feels like a hilarious parody.

think ur slightly misunderstanding unions my man

>A quick vid about just the worst dudes and just the worst culture.
>Comments closed b/c of the worst dudes and the worst culture.

The creator is an unironic communist from winnipeg, he has all the most obnoxious opinions you can think of

np play kotor instead

Feels too on the nose. The one thing that insults me the most about it is the fact that they assume that people who use the word redpill think Matrix is a good movie.

It isn't.

The first Matrix was a great movie, fuck off

No star wars is for mouth breathing faggot normies

who wants to bet this guy is a closet rapist or something?

Looks like the archetypal male feminist that turns out to be trying to blackmail all his female friends into fucking him

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It was okay. If you're a piece of shit, it resonates pretty decently with you

Left; rapists and pedophiles
Right; Closet Homosexuals

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Yea the first one was fucking awesome in a very cheesy way. Animatrix was fun too. Reloaded and revolutions were two of the worst films ever made.

>tfw no place for a closeted homosexual pedophile rapist such as myself



Try e621.

I go to e621 for consensual heterosexual impregnation porn of two adults within the context of marriage, thank you very much

Like Stan x Candy Borowski?

Like user x muffet

yume nikki

Noice; Has a thicc story and a thiccccc soundtrack

How can music be thicc?

What Nights in the Wood animal would Madotsuki look like? She already has the cat ears ability.


You asked, I answered

Yea Forums has the same problem. People there like Stephen Universe for the sake of jacking off to ugly rocks. This of course invites over the tumblredditors who think they're in good company.
I don't know what it is, but there is always this group of people who fetishize and make waifues of ugly shit as if by doing so they've made it "their own".

They're involuntary collectivized institutions, they can go die in a fire.

I thought it was great. I have family from West Virginia so I can kind of empathize with these characters who are stuck in a small town with a dying economy.

I have seven cousins and they've all left for greener pastures except for one guy who never went to college and who is now working part-time at the wallmart and paying child support to two different women. Poor bastard, everyone is expecting him to turn up dead from an opioid overdose some day.

Second renaissance > boy story >>>>> the rest of the matrix franchise

The entire ending of the game is literally some cult asspull metaphor for "ugh old straight white men need to just die already don't they know the future is gay and female."

Like honestly I liked the game for the general feel and comfy atmosphere but don't sit here and bullshit anyone about the message the leaf creators injected into it, especially in the second half.

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>thinking union workers are pro-gay
>thinking "gay people existing in the game" is bad
>thinking they "talk shit about straight people" (hint: they don't)

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this man has no culture
this man has no brain
this man lives a life of pain

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I watched a play through, and that shit went right over my head.

You're allowed to separate the art from the artist.

I think the Misandry webm is trash, I really appreciate Night in the Woods as a piece of gaming.

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well excuse me for uhh... *checks notes*

not wanting to consume propaganda???

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Daily reminder that Gregg and fedora bear wont last together. Both are doomed.

Gregg was annoying as shit, I went with Bea every time it asked me who I wanted to hang out with

>I literally didn’t get it: the post

The ending was about how young people’s futures are being sacrificed in order to maintain the status quo. The prospect of owning property in the US is incredibly low because boomers would rather suck corporate cock than punish them for destroying the housing market. Kids who find themselves alienated from a system designed against them are treated like disposable trash. In the end, the characters are incapable of doing anything about the system and choose to just live their lives as best they can. It has nothing to do with “the gays” or “the women,” it’s about powerlessness and a feeling of meaninglessness in the modern world.

No character’s arc is about being gay or a woman or any of that shit. ALL of it is about their inability to escape their shitty rustbelt town and make something of themselves, no matter who they are.

t.entitled millennial

>any art that makes any kind of political statement is propaganda
>unless it’s a conservative statement, then it’s BASED AND REDPILLED

Good thing this isn't the case in the real world.

>young people being objectively more fucked than they have been now than any point in the past century is fine because it btfos the libcucks

Why don't millenials know how to to give fucking handshake anymore... Just walk in there and ask for a job you entitled fuck...

>young people being objectively more fucked than they have been now than any point in the past century

Not really. The invention of computers and the internet have given us tons of more opportunities to have a good financial future.

>old rednecks sacrificing woke teenagers to an elder god saying it'll keep those damn immigrants from taking their jobs
>sassy young socialists educate them on the errors of their ways

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They aren't more fucked, they just think they're entitled to a professional salary from working a shitty entry level retail job 30 hours a week and never try to find anything better

>what is inflation
>what is rising student loan debt
>what is the growing difficulty of getting a job out of college
>all of which are undeniable facts of how shit works now if you know anything about anything
l o l

The cult itself is completely masked and it’s made a point of that they could be anyone and everyone, dork. And they don’t learn the error of their ways, their ideology survives and continues to fuck everybody because it’s above them.

Was p fucking comfy, I even liked the ending. Feel like a lot of the people who are extremely against are just kind of fucked in the head and lack empathy.

Might go back and play through gaybros story, heard it was pretty good, but dat bea tho

>and it’s made a point of that they could be anyone and everyone
No, the opposite point is made when they start addressing each other by their first names
>And they don’t learn the error of their ways
Right, because the real problem is bigoted, bullheaded old people who won't just step aside and make way for all the hip young college communists

>going to college
>going to college instead of trade school
>voluntary putting yourself in debt
>not developing a skill and using it to make your own money online

You could have made smarter decisions.

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>what is inflation
Something that's existed since currency standards have existed
>what is rising student loan debt
Something that could be alleviated by people going to trade school and learning a skill that will guarantee they can find work rather than spending four years getting a worthless degree in communications or women's studies and expecting that to guarantee them a job
>what is the growing difficulty of getting a job out of college
See above

Did u not get the part where they’re all masked and robed and the thing they worship is an unknowable eldritch being which will persist after their deaths lol
Does it even have gameplay? I don't get it.

I want to: date mae, fuck gregg and germ, befriend bea and angus

i enjoyed talking to the parent cats. i did so on every occasion. it was a constant reminder of how retarded the main character is.

Did you not get the part where they start calling each other by name, completely negating the point of their disguises

>DUDE just go to trade school
yeah because that’s the key

tell everyone, regardless of who they are, to flood the market with plumbers and electricians and live a life of permanent physical labor until they die, so that schlomo shekelstein can continue to accrue the tiny fraction of wealth left that he doesn’t own yet

The part meant to make it clear that it’s real people, albeit still-anonymous ones (because first names tell us jack shit), who are part of the system? Yeah I got it lol

>tell everyone, regardless of who they are, to flood the market with plumbers and electricians and live a life of permanent physical labor until they die
Yeah that's preferable to spending 4-8 years and god knows how much money on a completely useless degree that never gets you a job anywhere and condemning yourself to a life of permanent soulless low level retail work

Yep, self-entitled millennial.

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nah its insufferable millennial bait slopped up from the dregs of tumblr

i refunded it after clocking in about an hour of game time

why didn't she just learn to code?

no, user, the key is to

tell everyone, regardless of who they are, to flood the market with college degrees live a life of permanent physical labor until they die, so that schlomo shekelstein can continue to accrue the tiny fraction of wealth left that he doesn’t own yet

you'll get desk jobs without college and physically laborious jobs with it, you dumb sheltered granola eating millennial fucking retard. we have a shortage of trade workers right now because of dipshit lemmings like you that jump at college because you have it in your head you're just so special and you absolutely need college while all the other lesser beings can be stuck with the stinky labor jobs. thats why associates, and increasingly bachelors, degrees are worthless now and people with 6-12 month certificates are making bank and laughing at you and all your debt from loans you took without knowing how to pay off, while crying and begging for bernie sanders to come and erase it all for you

>capitalism sux!
>except when I benefit from it :)

>learn to cod-

Attached: coder.png (800x740, 700K)

>ermanent physical labor until they die
Why do you upper middle class trust fund faggots all think learning a trade means you'll be digging ditches or pouring concrete? You can learn to be a fucking locksmith

Good one, sport

Night in the woods is for gay furfag trash, stop making these threads shill
OP is a fag

this desu

the atmosphere and how the game (before the end) is based around mae's depression is fucking amazing. the supernatural about the story ruined everything

i want to FUCK bea

Name more non-ditch-diggy tase jobs now or I am voting STD

Painter, welder, IT dork, dentist, chef

Can't believe I missed a NITW thread. To sum:
>Very, very obviously unfinished. Actual "thing in the woods" plot doesn't get going until over halfway through the game, and the ending is extremely abrupt.
>Game completely falls apart if you don't sympathize or connect with the four main characters (like how I see a lot of myself in Mae), not enough gameplay or story to support it otherwise
>Good music
>"It's communist propaganda" angle never really resonated with me. Mae is a smash-the-establishment type but she's also an idiot so the writer is really portraying his political party well.
>Cult is weak. Their motivation works for me (they couldn't provide in the material world, so they used the supernatural world) but they didn't get nearly enough time to develop, again because this shit is clearly not finished
>Worth two playthroughs because of the decision to either hang out with Bea or Gregg
>Game again feels unfinished because there are four main characters (the protagonist and her 3 friends) but only two of the friends get story paths, yet for some reason there's a single hangout with the odd-friend-out, which while it's a really good hangout, it's very out of place.
>Weird Autumn update adds a lot of flavor to the town, which I think is enough for me to recommend the game
>Pretty sure the dev hasn't even delivered on his animated short Kickstarter stretch goal
If you can identify with the characters, great game. If you don't, don't bother.
Bea's route is way, way better than Gregg's even though I think Gregg is a better character

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Gregg's route is 90% "roflcopter randumb crazy humor xD" and 10% "I'm gay and in my 20s now and I'm moving on from my childhood :("

>... I'm moving on from my childhood :(

Something that should resonate with Yea Forums pretty well.

Point is Bea's route was much more touching and personal, and I actually felt worse for her than any other character in the game

Who cares




I don't remember if anyone smokes weed in the game, people drink sometimes but I don't remember any drugs

Unions are for people who are smart enough to realize the companies will take advantage of them but dumb enough to think Union leaders won't.

It's almost as if he's never played the game and came here specifically to cry about people liking things he doesn't

>the matrix is a good movie
Always gets me, what is wrong the matrix?
He is probably just butthurt about the redpill meme coming from it

>anything but pure cringe
w E w

kek the fuck is this trash?

>katawashitjou is still the only well-written western VN
As soon as I saw you post that bait image, I knew your actual post would be retarded.

Neither was what he replied to.

Casey deserved to die.

The character is the furry equivalent of a nigger.
She's a single mom on welfare who sits on her steps and writes poetry and speaks with a 'sassy black woman' inflection.
I don't think they really understood the implications of what they were doing when they made her, honestly.

Who cares? It doesn't have a physical release, it's like it doesn't exist.

Is there any indie game not made by communist scum? Jesus christ.

I feel like you'll only really vibe with this if you came up in a certain setting and if you didn't you'll be one of those fags who sees the webm where the bear(?) raps about how fucked the system is and goes "HURRR IF U DUN LIKE CAPITALISM U A DUM TRANNY COMMIE"

The political shit ruining the supernatural shit was one of my sticking points with this game and why I rank Oxenfree above it

>hundreds of acclaimed games center around wars and relationships between states, or even actual human history
>no problem
>a gay person exists

>historical settings and plots are the same as shoehorning fag/tranny pandering into your game

Attached: 1526699262830.jpg (776x838, 72K)

>>hundreds of acclaimed games center around wars and relationships between states, or even actual human history
>no problem
Because those games take and examine politics without making direct parallels between the modern day and itself, or if it does, it's very rarely "X GOOD, Y BAD" like in NitW and is far more balanced.
To put it bluntly, the interactions between states are more interesting that how being gay makes you feel about something.

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>FUCK TECHNOLOGY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! REeeEeEeeEeeee!!!!! FUCK MOBILE APPS!!!1!!

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I think the point flew so far over your head it just took out the Voyager 2


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>rap is about how fucked it is that random chance and happenstance can make or break you completely and the gap between the haves and have nots continues to widen
Please stop acting retarded because it makes actual retards think they belong here

>random chance
>dude creates an application for phones that billions of people want to use
>rather than not use it people will continue to bitch and moan
vegetarians don't eat meat. vegans don't use animal products. why can't poorfags stop using [non-essential thing they don't like]?

That's not a high praise

>its not random chance that one out of the millions of apps slapped together every day gains massive traction and becomes a financial success
>it's not pure luck that facebook took off while a dozen other social networks floundered and died in the same time period
Can you please refer to the non-green text prt of my last post? Pretending to be a retard makes actual retards think they belong here, if I had a dollar for every time some redditnigger transplant said something along the lines of "Yea Forums is just for shitposting and not actual discussion" as they shit up this ocean of piss I could buy Mark Zuckerberg and pull the fucking D batteries out of that robokike

The game is lots comfy and relatable, i'm 23 but i finished a 3D graphics course last year and after being heartbroken i'm in the lowest of my depression feeling lonely as fuck and not managing to motivate myself to find a job

so mae feels a lot close in that way of having no direction, makes me kind of on the fence on keeping to play it as living that feeling through the game it's a half cathartic bliss half dread kind of deal, also the game seems to reminisce childhood like i've been doing for some years, thinking about hitting up old acquaintances from school that i miss
it all makes the game special to play for me

>creating a superior product is just luck!!!!! no hard work is involved ever!!!!!!!!!!! GIBS ME DAT AND PAY MY DEBTS!!!!!!!!!! AND NO I WON'T STOP USING ANY OF THE PRODUCTS I HATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
just stop using them dude. it really is that simple but I guess that just takes a bit more strength of mind and character than most commie slackers have

This "review" at the end of this in one sitting playthrough by 2 devs that are also ecelebs kinda puts forth every problem I had with the game. If embed doesn't work for you then try at around 6 hours 55 minutes because that's when DD starts giving his thoughts. Apparently this shit got him blacklisted by other devs.

Normall I wouldn't link something like this but he says too many things for one post.

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57 minutes I meant

i liked the aesthetics and music, if its not your thing dont play

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Surprisingly, it's pretty good. It's very "millennial" in that it's about millennial concerns – losing our place in the economy, mental health crises, lack of faith in a future we are meant to inherit. The story personally resonated with me because I had personally just left college and gone home, and I swear I've had some of her conversations with friends and her parents in my own life. Mae is not a good person and the game is not shy about that. The game makes some really smart design choices, like having you progress left instead of right to mechanically evoke Mae's return/regression, and representing Mae's dissociation in the art style itself. The only thing I felt a bit let down by were the supernatural elements, which were kind of tacked on and didn't resolve coherently, so if that's part of the appeal check out other supernatural walking sims like Oxenfree. (the cultists are just some old conservative dudes? and apparently nobody notices when they all die? really??)

ah fuck forgot to spoiler that last bit
on the topic of its politics anyway, it's not nearly as SJW as everyone makes it out to be (and as its creators seem). Like sure Gregg and Angus are gay but it's not preachy about it, and since the art style is ambiguous I thought Gregg was female until like halfway through lmao. It's more classical working-class American left than hyperliberal SJW left or commie.

>and apparently nobody notices when they all die?
Their families called the police


"I don't know why this is a videogame" is pretty much the state of the medium right now sadly

Exploring the town to see what was new everyday was a nice and relaxing gameplay loop. Mae's friends were cool to hang out with. The main story itself was terrible, with all the unsubtle shit about cultists, supernatural elements and dreams. Made Mae finally deciding to move on feel so hollow.

He is right though, it actually would have been better as a movie because it wouldn't feel so stretched out. Even if it was a cheap indie movie, it would be better that way than as a game.

I don't think I could get in to it. The writing is pretty painful from what I've seen and the amount of gameplay is nearly non-existant.

This is just 2070 Paradigm Shift but watered down.

>Night in the Woods
Stop this fucking meme, you can't lose. There's literally no game.

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I wish the game was about Lori, she's a far more interesting character.

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I won't but I can still shit on it all I want and there's not a goddamn thing you can do to refute my facts, kid.

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I agree with Julian though. It still would've been a shitty movie, but it would've been BETTER. Also every character being written the same and that's why they all sound the same is spot-on.

>refute my facts
>my facts
strange you say that because a fact belongs to everybody but an opinion belongs just to you
looks like you were owned by FACTS

It's my opinion that it's a fact you like shitty games. Owned.

sadly it's a fact that your opinion is shit

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I'm still fucking pissed about this game.
I put up with these fucking pissy faggots for four hours waiting to see why people like this shitty game hoping that it gets good at some point but nah, just more bitching and moaning.
The shitty game on the laptop was way more fun than the main experence, I quit the game by the time I finished the library part. There is just so much bullshit I can put up with before I wanted to tear my eyes out.

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>No posts in 40 minutes
>thread still up

Wow, Yea Forums is fucking slow atm.

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You don't say?

>It's alright and everyone who dislikes it is [scapegoat to distract from criticism]

Never finished the game, but I thought Mae was cute.
Certain aspects reminded me of when I was younger.

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We are all dead inside.

>Yea Forums constantly makes fun of boomers

>Yea Forums also nonstop spouts boomber rhetoric

DUDE just give up all your dreams and live a meaningless life of monetary comfort by becoming a plumber, caring about anything besides money makes you a parasite LMAO

I want you to remember this post and reflect on it in ten years.