No mention of nude Claire or Ada

>No mention of nude Claire or Ada

Is RE2 remake for gays or are PC gamer just virtue signalling?

Attached: pc gamer re2.jpg (519x592, 76K)

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this is classic "it's okay to be a pervert if it's about men"

Attached: Capture.jpg (631x261, 28K)

I bet these cucks on PCgamer will play a female V in Cyberpunk.

Would it be virtue signaling if they mentioned nude Claire and Ada?

user, you're not allowed to objectify women. Objectifying men is okay and should be encouraged to dismantle the patriarchy. It's okay if you disagree with me; you're wrong.

>allowing fags to type articles

Its not objectification if it men silly user!
Ideally it shouldn't matter for anyone

Attached: 1550770577127.png (1280x720, 327K)

Nude zombies is the superior mod.

leon is hotter than claire or ada

He literally talked about the women too

Attached: This kills the shitposter.jpg (618x852, 95K)

Both desu

So why isn't that shown in the advertisement? The article seems like it's geared towards faggots

are you so low test that you can't handle seeing a man's well-toned abs and bulging cock?

You just go down one picture you faggot

low iq retard

Keith Zombie, the hero we deserve:

>No argument or explanation, just adhoms

Anti-based and gaypilled

Who cares? There so much porn in the internet now that some nude modes does't excite me anymore, at all.

the argument is just scrolling down you retard

Because it's NSFW material, idiot

>linking nude mods

> the no Bingo Mode

It's funnier concept for the males to be clotheless than it is for a female. Imagine attaching an agenda to everything.

just scroll down you fucking autist how is this an Ad homin?

>PC gamer just virtue signalling

What about transgender journalists?

The click bait was for the sexy men though. That was the main attraction for the article. But I'll give credit where credit is due, at least the fag journalist didn't complain about the females getting sexualized.

Imagine your brain being so warped that you immediately feel under attack when someone doesn't want to fuck the cartoon character you like.

I want bikini mods for Ada and Claire. Cute bikinis though, not trashy slutty ones.

Probably as a double bluff that he won't be attacks and harassed for being a misogynist and have calls for his head and job.

If it he pretends he did it all for the men then they can't get angry

>The click bait was for the sexy men though. That was the main attraction for the article.

This is what I'm getting at and retarded... I don't know, PC gamer fans? Are now posting ITT

>That was the main attraction for the article.
The main attraction is the mods themselves you faggot he even leaves links for the tits

If I see the clickbait in OP - why am I supposed to think of naked chicks?

Please, PLEASE, retard, explain the connection.