Yeah, so? Buying literally ANY game is gambling; you cannot know if you'll enjoy a game until you've played it yourself, there's always a risk involved. If you hate gambling, then you should never buy any videogame ever. Give me a REAL reason.
Why do you hate gacha games?
Other urls found in this thread:
Rin fucks old men in exchange for money.
>gacha fag is retarded
Whats new?
Remember to sage
I'll literally like FEH 10 times more if you can get the cool new units for free without relying on chance. Using the same 5 stars you have can get old especially if you want to experiment with different movement types but you barely have them (I barely have any 5 star cavaliers for example)
lol you can just pirate a real game to test it out first
also I hate more that it's phoneshit, playing games on phones sucks ass usually
MMOs have had gachashit far before it was in phone games.
I have spent quite a bit on F/GO over the years.
>Why do you hate gacha games?
The least they can do is have more one off orb bundles like the Burger King value meal. I can't imagine having any motivation to spend more when all you pull is shit after giving in.
Yeah, about that. there's these things we can use that can let us know whether a game is shit or not, they're called "Reviews" and "Public Discourse"
But I guess you know nothing of these methods seeing as you're stupid enough to compare buying a videogame to gambling.
Play Langrisser instead. They have regularly gachas that guarantee units you didn't have previously.
>Buying literally ANY game is gambling
You can form a decent opinion based on raw gameplay footage and piracy exists.
You get an actual product for you money, more ofthen than not justifying the price.
Gacha exists to provide as little game as possible while disrespecting the player's time and creating incentives to spend a lot of money with no real value provided.
Basically create a problem and then provide a solution which costs an unreasonable amount of money for what you get.
It is the scummiest possible way to design games, way worse than what EA is going actually.
They also have the absolute lowest possible barrier of entry meaning even a brain damaged 30 IQ mongolid would be able to play the game which leaves a sane human being longing for more than these "games" can offer.
Because they're just a hyperextended form of mtx, only this time you can't just outright purchase the item, you have to roll it. They're also integral to obtaining new units or resources in many games.
>implying you have to buy a game to try it
Demos and piracy exist, as well as trying for >2 hours then refunding it.
>trusting game reviews
>trusting games """""journalists"""""
>in current year
Even assuming the reviewer isn't a total retard, and can actually play the game competently, they will have a different mindset and set of preferences to you. Even if they're only small differences, you still don't completely understand a game just from reading a review; there's still a chance you'll dislike the game, even if the reviewer loved it.
People hate gatcha games and players because we don't understand you guys. I personally don't understand how you find value in "a chance" at getting what you want.
With other hobbies, people will gladly explain why they find value in their purchases or why the price is justified. Even if you don't agree, you can see where they're coming from. For some reason you spergs make threads like this DEMANDING respect. You ask us to explain why people don't respect you.
You have it fucking backwards. You explain why any of your actions make sense. You don't have to, mind you, you can live your life how you see fit and enjoy what you enjoy, plenty of people do. You can not have it both ways. You can't ask anyone to respect your choices if you can't explain them. You earn that shit.
They're repetitive and grindy, and not even in a fun way like Warframe.
Devs don't bother to balance gacha games. They just set the new content so you have to grind a month or pay real cash to beat it.
Show me a gacha shit where the game can be beat in a single sitting? You can't because gacha games are not games, just tricks to waste your time and money.
Plants Vs Zombies 2
Also maybe FEH because it gives you stamina potions like candy
>Buying literally ANY game is gambling; you cannot know if you'll enjoy a game until you've played it yourself
I pirate my games first, and play them to completion. I only buy them if I know any significant amount is going to the devs. That's not gambling, it's having my cake and bypassing the jews to pay the baker.
Nice how you ignored the public discourse part of it. AKA talking to average people about the game. But please, by all means keep ignoring things that prove you wrong to make your point.
Because they're literally skinner boxes for braindead weebs
Aren't you using the wrong character to promote this shit?
Because when I want to gamble I can go to the casino.
Literally all of my points still apply, ESL-kun. Even if you talk to normal people, you can never be 100% in-sync with their mindset. There's still a chance they'll like something that you won't like. What on earth made you think this was any different?
The only thing I hate about gacha games is the community.
Especially in the case of FGO. Game is piss easy, stop fucking dickriding the tierlist.
They have shitty barebones gameplay and mechanics designed specifically to milk you of your money and time rather than trying to provide entertainment even an experience
>development priority
>>normal games: Game first, quality second
>>gacha games: Paywall first, game second, quality third
I saved this picture, thank you.
>Give me a REAL reason.
you already listed them you retard
Beyond the gambling, and the turbo tumors that are the people eating this shit up, there's also the fact that with most gacha games you'll eventually hit a point where you either have to do obscene amounts of grinding to get any payoff, or you'll have to pay real money for a CHANCE at bypassing that blockade more effectively. They work this shit down to a science to maximize profits, because they won't make money if they don't try to entice you into putting some money down for the opportunity to make things easier. And even if you don't whale, paying a single cent just contributes to the problem.
I'd sooner play 20 crappy RPG Maker games on Steam than contribute to that horseshit.
I don't hate gacha games. That said, the vast, vast majority of them use the good old human standbys of playing off of sex appeal and gambling and ignoring any kind of real, quality game design.
FEH and Plants vs Zombies 2 don't have these problems. You can use almost any unit and they'll do just fine and training them from level 1 to 40 only takes like 10 minutes. As for PVZ2 you don't need to upgrade your plants. You can do the levels just fine without them.
Because gachacancer is infecting real games
I just "gambled" +100 bucks to GFL and didn't end up getting anything I wanted
So yeah, this is why I despise gacha games, so I'll just stick with one that's really good.
The only gacha game I've ever played with decent gameplay was FFRK. And then the powercreep went to hell and I stopped playing because of how ridiculous it got.
Gacha are the snowdogs of vidya.
kys haruko
There's no drive to play a basic game without challenge or feeling of growth or getting better. Instead you randomly "power up" or you don't. With poker you can get better through techniques like counting cards or reading players, and you can't just buy a stronger hand if yours is weak. So it's not just that it's gambling, it's that it's all luck based.
well there isn't any cute shotas in these games and since I am not a waifufag theres no reason for me to care about them.
Defenseless anus
>I just "gambled" +100 bucks to GFL and didn't end up getting anything I wanted
What the hell were you trying to get, skins? I only played for a bit but Girls Frontline doesn't have any kind of paid unit gacha that I recall, all of its rolls were done with in-game resources.
>Retarded slut
Are you retarded? No one needs to explain why paying money for a random chance to unlock a special jpeg. All gacha is shit faggot.
GFL is completely free 2 play, I know that, I am just a whale who buys into the costume gachas
There is a loli gacha right now, so there are 4 different loli skins for different guns, and I want them all
rin is a pure girl, stop talking shit about my wife
Define shota in this case. Kliff is a FE15 rep in FEH and is canonically 15 years old. He also looks cute and pretty. He's also a fast tanky mage meaning he's good to use.
gacha games are casual as fuck but i dont think they should be blamed.
multiplayer shooters are as shitty as gachas.
mobile shit
>paying for jpegs
too old looking
the only that caught my attention was hans from fgo but imagine playing a gacha game for a single character and on top of that still needing to waste money to get them
Looks like OP finally killed himself after wasting another 100 bucks on a 1% roll, post more Rin.
5 yen have been deposited in your bank account.
Hans is literally free, you get him in quintuplicate without even trying.
>Too old looking
How perverted. Here. Here's someone own son.
made for blackmail sex
pure rin pictures only please
Dragalia Lost has some good boys
I mean it's not a mobile game but XBC2 does have a gatcha system and this is one of the blades (male) you can get.
Be honest, is it worth playing them for a single character though? I mean, does anyone do that?
That's why I expand my tastes to include handsome daddies, and older cute boys along with the shotas ;^)
Kill yourselves gacha insects
Because on top of being glorified slot machines with ridiculously high prices considering you are rolling for shitty png drawing of animu grills they have shity gameplay too.
Also your argument is retarded, you are literally calling the act of purchasing something gambling.
you do realise in 5-10 years you'll have nothing to show for all your money and your data will be deleted.
at least with any other game it's a fixed cost with some resell value
I play games for gameplay and nothing else
>waaaah why am I such a lucklet
seeth harder
The sad thing is that this is small time.
Whales easily spend 4k+ for multiple copies of the same PNG on this shitty gambler simulator.
>Just get good RNG. This """""""game""""""" isn't totally designed to milk you dry
Cope gacha tard
>filthy pleb isn't happy to just get a 5* servant at all
The fact people willingly put themselves into a position where they'll burn more than $60 at once on a game genuinely amaze me. How do these people cope with spending money on a slot machine, only to get JPGs and nothing of actual real value?
Is this the only way they can have something to look forward too in life?
Either be a luckchad for be rich.
If you're neither than just don't play, it's quite simple
Imagine being such a narcissistic cunt that you think every game in existence must cater to you
>you do realise in 5-10 years you'll have nothing to show for all your money and your data will be deleted.
Kind of like my life, hopefully.
gacha is not vidya
It is in the strictest sense, unfortunately.
>Imagine being such a narcissistic cunt that you think every game in existence must cater to you
Isn't that what vidya is trying to do though, appeal to as many people as possible? Seems retarded to make a game only retarded richniggers can enjoy. Then again, I really can't understand how someone can feel happy after $2,000+ vanishes in a week.
This garbage is getting banned is based Euro countries.
I hope other countries follow suit with this and lootboxes.
Because I don't want to pay $60 for a chance at getting a JPEG
Buying a game is not the same as buying gatcha you retard. You know what you are getting if you buy a game, weather you like it or not is up to you, there is no reason to buy a game and know nothing about it and be dissapointed nowdays. Where buying a gatcha, you can throw money at it non stop and get literal trash, you want a specific thing, that thing is a 1% drop rate or less, every pull you can think 'oh just one more and I will get it' and keep spending money with chances of NEVER getting it. Its a massive fucking difference
>Isn't that what vidya is trying to do though, appeal to as many people as possible?
That's almost entirely marketing because the extreme majority of people don't care about what color their character is. Stop taking the internet so seriously.
>Buying literally ANY game is gambling
what? no. it's gambling because of randomized pack opening mechanics. i mildly accept these in trading/collectible (card) games but not in anything else.
again, i do play card games so that's not even the main reason i don't play gacha. i imagine it's just not fun to play free to play as i don't like grinding. main reason is that i don't want to get drawn into a timesink.
it's different in card games because you "grind" for multiplayer purposes. it has a different dynamic o it.
Pffhahahahahahaahahaha that can't even get you a semi premium JPG.
It's literally nothing in most gacha cuck currency.
>you cannot know if you'll enjoy a game until you've played it yourself
Then buying bread and soap is also a gambling, retard.
same. why do you keep buying the same cookie-cutter shitty shooters. only skins are different
>Buying literally ANY game is gambling;
I don't know what's worse. That this is absolutely a retarded example of false equivalence or the fact that it isn't even the worst example I found on this site.
\>you cannot know if you'll enjoy a game until you've played it yourself,
Piracy exists user and you can find out if a game appeals to you by actually tracking down news about it and seeing the gameplay and hearing what other people think about it before trying it out.
They are mainly aimed at those pathetic wageslaves that have the money but literally nothing to spend them on because they have 0 free time or extremely shallow and meaningless lives.
>imagine coming to Yea Forums and using the shitty "if you don't like it don't play it" argument
pfahahaha the absolute state of gachacucks.
its the worst way of persuading
>why not x?
>because x is y
>user, anything could be y! (insert outlandish shit based on assumption that anything is y)
>naruhodo, so how many x do i buy?
no but everything must cater to the law.
>the gameplay is more simpler and shallow than your baby tier turn based rpgs
>Still the jewest micro transactions on the planet that makes EA and Activision jealous
Why would anyone fall for this scam?
I wanna fuck this slut goddess. But I wanna marry eresh
i dont care about the gacha itself but FGO is just a bad game
>Yeah, so? Buying literally ANY game is gambling
Absolute retard with the most brainlet of follow ups that must have required some ASTOUNDING mental gymnastics to achieve.
Except that when you buy a game, you don't know exactly how much enjoyment and satisfaction you can get from it so it's like playing with your luck in a way.
They're not even games.
If it wasn't for gacha I wouldn't have met my birdwife. Don't be racist to her.
What's up with all the gacha shilling threads on Yea Forums lately?
It's like these fucks are pushing an agenda of gambling onto impressionable passer-by's Anons who see their favourite characters and are let know there is a "game" with them on it.
It's like the new AIDS being spread. Like these people are actively trying to make people miserable as they are so they resort to this.
Like they are too deep into this so now they want more people to suffer.
Amazing how mods let them slip.