The Mouse gives you a once in a lifetime offer

The Mouse gives you a once in a lifetime offer
>Puts Sora in Smash
>But you have to watch Captain Marvel opening weekend
Do you accept it?

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i dont want either of those you mickey mouse motherfucker

I don't give two shits about Sora and I plan to see that movie anyway. This is a stupid thread.

...what exactly is the downside here.

>get to watch a movie for free and anti-sora fags get buttblasted
I'm in.

Sure, why not

I don't give a flying fuck about Captain Marvel, but I guess that's worth a couple hours of a mediocre movie.

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I have a better offer, I watch Captain Marvel on the very first day if you fix those fungus filled bunions Brie Larson has as feet

I would unironically agreed to do so but I hope you're implying about Sora being in Smash Ultimate's DLC or I wouldn't do that.

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No. But I would accept it for Scrooge McDuck instead of Sora.

>actress paid millions and supervised by fucking personal trainers brags about deadlifting 225 when an untrained person could reach that in ~9 weeks on Stronglifts 5x5 or any beginner program
Fuck Brie Larson, cunt ensures I will never see this movie

Both of those things sound bad, why would I ever accept this?

I'm already watching the movie because of the skrulls. So I'll take the triggering of Smash fags who think a autistic nobody puppet should be in smash

>>But you have to watch Captain Marvel opening weekend

How is this a problem?

I would wait a week to see it so Sara stays out.


If I can bring another person with me and the hotels are free, yes.
Only so I charge that other person and make a profit.

That doesn't sound bad actually. I'm all in.

>seeing it at all

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What is wrong with Captain Marvel? Is it because /pol/ thinks it's SJW pandering due to an action movie with a female lead?

Pretty much the actress hasn't helped matters, but it's a Marvel movie, they rarely get political

At least the marketing is, trying to cash on the SJW demographic. And the actress is a feminist cunt as well, but there are lots of those in L.A.

That's a win-win so yeah.

>the actress hasn't helped matters
did she say something on Twitter to trigger /pol/?

plus I doubt it's as good as the last movie I saw

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I don’t want either of those.
Fuck off, Mickey. Make some real cartoons.

I'm most definitely seeing it opening weekend but I'd really prefer Sora not be in Smash.

Hey, those new Mickey Mouse cartoons are pretty good

Sure. My friends will probably want to see it anyways and I’ll invite them too.
I love going to the movies and eating popcorn

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Too late, you made your choice

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Yes, because ive waited years for sora to be in smash, and to have my species represented in a marvel movie.

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Yeah, its just a minority, which is why Rotten Tomatoe went all Orwellian and decided that we cannot have people expressed their displeasure by eliminating the ability to comment on a movie before its release.

Typical centrist fuckwad if you act like the shit that actress said is acceptable.

>I love going to the movies and eating popcorn
this guy gets it. something about seeing loud crazy explosion filled movies in theatre while eating popcorn and soda just feels so good and perfect

>and to have my species represented in a marvel movie
Uh... do you mean... girls?

All Marvel movies are inherently politic and there is no bigger red flag that you are a mindless consumerwhore then if you just actually watch that capeshit on opening day.

No, fuck all of them.

Free speech bad.

I really don't care about Sora in Smash, so you'll have to do better than that, mouse.

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>New Mickey Mouse design is fucking uglier then the old one.

lol westerners

I was planning on doing that anyway since I always catch capeshit movies first week with my brother so sure.

The new shorts were made with that rougher style on purpose

>watch a subpar blockbuster for an entire additional character in Smash
I mean, why the fuck not?

no not that

>all these capeshit fags

unironically kill yourselves

>Typical centrist fuckwad if you act like the shit that actress said is acceptable.

White men are bitches, so they will be okay with it, so they are gonna be okay with being attacked for their race, and then they are gonna give Disney money to watch the latest Jewish capeshit.

When you start villifying centrists, you've entered a cult.

kingdrom hearts is the gayest fucking shit I have ever seen in my fucking life.

>omg le free movie!!

eating dog shit is free too

you all disappoint me greatly

you mean it wont be as good as a plot set up that gets thrown out for the 2nd half of the movie and turn into someone's animation portfolio?

are you mad we dont give a fuck about captain marvel politically OP?

better yet, that we want women to be empowered? shill? that's right. fuck men.

I don't support women.

fuck you.

I welcome the hate. Being hated means you're doing something right. Triple H said that.

bretty gay if you ask me

>set up a tremendous story arc with decade long character development
>the big final boss doesn't get defeated by the heroes who have been through all the suffering since the beginning but by some literally who stronk womyn that shows up at the last moment

this will end well, surely.


triggered, are we?

>watch a crappy 2 hour movie in order to have Sora in Smash Ultimate forever
I don't see how people consider this a tough decision

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fuck whites and fuck men. im not as conniving and shame-tactic bullying as the others so ill just tell you directly. we want you gone.

Do I have to buy the movie ticket or does The Mouse use one of the ones they prebought with marketing money to give the illusion of high sales? Also will they provide me with crab legs or will I have to bring my own? And what is the kinoplex's singles policy?

>you mean it wont be as good as a plot set up that gets thrown out for the 2nd half of the movie

which didn't happen in DBS Super

Fantasyland>Adventureland/New Orleans Square>Main Street USA>1959 Tomorrowland>Frontierland> current Tomorrowland

Disney Smash

Who do you main and when will they nerf Pete?

I'm going to see Captain Marvel anyways. I know Yea Forums is generally contrarian faggots but I enjoy the MCU for the campy fun of a movie experience.

>I get to prevent Sora fags from getting him in and can prove to them it was my doing

Gonna be a cozy weekend at the lake i think.