Jump Force

What went right?

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Those shaggyfaggots already did a mod for his nu-included Mk11 character
They are so Seethed

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Wait Luffy looks like that now?
Oh the OP manga has reached a new low in horrible drawings now.

Dataminers found out the movesets for All Might and Kaiba already.



He has two Gear 4 forms, but they only last a few minutes and then he's back to looking like he always does

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The design is not the best, but it's pretty cool in practice


Goddamn, one piece has the worst fucking art style I've ever seen, how it's managed to live this long is fucking beyond me.

Attached: thats not how fists work.png (283x193, 52K)

based retard poster

The only retards here are the ones who thinks One Piece has a good art style

>making two iconic mofos DLC

ive never even seen it but even I can tell he's curling his fingers, that's not a fist.

cucking gintama fags

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Game is fun as hell if not a bit jank mechanic-wise but then again so are all the j stars/ninja storm type games. Would be nice to see some balancing on certain things. Overall I like it but that might be because I havent touched the story, but who the fuck would buy a 40 character fighter for the fucking story?

Storm's a better fanservice fighter though
>better supers
>better aesthetic
>better OST
Only thing I can't argue for is roster

that's not meant to be a fist you fucking retard

Yeah, agreed but less combos and less integration of assists into combo strings so i prefer Jump Force over it in terms of actual gameplay. Except for the landing a hit then getting countered cuz they're mashing square, that shit is kinda wack but whatever.

Also fuck custom characters, they shouldve just gone the Soul Calibur route and let them have specific movesets that other characters already have.

>Leaks their entire DLC roaster
>even leak the characters moves
Whats Bandais endgame?

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Can't wait for the sequel.

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This. Hope it plays and looks better then.

>In addition to Dio
might need to try this

Kenshin being the best. Just the best.

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It will look the same. I promise.

They just don't care anymore. This is just another cashgrab game to make money off.

I forgot, was this game supposed to be a Shonen Jump game, or the sequel to Stadium D.O.N with some guest characters?

Considering that they didn't just take the "easy" way out (and maybe the better way?) an make a sequel to J-Stars Victory Vs, I wouldn't be surprised if the next SJ game wasn't related to Jump Force

I really hope that isn't the case. Would much rather have the roster grow instead of getting the same characters over and over again.

You sure they wouldn't just go overboard with the D.O.N representation in the sequel, too?

That's one shitty selection of dlc.

If a sequel were to happen then I still expect 2-3 new characters for each of those series. I just hope they can pad out other series more.

I hope so, too. Honestly, the season pass would've been much better already if they ditched Buu, Madara, and Law. And while I like Hitsugaya, he and Grimmjow bring Bleach up to, what, 6 reps? So they could go, too.

In any case, the thing I most wonder is why they chose to include Kaguya instead of Madara in the base roster, that seems like such a weird decision.

Post CaC

No user you are just fucking retarded.


Completely agree, if Madara was going to be included than he should have just been base roster. While no one was expecting Kaguya I don't think anybody really wanted her and just bloats the roster.

It's really surprising how much reps Bleach got, I even expect another character if a sequel does happen.

Though if a sequel does happen I already know series like MHA will just eat up slots.

>Haikyuu one of the most popular currently running Jump mangas
>Hinata can't get a fucking slot

No sport manga allowed, only action heroes, and Light for some reason.

They really DO incluide a Dragon Ball, Naruto and One Piece char in the DLC.

Good: All Might, Biscuit, Kaiba
Trash: Everyone else.

No Saga, No Athena, No Deathmask, No Netflix Shun, No Raoh, No Rei, No Medaka, No Jonathan, No Polnareff, No Hinata, No ARALE u_u

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Yeah, Bleach and HxH got it good when it comes to slots. Though speaking of MHA, I'm surprised that they went "2 MHA DLC characters", and not, say "1 MHA & 1 BC DLC character". I recall Jump sort of "pushing" BC in the past, which makes it weird to see BC not getting any DLC characters.

Remember to add "No gag manga" to the "not allowed" list. Weird to not see Gintoki in this game, honestly.

Luffy isn't making a fist with that hand though. He has a weird fighting pose, it's his other hand that's a fist.

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Gaara, Kaguya, and Hancock are really random picks for the game

I like it.

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I don't know about Naruto, but Hancock in particular is really popular in Japan, and they already had her in J-Stars, so it's not that random.

Hey what stage we fighting on names, Konica, hueco Mundo?

No fuck those ideas let’s fight in time square and the San Francisco bridge

>Belo Betty will never cheer you on

It's not supposed to be a fist. Luffy has his palm wide and fingers curled.

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I suppose popularity could be Gaara's reason, too. Fairly sure that it doesn't apply to Kaguya, though.

Popularity is definitely the reason for characters like Garra, Sabo and the bleach dlc reps.

Honestly, I always thought that Ulquiorra would be more popular than Grimmjow, but I guess not?

Does this game's gameplay have anything other than the barebones punch/block/grab standard trifecta?

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>retard that doesn't know anything between an open palm and a closed fist trying to give anyone else anatomy lesson
I suggest deleting your post to save yourself further embarassment

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>Have Yusuke.
>No Kuabara.
I though this was meant to have Medaka Box character too?

Oda should be arrested for the crime he committed for making Robin do that face.

>no Kuwabara
fuck this shit

Still think this should've been the Luffy picture

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>ffy p
That a good one, but I´m going with "oficial" pics for the chars. Luffy, Zolo and Sanji are the Four Piece version.

How can anyone look at the retardation that is faces in this art style and not cringe?

So, what? He's throwing punches in a way that take all the force out of the punches deliberately then?

Typical of someone from Yea Forums to value something purely based on how it looks (and even then failing, since OP is drawn pretty great)

>only 2 JoJo characters so far
>only 1 Yu Gi Oh character in the base game
>6 Naruto characters
>6 One Piece characters

MAYBE if they add more JoJo characters, I'd buy it.

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Grimmjow is definitely best Arrancar.

I want fags to leave

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>not kenpachi
>not rock lee or shikamaru or even jutsu-gauntlet bort

>So, what? He's throwing punches in a way that take all the force out of the punches deliberately then?
Nigga, he's a rubberman who powers himself up with steam. Stop taking this shit so seriously.

>Biscuit instead of Meruem, Pitou or Chrollo
Pretty based choice actually, gotta give them props for that.


"So for our dlc who should we choose for our 50th anniversary Jump celebration game?"

Well you know how Dragonball, One Piece and Naruto are kinda clogging the roster already with 6 characters each? Let's add one more for each as our DLC. Ok, oh Bleach was popular at one point right? Let's add Grimmjow as one of them and for the other let's add another Shinigami. Well there's is quite a list of Bleach characters with unique abilities who to go with? Oh I know, let's go with Hitsugaya, the ice user, to complement the OTHER ice user Shinigami that's already in the game, Rukia.

>How can anyone look at the retardation that is faces in this art style and not cringe?
Meh, hellsing faces look like everyone is on cocaine, toriyama faces look like sonic in the 90s drawn by a toddler, dorohedoro faces all look like 12 years old independently of their age, nihei faces all look like they have severe autism, bleach and naruto all look like the same faggot with different wigs and eye lenses.
At least one piece has a distinctive look that doesn't end being "manga nº 909983".

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>He's throwing punches in a way that take all the force out of the punches deliberately then?
Just wait until you read the manga. Then you'll really blow your load.

>How can anyone look at the retardation that is faces in this art style and not cringe?

You mean cartoony faces in a manga for young children?

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But why Biscuit tho?

What does Shonen Jump have against Toriko?

>Why is a cartoon unrealistic and goofy looking
legitimate autism

She's a top qt

Didn't met expectations after pushing it so much?

She's an old hag

It was considered to be lost cause to them.

hows kenshin in this

Sorry they don't cater to ironic weebfaggots like you.

>At least one piece has a distinctive look that doesn't end being "manga nº 909983".
so exactly like the others you listed retarded one piss fag

>worst art style
Man... Look at the latter bit of Jojo Bizzare Adventure part 6. It is actually impossible to tell what's happening without colouring.


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>no Gintoki
>no Sakura
>no Hiei
>no Kurama

What the fuck.

I have to say, pretty weird not having her instead of Gaara or Kakashi. Sakura sucks, but her moveset in the Storm games was pretty good. Also, no excuse for not having Gintoki or Toriko

>nihei faces all look like they have severe autism
And incidentally the characters do.

Supporting the asian market that use Zbrush was a mistake. They just coarsely scrape the surface for ugly sculpts, they don't have the intuitive artistry to improve and just sell their first pass as 'done' instead of improving it's just handed in to get it over with.

Just looking at OPs image screams basic copying on a sculpt and then some basic pattern for cloth. Nothing done to make it more appealing or palatable whatsoever.

>no excuse for not having Gintoki or Toriko
Especially when we have a representative for an ancient Dragon Quest manga, of all things.


This isn't meant to be a fist but One Piece still looks like shit. It's especially obvious when you see One Piece characters in crossovers like Jump Force. Seeing the shitty characters next to actually well drawn characters really puts into perspective how shit the art is.

Let's put that to the test. Well, what do you think?

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Bleach fans buy merch in Japan. Bleach had way more DVD sales than both Naruto and OP. OP sells like next to nothing. Naruto is moderate.

Luffy and Naruto look gay. Goku looks like a beast as usual. Then again, Goku and Yusuke are the leaders of the ALPHA team.

I think you'd have to be blind to look at that and not think Luffy looks like a 3d model of a doodle from the back of a 6th graders notebook. Even as shitty as Goku looks there Luffy still looks way, way worse. The Shaggy mod actually looks better.

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why didnt they use the J-Stars models? They really were cheap with this game

the fact that you even have to ask that question just proves how much of a retard you are

What they did to Deku in this game is what Jimmy Saville did to all those kids. He looks like a nut and it's emphasised by the fact that he doesn't blink. And then you have Killua and Gon whose heads are bigger than all the other fighters. How can Mortal Kombat/DC universe make the roster look like they couod be in the same world way better than this half arsed jrpg

>Every single song is some generic cinematic trash
Why does no one complain about the fuckin music in this game? All these great series and we get none of the music.

some of them aren't official pics, not even the zoro one

>No Jonathan
>No Joseph
>No Hiei
>No Kuwabara
>No Kuro-Sensei
>No Tsuna

What a dissapointment, hopefully this gets fixed in season 2 of DLC.

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I was actually wondering, isn't this a possible fix with mods on the PC version?
I'd love to replace some of the generic shit

Luffy's face reminds me of Beavis.

I am going to buy this game now just for Him.

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All wasted slots. Who decided this roster?

The character artists don't have the skill required to render anime heroes. The environmental artists were probably just hired off of some B studio.
Things don't mesh together at all, there's no positive chemistry in this game.

Why would they have Joseph when they have Kenshiro? Look in your heart and you know they are nearly the same.

Don't let the Cellfags hear you

Didn't mean to reply

I meant jonathan.

Maybe Luffy just needs bigger pupils.

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>Same as Kenshiro
In what world?

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Hopefully this doesn't make it to season 2 and instead there will be another Jump related game made by devs who gives a damn.


We need a new Jump Stars game.

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Just because you hate Black Clover doesn't mean the game shouldn't have the main character from one of their decently popular still running manga and anime series.

They went cheap, remember? That means no budget for licensed songs.

Hey now, Piccolo is actually with you and the main 3 when the true boss appears.

Oh ok.
Either way, the were different enough in J Stars VS and even if they were too similar you could have Jonathan use the sword more.
Besides, we would get SUNLIGHTO YELLOW OVERDRIVEUUUU and who can say no to that.


one piece is trash, has always been trash, and always will be trash

I'm 100% sure the people behind the game were focusing on western appeal, so they picked the garbage every weeb knows and threw it all together, Ryo Saeba feels out of place and somehow made it instead of Gintoki, considering Gintama is really well known in the west

>Ryo Saeba feels out of place
Well, the frenchies are in the west too.

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>No medaka

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fuck off

then why are there jojo characters in the game to begin with

I'm 100% sure Ryo was chosen to appeal to France (he was presented first in a french expo after all) and to promote the new movie.
Now, Dai I don't understand. I know the manga was really popular in Japan and I also know it had a mexican dub, but was it particularly popular in the west? Not that I'm complaining though, I love both choices, a shame it had to be for this game.

When was the last time Piccolo has been relevant in Dragon Ball?

he's apart of the main group, he's always relevant

He was there in the tournament of power. Not like it matters, he's still one of the most popular characters.
I'm surprised Trunks was chosen over the usual young Gohan though specially when they bothered to put Cell. I guess the former was more fitting for the plot.

When was the last time Kakashi's been relevant? Even when he was Hokage he did nothing noteworthy.

Dai was chosen to promote Erdrick in Smash

So, is the gameplay good?

you're retard if you believe this

Tien and Krillin are also part of the main group and they are as useless as Piccolo. And even then since super started the only main group that exist is Goku and Vegeta with the occasional Bulma.
>He was there in the tournament of power
And did absolutely nothing of importance, unlike Frieza or 17.

Man, that was some good shit. It really wasn't that awful gameplay-wise either, save for a few super broken assists (like the Trunks you could call even when you were getting combo'd). And I learnt so much about shonen manga thanks to this game.

Trunks is such a garbage character, same goes for teen Gohan. They wasted slots with Naruto, One Piece and DBZ. I won't complain about Bleach because I always liked Renji, but fuck if I know why he's in and not Byakuya or Kenpachi.

He helped beat Kaguya I guess. He's pretty popular with west and in japan, but he's a pretty bad choice, same as Gaara. Madara being DLC sounds stupid as fuck


It’s kind of a call back to Nightmare Luffy but that was a shitty arc. I do like how he makes that dodgeball bounce sound though while in that form

Tank man says hi

>Tien and Krillin are also part of the main group and they are as useless as Piccolo.
they're just as important as goku and vegeta

One Piece is one of the few mangas/anime’s out there that actually has a defined style. It’s not the best but I appreciate it for not being how cookie cutter the industry has become

it's not seething it's fact, you're believing in a baseless assumption

>they're just as important as goku and vegeta
Tell me something any of them have done that affected the direction of the plot.
The answer is never btw, this is the Goku and Vegeta show

Isn't Kakashi crazy popular and was part of the fight against Kaguya?

It should be mandatory to include Demitri Maximoff in every fighting game.

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I still want a sequel for Jump Ultimate Stars.
J Stars Victory was pretty average, and it seems Jump Forces is worse than it.

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i actually never watched dragon ball but i know that you're wrong

They left key source files in the PC assets allowing a 3D MUGEN to exist.

it aint a master piece. But its fun to play, plus, even if the roster is very normie, it-s still fun. The only major letdown for me was the story mode. So much potential wasted (hopefully someone will wrtie some good fanfiction about it). i give a 7/10

Without Krillin, Goku would never have become a super saiyan

All I needed to know. Buh-bye

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Heres the season 9 DLC

The farmer from DBZ
The Shinigami with the Afro
Killua's Black butlet
Some random Marine soldier from One Piece

That something Frieza did, Krillin didn't kill himself

I’ll give Zoro and Blackbeard but those two are absolute wastes in terms of OP reps
>no Kaiba

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supposedly, he's going to be DLC. Another thing that i didn't like much was Light's role. Hopefully, if we get a sequel, the developers will expand with his role.

Gear 4 is such a disappointment after the 2nd and 3rd gear. 2nd and 3rd gear was a natural evolution. 4th gear is an abomination in comparison. Haki suddenly having the black flesh completely ruins the mystique of an unseen force letting you deal damage to Logia types and predicting attacks.

Is the Create a Character any good? I've only played it at a friends so I didn't see any of that

The writing and cutscenes were so fucking lazy, the Xenoverse PQs have more creativity

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A more boring Xenoverse with a ugly artstyle. The cross over is cool, but the gameplay is to busy worried making sure all the series can be properly represented and not if its fun enough. Everything is slow, janky hit confirmations, overpowered block(you can block every ultimate in the game besides grabs for chip damage). A broken scoring system is what finally got me to stop playing, its near impossible to get s-ranks on missions, even the ones labled as Easy. One of the scoring metrics is finishing a match with a ultimate attack, but you can only earn ultimate attacks by taking damage, which lowers your health score and stops you from getting the perfect victory score as well. There are hundreds of these missions, needing perfect play for the easiest of missions is not fun.

It's a huge letdown, you get a very small amount of choices for customization, only the hair choices were good since they're mostly from characters not in the game.

The outfits are passable I guess, not a lot of color variety

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The attacks he uses in this form are cool, but yeah it looks lame as fuck. I remember seeing it for the first time after previous week's hype and thought: "man, this is probably what Zoro felt when he saw Kaku's half-zoan form"

>speaking of MHA, I'm surprised that they went "2 MHA DLC characters", and not, say "1 MHA & 1 BC DLC character".
I think it has to do with the widening gap Jump is seeing with MHA sales vs Black Clover sales

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I know what you're talking about, but what you're referring to is poor paneling as opposed to poor character art. Oda is also guilty of poor paneling in a different way - he stuffs excessive panels, speech bubbles and going-ons into his pages like a game of Tetris. I wish he'd go back to his pre-Davy Back Fight paneling

Man I love Joseph. He was such a fun protagonist.

Jesus those SNK sprites do not age well at all

Since Gintoki isn't in the game, I'm guessing Joseph could make it in as DLC if there is a season 2

They were already dated for its time.

I blame the anime. Manga is good but the adaption is fuckin trash.

ayy lmao

What the everloving fuck are you talking about, you sound like a fag and your shit's all retarded.

Don't talk to me if you don't know anything about One Piece, faggot.

Thats the norm for shonen games. Jojo eyes of heaven and My hero one's justice are recent examples. Not shonen but the only good customisation I've seen is Attack on Titan 2

He also has fuckin rocket jets, I love it

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you had your own heaven already,get out

they left a lot of the project doc files in the game so it's piss easy to mod. a few days past release there were already mods like ultra instinct shaggy

Nothing went right. There's is so much wasted potential throughout this game it's not even funny or maddening. It's disgusting that Bamco could drop the ball so hard.

You think that for a 50th Anniversary Jump/Bamco/Spike could try and do something similar to Smash and not Battle Stadium 2: D.O.N. and Friends.

Rather have Zeppili to be honest

after dlc it should be B.O.N.D and friends

Or, you know, something closer to another Jump game like Dragon Ball, One piece, Naruto and Bleach also dominated the playable roster in that game, but it had the advantage of having both more variety and all the other, less action/battle oriented support series.

Smash is fucking garbage, it should've been just like J-Stars but with health bars instead of whatever the fuck they thought they were doing with the meters

what about it is bad?

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was talking about BC

Personally I think it's because the two are too similar in synopsis.
>young boy lives in a world where everyone has powers except him. Is given the chance to learn from someone that does in order to be the best there is

>t. bleach fan.
get rekt son

I desperately want a sequel because half of JUS's roster would be jacked up on their newer powers/skills compared to the time JUS came out

I'm talking about the way Smash turns up the fan service to 100.

It's barebones. It doesn't have a lot of content to customize.

Ironically enough, the Sonic '06 comparison makes sense beyond the stiff model animations if you listen to the hub world theme and then listen to the Soleanna Forest theme. Maybe is because of the flute: youtube.com/watch?v=bGgDtXvDNz4

My biggest gripe with this game is the wasted roster. Was really looking forward to some D.Gray Man or KHR, but guess im shit out of luck

The game would be good without Dragonball shit
Only drooling retards and spics like that