Ok Yea Forums...

>SNES = soul
>N64 = souless

>2D > 3D

it's funny because nothing has changed

>lads, my analogue stick broke after a day
>how are Nintendo allowed to get away with such shoddy craftsmanship?

Wow, our reality is fucking gay. I wish we had a Timeline where Hilary Clinton didn't force communism on us.

> So you have a Gaystation? have fun only being able to have two players

Attached: descarga.png (244x206, 6K)

I think I just fell in love.

Attached: 1528666691031.gif (320x240, 1.82M)

mario 64 still hasnt been updated

Just wait for Sega's next console, Nintendofags will get btfo

Attached: 1502427762488.gif (241x200, 135K)

what the fuck is this? I'm saving that picture holy shit