THQ AMA on 8ch

Chad 8ch vs Virgin 4channel

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Other urls found in this thread:

Not video games. Fuck off.

How is this not vidya. ffs

8ch actually got a cunny loli board with the loser 4chin doesn't.


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You are a retard

Take you imageboard wars to Yea Forums. This is not in any form related to videogames.

It used to have actual CP too


Because it's people from different sites throwing shit at each other and the others are just lurking and laughing at what's going on

There's no actual discussion about what THQ Nordic has said about games and such.

Yeah so did Yea Forums.

honestly speaking, racism in 2019 isn't cool. i can understand hating SJW's but the regular people of minorities have nothing to do with them. we are all of the human race, let us work together to end the hate.

This, and this.

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Nigga are you stupid, Yea Forums is only for porn

Fuck off nigger

>Posts literal CP, Devs still do AMAs there
>Has freedom of speech
>Webms with sound, 18 mb file size limit, can post mp4s, embed videos, ect
>Actually has good discussion about videogames
>No devs want to go there
>No CP, No N-word, no freedom
>2mb file size limit
>No videogame discussion, just console wars
>No sound

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Actually based.

"Yikes" is a good term to sum up this whole shitshow. What a fucking circus

Except jews, they're the Choosen People

Alright, then take it to /qa/.

Also, read the board title.

No captcha either

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>Devs actually responded and gave good answers to questions
>Only shitposting started after butthurt seething faggots from this board noticed
We really are cancerous aren't we?

fuck off, nigger.

It's just some retard who will ignore the porn threads. He is not upholding Yea Forums standards, he just doesn't like people talking about this subject; probably in the belief that everyone following this is a redditor or something.

>new Destroy all humans confirmed

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So talk about the fucking videogames. Ignoring shitposts, derail and trolls should be second nature to everyone by now.
To be fair, not a lot was shared and its mostly just games Eurofags pay attention to and few others.

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If I don't like it, it isn't video games.
If I like it, it's video games.

It's that simple

>It's just some retard who will ignore the porn threads.
"Porn" threads are not the main problem of Yea Forums at all. Also, remember that in 8/v/, you can post porn as long it's spoilered.

>he just doesn't like people talking about this subject
Right, of course, I don't like unrelated off-topic garbage subjects being discussed here, on Yea Forums.

Clearly, this doesn't at all also describe the majority of people who have been posting on theses threads about imageboard wars.

Yeah, right.

>probably in the belief that everyone following this is a redditor or something.
Stop obsessing for some random site, for god's sake.

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The issue is that the mods sometimes take these retards seriously since they keep spamming and sending reports. Bumping a thred you dont like is just stupid, spamming gross webm or loli/furry/trans stuff all while reporting frequently is just autism.

twitter is actually losing their shit over this its hilarious

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Holy fuck what is this? Did the devs post that?


*nods respectfully towards you*

Are you that pig webm spammer? Is this the 5th ban evasion today?
You're not the staff here, don't pretend like you are.

*nuzzles you gently*

How about no, you literal no good faggot?

>it was their PR and Marketing Director
This guy is getting fired quick.


I only go on there for the fetish boards

>Cunny board
Fuck this shit I'm moving there

>No N-word
Bullshit, watch this: NIGGER
See? I'm still not banned.

>WTF are you even talking about

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wtf mods he said nigger

Laugh all you want, this is further proof that the main social media sites are completely neutered from any form of thought that does not conform to clickbait hysteria.

At this moment, you can lose your job if you even dismiss the idea that the latest Big Corp blockbuster failure isn't a product of Russian Troll brigading. Furthermore, if you write a negative review of any Big Corp product hundreds of shills will heap up upon you, trying to get you fired if you have any traceable means of work.

>already apologising on Twitter
This chucklefuck should have known better.

We need to stick together 8 chanons
we may fall under the same umbrella together depending on how Jim gets punished from the lawsuit alongside 2 chan

I give it 5 minutes

Mate that site is so bad that you can't even search for it on Google. The person who even thought up of this should be embarrassed and be let go immediately.


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didn't 8ch welcome redditors with open arms

>The issue is that the mods sometimes take these retards seriously since they keep spamming and sending reports.
No, it's the opposite: mods don't read our reports, and janitors act upon their own will.

>Bumping a thred you dont like is just stupid
I can see that you have absolutely no knowledge of "sage" mechanic, newfag.

>spamming gross webm or loli/furry/trans stuff all while reporting frequently is just autism.
Says the guy that is on the side of believing imageboard wars is vidya.


>You're not the staff here, don't pretend like you are.
You're right. I'm not, so thank you for telling me this. Now, could you also please say this as well to other retards that keep spamming >>>/[insert board here]/?

>Racism outside of Yea Forums
Mods, make him an example. I feel offended

No fuck you faggots. You let your site become reddit. Look at your gold passes, no N words allowed, daily console wars, ect.

It's literally blacklisted by Google because they were okay with CP.

Why didn't they do the AMA here at least?

No, you are thinking of Yea Forums.

because Yea Forums is the worst place to discuss video games

I was hyped for Biomutant and I'm unironically buying day 1 now.

the original dev and owner both left because the dude who ran the servers was a dickhead

Holy shit RetardEra fags really are invading Yea Forums.

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"It's going to be great!"
2 hours later
"It wasn't so great"

Remember Tao teachings: Love your enemies. This shithole would be better if we make the same

>obsess over Yea Forums and come back daily

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Because you don't talk about videogames on your shit board. It's funny how you faggots keep saying CP but I have no once seen CP on that site in the 4 years I have been browsing. You literally have to look for it hard to find it.