"W-we added another POC hero!"

>"W-we added another POC hero!"
>"You'll come back to Overwatch now... right?"

Attached: r1551147620133317.jpg (708x540, 72K)

Other urls found in this thread:


hey look it's that apex legends character

>another boring design character

>let's take Demoman and design him if he was in fortnite

Hey look its that fortnite character

The colors of his outfit look awful. He looks like he's gearing up for a water fight at the pool or some shit.

Attached: 345873460-9457.png (521x400, 358K)

He fucks Soldier 76

So what's his catch? Sucks dicks on the daily? Is on an open relationship with other boyfriends? Reverse cucking?

Honestly, im taking a jab but it WILL have some kind of faggotry related to it, i just want to know it to make fun of my friends that still play this.

He looks more Fortnite-y, to be honest.

Funny. They had people fooled for a while with non-crappy designs at launch. Even the guy behind Street Fighter's most iconic chars gave praise to their lineup.

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Valve strike Activision when?

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He really does look like a fortnite character.
>Also, blue and orange? really?

The Talon costume in the trailer looked leagues better

>another homo nigger added to the game
imagine my shock

Attached: 1549086399936.jpg (320x371, 62K)

Holy shit, he actually looks retarded.

Weren't people actually asking for a black women representation, and they add another black man?

Fire this hack already.
They should reroll the game to the Sombra release and start over. Game keeps getting worse with every patch.

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 95K)

>finally release a new male character
>its this piece of shit

Attached: Przechwytywanie.png (350x228, 142K)

So umm
do you actually care that he is black? I mean he just looks boring, that's all. Just a dude with a scouter, he would be boring regardless of his race

>inb4 people complain its not an actual “black” character.

No one is ever happy with overwatch

Attached: EAFCB044-3769-4847-83DE-275DBD9B5481.jpg (750x651, 56K)

doesn't exactly matter since about 5k people max are left playing it.

Game has had very, very low player numbers for a very long time...It's not alive at all

And three times in a row blizzard said no.

pools closed

Got any sauce for that claim?
I'd get a laugh if you were right, but gotta have some kinda proof first.

he quite literally looks like one of those ethnic gay models that are used by brands to promote diversity
t. fag

What are you basing this on?

What makes ME a good demoman?
If i were a BAD demoman
I wouldn’t be sittin’ here
Discussin’ it with ya now would I?

so what's this guy's gimmick? he shoot something sticky out of that grenade launcher or something?
what's gonna make people hate him?

Common sense. Niggerfagwatch is dead.

Attached: 1551041120043.png (1228x1150, 191K)

You guys get triggered over the dumbest shit.

But why did they make him look so generic, he looks fucking boring

Black men are more feminine than black women though.

Don't think even HoTS would ever fall that short. There is no way there are only 5k mouth-breathing retards who still bother with that trash.

He's a healer somehow

We aren't triggered, we're just laughing at the niggers and shit skins that still play this game. It hasn't been on my hard drive in over 2 years.

Attached: 4621234613.jpg (1079x1041, 583K)

once married, has 3 kids, now has a husband whos trans.

Street fighter had some shit character designs after SF2

what does POC even stand for, Pile Of Crap?

Though he can only Mercy and Tracer for some reason.

>Is so triggered, didn't even manage to properly quote.


Attached: 1536877497128.jpg (640x480, 35K)

They really just need to go all the way at this point. I want my cross-breed furrykin gender fluid 500lb wheelchair-using character that shoots dildos out of xyr ass.

wtf i was a nazi but with video games adding in diverse characters of color i can safely say i view minorities in a totally different light now.

Attached: d.png (1106x1012, 660K)

>thinks I failed to quote
>doesn't know I'm intentionally not giving you ((yous)) for your bait

Attached: 5722345235624.jpg (1079x1041, 641K)

Ah, the common sense of spouting bullshit. Across multiple platforms, the game definitely has more than 5K players. PC alone it obviously has more than that.
The game is shit, sure, and is definitely in decline, but that's nonsense.

>Pretending to be retarded
>pretending to be retarded x2

>hey he's a talon grunt
wow cool
>but he's a good guy now and his design is now a vibrant fortnite man

>he can only Mercy and Tracer

It would have been cool as fuck if he had his old Talon armor still on but with the insignia scratched out naruto-style.
Have him wear a broken version of the cool Talon helmet

>seething because he's not getting any (yous)
kek nigga

Attached: 1547940968394.jpg (807x802, 74K)

Moira is the last true support they released though.

Attached: Kabeeeooom.jpg (385x550, 22K)

They only added one other black person in the game why are anons seething? More whites have been added than blacks anyway.

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I think insulting you would be considered a hate crime.

*He can only heal

nothing about this character design or his backstory tells me anything about how he plays or what makes him unique

>He's a dude that deals damage and heals other players
like 6 other heroes

>He's a PoC that worked for talon
like 6 other heroes

fucking hell, Blizzard's agenda is shining through this shit

There is no way that's true.

Why do they keep introducing new heroes instead of the ones that were teased/established at the beginning?


it's like they're not even trying anymore

Attached: fdsa.png (178x163, 31K)

>He's a PoC that worked for talon
>like 6 other heroes
which six?

>this shitty game killed TF2
Horrible timeline.

Reaper, Doomfist, Sombra.
I think that's it. So 3.
4 if you count widow since she's purple.

Why do retards think this does anything? You're still fucking replying, not replying properly doesn't make a difference because YOU'RE STILL REPLYING you fucking dumb cunt.

I just saw the ability breakdown and fuck me, they just said to themselves "everyone hates S76 now that he's gay lets just make him again but black"

Something about Rick amd Mortys art style makes me grumpy

>Soldier 76 but black

Game is shit but its far from dead. Don't know where you're getting those numbers from.

Attached: deadgame.png (164x295, 71K)

Oh hey he's out? Cool I'll check him out. That's right I I still play overwatch and own a shitch. how does that make you feel? HUH? HOW?! TELL ME! TELL ME RIGHT FUCKING NOW

doubt you have any friends to make fun of

It's the eyes, instead of just simple black dots, they are asterisks.

Jelous? Intimidated?

>if the game doesnt have hitler as a playable character its shit
this is what Yea Forums unironically believes

It's always the same people you played with last round with matchmaking

He looks boring

Sorry for you

>REEEE it's not a black disabled woman of color!

Soon, at kotaku or polygon or some shit.

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i wont even bother installing the update for this lame lookin dude

echo better be next

Don't you ever fucking reply to me.

at least it's a healer.


They added 3 white girls. But the robot centaur is technically black, so 3 black characters as well.

>implying blue-checkmark-faggots actually play games
LOL OverWatch? more like OverWith

Do you want the good costume? Pay up

>A robot
>Technically black
How do you faggots even come up with this shit?

>robot is black
No it's a robot, you dumb shit

rent free

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They aren't even trying.

Attached: Baptiste.png (540x776, 128K)

That's my case even with games like Dota 2 though.

I just finished playing him on the ptr and it's fucking terrible.
It's like they pulled a few kids away from fortnite for 15 minutes and asked them to design a new hero. And one of the kids was will smith's son.

We could have gotten a nice chocolate babe. I can't speak for everyone, but it seems to me a black chick is the one thing that SJWs and waifufags could have agreed on, as long as she was pretty. But instead, we got another nigger. That's 3 niggers now. And absolutely ZERO straight white dudes.

>a bland black S76/McCree hybrid
>with a hideous default color scheme
>that straight-up looks like a throwaway background NPC

Sasuga, Blizzard.

Attached: 1548478638583.jpg (359x391, 77K)

It was built in Nigeria by a black girl, and it sounds black, so it's black. Deal with it.


Attached: shit design.jpg (2460x1449, 1.55M)

>twitch viewers
some playerbase. retard.

Oh, guess that means Hammond is technically white, and you're still wrong.

Moira is a straight white dude

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>le nazi strawman
you hardly deserve this (you), reseterafag

Ana is the only decent design there.

>Bad design
I think you might actually be retarded.

Hammond's a hamster, you idiot.

But is it fun?

this whole "i hate it because it's black" is getting pretty old

Doesn't matter, his robot is technicality white because it has a white voice, and by your retarded argument, he's white.
You continue to be wrong.

Here are his abilities if anyone actually cares about the gameplay.

Attached: Mei Thermals.png (694x1000, 667K)

he cute


How come Ana is the only good post-launch character?

Attached: wa.jpg (583x827, 121K)

While I agree with you, his design IS actually shit.

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This whole "you should like it because it's black" thing is getting just as old.

Because she actually fit into the aesthetic the game had at launch.

*gets created by gays and liberal arts students*
*gets shoehorned in to "mix things up"*
yo hol up
*gets skin colour darkened even further so there's no mistaking him for black*
*gets a typical fro haircut just to be double sure*
WE WUZ *snorts and clicks tounge* AYO...
*muscular, of course*
WE *grabs crotch*
*looks more Fortnite character than OW character*

Attached: 12323567656785.png (113x182, 50K)

everyone really hates black women, huh?

Its intentionally low quality, and it shows

Those skills are terrible.

over designed as always

Because she was made with soul in mind.

>Good design
Bitch looks like she's from fucking Battleborn.

Attached: 1550533533697.gif (190x200, 2.56M)

so when some dude does a speedrun of RE3 it means there is the same amount of people watching playing it? are you all braindead in here or just pretending ?

Young Ana*

>a motherfucking immortality field
>heal grenades and a passive heal
>movement passive ability

Attached: 1511248064445.png (227x300, 103K)

Something tells me that Immortality field is going to cause a lot of problems

he looks painfully generic, like a charater from Apex Legends or Icons

>Orisa shield
>Reinhardt Shield
>Immortality Field
gg bro :^)

I'm assuming that the immortality field is his super, other wise that'd be broken as fuck (Not that it wouldn't be regardless)

>black hero
>has the ability to jump higher

kek'd heartily

"Hes gay as well"
>"please love us again..."

this whole "make shitty character but they're black and have an accent so it's good" is getting extremely old. The character is fucking shit.

Where the fuck are american blacks in this game? Why do they all have that stupid fucking accent? Literally anything would be better than this copy paste of doomfist but with soldiers armor.

the problem isnt that it's a nigger
it's just an extremely boring and poor design

Makes me want to avoid it even more then a plague. I take plague any day over sjw pandering


>tfw Overwatch is next on the chopping block after HotS because its business model doesn't encourage any transactions regardless of active playerbase

Attached: outdated-internet-memes.png (605x445, 10K)

youtu.be/37-paiEz0mQ he cant heal himself so thats his escape tool

I am absolutely convinced that Blizzard fired the dude who designed the original cast. Ana is easily the best design out of the update additions and that's not saying much.

>Doomfist buffs

I'm going to give game another chance.

Attached: buffs.png (897x270, 21K)

That's pretty low for a new hero just coming out.

>2 AoE healing abilites
>Free fucking movement
>Discord orb but its literally for everyone through a wall.
>Lol we don't die Field Ult.

Thats ok blizz I don't play anymore so you can just delete zen now its ok.

Attached: 1256579171274.png (256x302, 158K)

>still no tank competition to rein

He makes hamster squeeks you triggered retard. Nothing race specific. Or are you making your claims purely on him landing in Australia?
At least Orissa has a blatant African accent

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Hmm I'm black and I think he looks pretty meh

It is actually normal ability. Classical Blizzard balancing.

Attached: NlqWSfNG.jpg (400x246, 21K)

remember when games could have a black character without /pol/ getting pissed off?

It's the basic-bitch heal kit for people who want to play a POC instead of Mercy

This, I thought asians were supposed to be redpilled. Also add jeff into the mix aswell

I wish that was the case cause maybe then the devs would give a shit.

skrait up dawg, uh huh fsho fsho
*licks lips profusely*

>Literally just fist pumps and gets aoe heals
Remember when there was a reason for abilities?

i dont like it

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He's a fucking support, he can't have a serious threatening design.

quite the opposite.

Attached: D.VA Online.jpg (446x498, 21K)

Wow he’s boring.

YES another character that can black Mercy

Perfect.... sadly

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>wears a scooter on left eye
>Signature color is blue
>grenade launcher heals
>doesn't wear his ammunition on his chest
>arms visible above elbow
>doesn't wear a hat
>looks sober
>Freedom fighter
>looks down on greed

totally not just a lazy reverse design

Wish someone started fake outrage over his name that goes viral so there's at least something to laugh about.

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Attached: 32AE5702-04C6-4C9A-B4BC-FC0A1C0A9897.jpg (750x384, 125K)

Nigga, you fucking serious?

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jokes on you I never left

He's Haitian.

>immortality field

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Fag, I'm not going around asking for fucking Jamaican characters. I just want cool people.

Attached: My balls.jpg (500x328, 112K)

>stuns have absolutely devastated your game and playerbase
look at it, they have literally added strict ability counterplay to DEATH before doing anything about stuns
could not be any funnier

wow more sheild cancer..... jesus christ

I can sense the L from thousands of miles away. What kind of a fucking fag names himself after that nipponese jobbing manlet?

>Wahhh, they misrepresented me!!!

Attached: 1541740947214.jpg (720x602, 41K)

Not really a huge fan of Baptiste's design.

First of all, why is he dressed in cyan and orange? These colors together make it seem like he's off to the pool, not fight in some kind of firefight.
Secondly, this is yet another case of a character who's shapes and edges were ruined on the 3D model. He looks much better in his 2D artworks.
Lastly, his design tells us nothing about what he can do, except for the jumping ability. A character with the ability to create walls and fields the amplify allied damage should be a lot more technical looking. He could have also been an Architect for Vishkar or something (like Symmetra). Genji looks like a cyborg ninja, McCree looks like a Cowboy. So why does this guy look like he's about to go swimming when he should look like someone who WOULD have that kind of technology?

It's so generic, he looks like a fanmade Overwatch creation on DeviantArt or ArtStation. One of the reasons Overwatch characters are iconic is because they aren't afraid to use bright colors, but the other heroes use them correctly.

Attached: file.png (800x450, 505K)

Oh no no no!
Guys, have you seen the abilities?

>team mates are invicible cylinder and double damage wall
Blizzard are fucking retarded all over again.

His ult should be fucking mercy or any of the other white female characters and having an interacial mutt with them.

>Zoomer demoman

Overwatch lore probably blames omnics for how haiti turns out

Why are Americans like this?



Attached: hur.jpg (1028x735, 113K)

>Jean-Baptiste Augustin was one of the 30 million children orphaned by the Omnic Crisis. With limited opportunities and resources, he enlisted in the military. The Caribbean Coalition, a pan-island force formed in response to the Crisis, became his new home. Guided by his innate desire to help people, Baptiste chose the path of a combat medic and served in an elite branch of the Caribbean Coalition’s special ops.

is that supposed to be a new hero? that looks more like a fucking legendary skin for 76.
they are completely creatively bankrupt at this point aren't they.

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They constantly have BBC on their mind. The mere sight of a black person triggers insecurities related to their sexual performance. I think Israel has something to do with it.

I want to say he sounds OP but I think it's just being addled from playing Apex

Why are you like this?

Attached: 1541749154514.gif (300x225, 1.75M)

>difficulty max stars

Attached: 1325370462787.gif (236x224, 1.89M)

Nigga stole McCree's cape!

American video games, ladies and gentlemen.

>you can just delete zen now its ok.
remember that Ana's grenade makes Zenyatta's ult useless

It's hard to shoot, nigga!

More like soldier 45.6

Jesus fucking Christ, I can't fap to this ape. Now if it were a cute mon-keigh like Lucio it'd be another story, but this?

Attached: YIKES.gif (500x287, 579K)

I ain steel shit yo dats racist I ain done nothin yo leave me alone this is police abuse

Fuck yeah bro. I'm working on an animation right now of Mercy giving Doom and Baptiste head.

Successful brainwashing

Overwatch cast has something unique about all of them. What's unique about this one? Plain black?
Even doomfist had that tribal thing going on

Oh you fucking know people are gonna do that because apparently overwatch didn't have a single black character before.

Chinese bootleg Travish.

If I needed another reason not to play this anymore it's this "frenchman"

when SJW's say diversity they mean more american black people

Great, another BBC for the Overwatch SFM community to shove in everything.

There is only 1 straight white male in the game.

Meanwhile, during off season

Attached: Based Respawn.jpg (1282x528, 189K)

Attached: Delet.png (500x507, 170K)

>doesn't remember the DING DONG BANNU arc

Black majority

He's Haitian. If you have a problem with him speaking french, go talk to the French back in the 1600's and stop them.

Demoman takes skill.

I feel so fucking bad for Zenyatta, an actual well developed Risk vs Reward hero that relies on good positioning and awareness.

Powercreeped by most support heroes added since then. He didn't deserve this.

McCree and Torbjorn are confirmed to be straight though, and Junkrat and Reinhardt probably aren't gay.

>you can just delete zen now its ok.

Attached: zenyatta_bm_by_guryfrog-davy9cy.jpg (900x636, 93K)

What about the sjws that praised Sombra,Moira,Ashe,Brigitte and gay 76? Also what about Hispanic Nova,Arab Ms.Marvel and an assortment of china shit?

Attached: nova-character-14.jpg (1280x1280, 503K)

>good positioning
Remember when he actually had to be positioned for his ult instead of just going 100mph? Holy fuck this game is bad

McCree is Hispanic and Torbjorn is trans now.

He was being sarcastic

Attached: Handsome Zen.jpg (784x1020, 105K)

No, but a lot of people out there certainly want that.

She wasn't designed to please casuals.

Honestly the only reason I put up with this shit game for as long as I did. Everything about Zen is proof that even Blizzard can do something right once a in a while, kinda like the infinite monkey theorem.

He's Haitian though, if you're talking about this guy. One of the least represented kind of negroes. There's 3 black people in the game now, not necessarily some kind of crime or anything.

I was giving the middle finger to Blizzard.

Attached: _overwatch__zenyatta_believes_in_you__by_the_alleycat-da6ifge.png.jpg (894x894, 112K)

He looks like he fucks white dudes

She's the only one that fits the aesthetic, theme and gameplay style for the game. The others are either memes, retarded design decisions incarnate, or both. And Ana'a design is not perfect, mind you.

People are going to call him African American while not being from either.

grandma and the spic are the only good ones

Then keep doing that. Zen is one of the reasons I try to come back to this game.

Attached: Zen POTG.png (800x450, 529K)



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>Hating on Orisa
fuck you


Attached: tim-moreels-new1.jpg (1920x1080, 448K)

Hey guys, Stylosa here! *laughs at nothing* Ladies and gents, ladies and gents! Ha ha!

Fuck Overwatch

>I wont play unless their are POC
Alt SJWs
>I wont play unless there are whites

>female McCree

Attached: ehhh.jpg (735x501, 74K)

Are you actually fucking retarded?

Let me guess: He's called Mandingo and he fucks Mercy.

Why do you guys want to be victims?

I hate this game but I would fuck the shit out of Mei in every single hole

Her legendary skin is much better.
>blue eyed brunette

Attached: tumblr_phr829kgto1s6ub5do1_400.gif (300x358, 1.97M)

Hatians should've been content with Reggie.

>the only healer I enjoy in the game is some transfaggot
I still haven't forgiven Blizz for this.

Twenty bucks says Actiblizz will not add another white male til 2021

Brigitte's design kind of sucks actually. But yeah, this Baptiste guy's design is probably my least favorite in the entire game.
It's a hard thing to do, to incorporate minorities into a game without people complaining in the current political climate. Hell, this game even has a Street Fighter-style setup where it's just a bunch of dudes from all over the world fighting alongside one another and people still complain, and faggots like this: will keep making having the opposite political opinions to the media establishment look like shit to everyone who isn't a right-wing snowflake.

Attached: file.png (300x300, 202K)

That's a summer themed outfit.

I'm sure we tried

Attached: 1550828097595.jpg (1200x900, 145K)

>burst fire hero with cowadooty exo jump pack

Attached: youneedabandageforthat.png (1617x604, 532K)

Why what happens in 2021?

>Game of guns and high tech equipment

Nigga can only punch stuff with a gaunlet that he stole.

>immortality field


Attached: 5477434.png (3180x1448, 3.2M)

Move Moira over

>Original OW trailer shows Paris completly fucked overrun by anarchists with the Eiffel Tower Barely standing and with what looks like Talon Soldier trying to maintain control
>What we get instead is a generic nice looking city just like Rialto and a guy who looks like he wouldn't even be a named NPC in another game
Why is Blizzard so afraid of doing something fun with their setting?

>immortaility field
Pack it up, game's dead

Attached: vomit.jpg (900x900, 166K)


Holy fuck could you make a more boring looking character. He looks like an Xcom Recruit

>basketball american
>being caught dead wearing the colors of the worst team in the league

What did blizzard mean by this

Attached: orb.gif (498x372, 922K)

>has two Ults

Holy shit he's OP as fuck

>more braindead support abilities
And they wonder why the game is dead. Support and tank cocksleeves killed this game.

Does even more sustained damage than Zenyatta, the support that focused on dealing damage.


>no well-defined motifs
>no visually distinct features
>disgusting color palette
>looks like an amateurish fan character assembled for recolored McCree parts

They could've come up with anything their hearts desired, and they deliver this utterly generic-looking, bootlegged Rescue Heroes looking nigga instead. How embarrassing.

Attached: 1548231140838.png (636x900, 308K)

He's not even American

H-he likes jazz music and walks in the park.

>Tonton Macoute

Brave choice

That's just a male Bangalore with a Scouter.



Attached: Untitled.jpg (3180x1448, 665K)

>He looks like an Xcom Recruit

Attached: 1191783655419.jpg (267x251, 43K)

>That's a summer themed outfit
Which you can wear all year round, no one wears the default skins in overwatch.


Attached: DEMODEMOMAN.png (1600x900, 1.64M)

Enlighened individualist. How many times have you read Locke?

Baptiste even sounds like an Xcom randomly generated name

all of earth is american whether they know it or not

Those Apex Legends numbers are Grade A absolute bullshit.

Attached: 1433559685801.jpg (245x204, 18K)

Remember how Braindead Op Brigette at launch was? remember people climbing to diamond by spamming her to show how broken she is? yea its going to happen again.

>invulnerability on a 10s cooldown
game is deader than dead

design so generic he looks like a random background character

yeah 17k and then it always randomly jumps up to 100k+ during tourneys. I'm sure blizz is inflating their viewership numbers somehow.

Also here's some patch notes btw, lots of buffs and nerfs

Blue and orange? Is this guy toothpaste and orange juice man?

Not until you add level caps for competitive, finish matches as soon as one person leaves, nerf the cc, reduce Hanzo's hitbox and get a way to figure out when a user quits and when there's a blackout before banning them.

Attached: cf2.jpg (680x459, 65K)

>asians raised in asia
>asian raised in western country

>asians raised in asia
Black Panther got half $500million from China alone

These are all terrible suggestions.

Baptiste is going to be nerfed twice as hard as brig

>people watching the game = people playing

Nah. Still playing Paladins.

>Not Batista

Attached: batista-01.jpg (1200x1800, 266K)

How do dumb fags like you not know what correlation is

>add black character

Yea Forums you guys really fucking wilin, just say its dead because its a bad game, not because some black characters make you uncomfortable

the movie wasn't bad, it was just average marvel movie, the only reason we hate it, it's because SJW shit is constantly being pushed in our faces all day + the whole oscars thing

Oh wow, a lamer version of Lucio with a run cycle that makes him also look like a retard.
They're just firing on all cylinders.

Attached: Fagtivision Jizzlard stock.png (632x520, 25K)

NEVER work in anithing videogame related i beg of you

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i don't care about that, in fact doomfist is my most played hero, even if his design is just ok
BUT THIS, this motherfucker has the worst character design in the game

>game is so unbalanced that you need to create a hero that does invulnerability on a 10s cooldown

Attached: 1528157129769.jpg (397x440, 15K)

What the fuck were they thinking

Attached: 1540159625657.png (534x302, 180K)

It's not exactly that he designs the characters.

Anons hated it from the start before the sjw shit and wanted it to bomb, they even wanted Spiderverse to bomb

What's wrong with Spiderverse?

Swap Moira and Hammond

Has there even been one white male added since the game released?

It has a black in it


Chu sucks but it's the people working on gameplay that are seriously letting this game die. Firing the dude in charge of the mediocre writing wouldn't make the game more fun to play

>Moira: white female
>Brigitte: white thicc female
>Wrecking Ball: cute hamster
>Ashe: sexy white female
>Baptiste: "omg new black overwatch hero muh sjw pandering"

Will you fucking stop you retarded anti-sjw babies? his skin is black so it's automatically pandering? you're overreacting like sjw's. inb4 centrist meme.

>10 released characters
>2 are black
>Pol complains

Why does this irritate me in a similar way SJWs irritate me.

I want to furiously pat hana's head.

ewww no

Blizz is insisting he's not good with GOATS setup and better as a direct counter.

Attached: 1510066561618.png (465x395, 126K)

there's your problem m8

>Yo team we have to run baptiste or that widow is going to headshot us all.

Or we can just spam spacebar, ctrl and A D keys, we don't get headshot anymore.

White females aren't white user. I don't get it either, but it's how it goes over here.

This is the actual problem. There's nothing interesting about Baptiste. He's as generic as they come.

Imagine being this obsessed with race and sex

Geoff Goodman, Lead Designer taking question at twitch/karq if you wanna ask why he black

Attached: 1421514264503.jpg (438x428, 18K)


You didn’t include Winston did you

When I was in my early-twenties I was onboard for being against of "pandering" and whining about SJW's.

I've grown up and I don't give a fuck about pandering anymore. As long as the characters are interesting with some fun lore I really don't care about race and sex.

These edgy children, including SJW's are the worst bunch circlejerking each other off about race and sex in entertainment is probably one of the most wasteful times I've ever seen people whining about unimportant shit.

tl;dr I'm not a young kid anymore, grew out of caring about race and sex.

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>claims he's not obsessed with sex

Attached: 1270592496415.gif (163x128, 17K)

Winston was in the game from the start, nice try though retard.

That's even worse.

His default color scheme is shit, but this guy is nothing like mccree. I would argue that he’s more of a Soldier/Ana hybrid

He forgot to include Hamond as white since whites are rodents


user have you read the replies at all?
The theme seems to be "oh, okay. I don't care".
That's the response most places actually.

white women and black guys are SJW approved. As long as there's no wh*te "men".

What's the consensus on social media about this character? Or is it all just "yay a new POC was added! So diverse!"

this place is dead user

I'm not angry or anything. Seriously - who gives a shit about Overwatch at this point?

Winston is a pure boi and I will fight you if you compare him to that fortnite rip off.

>can't balance the few heroes we have in game
>better keep adding more imbalanced ones
Surely this will not backfire again

Attached: 1522448501186.jpg (650x650, 109K)

you can't look at those lame ass shoes and seriously tell me this asexual faggot potato is designed well

How do dumb fags like you not know that correlations don't automatically mean causations.


>Everyone talking about his appearance and not his cancerous skillset
He's going to be awful to play against. It's like Blizzard is trying to make another Brig.

Every comment is one of these things:

>Thanks for added a Haitian to the game as I myself and Haitian

>oh wow a POC, but he's not a woman

>getting tired of all these SJW complaining about wanting their group represented, now could we please add a white male character so I can relate with them

>this kit is fucking broken immortality is a shit mechanic

>lol is this the fortnite guy/demoman

Or something like that.

The immortality field won’t even do anything if you can’t get through the shields. People are way overestimating how powerful it is. It’s a stationary target that’s little more than a distraction. Torb turrets are more powerful than this dumbass immortality field.

I like her design, personally. Her being a lanklet David Bowie and all.

Attached: Die bitch.png (617x529, 350K)

But he can heal himself?

Fucking hell that's one flawless redditor impression.

Attached: 1312976241639.jpg (620x588, 71K)

You’re autistic if you think zen is dead. Transcendence and Discord Orb are still OP abilities, and he’s an important part of the most popular comp right now. GOATS still op lol

>this reddit spacing

you sound like an idiot

While the immortality field being stationary is going to definitely hurt it somewhat with the current GOATs meta, once you get into a defensive position or an area like a choke, he's going to make GOATs infinitely worse. He can AoE DoT heal, he can ranged AoE heal, and he can keep you immortal for X time while Reinhardt prevents the field from being shot down. It might make Reinhardt a better pick over dive when running Baptiste, but that doesn't mean GOATs itself isn't getting worse by his existence.

Go back to first grade, because you obviously don’t know how to read. None of his abilities involve shields in any way

>Beam type weapon damage reduced by 20% against armor
>Sombra hack cooldown HALVED when hacking medpacks
>Torb gains 50 armor to his base health, giving him total of 250 health
On the other hand
>Infra-sight cancelled when Widow dies.

Attached: 1541761162239.jpg (381x330, 57K)

He's right though.

I'll come back when they fix the dogshit game engine, update all the mechanics for every character that they halfassed, and have a game mode that's not just tryhard 6v6

Just shoot at the drone you retard. Allies in the immortality field aren’t immune to damage, they just stay at 1 health until the drone is destroyed.

Your opinion is outdated. Games are political now, people who play games are political now. It will never go back, this is the result of video games becoming big. Any black character added to games in the New Tens is pandering garbage and anything before it is magically not.

kiketaku literally seething that he isn't a female

>source: dude trust me

>demoman invented grenade launchers
>demoman invented black characters
>fortnight invented yellow clothing
>apex predators invented multiplayer games
Can you faggots stop with this bullshit? Also every time they release a hero it's like this:
>"he/she is so OP" in PTR
>blizzard does an adjustment before live
>"still OP" because morons can't counter them yet and there's people who snort adderall and play the new hero 16 hours a day for weeks just dominating everyone because of their inexperience
>blizzard caves and nerfs new hero
>everyone stops playing him/her
>everyone adjusts to having the hero around, now they're underpowered
>blizzard makes 0 adjustments for about a year
>finally buff or rework
>if rework, repeat cycle. if buff, nobody really cares and everyone focuses on another new hero

Sombra and Ana are the only good designs

>Caring about reddit spacing

Holy shit you're one massive moron

>apex predators
you're losing your touch, grampa. want me to wheel you in so you can play on your crusty old test server?

I guess 90% of /pol/ are redditors too...Wait is Yea Forums basically just reddit now?

Are you telling me Zayra is going to come out weaker against Briggs ult now?

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>Just Chatting
I threw up a little in my mouth

Blizzard never said Moira is trans. Why are you people so retarded?

Did you think that was the only thing that gave you away?

Yes. The patch notes mention Symmetra, but I assume Zarya is also affected.
Possibly Moiras succ beam too and that was already weak as shit.

These new Demoman skins suck

why does the general population have such shit taste

only in prison

It should be stated that the field can be destroyed, but its still dumb as fuck since it still takes a bit of damage to actually kill it. I dont know exact damage numbers but a direct hit from a Junkrat bomb did around half of its health, which is way too much health for something so busted

>new character
>not hazmat guy
>another support
come on

Attached: vfuTMet.png (267x408, 283K)

He looks nothing like demo beside being black

He has 3 perfectly fine designs in his origins video, all with distinct silhouettes, but they decide to go with the goofiest looking one. Fucking why?

Attached: baptiste.jpg (1018x996, 194K)

reroll to the patch that nerfed mccree and made dva not useless and rework or delete all of the characters added since. rework or remove stuns and ults too and make the game reward skill and that might be enough to save it.

Of course. They will most likely make a younger version skin for him in hopes of people opening loot boxes to get in.

bottom left looks great

Fuck, you're right.

How its Brigitte now?Nerfed to hell?

Whose dumbass idea was it to not make quickplay an option so we can actually see what the fuck he'll be like in an actual environment instead of only letting us do No Limits without making a custom game?

they added a black S76?

>Support has the least amount of heroes
Take a wild guess

Attached: monkey.jpg (990x682, 57K)

Fucking Blizzard. I would be okay with the longer wait time between new heros if it meant we got heros with more well thought out kits. But every character after Ana has been terribly designed.

>we will never have a German character with poison gas based attacks

>every character after Ana has been terribly designed
t. brainlet who doesn't know about wrecking ball


So when are they adding bimbos to this game?

Mercy is in though

>GOATs exists because a 3 healer 3 tank comp effectively has immortality via shitloads of healing and shitloads of HP
>Everyone fucking hates it

>new hero literally has an ability called "immortality field"


though I remain cautiously optimistic that this will enable more squishy comps to be played due to them finally getting to enjoying the luxury of immortality everyone else has had for months

Overwatch is secretly racist:
Mostly white characters are good, while black or brown characters are bad. This is clear when you divide into team Overwatch and team Talon:
Talon: 4 black and brown baddies, 1 white gay baddie
Overwatch: 5 white literal ubermensch (rein and mercy)

If you didnt understand the critique of the sjws in the game, omnics are literal Npcs being ruled by Black people. Fucking hilarious, but most people will miss it.

>have nearly perfect cute renegate soldier design

Attached: 1546857216323.png (464x452, 187K)

But Moria is white

Why does almost every "hero" look like a generic mook in other games? Ironically the actual mass produced automaton is one of the few characters with actual character.

Attached: 332px-Bastion-portrait.png (332x350, 124K)

His default is shit so that they can get everyone to buy loot boxes to get his Talon skin.

They made mercy into a bimbo?

Because people are boring.

Attached: untitled_by_wpbcrazy-db2wo53.png (300x300, 124K)

No they mean more white women and gay white men.

Haha, that fucking head looks like a cut wire.

So they can shove the better looking ones into loot boxes. He will probably have a talon skin right off the bat as an skin. And if it isn't added from the start, they will sooner add a skin to make him look like the top left.

You'll have to wait until the next Archives event, where it'll be Legendary status at 3k price tag because it slightly changes the appearance of his abilities.

Irish people aren't white

Yeah, it's surprising since they could have just had Overwatch-Killmonger and would have been super popular if he still wore his Talon armor

>makes shitty fortnite character instead of badass lawless talon soldier
They were so close

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His hair was perfect in the trailer. And then they had to vanilla is up like this. Why are they like this?

Bunch of slack jawed nigger retards in this thread kneejerking saying he is going to be OP. Give him some time in the actual fucking game. The only explicitly OP hero to drop was Brigitte.

It's not hard to find out for yourself. Just look at twitch numbers. Which are low and then go play the game and watch how long it takes to find a game.

omg all this forced diversity

Attached: STselect.png (384x224, 53K)

The only people complaining that he is black are either being retarded just to be retarded, or actual racist. Just ignore them.

looks like vegeta had sex with demoman

That has to be one of the most uninspired vidya designs I've seen in awhile, sasuga actiblizzard
Paladins has better designs at this point

Attached: paladins western characters done right.webm (1280x720, 1.13M)

Having non-white characters being evil isn't racist and having good ones isn't SJW

>one eye covered (even the same one)
>his gun looks just like demo'd sticky launcher made by little tykes

Attached: 1500511679084.png (298x273, 168K)

Why can't we play tf2 with waifus? Why did they try to turn all the FPSes into casual-tourney shit?

The sticky launcher is a fucking tube with a drum attatched to it. It's not a mind blowing design. Shut the fuck up

Who the fuck is still watching people play GTAV and fucking why? What is there to see at this point?

>get a way to figure out when a user quits and when there's a blackout before banning them.

Attached: 1540509173711.gif (500x276, 783K)

>hating on my pet hamster in a hamster ball mech

Fuck off and get over your hate boner for OW. If you were to look at the full gun you would see that it's different.

You have something to say, or all your arguments just you posting funny pictures?

Ahh let's see how you cope vith gas I wonder?

How come they never hire black people to design black people? I'm positive Blizzard can afford Nikolas Draper-ivey. twitter.com/NikDraperIvey

Attached: DwNkZqVXgAEly8r.jpg (2048x1534, 735K)

>soldier 76 fucks all the girls in fanmade ow porn
>gook spergs out and makes him gay
>fills the game with buff black dudes and white women

i swear chinese are worse than the jews

Holy fuck, imagine if this guy designed the ex-EvilGuys medic, he'd be metal as fuck.
What the fuck
The reason is that Blizzard's commitment to diversity, like most other major corporations, is surface-level only. For all the complaining about SJWs, ecen the corporations aren't genuine in their support of it. They do it for monies and attention and good press.

>doesn't know that correlation doesn't equal causation
Fucking irony

Attached: 1503339971166.gif (300x330, 950K)

I think his argument is that you're a nigger, nigger.

If you haven't realized how shit Overwatch or Blizzard's character design is by now there really isn't much hope for you left.

>that one hardcore 76 fan girl who had a self insert love interest for 76 hasn't posted on her accounts since they made 76 gay

Attached: 1549334686980.png (300x279, 60K)

Wew lad, sorry I insulted your waifu's bull

Forsen streamed it

Attached: 1541450536205.png (731x540, 435K)

Sorry you're still playing a dead game

There are two blacks in total and the buffest guy in the game is white

>ActiBlizz killed somebody with gay

Attached: 1544842507360.png (721x509, 270K)

What I said had nothing to do with Blizzard character design.

Fuck me you're right
Doesnt change how boring he looks by default

I only got into the game like 2 weeks ago because I started dating a girl that's super into it so it's still fairly interesting to me, but looking back at the rate of new content release and the way they handle balance I'm genuinely surprised people keep giving them money. I think of all the other team shooters that didn't make it but deserved it 10 times more and just get upset

He's right though. The hard core TF2 fans will reach as far as possible to compare OW to TF2, and insult it. While at the same time some of them will praise Paladins for being a good game.

No, it was a strawman against a fictional enemy so you could feel like you were in the right. Well done, reddit, you did it again.

>he's named after one of history's worst tyrants

Attached: 16bitkek.gif (404x416, 204K)

no it basically makes sniper characters unplayable on offense and makes stunning outright stronger than killing someone

the fun part is it might make some of the 2cp maps LITERALLY unplayable because youll be able to put the immortal thing in a place the enemies cant destroy it but still have it reach the point meaning infinite stall with no counterplay

>everything I disagree with is reddit

>The "Lucio isn't black" meme
It was never funny.

Because she's been nerfed five times since she arrived.

Lucio, Doomfist and this guy make three don't they?

No, but acting like reddit does make you reddit

How was I acting like reddit?

>Blizzard never said Moira is trans.
Depends how much lower their sales get.

You have to AIM



>They make 76 a wasted pick
>Scare off the last few people playing him with controversy (Though that's a stupid reason to drop the character)
>Try to buff his pick rate by giving him a partner character in Baptiste
>Except nobody will play Baptiste like the high ground support they thought of
>He'll just enable Bastion degeneracy and shit
Be honest, do the people who make this game have literally any idea what they're doing?

Instead of replying to any of the anons having a problem with him being black, who supposedly in your mind exist, you found the one guy in the thread who you agreed with you and responded to him instead, attempting to create a circlejerk instead of taking on the opposition.

>come back
The game isn't dying, stop acting like you "won" even though you didn't do a damn thing to stop it, you lazy piece of shit.

That water fight sounds funner than everything Overwatch has going for it at this point.

>new female hero
>small breasts
>new male hero
>hunk #5226662 with his guns out
Blizzard you fucking cowards.

Attached: 5346346.gif (500x281, 862K)

Sounds like normal Yea Forums to me

>it's another white man insecurity thread

It is now

Snipers will be literally the least affected heros by this guy. His field is like 5 meters and snipers can just stand far away and wait it out while sniping anybody not directly on that haitian dick.
If the meta shifts like I hope then I guarantee the squishy coming back first will be widow because one shots will always be strong as fuck even if theyre only available 10% of the time.

Also dont forget his field runs out.
Imagine a junk just waiting to tire a team all touching each others dicks in a nice 2 meter clump the second their field runs out or gets killed.

It will be useful for sure but it wont be a silver bullt for stall. At best it'll be used to protect ults like dragonblade or nano rein charging in all suicidal like.

It'll be more interesting than most people seem to think.
but im sure it'll get fucked up with some release day patch like always

>do the people who make this game have literally any idea what they're doing?
The head honcho just said (literally days ago) that they didn't expect people to "main" characters. In a game where they go to untold lengths to create skins, personalized animations, dances, where they hire voice actors and promote the game with very expensive inhouse CGI.

No, they have no idea what they're doing which is why fortnite and apex are eating their lunch.

Attached: 154235415.png (1200x630, 1.43M)

Swap Doomfist and Moira.

Call me when they make a loli hero like based HOTS team did.

Attached: orphea-heroes-of-the-storm.png (1000x563, 587K)

There's also no point with arguing with the anti-black characters people. I've tried in the past and it wall ends the same with them just going in circles to try and reason why they aren't racist. Very few people will give me an actual good reason for why they don't agree with making a character black.

She got porn yet?

Imagine ending your analysis of a character on whether they got a coochie or a ding dong

I don't like this guy because he looks like he belongs in gay disco porno from the 80's. I don't like most black women in games because they usually are the stryong, indupendant black womyn w/ afro woh don' need no man written like a mary sue

>they didn't expect people to "main" characters
I get that the whole gimmick was counter picking the counter pick and blah blah blah, but seriously? That's honestly fucking hilarious. They didn't expect some people to gravitate to a sniper playstyle, like the paladin aesthetic of Brig from their WoW days, or waifu/husbando someone?

Can't argue with a defensive eraser dick wh*toid, they'll never listen.

You could save everyone time and just say you don't like black people in video games

This, but unironically.

t. McCree main


Attached: 1542072501351.png (1000x1414, 1.93M)


You are the few I agree with then because your actual complaints are out of overall design and being bored of certain stereotypes.


>Paladins characters look like this now

Why did nobody tell me sooner?

Pretty sure he was scrapped because of Mei/Ana.

That's not true, I like this gal

Attached: Amanra_desert.png (624x404, 528K)

But they already have the twink and titty monster heroes, let other tastes have their fun.

She was one of their first characters

>people still play this garbage

Stop supporting Blizzard.

Needs more but thanks bruh

Looks like a generic nu-shooter character

HARD pass.

Attached: 1550255159633.png (446x435, 81K)

I play it still pretty regularly and usually doesn't take more than a minute thirty depending on the game mode. Specialty modes might be a bit more and competitive with a group usually takes 3 mins.

ah yes, I thought I recognized that shade of safebrown

They would've tossed magic bowie under the bus before CoD man.
If they didn't already, they aren't going to.

Damn Turks look like THAT

Remember back in 2009 when we lost our shit because half the cast of L4D2 was black? Yeah neither do I. There were those few retards who were upset and those who claimed to only have a problem with a black female. nu/v/ continues to be cancer

orange and blue

the black female was the worst character in the series

unironically kill yourself resetera tranny

Is he fun? I mained support.

I just looked at his abilities and as I expected he’s extremely liable to be cancer
>mobility tool
>literal invincibility field that apparently lasts 8 seconds
>splash healing
>aoe heal that doesn’t depend on being near him after activation
>x2 damage amplification for his ult
>apparently has a fairly strong burst rifle as his primary because god forbid a healer can’t kill people easily
Like I look at this and I ask myself why would I play zen, or fuck even mercy?

Not really, you can kill the little flying stationary drone that makes it.

The fuck is a character? That guy is just a function that will be the target of esports/competitive shit-flinging

Attached: 1544917165593.png (129x182, 33K)

They might bitch it is not a female black.

Imagine not knowing the difference between a well written black person in a video game, and a POC character obviously shoehorned in because actiblizzard are running a little low on cash. Next time blizzard dips mercy will be revealed as trans.

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>If they're not cowtits, they're small
Neck yourself, fatfag.

Attached: 1470354333101.jpg (720x720, 172K)

Devs/pubs are doing this REGARDLESS if they're desperate for cash.

>Haiti is now France

Attached: 1401405957682.jpg (723x1000, 135K)

if only

Attached: 1501729497603.png (470x415, 404K)

Try out Paladins if you haven't already for fun supports. That aside his heal grenades look fun.

It floats so you can't body block it, but faggots are of course going to find weird spots to place it that make it impossible to push through

>Overwatch will be played for decades because it's the most polished and supported hero shooter and Yea Forums is seething over it

Attached: reaction33.gif (230x175, 2.07M)

> forced diversity!
> corporate exploitation!
> they're going to make everyone trans!

This is your brain on /pol/.
Fucking idiots, I swear.


Attached: lolihaet.png (738x647, 382K)

>unplug computer when losing
Unless you want blizzard contacting everyone's local power companies whenever someone D/C's there's absolutely no way to tell.

>Having low standards
>Being proud of that

>titty monster heroes
Fucking who?

Thats a Overwatch character?!
Jesus Christ, what happened?
We had badly designed characters before but that is a new low.
Looks like a fucking Fortnite/Apex generic character. And I thought Soldier 76 was going to be the only normal FPS shooter character in that game.

In before he is gay and it riles up the hoteps

More disappointed because it just shows that well polish will beat good core game play every time, and we will never have another FPS as great as old Quake and TF2 again. Paladins came close then they fucked it all up.

Who else?

Attached: 1478031237044.jpg (774x1049, 668K)

I don't go on /pol/, but alright. Enjoy your representation knowing it attracts people like you like flies to shit.

>somba bad design

Attached: 1509872173592.jpg (1440x798, 548K)

Maplestory will outlive overwatch in playerbase and lifespan


Jamaicans had exactly the right amount of characters, we need to reinstate our 1 bumbaclot per game policy.

What you consider big is horribly off-balance. D-cups are big. Consider consuming less porn.

Plus, inhumanly large tits are unattractive.


>Bottom right makes it look like he doesn't have dreads, just legit sausage sized hair

Attached: 1492836176114.png (464x447, 182K)

>heals, attack amplification wall, AND has "immortality" shield

Jesus Christ, do they not know what balance means?

>implying Mei is actually that big

Her tits aren't that big on model.
What you consider big if off balance, consider consuming more porn.
We're not talking about real people here, jackass. Sky's the limits in fantasy, stop trying to limit it.

Irish faggot

>Overwatch has bad core gameplay
>literally 30 different play styles
keep being a mindless drone, retard

>why the fuck do niggers cry about being represented in every fucking thing
>why the fuck aren't there more straight white guys
One or the other m8. Either representation doesn't matter at all and both you and whiny nigs should shut up crying about it, or it matters and having a western black is necessary for them to be represented.

Attached: 1483369708579.jpg (1221x739, 87K)

>Blizzard game
>Not being destroyed by power creep

Attached: Nice titties.png (650x789, 374K)

Who cares about designs when gameplay is janky horseshit?
I like Paladins more than OW but OW is thousand times more fluid in terms of combat and movement. Hi-rez's game engines aren't very good.

Representation isn't a requirement or desire for people who actually enjoy games. Please think logically for a moment.

Floppy boulders are disgusting. We don't need tits bigger than the head.

Kill yourself faggot.

>tfw still no loli hero
Fuck this game.
We can have hamster but not lolis.
If its okay to put small animals in a shooter then its okay to put kids too.

MY tits are bigger than those and I'm a fucking guy

>every character just boils down to click q
What great game play.

>Sky's the limits in fantasy, stop trying to limit it.
Overwatch isn't an anime titty game. You're not going to see tittymonsters ever.

So why bitch about the lack of specifically white male heroes?
If it doesn't matter then why give a shit that the game about a global task force has more than just Americans and Europeans.

Having a lot of characters doesn't equal good game play.

>Overwatch will be played for decades because it's the most polished and supported hero shooter

As someone who bought it day 1 I wish that was true.
I like Overwatch, it has potential, but they keep fucking it up even further.
And well, the playerbase IS dying, thats just facts.

They are perfect

Attached: Sleepyhead.jpg (1024x597, 38K)

>every shooter boils down to click target
Boiling something down leaves you with damn near nothing, every time.

Imagine liking fat, disproportionate cows so much you develop a complex about it.

Attached: 1431865114570.jpg (383x382, 9K)

>fat chick has the biggest tits
I'm glad blizzard knows what they're doing.

>Decades to come
>Only had about 2.3k people playing last December
>I run into the same couple of people dozens of times in a row over the course of a weak

[x] Doubt

women are the niggers of gender

>they keep fucking it up even further
claims of a mindless drone, the game is in better state than it ever was
>the playerbase IS dying, thats just facts
fake info that you pulled out of your ass equals facts? ok retard, there's literally no way to prove that the playerbase is shrinking, only blizzard knows it

>spend years agitating against media representation you don't like
>get mad that someone else is agitating against media representation they don't like
Both groups are faggots but the alternate is in response, meaning the fag who brought it to the table is in the wrong.

I'm not a loli kind of guy but I gotta agree.
D.Va carries the barely legal bracket but the half measure of trying to have Orisa's creator hold the loli bracket is ignoring a market.

I'm mad at the hypocrisy. The justifications for both are inconsistent and it is annoying, so I call them to task whenever I see them use their same tired reasoning.

>recently reinstalled Paladins to see if the waifus are better than Overwatch
>the models look nice, but literally 99% of the female models have a stupid piece of clothing right over her butts so you cant see shit

Why developers do this dumb shit

I'm not even racist but I'm keeping a countdown of the last time they added a straight white male character.
I'm just interested to see how hard they can press themselves to never release another one.

Well yeah, but I was going more for "Hey your game crashed because we're inept. Here's your punishment bro."

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