Yea Forums this game is fun as fuck why did no one talk about this before?
MTG Arena
It isn't on consoles
They do, the mtga general is very active in /vg/
Look i made this great deck haha
Time to take this bad boy for a spin
>Saproling swarm enhanced i choose you
Oh FUCK how did it come to this???????
I envy you. It's your first mtg experience. Enjoy it while it lasts, as soon as this current Standard completely rotates out every subsequent set will feel joyless bland and tiresome to you.
He is still going
>no EDH
standard is a trannycentric format
oh shit it's time booooiiiiis
EDH is all about being a special snowflake and whining when your wombo combo doesn't resolve.
>playing EDH online
still better than braindead netdeckers piloting monoU.
>not playing EDH both offline and online
My suffering is finally over
I'd rather play standard online for free with a bunch of brainlets playing Mono U than drop several thousand dollars to play with a bunch of try hard combos.
Amazing game highly recommend it
> be carfull deep penetration may apply
EDH is an expensive combo circlejerk only if you play against tryhards.
So it only sucks if you play against anyone remotely good at Magic?
>anyone remotely good at Magic = tryhard netdecker asspulling breakfast hulk on t2
Game is fun until you realize how much it takes to build a fucking deck and you keep playing the same deck against the same other 3 or 4 meta decks. Maybe if you whale and you have enough to play limited and make jank decks.
Shadowverse was here, MTGA is for trannies.
Why would you want to play EDH online? I play modern on Cockatrice but I host a weekly Magic night for mostly EDH and I can't imagine it being nearly as fun without people in person. Also Arena isn't ready to try and automate the wealth of interactions that would occur.
I'm not against wanting to make sure your opponent has no super fuck you's ready (like summoning a couple extra creatures or attacking with multiple when just one would do in case they have something like an Act of Treason or a Fog) but shit like this just pisses me off.
I mean, yeah. That's how this game works. I don't know what EDH group you're in, but every one I've seen has turned into tryhards with $3,000 decks.
Not my fault that your local meta is flooded with tryhard cedh mouthbreathers.
>playing online
>not expecting tryhards
Have you ever played any online game in the history of ever?
Dunno, its nice but i preffer Gwent and the beautiful art in it
I like how i started this thread to show off my MTG experience and it turned out into you 2 arguing over magic
sums up Yea Forums i guess
I don't care since I don't play EDH. The format doesn't have any real prize support, and I can just borrow decks instead of dropping several thousand dollars.
Have fun with your Timmy circlejerk.
>gachashit from before the term "gachashit" was coined worldwide
i want to like that game but i hate the grind. what is the better alternative: cockatrice or xmage?
Can you make a goblin deck?
yes but pure goblins kinda suck. splashing black for the sweet sweet rakdos goodness is where all the fun's at
Yeah, make red.
nugobs are bad
because its trash compared to all the other free ccgs already available like yugioh and shadowverse and duelyst
I have adhd and cant play it more than 2 turns.
duelyst is dead, the devs killed it
sad because it was actually good
so how viable are slivers in this?
user... Arena is standard only
Play gates
It's alright for quick fixes. I just wish they didn't nerf rewards for events.
Having fun with a Golgari no-spell deck. I just have to get enchantment off and I rarely lose when I proc it.
Because I'm too poor to play it
>shitty grind
>no trades
It was fucking nothing from the start.
enchantments ARE spells
No instant or sorceries. My bad.
I'd play it if I could build all of my old decks that I had the actual cards for, but plansewalkers are cancer and half of my favorite cards are banned/don't exist on MTGA
Never played magic always been a yugioh fan but it resently somehow managed to become even more shit so im glad im getting into it through MTGA eventhough i suck ass and not welling to pay a dime but fuck it i guess what do u recommend as a better option
This is unironically true, chasing after trannies is like the only thing the company is interested in, fewer companies have been more aggressive in their desire to display total contempt for its primary demographic.