How is Yea Forums enjoying Metro: Exodus
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It's pretty buggy sometimes, but definitely worth the pirate. If it was patched it might be one of my favorite games recently.
It's fantastic. But virgins are still crying about Epic. Imagine being that flustered over something so stupid.
Probably going to actually buy it if it comes out on GoG.
My only complains are forced action sequnces where you are under heavy fire, it's unsuitable for ranger hardcore as you die in 2 hits and enemeis are almost instant hitscan deathmachines and no manual saves on RH.
Good, but glitchy
>Unskippable in-engine cutscenes
>Literally CoD with open world
>Fuckton of bugs
Why the fuck people like this shit?
There's not FOV option. Is there a way to change the fov with launch options or an ini file? This shit is like looking through a cardboard tube
Editing the config like in the previous two games works, search on pcgamingwiki
> Gluchovsky apparently hates putin and his corrupted gov, propaganda b/s etc and wrote Metro accroding to his beliefs in order to make young rus generation to THINK about it all
Wtf I love these games even more now.
8.5/10 for me, it has very good potential and it's a decent game but there is few problems, and the biggest for me is the caspian sea level, fuck this shit, the game could be much better with couple more linear segments
I really liked characters in this game, it feels like a famili and I unironically cried at the end
this game is like unpolished diamond, when god of war, rdr2, spiderman ets are polished shits
Is it worth buying or should I wait?
Is it worth it at the full price rn though? Does the hours/gameplay justify it?
dunno i cant buy it
How many hours of gameplay does it have on average? I would do a rough estimate myself based on Youtube playlists but would spoil shit in the process. Thanks.
18-30 hours depending how much you explore and listen to all the dialogue
Playing it for 5-6 hours a day after work. Todays 4th day and I just finished Taiga section and doing last chapter I believe
Helpful, thank you.
Not the user who you responded to, but it's not worth $60 at the moment. I would definitely pick it up on a sale though, $20 prob. Its fun, but also short.
Fuck guys, i think i have beaten it in about 12h on hardcore difficulty. Is there any way to check my playtime?
Beating this game took me 2-3 day i think, can't remember exactly.
I feel like that game looks much worse than LL and runs like shit (ultra on 1080)
And so far the game has so fucking much micro cut scenes, its frustrating. Im surprised that the ammo and items dont slip from your hands for dramatic effect when you pick them up. For the next instalment they should add new mechanic for Artyom to slip on ice every now and then so you can watch 10s cut scene watching him trying to get up
I don't know, it's hard to say, you see there is a lot of people hating on this game, and some of them like the game, I don't know which one you will become.
Pirate it and check.
I'm so conflicted with it...in terms of its narrative, story-telling and atmosphere it's one of the finest FPS games in recent years and easily one of my favourite post-apocalyptic games. But...the janky controls, glitches and bugs makes it a really difficult game to recommend. I don't think I have been that immersed in a FPS title this much since nuDoom but man at time it feels so broken. The opening level is so poor as well, it really wasn't necessary for the opening level to be such a slog, but after you aquire the train that's when the game really starts to shine.
The cannibal level is kino as fuck too
why did they add zombies
too much dialogue for an open world game
It feels like a drag. I finally just burnt out because of the Caspian Sea bit.
I'm currently trying to boil down my feelings to why I gave up, but I think it has to do with how it being an "open linear" game just ended up watering down the experience.
The train doesn't feel as cool as it should, the gunplay and stealth play are just average, the levels themselves just feels like arbitrary distractions where the reward is crafting components, or more ticks on the good boy meter.
The Caspian make me quit because the game already feels like dragging it's heels, and switching out guns soley on the train while way out in the map feels fucking dull, but trying to get around in a not really fast, lumpy, turd of a bus makes it feel even more crappy. Like I honestly wouldn't have minded some kind of fast travel option between safe houses, and before the Hardcore folks get upset, the game already allows you to customize how "realistic" the game can be by turning stuff off, why couldn't 4A just do the same? Just have an option for fast travel between safe houses and the Auroa, and having it be a switchable option in the menus.
Overall, I had a decent experience, maybe it's because RE2make surprised me with how enjoyable that game was, maybe because I just don't like how the world design, and gameplay loop was designed here in Exodus, but overall I don't really care for Exodus. And so I uninstalled it.
Sorry for the ramble, I'm still kinda conflicted on my feelings and trying to pin down what exactly is it with this game that put me off.
it's bad
it tries to be stalker but fails at it by half assing their ballistics which causes the guns to feel like shit outside of the shotguns and not having functional stealth that makes sense and not so extreme with only invisible and not invisible instead of a suspicion meter or something
>be in a slightly dark room
>shoulder is in the light slightly
>completely visible to everyone in a 400 mile radius
plus the whole train thing is completely wasted, i mean why cant you paint it, kit it out with spikes and shit, and add machine guns to it? whats the point of it other than a level transition?
plus why the fuck did they add literal zombies, christ
least miller's VA is pretty good
Ever since I learned about the morality system and how it affects the ending I lost interest in it. A game should not tell me the "right" or "wrong" way to play it. I should not be punished with a bad ending for killing people who are attempting to kill me.
I've only watched the walkthrough on YT but isn't killing those who shoot at you first is fine? Like, in moments where stealth isn't an option.
pirated, beat it, uninstalled
it is not worth full price even if it were on steam or gog
the AI is still awful
i like the more personal story
volga and the metro areas are great, except for the fucking boat
the desert area is fucking terrible
>the car exists just to get around the large map, and the map is large just so it could have a car
>exploration points amount to a small room or a body with some loot on it
>mad max rip off is boring
>the slaves are hard to care about because they're all drooling retards
forest reeks of cut content and should have been swapped with the desert in terms of size and time spent there
>least miller's VA is pretty good
He's not really good, but he's pure, moist, delicious ham, and I LOVE IT.
Why would I cry about epic when I pirated it for free? Sorry you paid the chinks lmao
If you kill any humans in any situation besides the forced gunfights it takes away your goodboy points. Based devs telling you how to play!
Normally I would disagree, but with the Caspian Sea level (man no one likes it), and the slaves, and with Damir, yeah fuck that, I don't care if they're sad slaves, if they want to die for their master, I would gladly oblige. But no the game gotta slap my hand and Damir, the dudebro Mongolian just fucks off for it.
Meanwhile Dishonored, it's as simple as "Ok just don't kill more than at least maybe 5 accident kills, and we'll give you the best ending in the game ok brosef?"
>Look up a video
>Person playing it uses a bad Russian accent and makes constant communism jokes
>Nobody in the comments has a problem with this blatant racism despite the fact said person would be torn apart if it was an Asian/Black/Arabian accent
Fuckin' double standards.
Who gives a fuck?
This guy
G.C. you ignorant cunt.
>t Stalin's Ghost
How's Hell? Tell Beria I said hi.
>If you kill any humans in any situation besides the forced gunfights it takes away your goodboy points.
So all that talk from NPCs about me only killing those armed is just talk? If I kill anyone I get points deducted? That's dumb.
Yes, for example at the start of the game, if you kill any of the cultists hunting you who will shoot you on sight, it's a bad morality.
I felt there was absolutely no reason to explore the surroundings. The only things you'll find are two basic crafting components, wohoo
Basically more of a stalker game than Metro, but not bad
fucking short, better then farcry yet still shit.
Just pirate it dude and judge for yourself, not even worth the buy. You really don't want to give epic your info when you're getting bombarded everyday with emails of chinks trying to access your account,even if you don't have one.
>lighting is fucked with and without rtx
>dlss is fucked
>no fov support, editing ini fucks up your damage indicators, binos, etc.
>runs like garbage in the desert and forest
>no more tense areas with short air filters supply
>no more tactically placed crucial items for survivals, just hundreds of crafting materials thrown everywhere and anywhere
>and 1000 other issues I have with the game
What a piece of shit. I enjoyed the canibal bunker, storming with my spartans D6 all over again. Rest of the game is generic open world trash.
Biggest disappointment in 10 years for me. I’ll go back to replaying 2033 and 2034 for the 20th time. Fuck this piece of shit.
Don’t even get me started on the motherfucking lord of flies level jesus what a garbage design. Map design in general is hideously shit anyway
Controls like shit, stealth is even worse than in the previous games, and footsteps are out of sync. Glad this became Epic store exclusive now, I might have bought it off Steam from the hype.
Forgot to add how garbage the ranger hardcore is. Previously you could see items you can pick up, like bodies had ammo on them etc. now it’s just fucking crafting materials everywhere, they can be anything, they can be inside assets (like boxes) which can either be a background asset that can’t be opened or can be opened. What a fucking garbage design. Seriously, fuck this game
You can't be racist against another species
you can recover from killing a few neutrals, killing or not killing is not the only way to gain morality points
when i got to the church, i failed sneaking around and killed a bunch of the villagers until the rest surrendered and i knocked the remainder out
i killed plenty of bandits after that and did some side stuff like finding the guitar and teddy, and saving a villager from bandits
then in the final part i killed about half of the barge group, but snuck past everyone on the bridge and I got the good ending for that area
the only area that might cause an issue is the forest one simply because everyone there will shoot you but they are all neutrals, but the stealth there is so easy you have to be really brain dead to get into a situation where you have to kill a lot of them
you can get 1 bad ending for an area and still get the final good ending
I saved the slaves twice, twice because the game is so glitched it asked me to do it again and Damir still died, I even knocked the guy out at the start of the Caspian level and didn't change anything. Ruined the story-telling for me
>spare the bandit at the start of of the desert zone
>find out later he's the key to the good(apparently) end of the zone
>he's supposed to show up at a safehouse or some shit
>never saw him
>only find out later that I fucked up and am already in the next chapter
Good game overall especially for 2019 when games have been lacking for many years. A bit buggy though.
What was your favorite open world map Yea Forums? I really dislike how Yamantau was an entire chapter when it didn't even have a open world map and felt like a call of duty shooter
It's pretty meh.
At its best moments it's STALKER-lite. At its worst you're constantly stuck on shit, using the worst vehicles ever programmed by man and waiting for animations to finish, like in RDR2. Also this game likes to throw dialogue in your face far too fucking much. Characters just drone on and on and on, and not much of what they're saying is very interesting so those parts left me bored out of my mind.
That said, it didn't leave a bad taste hanging, because the final act is actually pretty decent. Probably the best effort A4 has concluded their games with.
you can still get a good ending without dmir
it's actually very fucking difficult to get a bad end for the forest area
It's a buggy mess, but underneath all that there's a great game. Recommend pirating and maybe buying down the line when shit is fixed.
Metro's 2033 (redux) Miller was much better and felt like a friend to artyom. A comrade. But this voice actor makes Miller seem like an angry guy 24/7. Honestly Miller in this game is so different from the first 2 games. I wonder if in the books it makes more sense. Artyom is loyal and has shown himself to be capable of things plenty of times in 2033 and last light. Still he blames artyom for what happened and all. Doesn't make much sense since if it wasn't for artyom Miller would have been killed many times in the Moscow metro
The movement is awful
the desert area and AI isn't a bug
>paying chinks for anything
>walking along
>get jumped by 10 mutant gofers
What is your weapon mains Yea Forums
>Ashton Double barreled
The intro was so poorly paced and jarring that I uninstalled.
>miller's VA
Hes fucking awful. All the VAs are pretty terrible, even in Russian they overact everything.
You guys were the bad guys during the Cold War, so it's okay.
That's not true. You can kill as many bandit and slavers as you'd like. Just don't kill the fanatics, slaves, or the forest nerds.
Game would be a lot better if the mutant humans were either easier to kill or less common. They take too much ammo while you get almost nothing back from the loot you find where they are
the mouse sensitivity feels like shit. it's delayed slightly or at least feels like it. I've checked for mouse acceleration and stuff but it's not that.
also the audio balancing levels are awful. it's ruining my immersion. otherwise the game is pretty good. it looks amazing and the environmental details are nice.
Use throwing knives.
One in the head or two in the body.
Fully pumped aigun bast to the head also 1 shots them.
the checkpoint system on hardcore makes no sense, it feels like it's random.
those things stop it from being a great game and can't be fixed
Waiting for a safe torrent.
Yeah but I don't like to waste throwing knives when I miss them during a weird animation. Aigun is the tihar? Don't think I tried it. But honestly the Humanmutants felt more like a pain in the ass than actually making the game better. Really disappointing
Playing on RHC this game definitely feels rough to play there several very annoying bugs potentialy gamebreaking
>sound is all over the place and very crappy
>you can't save and you can't tell if your game has saved or not
>you can lose 30+ minutes of progression because of that
>sometimes enemies react to shots and sometimes they don't so it feels like you missed your shots
>the driving is garbage
>point of interests are unrewarding and very often uninteresting
>stealth is garbage and literally trial and error
>enemies aimbot at you which is bullshit
>everything two shots you sometimes you even die instantly
>scavenging for shit is slow and you get sick of it
>mute hero and people talking by themselves
I'm glad I didn't pay for it very frustrating to play at the moment could have been way better with a few tweaks
The desert is the best level nerd. Also the AI isn't that bad as long as you're not playing ranger hardcore. For some reason the devs made the "true experience" difficulty into some meme shit by making enemies superhuman and breaking their own stealth system.
seeing this on GGn and other private trackers where shit is generally sourced properly, please explain
You just have to not kill slaves and get the picture for the chink woman
I've completed the game on RH, and I have to agree. Playing my 2nd playthrough on hardcore fixes a lot of those issues. Enemies stop seeing you through walls, and hearing "silenced" weapons. They also can't see in the dark anymore and can perfect aim across the map anymore. It's just more balanced
Meh. I'm already onto better things. By that I mean replaying old games.
I hate boats so much