He barely playes videogames anymore

>he barely playes videogames anymore
>he continues to buy new games anyways

You are not like this, user. Are you?

Attached: 009.jpg (600x450, 30K)

>buying games

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reminder that this is Jim

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ecelebs go in

why the fuck would I buy games if i don't play them

how's the war against the skeptic community going, Jim?

>build gaming pc
>it's just overpriced surfing tool now

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Yeah, lets have a 500-post thread about twitch whores or why you being an incel keeps you from enjoying video games.

He hasn’t talked about that for two months.


Keep up user, Jim is currently observing the situation with the #KickVic situation

I wonder why.
I'm sure it's very insightful.

Jim is legit ADHD. He can't keep on one subject for more than a week before shifting gears.

People collect coins and dont spend them

What the problem?

Which is a good thing
He becomes a cringey fuck when he starts preaching

>there are people out there who still think that Habermann is that asian loving mick
>there are still people out there who don't see the former members Metokur as pack of faggots that it actually is

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>no hot skeptic drama because they’re either in hiding or stopped tarding out
>drama from the failed mma fight and morning streams due to the winter storms caught his interest

Not hard to figure out.

Last game I played was dragon quest 11. Waiting for Sekiro.

Depends on the subject. I wish he'd just finish the Photon shit already instead of just saying he'll do it. I don't really give shit about crusade drama but I wish he'd finish the humor-focused stream/vid plans.

I have a friend who buys games, plays them once then trades them. Most recently he did it with Resident evil 2. Got to RPD boarded up a window traded it.

He once bought Dead Space 2 then traded it while it was still wrapped in plastic.

I have another friend that always stops playing at the last 1/4 of a games story. autism.

I like Jim but he has been rather uninteresting lately. Haven't watched anything since Warski btfo'd Donga.

Is this what he looks like in real life? A chubby guy with a shitty beard and haircut?

Yeah idk I just have more fun collecting games than playing them nowadays.

It's true, but Habermann and Hbomberguy are the worst offenders.

>get burned out
>stop playing entirely for a year
>return to the genres i use to enjoy, now feel like i dont have the attention span / time for it anymore
>only thing i can manage anymore is multiplayer games with friends once in a while

Yes, his real name is Habermann.

I just pirate them so it doesn't matter.

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>Implying that Hybermen isn’t a fag that pussies out because he gave his detractors a inch
Metokur is a idiot but he’s still got the better end out of him

But I am.
Soon I'll have the time and energy again to play all of them. Soon. Soon for sure. This time for real. Soon.