>villains use Christian imagery

Attached: 4gf2TeC.jpg (825x1100, 831K)

Other urls found in this thread:


please remove this image it saddens me

>Hero uses Christian imagery

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Noire thread?

Attached: 4GO_Noire.png (1109x1600, 1.24M)

>Generic "Creator/Maker" figure because muh backlash

yeah, me too. Why isn't she naked on the cross?

>video game
>reminds you of real life

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Japanese games where Christian imagery/inspired imagery is shown positively.
>Fire Emblem
>Harvest Moon
>Golden Sun

>Hero is Jesus

Attached: shulk smash.jpg (1280x720, 109K)

The church of martel is the villain.

>S'appelle Noire
> N'est pas d'origine africaine

>Everyone can't stop being sarcastic or throwing in memes every other line

Persona 3. Also 5 to a certain degree; the church you go to is a friendly place, and any "Christian" enemies are Gnostic-inspired frauds.

Attached: p3__messiah_by_avodkabottle_d8zvg9h-pre[1].jpg (1103x725, 127K)

Shining Force, saves are done in a very standard church with a priest.

"Hey, China, listen. We've got these new Indians on our shores. Say they come from Europu or somesuch. What do they do?"
>Yeah, those faggots? They collect little kids and sell them to sexual slavely vely fal away.
"K, Thanks."

How on Earth could you show them off as anything else than evil given Japanese history?
Even the gods hate them. Nagasaki was the city they all went to to spread that funny cult of theirs. And they got napalm'd, then nuked.

lel, that is not what happened. At all. Christian missionaries were responsible in both China and Japan for giving them tends of technological and philosophical innovations free of charge. Japanese tend to look fondly upon the hidden Christians.

Dragon Quest my dude

Basé et rougepillé

Attached: chuchufix.jpg (200x400, 12K)

Kingdom Hearts.

Dark Souls, Bloodborne

Mother, I think.

Where does KH have Christian like imagery?

They really layed it on hard in Xenogears didn't they. Gotta love how how the localisers censored the organisation known as "The Church" to "Ethos" and it was still blatant as fuck.

>lel, that is not what happened. At all.
Read a book, user. It's not like Portuguese hide any of it. They came, they traded and East-Asia by and large issued edicts against them once they realised what was happening in those trade ports. The first Japanese to have ever been to Europe were sex slaves brought in by the "missionaries".
Hence the ban on Christianity.

the nips ruin everything

Japs had been enslaving their own kind and selling them for centuries all around East Asia. Missionaries tried to stop portugese merchant purchase of Japanese slaves and petitioned the pope to make an edict as such. Many prominent Japanese such as Nobunga had alliance with Christians.

The reason Japanese persecuted Christians was because they saw it as a foreign force which undermined tradional Japanese cultural power. Which it arguably was.

I too have only played 5 JRPGs

All the stain glass everywhere.

Some of castle part are literally inspired by christian tombs

Attached: Kostnice_Sedlec.jpg (1200x1600, 426K)

>that pic
wtf is wrong with Catholics?

what's your point? The entire Baroque and Gothic style is Christian.

Japanese slavery and European slavery are different concepts, mate.
Just like a serf and an African on American plantation were both slaves but with a completely different life.

Nobunaga had an alliance with the traders because he was the penultimate "The end justifies the means" type of person around.
Just as he was allied to buddhists and then massacred their fortress along with all non-combatants inside, he would have turned on Christians just as Hideyoshi, his right hand, had a few years after Nobunaga's death.

>I can't handle bones
yikes. Death is inevitable part of life, user.

Serfs weren't slaves. They were just bound to the land they worked. They couldn't be sold, and weren't property.

>Bladebabbie is also a Smashfag
Of course

japs use the church as a villain in every JRPG and game because of some catholic peasant rebellion in the 1700s or something. they are still butthurt about it all these years later that they even trash it in vidya lol

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>sex slaves
prove your claim

To add on to this, Christians aren't suppose to own Christian slaves.

>They couldn't be sold

They most definitely could be sold.
>Quoting wikipedia.
Kind of hard to quote a textbook since it's been ages since I've had high school history class.

>All the stain glass everywhere.

and how do you go from "stained glass" = "Christian imagery"

>real life
>villains use christian imagery

Attached: stacking teams in tf2.jpg (543x660, 98K)

Japanese slaves are believed to be the first of their nation to end up in Europe, and the Portuguese purchased large numbers of Japanese slave girls to bring to Portugal for sexual purposes, as noted by the Church in 1555.

~Jōchi Daigaku. Sophia University. 2004. p. 463.

>*persecutes and murders Christians in Japan then demonizes them in media for centuries*
I'm so glad weebs defend the poor Nippon

Did you even read your link? It says they could have only been "sold" with the land. IE if the land they worked was sold, they were still bound to it. You couldn't sell the serfs themselves.

It's not even that.
They just think it is a cool setting.

>Crucifixion is christian imagery and not a truly horrible way to murder people used by Romans.

They could be sold with the land in certain countries and wholesale in others. The whole difference is that a serf is bought only with a field for him/her to work and live on.
As opposed to a more typical slave you buy to suck your dick and make you dinner while living in a stable, no questions asked.

>christfags defending their sacred organisation from fucking video games this hard
You literally cannot make this shit up lmao

Because Christians invented stain glass in the Middle Ages, and stain glass iconography is synonymous with Christianity.

Attached: kh stain glass.jpg (1920x1080, 540K)

>bawww japs don't see my delusions as rational, THEY are seething, not me!

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look at it this way. If a business buys another business, usually all the workers keep their jobs. Does this mean the workers were sold?

Or to stick with land owning, if one landlord buys a house from another landlord, the tenants renting the place weren't sold.

What's the story of this image?

You could sell serfs across lordships (or whatever the thing is called in English) in Kingdom of Hungary, Poland, Russia,...
As I said, you had (except for Russia) to prove you were sending them to another land and not selling them off to the Greeks to some sheik's harem. But aside from that, anything was fair game.

For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.

>And they got napalm'd, then nuked.
thanks to Jews.

It is both. The reason why the crucifixion is so iconic is because it is such a horrible way to die. The idea that the highest person in the world (The Son of God) must take all the sins of the world upon himself so that the rest of the world can live without that sin is a very powerful message.

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>christian imagery
That's roman you dumbmutt

Same religion, mate. 回回 are 回回, whether they bitch about pork, cloven hooves or sinews.

The only dietary restrictions in Christianity are based on asceticism. For example, giving up fish on Friday or meat during lent for spiritual purposes. But there are no inhibition of what you can eat, just recommendations of when you should show moderation and abstain from it. Unlike Buddhism which forbids consumption of meat because it's your reincarnated grandma.

>Shoot 'em up
>Final Boss is literally Loli Jesus

Attached: iesua tlc.png (960x1280, 1.12M)

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The entire pretense of the plot is based on Kabbalism and gnostic mysticism though, so at least isn't not entirely arbitrary.

>8 priest survive despite being 100 feet from the bomb
I think the gods favored them.

>Generic "Creator/Maker" figure because muh backlash

>What is D&D
>What is Elder Scrolls

Are you retarded? Most wrpgs have a polytheistic religion witha pantheon of gods. They also tend to have more interesting stories rather than the nonsensical god-killing epics of jrpgs.

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>Everyone can't stop being sarcastic or throwing in memes every other line

Wrpgs as opposed to what? Because jrpgs are very well known for the quality of their writing, right?

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>The only dietary restrictions in Christianity are based on asceticism.

There was, Abrahamic religions just have a tradiiton of making toilet paper of their own dogmas.

Speaking of, a human would have to fuck up to reincarnate as an animal. And if they fucked up, it would mean a long stay in hell, so there's no way for the animal to be your granny.

I wasn't trying to say it was a bad thing, I like how Xenogears and the series overall does religious themes.

There is no dietary restrictions in Christianity. And there never really was. the matter was settled when St. Peter and St. Paul were still alive. there is a concept of when you should eat certain foods or not, but no concept of forbidden foods.

>And there never really was.

Chinese say otherwise. And people who know history disagree too.
Christianity abandoned it much later (anything to make the conversion of Europe easier) during one of those medieval canon vs non-canon arguments which gave name to the whole concept of canon.

that's a lie. Chinese couldn't tell the difference between Judaism, Christianity and Islam just like Westerners can't tell the difference between Japanese, Chinese and Koreans. But Christianity never had dietary restrictions. St.Peter was told explicitly by Christ in a dream not to enforce any such rule.

>video game from another culture
>uses religious lore from another culture for their story

It's all fair game unless it's Islam.

For fuck's sake, man. Look it up.

And Chinese could tell the difference. If pushed to differentiate the three, they spelled out the definition I've given you. HuiHui who abstain from cloven hooved animals (Christians), those who abstain from pork (Muslims) and those who extract sinews (Jews).
Christianity had it's own Halal/Kosher equivalent for a few hundred years before one of the convents got together and decided they really fucking liked game and this made it difficult to eat it. So they brought out the books, looked for a relevant passage (possibly wrote it in, as we know Bible's text was modified to suit the dogma from time to time) you quote and called it a day.

Oh man, I'm making a game out of trigger Retard WRPGkun. Shame it's too easy.

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>What is Prince of Persia.
>What is Aladdin.
>What is Dune.
>What is Bayonetta.
>What is Ass Creed.


you are stubborn. Read this and get back to me.

Re-read the post you're quoting (since you must have missed all the relevant parts), slap your forehead and then come back.

The Hunchback of Notre Dame world in DDD

Attached: ddd church.png (1187x668, 754K)

To be fair on that other user, I don't think there are any games where you kill anything that resembles the Muslim God.

Do you think now is the time to tell you all that crucifixion was in use by the Persians.
Christ does not have the copyright.

Good point. Should we tell him?

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That's not a primary source, retard.

>real life
>heroes use Christian imagery

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This image make my pp hard. Post more suffering noire

It's an easy way to disturb people

Neptune pls go