Conclusion (read: Death) of the Fair Price Package program

On March 31st we are going to discontinue the Fair Price Package program. Let us explain the reasoning behind this decision.

>We came up with Fair Price Package (FPP) as a way to make up the price difference between various countries. Some games on GOG.COM have regional pricing, meaning the price of the same game in one place can be higher compared to its price in North America. In countries where the game is more expensive, we give users the equivalent of the price difference in GOG Wallet funds. In actual numbers, on average, we give users back 12% of the game price from our own pocket. In some cases, this number can reach as high as 37%.

>In the past, we were able to cover these extra costs from our cut and still turn a small profit. Unfortunately, this is not the case anymore. With an increasing share paid to developers, our cut gets smaller. However, we look at it, at the end of the day we are a store and need to make sure we sell games without a loss.

>Removing FPP is not a decision we make lightly, but by making this change, we will be able to offer better conditions to game creators, which — in turn — will allow us to offer you more curated classic games and new releases. All DRM-free.

But you guys said GoG was serious competition to Steam... turns out Epic is the only real competition to Steam after all

Attached: 246px-GOG.com_logo.svg.png (246x300, 8K)

Other urls found in this thread:

press F to spit on grave

Attached: gabenaward.jpg (976x549, 65K)

Based (but you'll still lose to Epic store, gabe)

this will only affect people living in third world countries, so no one cares

hahaha worthless fucking morons thought they could compete with real companies

that's what you get poorfags

Attached: testo.jpg (508x275, 72K)

>People who live in countries that dont matter have to pay more
Who cares

What's funny is that anti-Epic shills were using this as a counter argument to EGS, but now that GoG is doing it, now what are they gonna say?

>Is so desperate to have an upper hand somewhere that they attack GoG
Did EA screw you that badly, Tencent?

You mean like Poland?

They never stood a chance. They weren't competition at all, I sincerely hope no one believes they were. Their only utility was being able to grab ancient games from 20+ years ago optimized for modern machines for a dollar in their sales. There's only so far that can take you. A minor supplement to my Steam collection at best. I would never buy something full price on GOG and they don't carry any big new games, just some occasional indies.

one is DRM free and the other is chink spyware which buys out exclusivity and ruins performance

>we don't pay devs enough, says Epic
>we pay devs just right, says Steam
>we pay devs too much, says GOG
I don't know who to believe now. I guess I'll stick to piracy

Yes. Who cares?

>Shitty Slav Country
Yes Poland

I paid less to preorder Cuphead on GOG than on Steam because Chad and Jared are based.

Attached: 1532425466713.jpg (1920x1080, 447K)

>Their only utility was being able to grab ancient games from 20+ years ago optimized for modern machines for a dollar in their sales
Weren't they caught selling cracked versions of old games?

I assume GOG does, they are Polish

>With an increasing share paid to developers, our cut gets smaller.
Is GOG going to lower it's 30% cut to combat the Epic Store, Steam etc.?

They had the right to, and cracked versions are obviously the best versions.

I respect them for being straight and having the balls to come out and say it.
This program was not something they needed to do in the first place anyway, the fact that they even had something like this was pretty based.
The reasoning is fair, the communication was fair. If you have any problem with this, that's probably just fake outrage.

No they dont, Polish people are poor plebs. GOG makes most of its money from countries that arent full of dirty peasants.

So why not just download it for free

So are they going to get Dark Messiah soon?

because you want to feel like a good person for giving your money to some fat kike publisher somewhere

>share paid to developers
>at least 95% of their entire store catalog are very old games whose devs, and publishers even, are long gone

What did they mean by this?

why not just download any game for free?
in case you didn't realize, steam has games that use cracks too.

You just can't criticize Epic for not doing the same thing

Oh wait you will because you're anti-competition.

It's the opposite you retard, it'll cost more in countries where the prices are higher then they are in US. So Western Europe. You're the third world in this scenario

Better question: are they going to get the old MechWarrior and MechCommander games?

As someone who is frends with the guys who made negotiations with MS about it...

NEVER AND EVER! MS is anal about it and cares only for the jewstore

Most likely publishers demand bigger cut. Basically Epic is killing small stores and leading to duopoly

>Western Europe
So Third World Shitholes?

I literally never said anything about the Epic store, and everything you have said is just putting words in my mouth.
Fuck off.

The Tiananmen Square Massacre, 4 June 1989

Attached: china.jpg (1024x429, 80K)

I'm sorry to do that, but I've been arguing for Epic Store as real competition for a couple weeks now, and people have been lying and saying GoG is Steam's Pepsi, but it isn't

Well apparently they're making more money over there, so no

One of the things I appreciated most about GOG is now gone.

Competition will be good, they said
It'll make the services better, they said.

Turns out all the only ones benefiting are the greedy devs and the consumers are the ones getting screwed.

This is LITERALLY what's going to happen with the epic game store once it gets established. Youd be an absolute fool to think otherwise. Once they're in all the bonuses they offer will go away in the name of profit.

Steam games
The Tiananmen Square Massacre, 4 June 1989

Nice that the benefits publishers get from these deals passes down to consumers as additional fees, very cool!

Attached: I'm_out_m8.jpg (345x365, 14K)

>Western Europe
>Not a third world shithole filled with brown people and niggers

Attached: 1549249345097.jpg (907x778, 72K)

Have you not been to gog in a decade or do you just think only India and AAA games exist?

So it'll just as good as GOG which some mentally ill people here claim is competition to Steam

Free Tibet, recognize Taiwan, Winnie the Pooh and fuck Steam

I honestly just buy games I like, don't really care if the publisher gets 70% or 90%. The money only goes directly to devs if they independently publish, otherwise they might only get bonuses for good sales numbers.

I said this would happen months ago

wake up, nobody goes to gog ever lol.

GOG never competed with steam and in fact even gave you free games at times by linking your Steam account to your GOG account.

I was just on there last week. GOG has nothing, fuck off. They can't compete with anyone, they fill a very small and specific niche at best and their catalog does not support expansion beyond that. If they want to be relevant and compete then they need ALL the same major modern releases that Steam gets and they don't.

Yes, GoG has been Steam's little bitch boy in a dog mask(see pic). It's been around since 2008 and has done nothing about Steam's monopoly.

Attached: dog mask.jpg (612x456, 47K)

They tried to compete by acting like the good guys to the consumer. That failed, now they'll be going out of business.

Now Epic is trying to compete by acting like the good guys to the devs. Time will tell if that works.

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>Who cares
The scum that lives in 1st world countries that leech on the lower priced countries.

People have compared GoG to a boutique - and that was true a couple years ago with only offering old ass games, but now it offers shitty modern indies like Jotun as a means to expand and also muddy up the waters as to the purpose of the website

I mean it's not called Good Old Games anymore, it's a KFC style rebranding

i suspect that they just weren't getting any good money off the poor countries, which is why they're pulling that shit.
But it's the misleading reasoning they're putting out as a legit explanation
>we were able to cover these extra costs from our cut and still turn a small profit.
bullshit, anybody knows that developers were getting exactly the same percentage. You'd never be able to cover the price difference with store's cut as the difference was sometimes, like, 30% off the original price (like poorfag would pay 20 bucks for a 60 dollar game).

So, the reasoning behind FPP was always such that you either sell a 60 dollar game for 20 bucks to a guy with 500 bucks monthly income or you sell them fuck-all, because they'd starve to death otherwise.

Expecting massive market shrinkage (like a scared penis) due to massive disparity between monthly supply and physically possible demand growth rate.

Except the only 1st world country isnt affected at all like this. American prices stay the same. No one cares about the all the 2nd and 3rd world countries in western and eastern europe.

here's your no-DRM games store
yeah, rip

Again, they've never tried to actively compete head to head with Steam. All they've done is try and give you games at fair price and then eventually started dipping their toes into investing in actual game studios like CDProjekt. They could just as easily have put Witcher 3 to be GOG exclusive but didn't.

Also they need to keep focusing more dev time on the Galaxy client.

Steam never said that they "pay the devs just right", they know exactly that they are taking more than fair amount of money, but this shit is the standard in the fucked up game/app store business, so "it's alright" for them to do it too

Sweeney is right, he talked about the unfairness of game/app stores taking 1/3 of the revenue from the whole industry (even though they only need a few % to operate) years before Epic Store was a thing.

this shit with GOG also sounds fishy as fuck. Like they say that "sometimes" the price they have to cover to balance out the regional differences is too much for them to make a profit, so they will abandon the WHOLE feature completely (even for the majority of cases where the price difference isn't that big).
Like if this shit was really an issue (and they weren't just looking for an excuse to charge more money from non-USA countries) then they would just tone down their coverage in those specific cases where it's indeed too much, but they wouldn't remove this whole feature completely.
but hey, at least GOG puts a nice amount of their money into their CDPR games, instead of just filling their pockets like how Valve does.

>They could just as easily have put Witcher 3 to be GOG exclusive but didn't.

But they didn't. That's the important difference. Epic is actually competing with Steam, securing interesting indies like Close to the Sun or AA's like Metro Exodus or AAA's like The Division 2

those games are still owned by new publishers you retard, even if their name obviosuly isn't depicted in the games themselves

Keep releasing shit like Monster Prom on your store and deny legit stuff like aoen of sands, fucking idiots.


>share paid to DEVELOPERS
>There are no developers to pay for almost the entire GOG library


>Division 2
Ubisoft just want to infect Tencent Store users with Uplay

>at least 95% of their entire store catalog are very old games whose devs, and publishers even, are long gone
Rights to old games don't disappear just like that. They are transferred, fragmented and other crazy shit happens to them.

Yeah I got a lot of argument about this. Metro Exodus is $50 for Americans, but still the same price for everybody else and it's like: Epic is a store for Americans.

Do you mind explaining why you care about that, and why I should?

Yes i'm aware they didn't which is the exact point i'm trying to make that GOG wasn't trying to actively compete against Steam at any point. They weren't trying to disrupt the digital distribution market monopoly of Steam. They're just trying to fulfill the niche demand that people wanted of DRM free games and other old classics plus some newer ones. All they did was find their niche corner of the market, held it, kept their head down and appealed to their customers and none of the other digital distro's payed attention to competing with them.

>Epic is actually competing with Steam
no they're not
the games that epic sell have either been on steam for ages so nobody will buy them, or if they're new exclusive games, the two storefronts aren't competing since only one of them is selling it
>b-but that'll persuade people to use the epic store more!
no it won't
see: origin

disregard that post - mistook FPP for regional pricing.

Hey when Interplay/Black Isle studios was going to be absorbed by Zenimax/Bethesda and the rights for the classic Fallout games were going to leave the store they just gave all the games to everyone for free.

>see: origin

Apex Legend is their Fortnite. Oops. Sorry Steam, your stranglehold is over.

You're not using your brain right now it seems.

>Live in USA
>buy game through shit hole proxy to order >game with shithole price
>Scum buying the game for literally cents, instead of dollars.

Hope you learned your lesson and do some proper research before posting next time. Not even the dumbest post in this thread though.

>The only Steam game is dead last



Attached: fortnite ape legend.jpg (1557x519, 260K)

ah yes EA have never had a popular online game before on Origin...

Well jewish publishers charge yuros €60 for $60 Steam games so Epic wins yet again

Don't care. I still buy from GoG and Steam only. Best selection and best prices.

>ah yes EA have never had a popular online game before on Origin...

They actually haven't. Most of the popular versions were on console. This is their first actual hit Origin game.

So no more regional pricing? If so I really have no interest on them whatsoever. Steam already offers slightly better prices for most titles, and I still bought from GoG when I could to support a better platform. But I'm seriously not going to pay 40-60% more on a game just to support it.

isn't apex legends also more popular on consoles?

if regional pricing on GOG works anything like on steam, at least Poles will get ahead at axing it. For some reason Poland, along with Argentina, has some of highest prices on steam

>remove regional pricing
>stop selling because shits expensive yo
>GOG go broke

Steam has been resting on their laurels for far too long. They're the monopoly, and don't have to do anything to be successful as they siphon money from the actual creative people.

Epic presents the only opportunity I've seen for Steam's #1 position to not be trounced, but at least budged.

As for you, you can just not post ITT

>They're the monopoly
no they're not

you are retarded
this is literally just GOG being greedy, and using a shitty excuse to charge more money from people in European countries.
There is no reason why they should completely abandon this feature instead of just toning it down in those specific cases where it is indeed a loss for them.

Are you the fucker who's made literally dozens of threads being a retarded console fanboy, without the console? I'm actually convinced your'e a valve fanboy deliberately being retarded.

What epic needs is to be trustworthy, and to give me an actually compelling reason to use it. You can pwn as many retarded fanboys as you want, or bitch about competition. But that's what they need to compete for my dollar.

You wanted to be part of Europe, you're going to pay €60 per game. No one cares if you make a fifth of what real Europeans do.


>What epic needs is to be trustworthy

Attached: 1647623776696.png (377x362, 129K)

Steam is not and has never once been a Monopoly. You clearly don't know the meaning of the word. Epic are the ones trying to have a monopoly. Dumb fucking Chink.

Not that this is wrong, but Chinese spying on you is worse than Americans spying on you. Even the worst Americans have more of a conscience than a bugman.

Apparently it's not regional pricing, it's a in-platform "refund" they do for people who pay comparatively more for titles that are cheaper everywhere else.

It literally affects countries whose currency value is higher than the dollar. The biggest and most notable example has always been the UK where $60 is roughly around £45, yet games are priced at £59.99 anyway.

Attached: 1550481244944.png (375x350, 238K)

can't pass on the opportunity to pat myself on the back for performing more scrutinized due diligence than any "professional" media outlet these days.

For anybody confused - they'll stop putting couple of plastic dollars back into the shitcunt abo's pocket every time some greedy asshole of a publisher puts considerably higher price tag (converted in US dollars) than in US itself.

Since I'm a third world dweller - I'm fine with this. It's literally taking away second cherry from top of an already chock-full of cherries dessert.

Attached: cherry-tart-107632-1.jpg (3000x2000, 1.07M)

Except Americans have no need to do any of that because they arent Europoors. That sounds like something the Europoors would do though.

>Poland confirmed for new economic powerhouse

it seem Steam doesn't even consider them part of EU, they have seperate prices and pay in their own shekels instead of €

Attached: 1.jpg (976x302, 55K)

tl;dr: they were doing something really cool but they can't afford to do it anymore.

retard. poor countries have cheaper games

>Not that this is wrong, but Chinese spying on you is worse than Americans spying on you.

Why? I'm not chinkachonk-ese

America is controlled by Jews. Don't ever forget it.

it looks like steam just rounds up prices for laugh and giggles

That's like saying being kicked in the stomach is better than being punched in the face when the better option is to receive neither.

>Reading comprehension

The prices are controlled entirely by the publisher.
This $30 game costs $18.45 in Poland.

Attached: factorio.png (635x108, 40K)

Such a gigantic blinkerd retard. Complete tunnel vision with nothing but valve in it.

Did you forget the Playstaton hack? The server side Origin exploit?

It took me about 5 years between launch, and about the Orange Box for me to decide that Steam was safe enough to trust with an executable that can download more executables, on my normal systems. Same for GOG. Origin is a fuck no for now. Ubi is on the wait and see list.

It affects europestan, Australia, Japan, Israel etc.
I live in Russia, so it doesnt concern me at all. Actually I'm glad that now they will pay what they should pay..

Well not for people outside America.

China are spying for information
Americans are spying on my daily downloads to see if they can arrest me for stealing from their precious Hollywood

>being american pays off once again
Who ameribros here?

TL;DR: Europeans will pay the devs who put their games on GOG

>Selling vaporware at full price
>Selling versions of games that don't even have all the content and are missing critical updates you can get on Steam
>Now they're gutting the fair regional pricing
Why even use GOG at this point? There's a point where being DRM free stops being an excuse for all this fuckery.

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dota only has like 16k views normally so that's still pretty good views

Which is typical for non-competitive store fronts. Shame they didn't even attempt to fight Steam's monopoly.

>Americans have more of a conscience than a bugman

LOL. The REAL difference is that Americans actually give half of a fuck about getting voted out of office. China is on the bottom three or four of giving ZERO fucksl..

>turns out Epic is the only real competition to Steam after all
Do you know how bad the epic launcher currently is?

not since the auto chess meme

>people just talking to the audience is the 4th most popular thing
I haven't used twitch in like 2 years, but even I didn't imagine it would become so shit.

I agree with you, I still haven't played/used an EA game since the Battlefield Heroes leak (which my info was in)

I thought gog used to be about OLD GAMES

Attached: 1549412987242.png (508x508, 483K)

Epic isn't competition. No one is using it. All the devs who took the exclusivity bribe are paying the price for it in having their games not selling at all.

aye, after steam added dozen or so new countries to regional pricing system many games became unavaliable for purchase there, because some publisher didn't bother to list prices in local currencies.

epic is dead on arrival now that fortnite is dying

the EU, a jewish organization, controls europe

Its in okay state. Its simple, stylish, lightweight. And it does all work it should do.
Anyway this is pre-release state. Actual launch of their store will happen during e3 I guess. Cant wait for their show with all upcoming epic exclusives.

LOL cope zoomer

Attached: never ever newfags.png (262x67, 8K)

It doesn't get registered by their providers if it's not in Simplified Chinese

>Steam is bad
Explain why

they changed name few years ago, when they decided, they will be selling new games (mostly indies) as well.

quite a few countries, actually
Argentina, Costa Rica, Israel, Kazakhstan, Kuwait, Poland, Qatar, Ukraine, Uruguay, Vietnam

okay? neither Steam nor Epic are european

Maybe cracking a nail at worst? The odds of Steam spying on you directly are infinitely less than your own neighbours, who probably are.

See: And would you look at that: Still beating Ape Legend

Attached: fortnite ape legend 2.jpg (1541x507, 265K)

>Its simple, stylish, lightweight

Attached: 1549463558528.gif (607x609, 514K)

No one plays Fortnite on PC, just little kids on console and mobile. Ergo the store is completely dead. Checkmate.

see you in 3 days guailo

Now let's look at GoG, the thing that Steam drones have been proclaiming in other threads as Steam's competition

*sees OP*
*see that they've also laid off people*


Get me some egg rolls, Chang.

>Just Chatting
This shit needs to be removed, it's utter fucking cancer that has no place on a video game streaming website. It perpetuates camwhoring.

gabe always wins, baby

>it immediately got deleted
Holy shit the memes were true. Tranny jannies really are Chinkoid owned.

Now let's look at Epic

>Epic boss Tim Sweeney is worth nearly $3 billion more than Gabe Newell, according to Bloomberg

I guarantee GoG/CDPR isn't worth 1 billion, nor even has that in the bank.

user, Yea Forums is filled with kids, none of them care how much work goes into finding the rights holders to these games, making them work, fixing bugs years later etc. They just want to call GOG lazy, shit on it, and think of them as some rom site that literally steals content that's everywhere for free and uploads it on their servers - which is weird, considering no other site offers what GOG does, almost as if it wasn't that simple...

gog is kill

Steam sells vaporware at full price too you Gabe cumeating nigger. GoG at least sell their titles for literal pennies during Sale events and for DRM. It's either playing old games that actually WORK with GoG, or buying them on Steam who give literally no shits about making them work akin to a crap shoot and leaving the customers at the whims of fixing them themselves or not at all.

Attached: zeus.png (938x1283, 215K)

I would hate for him to have made over 50 threads, and in the low thousands of posts on the topic without being acutely aware of how lacking it is, but he's a fanboy. It doesn't matter how bad it is.

Has nothing to do with their utter failure of a store or Flopnite and everything to do with being co-creator Unreal Tournament and Gears of War. This is really pathetic.

Epic Store/Launcher isn't as good as Steam

It just launched, and Steam was good awful shit at its launch

CDPR is worth a bit under 5 billion

Cool. 2 tencent games on top.

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How long until gog adds DRM?

>>Selling versions of games that don't even have all the content and are missing critical updates you can get on Steam
Like what?

Traditional chinese raises red flags, but we're out here in the "completely fucking banned" zone, so it doesn't matter that much.


That's not a fanboy, there is no such thing as an Epic fanboy. That is a Chinese drone.

>and everything to do with being co-creator Unreal Tournament and Gears of War. This is really pathetic.

UT is irrelevant currently and they sold GOW.

What is actually making them money is back to back to back great engines (UE2, UE3 and UE4) - something Valve has no idea about as they're using Unity for Artifact

gog was the only actual competition steam had

They already have drm, its disguised as account specific features.

The question is, does DRM help sales or does it not? If you're arguing that no-DRM hurts sales, then you're admitting that piracy ruins the industry.

Attached: es1.png (480x272, 259K)

Galaxy is DRM. RakNet could've been DRM-free multiplayer.

Pretty sure JapMoot broke the site in half to sell to Chinese advertisers. It's been nothing but shill threads since the split, especially Epic store and Microsoft ones.

Except they've been around since 2008 and have not put a single dent into Steam

Guy in jacket=me

Attached: ultraman steam gog.jpg (640x955, 60K)

>How long until gog adds DRM?
They won't do that ever, that's their only difference and advantage over other shops.

So, much as I didn't get steam at launch, I'm also not getting Epic at launch. It's not a fanboy thing. It's not putting up with garbage software.

You say that yet got banned in a record time on Yea Forums

they caused more drm free titles to be released on steam

Here you go, a massive list of every GOG game that's inferior to the Steam version, or suffers from other crippling issues.

Attached: 1550535458072.jpg (1280x938, 253K)

u wot?

Valve made the Source engine you retard, and it's still as relevant as the Unreal engine. Hell, EA made the Titanfall games and Apex Legends with it. Stop posting you know nothing Chinese insect.

>Galaxy is DRM

Attached: 1529095416669.jpg (960x629, 58K)

you buy games on GoG to get rid of steam cancer

> Fortnite already beating Apex again



These companies are not hesitating to give me more and more reasons to never buy their shit but acquire it through other means

> With an increasing share paid to developers
don't they mean IP squatters and IP vultures? Most of their games were developed in the 80s and 90s and those developer studios have long since ceased to exist.

Who cares it was a shit store anyways and just as scummy if not more than Steam

There are games that need that so that guy isn't entirely wrong

i don't care if they put a dent in steam, i use steam as well. Having them both exist and offer different services that both benefit me is good enough.

Imagine the GoG obsession and the smell of semen from Gabe's cum that comes from the creator of that spreadsheet.

To use its multiplayer function in some games, sure.

they've been trying to sell new games for a while now

>Valve made the Source engine you retard, and it's still as relevant as the Unreal engine.

It's really not lol. Other than EA, who has used it recently?

>Hell, EA made the Titanfall games and Apex Legends with it.

Heavily modified versions. If you want to see the difference, CS:GO's battle royal mode can only handle 16 players.

Does that include missing critical patches, missing free DLC, missing paid DLC, missing soundtracks, missing localizations and missing Linux versions?

Attached: 4dc.gif (300x179, 417K)


is it DRM free? can I install it on XP? good enough for me.

This was actually made by GOG users mad at developers, but nice try.

Apex has lost viewers again kek

Attached: fortnite apex again.jpg (1535x507, 264K)

based Epic, normalizing anti-consumer practices. truly a pioneer in ruining video games for everyone

It's not their fault
GOG at least tries to make it right and offer the most fair platform out of what's available, but they can't cover up the costs.

People literally shit on goodwill and embrace practices that deliberately fuck consumers up, can't blame GOG for this, consumers are retarded.

Attached: 1467547424322.jpg (500x537, 53K)

I think that list is made by the GOG community in order to lobby developers.

How about answering this question you Gabe dicktaker. Why don't Steam ever fix their old titles and knowingly sell their games with the knowledge that they will not work at all?

This is the same guy who makes every single epic shill thread, that's why

GOG will make it dont worry, keep supporting it they're one of the most consumer friendly stores and companies out there in the gaming world

Attached: 5756756.jpg (476x228, 27K)

This file literally is called "Games that treat GOG customers as 2nd Class" - why is this GOG's fault that most of devs don't give a shit and don't update their games?

Wait there are people that actually have the Epic launcher on their computer?

Whew. Good luck with your stolen financial information.

Attached: dookuonplebs.jpg (867x945, 192K)

Did you perchance forget that time zones exist and Apex has 500k viewers when NA wakes up?

Attached: 1493509948020.jpg (600x593, 41K)

*turns into a skeleton like GoG will one day*

>why is this GOG's fault that most of devs don't give a shit and don't update their games?

GoG provides shit updating services? Doesn't have an equivalent of Steam workshop?

Sorry, I don't understand foodstampian, can you say that again in English?

1) how is that in any way related to my post?
2) that's not a question
3) it's because Steam sucks dick and their customer support is -literally- the shittiest on the planet

>The sheer autism from the Chink ITT
How many years until the faggot is lynched by Winnie the Pooh for not convincing anyone?

Yeah I've never seen this except near Apex's launch, nice try

>can't blame GOG for this
i know who to blame

Attached: steam.png (1778x451, 92K)

Attached: gog.png (1785x211, 40K)

How many watches do you own bro? I see you're wearing 2 in that photo – I always wear 3 watches in case one of them stops working.

shroud alone brings +100k viewers daily
then there's doc, summit, chad, just9n, skadoodoo, dizzy etc
right now none of these guys are online and their communities easily push the numbers to around 500k

Either you're ignorant of this fact or you just act stupid

I dont give a fuck about competition I care about how much I'm paying.

WWZ and Metro Exodus are literally cheaper because of Epic Store

Attached: gog2.png (1787x292, 71K)

>Gets upset and moans like a woman that EPIC is playing unfair subsuming titles to partake in their digital service only barring others out.
>Yet squeals and glees over their Steam workshop that has rippled modding communities apart because Steam workshop will only work on STEAM purchased games, albeit where else you buy it. Bad luck if you even decide to own a game on GoG like Kenshi because Steam wants to horde the modding community for themselves.

The majority of the Mount&Blade community has moved over to moddb for this particular reason. Nobody likes to launch their game on the shit heap that is Steam when they can download the installer and launcher from the developer site themselves with a lot more running reliability.

Steam workshop is bad for modding - but anti-Epic shills have said they want Epic to implement a workshop like system too.

>GOD dies
>GOG dies one month later

>Epic is a store for Americans.
Ahem. Epic is US company operating in US. Tencet only own 40%.

>Doesn't have an equivalent of Steam workshop?
But that's good. Workshop is cancer.


Attached: fdbc794156b7e2e1cd49e255efa93910.jpg (1000x1400, 210K)

>Windows store
>Have this installed for 7 games that I play on a weekly basis
Would you like to have more Launchers than games installed on the computer, you mouthbreathing faggot? Fucking hell, what a bunch of niggers.

>The majority of the Mount&Blade community has moved over to moddb for this particular reason
Yeah, so amazing that I have to do additional work to install mods instead of just clicking one button like I would with steam workshop. Truly a marvel of convenience.

you don't even need a launcher for gog games

i really like the idea of DRM free but oh well. There's plenty of alternatives though! (not)

Attached: gog3.png (1783x420, 72K)

True about that but point still stands. Just change it with origin if you want to have a perfect example.

Attached: gog4.png (1788x196, 57K)

Chink mod will ban you senpai

I appreciate their transparency. I know of a few particular companies that could learn from this

I've been using it since unreal engine 4 was still in alpha and it's a fuckload better than it was then. give it a few months.

Did you see the new Cyberpunk 2077 game?


Such fucking monsters and demons. We need to troll GoG more on Yea Forums to make sure their transphobia is no longer tolerated.

God damn fucking trannies are actually ruining gaming.

>transphobic company

you mean all these companies more successful than GOG?

why companies let their employees post ill never understand.

Attached: gog5.png (1788x254, 67K)

Source of these posts? I almost enjoy my salt.

Attached: gog6.png (1780x217, 59K)

>games, movies, comics, anime etc. are supposed to be a form of escapism
>These niggers shove politics, the main thing people DON'T want into these hobbies
Why do these "people" think that a single human being cares about their faggotry?

smells like resetera

Yeah pretty much.
I was actually very surprised that GOG managed to pay that out of their own pocket for so long.
I usually got new games for 6 or 7 dollar cheaper.
That's more then 10 percent of the game price. And GOG was just giving it away for free.
They are transparent about it and have a great service, so I don't see a reason to be angry about that. Do any other companies provide sometimes like that anyway?


There was a tweet a few months back where they made fun of a LGTBQ/tranny hashtag which is supposed to mean that they won't be left out of US politics.

Now the trannys are on a bloodhunt, case in point with more GoG hate. Migrating resetredditors.

Attached: oi5s1s80tut11.jpg (1068x868, 80K)

But I already play DRM-free games on Steam, why would anyone use GOG?

most* GoG hate found in this thread

And I'd rather they had a competitor that would surpass Steam by being a better service

Not like Epic, which bribes developers for exclusivity and makes up the loss by selling your data to the highest bidder

>Read through this thread
>Get another fucking security alert email for the account I made for the UT4 alpha
Yeah, not buying any games on this shit. I'm going to keep using every single other store like I've been doing and just wait out the decent ebin exclusives.

Attached: yeahno.png (1426x1024, 89K)

Cringe and bluepilled.
That's free market and copyright for yuo.

>Cringe and bluepilled.
Hello discordtranny.

I was refering to this.
>Now the trannys are on a bloodhunt, case in point with more GoG hate.

>And I'd rather they had a competitor that would surpass Steam by being a better service

That was GoG - supposedly - they're dead now, basically.

>Not like Epic, which bribes developers for exclusivity

Which is the only way they can compete with Steam at the moment

>GoG dies
>All the games you purchased, gone
B-but drm free right?? I can still use all those obsolete installers I had saved and play single player only forever ahahaha, unlike Steam who is surely about to die too! Y-you won't be able to play those games you verified already one time to play forever in offline mode! i-it's still a win for us hahaha Gog 999 Steam -100

>EPIC doesn't have regional prices and fucks over customers and cuts costs to developers
>now GOG is forced to cut prices to developers and remove their regional pricing
I hope everyone working at Epic gets cancer and dies. No, i am serious. I am going to make it my mission to kill their service. I will do everything in my power to make sure that Epic fails.

based testoviron poster

>obsolete installers

>buying GOG games? Haha, more like pirating them. Thanks for making them drm free you losers

>We now change regional pricing to make profit.
>well, fuck you. Why doesn't GOG gift me some more money?

Every developer that makes an Epic exclusive deal is dead to me. FOREVER!!!

>remove their regional pricing
Learn to read. The regional pricing isn't going anywhere. What's ending is the money GOG gave to all users that paid for games more than Americans.

Are you retarded? This is because of Epic buying out developers to be exclusively on their store. DEATH TO EPIC!!!

That was their version of regional pricing you tard.

>Epic messed with gamers....

Attached: DyM3qxHVsAErXkp.jpg (618x850, 66K)

everyone loses in this situation. what a clusterfuck. i'll still buy gog games out of principle.

>DRM store discussion on Yea Forums
I feel like these threads lower my IQ at a more than significant level.

These storefronts are merely a poor solution to a problem that us consumers never had until the publishers decided to fuck us over. All people want are DRM free physical copies of games in a goddamn jewel case but no. These publishers have to force this garbage on us because they don't realize that games sell poorly because they're shit, not because of DRM. I've honestly just stopped bothering with new games and have stuck to stuff I can easily pirate and backup for myself in the future.

Only Europeans and GOG themselves since now more money goes to the dev/pub. I still pay cheap games as a third worlder. Thanks Epic for fucking GOG's business model.

> I will do everything in my power

Attached: 1551215996640.jpg (532x532, 47K)

Epic wins :)

The person who posted this was only only fired from CDPR, his mother and father who are very old and have no clue what's going on have been repeatedly harassed and doxxed by mentally disturbed trannies since the event.

>hehehehe support gog for cucking out

This is the first sign of mentally ill fanboys when they defend GoG over this

Go back to your troon forum, leave your balls at the door.

Attached: GRITTY - BLACKS COMMIT 52% OF ALL VIOLENT CRIME.jpg (500x664, 121K)

Only black males, so the % is even lower.

>i'll still buy gog games out of principle
>Thanks Epic for fucking GOG's business model.
Don't forget to thank every retard that bought Fortnight and every developer/publisher who sold out to Epic. GOG was making it good for us the consumer but publishers don't care about us, they want those extra shekels.

>Fortnite has risen to the top


Attached: fortnite numbers.jpg (1553x513, 266K)

lol victim complex much? grow some balls

>Fire the guy
>They still hate GoG

Honestly GoG deserves this - this is karma.

Should have bought more GoG games, bitch

Go and fuck yourself, tranny faggot.

>I support clueless old people constantly getting harassed by American trannies
Absolute scumbags.

I support GoG going out of business for firing the guy

>Removing FPP is not a decision we make lightly, but by making this change, we will be able to offer better conditions to game creators,

So they are removing pro customer programs to compete with Epic's exclusivity deals.

And people say Epic's store would be good for us.

I am not made of money. I have 200 games so far and i keep buying.

Attached: gog.jpg (1891x1014, 478K)

>but publishers don't care about us
No one cares about gamers. We live in a society that hate us and would take away any kind of ownership if they could.

>Fire guy to keep your image clean
>It's still not clean in their eyes, the people you were trying to acquiesce to


I think they will offer a better cut rather than looking for temp exclusivities.

Who the fuck is that slant-eyed chink?

i support professional victims having their lives ruined :)

damn big list

Attached: 343455.jpg (1316x682, 223K)

a blue checkmark, meaning he made it in life

Metro Exodus and World War Z are cheaper

>And people say Epic's store would be good for us.
>people say
Who are those people? Nobody that is not a troll or a shill ever said that Epic and their shit could lead to anything good.
>store exclusivity deals(publishers love those)
>no regional pricing(publishers love this
>bigger cut(publishers love this)
>used data mining(publishers and advertisers love this)
>DRM(publishers love this)
Epic is anti-consumer and pro publisher and are now fucking up the smaller pro consumer GOG.

>immediately moves the goalpost when he gets BTFO
I do wonder why so many devs don't bother updating GOG. It has to be something with GOG's updating pipeline. Does each update have to be manually approved? This is a serious problem for GOG. there's no reason to buy modern games from them.

>CD Projekt Red’s latest game, Gwent has been a financial disappointment, according to two people who work for the studio. Last fall, the company pointed to GOG’s small reach as one of the reasons for the game’s lack of success, quickly releasing the Thronebreaker campaign on Steam after at first declaring that it would be a GOG exclusive.





Attached: ee8b5dd0e5436c294fc138c1db767b297c036d79.png (54x54, 22K)

nice, some games are free and some are super cheap. I got many gog games too

>Metro Exodus and World War Z are cheaper
Can't be cheaper when you can't buy it anywhere else.

Supergiant Games made an exclusivity deal with Epic so i personally am going to boycott all their games from now on.

>Was $60 on Steam before being removed
>Was $50 on Epic

Oh no non no nonnononoon

A Viner.
>no regional pricing(publishers love this
They hate that. Rest is spot on tho.

t.ranny faggot
I hope you get ass cancer and die.

And those are old people who happen to be related to someone who made a tasteless joke?

>They hate that.
Why would publishers love me paying less?

>handful of rich Germanicized Warsaw-ites giving a shit about the average plebe Pole who's never even seen something as advanced as an incandescent light-bulb.

yeah which is a shame, hades looks appealing, i dont have epic nor intend to, my friend has it and did price comparisons for metro, would cost alot less on steam for us than epic so after that point i decided fuck em.

>just chatting
is that where i go to pretend that i have friends?

>want to buy it right now
>59.99 Euros (same as it was on Steam)
>lets see if I can find a place to buy it cheaper
>can't buy it anywhere else fuck you

so how is it cheaper again?

Because 100 retards paying 60 USD is worse than 10000 paying 30.

Just wait for the sale like Steam drones do

Hopefully one step closer to the death of GOG.

fuck off epic shill

These cunts were always cunts, they OWN TW3 and still priced it higher for Australia on GOG and then gave you their FPP. Eat my ass.

Lmao, soon GOG will appear on this list.

Attached: dinosaur.jpg (500x500, 52K)

I would hate OAG, but sometimes I like their articles and NG is worse.

>oneangrygamer shill
fuck off with your e-celeb

The GOG version of Arx Fatalis has a patch that the Steam version doesn't.


>Their only utility was being able to grab ancient games from 20+ years ago optimized for modern machines for a dollar in their sales.
If your modern machine came out a year after the game you bought sure. Most of their games still need a bunch of third party patches to run.

>Now you can subsidize low prices for Jamal, Pajeet, Muhammad and Boris on too!
Really makes me want to shop there.

It's an Epic shill or a troll.

We love yuo. From Latin America, Asia, Africa and Russia to every store with regional pricing and their European users.

What games should I grab from gog before the shit hits the fan?

Attached: 1548558580349.png (247x239, 18K)

Well, it was dumb from the start, the game companies should be the ones doing that, not the store.

GOG is fine nvm the hysteria, i can recommend their Fallout titles tho, work way better than the steam version


It's not fine if it means my Britbong money gets juiced by greedy fucks.

>never played a Fallout game
Should I? I watched my brother play FO 3 a lot, it looked pretty boring and the people were uncanny.


>gog dies
> is dead
>good ol games is dead
what the fuck...

>>GOG is fine nvm the hysteria
>Laid off people
>Has to stop doing this program

Yeah just fine

A more reliable source please?

your argument is losing steam as we speak

Attached: 2.png (888x314, 451K)

If you've never touched a bethesda published game you should just avoid them all together
New Vegas is one of the best open world rpg's out there tho

Attached: 1543476283906.png (352x116, 64K)

Yeah, at least the original one. It's my favourite one besides 3.
>my Britbong money gets juiced by greedy fucks.
This happens with Steam as well.

>Several examples ITT of fortnite on top
>Finally able to post one where Apex is on top


Every gaming company is facing layoffs, there is a downtime everywhere, and some of them were moved to other parts of CD projekt

>be canadian
>some games on gog are literally $5-6 more expensive than on steam

I already told you about the NA hours / time zones. Keep acting retarded, retard.

I'm not going to pay these prices.

Bong here, affects me a bit. Not much.

>store wars and DRM wars in a GOG thread, again
This user is right, GOG as a store doesn't have too many options, at this point. They were bleeding money and talent left and right, last year, and there are not a lot of things they could do to help themselves.

>inb4 The Witcher 3
I don't know why people think they are swimming in money for just one game. They couldn't survive for so long with only that money, besides Steam and other stores pocketed a big chunk of that money, as well. Also the creator of the Witcher wants to jew them even more, so I doubt they will use that IP soon in the future.

Cyberpunk 2077 is their last bet, if that game fails I don't see any other way they could survive, to be honest.

How is regional pricing supposed to be fair when there is different amounts of tax included?
If an American pays $50 for Witcher 3 he adds 5% to 10% percent sales tax on top of the $50
If a Eurostani pays 44€ ($50) for Witcher 3, 15% to 25% is Value Added Tax included in the price.

Attached: 1430526468729.gif (318x242, 1.72M)

also Gothic runs fine with the gog version while you need to mods just to make the steam version not crash during the opening

you may want to check the viewers again sweetie

>I was actually very surprised that GOG managed to pay that out of their own pocket for so long.

Same, like I've been saying (and steam drones or gog shills have been lying) GoG is not serious competition. They make no major dents in Steam's bottom line like I expect Epic will, so how they were able to afford this I don't know

Epic can afford any weird expenditures thanks to Fortnite

I hope epic shills get sent to chinese labour camps

CDPR is worth 4.5 billion I think they'll be okay

You mean like the USA and UK?

Attached: 1543067555256.webm (640x480, 1.74M)

I bet the drop in profits is from GOG buckling to fucking SJW's on twitter and apologising constantly for doing nothing wrong.

Goddamn people who defend epic are so retarded. As GOG says, you can't cover the costs of regional pricing anymore with the higher publisher cut. The only people that benefits is the publisher. Taking less revenue is only possible for a company backed by Tencent and Fortnite, and it's a power play to eliminate competition. Ironic, plus you could have already seen the effect of it on Epic's own store, where other countries need to pay more. People are so fucking short-sighted, if Epic continued this crap PC gaming is kill

Attached: 1547644052996.jpg (246x267, 18K)

Daily reminder that gog has drm in the form of gog galaxy, that is required to play all of the content you paid for in a few select games. They are sold as drm free because the gog galaxy client is a seperate download, which you don't need if you don't want all the content in the game you already paid for

As steam has games that work under the same principle, not actually requiring the client to play, this makes gog and steam functionally the same, with the difference being the ratio of games.

Attached: D24645D6-7E71-4265-A70B-D1BD52000801-7361-00000C6974CE3FE8.gif (372x587, 290K)

>they are taking more than fair amount of money

How the fuck do you determine what the "fair" ratio is?

There is no such thing, its all about your fee fees. Just cause you hate steam because you're assblasted hl3 isnt coming out doesnt make 30% unfair.

If anything, you could say 30% is fair on the basis that its the industry standard. Shit, if anything it has been more than fair. Steam has offered more functionality than any store front while charging industry standard. That seems like a decent fucking deal.

Maybe that changes now, maybe 30% will eventually not be standard, but the point still stands. There is no such thing as fair here, its business you whinny commie.

only online functionality and auto-updates dumbass. It's a completely optional launcher that works just like any other DRM free game, and only in select titles that need it. In M&B Warband, for example, you can play online with a DRM-free copy because they use their own account system

I bet your IQ is less than 100.

>GOG: can run game without galaxy, can DDL game directly from website and copy it or send it to a friend
>Steam: every release that matters has either denuvo or steamworks

Aye, which is why I avoid buying from steam wherever I can.

Getting some mixed messages here non

can I take a moment just to say that captchas have never been so torturous as they are right now, these things out to be banned

you just know journalists are waiting with baited breath for the downfall of gog

gog repacked game magnets are still free so who cares

GOG being DRM-free and having a pretty good store and distribution method was all people ever cared about. if you want the cheapest games just pirate them or buy from a key re-seller.

Told you faggots Epic's bullshit will do nothing for gaming but make it more expensive. It's just kicking in earlier than expected.

Sure. It's drm only required for portions of the games you've paid for. You don't need it, if you don't want to play all of the game you bought

For specific games, yes. If you don't want to use GOG Galaxy for online functionality (the one thing it's required for) then don't buy games that label it as required


I've been noticing the bants becoming more vitriolic lately and it doesn't reflect very well on you guys when you don't know what "third world" means. Try to be funnier.
Also, doesn't affect me so I don't care lol

Yes. However, this dosent change that gog has drm in the form of gog galaxy

>ith an increasing share paid to developers, our cut gets smaller. However, we look at it, at the end of the day we are a store and need to make sure we sell games without a loss.

Can we use this to get Tim Sweeney to stop lying that a 12% revenue cut for a digital store is sustainable?

Attached: 1493407644722.png (568x510, 227K)

Buy it cheap and give it a try if you like RPG's where decisions matters, if you want better graphics and gameplay then mod it

Attached: 1519743588648.jpg (480x792, 28K)

>The only people that benefits is the publisher.

You know indie devs self publish, right?

>drm in the form of gog galaxy
Are you retarded?

Then they are the publisher. That statement is all-encompassing

GoG didn't have to accept the new revenue cut standard

It is still at the expense of the consumer you tard.

They don't, afterwords no one will sell on their store because there's no sales benefits and doesn't have DRM which publishers claim will protect sales. This is the only way they could continue existing with Epic Store around

That sounds like a recipe for any game being good desu. I like anything revolving around stretegy and tight, crunchy action. Graphics means nothing.

>new revenue cut standard

12% isn't a new standard, it's just Epic lying to everyone that they can provide a fully-featured storefront on that money. They'll inevitably increase their take, or the EGS will be shit-tier forever

If digital distribution was expensive you wouldn't have all those free ROM sites letting you download their shit for free.

Even downloading a 50GB game costs less than a $.

>GoG didn't have to accept the new revenue cut standard
Yeah and have publishers give everything to Epic instead. Kill yourself, mkay?

Don't bother with him, his know autist who think everything is a drm, even that you have to have account on gog in order to buy game and download it from there.

>EGS will be shit-tier forever
im sure the devs won't mind if it means no reviews

So you're against indie self publishers getting a bigger cut?

They're backed by more than just that storefront. Tencent is trying a power-plays with this by driving out competition that isn't steam.
If it means consumers paying more across the world? Yeah, since that cut can't sustain a storefront that isn't massively subsidized like Epic

Oof, sounds like GoG can't compete, but that's the way the cookie crumbles with outdated business models

Why do faggots blame everyone around Epic for all of Epic's horseshit

Epic starts bribing publishers to keep their games off other platforms
>duhh they didn't have to accept the deal
Epic forces an unsustainable revenue cut and shits on everyone in the industry that takes more
>duhh other stores don't have to do it
Epic don't bother implementing barebone features that every other launcher has
>duhh you can't expect them to be the same level as steam (even though fucking uplay is lightyears ahead)

Why is nothing ever their fault?

can you please stop posting?
a storefront costs virtually nothing to run. you develop it once and then it works.

>ROM sites
>Even downloading a 50GB game costs less than a $.

Now host thousands of 30GB+ games across over 120 regional servers (and with updates all the time) along with support for cloud saves, custom controller setups, running servers for mod hosting and download, and all the other shit a service like Steam does. That's not comparable to a site hosting a bunch of games that are each less than 5MB at most (unless you're talking N64 ROMs and that would be max 64MB)

>at the expense of the consumer
If they are anti-consumer they can go fuck themselves.

>that isn't massively subsidized like Epic

You mean how Epic creates a great engine that gets them nice royalties? Wonder if Valve has an engine they could sell... nah.

The great thing about UE4, is that even if the game is Steam store exclusive... Epic gets paid

Attached: epic store steam split.jpg (714x1017, 83K)

Storefronts that offer actual features that need to be maintained and download speeds faster than 3rd world internet cost money to run.

Because their either actual Epic shills, or consolefags that can't wrap their heads around how PC gaming has always been or just shitposters

Attached: oof.png (1776x209, 51K)

Now that I think of it, why the hell does Yuropeans have to pay 60 EUR for 60 USD games?

Go away Tencent cancer

Alright, you got me. I laughed. The absolute STATE of Epicniggers

Attached: 1550136212128.png (540x720, 488K)

>a storefront costs virtually nothing to run. you develop it once and then it works.

the more games you host the cheaper it gets per game you fucking imbeciles. Do you dumb niggers believe Steam hosts all the servers around the world?
NO. They rent them at $0.01/GB transferred or less.

bedroom programmer indie games have been running storefronts on the interwebs before you kids were bron.

Steam shills don't remember when you just bought a game from Radio Shack, put in the disc (do steam shills even have disc drives anymore?), installed it to your PC and played it

The only thing I actually disagree it's the launcher. They almost have as much money as Amazon.

It's Epic shills. China bugmen using proxies.

>Epic starts bribing publishers to keep their games off other platforms
>>duhh they didn't have to accept the deal

They didn't

>Epic forces an unsustainable revenue cut and shits on everyone in the industry that takes more
>>duhh other stores don't have to do it

It's not unsustainable if Epic can afford it.

>Epic don't bother implementing barebone features that every other launcher has
>>duhh you can't expect them to be the same level as steam (even though fucking uplay is lightyears ahead)

Origin, uPlay, Bethesda Launcher and don't have user reviews, so I don't know what you're talking about.

Attached: 7gfa reviews.jpg (1964x958, 152K)

>(do steam shills even have disc drives anymore?)

Nobody has a fucking disc drive anymore, Steam usage or not. Plus why is having to drive out to get your game from a store implied to be a positive?

>Origin, uPlay, Bethesda Launcher and
>All publisher specific launchers, not a general digital storefront like GOG or Steam (which is what Epic is trying to be)
Good job retard

>It's not unsustainable if you can operate at a loss because you have an infinite money bucket from exploiting kids

>Not walking the aisles, admiring those big boxes

Steam zoom zooms will never understand the awe of it, nor why walking video store aisles was awesome

Attached: brain damaged.jpg (326x294, 18K)

>the awe of it
>nor why walking video store aisles was awesome

I'm assuming we're both not 12 anymore. Just buy the game you want and that's all there is to it

Steam could probably afford it from DOTA 2, CS:GO and TF2 by your logic - but they still take 30%

Nice argument
Nice argument

I can still install the games I bought in the 90s.
Will you be able to install current Steam games in 2039?

>It's not unsustainable if Epic can afford it.
Nigga, Epic is partly owned by the largest game company in the world.
>Nobody has a fucking disc drive anymore
I do.

>Will you be able to install current Steam games in 2039?

Piracy will never die and I could always backup a copy if I was really that paranoid on external HDDs

people that watch games don't buy them

Aw you don't get it, Steam zoom zoom. I would marvel at this box, I think it was between Quake 3 and Age of Empire: It looked so damn cool

I later had to pirate it because I couldn't afford it

Attached: rainbow six rogue spear.jpg (800x963, 85K)

>I can still install the games I bought in the 90s.
High chances are they don't work right out of the box on your current OS, which means you still need to rely on the internet for the ability to download fixes to play it

what good is a backup if Steam prevents you to install that backup without an active connection to Valve servers?

>zoom xoom
Is this what children now say on Yea Forums to try and convince the anons of the board they're adults?

>if Steam prevents you to install that backup without an active connection to Valve servers?

Why the fuck do you think I said piracy as the first part of that statement?

or I could dig out an old PC and play the games on original hardware and old versions of Windows.
Can't even do that with the Half Life 2 anymore because Steam doesn't run on anything older than Windows 7.

>Having to pirate games you paid money
>Actually defending that

So is GOG going to die ?


And they deserve it for not being the competition Steam sorely needed for years

Most likely not. Worst case seems like they'll go into maintenance mode and sit on the semi abandonware they have already accumlated and their own releases. They're financially separate from CD Projekt Red.

>GoG does nothing for a literal decade to future proof itself against real competition
>This is somehow Epic's fault

Attached: laughing homer.gif (375x375, 169K)

Fucking HELL

Attached: D A B ON HIM.png (482x233, 34K)

So Steam/GoG drones, what'll be your argument in the future?


Attached: epic chad virgin steamer.jpg (1703x971, 525K)

Taiwan will never belong to China

Best argument is just not downliadingbepic store, why does it bother you nobody wants to download it?

Attached: epic.jpg (800x450, 29K)

actually it was Epic's decision to give devs a bigger cut what prompted this

China will FOREVER belong to Taiwan. Taiwan is the TRUE REPUBLIC OF CHINA

So why did GoG accept the deal?

GoG doesn't have every game as is

>nobody wants to download it

Press x to doubt

Imagine how many did to play Fortnite

>But you guys said GoG was serious competition to Steam... turns out Epic is the only real competition to Steam after all

There are three main stores right now you can safely, cheaply and in good conscience buy games from and those are GOG, and and Steam (and Humble/GMG). Epic is just a glorified cash store for Fortnite and weirdly a launcher for UE4 which is actually not bad (although obviously now Epic will never let any developers using UE4 create anything even remotely competitive or even just having any overlap that could cut into their profits whatsoever, once you're making billions it'll never be enough that's just basic psychology or 'hedonic adaptation').

>watching streamers
>playing video games

stop lying, retard. we pay 20%~40% less per game. I pre ordered RE2 Remake for almost 40 bucks

>made bank and doesn't buy back its shares from Tencent
What a shame.

Why would they? Tencent was one of the biggest players and making Fortnite the biggest game in the world

It's the developers of those games that fail to update the games for the shitshow that is Windows 10 where even fairly recent titles such as X-COM simply don't work, a shitty forced pact with MS that Steam is working hard to free gamers from by making linux gaming first a real viable option and then the best option.
GOG specializes in offering working versions of classic games, that's their entire raison d'etre, it's what you're paying for.
Steam is not responsible for games that they did not develop, I agree they should just remove everything that doesn't work on (at least) Win7 and ideally Windows 10 too, or place a big fucking warning on the store page that it doesn't work and/or requires user fixes, but it's absolutely retarded to expect Steam to start updating third-party games just because Microsoft wants to turn Windows 10 into a walled garden with Windows Store as its main source of software and games. Why the fuck do you think Steam is wrestling free from Microsoft's stranglehold?

GoG Galaxy is working just fine auto-updating your games. And you can just get mods and stuff from mobdb.

wow aren't you special

A very long and rambly post that ultimately said nothing other than the usual Steam and GoG fan hubris

Don't worry, people aren't trying to convince Epic cocksuckers anymore considering you all have the reading comprehension of a 12 year old and only use the launcher for Fortnite.

>And you can just get mods and stuff from mobdb.

That's what I told people who said Epic should have a workshop variant.

No stream no buy!

Because Tencent is just an extension of the CPC used as a soft power wedge into the gaming industry and left unchecked the CPC will infect everything we love about video games? The games that Tencent publishes aren't even allowed in China ffs, it's pretty clear the CPC is enjoying non-Chinese kids spending all their free time and then some in an addictive BR game that primes them for instant gratification and compulsion loops. Minecraft requires and rewards creativity, cooperation and competition, Fortnite is just a shitty skinner box. You'd think once someone makes bank like that he would at least care about the world he leaves behind, but the thing about becoming a billionaire is that your brain changes and tells you that not only did you deserve it and you are now a factor x100000 more important, correct, and just generally greater than everyone else, but that it is not enough and you need more and more. Instead of considering the wider impact of one's actions, the world just started revolving x100000 more about you.

I agree, I'm just saying Epic clearly doesn't give a shit

>Steam and GoG fan hubris
I'll use whatever store I like, I don't have a horse in this race beyond caring whether I can download and play my games thirty years from now and the answer to that is simply yes I can, and with GOG I don't even have to leave anything to chance I can just load everything onto a thumb drive. The only hubris exhibited in this farce is Epic's and Tencent's for thinking people are stupid enough to install something that will obviously become spyware down the line if it isn't already (closed source so we just have to trust Epic). However popular Fortnite is with mobile and kids doesn't mean people will just stop using actual games distribution services.

You will use it for the right game

This already happened before

Attached: Half-Life_2_cover.jpg (256x365, 23K)

payfags eternally btfo'ed as always.

Look up ANYTHING about chinese market practices.

That much is clear. It's very weird for me since I spent years learning UE4 and watching live tutorials with the UE4 devs at Epic explaining stuff and clearly caring deeply about video games and the people they were instructing to develop games with UE4 and then see Epic do what feels like a 180 degree turn and just ride off into the sunset holding hands with the fucking Communist Party of China of all things. It doesn't feel right, it doesn't make any sense and I don't like there clearly being things going on behind the scenes that neither Epic nor Tencent want people to know about. It sucks and fuck yes I'm mad.

Financially, yes. Epic developed Fortnite by themselves, as far as I know, not even a single Tencent studio was involved. It's more accurate to say then that Fortnite made Tencent one of the biggest players in the world. And Epic could undo most of the damage by simply buying back their shares and leaving Tencent to actually make stuff for the Chinese market, not ideal either since the CPC will just use them to control and exploit the Chinese people but then pretty much nothing any company outside of China does can change that, the CPC barely even tolerates third-party games they didn't make themselves in China, there's nothing anyone outside of China can develop that wouldn't be outright banned or even earn players a one-way trip to the "re-education" camps.

>Why can't they be like based Gaben???

Haven't been on video game-related boards in a while. What's an Epic store? Is it Epic MegaGames? Do they rent games by shoving some always-online DRM into the binaries or do they actually sell copies?

>not ideal either since the CPC will just use them to control and exploit the Chinese people
The problem with Chinese companies is that the CPC uses them to exploit and control people outside China.


Attached: fortnite stats again.jpg (1528x503, 266K)

Man, China really was going in a better direction, too bad Winnie the Pooh took power and fucked up everything.

and what if they're just chatting about apex legends?

They can do whatever they want, or could do whatever they wanted before Tencent took over the reins. Partnering with one of the most evil ruthless criminal organizations in modern history? I wonder what future Chinese consumers will think of them once the Chinese have freed themselves of this cancer. There's already been a huge backlash in China against Apple over its use of electronic sweatshop labor with the now infamous anti-suicide nets installed at Foxconn factories and as a result Apple's market share there dropped substantially, which is slightly fucked seeing as though it offered people some modicum of safety from the CPC's mass surveillance. But of course some money now is always preferable to more money later, doesn't change the fact Epic probably could've flipped the script on them by becoming the wedge to break open the Chinese video games market and made more money in the long run.

>China against Apple over its use of electronic sweatshop labor with the now infamous anti-suicide nets
huh? no one cares about that shit. People just want cheap shit.

Are you a fan of China Uncensored?

I don't care. I use a Russian VPN and get the games at a price Steam won't ever be able to compete against.

FPP is just unnecessary.

Use a Russian VPN to get the lower prices in the world. You retard

People explained this multiple times above. Read the thread retard.

I did and GoG could have said no

And go out of business?
Lose a ton of future games?
Are you retarded?
Don't answer, this was a rhetorical question.

>And go out of business?


>Lose a ton of future games?

They already lose out on games

>Are you retarded?

Max Fag, I pity your name.

It's a meme

never paid anything for the games I own on gog and now I certainly will never buy anything from there, I fucking hate regional pricing bullshit

>the retard replied
By losing even more games.
>They already lose out on games
They will be losing more.
>I pity your name.
>the retards pities me
Retard, you are obviously too stupid to know what the word pity means.

>tencen shill
Get cancer and die.

oh shut the fuck up, false flagging gook micropenis sucking midget

So GoG has no balls and can't say no?

If GoG had any market presence, not being on GoG should hurt the game, right?

>"we're about competition you guys" says the epic shill
>"however we want gog and steam to die, so EGS is the only store left"


Attached: source.gif (2048x2048, 1.46M)

I only want GoG to go away because they had 10 years to be competition to Steam, but never did it

I want Steam to continue living and be available in 2100 and beyond

>half of listed release only miss linux support
Fucking chinks

How does it feel to haras a bunch of grannies over a fucking tweet?

>so much delusion in one post
When will you faggots understand that left can't meme?

>I only want GoG to go away
Stopped reading there, you disgusting DRM shill.

>laid off 12 people out of 120
>opened positions for 20 new

Damn that's so sad, guess I'll have to uninstall all my GoG games and buy them again on the Epic Games Launcher, which I am installing right now.
What does this actually affect? Do third worlders pay less if they bought on Epic Games than on GoG?

Attached: unknownw.png (606x435, 93K)

Got my nigos noggin

Attached: BIG_THINK.png (449x276, 81K)

GOGfags on fucking suicidewatch

GOG gave a little amount of money every time someone paid a game more than an American. This is not the case anymore.


Does GoG not support Linux?

Who the fuck pays taxes on steam purchases?

>Makes less than 15 bucks an hour
>Gets shot
Good luck with your "first world" country

They are working on Galaxy
When it comes to games it depends

This is a bunch of horseshit and basically means that EU customers will be subsidizing American customers. I don't see any possible outcome from this except EU customers ditching GOG in favor of something else, probably just pirating the GOG games anyway.

Imagine actually being proud of being one of the first good goyim that supported digital game rentals, and that caused the death of Physical media on PC. What a fucking cocksucker.

This desu

Just look at the damage control in this thread

>What does this actually affect?

Games on GOG cost 60 USD in America and 60 EUR in Europe. Since 60 EUR is a lot more money than 60 USD, GOG paid for the difference in fake "gogbux" that could only be used in the GOG store.

>so why didn't they just convert the currencies properly instead of insisting on the same number
I don't fucking know.

Digital game sales should have never been allowed to happen in the first place. As soon as Valve started Steam, Steam should have been declared illegal and Gaben murdered by CIA glow-in-the-darkies to prevent the dark future we live in.

What damage control?
Only thing i see is screeching chink bots shilling for Epic and Steam drones shitposting about GOG's death

Steam said they delivered 15 exabytes of data last year. That means they spent $150 million on servers.

lmao just burn your games to a disc

You completely miss the fucking point

>Steam said they delivered 15 exabytes of data last year. That means they spent $150 million on servers.

Which Epic won't be paying as they only allow good games on the service

>b-but what if they break into my house and destroy my burned discs
jeez if you're too lazy to burn shit then only buy drm free like gog

theres not a single good game out of the 5 on the epic gay store

>CIA glow-in-the-darkies
Nice reference.

I dont even care if its over 6 hours later THIS
why should I give a fuck what the company gets back, the people actually responsible for creating the game got their salary already and a bigger slice of the pie going to their boss means fuck all to me

idiot, half life 2 wasnt exclusive on steam
I bought the pc version and launch and it installed as soon as you typed in the cd key

I remember being able to order gta 5, on release, for about £32 on Amazon while costing £60 in Sweden. Now it's more expensive to but from amazon than Sweden. Sad times.

Thats why their name is Good Old Games

>I bought the pc version and launch and it installed as soon as you typed in the cd key

It installed Steam

This is not about owning anything physically you fucking nigger
It was about devs actually checking the quality of the product because they were not able to simply throw a bunch of mandatory patches post realease

>mutt thinks the average mutt lives a better lifestyle than the average European

Don't bother user. We have too many people ITT who think it's okay to release broken games. I feel like Yea Forums is a lost cause. I just want you to know that I fully understand what you're saying, and I'm right there with you.

That's epic effectively price dumping them off the market with the push for lower price share.
It's worth noting it's another monopolistic tendency from epic (yes this is in fact exactly the case), after buying exclusivity for product.
Gog had to lay off 12 employees today.

no it didnt, it asked if you wanted to install steam so it could check for updates and patches and once a month it would ask when you launched the game and you were online

I agree with both of you but my biggest longing is for properly compressed games
Tired of games having 50+GB file sizes for no reason

>With an increasing share paid to developers, our cut gets smaller.

Aren't half the games abandonware or from developers that closed years ago?
GOG shouldn't have tried to buy the IPs outright instead.

50GB is the size of your regular blu-ray disc, so that's still acceptable.

New thread

No you
It was announced today they had to let go 12 employees because of the discord/epic lower price share
If you don't understand what is happening here then you have no idea about how Walmart or Amazon operates, bleeding the competition

>my third world internet can't handle day 1 patches
lol third worlders don't matter