Oh god the wait is LITERALLY killing me.
>105 days until E3
Isn’t it just going to be Microsoft and some of the third parties? Pretty lacklustre bro. E3 is dead.
Isnt just sony the one skipping e3? They dont habe anything good anyway
I hope you're all ready.
I think that was the year I fell out of love with E3
why did i read that in his voice wtf
>tfw you already were on Yea Forums when this image was created
this tbqdesuwyf
Well Nintendo too but they switched to Directs a while ago.
We've been here too long, friend
Microtendo Chads where we at
bugger off arlo
Who cares about Microsoft Exclusives*? FROM Software won't announce anything and western devs are all trash, so it's automatically shit.
*available everywhere
I care, cos in the end they come on pc and most of them are good. Like sunset overdrive. got for cheap on steam with all the content included. Had a great time.
>western AAA copypasted dogshit multiplats
>citing fucking sunset overreddit as an example of a good game
LMAO, yeah, you'll fit right in.
dude you clearly judge a game by its cover and not content, so why don't you do us all a favour and neck yourself? Probably one of the dumbasses out there who got anthem cos it looks nice.
I love how you are defending western AAA garbage while trying to backpedal and shit on an obvious turd such as Anthem. Funny, I thought you were supposed to be praising soulless AAA trash just like it?
No, i am defending good games and bashing trash games. Newsflash, just cos something is triple A doesn't mean its crap. Though you wouldnt believe that cos your head is too far up youre own ass.
>"No, i am defending good games"
>defends Sunset Over NEOGAF PLEASE NOTICE US
>Oh look that game is weird with weird humour that is self referential and silly! CRINGE CRINGE CRINGE
I know you havn't played the game cos it has one of the best movement systems in modern games and clearly i need to repeat myself... Neck yourself
Nintendo has never skipped E3, they just stopped having those retarded conferences.
>literal reddit/neogaf pandering style of writing
>"weird humor"
Do you need help going back to r/gaming?
Yeah but Anaconda is gonna be officially announced Nigga
>No snoy movies about goblins kissing
>"E3 is dead!"
Fuck you.
You are proving my point that you should be removing yourself from the gene pool. You used the reddit/neogaf a second time and you still have said nothing bout the gameplay.
Youre an american, you should have a gun with a bullet in lying around... Or even better. Just go to school and educate yourself once in your life before the school shooting happens. Im out
Microsoft's conference last year had way more Japanese announcements than Sony's you dumbass.
True, I was legit shocked when I saw Vesperia's trailer. It makes sense though I did not expect them to care about it after 10 years.
after the last direct, I've completely given up hope
Miyamoto is a senile old man and they're probably telling him he's making a game to make him feel better
But there isn't
There never was
I actually wish Sony was doing it so we could laugh at them again
>Thinking people watch it for the games
Its fun to watch a bunch of suits humiliate themselves in front of thousands.
Minecraft matt is gonna be in smash?
>you still have said nothing about the completely unremarkable has-been-done-better-before gameplay
Let me guess, anything flashy with bRiGhT nEoN eFfEcTs is instantly "awesome" for a simple minded buffoon such as yourself, isn't it? And considering you're the one who gets a laugh of literal stale reddit memes plastered in a video games, you're the one who should take your own advice and eat a bullet. It's the best you could ever hope to achieve in your life anyway.
>MS E3
>55 games, all good and AAA
>Sony E3
>4 movies
And you still have not said anything about the gameplay. What about the movement system? What about the huge variety of guns and the huge amount of customization you can do with the combo system? The amount of different enemy types which make you change your playstyle? How about all of the stuff that makes a videogame a VIDEOGAME?! YOU STILL HAVE NOT MENTIONED ANYTHING ABOUT THE THINGS IM CRITICIZING YOUR MENTAL SKILLS FOR?
As i said, your the idiot who judges a book by its cover. So when are you taking the bullet or noose?
This. E3 is pure fucking garbage. I can't wait until normie trash like Last of Us 2 and Halo 6 are the highlights of the show.
Fucking please. I moved on from console "gaming" years ago.
Microsofts conference is literally a superior PC gaming show
So now that DMC5 is a thing. What is Yea Forums looking forward to now?
>had way more Japanese
Sony had
Resident Evil 2
Nioh 2
Death Stranding
Kingdom Hearts 3
Microsoft had
Devil May Cry V
Tales of Vesperia
Jump Force
Kingdom Hearts 3
So they had one more Jap game than Sony to show off, and none were exclusive to Microsoft
>judging games based on if theyre exclusive or not
I can smell the beard behind this post
it will probably suck like last year's one desu
Meh. Since Snoy isn't coming this year, they should actually give the PC Gaming Show a real venue this time. Hosted by Steam or Epic, maybe?
That would give PC some credibility with console children.
>give the PC Gaming Show a real venue
none of the shows are just given their venues,
they have to actually pay for them
PC Gaming Show doesn't have the same backing as Microsoft/Sony/Ubi/Bethesda
at best they have some small sponsorship with AMD to pay for the host and stream, they can't afford to rent a proper theater out
Rocksteady's game