Are neps gay?

Are neps gay?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Can you count as gay if only one sex exists?

Only IF and Red.

It's a very common misconception since most of nep fans are also yurishitters. So no, they're not gay, and don't let anyone else dissuade you.

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Post some adult neps


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that's an ugly face on arguably the most beautiful-faced Nep

I said ADULT neps

They can't be gay because they all have girlfriends.

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Canonically they're neither gay neither straight, Compile doesn't want to offend yuri niggers and they don't want to put off the waifushitters either. Since the series is pretty much dead now this will never be officially resolved anyway so go with whatever fits your headcanon.

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Yeah, kinda

You think I'm playing, user? Show me the real neps

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God damn I want to ram Ram

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Alright, you get a pass for the thighs

I'm more of a Rom man.

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cute pits
cute feets

I want to sexualy abuse the twins

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Bless you user

they look pretty gay here

I wasn't much of a fan until the 4GO designs. Made me see the twins in a whole new light. Plus, I mained Rom throughout the whole game.

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Post Nyamota

>he's never been in the same bed wearing only a loose, open shirt and licked his friend's knee
You'd know there's nothing gay about it if you ever had friends.

Very gay.

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garbage meme artist

Are we all in agreement that Nepgear has the best thighs?

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but thats illegal!

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Oh, you're right.

She and Noire are close.

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Oh fuck I never knew Nepgear was packing ass. Shot her up a couple of ranks just now.

A reminder that only complete spergs actually play these retarded waifubait games.
Don't even bother (You)ing me, I'm not staying in this thread.

Well he also did this long ago, this shoudl be fine

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What's a nep?


He needs to do more Blanc/White Heart.
Post more pls.

Yeah, there are a number of moments in the anime were her thighs and ass are noticeably thicker than the other girls. I had a couple more screencaps, but I don't know where I've put them.

A sperm collector.

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Uzume is the coolest.

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Also the deadest.

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>letting her die
why user?

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Is there any point of playing VII if there is VIIR?
There is a humble nep bundle right now

Oh wow look at them titties

>Post more pls.
its a very bad idea, I dont think even posting the very old stuff is pasasble

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The battle gameplay is a bit different between the 2. VIIR's difficulty was also toned down a bit, which wasn't necessary at all.

If console war threads are banned, why are Nep threads fine?

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>humble nep bundle
say what
That stuff was like on 90% sale last month

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And best girl isn't in VIIR.

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This pleases my bandages-being-used-as-undewear fetish

Speaking of Neps the new humble bundle had Rebirth 1-3, Nep U, Nep V-II and Nep VIIR for $12. Or you can get Nep rebirth 1 and 2 for $1.

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you tell me

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oh, I found something entirely different, that's a deal then. Though
>4GO DLC only

His WH/Blanc is always good though.

oh its lovely

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How about the dykiest Nep of them all?

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She cute.

I'd rather a smol Falcom.

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Why does no one love big Falcom?

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Good question. Developer wars are fine, though.

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Which of these games are worth playing? Never played a Neptunia game before, but I have a fondness for low budget JRPG's like the Atelier games

I have 'em all.

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Rebirth titles and VII

Rebirth 1 has some of the classic old Idea Factory cancer gameplay but the story is probably the best Nep story.

Rebirth 2 is hit or a miss. Depends on you liking Nepgear or not. The game is also fairly short because it has half a dozen different endings.

Rebirth 3 is longer again and overall probably the most polished of them all.

VII is peak Nep in terms of gameplay and finally brought in some new assets. Rebirth 1+2+3 are all on the same engine and Idea Factory keep re-using locations and enemies throughout the titles.

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>Rebirth 1
Definitely got some of the best banter. Tempted to NG+ it just for the dialogue.

There's a Nep bundle in Humble Bundle if you faggots don't already know.

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Thanks. You're the 3rd person to tell us.

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You're welcome.

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>want to replay Rebirth 1
>remember the crafting bullshit in this game

Want a decent item to make the boss fight less annoying?
You can only craft that item by gathering 3 different ingredients:

The first one is fairly easy to reach.
The second one can drop in a dungeon which unlocks in the next chapter of the game and it has a low droprate. But in order to unlock that dungeon in the next chapter you need to clear that other dungeon and gather items there first. If you forget to do that the dungeon will be unavailable for the rest of the playthrough because timegated. And after going through all that bullshit you realize that the last item needed is locked in yet another dungeon which is locked behind another dungeon which is also locked behind another dungeon.

That shit was cancer in Agarest and it was cancer here.

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Because Neps are olev

Nice, always wanted to try these games. I can definitely drop a dollar for the first two

there's a plan and chip to reduce drop rates, and if you're not autistically searching all possible locations you're playing it wrong.

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I bought the bundle but already owned RB1 so here's my spare.

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NOW we're talking.

More of her taking fat dick, when?

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Got it, thanks

hopefully soon, his Blancs gave me the BIGGEST nuts, in a perfect world he'd make a proper full set about her but he's content just releasing 2 pics with 4 variants each every single time

how do neps copulate?

With copious amounts of dick.

After they take in a lot of SHARES

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This is the protector of Lastation.

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>got the humble bundle for VIIR and DLC I didn't have
>$12 for VR neps

sounds fun, just need to set up my rift again

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They're gay for me

I'd worship that.

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I'd say Worst Girl but Vert exists.

I need the dlc.

>imagine having this much of a shit taste

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>monsters invade your city
>strongest line of defense gets captured
>family and friends get murdered as your goddess is put on display as she's gangraped by monsters

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Blanc a best

>die with a boner

She'd never lose to a filthy monster horde. Only Nepgear is stronger (and cuter).

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Noire would like to die surrounded by dicks, drowning in semen

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>tfw you will never carry Blanc

You might as well be attracted to a board

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As would all neps.

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Yea Forums is extremely horny today

I want to FUCK some nep feet

Nice, where can I order one?

I want to FUCK that board.

Get shrekt

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nvm I got it.

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Okay, this has gone long enough...
What the actual fuck is a Nep anyway?
What is this game about?

Nep is Nep!

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>they're not gay
[citation needed]

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Why would you lust after nothing when Vert has so much more?

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A nep is a nep
The games are about the neps saving their dimension from piracy and evil consoles.
And their gay hijinks

The games are about Nep Nep. Except the ones that are about other Neps.

No they're not gay. Perfectly heterosexual

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Cute game consoles doing cute things, with heavy handed anti-piracy messages. Nep is the vocal tic of the main character Neptune.

Neps are not for Nepping, although, most of us want to. Some Neps are more Nepful than others, though, whilst some are outright Neppy. Hopefully that explains everything you'll ever need to know about Neps.

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New mainline when?

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Based Blanc.

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Wait what, consoles?
Like Sega Neptune, is that what Nep is?
So it's console-tan JRPG?

I don't think so, but i wouldn't mind if there were more fanart of neps kissing.

When Noire stops wanting to censor everything.

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Poor Lonely Heart

I want Nepgear and Noire to team up and make a better Gamindustri. Fuck the other Neps.

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Just a reminder that next month CH has a 2-hour long spot on a dengeki livestream

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March 30th. CH is doing a Neptunia Special Day at Dengeki Game Festival

I want to fuck Idea Factory.

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Neps are beyond traditional concepts of sexuality and reproduce by working hard and taking Shares from one another.
That doesn't mean they can't exchange them willingly, though.

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Post more of her

I've only recently got into Neptunia games, just finished Re;birth 3.

Is Plutia the best thing ever added to this franchise?

Well, atleast the consoles are cute, well, thanks for answering my questions.

Carry on.

I want a tomboy gf.

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lies, she has the grace of a fairy

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Iris Heart was a mistake.

Yes. Neptune started out as a cheap generic fantasy land RPG about Princesses, CH saw how popular console-tan stuff was becoming, and (quickly and cheaply with lots of reused assets) transformed it into the series it is now. Main reason why Noire/Vert/Blanc don't look anything like their respective consoles.

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whatever godforsaken miserable piece of human shit drew this will cast into a pit of dead snakes, expired cake and get pissed on by 100 arabs then get sent to the nearest resetera support center for his crimes against me in three days

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Was her game any good

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i want to literally be Iffy-chan's motorcycle and to be ridden all over the place while cracking quips and appreciating the grip of her thighs.

Not really, but I enjoyed it anyway since IF is my favorite character. Now I hope she gets her transformation in future games so she can keep up in damage with other characters.

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Plootster and Ministy are the best things ever added to RB3.
The storyline would've been unbearable if it hadn't been for these two constantly beating some common sense into the rest of the retarded cast.

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Nothing special, fun if you're a fan of the Hard Girls though.


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Loosely based on consoles. Mostly personality like Noire(Sony) being super arrogant Blanc(Nintendo) being quiet mostly with a huge mean streak if threatened Plutia(Mega Drive/Genesis era Sega) being sadistic. It's mostly a cute girls game

>tfw you will never live in the utopia that is Leanbox

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made for nepzuri

>omega quintet
>god eater resurrection
>rogue galaxy
Which should I finish first?

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come to nintendo land! we oversexualize all lolis and get away with it scotfree!

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>ywn get shot and killed on the mean streets of Lastation

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>ywn drag noire into an alleyway and rape her with her silent consent

wait, Iffy had a spinoff?

>land is cold
>lolis are all bundled up to keep warm

Yeah, the Sega Hard Girls game

>he doesn't want to embrace lolis to keep them warm
your loss fag
more for me

Nice, I like IF. One of my favorites.

you and me brother

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They're so gay they've looped back around and became straight

did I screw up somewhere or does the humble bundle collection not include the 4th game? I got a 4th game dlc that I can't redeem because I don't have the 4th game.

Did you like the anime?

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Noire is confirmed gay

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>want to buy this bundle just for VII-R
>Don't have 4GO so DLC is useless
>would have an extra copy of basically the entire series
>don't have a VR

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Don't forget her.

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It's just the DLC. Why I don't know.
Good outside of it's weird attempts to be serious.

Tits too big

Noire spends every night in lastation public restrooms wearing very erotic cosplay outfits and begging anyone that passes by to fill up her lonely, aching pussy

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this except with Uni but she's screaming the whole time so you have to punch her until she stops

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>tfw too paranoid and would think i'm being baited if i saw a hot girl asking for dick in the restroom at 1 am

By 4th game do you mean 4GO? The bundle has dlc only for it. It's a spinoff, not really the 4th game though.

You're a mistake.


That doesn't stop Iris from being a mistake, though.


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Why didn't they just give me the base game? WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO EXPAND UPON?

she'd kneel down in front of you and unzip your pants, lick your dicks head and ask if you want to use any of her holes as a toilet before you give the thirsty cat her milk

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I honestly don't remember much about it, but I do remember liking the ED a lot.

oy vey we can't put a game that is only a year old in BTA. be a good goy and buy it for $39.99 on steam so you can use your DLC.


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>Already have all the games except the VR one
>I COULD get the deluxe packs for way less than I could ever get them for on sale, but I don't want them

It hurts, bros.

I liked it up until episode 6 I think. Though Purple Heart was pretty cool all the way through.

>weird attempts to be serious
Can Nep ever be shown in a serious light?

we need to be patient. our time will come.

i m a g i n e

4GO goes on sale a bunch, usually for fairly cheap. Just hold onto the the DLC until then.

Conquest ending was about as serious as you can get


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Why is noire so sexually abusable?1

The right size.

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>She just walks the fuck away, stating that Nepgear already doomed the world


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Nope. Didn't say that. The anime was terrible about mood whiplash though, mainly in Mk2 adaptation.

I am literally going to marry Uni!

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everything to have friends, even take in smelly, unwashed, dirty dicks of homeless people

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>Series suddenly has an actual good villain
I did not see that coming.

>ctrl + f
>no Compa
That's sad

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So was she in the right?

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The only nice thing about Compa is her girlfriend desu.

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Compa is cute!

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The BTA is worth it for the deluxe DLCs. The final tier isn't UNLESS you're one of those guys who are into that VR meme. VII with all the dlc shows up in bundle stars like every other month.

VII was just poorly balanced. The times where it forced you to use one-or-two-person parties was just unreasonable. But once you had a full party there was nothing that posed a challenge other than arena enemies that were 20 levels or higher above you (and even then you could manage with enough items).

Nepgear is my one true Goddess! I'll follow her to the end!

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Noire and Uni basically forced her to go down the genocide route once she killed Uni there was no other choice

Don't be mean, she really doesn't deserve it

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Seriously this. Noire just went all GIMME THAT SWORD, PUT THAT POINTY END INTO ME and at that point it was all a sunken cost dilemma. If she didn't commit after that, Blanc would've taken it and done the deed herself.

Is VIIR worth playing if I already VII?

Do I play the games by release order?

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Why not her objectively superior sister whom Nepgear is already suspiciously bff with?

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Not really.

>Posting Disgaea characters in a Neptune thread

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You can skip the first three because RB is basically remakes.
Most of them are spinoff, there are 4 mainline games.

Not even if I already bought it?
I'm just asking if it's worth playing, not buying.

Rebirths 1-3 are just remakes of 1, 2, and Victory.
VII is a direct sequel to Victory (or Rebirth 3).
Everything else is just spinoff stuff, although the sega hard girls one has Neptune fucking die and come back as a motorcycle.


The rebirth games are remakes of the original trilogy.

4 Goddess Online, U Action Unleashed, Blanc vs Zombies, HyperDevotion, and Sega Hard Girls are all spinoffs.

Nep-Nep Connect Chaos is a dead mobage game that was Vita only.

Why would you buy something you don't know if you want to play? Just play it.

VIIR is a neutered version of VII with VR segments and slightly better graphics

>although the sega hard girls one has Neptune fucking die and come back as a motorcycle

This here is how you sell a game to someone.

No reason to. HDN1 is absolute trash, and Mk2 isn't much better. The series really didn't get "good" until Victory.

NISA is the only thing you're missing by not playing the PS3 games.

gift em to friends

You may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like.

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I know they removed the bad ending, anything else?


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Because I just bought the bundle for the sake of completion, I wanted VII on PC because I did enjoy it a few years ago on PS4. I just don't know if the remake is worth playing.

>some alternate version of (You) is currently living in an universe where N1 didn't shit on their staff and there are lots of disgaea x neptunia crossovers

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removed all DLC characters
placed restrictions on scouts
changed the combat system (for the worse, it's back to the shitty AP/SP system form mk2)


>All sorts of tag, support attack, and combo mechanics to support an eight-person party
>Stuck with only three party members for 80% of the game until it dumps like thirty characters on you at once, most of whom aren't worth using

Why do so many of the games do this?

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>back to the shitty AP/SP system form mk2
Well shit. You have to actually play the game to unlock the VR segments, right?

Thanks a lot for the input, anons
Going to skip the original trilogy and start with the Rebirths mainline before the PC spinoffs then

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So you only have to pick your favorites.

I have a thing for Miko's. Please cause this poor soul so I can get me some Miko action.

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Skip Noires game it's a really bad trpg. The others are alright for spinoffs

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delet this

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>gets raped by bugs

If you want to play PP, you'll have to get a Vita for it. Doesn't work on PSTV, and it's highly unlikely it'll ever get a PC port.

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I haven't gotten to VIIR yet
should I trade it in for VII?
judging from this thread VIIR is the worse one and I don't even have PSVR

God dammit. I want my Conquest Nepgear bonus boss.

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W-what's Neptune going to do with that

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You can do the VR crap without a headset. It's worse than the original though, yes.

I have no idea what you are talking about.

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Quick rundown on the conquest ending? I couldn't force myself to replay the game.

this proud goddess is just a monster cocksleeve!

She will take back what is rightfully hers.

The gang finds this cursed sword called Gehaburn that gains power as it kills CPUs so nepgear goes around and has to kill all her friends and family then Arfoire basically just laughs at her and said that Nepgear doomed the world herself. The game ends with Nepgear being the only CPU and doubts if she did the right thing

>mfw going through that ending

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>You have to actually play the game to unlock the VR segments, right?

Could you provide any reputable sources to back up that claim? Because I have reason to believe this claim might be true for other goddesses.

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>Compile Heart keeps reusing assets
>Tsunako is a hack
>Neptunia series is pretty much dead
>They never raised $10 to add to their $20 budget to make the game Neptunia deserves.

It's not fucking fair bros.

Attached: __nepgear_choujigen_game_neptune_mk2_and_neptune_series_drawn_by_kuroi_no_noir__86877c37d9e926979ead (457x1000, 359K)

Did Ram and Rom predict the Switch?

Tsunako left the company, family.

Attached: Purple Heart Escape (ENG).png (813x621, 341K)

Think for yourself, faggot.

She still draws for them, she's just a freelancer who does commissions for them now instead of a full time employee.

She's still a hack.

Wait, that game had a translation patch? Fucking where?

gonna need sauce my man

Yes. Nepgear and IF were the best characters. Followed by Neptune and Noire. And then Histoire.

As far as CPUs go, this is how they rank from gayest to least-gayest:

Noire > Vert > Plutia > Blanc > Rei > Neptune > Peashy

english? Where?
you clearly have the source

Based. Fuck weak Neps and fuck their sisters.

Attached: Nepgear.png (1920x1080, 1.64M)

This user got it but I'd suggest watching a play through of it it's easily the best part of mk2

Hopefully, it won't carry over all the stuff from VIIR.

I'm asking for opinions of those who played the games. I guess I didn't make it clear I already bought the game tho

Nowhere atm because I haven't released it yet. I'm about 99% done with it, translation is finished but I have a couple of friends proof-reading it and making sure it still works before I release it, since I don't want to put out a broken game. I was originally gonna put it in the /h/ nep thread once it was ready, but that died from lack of posting. Might just put it in the next Yea Forums thread we have once its done, though I will upload it to the usual other sites once I know it works completely.

Attached: rpgmaker.png (1916x1014, 715K)

Didn't Compile Heart just release a new game with an original IP? I remember it looked the same as every other CH game, but the title was so awful I can't remember it for the life of me.

How nice of you user, your goddess approves of the tribute

Attached: DLszHfNVYAAvVoI.jpg (600x800, 90K)

Watch this
Then watch this afterwards
That way you get the full experience.

oh i just looked it up
request something
the gameplay looks familiar tho

My penis thanks you.

godspeed user

>jumps from 4 to 7

Death end re;Quest. It's honestly pretty good.

Never. The canadian nep game will kill the series.

VII is better. VIIR has a few cool things, like giving every offensive skill a cinematic (something VII lacked). But, honestly, it has a lot of questionable decisions.

>Combat is slower because you have to go into a menu for everything, including basic attacks
>EVERYTHING costs money, including basic attacks and skills
>Characters heal completely between battles
>Plans are more obtuse and annoying than they'd ever been
>Scouts are less convenient now, as you have to send each scout to each area individually, you can't send more than two scouts into an area at once and you don't gain as much from it
>The effectiveness of weapons and armor are randomized. Even with the same name and rarity, no two weapons will be identical.
>Only one save slot. Auto-save.
>VR events are kinda boring and awkward because they're all like five minutes of a Nep one-sidedly talking to a mute about nothing.
>A lot of the exploits from VII, such as selling the Delphinus parts for insane amounts of dosh or quickly leveling up with Big Metal Dogoo have been nerfed to hell.

That's it. I might check it out when it drops in price a bit, assuming I don't forget the name again and confuse it with Chaos;Head or anything like that.

>Nepgear canonically 5' 1"
>Uni canonically 4' 11"

Based on the picture, either Nepgear grew or Uni shrank.

Big Neps?

Attached: 886.jpg (850x1200, 166K)

No. Small neps.

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V2R was nothing but engine practice and testing out some ideas, its an incredibly shitty tactic and Im glad both V2R and RB1+ sold like garbage thanks to that. They shouldnt have tried to force a Nep title in the gap, just focused on their other games, since we are getting new proper nep now anyway

Too bad

Attached: 664.jpg (850x1200, 160K)

Isn't RB1+ just a port with extra Makers?

>Microsoft wants to make this canon

That censorship of big Nep is getting out of hand.

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its still a bad, lazy release

To be fair, it's also an ingenious tactic, because it allows them to test questionable ideas with minimal risk. It's just also not very consumer-friendly, seeing as how we're being used as guinea pigs.

They are gay for the dick

Rom butt.

Attached: fc398919f090db24dea2b0d5fca804d9.jpg (522x800, 56K)

Well, yeah, but so are all ports.

she's cute, happy and always positive, a little ray of sunshine, if sun could devour puddings

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It is about time we get a Nep game with full overhaul in character models and gameplay.

Yep. Just the PC version with all the extra characters from RB2 and 3. Only thing I think it's missing is Child Iffy and Compa (Who the PC version just got)
Not really surprising that it under performed.

There's nothing there

This is my favorite nep

Attached: M012.jpg (2001x2864, 459K)

Seems like it exists primarily for PS4 owners who never owned a Vita and don't have Steam for some reason. So, you know, mainly for Japan.

I prefer this nep.

Attached: d2f19da9e9e1cea584e48fa12924ed62.jpg (714x1000, 374K)

>Does absolutely nothing in your path

Or maybe she did. I dunno. I played Fairy Fencer, and then Advent Dark Force, but I barely remember any of it. It hasn't even been a fucking year since I finished all three routes of ADF.

But I don't want a waifu
I don't want to play her games and see the localisation memes

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Marinara is very cute
Became the final boss in one route, joined your party in another.

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Well they finally seem to have some money, so maybe the next one will be that way.

None of their 'paths' really felt like you were dating except the main girls, the side ones in ADF felt like you would get there eventually, but cut off before the good stuff.

Not a lot of love for Chika.

Attached: 6f05829d9a80a9abb0c0799743738cf1008de08f_hq.jpg (768x1024, 103K)

No one likes a boring lesbian with no personality nor screen time.

They probably got rid of most of the Oracles because they don't really serve much purpose.

>he doesn't drive a Nep-theme Honda S2000 featuring his waifu
Lol, you guys aren't casuals, are you?

Attached: 5efc8fdc0b.jpg (1280x720, 165K)

You don't choose a waifu, a waifu chooses you. Congratulations on being chosen. Now, watch yourself delve deeper and deeper into waifuism, getting more invested into the source material of your waifu, en-massing a massive folder of pictures of her, playing her game or watching her anime over and over again just to hear her voice while smiling like a retard the whole time. Only to realize that she will never be real. It's a great feeling.

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I like this nep

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Yes and no. They are to appeal to yurifags and they aren't to appeal to waifufags. It's like Schrodinger's yuri.

girls loving girls isint gay, its foreplay

>that stance
Get that shit outta here.

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Are there more of these?

gamers give me spare keys from nep bundle

>that part when they just straight up kill Underling for beating up Vert while she's incapacitated

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How much Nep could a Nep-Nep Nep if a Nep-Nep could Nep Nep?

It's also because Yuusha has links to RB1 specifically Arfoire so they needed it to be fresh in the players' minds again. Then the leafs fucked up and the game had to be delayed defeating the purpose of the port.

How about a Mitsubishi Colt Ralliart Version-R?

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Good ol' Canada. Is there anything they don't screw up?

Being screw ups

where can I get a non meme translation, if it is possible
the localization is top cringe

I'm out of the loop with BraveNep. Chrome is Purefoire?

Does Neptune ever call Arfoire "Mom"?

in NA? hell no that shit would get vandalized by mexican thieves immediately.
None for Rebirth1

Can't wait for the series to be a mobile only franchise here soon.

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yeah also Nep is RB1 Nep so expect her to be more of a cunt than VII's Nep.
>that ice cold mockery of an NPC for saying he was going to have dinner with his girlfriend
It was nice to have old Nep back.

Re;Birth1's translation wasn't as memey so no one bothered. VII isn't that memey either, but they still kept Nep Jr.

thanks bro

Re;Birth1 is fine, you'll probably want the re-translation patches for 2 and 3, as they are using edited versions of NISA's old translations.

RB1 Nep wasn't even that much of a cunt, though. In fact, in some ways she's even nicer than in VII.

>non meme translation
You've come to the wrong franchise bucko.

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How come the TOP NEP hat never appears as an accessory in the games?

you do realize the JP version is just as memey right? they simply switched out a few JP memes no one would ever get with NA memes in some spots but kept the overall theme intact.

pic related is (you)

Attached: durr chipmunk voices are better cause i don't understand them.jpg (480x480, 51K)

Jap Nep is a very different beast to Eng Nep. They toned her down a lot in VII.

The localization adds memes where they originally weren't, though. Like when Neptune is saying something completely normal, the localization decides it needs more memes and shoves one in.

>but kept the overall theme intact
>Conquest Ending
>Neptune about to be stabbed
Jap version
>Full of emotion, fear, sadness, but still loves her sister
Eng version
>kept the overall theme intact
You may have brain damage. I'd get that looked at.

I played Jap RB1. She's not really that much of a cunt. She does pick on Noire, but she's overall more straightforward than she was in, say, RB3.

Fuck you I think they're gay and there's nothing you can do to change my mind anti yuri nigger

theres more than just memes. IF changes characters names and terms all over the place. the scripts are basically fanfic rewrites instead of actual translations.

>he thinks shit like this is okay
call me a weeb as much as you want but at least I have the decency to not eat up forced unfunny mutt memes like you, retard

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i'd fill nep with my emo juice if ya know what i mean

The people complaining about memes would just go into overdrive.

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It's a West only meme, but I'd fully expect to see it in the next mainline regardless. Although I am kind of surprised IFI hasn't added it to PC Re;Birth1, since they keep adding new stuff to it.

Play mega miracle force

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seriously a good deal

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Tsunako loves it though.

>It's a West only meme

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How come Neptune's lewd CPU form in the phone game isn't even that lewd?

Maybe that's the one I'm thinking of. I remember they toned her down in VII maybe I fucked up and it was RB3 I meant. At the same time they were pushing that its Nep from RB1's dimension and in Yuusha she's a hell of a lot more rude than VII.

Only moment you ever see Neppy really pissed off

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I am, waiting for next event, but in the mornig I need to farm some more tickets so I can get hirotune to 4* at least

FYI the $1 deal will get you ready for Super Neptunia RPG as it's based on the standalone Rebirth 1 universe (called Super Dimension)

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News to me, but I'm a bit out of the loop when it comes to Neptunia in general these days.

Nep's always a bit rude, but overall, she's never been particularly cutting or crude in the Re;Birth games.

The mainline games need to stop reusing assets and a new engine wouldn't hurt either.

Attached: nepu.gif (1200x720, 803K)

You'll continue seeing those Trinity Universe monsters until the end of time, and you'll like it dammit!

Yes. These lziards live in SIN and will face a reckoning at the Lord’s hand.

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they are not real you loser, its a cartoon

Forgot this:

I fell off of this series hard before 4GO came out. What's the deal with the Canadian-made game and when is the next mainline supposed to be out?

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Let's hope, user. I mean, they have some money now so surely...

Also, I hate how the anime fails spectacularly to capture the charm of Tsunako's character designs.

Never played the games. Is there an Ara Ara?

New engine/models should be a given with the next main Nep game. I miss the factory dungeon though

My cute wife has an great butt!

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Then its weird she's gotten way more harsh in Yuusha. She's been way more cutting especially with her thoughts. She's got more control when talking, its really her thoughts that are top cunt tier.

>Canadian-made game
Brave Neptunia/Super Neptunia RPG, buggy and crash prone Valkyrie Profile clone.
>next mainline
Come back on the 30th of March, after CH's event.

It's payback for VS Sega Hard Girls

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It seems to change a bit with each game. She's very blunt with her opinions, but it's always made clear that she never means anything bad by it. She just has no limiter on her mouth. You can't really say that RB1 Nep's a cunt considering how insistent she was on getting close to Noire and how kind she was to Blanc. She points out characters' weaknesses mercilessly, such as Noire having no friends and Blanc being flat, but I wouldn't call her a cunt for it.

in-game cut scenes would be nice, too. The few that exist in VII work pretty nicely imo.

>will use Mizuchi and Orochi Engine
Pretty much confirmed since they use it for everything now
>New character models
Maybe, might just be an improvement to bring them up to Varnir levels
>New dungeons
We're still gonna get Virtua Forest since its a series staple but I think we'll get a good number of new dungeon assets
We'll get the series staples. Hopefully they bring in Kei to do some monster designs. His DERQ designs were amazing.

True, the NPC insult is really direct even if its just her thinking, its pretty ice cold for an insult. Maybe is on to something

The only canonically gay ones are K-sha, RED and Million Arthur.
There's Vert, who's constantly pushing the boundaries of what is considered normal behavior between heterosexual girls and many just consider her a bi-slut.
Then there are Nepgear and Uni which is the only pairing that the developers themselves hint at (sometimes subtly sometimes not so subtly).
Then you have the teasing between Neptune and Noire and between Compa and IF but these are always played just for the lols and are not to be taken seriously.
The rest of the neps fall into the "straight until proven gay" category

Attached: 1540421897398.png (850x1231, 1.51M)

Well what are some examples of these insults?

Vert is the closest you're gonna get

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And later that night they had a lot of sex.

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Plutia x Neptune is some good shit

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Modern game design has been corrupted by the belief that more is always better. Instead of focusing on a tight core gameplay loop and a solid aesthetic, they focus on stuffing everything they can into the game, constantly following trends so your game now has to have open-world sandbox survival crafting battle royale elements thrown in and ever more high-definition graphics with bigger texture maps and more GPU-melting features that will just look dated in a few years' time. The one console company that even tries to avert this is Nintendo, with its cheaper and less powerful consoles and devotion to quality, even in casual games that others would consider to be tasks for shovelware studios.

Blanc may be much smaller than Vert but there's far more goodness stuffed in that petite body than is to be found in that bloated rotten-hearted tittymonster.

t. Weiss

Attached: wall of blanc.jpg (2900x1369, 2.82M)

With me.

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>And later that night they held hands

More Steamax dropping spaghetti too

Attached: 20160713092238_1.jpg (1920x1080, 495K)

>Nep wakes up in 2d land's Lastation
>Member of the military walks in to question Nep about things(light lore dump of the world and how it works as well as info about Silkworm(the military power) that ensures only 2D games can be made)
>He goes to leave after saying Nep has to meet the Silkworm officers at the guild.
>He says he now has to leave to have dinner with his girlfriend.
>Nep in thought: Hahaha look at this guy thinking he'll be anything more than an NPC character by forcing in some backstory for himself. How pathetic!
She's pretty rude to a lot of people since she(and the other CPUs) have amnesia. In fact the only person that knows who she and the others are, is Chrome.

Where is the girl?

Is this Anonydeath's less gay autistic brother?


Wish the whole scene is in VR from his point of view.

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Nepgear is cute and sexy.

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t. Vert

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What a slut

Slutty nep best nep

That seems pretty normal to me. The characters have always made fun of NPCs for being NPCs.

And Neptune spent all of RB1 with amnesia.

and murderous

Go away child murderer lover


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>That seems pretty normal to me.
I dunno, this seemed to really stand out as different for me. I know RB1 Nep had amnesia but having it again means all that development from RB1 is thrown out the window. I dunno, its one of those things you just have to see and hear for yourself.

Much better

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Well you have to remember that there isn't really a whole lot of NPC interaction in Neptunia games. But the few there are generally don't get good treatment either way.

or i get the gehaburn?

I'm gonna jack off to lewds of your sister.

RB1 was in an entirely different dimension there's zero connection to the rest of the series besides characters. They didn't expect to have a sequel and didn't want to continue the world built in 1 so they set 2 on in a new dimension


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They probably jack off to each other when nobody is looking is you catch my meaning

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>tfw have everything but VIIR since I have no VR headset


why is amnesia there? is it another walking simulator?

More Plutia.

Attached: Plutia (11).png (1200x1600, 1.11M)

Some other IF published game. Probably tossed it in to move some units. Who the fuck buys otome games?

True that, and because of the nature of this game where NPCs are actually a little more relevant this time around(Silkworm military are a pretty dominant force so you interact with the generic soldiers a fair bit) so it might just be that its standing out since there's more NPCs to interact with this time.

noire seems like the kind of girl who wants nep and nep specifically to kiss, nibble and lick every inch of noire's body

$12 is enough, right?
I'm poor and in need of charity myself, ffs

Attached: __iris_heart_nepgear_neptune_noire_and_pururut_four_goddesses_online_cyber_dimension_neptune_kami_ji (1280x1546, 2.1M)

It's cheaper than buying it from key sellers atm. Of course after this bundle the prices on those sites will plummet

It's funny how Iris Heart never really does anything to Neptune.

Yeah and Yuusha is based on that very same dimension's characters. That's the point about the development. RB1 has character development between the Goddesses that's thrown out the window with Yuusha since they all get amnesia but the events of RB1 linger in their minds and Chrome knows everything because of who she really is.

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but what about noire

>bundle only has dlc for the 4goddess one and not the actual game

She doesn't see Neptune the same ways she sees everyone else

Attached: 1547925273951.jpg (3544x5000, 3.57M)

>Neptunia 5
>Extra scenario where a mysterious stranger from another dimension wielding a familiar purple sword appears
>When she sees Nepgear, she goes into a violent rage. When she sees Neptune, she runs away.
>She's from a dimension where the Conquest ending happened. Her Gamindustri fell to ruin and she just wander around aimlessly. Seeing Neptune brings back past trauma and she can't bring herself to hurt her. In battle, she'll attack Nepgear relentlessly if she's there, but she rarely attacks Neptune and her damage output is halved when she does.

So, can we start the image dumps of questionable origin already?

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Fuck insects

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Got that covered too.

Attached: crop.jpg (2176x2508, 958K)

So basically

Plutia always gonna be my number 1

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This is the /u/ police.
Right this way sir.

Attached: descarga.jpg (272x185, 7K)

Reminder that the transformation has no actual effect on Neptune's personality.
She's ALWAYS a turboslut and always and insufferable memelord.

Linda is Best Girl and did nothing wrong.

Attached: Lindom.png (1920x1018, 1.56M)

imagine walking into this scene, am i allowed to do things to nepgear, cuz ima do things to nepgear

Honestly, Linda's probably gonna die alone in an alley or something. A two-bit thug who doesn't think anything about murder but lacks the power, skill or means to strike it truly big is destined to die in a gutter.

I'm about to play rebirth1. What's up with additional content packs 7, 8 and 9? Says I need to buy them but they're not available anywhere.

Soon this will all be illegal enjoy the art while it lasts pedos

Linda was directly involved in Vert dying so she's alright by me

Attached: earlicking.jpg (800x1044, 570K)

Nobody in here cares nerd


The fuck? I thought there were only six DLCs.

7 8 and 9 are either a bug or has something to do with plus.

They are if you want them to be. They are aware they exist for fanservice.

Also IF and Red is gay as fuck.

Awful taste, Yea Forums.

unsurprisingly awful

>Nepgear that far down
Truly the most plebian tastes

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Take a guess

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>plutia on top
Looks good to me

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Take a fucking guess

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Such a qt
I'd feed her all the puddings

>Neptune resembles an eleven-year-old
Is Noire a pedo?

Attached: LindaInADress.png (785x1100, 947K)

What was the relationship between Magic and Underling, anyway? Based on Magic's reaction, it seemed like she actually cared about Underling to some extent.

no but i am

Woah Linda is cute!

What is the appeal of insect porn

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welcome to nintendo online service! leave your money and get out because all our games operate on peer to peer gaming, may add server when we kill off 3ds

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The best part was when Nepgear killed her simply for being in the way.

>playing a porn game
>just want to get raped by humans and orcs and shit
>fucking spiders start impregnating me

Mortally wounding Vert probably played a role in that decision too.

Attached: Linda Is Cute CUTE.jpg (740x1000, 363K)

There's nothing rational about fetishes, but I guess it's the alien monstrosity of them? They look weird and a bit gross and the idea of them violating some girl gets some people going, I guess. There might also be some kind of humiliation/rape/impregnation associations, especially when you get to oviposition stuff.

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Why did the Golden Summits even exist? They never explained that. Why would a mechanism that siphons power from the CPUs be a thing in the Hyperdimension? I could understand if it were the Ultradimension, but the fact that this was never addressed is weird.

Linda beat Vert while she was down until she was literally dying. It kinda really fucking pissed off nep and gear

Something about girls being degraded by becoming seed beds for monsters, willingly or unwillingly. Has a humiliation aspect to it I guess. You could always ask /d/ why it's appealing to some people.

>after getting shanked
>"wtf? it was just a prank, bro"

Oh god, my backlog is so big already.
But what are the Deluxe Editions?

OST and artbook, for the most part.

Wht do people hate Linda but not Kurome? They both wanted nothing but to see the CPUs dead.


Oh, thank you. Is there a lot of DLC for the games after Rebirth 1? That's the only game I've played all the way through.

Kurome was a Shadow. Just one side to the original Uzume, her delusions spun out of control. Linda was all her. She wanted to destroy the CPUs and destroy Gamindustri's economy purely for kicks.

Every game has DLC. VII has a ton of DLC, although most of it's free DLC that adds fights to the colosseum. It's still kind of a pain in the ass to download each one individually, though.

Because Linda was pathetic. Could only attack someone who's on the ground incapacitated

newfag to this humblebundle
so I have to subscribe to pick a pack?
can I just unsub immediately after I get the games and keep it all?

I like how they've been turning her into the group's Donatello over the last few games. She had no personality at all in Mk.2, and it annoyed me how she was just everyone's chew toy in Victory, but they're finally making something decent out of her now.

I wish they'd stop hiding her Mk.2 HDD until the endgame, though. The bikini is way cuter than the one-piece.

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It's an upgrade, so of course they hide it to the end. Then again, that excuse doesn't seem to hold for Neptune for some reason. Purple and Lost Purple keep getting flipped around.

I'm disgusted by the fact you guys want to handle Histoire's small, defenseless body. You would probably start slowly removing her clothes white she protests ineffectively, revealing her pure, smooth skin. The fact you would derive enjoyment from

Better watch out anons, that was only the first victim.

Attached: proper histy usage.jpg (1125x850, 610K)

Kurome was an edgelord with a purpose. Like Joan of Arc Alter.

Underling was just a glorified Team Rocket and you spend most of Rebirth 2 chasing after her

Reminder that Neptune's probably given Histoire a thorough bath at least once.

I like cute nep girls but can't help and feel playing the first exhausted all patience I had for the gameplay. But a great deal for anyone who wanted to try it

No feminine penis, so yes they are gay.

I'm mad that this isn't a crop

Honestly, I'd just want Histoire to fill the same role as an Amazon Echo.

And is the main Histoire tiny or what? I know she is in Plutia's dimension, but her appearance in the Hyperdimension seems really inconsistent.

It is though?

Time to settle this once and for all, Yea Forums. Hoodie or dress?

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All you really need to know is that Hyperdimension Histoire is the largest, while Superdimension and Ultradimension Histoire are roughly the same size and smaller than Hyperdimension Histoire.

Reverse psychology successful.

Parka is classic. Classic wins.

Easiest sauce of my life thanks

Damn, I've been bamboozled.

Attached: buran bothered.png (172x210, 42K)

the monthly shit is the only thing you subscribe to

Not always.

I'm gonna be real pissed if everyone doesn't have their 4GO designs as options going forward.

Attached: HDNV_Blanc.png (607x1485, 580K)

She's the size of a small child except in ultra where she's around hand sized

Big Histy is disgusting.

Attached: 86a3f976b1f9b8f341509601bd92a62f.jpg (1822x1417, 1.71M)

Where my 3 other IFags at?

Attached: 61319201_p1.jpg (1200x1200, 720K)

Attached: LindaIsCuteISwear.jpg (1024x1159, 175K)

This is the best character redesign.

Attached: blanc dream.png (1907x1386, 2.64M)