Be honest, you liked Skyrim

Be honest, you liked Skyrim.

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I didn't. I really thought I would after playing both F3 and FNV. Put a good 15ish hours in trying to like it but shelved it not long after. The combat just feels really shit to me.


It's good for mods.

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of course i loved skyrim, who honestly wouldn't?

>Skyrim Vanilla

>Skyrim with 700 mods.


It's up to 700 now? The goodness benchmark was 200 just a few years ago.

I have some fun with it every now and then installing some new mods and playing for a week or two.
It has a lot of faults, but I've gotten way more than my moneys worth out of it

I got bored with Skyrim. The game is just boring to play.

Took a while but it's finally worth playing now.

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I always get bored by the end of the intro. I'm probably just a jaded hipster but I was over the whole "DUDE, SNOW DRAGONS AND GoT" thing as soon as it started, same as the zombie apocalypse fad years prior.

My enjoyment with Skyrim increased after discovering character-build sites. I would have no problem restarting and trying a new character after reading up on it.

No and I tried really hard to get into it. Not even VR makes it fun.

call me when someone mods physics boxes into your hands and weapons

That's some quality bethesda rigging. I don't remember the grip being so weird is that a mod ?

it's a mod, it's just your floating hands in vanilla

Skyrim is like LoL. Everyone played it, everyone liked it, but everyone pretends they didn't in a desperate attempt to stand out and show everyone how much of a special brave snowflake you are by going against the currents.

this looks hilarious. grade A to get upvotes

Yeah, vanilla VR has floating disembodied hands and no body.
The body mod just recently had work resumed, next step is to replace the shoehorned in third person animations with stuff that holds up better in first person.

200 is pleb tier
if you're not maxing out plugins + tons of textures and mods without plugins
what are you even doing with your life?

The difference with LoL is that Dota 2 came out and freed the people with taste from Riot's monopoly, no other game fills Skyrim's (or TES as a whole) niche.

Yeah, when I modded it so I could be a busty Argonian slut and suck dicks for gold and as trade for quest speech checks.

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I liked Skyrim VR with mods. Shit is really neat.

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Ah yes floating hands is what I had, thanks anons.

Tell these fucks to work on actually important VR usability shit instead of a purely visual meme.

That's not the main issue. Plus it's a moba just the same in the end.

fuck Bethesda and their glitchy inventory management simulators

Vanilla is a great brainless adventure, and making non minmax builds is a lot of fun, but there’s no room to rp really and being a pure magician blows. Needs mods to be actually good, so even if I liked it, that’s not a good thing.

>thousands upon thousands of mods
>no one made a mod that randomizes quest locations and NPCs to make something akin to the randomizer mods on SNES games and such

Yes I enjoyed it. I don't consider it a good game though, and it has zero replay value except with loads of sex mods.


I DESPERATELY wanted to like it. It had all of the building blocks of a truly marvelous game.

But no matter how many mods I've installed, no matter how many atrocities I've done to and made Lydia do, nothing can fix a game broken to the core.

Neither Requiem nor sexlab couldn't fix it. The whole of Modnexus could only patch up axe wounds.


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>Skyrim Vanilla

>Skyrim with 700 mods

>Those two/three days downloading and installing the mods, then running LOOT and checking compatibility errors all while imagining all the shit you were going to do in game

I can't decide. I've put a good amount of hours into it. And many times I'm convinced by the poor mechanics that the game is shit. But then Every six or so months I get the itch to try again. I spend like half my day getting the mods to work.
Then I play for maybe 8 - 24 hours before putting it down again.
I've tried a number of mods that promise to "revamp" the game, especially the combat, but they are all shit in my opinion. They try to make combat more deadly and involved, but it doesn't work with base mechanics/systems at all.
Give me an enemy in Dark Souls that can kill me in two hits, and I'll happily figure out the attack patterns, die a few times, and then win.
Give me the same thing in Skyrim (which I swear most combat overhauls do) and the extremely imprecise and very simple combat systems breaks down into pure frustration.

So Skyrim is just a big mystery box to me. I don't know why I keep opening it up when my brain knows many of it's core underlying mechanics are terrible and unfixable.
Combat in the base game is simple and very binary. It cannot be fixed by mods. The leveling system is shit imo. Dialogue and quests are ok. Quest markers and fast travel quickly drain any sense of adventure is used too much.
But the world is still fun to explore if you mostly ignore them.

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I did, I have several hundred hours into it and I'm not ashamed to admit it because I'm not contrarian trash.

>finally manage to somehow get the game to run with 10000 mods
>there's some obscure compatibility issue between them that fucks something up or causes CTDs every 15 minutes

Very few people didn't. Was this debatable? The only issue is that it doesn't need to be remade 30 times.

Put out the next elder scrolls game already and use a new fucking engine. REEEEE

nope i hated it. loved 3 on release (though i dont care for it now), liked a lot of new vegas and was pretty meh about a lot of it too, that hasn't changed. thought skyrim mitebcool but it was absolute dog shit.

when i played it on 360 originally it locked me out of the final boss by autosaving when my health was draining and just about to be depleted. couldn't continue. shit game.


I didn't, actually, but then again, I don't like anything anymore.

>when i played it on 360
stopped reading there

Uninstall all of the shitty memory patches you're using, the enb one and the skse one, they are shit and flawed

Now install "crash fixes"

Now you need to configure it so it uses the "crash fixes" memory manager, you can see how to that on the mod page it takes a bit of work

90% of crashes gone

It's fun. You explore and go dungeon crawling and do quests. The dialogue is throwaway, but that's not the point. It's a casual RPG. Yea Forums hates casual games because they feel they're too good for them. If they ever tried playing it as intended they'd understand how it's fun. Instead Yea Forums wants to play Skyrim for 37 hours at a time - IMAGINE their shock when it starts to feel repetitive! Whoa! Who knew that playing a casual dungeon crawler for 2 days straight makes you feel burnt out?

And no, mods don't change this core concept. The core game loop is the same. Some thing like Morrowloot alleviate the scaling a bit but Skyrim will always be a casual game. And there's nothing wrong with that.

I thought it was sublime. It’s one of my favorite openings of all time. It’s so simple yet impacted me so much.

any mods to make argonians cute like this?
it's the eyes especially, the vanilla eyes are so round and emotionless

The intro, every single time, absolutely without fail no matter which mods I use, ALWAYS ends up with the cart jittering and flying all over the place during the ride. So I just laugh at the intro whenever I play.

The mod that re-adds cut content to the intro is cool though, you get to escape with Ulfric.

Covereyes with Feminine Argonian Textures will set you up right.
but there's still gonna be that problem where the neck has square edges on it and i've yet to find a mod that fixes that.

Why did they have to do it to an established franchise and constantly strip away features? Oblivion was a compromise enough.

Oblivion was worse than Skyrim in every single way.

Download Eyes of Beauty for some good yellow and blue eyes that have large iris for the waifu look. Feminine Argonian Textures are what you use for the body.

The rest is slider-fu. Thin down the eye width, brow width, cheek width, jaw width, chin length and width all from 1 to 0.5. To make the top of the head look less bare, use the feather hairstyles that come with horns and also use brow horns too.

>Oblivion was worse than Skyrim in every single way.
You're deluded. I can actually craft spells for one in Oblivion. Magic variety was still decent, I could conjure armor. Weapon maintenance was still around. I could use spells with a sword and shield or two-handed weapon equipped.

ty familia

First time around, yes. But then I never could without mods. I will always need the conan mod, macho man randy savage (or thomas tank engine), and the anakri/the one with all the samurai armor for dragonborn.

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This was before game of thrones. It would have just been viking thing (except there were no real fucking vikings)

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skyrim is also my first TES game and im a 24 yo boomer


Todd plz go

those first 5 hours or so are the thing of gaming wonder

it obviously gets a bit stale/samey after a while when the main quest falls of a cliff and you unlock most of the best weapons and armour, but it's still very good for tens of hours at least

Why are Nords in Skyrim such pussies? In prevous TES they would rip off your head and shit down your neck. In Skyrim most Nords are so lame and pussified. I guess that's explainable since in those old game you were meeting the adventurous, warrior nords, but still, the amount of those types in Skyrim proper seems like you could count on one hand.

>zero replay value
Skyrim has a lot of faults but that isn't one of them

Modding it to a porn game yes. Even playing it as one too.

I liked Sexlab.

Skyrim was pretty shitty at launch, but the SE is mostly ok. Too bad they didn't fix the buggy quests though.
I mainly play the VR version now. It is pretty good, because there aren't that many VR games. Don't regret pirating it. Fuck you Todd. I ain't paying for the same game twice.


I salute you porn ones. I tried it and couldn't do it. Couldn't ever decide if I wanted to fap or play game, it just ended with me fapping and nothing ever getting done. Also happened in saints row 3/4.

I played through the main quest only and didn't even know there was a civil war going on until the story forced you to pick a side lol

That just means you are legally deaf.

>download SL and SL Defeat
>waifu gets beaten in combat
>oh boy dis gon be good
>10 seconds of awkward t posed character models jerking around as they get in place for some misaligned animations
boner ruined

How can you be illegally deaf?

By definition you can't be illegally deaf.

I really don't get when people are butthurt about the intro. Sure, it could have been shorter, but the vast majority of games have MUCH more tedious intros, especially now.

You heard shit you weren't supposed to from the government

I hate immortal npcs

"i swear officer i thought she said she was 30"

Because retards don't install alternate start mods, it's not like the game really encourages you to restart a lot.

I wish I was a Khajiit.

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It was one of my favorite games of all time in high school but then you guys made me dislike it

Till i figured out that the gameplay would not get better regardless of my level
And then i spent 300 hours trying to find some magical combination of mods that would make the gameplay good

Nothing worked. Its a shit game, and no amount of mods can fix the garbage core.

It's not brought up at all in the main quest until you're told to negotiate a ceasefire.

I just realized no big cities except whiterun have a proper hospital or some kind of medical assistance whatsoever
even with an upcoming civil war

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yes, and i still do.

it's brought up in the first 20 seconds of the game

I can even sum it up quickly.
>be kart
>go into town
>scare everyone by changing shape,gender,race
>about to get head cut off
>pick your savior
>kill 3 guys
>kill spider/bear
>run away with savior

I recognize this, how do you fuck up reenacting the simplest of fucking webms user

It is bullshit. Especially the vampire ones
>No way/option to just immediately purge the vampires.

It's literally in the intro.
And if you talk to the Blacksmith Alvor in Riverwood, who is part of the main quest, he literally goes into the basic details.

Yed, with a fuckton of mods it's pretty fun. Vanilla not so much.

They used to have a character creation finalization screen before you left the tutorial, but removed it in Skyrim.
That's probably part of it.

Sure, I just had to find the right playstyle. The first time I played Skyrim I tried a melee build but since the melee combat in the game is ass I ended up dropping it pretty quickly. Then some months later I decided to give the game another try for whatever reason, this time playing as an archer and I immediately fell in love with it. I put around 120 hours into the game before moving on but I still have like two unfinished guild storylines so I'll have to finish those at some point. Bottom line, I think Skyrim is a good and enjoyable game and I'm not ashamed to say that.

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idk about tamriel, but medieval europe didnt exactly have much of that either

Become green arrow, user.

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the game autosaves after the cart lets you off anyway; that's what it's there for

Building a perfect game simulator that you won't actually play is pretty great.

you still have to go through the whole head chopping, dragon and fort bits

I've only ever played Skyrim on a PS3. I finally got a PS4, should I get the SE for it?

Also, why are Sony such dicks up when it comes to external assets?

don't even bother playing skyrim without mods

why does he wear a green pussyhat though?

yiff in hell

Ever seen Robin Hood, you troglodyte?


Ehh. Still getting laid.