Japanese character design

>japanese character design

Attached: ys8_party.jpg (1280x720, 196K)

What's wrong?

all rook the same

Well, anime influence I think, they tend to have the same kind of face. They focus more on the costumes and hair-style.

I dont know man, atleast 2 of them are black

>western character design

Attached: 1550775824997.jpg (760x661, 116K)

japanese character designs are kino when they aren't a clusterfuck

Attached: NoA-154.jpg (1286x1800, 902K)

What is wrong with not wanting your eyes to bleed when playing your games? Inflicting ugly characters on paying customers is a cruel and unusual punishment.

This 100%


Attached: ys8 2018-07-29 17-02-52.jpg (2560x1142, 1.04M)

I love how over the top you can be in a few games

Attached: average mmo party.png (836x1200, 303K)

>this is a girl by western devs standards

Attached: 9823549823659.jpg (258x195, 8K)

Why do the nips struggle with color schemes so much

how do people feel about this game? been playing through it, crashes if i use my super move when too many enemies/projectiles are on screen though

The word you're looking for is anime. There are plenty of Japanese games that don't use the bog standard anime look. Nintendo has probably the strongest sense of character design period.


Its not a nintendo game.

>let me compare falcom and nintendo

Attached: (you).png (235x296, 80K)

What's the problem here?

My save got fucked up the other day, and I had to quit playing. 40 hours wasted.

>Reading comprehension
There should be a mandatory English exam before you can post in this place.

Nintendo it's big in the west, so they have to change their designs, whilst falcom has just a few games released out of japan, so it's normal for them to have anime looking games. When you said that nintendo has the best character design, you inmediately compared it with falcom.

And this exempts Falcom from criticism because?

better than brown and bloom from western shit.

No, I was replying to OP's post claiming that all Japanese character designs looks like the generic anime characters in the opening image. Which isn't true because Nintendo is Japanese and have created some of the most iconic character designs in the world. I wasn't comparing them to Falcom

Didn't say that.
My point is that nintendo doesn't design just for japan, maybe nintendo it's the only japanese company that doesn't use anime looking game, for how big it is worldwide, so it should be out of this for false equivalence.

Way too 'Kiseki'

Dogi looks like such a twat here, how did they mess him up so bad?

Japanese Anime/Manga artists follow the same character design practices as the rest of the damn world. It can look good and it can look like shit. Doesn't matter if you're targeting a specific audience

remember when anime games were fucking awesome? Chrono Trigger, suikoden, secret of mana. Now all we get is this low effort graphicly outdated needs to pander to sell garbage. With shit gameplay.

Attached: 1550964434021.gif (270x263, 3.91M)

>remember when anime games were fucking awesome?
Well yeah, it's right there on OP's pic.

>Japanese Anime/Manga artists follow the same character design practices as the rest of the damn world
They don't, why do you think that japanese and westernen consume their own games and media. Audiences aren't the same.
There are still good games, stop being a cringy nostalfag.

>how did they mess him up so bad
You said it yourself, going for the Kiseki fanbase. Same reason Adol now wears shit like Hoodie Armor in Celceta.

Monstrum Nox looks like a fucking mess design wise too.

i guess they never consume each other's media then, huh

artstyle ≠ character design

>moving the goalpost
The big mayority tend to play their own shit.
Both are correlated.

>red hair, blue hair, orange hair, green hair
>they all dress like shit
>tiny, ugly af girl with a huge mace

Attached: 1459294064516.jpg (265x265, 8K)

You probably think nep is a great game.

Attached: 24524624787.jpg (1280x720, 134K)

how the fuck do they look so different but still look the same

Just look at those silly, ridiculous outfits to begin with.

For me nep games are trash, stop thinking you're the law in what is good and what is bad, nostalfag

Do you think videogames have to be serious and realistic all the time?

But Ys 8 is fucking great?

Attached: 1545882040963.jpg (688x650, 122K)

Less great than Felghana

>it's less great than an absolutely amazing game
It's still a great game even if the designs are pretty shit
