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But it sucks, it has nice graphics and a fun flying mechanic but that's it... theres literally nothing to get out of this game.
It's bad on a fundamental level.
Shill harder.
It will be fine in 6 months, it has lots of potential.
the playerbase wont last that long, the playerbase is already much smaller than they expected
Bioware won't exist in 6 months because EA is going to shitcan the studio from Anthem's disappointing sales.
Already irrelevant.
>Shilling because you regret your purchase and want it to seem justified
Fuck the fuck off.
Name 10 thing anthem does better than destiny 2 and I will buy two copies.
i-its not fair!
I wish it was good, it’s like a game that got delayed and missed the loot shooter craze but had too much investment for them to cancel. At least old republic had fun storylines, anthem just looks like a shitty rip off of destiny story but for some reason they skipped character interaction, what bioware is famous for
i think its time for the casey "BUY MY GAME " meme
Then if it's good in 6 months i may buy it then
>almost no javelin customization
>braindead ai
>no feedback from gunplay
>cant even swap weapons on freeroam
>endgame is recycled 3 strongholds
>almost nonexistant story
>underwater flying is horrendous
My friend got me premier and I played it up to lvl30 with him, took 22hours. Theres no reason to play further, it just doesnt get better and its more barebones and frustrating than destiny 1 at launch.
Guys the game sucks, yeah, we all know it, but i get it,you're curious you want to test it and see if it really is bad, well here it is boyos
just wait 2 more days for the denuvo and it''s a yours arrgh
there was a public demo, probably their biggest mistake
Buy it for me, OP.
get fucked
I did because 2 of my friends like loot and shoots and I had played the demo with them, then it tells me I need xbox live to do that. Who in the hell pays for online I then got a refund.
How do you find masterwork ember? You need 25 to craft 1 thing and it's hard to come by unless you buy it for 5000 coins each
chests drop it in overworld
>Anthem will be Bioware's Dirge
your mother thought the same when giving birth to you and look where you ended up, you're trying to bait people on Yea Forums because you have no idea what to do with your shitty life
How did you even play that long? I didn't even make it through my 10 hour trial before uninstalling.
Just buy Destiny 2. It's a much better game. Bungie > EA
NO. Suck dick and kill yourself, Bioware faggit.
I got Destiny 2 when they gave it out for free on PC fuck EA and their jewing
Nice! Much better than $60 for that No Man's Sky level of lie put out by EA
This is for the ME3 ending you fucks.
>destiny 0.5
yeah no thanks
there are rough launches and then there are jewish scams, I refuse to fall for another jewish scams from EA
this is the anthem throw all your hands up
>make a false-flag bait thread
>get 200 guaranteed (you)s
Listening to reviews and it painfully obvious that Bioware has no idea what the fuck they are doing.
All they needed to do is copy Destiny but with Mechs and its would have been good, but they couldn't even do that right.
By that time I'll just be playing division 2
I did and I regret it. I played up until rank 13 I’m out nigger. I’m going back to destiny 2. Colossus is shit and interceptor is shit and so is ranger. FUCKING LOADING SCREEN EVERY TIME I GO TO PLAY THE GAME. FUCK OFF!
>Four player fireteams
>More diverse abilities
>Classes feel distinctly unique to control and navigate terrain in
>Open world map is more fun to explore
>Enemies often make it feel like you're fighting animals and creatures of nature rather than just hordes of three kinds of soldiers and the Vex, which not only adds variety but helps foster a sense of desperation as you fight nature itself to survive
>Actually seeing humanity at its height of power before the fall in a way that connects directly to the main character instead of being set thousands of years after the peak.
>Better graphics, landscapes are gorgeous to look at as you play
>Getting into your javelin before a mission creates a feeling of anticipation, like its a call to adventure - you need to suit up and prepare for what's to come rather than Destiny where you just ARE ready all the time. Even in the hubs, you're still the same. Having a suit you physically climb into is a good little way to kickoff the action as opposed to watching a ship fly straight in a line.
>Protagonist that talks and interacts with the world rather than being a voiceless avatar that only interacts with the world via a psychic flying Rubix cube
>Enemies and terrain give a real sense of scale and scope by being so much bigger than the playable character. Fighting giants and flying through huge gorges and caves and ravines is more immersive than dungeons that are mostly very corridor like (mostly) and enemies that range from slightly smaller than you to a few feet taller, almost entirely humanoid in design too. Anthem having giant rhino like monsters and scorpions, dragons... the size alone is great for establishing stakes.
That's all I can come up with on the fly.
>every suit has chicken legs
Miss me with that GAY ASS SHIT
I'm not enjoying the game rn user. I hope it gets better in a couple of months
>he bought it
Destiny was trash too
What are you quoting?
Fuck of GGGman.
>Help me chose a new name for my channel. I swear on me mum I was thinking about it for a while.
It's obvious as fuck it's to distance yourself from the controversy you generated because of your gross incompetance.
Oh god, we're never seeing demos again for AAA games
Yeah, but Destiny is still better
Yeah, at least it was playable.
nah, looter shooter. no loot.
>NPCs are mostly PoC
>white NPCs are nancy boys
>womyn are all butch lesbians
>Fort Tarsis is a shitty hub world
>storyline is abyssmal
>stolen glory on final boss kill is retarded
>end game "raids" are just recycled from the "campaign"
>no loot
>3 kinds of guns in each category
>theyre all just reskins of each other.
still better than Destiny lol. combat and the game world are the only saving grace, though the endgame loop as it stands right now is better than what Destiny 2 offered at launch
This shit is what triggers me about anthem
>guys its a looter shooter
>but we're not dropping any worthwhile loot even on harder difficulty levels
Almost felt like a chore whenever I got on to play
Why are you giving excuses to this idiot? Get the fuck out.
Cool virus.
>RE2 beating Overwatch
Hahahaha, oh wow!
mario64 is regarded a perfect game and has recieved 0 updates
if nintendo ca do it, surely a AAA game studio can do it too
>only 20% more viewers than a game that came in out 1998
Mario in Mario 64 has like 4 polygons while a tree in Anthem has like 6 gorrillion. It's not really a fair comparison. That being said, the kikes at EA and Bioware need to be removed like the tumors that they are.
But a fair comparison would be Mario 64 knew how to get a player invested in the game right away.
Anthem does no such thing and its a fucking slog for a majority of missions
Damn, overwatch is fucking dead.
I just want to know why Destiny was allowed to get away with this but Anthem gets called out
This isn't an argument in favor of Anthem
>it's game-as-a-service
>that means it's okay to release it in a busted-ass state and sell people the mystery box called season passes or roadmaps
That, indeed, is a fair comparison and it's because of the difference in devs and the method of making a profit the era that they were in made in.
I'd say it's because Destiny was the start of the fraud that is games as a service. People just didn't notice the pattern yet
And exactly why developers are super limiting with them now.
They want to sell you a new game every year. Can't do that if your game lasts 20 years.
>flying mechanic
Reminder that flight is the absolute most plebian traversal mechanic in the history of vidya.
You ignore the landscape and fly in a straight line to your target with no thought or creativity.
The retards that bought this saw the promos and thought to themselves "I CAN BE IRONMAN!" like the absolute brainlets they are.
>Protagonist Freelancer is a pathetic beta male virgin
All the npcs are fucking each other. Freelancer is the town virgin.
Came here to post this
Then why did they downgrade the game so much?
Just go and watch the E3 gameplay footage.
The controls have been made worse(they are clearly shown moving vertically without the camera moving much, which is impossible to do.
Loot within missions.
Dropping in mission is actually landing next to players
Jumping maintains momentum.
There's probably way more stuff as these are only from a quick glance at it.
Probably accurate
D1 post TTK gave players hope that D2 would follow that mold.
Bungie got called out after the first raid dropped
>Doctor Who
>All on his wall
>While simultaneously literally telling people "fuck you, buy the game."
So this is what superlative faggotry looks like.
He should be dissected for science.
Live service model should be: Complete game at launch that will be expanded and improved upon in the future.
What most AAA studios deliver: Broken game in alpha stage with no meaningful content that becomes complete months if not years after the initial launch.
anthem is worse than destiny. it's like bioware hasn't even seen another looter since 2014
Anthem is worse than Andromeda.
>Anthemfags being in this level of denial
Why do people say this? I don't feel it's that different from any other, hell you fly to where your reticle points to, it's actually worse since the game isn't balanced on having that kind of movement.
The javelins are actually fun to pilot, something like the pain train with colossus or even the combo mechanics are better than the floaty fps with a different grenade every 30 secs from destiny.
Reminder that the first raid comes in May, good luck to BioWare on trying to keep the few suckers they managed to fool with the pretty graphics.
When it’s 25-30$ I’m my home and native Leaf land, maybe I’ll buy it.
>I don’t know how to greentext and anyone who calls me out is a newfag
no thanks, now fuck off please
The game is so trash I already had to laugh when I deinstalled it after 30 minutes.
And yet it managed to be better than this dumpster fire of a game.
I really pity retards that fall for All Caps bait like OP's.
Nah, I don't like shlooters.
Are there any actual modern FPS RPGs?
Not "Looter Shooters", stuff where you have stats and put points into things
Like a more Japanese Deus Ex?
>Polygon count is an indicator of quality
Doesn't matter how pretty the visuals are if the rest of the game is a shitshow on every level.
You mean shlooters.
>All my friends bought it and now I feel left out and have no one to play with
Stop buying shitty games because they’re just going to keep making more shitty games!!!!!
wait a week and they'll be going back to whatever shit they were playing
get new friends
It's fun with friends.
>talk shows podcasts is more popular
I will never buy anything EA again, ruining sim city and command and conquer was the last straw.
now buy it and post the code here
My friends did the same shit with Fallout 76, none of them touches it anymore.
get it with the 15$ pass
its fun especially with friends
Dabbin on you haters, i'm having so much fun and there's nothing you can do about it Yea Forums.