Goddamn this shit is boring

goddamn this shit is boring

>dude texas chainsaw massacre
>dude evil dead
>dude remember F.E.A.R.

Yeah I remember a much more fun game that didn't shove scripted unskippable in-engine cutscenes down my fucking throat for the :IMMERSIVE: experience, god what a piece of shit game, if you prefer this sloggy mess to the action resident evil games like revelations you have diarrhea brains

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I agree with you OP. 6 was a much better game.

>liking Relevations
>liking action RE
Brainlet detected

I don't prefer it over the action games but I still enjoyed it quite a bit.

All true.
It should tell you something that they used literal normies in their marketing campaigns when shilling this shit.
Then there's all these "b-but it's closest we've gut of a true RE game in ages!!" folks, that would probably consider even SH:Homecoming a "good game" nowadays.

I'd rather they took a risk like this instead of going with shit like RE5 and 6 but with even larger budget desu.

>liking twitch/youtube bait games

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>literal cinematic walking sim #422

I never said I like RE7. Just saying you like the worst RE games.

C'mon, the only reason Yea Forums got butthurt towards RE7 is because Leon wasn't in it. If it was 3rd person with Leon and had melee moves Yea Forums would worship it as one of the greatest RE games ever.

>no zombies, no J'avo "infected" type of enemies
>fps, first time in the series
>no recognizable characters except for Chris at the end, so literally anything could happen to them
>back in a claustrophobic, small, setting for the first time since RE1, no large city or setpieces
literally kill yourself

Better than 4, 5 and 6

>the only reason Yea Forums got butthurt towards RE7 is because Leon wasn't in it
what kind of mental gymnastics made you come up with such bullshit?

>no zombies
>fps, first time in the series
Aaand then there's THIS faggot who has literally never fucking ever played a single RE game before 7.
Literally fuck off and kys. You're the cancer ruining the series.

>literally a fucking youtuber bait game that would get billions of views from pewdiepie alone


that's not a goddamn challenge, 4-5-6 were all about action, this doesn't even compete in the same category, it's like comparing zelda to mario because you can jump in link's awakening, what the shit

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nice counter arguments faggots
get back when you have anything to say

>like revelations
revelations were some of the worst games in the series. fuck off retard.

So are you faggots ready to accept The Evil Within as the saviour of horror games yet?

>made by the true creator of Resident Evil
>combines action and survival horror
>takes the best aspects of both Japanese and American game design
>villains that are actually interesting and memorable
>bossfights that require strategy and skill instead of just shooting big glowing eyeballs
>allowed to have attractive females, no goblins in sight
>actual stealth mechanics that allow you to avoid enemies or kill them without a fight, as opposed to just running past everything
>horrifying and unique enemy design instead of generic zombies and blobs of goo
>higher difficulties present genuine challenges including a limited save mode
>true psychological horror, no B-movie horseshit
>large exterior and interior areas to explore
>amazing setpieces and impossible environments
>collectibles and unlockables that give enormous replayability

Literally the only thing Resident Evil has over The Evil Within is better graphics. Why the fuck haven't you played TEW yet?

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You should be mining pop corn for the rest of your life.

No one's reading this shit nigga.Take your ass back to Trannyera.

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I liked it

Angry Joe liked it.

>Why the fuck haven't you played TEW yet?
I played both of them. 1 has some annoying design choices, but overall I liked it more than 4 because it's much more horror focused. 2 was 1 step forward 2 steps back kind of deal. I also didn't like how they pretty much dropped ruvik and added another stem.
the earlier RE games are better than both TEW 1 and 2 though.

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Literally false.

I'm not the one who likes the series where all the "women" are trannies. Sorry that Mia and Claire aren't allowed to look like this.

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>no arguments left
>n-n-n-n-n-no U!


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>another poorfag can't into VR

None of the RE games are scary. They are only tense in the first few because that horrible forced camera angles

tew was good until you realize it's the cliche "it's just a dream/simulation! but if you die in the dream you die irl!" that ruined any scaryness of the second one for me, plus the enemies are lame except for ruviks sister or whatever
Also, the daughter thing in the second one holy shit why does americans have to ruin everything (I still like the first one though)

>horrible forced camera angles
kys. The static camera-angles were masterful and created very memorable, super atmospheric experiences, that helped avoid the games from becoming shooters.

Dead Space was better. The story in TEW was the dumbest fucking premise I've ever tried to understand

Action RE started with RE2, doubled down on 3, and RE as a whole was saved with RE4. I'd say if you don't like action RE then you started playing when REmake HD came out.

Holy shit this is the shittiest thread right now to kek
>OP Not finishing your points with LMAO
Nobody cares about your opinions faggot

>The story in TEW was the dumbest fucking premise I've ever tried to understand
play bioshock infinite. it makes TEW look like a masterpiece.

>actual stealth mechanics that allow you to avoid enemies or kill them without a fight, as opposed to just running past everything
Are you aware that "the true creator of Resident Evil" didn't actually want this at all? it was forced on him by Bethesda due to the popularity of TLoU, the DLC that's all about stealth wasn't even made by him either but by the westerner who would take over and ruin it all with TEW2.

>what kind of mental gymnastics made you come up with such bullshit?

When the first trailer came out Yea Forums thought the guy with the leather jacket was Leon, the person on the mirror was Rebecca and the wheelchair person was Spencer, then the director said the game wasn't going to have any classic character and Yea Forums had a meltdown and started bashing the game.

Bioshock infinite was shit too. I did play it cuz I liked the first two

I gave up with the invisible monsters.
Good concept done poorly. Hell, not poorly, it was done HORRIBLE.

>i liked the first too
you have shit taste

She looks like shit user.

I liked it. It was tense, creepy, and just plain unsettling. The monster design was garbage but the bosses were legit terrifying. It was great going back to a claustrophobic house setting with Jack on your heels.

You fags will always complain about anything different or new. When RE8 comes out there will be the same retards praising this game just as you all pretend 6 wasn't a dumpster fire of a game.

TEW is the definition of decent foundation, terrible execution and then TEW 2 learned the wrong lessons of what to fix. Its design is unintentionally as bipolar as the worlds setting, and the quality varies so chaotically from set piece to set piece that it showed the game director is aging out and not sure what to do with the toys he set up, you can feel the chase towards western design, but then a pull back towards hardcore or eastern design like the dark Capcom era of games during the PS3, not to mention too many cooks in the kitchen syndrome.

>encounter Ruvik's sister for the first time
>just whoop her ass with some well-placed traps
>get a reward for doing it
This is Mikami i love.
Fuck this nu-horror shit with unkillable enemies, risk and reward system will always be superior

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The first two bioshock games are good user. Unlike TEW which was derivative and generic from the start.

I member

Seething infinite incel spotted

Nah they are alright

huh, never even heard of such things.
Just shows that Yea Forums is just a tiny echo chamber of whiny morons. The game's shit, but not for any of those reasons.

It isnt, its an alright

>redditor nigger can only understand memespeak
checks out lmao

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>It isnt, its an alright
Maybe if you're a Jewdiepie fan, but as a "RE game", it's fucking disaster. Had it not wield the IP's name, it'd be just another forgotten horror walking-sim like all the dozens of others.

>walking sim
Nice meme,tell me of other "walking sim" where there is a combat system and a chainsaw boss fight

>game throws some horror-house shooting sections at you
>LOL not a walking sim anymore! :^)
Also the saw fight was fucking cringy bullshit.

>Bioshock infinite was shit too
I know that was my point.
>dumbest fucking premise I've ever tried to understand
it's much worse than TEW.

It’s the only resident evil I’ve played for longer than an hour and I loved it. Resident evil 1 on the PS classic was unplayable because of the shitty tank controls and having no idea where to go or how to kill the zombie. REmake 2 was ok but I’ve only played it a little and got stuck and kinda just quit

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what a fucking nice way to out yourself as never having played it. If you actually pointed out the bad parts of the game instead of memeing people would take you seriously.

you literally don't know what a walking sim is.

did you flunk out of school, user?

I thought it was "walking sim", so how those it has combat?
And just because you dont like something dosent make it a bad thing or not part of the franchise
Also "cringe", nice.
Tell me a resident evil game that dosent have "cringe"

>grouping 6 with 4 and 5
stop this
RE6 is in its own league of retardation

No I did pretty well in school, I just don’t play action adventure games for shitty puzzles. That’s why I’ve never played any Zelda games

Nah its alright

>>dude remember F.E.A.R.
it's from the actual writer of FEAR

he's a one-trick pony, or forced into being one

say something nice about 6 without using the word "mercenaries"

somehow I doubt that.

Fun combat
Finally can kick ass with my favourite characters
Jake is fun as fuck to play
Sherry is back and she is hot now
Good enemy variery
You can air juggle zombies with leon pistols
Helena hydra is mad op
chris melees are op and have heavy colateral damage
Can play with chris and leon in the same game
Finally got that giant boss fight that was promised in 5
Extremely fun coop and online modes

>Good enemy variery
you're delusional

I'm mad as fuck VR is exclusive to the fucking playstation. Bullshit.

Nice opinion dude.

Almost seems fun, too bad it's stuck between QTE and cinematic set-piece event infested hell.

I just don't know how you faggots put up with that. I think you 6 fans genuinely hate video games, because it's the worst movie-game I've ever played.

I think it's actually a pretty good Horror game -- I wouldn't really consider it an RE game, but whatever -- however, the latter part of the game on the ship feels disjointed from the rest.

Those flaws dont bother me and pretty much every one else that bought and played it.
I understand why you dont like it but its kinda weird to go off on people for enjoying something you dont.

Homecoming had a great Soundtrack

RE7 was much better than I thought it would be after gaging Yea Forums‘s reaction when it was released.

It’s the best since RE4 and has a fresh approach that was immersive and unsettling. The bosses were cool, the enemies weren’t varied but were pretty solid. It has good pacing and overall length, and has handful of memorable moments.