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Other urls found in this thread:

Fuck those cunts. eightchan sucks, why not come here?


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im not going onto infinitychan

>Yea Forums became completely irrevelant while 8 still gets big game dev Q/A

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Why would they do an ama on a board full of pedos? Oh sorry, 8ch aren't pedos, they are just using their """freedom of speech""" to post pictures of underage girls in underwear.


Kotaku writers are gonna have a field day.

oh man i feel excluded now

pedos were kicked out years ago because they completely ignored pleas for self moderation, you can only post 2d

Wait seriously? I should go investigate.

May their /hebe/ board rest in peace.

Isn't infinitychan a bigger dump than this place?

>Fuck those cunts. eightchan sucks, why not come here?
This place is for shitposting, not talking about video games.

oh no no no

Attached: FotOu5M.png (686x660, 740K)

this place has become so tranny/SJW infested I don't blame them

even 8ch is BTFOing this shithole site now, jesus christ how fucking pathetic

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>These twitter comments

Is eightchan worse than Yea Forums? I was only on there once and they have their own board for fucking Emma Watson

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o I haven't been there in years, it was like that a few years ago, haven't visited since cause pedos deserve death and I refuse to visit any platform that supports that shit.

/hebe/ got purged though.

>tfw you crosspost between both

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Yup. We're just resetera with the ability to call each other faggots. As for the bans, you get banned here for wrongthink now too, so we're no different in that respect.


this makes me feel funny in strange places

>The usual suspects quickly reply when they hear the word "chan".

This. One of the tenants of my life that I live by is making Yea Forums worse and I succeed on a day to day basis

Emma is a big meme on 8/tv/ so I wouldn't doubt it

Doesn't reddit even have a board for Yea Forums?

what the actual fuck

there is absolutely nothing wrong about loving underage girls, user.

>heh.. gamers


>last time Yea Forums ever got a big time dev visit was Kamiya
>eight-chan is now better than Yea Forums
how did this shit happen?

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this is place normalfaggot reddit central for edgy children and shitposting, so why bother making an AMA here when you'll get the same(+ more) audience on reddit?

So how long until the tweet gets deleted, the apology gets posted, and the person who suggested this idea gets fired?

8ch sucks dont go there

please stay the fuck away

Alright, what can we do Yea Forumsros? How can we fuck up this event for them and get at infinitychan as well?

you niggers are surprised? go to their Yea Forums, its a goddamn haven for actual video game discussions and e-celeb or twitter threads are nuked


Attached: everytime.png (631x115, 7K)

based THQ Nordic redirecting reddit to 8gag instead of here

>videogame ama on the one board that actually talks about videogames and not tranny politics shit
>reddit, twitter and resetera are fucking seething over it

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It was more pedos moved in since cripplechan was all about making your own board and minimal to no moderation
this shit went south because apparently pedoscum flock to this kinda shit

>Guys could you have picked a better place? Like Reddit?
The only bigger pedo-hive than cripplechan. Nice.

Fuck off, it's all just porn

The fuck is up with that foot

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never because THQ is based


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the absolute state of this board

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>8gags storming the thread thinking they're relevant

We talk about video games? I thought it was just wojak and pepe posting

Been against the rules since early 2016. You didn't miss much, place slowed way the hell down after the US election and never recovered. It's simply not fast enough anymore to use as a home site.

holy shit is cripplechan not garbate and a honeypot anymore?

>holding a QA for like 3 people and their wheelchair overlord


Hi R Kelly.

>yet we have Yea Forums and it's fine

Look at Yea Forums and find the video game thread actually talking about the game and not derailed I to calling everyone a shill faggot /pol/ discord trannyposter from China working a secret plot for the Jews. There are no video games here.

I can see your subtle cry for some cunny.
Have some.

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We all know it's going to happen mate.

mark rarely censures on his v board and it's not infested with crying resetrea faggots

>4+Yea Forums: video games discussion
>Yea Forums: literally anything but video games

There's a fucking reason Notch left this shit heap

>Is eightchan worse than Yea Forums?

If by "worse" you mean "less normalfag friendly" then it is.

lefties are such fucking faggots lol

>Implying Hot Wheels even does shit there anymore

why are you complainers still here though?

i have to say for non video games Yea Forums is the best board to have a discussion

How was the epik salt raids with KH3 spoilers my fellow dudez xd


Check the resetera thread

Attached: loe.jpg (819x671, 66K)

>not a new IP to the thread

How many of those whining posts are you, 8gagger?

>he doesn't know
Firetires fucked off years ago, a humble pig farmer and his son manage it now.

why do people pretend infinitychan has more quality than this board? it's the same shit x100.


just goes to show how much I give a fuck about that website, not much

Fuck 7+1chan, wish old Yea Forums was still around we'd have those fucks down in a day.

They have a whole board dedicated to trap shota?

>why are you complainers still here though?
To shitpost about things marginally related to video games.

Post link


2*2*2chan is fine by me desu, it's just a slower Yea Forums. Also fuck Google

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Hiro would ban them for advertising without paying him personally

Yea Forums is just reddit lite now

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Meh, gonna be the same morons whining about the same shit.
Resetera is boring.

it has less wojaks and pepes

cripplechan is pedo trash and you can bet every employee who was even vaguely involved with this shit decision is getting fired when their parent company catches wind of this which sucks because they're bringing back some good ass franchises

How many decades will it take for their thread to get 100 replies?

wouldn't it be actually bad to give exposure to that site? it's how Yea Forums went down as soon as fappening happened

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I want a new imageboard to browse but none of them feel right.

this.and checked.

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We hard;y talk about vidya anymore. The Battlecat and DD threads are the only ones that do

Rokuchan more like, Osoichan wwwww

lmao we told you millions of times before, you never leave this place


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>implying hotwheels hasn't been fed to the pigs already

Attached: lol2.png (620x608, 70K)

Post screencaps, i'm not giving their shitty site traffic

They didn't do shit back then and they wouldn't do shit now

From a PR perspective, this is a fucking disaster. From an anyone's perspective, holy shit based.

They're just digging that hole deeper. Today is going to be a shitstorm

>hosting an AMA on 8gag or any chan in the current year


what is this from

why are people so suprited ? this place is full of crazy trannies and niggers why the fuck would anyone want make ama here?

>der ewige Mark will take care of it
kek, the moment a cake is in front of him he'll forget about it.

Jesus Christ.

Still better than proposing official, public activity here.

>that fat jew mark is still board owner of Yea Forums

doesn't seem much different from Yea Forums's reaction.

THQ officially commenting on oppai loli

Attached: 2019-02-26_13-08-03.png (634x574, 127K)

>wheelchan already btfoing era and Yea Forums

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>this place is full of crazy trannies and niggers
do shizophrenics unironically believe this?

Discussion about what. Most people are regurgitating shit from a template

resetera trannies already seething hard over this lol

KEK This 100%

>Reply to like ratio
Might as well just wait for the inevitable apology tweet.

there's not really anything there that's different from here though

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*nude picture of hiro*




>people think asanagi draws oppai lolis

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Seething male feminist rapists


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>all the replies are "journalists" from polygon and the verge calling them idiots and screaming yikes.


that guy is definitely getting shitcanned from the company immediately for this stunt

Gamergate officially won.

Too tall.


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4/v/ BTFO for all eternity.

>they are STILL assblasted

the absolute seething this has already caused lmao

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Yeah they'll sure get a lot of replies won't they

you will NEVER be a real woman

Reset Era not happy one bit

Based, now reddit will go there

>Gamergate officially won.
That shit won ages ago. Look how badly video game "journalists" get shit on from across the board.

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8ch has a bestiality board.

ahahahahahahahahahaha Yea Forums too normalfag now lulw

been to /trash/ lately? or ever?


They invited them because they want attention for their dying site.

so obsessed

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Infamous for being delisted for child porn vs infamous for /pol/ and /r9k/. Neither great, but I wouldn't want my company associated with child porn.


Have fun

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What ever happened to hotwheels? Aslo, FUCK YOU JIM WATKINS.

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In all honesty in the past few years you cannot say Yea Forums is better than 8ch since this website has become basically a dumping low effort troll website that literally no one cares about for the quality of. It's the fucking worse and keeps on getting worse by the day.

>social media of gaming companies from europe
>>regularly mock trannies and hosts AMAs on websites that host child porn

>social media of gaming companies from america
>>pander to trannies, shit on customers, tell people that don't like forced inclusion to eat shit and not buy our games

why is europe based?

based but unbased

Attached: chrome_2019-02-26_18-13-07.png (670x181, 22K)

I like knots what can I say.

>Fuck those cunts. eightchan sucks, why not come here?
Because Yea Forums is full of literal children and Yea Forums reject scum? At least 8/v/ actually discusses video games again after the "i hate X" spammers got IP banned.

Already trying to dox the man responsible.

>3 people and their wheelchair overlord
>wheelchair overlord
He left a while ago.
>3 people
There's a hidden Q user board full of boomers.
Or maybe it's bots. I dunno

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8ch was created because people thought moot banning political social justice hysteria overtaking every thread was "censorship" and painted it as this GRAND EXODUS FROM Yea Forums so yes it's basically every bad demographic of 4ch amplified

Try to be more open-minded cis-scum.

absolutely based

ITT: We laugh at the state of Yea Forums

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>All of them are spamming Yikes
No wonder I see that shit spammed every were on Yea Forums


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come on user, you have to post source

Woah they get 4 minute, 720p webms with sound on Yea Forums? what the fuck is chinkmoot doing?

sh-shut up y-you're just a SEETHING discord tranny!

holy FUCK the (((bluecheckmarks))) and resetera trannies are SEETHING because they are doing it on infinityc and not on reddit or trannyera

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The thread would hit the 500 post limit in 2 minutes and the posts would all be Blacked webms, Cunnyposting, gore, etc.

They're not, they import muslims by the truck full

They purged all that shit a while ago 8ch sucks now

reseterafags actually complaining they didn't host it on Yea Forums how many cross posters are there

anime poster did this thank them.

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>Their tiny brain refuse to aknowledge it and they all think the account got hacked

Shinji pulls off Asuka's plugsuit better than she does.

>posts pepe
True irony.

>hidden q user board
so 2 schizo's? Yeah got ya

What the fuck is happening, what are these niggas doing???

>Check out the 2*4ch thread
>It's actually pretty civil and better than any 4ch sticky
Why did you guys lie to me. You told me that site was shit.

Lots, they complain Yea Forums is racist but come here anyway because game discussion is better here.

The point is, average public perception of 8 is better than that of Yea Forums/4channel. People absolutely KNOW this place is bad, to the point a lesser known, yet absolutely horrid website, is seen in a better light. You have to be seriously bad for a long time to get into the position Yea Forums and 4channel are in.

This is fantastic.

Yep, glad those fags are gone. Look how much better Yea Forums is now.

I'm still betting they're gonna just fire the guy.

I don't get why this is a big deal

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Is 8 actually worth visiting? I've refused to go there because of its association with GG. (I have nothing against GG, I just hate what it did to Yea Forums's Yea Forums)

And yet, 8/v/ is mostly vidya.

Ultra based nords

Attached: zwbEFZ4n_400x400.jpg (400x400, 32K)

Yea Forums hates 8ch because that's where all the bigots/racists/gamergaters went.

Who runs the site now? Did he sell it? Surprised hotwheels moved on, didn't he get some bitch whore way back on the original wizardchan

If mods banned anyone with Resetera, Reddit, Facebook or Tumblr cookies the site would improve immensely

What does interplay still do?

good. nords should take japan side. lets eradicate stupid amerimutts.

>fire a guy for creating free publicity
why tho are you a black nigger tranny?

>reveal themselves to be actually oldfags from Yea Forums due to their image filenames
>newfags and resetera trannies getting hot-headed over this

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I hope they're ok

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of course they did
imagine being such an imbecile that you get bullied out of 8ch and come back here to shitpost

why are they pretending they give a fuck?

the board actually was a little better for a brief while and then they just came back after it turned out that it was never going to get that big


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Why would I tell any of you niggers about a slower version of this board that isn't 24/7 tranny seething about /pol/ or rdonald shit

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that was my point

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>Yea Forums hates 8ch because that's where all the bigots/racists/gamergaters went.
That got a good chuckle out of me user. Thank you.

Can you still say the 'n word' over there?

Stop asking people on an anonymous imageboard for permission and look into it yourself

>fire him
>sales actually increase
>huuuh. can you, come back?

Why do you talk about 8 chan cunts?
Do you want that to become a plebfest too?

Is that shit real?

ah, so it's like /pol/ and Yea Forums?

you mean the faggot cringelords

THQ Nordic brought it on themselves and Tumblr moralfaggots are afraid of it anyways

>"lolis with a few extra inches"

>I have no fucking idea. Mark seems like a nice guy though.

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>At least 8/v/ actually discusses video games
No. 8/v/ is too much induced on politics, and the people there sound even more aggressive than here.

Also, their admin is an certified attention-whore and does nothing to improve its board, and GamerGate can be discussed there, somehow.

>why do people pretend infinitychan has more quality than this board?
go ahead and take a look at cripplechan's Yea Forums vs Yea Forums's Yea Forums.
go ahead. take a look.
tell me there is no difference.

No shit they chose 8ch, Yea Forums Yea Forums is the most popular board on this site and popular boards are always the worst

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Mods are obsessively pruning any posts they don't like, and since the refresh rate is so high they can catch most posts before the thread gets updated

t. spamming porn

And I bet you never leave your home

they just confirmed a new destroy all humans game

>it's real
What the fuck?

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Hahahaha fuck no. Even the off topic shit speaks in patterns. It's groundhog's day here.

You mean it was same shit before they left don’t kid yourself

If Yea Forums is your highest standard for discussion I honestly feel sorry for you. That is just sad.

seethe for me, tranny

Fine, I’ll post screenies since you’re too lazy to go

Also, is 8ch any good? I’ve never really been since I just never really felt like leaving the motherland

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Lmao, trannies are seething.

>hosting an AMA on a “pedo” site is bad, think about yous kids IPs THQ
>having a PR manager that is a literal pedophile and whore on Nintendo is fine though

>brain poisoned boomer central isn't a plebfest

>resetera, reddit AND Yea Forums seething over this
I wonder why

Attached: ITS AFRAID.jpg (894x480, 21K)

They get most of their information from Yea Forums, check any Nintendo direct thread and it will have a link to a "leak" from here.

We all know who the real commies are.

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watch, they're going to buckle under the resetera pressure and post an official apology for this AMA within a week

that's not the companies doing that

Accidentally, it seems. The mod deleted the post (16169852) and screenshots of it.

I'm stating it cause literally every fucking time something like this happens, they always pull a 180 and apologize anyways.

bros...I can't handle this..
are we the bad guys?

Attached: ohno.png (1224x244, 20K)

Im seeing everyone there overreacting like the mom from malcolm in the middle

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>Cries about alt right when /leftypol/ is one of the bigger boards.

Yknow, it’s kind of surreal how people think here is the lowest level of hell, and that 8ch is somehow worse. Like, do these jokers even know about Wizchan or Lolcow Farm? Encyclopedia Dramatica?

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Raging whiteknight virgin

Don't let anyone convince you that 8ch is anything but a shithole just because resetera is getting mad about it

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It's not worth visiting every since lolidev took a break from developing loli simulator.

This right here is why this shit doesn't happen on Yea Forums anymore. 8ch gets a visit from developers and the first thing Yea Forums does is go "I wonder what X thinks!?" No one outside of this board cares about resetera. They are irrelevant. Their opinions mean shit. But you people elevate them and hang on their every word even though you hate them. That is all Yea Forums is now. A collection of a bunch of idiots screetching about jews and other boards

Do none of them know that 8ch is relatively clean these days? Hebe hasn't been allowed since 2016. Someone needs to let these reset cucks know that.

Fucking based.

>why aren't they here? Yea Forums in here is so much better guise!

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8ch is decent, yeah. But it's kind of like Reddit in that theres a fuckton of boards that were created when it was new, and never got pruned so theres a fuckton of dead boards.

Who cares, they still did it and posted some based stuff.

>Guaranteed incel replies.
Like clockwork.

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You aren't suggesting the 3 are one and the same right? That would be preposterous h-haha

Depends on the board. The Yea Forums equivalent is much slower but more focused on video games. There are still shitposters, but better self moderation is employed.

oh they know, they're more than likely frequent visitors, but they're too afraid to get shunned by their sjw friends they keep it a secret.

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Objectively speaking, yes. There are some people here who aren't trash, but the net outcome of this website is bad.

>Resetera mods are literally paedos
>But 4 and 16/2chan are worse because anime tiddys
What's wrong with them?

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Nice argument and assumption, I guess.

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And now you know why 8ch is inherently better because it fitlers out even those normalfags and leftybitches.

>Encyclopedia Dramatica
last i saw ed was overtaken by unfunny fucks from sa and reddit.

/leftypol/ would trigger resetera too, everyone on that site is a shitlib using idpol and they defend american imperialism

stuff like this is not just done randomly without much consulting and zero warning.

they might even have an apology already written up
at the end of the day it will only increase sales

>within a week

More like a few hours.

>the scariest thing
jesus christ, how soft are these people?

Why do you faggots care so much? What am I fucking witnessing, is this fucking console wars with fucking faggot congregation websites? How fucking worthless are your lives?

>only one pepe
sad shit board.


>its fucking real
holy shit what

Attached: 1518309213485s.jpg (88x125, 2K)

now I wonder why don't they come here anymore hmmmmm

Yea Forums utterly and eternally BTFO

not him, but pretty sure its called lowleg academy, or something along those lines

What's the point of posting porn in an ama thread?
Would have been better here than on 8ch.

It's the same shit but edgier, eternally butthurt over Yea Forums, and even more fragmented because of the ability to make your own board.

8v sucks because Mark and the userbase think gamergate is still going on and when other boards call them retards it's a conspiracy

post yfw Yea Forums got BTFO

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It’s funny because every time I’ve gone 8ch has always been more welcoming, but more dead and less shitposty. They’re more business minded than us is what I’d say is the main difference between us, and somehow these guys think they’re the lowest circle of hell.

Hey, I’m fine with it. Same demographic and all that.

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>implying neo/v/ knows about it
This thread is a living proof they don't.

>Also, is 8ch any good?
its a raid site that does raids and nothing else. if you try to discuss vidya make sure its something the mods like otherwise you'll get banned.

Honestly im gonna start supporting THQ for this.

No, we're mostly just a bunch of losers that flirt between chaotic neutral and chaotic evil, 8ch is full chaotic evil

So its like half of Yea Forums then?

You fags just dont see the silver lining in this do you?
>THQ Nordic has a great time shitposting on 8ch
>Comes back and does more AMA's because people are acting civil and only occasional "FUCK NIGGERS" spam
>Other devs see this and start doing AMA's specifically on the chans, moving away from Reddit and Resetera
>Instead of half assed bullshit Redditor questions like, "LMAO HOW DO YOUR FARTS SMELL SOMETIMES" we get questions more too the point of, "Vidya, yay or nay"
>Devs start moving over and doing more shit on the chans
>We start getting our own personal line to vidya developers and push reddit out of the mix

We're in a golden age fellas

Shame it isn't on Yea Forums, but hey, at least we get to read assblasted reddit comments on twitter

Why does 8ch do it, anons?

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The funny thing is reddit is unironically the pizzagate board, with hidden boards for things that would get you permabanned here.

Attached: 4chan.jpg (800x800, 129K)

/vs/ - Smash when? Any time there are news of that game this board becomes unusable and I'm still mad a game I tried to discuss during august got pushed into the archives constantly just for being slow threads

>resetera, twitter, AND Yea Forums ALL SEEEEETHING at the same time over this
This... This is based.

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can't u guys just enjoy the fireworks for once

I just wish 8ch had more people, but I guess then there's a higher chance of it become a shithole like this site

What the fuck is wrong with these people?

oofa doofa my dude

Attached: 1.png (623x251, 22K)

>wanting imageboards to become even more mainstream than they already
jesus no it's bad enough as it is

Good, you thin skin faggots deserve it.

okay which one of you fuckers showed the poor thq nordic man the piratebay screenshot

Its over Yea Forums bros............
we lost........................................

4+Yea Forums is the really bad one!

Attached: badone.jpg (1240x184, 24K)


Literal automatons
It's like a shitposting thread on Yea Forums, but they're not being ironic about it

>S-Sorry guys. Our twitter account was hacked!

Isn't it run by a fucking furfag though?

Yeesh, that sounds like a bit of a mixed bag. Still probably gonna check it out again, and revisit that one monster girl board. I hope it’s still alive

Attached: 6F1C305F-C754-4721-9D09-0D4C784115D6.jpg (750x1089, 472K)

didnt work unfortunately

they're just kids

>stupid dyed hair and thick hipster glasses
every time

>IP hoarders
>good guys

>thinks we are in a golden age
>Entire comment is about reddit
user, there won't be a golden age until retards like you learn to stop giving a shit about reddit and resetera

if there is a board that interests you, yeah.

If 8gag wasn't the slowest fucking place on earth I'd never come here

Like I literally can't believe this is happening right now. I literally can't breathe. Like I'm literally shaking right now. How could they do this? Like I'm literally going to report this to the higher ups at THQ. Like I'm literally crying right now.

Funny how nobody complains about Yea Forums on Yea Forums

>All those assblasted replies from game (((journos))) and trannies

also that draw looks like a minor


i don't think that's how it's supposed to work

Attached: 1535886072690.jpg (268x188, 8K)

What the fuck? I thought yikes was a dumb injoke between my friends and the occasional Yea Forums shitpost, I didn't know it was this widely used.

That'll be a yike + tip from me boss.

Attached: 4123.jpg (1242x944, 927K)

Do your part and keep convincing idiots that it's a hellhole full of pedos. That site is old Yea Forums in it's purest form and the degenerates that shit this place up can rot in the shitposting they themselves have created.

>can say niggas
>but can't say anything even remotely against the hivemind otherwise ban

Attached: wtf.png (1326x203, 37K)

Reddit had a jailbait sub years ago but normalfags are completely fine with it now.


actually they're based and white now, because they did an ama at the home of qanon

>isn't 4+Yea Forums the really bad one?
>gets normalfags interested out of curiosity
>becomes another commercially safe Yea Forums clone

>same exact responses ITT from resetera, twitter, and reddit
no fucking wonder they went for 8ch. you guys are fucked


didnt that site used to be owned by some midget in a wheelchair? and didnt he run a scam for donations to improve their servers but used the money to fuck filipina prostitutes?

Fuck trannies! And fuck shitera!

oofa doofa yikesy bikesy

man, I hate normies
cant have fun on the internet anymore social media and bullshit like that pulled it into real life

Kino sneed

based as fuck but the social media guy is probably getting sacked


Attached: reset.jpg (1348x758, 121K)

Braindead zoomers, filled with pozzed cum and tide pods.

I'm glad they did it there instead of reddit or whatever, but 8ch is retarded. Half the post are just fag trying to be edgy spamming nigger or porn.

Like they could have made it here, same thing without the edgy kids.

Yes, except they're 100% of 8v because Mark banned the other 50%

that's a yikes and a cringe

Attached: 1533553489008.jpg (409x618, 58K)

Based THQ sure is hip with us kids, am I right? Anyone else eat their daily Wendy's?

I'm surprised they didn't use incel at all.
The absolute cancer of those words.

These guys know so little, it’s actually kind of adorable.

Attached: BFE8E558-C653-44EC-8F28-0DB67F251344.jpg (750x597, 73K)

If this is legit, fuck Nordic. Fuck them forever.

SantaC said:
reinhard? Thats not even a name.
Reinhard is Nordic's development director.

by a Resetera faggot

it's weird that these people probably listen to gangster nigger music and still act like little faggots


That's true, but the horrid stuff eightchan does makes for better reporting. Kotaku for example, would probably make the headline, "THQNordic posts on anonymous child pornography site (Because why wouldn't they)"

>4+Yea Forums Yea Forums mods ban you for talking about certain games cause they hate it
yeah like thats much better user

Yea Forums is probably the worst fucking board

>open 8ch thread
>wtf theres barely any cunny
>they are actually asking questions
>reach the part with a hambeast

Attached: 1458731726821.jpg (297x350, 19K)





Went there to view the thread, why is their UI so fucking shitty, goddamn?

pic related, it's (you).

Attached: 1519883886635.jpg (1279x712, 139K)

>ctrl+f yikes
>16 results
Of course they didn't come here

Attached: 1544585647436.jpg (600x457, 52K)

>everyone having a good time, plus occasional loliposting
>RetardEra livid
absolutely based

yeah there's multiple insects seemingly trying to get him fired, fucking scum

>just a bunch of hentai and weird numbers

Attached: 472b54282d96a17b648497b7899515b6610619be8dd9f722ac31b6adb8980d49.png (1186x198, 30K)

Reading that reminded me of this.

Attached: 260.jpg (800x450, 38K)

wuh woh, those are some yikers no no words OwO

I hope this stops you faggots from saying yikes unironically all the damn time.

Woah there that's diddle dee dood yike for me Homer

>niGGer shit
bfc - big fucking cringe

>people thought moot banning political social justice hysteria overtaking every thread was "censorship"
Time only proved them right.

>Like they could have made it here, same thing without the edgy kids.

Holy shit nigger I hope you seriously don't believe this.


it's people gaffing zoomers, dummy.
theres a bunch of em, not sure if that page was from this one


>something controversial happens
>Yea Forums immediately goes to resetera and keeps refreshing the forums for the rest of the day

Attached: 1550643835587.png (351x348, 146K)

>All the Timesplitters questions are responded with "It's Koch Media's thing, don't ask us"

>people using yikes unironically
this is why the holocaust should've happened

i will never stop saying yikes unironically

>can't even open it in my country

God I wish that were me


There needs to be a word filter on this shit

i was spamming cunny in their thread

Attached: 01.jpg (1280x1796, 261K)

This happens way too often

THQ Nordic buys Warhorse, and gives the prolific GamerGater owner of the studio equity in Nordic.

Now, 2 weeks later they are hosting an AMA on 8 Chan.


>the board actually was a little better for a brief while
kek, hi newfag, just been send over from trannyera without instructions on how to fit in?

That's gonna be a yikes from me

There was nothing important said at all, just vague comments about Destroy all Humans and Timesplitters.

Yea Forums is reddit and resetera personified. There's a good reason THQ went for 8ch instead

8ch is great as they talk about older games (even giving pirated links) instead of shilling shitty new ones.

The only people who hate it are ugly twitter activists who use dilation stations.

Let's doxx some bluecheckers instead

That sums up Yea Forums in general.

>Traps - lolis with a few extra inches

Attached: 1548473042985.gif (426x192, 82K)

>he doesn't like to laugh at the mentally challenged

Attached: 1549991626092.gif (679x604, 36K)

They keep doing this.
>buy some old ip
>remaster incoming guys hype!!!!!
>whoops lol turns out the rights are a clusterfuck and one company isn't willing to sell their piece

Try making a thread railing on Nintendo and tell me how far you get here.

I sometimes shit on 8ch, but they're really not that bad, just slower.
I just come here because it's more fun. I can't blame THQ for holding Q&A there, good on them.

Me on the right.

not until they YA'LL stop saying INCEL unironically

Look marge we're on infinite chan


Seeing their over the top reactions are fun, I admit.

Remember when Rebbit paedophiles got exposed so the admins who knew what was going on banned them to save face and in response all the mods/userbase chimped out and blocked the website that did the exposé from being posted? I think it was Gawker?

It's almost like Yea Forums got invaded by neogaf a long time ago or something.

based and cunnypilled

All I saying is that this website is incredibly bad, and everyone knows it. My grandma knows about it, if I said anything about 8 to her, she would probably think I was just getting Yea Forums's name wrong, would and try to correct me.


>t-they were hacked guys

So they made Yea Forums reddit friendly, why not just go to... i don't know fucking reddit?

Attached: kek.jpg (615x614, 182K)

wtf, ned crusader game?

Attached: firefox_2019-02-26_19-33-34.jpg (782x319, 37K)

>induced on politics, and the people there sound even more aggressive than here.
And yet still the vast majority of the board is big chunky posts about vidya. Face it, /pol/tards were never the problem, shitposters, tourists, and impulsive newfags were.

Two sides of the same coin

why are you guys complaining about board speed when you niggers complained about this site being popular for YEARS?

Attached: 1432388740222.jpg (500x378, 145K)

>that normalfaggot guilt

Attached: 1487037347919.png (936x560, 59K)


Attached: based.jpg (888x249, 72K)

a european country banned 8ch around the time google delisted them for a while.

post some here, i aint going over there

that's the best way to describe board culture

you actualy managed to anger me
kill ourself

Attached: Reddit in a nutshell.jpg (842x598, 200K)

Reminder: Hotwheels paid Null to upgrade 8ch, only to have it taken by Jim Watkins and admin by Watkin's son in the end.

g00k m00t is a money hungry faggot

it's afoot

>implying 8fags don't do the same shit

Wouldn't surprise me. They have an actual furry board and zoophile board among other things.

This thread is really bizarre, it's just filled with people reacting to the reactions of Resetera posters. Do you guys not have some views of your own?

I don’t visit it regularly. Or at all, really. I’m just going there specifically to grab these screen caps. There’s not much else interesting here, though.

>Mad people are asking earnest questions


Attached: D056490A-149A-4335-AEBA-43D0DCA14319.jpg (750x1055, 194K)

i thought all the boomers like your grandma go to 8 for the Qanon larp shit

>Clicked open twitter thread
>Check comments
See the following words:
>my dude

Attached: 9FCD02A9-6332-49BF-9BAA-084D27E1FE22.jpg (640x523, 21K)

Just post the whole thing, Jesus Christ

Attached: 2019-02-26_13-30-49.jpg (991x10000, 2.62M)

why would i go to resetera to do that when I visit Yea Forums daily?

Attached: 1540836125499.png (256x295, 174K)

Should've gone to 7chan to be honest

why is ben shapiro some huge boogeyman to the left lately


Attached: 1447990408641.png (1040x826, 999K)

He likes cake. Nice people like cake.

It doesn'r offend faggot mods so they will never filter it

>Laughing at it's own kind.

Attached: Concentrated Autism.webm (422x290, 253K)

>get hacked
>hackers ruin your rep
oh fuck is 8 based now?

To be honest, laughing at resetera is just like when you laugh at this.

Attached: Competitive overwatch.webm (460x252, 622K)

Has the thread been taken down yet?

I hope you learned something today, Yea Forums.


Attached: 1211523485930.jpg (608x448, 31K)

Boards are user created so of course there's boards for that.


like Cirno?

oof that ain't it chief. Yikes and yuck.

Nah, it's just the usual outrage baby crowd whining.

p-post proofs

fair point

Attached: 1447722506877.jpg (750x675, 52K)

How is it still alive? Wasn't it blacklisted by google? Wasn't its only purpose to sustain GG just like triple eight was used to sustain Chanology? Wasn't the self moderation system a failure because that can only work with a non-retarded community?
All logic dictates it should be as dead as 7chan, how is it still around?

Crippled America?

She doesn't go to Yea Forums, but she does know about it. Most people know about this website, they just don't care about it because it's trash. You can't even talk about Mario here without being spammed with porn.

this one, the resetera one or the 8ch one?

>having hot opinions and discussing vidya is edgy now
Jesus fucking Christ, discord zoomie.

Yet you use Twitter and Youtube, platforms that host terrorists and pedophiles.


Imagine people beginning to talk properly here just to spite them. Crazy isnt it

So do we like or don't we like THQ?

Attached: 1458111564943.jpg (641x481, 84K)

>but but no you retarded
Your retort

back to ribbit

forgetting le delete dis maymay
thats twitter for you

>the shit people from 4chinks got kicked out
>go there
>Yea Forums has actual vidya discussions
Yeah, "shit" people who seemingly don't give libtards the time fo the day they so desperatly crave.


Outside of these intermittent publicity stunts, hachichan is 100% worse. But it was cool when Yoko Taro dropped by for one post.

Attached: yokotaro.png (774x184, 135K)

why do people post like this?
>that's an..... oof.....
>wow, i.... yikes.....
>yikes from me...........

The 8ch one

honestly i'm starting to believe the hacking theory, this is fucking nuts

I hate when people make it too obvious that a story is fake

oh you mean like what Yea Forums does several times a day? People here are completely out of touch with reality aren't they

>Yea Forums is so normalfag central that they went for 8ch instead
I warned you niggers about this

Attached: 1549251823778.png (994x910, 537K)

They're a fucking publisher. Make up your own mind.

>this thread is full of people reading a website for their reaction to another website
Get a fucking life

Attached: 1540178477268.jpg (530x600, 68K)

are you a normal human being or a degenerate mentally ill tranny?

We do. It's just that ResetEra trannies are retards.

Nobody here is seething, retard. We are all having fun at retards like you in leddit or reseteshit have a meltdown.

retardera on suicide watch

They're literally *the* Boomer Game developmer

All their best games are in the early 2000's and havent made a single good game in 10+ years

Thought it got nuked as well because of the pedos.

>shut it down!


Attached: 20190226_193556.jpg (612x364, 94K)

.d,fv AKSWEbcvlaergf;oaidrlhg

>Yea Forums fucking around.
>Reseterafags screaming and crying like the subhumans they are.
>Mfw I go to Cripplechan for Monster girl images

Attached: 1479794706119.jpg (920x960, 85K)

Actually it was made in 2013 by the Hotwheels because he felt he could make a better chan, he just used GG as a spark to gain relevancy because nothing else would spontaneously get people to leave Yea Forums for his site.

Attached: best.png (250x128, 16K)

did they lift the ban on lolis?
i completly stoped going there when they banned lolis from Yea Forums


If I did I wouldn't be here retarded boomer toon poster

I don't know about you, but them going to infinity of all places makes them okay in my book.

what's the difference between other sites to this one? you can't even say nigger here anymore without either a ban or redditors complaining


>resetra mad as fuck

Attached: 87598.jpg (258x245, 12K)


sure, but remember he also had to leave the us in order to avoid the fbi because people kept posting ssns and cp on his imageboard, so it was all worth it for him
just an all around genius, that dude

That's their equivalent of this place chimping out. They don't know to be angry.

When did Yea Forums become Reddit 2.0?

I can smell the 8cucks ITT

no way it's going to be deleted, the board admin is supporting the AMA, he's there watching in case of cp or gore gets posted.

i not going to that shithole
post pictures

Stay there, phonefaggot.

How do I know?


Attached: file.png (352x321, 36K)

the last time i encountered a visit on Yea Forums, it was the great eceleb woolie came to call us all retards and people were pretty civil with him around

>mystery of the druids talk in the ama
thanks guys

Attached: 1434869269158.png (300x359, 146K)

>I was only on there once and they have their own board for fucking Emma Watson
Same with plebbit

>I'd like to apologize on behalf of 8ch, the retards posting gore and little girl cartoons are the result of a raid from reddit, Yea Forums and resetera. They heard about this interview and wanted to besmirch our humble little board.

Attached: 1549989417357.jpg (550x422, 35K)

Do people actually use the other chans?
What are the popularity numbers?

post 2012

Nope, they banned CP.
Take your own advice, tranny.

Around 6 years ago

>all the fat americans in the reshitera thread saying its lunchtime in europe and they will fix it after.
It's the evening here you dense fucks.

Fuck off tranny


When it became about the money

I’ll be honest I thought they died in 2008

I’ve got no real opinion on them since I don’t know what theyre up to. Maybe I’ll check them out since they were willing to give 8ch of all places the time of day

big loud kek

Attached: 1550726144180.jpg (227x200, 13K)

A lot of people still feel too scorned over how GG was handled to ever come back here.

Anything that triggers resetera is good

I'm still expecting THQ to throw them under the bus and call them child rapists anyway by the end of the day desu.


Attached: 123.jpg (1201x168, 18K)

>Do not apologize to anybody for this AMA. If you give them an inch, they'll take a mile. Do not cow to people who don't buy or play your games.
8chn really is just reddit.

Attached: 1501980838791.png (632x650, 99K)

is calling people trannies the only insult Yea Forums has anymore, even cuck was better

>nothing but YIKES!
fuck zoomers

>edgy raiding boards for we are le legin donut forgiv user e mus larping
>still butthurt over Yea Forums existing and the "exodus" of redditors who came here for a few days because of politics and drama
>but it's not edgy way better than half gag


What's the good reason, nigger? This is career suicide. Their social media guy will take the fall in a couple hours.

It's the spiritual successor of pre-2012 Yea Forums but smaller, they actually play and discuss games unlike this shithole.

I was banned for saying niggers are faggots during the Oscars sticky. This place is dead.

woah they even have cunnies posted in their thread, this is based

Attached: 1465666457786.png (889x500, 234K)

Make me

Incredibly original and clever post.
Quaff some magic kitchen sink potions, you're ready.

>All of the seething assdamage in the replies to the tweet
God damn, they will never fucking let Gamergate go

Attached: 9748689753890743827089.jpg (850x814, 77K)

I go for /shota/

That's not oppai loli, Asanagi draws his females titty monsters short to signify how weak and pathetic women are.

that's completely correct though

>10 years back there was only reddit
>now there are at least three sites worse than reddit: twitter, facebook and resetera
>Yea Forums is now worse than reddit
>people rather go to eightchan than 4channel
>all the edgy underage faggots still flock to Yea Forums like always
What happened bros?


should resetera be in school, no shitposting in class!

>one hacked account causes chaos

This is beautiful to witness

>open thread
>first pic is big anime tiddies
This is why 8>4

>hey i'm going to allow all the shit that moot banned for some mysterious reason
>immediately finds out why that shit got banned in the first place
real mystery why moot killed the loli board immediately after Yea Forums's founding, a real headscratcher

It's fun watching trannies have a meltdown.

They have like no rules, there are no work safe boards

based cripple-kun btfoing reddit-era
i've ben on 8ch twice, back in 2014, it's shit

He is right about the whole "give an inch, take a mile" thing though.


That foot mutation in very typical to certain nigger tribes

Yea Forums isn't one person, you know.


They're based. Gonna buy their whole catalog now.

Hoo boy... resetera is going to have a field day with this one. Can't wait for the public apology from THQ after they did an AMA on our dumping ground for gamergators.

How is that in any way Reddit? If they did an AMA here you'd say the same thing you retarded faggot tranny.
For fucks sakes we have threads saying the same thing about video games. "Hurr durr just make titty game don't apologize for titty game" but because it's a different website it's now Reddit.

You're fucking Reddit.

I dont even.
Why would you do that? Why any chan?

I suppose the normalfag never heard of 8ch and think it might be a better offshoot from this site, but they are actually worse. More aggressive, more politized, less users.

they aren't even lolis why would he label it loli?

Antifag crusader game?

The legit pedo chan was krautchan.

So it's NOT reddit to suck tranny cock? You're pretty fucking stupid, pal. Go back to Shitera. Don't forget your dilator dildo on the way out.

Well I just fired off an email to Nickelodeon. Maximum pressure must be bought to bear on THQ for this idiocy.


It's alive because social media has been censoring a lot of people for stupid reasons. Removing people doesn't eliminate ideas, it just moves them elsewhere.

The self-moderation is no different from how it worked in the old days in Vbulletin boards, it's just that you're a retarded tranny/furfag who demands to be babysat by everyone.

I didn't know people said yikes and oof unironically

>Hoo boy...
Go back


>mark said he would take care of any nasty stuff
>no nasty stuff in the thread got deleted

Did they get duped?

Sup Yea Forums

Attached: 1462140244025.jpg (217x218, 10K)

Get off of our website you cancerous cucked faggots.


>unironic gamers rise up shit
good board, not embarrassing at all

Loli=anime girl to retards. Some people don't know WHY they hate lolis, they just do as they're told.

Attached: 1462641525236.gif (500x262, 30K)

why do you think people say it ironically

fuck off pedo

>only vague answers about Timesplitters and Darksiders
>won't reply to posts about Spongebob or Dawn of War
its fucking nothing


>look at the twitter thread
>it's a bunch of blue checkmarks posting gifs
honest to god, why would anyone go on twitter ever

Am I just too fucking old for the internet If I never heard of 8chn and Reset Era? Who the fuck are even these?

Fucking christ

Only illegal stuff I guess

mystery of the druids sequel was just confirmed

you have to leave this site and never come back

I miss n8

>And yet still the vast majority of the board is big chunky posts about vidya.
No, wrong. The OP is always vidya, but when you enter in most of theses threads, you always face most users trying to mixture vidya with politics, and this gradually evolves to mostly politics, and little vidya. The threads, most of the times, start with vidya, then it slowly evolves to politics.

And you shouldn't ignore the problem of aggressiveness. It's way too much, enough to have a thread derail sightly, because someone presented an uncommon opinion. You should also not ignore that, again, the admin loves to reveal itself and his personal life to the board, and that Gamergate is allowed for some crazy reason (inb4 le forum I don't like boogeyman attack).

That was my experience, and unfortunately, I'm not happy with 8/v/, and it made me believe I'm better off with staying here.

>Face it, /pol/tards were never the problem, shitposters, tourists, and impulsive newfags were.
Excuse me, but when have I ever implied anything like this?

Attached: 752.png (242x210, 134K)

>All this cunnyposting in their thread
maybe I should've stayed there instead of coming back here a couple of years back

Attached: 1548789188708.jpg (789x450, 58K)

Yea Forums is better than eightchan in general but the Yea Forums board on Yea Forums is fucking worse than reddit or eightchan by a mile.


Attached: firefox_2019-02-26_19-47-57.jpg (479x83, 15K)

Aww... poor little baby is mad he doesn't get a checkmark!

go back to ebaumsworld you fucking grandpa

8ch is a shitty spinoff of this dump made for posing CP and gamergate shit.

they teased a new destroy all humans and desperados game for e3 2019 then deleted everything

I drop by 8/v/ every now and then and it's all on topic video game discussions with posts that had a modicum of thought put into them. I only stay here because I'm a battered house wife just hoping the shitposters, trannies, and zoomers will one day fuck off.

>Implying that isn’t the case especially now

i once pointed out that the only people keeping gamergate alive are the ones who are overtly devoted to destroying it (by constantly talking about it) and i almost got banned from that community

i knew those people were PC but god damn

Go drain out your wound, tranny

normies catched the wind of funny OC, happens to often sadly

Trannies are the only people mentally ill enough to complain about 8ch for it's content while using platforms (Twitter and Youtube) that host ISIS terrorists and pedophiles.

Nobody here is seething about this, it's more or less bewilderment that eightchan was picked over Yea Forums.

>oofa doofa my dude
Stealing it

8ch is a hivemind almost as bad as resetera, call Yea Forums a dump all you want but the opinions here are pretty diverse and chances are someone agrees with your opinion however shitty it may be

This post is hella yikes.

there are work safe boards

isnt that board dead yet?

i abandoned because it was even more ridden with /pol/fags than this one

>Best I could find on Darksiders

Attached: 000.png (1027x199, 107K)

I miss them but it's just too fucking slow these days.

wtf double chan gets THQ Nordic? fuck this place, 4 Yea Forums can rot into irrelevancy and be infested with tranny discorders

me too user, 2014-2015 was peak years then politics fucked it all up


It's all me lad, you're safe here

Attached: 1392160609641.png (1158x1637, 522K)

>doesn't deny it

Attached: 1535137349519.png (644x1106, 455K)

Yeah I'll never buy a game from them again, but fuck that, how is this legal? A forum to sick men post sick pictures

I mean Darksiders 3 just came out so it's really early to discuss new projects

It almost did until you made that post. Contrarian faggots be contrarian faggots.

The absolute STATE of normalfags. I bet these NPCs are going to start boycotting THQ over THIS, LMAO!

Attached: Laugh23.jpg (363x449, 68K)

I miss old THQ, I just don't know enough about nuTHQ to give a proper opinion on them.

Why the fuck would you need us to tell you. ? Judge based on the shit they make. I'll tell you this much. I can't remember them pissing me off.

Keep in mind that old THQ disbanded.

yeah, everyone here. Yea Forums is normalfag central


This shit will probably kill eightchan since they will be exposed to news outlets now. I remember how Yea Forums got worse and worse the more often it appeared in the news. This shit just invites all the retards in. Rest in piece eightchan.

Cripplechan is an offshoot of Yea Forums made by a cripple kid called Wheels, I think. It was kind of okay, then it became the spearhead for gamer gate, and now its pretty alright again.
Resetera is a site that came out of Neogaf, which is a pretty big gaming forum because one of the moderators tried to rape a girl. Neogaf was famous for its unreasonably SJW users, but since they all went to Resetera, apparently Neogaf is okay now.

Attached: 1376270130692.jpg (800x600, 181K)

i-its over.......
I think its time for me to double up and become an 8chad...

only if you moderate them yourself, there's zero moderation beyond deleting CP and DMCA

this 100
thanks, I'm always trying to keep cute and funny threads alive here but jannies always gotta fuck it up

Attached: 1549866500347.webm (800x450, 1.45M)

seething fucking tranny

Yeah, I believe that's the problem I have with 8/v/: they have an immense hivemind. Here, in Yea Forums, it doesn't has a hivemind (or at least, it did have before, but not anymore). I can agree with this.

Oh, and another flaw I want to point out, is that porn is allowed there as long it's spoilered. For what reason? Cropped porn is good enough.

Going to neogaf recently to see what it was like and it's fairly close leaning to this place now. It's weird.

I was referring to the twitter and resetera screencaps

>going to cripplechan
No fucking thanks, you guys can't even do porn boards right.

Is this what your cucked mods tell you? Your shitty site has far more pedos.

/furry/ would still be a huge board if it didn't get spammed to death, fuck you hot wheels


you're allowed to create your own boards that's why you need to get your own jannies.

>retards spamming loli porn, gore, and saying nigger
This is exactly why we can't have nice things. This is supposed to be a semi professional interview guys, show a little couth. If we ever want to take back the industry we must act civilised, not like a bunch of retarded baboon asses. This is why the retardera trannies get more devs on their side.

Thanks faggots. I hate you all.

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That hasn't been the case in 3 years

This, half of the porn boards are fucking dead anyway.

I'm certain most people went there for video games to begin with. But now that its not basically under siege, they can talk about video games again.

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I feel like half the posters here believe they actually are on twitter, the lingo is the same since most memes are stolen from twitter anyway and the Yea Forums color scheme is very similar to the twitter blue

>Isn't that the darkweb?

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>implying that matters when you can easily fake the filename and most true oldfags nowadays use filename randomizer on Yea Forums x
Get ye gone, newfag, and lurk moar while you're at it.

>hating lolis
now this is shitposting

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It's like a regular Yea Forums thread, just with avatars