How hard will the American game journos and Twitter's blue check marks lash out to Paradox Interactive once Man the Guns is released and they hear about this?
How hard will the American game journos and Twitter's blue check marks lash out to Paradox Interactive once Man the...
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How is hearts of iron? I've wanted to try learning a 4x game for a while, the concept of setting up political domination across a global stage is something I think I'd enjoy, but the like $400 pricetag on CK2 dissuaded me.
who cares nerd
I'd recommend Darkest Hour: The Heart's of Iron game if you you don't mind the outdated UI. The AI of 4 is still incredibly atrocious.
Why do you care? You fags claim to hate these SJWs yet you give them more exposure than anything else, I wouldn't ever see half the dumb bullshit SJWs post on twitter if it wasn't for you obsessive weirdos.
I think Paradox games are safe.
I'm more hyped for the naval rework
The games are generally too shallow for that. If you can feel that way about a character or dynasty you might enjoy CK2, but EU4 and HOI4 are mediocre and shallow in single player. In multiplayer, it's e-sports and autism at it's finest.
>ruling party needs to be fascist
Confederates BTFO
normies don't play paradox games
It's just "one of the following". Country needs to either be in the civil war or be ruled by fascists.
>must be fascist
>the Confederacy was objectively less authoritarian than the Union
Big think
B-but slavery!
>keeping slaves isnt maximum authoritarian
B-but the war wasnt about slavery!
It was the economy!
Sorry your whole economy was based on slavery hicks
With all Paradox games you buy the base game (if even that) and pirate the DLCs. It's really easy and tons of people do it.
There's just no reasonable way to jump into the games after they've been released for a while. There's also no real point in buying the games as soon as they release and keeping up that way, because they generally only get good after several DLCs have come out.
Hearts of Iron 4 is alright, but it's still in the early stages at the moment. Man the Guns might be the DLC that fleshes it out and makes it good, but it also might not be at that point yet.
4 is shit
Play DH or 3
Owning property isn't authoritarian
The base game already gives you the ability to play as Nazi Germany, and the game also gives you an achievement if you manage to turn Canada fascist. No one will care.
4 is pretty barebones, but it makes for a pretty decent sandbox war sim I guess. Don't go in expecting historical accuracy either. Even with the historical focuses on, things will be completely ahistorical.
>a free market involving privately purchasing property from private businessmen.
ah I see you don't know what these words mean.
The people who would be offended don't play these games anyways. Take your sjw obsession to cripplefucks with the rest of the gamergate fags.
Ah right black people are property. Not because the south was racist, or that you are, it's just how the culture was! One of you is a ruskie bot and the other is a gullible cuck
>said while posting about muh russians
racism =/= fascism read a book you ignorant brainlet. I know that's what the modern left defines it as but it doesn't make them right, or any less ignorant.
Britbong here.
Because of the swift dismantling of slavery for the South forced upon them by the north, we still see the economic backlash.
The confederacy were fine in abolishing slavery if it was done at a pace that didn't make 90% of their economy become dismantled because the biggest trading partners for the south were Britain, whom constantly pushed for abolition of slavery
Hearts of Iron 2 and 3 are good.
4 is horrendously bad. In more or less every way it is a shit game, made for people who are too retarded to play the previous titles.
>da rushings r hacking us