You have a boner for archaic gameplay
Nobody actually likes this
You're a hipster who thinks V is too "user friendly"
You like the most generic jrpgs
You think story is unimportant in keeping you going in a 40 hour game
You think nostalgia is the best way to rate a game
You're a casual
You think you're intelligent and edgy because of Squall and a plot of pure nonsense and headcanon
You think that ripping off 2D FF makes a game good
You watch anime more than play games
You like mmos with nothing to do
You don't like playing as a main character because it's more "avant garde"
You like pretty graphics and strong women
You're a furfag
You're a gay shipper
Other urls found in this thread:
I'm not a furfag at all though.
But why do you have to make generalizations anyway? Can't people have a favorite game without feeling judged about it?
You like a mediocre franchise with some of the most braindead systems in RPGs because the presentation wowed you when you were 10 years old
I bet the niggers who make these kinds of threads have yet to actually play a final fantasy game to the end
>You're a gay shipper
MC has a wife.
>implying it isn't a cover up
>Can't people have a favorite game without feeling judged about it?
No, you faggot
Where do you think you are?
>You're a furfag
Gotta wait another 3ish weeks for that Race reveal, son.
>you're OP and make a list like this
you will die unaccomplished without ever knowing the touch of a beautiful woman
>when there’s no furry races
I think the term you’re looking for is “Genuinely Retarded Tranny”
>You watch anime more than play games
That's so wrong.
That should be "this is the first FF you played"
That's 7
>You're a hipster who thinks V is too "user friendly"
No. 3 is arguably the one game that did the job system well - The system that the FF series is known for. Also, how did 9 "rip off the 2D games"?
That's 6,7 and 10
>You think story is unimportant in keeping you going in a 40 hour game
Seems accurate, if i wanted a story i would go read a book, if i play a videogame i want to play a game.
Tactics is neat too though, so not like story hurts either, but Gameplay is king when it comes to vidoegames or they might as well not even bother being videogames.
V had amazing dialogue in the gba port, just as good as a story if you ask me
shitting on every ff except 13 would be a brave move if it wasn't so stupid
Why not both?
You almost had me going there. You ticked me off at 2 but i kept reading and realized how much of a retard you were.
>You think story is unimportant in keeping you going in a 40 hour game
Anyone that says V has shit story has probably never passed the 10-hour mark. Yes the first hours are made of stupid but the mid-to-endgame has a much better story than 1 through 4 combined.
That was exactly why i brought up Tactics when noting that a good story doesn't hurt, because it does do both, i was just noting that he is accurate in the assessment that i don't NEED a overly dramatic story to go about the gameplay, it is just a bonus, and as noted, V does have its own charm in how cheesy it is and it isn't all goof all the time, but i spent hundreds of hours in some (non-FF) games with 0 Story because they had solid gameplay so his point stands about his assessment of me as a individual.
>You think you're intelligent and edgy because of Squall and a plot of pure nonsense and headcanon
>You watch anime more than play games
>You don't like playing as a main character because it's more "avant garde"
Maybe. Still my favorite FFs though.
You are a hipster, only care about telling people how impactful it was
You're a masochist, possibly have some autism
So impressed by it's shallow class system and its "grand surprise" that you overlook all other flaws
You only care about the story presentation, and probably still jack off to the girls in the game to this day
"Hey boys I'm not like those other JRPG stories", also almost certainly a pokemon fan
Total contrarian. You say this one because you don't like the idea a lot of people could share your tastes
Definitely have autism, but also love to tell people how long it is.
You started with this one, never take off your nostalgia goggles for a second
You had a lot of friends to play with aka live in japan
See above, but you're also a hardcore otaku, maybe smell a bit
Either a console warrior, or just impressed easily, still buy into game hype cycles
Now im interested of seeing one of these for Metal Gear, All of Metal Gear that is and not just Solid.
Ok but is XI a good game to start the series with? I really want to get in to the series and it seems to be the easiest one to find where I live.
FUCK yes, belly dancing girls are my fetish
>"we have to save the world"
>go to next "save the world" point
>exdeath is a step ahead
>someone sympathetic is killed/injured
>repeat until exdeath finally gets fucked
Yeah you're not wrong there.
Yeah it's fine. It's a culmination of a lot of what the series established before and has a lot of content.
do you think you’re cool or something, mr. contrarian?
>people who like XIII are the only ones who appear to be decent people
>Mocks XV
Fellas either we are dealing with a roastie here or a retard. I'm going with both.
Now do one for megaten
>You like mmos with nothing to do
>You're a furfag
Both of these apply to both games.
i like 2 better than anything other than 7,8,9,11
jesus fucking christ we are fucking reddit
you're only just realizing this now?
But I enjoyed one and two.
I just read it as polite way to say "You are a Grafixwhore and Waifufag" myself, the V one is pretty polite too from how i read it.
Remember, if you like ANY video game you're a fag I guess. Glad that we real gamers don't like games.
>You watch anime more than play games
I don't even watch anime you stupid faggot.
ff favorite lists were always here because they always degenerate in trolling immediately, or more commonly, start as trolling
This isn't and won't be reddit as long as i can say FUCK NIGGERS AND JANNIES and get away with it
Will claim to be a classic despite having enjoyed very little and abused turbo like never before
You enjoy looking at guides more than actually playing games, really likes deicide
Your first "hardcore" JRPG after FF and Pokémon, will recommend it at any given opportunity to fans of previously mentioned series or any other JRPG
You're most likely a depressed adult that really hates seeing teenagers in Japanese games
You started with this game and really appreciate all the references to the older games despite never playing them, too cool for otaku pandering shit
>IV Final
You thought the characters weren't that bad and spent 50 hours customizing your favorite big tiddie demon
The objective list for FFX and below (haven’t played the rest):
>God tier
6, Tactics (with the l i t t l e m o n e y translation)
>Top tier
5, 7, 9, 4
>Good tier
1, 3, 8
>“Good” tier
>Trash tier
You have the most plebian taste i have ever seen.
Sorry bro, you might not like it, but it’s an objective list.
>if you like any FF game, I have something bad for you to say
Objectively It's objectively plebian, and you're objectively silly.
No shit. That's the point of the list. Learn to take a joke.
The problem is that V's gameplay is not interesting enough to make you endure the generic setting and story.
good thread so far
Okay, what the fuck? III's job system is way simpler than V's, V is definitely the less user-friendly of the two, and V's story is great. You're an idiot
I started the series with 6 and never played the titles before that.
That being said, I found them all below average aside from 8 and that's purely because 8 at least felt complex. It had almost an Armored Core vibe going for it with his stats. And I liked the story a lot.
It is also the only game in the franchise I've finished. I always came across the other titles at some point, played them for 10 hours, started getting bored af and stop playing them.
I like the X games, but 12 is an aborted fetus
I like FF6 - FF10-2 plus tactics
>Seems accurate, if i wanted a story i would go read a book, if i play a videogame i want to play a game.
Mass Effect Andromeda.
I like Amano as much as the next guy but that Cloud is terrible.
>MC has a wife.
It was an arranged marriage so he had no say in it.
I mostly dislike Amano’s stuff. Nearly every single one of his characters look interchangeable.
god tier, holy trinity of FF
5, 6, 7
good tier
3, 4 (1st playthrough), 8 (disc 1), 9, 10
low tier
1, 8 (everything else)
shit tier
2, 4 (subsequent playthroughs)
haven't played anything afterwards
IV is pure kino and you're wrong if you say otherwise
>MFW ffxv
If that was X or V I could possibly agree but XV was not that great.
Held back by:
A badly designed combat system, complete with badly designed monsters
Empty open world
Sooo much fucking story DLC + movie + anime
Bland as hell characters
>You don't like playing as a main character because it's more "avant garde"
Now this is the most bizarre criticism I've seen levied at XII.
His Bartz is even worse.
I honestly enjoy replaying 2 more than 4.
>Tactics (with the l i t t l e m o n e y translation)
>Dude what if we made literally half the cast be inconsequential to the story
>Dude what if we made multiple cutscenes where the main character has no idea what's going on and just stands in the background while people who matter speak
>Dude what if we made a character who's literally just a random girl with no important qualities outside of an extremely large ass
>Dude what if we made a character with an interesting and nuanced backstory and then only let the player use him in one dungeon, at the end of which he dies
>Dude what if we made a villain who has zero emotional connection to the heroes and doesn't even meet them until the last ten minutes
>Dude what if we took an established setting with a million interesting species and then only included humans and bunny humans as playable characters
>Dude what if we gave the narrator a comical Apu accent
>Dude what if we made a complicated political plot and then ruined it by turning it into standard ancient god shenanigans halfway through
>Dude what if we made a plot where the heroes have almost no impact on what happens until 95% of the way through the story, and they spend their time tromping from one ancient temple to the next
>Dude what if I'm Captain Basch
>Dude what if we took everything 100% seriously and had zero levity outside of Balthier and Cid
>Dude what if we wrote all of the dialogue to sound like a Renaissance Fair
>Dude what if we we had no overworld and all travel was handled by a menu or floating teleport crystals
>Dude what if we made a level-up system where all of the characters become literally identical in function
>Dude what if we made summons useless except for opening doors
>Dude what if we put all of the interesting and unique content in sidequests
>Dude what if the best weapon in the game had to be accessed by not opening unmarked chests
>Dude what if Star Wars
You make worthless generalizations about people who play a game series because you have literally nothing going on in your life
You are dedicated. Godspeed.
I agree that the first take wasn't great, but honestly after playing everything twice (once before updates, once after) I actually really like the characters and felt genuine interest in how shit played out. At least as opposed to me haphazardly caring and moreso enjoying my onscreen numbers getting bigger
>You're a furfag
This one is the worst one, mainly because the most "furry" it gets isn't even furry but more like humans with accessories slapped onto their head and ass. You SHOULD have just said "you're a ERP faggot" or something like that instead.
His designs are good but past 6 Nomura did a better job, although I like his version of Tidus
How is IV generic? Any RPGfags during that time that can confirm or deny it was generic compared to other RPGs around that time?
Wrong it’s
You say it’s more your favorite for it’s value on gaming and the creation of the series rather than it’s quality
You’re lying
You really like the music, semi-hipstery but mostly it’s because of it being the best of the famicom games
You are either a nostlgia fag that swears the story is better than it was, or you played the 3d remake and really liked the simplicity.
Good taste, and value the overall feeling of the journey in your JRPGs than the moment to moment plot. No one says this is their favorite without actually playing it.
You’re either scared of saying VII is better, which it is, because you don’t wanna sound like a normie- not knowing that VI is the normie pick now. Also you suck off any imagery of Kefka for some reason. Hipster that went full circle.
At this point, you stick to your guns in saying it’s great. After everyone got tired of being accused of being a casual that only liked the games because it’s popular, those that still say it’s the best just really love the games.
Either you love the bizzare, esoteric, and seemingly butchered story and really love the unique mechanics and have the patience of a saint or you’re saying this because you are a hipster
Able to withstand the very slow speed for a very quality experience. Either very cool and understanding about others’ picks for favorite or a fucking obnoxious cunt, no in-between. Also you probably sucks off Vivi as a character too much and claim you totally saw the final boss coming.
You probably haven’t played all the games, and if you have, this was close to one of your first ones. You, without a doubt, hate the extended stuff or have no taste.
Was able to get past Vahn not being the main character and have an iq above 10 to not act like it was confusing to figure out. Probably like all ivalice games and not just XII
Retarded armpit fag
Either gay shipper, or have Blinding buyers remorse
Just to add, it released in fucking 1991. What other games were like FFIV at the time?
Phantasy Star II.
never used turbo in 1, kicked the shit out of me as it was my first SMT. Still loved it
Anything else? I feel like the faggot is calling it generic based on today's standards.
the problem is that I felt so burned by the launch edition I did not get any of the updates and the $15 the PSN store is asking for the Royal Upgrade DLC is disgusting for how little it actually adds (makes final chapter more of a slog, mandatory bosses in a game with bad combat, a boat for no fucking reason, and Argmier Unleashing being a button mashing mode) to the game
>God tier
Tactics, 6, 9, 12, 5
>Top tier
7, 2, 11, 14
>Good tier
8, 1, 10-2, 13-2, Lightning Returns
>Mediocre tier
13, 4, 3
>Trash tier
10, 15, the entire compilation of FF7, Type-0, anything Nomura makes in the future
FF10 is literally everything wrong with the series and why it has gone to shit. Cash grab
one of the worst pictures I have ever seen
holy shit a perfect tier list
>complete with badly designed monsters
post invalidated
>You think story is unimportant in keeping you going in a 40 hour game
This is unironically me. I don't give a shit about story in games and skip things like cutscenes/conversations whenever possible.
I just like seeing what fun teams I can beat this game with.
badly designed in terms of combat.
Worst thing you can say about V is the story is mediocre. OMEGALUL Exdeath supporters to be hanged
best taste
I'd move X up to mediocre at least, since I personally had no problems with it, and XIII down, since it exacerbated a lot of the problems X had.
What are you on about he's posting some stale ass pasta, seen it a dozen times by now, usually pasted on by a SEETHING XIII fan
I don't think I'm intelligent. I have a 95 IQ.
post invalidated.
Its not a FF/XII thread without it though.
I actually love all of these designs
Butz's Amano design is lame.
It's not completely wrong either, I love FFXII but I am also aware of its faults.
>You're a hipster who thinks V is too "user friendly"
combat was the best part of xv tho
Well at least this guy seems to have actually played the games.
man of culture
Since when do so many people like the fucking MMO the best in a franchise with hundreds of games and spin-offs?
Oh yeah, forgot I'm in Yea Forums
not really.
You just tanked through the hits, healed yourself at 0 HP with the stockpile of items the game/Gladios gives you, and Argmier bosses to death.
3 needs a reremake if only to fix shit like the DS limitation changes and save points so the crystal tower isn't so fucking brutal if you die
3 is great but it has some downright sadistic sections that need to be addressed before the game can be one of the greats
True, but you can get to a point when you're good enough to not tank everything and waste time healing
I just like how there aren't any breaks in combat due to warp-striking
Glad I helped
>likes Final Fantasy
Don't worry, we believe you.
>True, but you can get to a point when you're good enough to not tank everything and waste time healing
or waste time dodging (or trying to dodge). Endgame was just me steamrolling everything with my 9999 HP thanks to beating the turtle before attempting chapter 13.
>That Cloud
Forever ruined, thanks Nomura
Not really fun at all
Kinda fun
Fun for a little while
Never bought it lol
Bears the characteristics of fun while being distinctly not fun
I've been listening to the music recently, and can understand why it's well-liked.
It's not a waste if you successfully dodged? Sounds like you need to gitgud
Endgame is all the combat dungeons you unlock after beating the game. The actual main story line itself was shit
>You think story is unimportant in keeping you going in a 40 hour game
V is well above par in FF stories, otherwise you can apply that to way more than half that list
left is all legs
>You like mmos with nothing to do
this was more or less accurate until abyssea
It's literally a retarded copypasta by someone with 0 reading skills and critical thinking
Apparently giving characters an accent is a bad thing
>It's not a waste if you successfully dodged?
the problem is that going from R2 for attacking to mashing L2 to dodge never works unless I am using The Ring.
>Endgame is all the combat dungeons you unlock after beating the game.
never did those. When I meant "Endgame" I meant chapters 13 to the final boss. I never touched any Menace dungeons because the idea of doing combat dungeons in this game did not sound appelaing to me.
Imagine unironically thinking that XIII is better than X
do ultima next
Half the cast is irrelevant in FF10
The story stops making sense halfway through
The biggest twist in the game entirely relies on Tidus being the dumbest person alive
15 minutes flashback everytime something sad happens
Rock-paper-scissors gameplay
At least FF13 wasn't an insult to my intelligence, and it has the superior soundtrack by far
All wrong. Terrible opinion, take a lap
Music's definitely the best part of the game. The 1.0 > Coil storyline was also pretty fucking great to go through live.
I've only played 6-7-8-9-10
But I sure as won't ever touch another FF after playing 10 (Tactics maybe being an exception). If anyone has 10 even mentioned in their 'like' lists, you can diregard their opinion. Forever.
Damn these are a lot of wrong opinions, it's odd how rare it is to find someone on Yea Forums saying X was just okay, it has to be either a favorite or unbelievable shit.