P-Please buy Google Console Yea Forums, they're gonna fire me if it fails.
P-Please buy Google Console Yea Forums, they're gonna fire me if it fails
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Jesse Eisenberg really let himself go
Todd Howard?
Wow Sigourney Weaver is looking good these days
>last we've heard of him is that he was hired by Google in an undisclosed position and then literally nothing after, not even random social media shitposts
Is he even alive?
Tell me how you made it out of this hellhole and i will.
Hiro killed him.
isn't he that Yea Forums guy?
Oh yeah I forgot that guy was a thing
>yet another e-cleb thread
look at that chiseled chin, perfectly shaped nose, lips, and forehead. is moot a cartoon character?
moot Howard edits when?
>lives in Tokyo
weeb til the very end
Made me laugh.
I actually can't decide if this was ironic or not
Clearly it's irrelevant, but I'd still like to know who that is.
>if google says it then it must be true
literally who
That was from his linkedin before he closed it.
>certainly moot is in full control of his linkedin
>photographic evidence of him? fuck off conspiracy theorist
whos that?
He is an adorable 2d girl.
who the fuck is moot
Moot created an internet weeaboo paradise, got a job at Google making six figures, and moved to the motherland to fuck as many pure Japanese girls as he wants.
Tell me he isn't living the dream.
Do you think he still browses Yea Forums?
isn't he working on Google Maps?
>championed for anonymous free speech until his last breath
>suddenly silent and somehow becomes the manager of non-anonymous chat and then the official explanation is that he fucked off to the other side of the world so people stop trying to find him
yep, he's certainly alive!
i think he loathes it and he's doing his damnedest to appear as a normie
>Company with leading research in deepmind photgraphy manipulation could not have possibly generated false images
>when people thought that things couldn't get worse without cucklord mot
>implying he still isn't getting cucked
he is a nobody now. he was good as a dedicated weeb.
No, moot hates his creation. That's why he sold us to a Japanese conman and hired normalfag mods.
Newfag here. What was moot like, and why do you miss him so much?
Moot is Olev
this thread makes me feel old. And sad.
he didn't fill the site with malware ads and tracking and kept the mods on a leash
i hate this fucking place too but here i remain
he was just a normal guy who liked anime and anime tiddies. he was good looking, sociable, and a nice guy. he made a site for people like him and instead it's filled with actual children, mega-virgin betas, and the truly autistic. I would have sold this shithole too after seeing what it became.
>why do you miss him so much?
I don't.
We don’t
most users didnt care about him. only mods and wannabe mods like moralfags/rulefags cared
>weeb trying to rewrite history
He hated weebs and wanted 3DPD porn.
Just goes to show how much i shouldn't be on here if barely anybody knows who moot is. The times have changed and i have to move on or find a place for an oldfag like myself can be happy.
Spoken like a true newfag. Everyone loved moot.
moot was and probably still is a faggot but damn he was our faggot
>kept the mods on a leash
Except he let redwood shit up Yea Forums and rapeape shit up Yea Forums. He also hired shitstains like ABIB. The mods running Yea Forums today were handpicked by moot.
Not even mad, the weeaboo faggot got his cake and ate it too. Godspeed.
They already did
He worked at G+
yeah, everyone hates weebs. you can enjoy anime and anime porn without devolving into KAWAII DESU NE ^_^. those are the people he truly despised.
He just wanted Yea Forums to be a place for manchildren to talk about their manchild hobbies,
Yea Forums currently seems to care more about ad revenue and turning a profit than fostering good discussion about niche shit like it used to
>Spoken like a true newfag
Yeah right. Ask anyone who was around for his temper tantrums what they think of moot. He was a petty little manchild.
moot was a huge fucking weeb. He just hated turboweebs. You know, the tweens that would roleplay Naruto in their backyards.
>moot shitting on the Yea Forums-style fags larping as anime girls somehow means that he hated the naruto normalfag kids
nah weeb
>Started a giant shitstorm on Yea Forums because they wouldn't tolerate naruto threads
Why are you trying to revise history newfag
>newfags calling people newfags
moot was a naruto fan, you weeb gremlins were never "cool" like Yea Forums newfags try to imply
Plus they were all tripfags
no thanks. don't want a spy machine on my home.
>tfw you'll never be moot
>could have been rich and CEO of the biggest online community
>instead decides to serve coffee to a jew company working 9 to 8
>could have been rich
l m a o
Who the fuck is that
Literally who?
No. Fuck you and fuck chink you.
Sigourney Weaver looks rough these days.
Based moot
I don't.
I hate him!
Unironic weeaboos who spoke in broken Japanese and used obnoxious emoticons were a serious plague at the time, especially in any sort of anime community
Naruto was banned from Yea Forums largely to keep out that kind of demographic and the ban was lifted after "true" weeaboos became far less prominent
>being this tonally deaf to jokes
You might actually have autism.
Literally, unironically, irrevocably, who?
Moot is Olev
Olev is Moot
also have some rule 34 puddi on puddi action
What was his name again
He was a faggot, but he was our faggot.
Chris Chan
Haha no, keep your google spy machine out of my living room, Alexa, order me an Xbox One!
Pure nostalgia. Moot was a faggot
I've noticed most newfags, especially those that came during the election, take pretty much every bit of bait, shitposting, trolling, and joking at face value. It's almost surreal.
>Moot just makes maps of glorious nippon now
He won. Prove to me he didn't.
>I came not to help you, but to warn you of the upcoming catastrophe that is soon to befall on your creation...
Why didn't we listen to him, Yea Forums
Motherfucker. Working in a western-oriented company in Japan to avoid the cancerous Japanese work culture is the best of both worlds.
>Google employee in Japan
You ever see an old friend succeed and can't help but be happy for them? It's like that.
Speaking of gamergate, didn't moot also fuck Zoe Quinn?
There was a legitimate reason "lurk moar" and "don't feed the troll" existed. I wonder when exactly people stopped posting that.
Then again might not have mattered even if they kept posting it.
I miss how he ran the site years ago around 06-08. Popping into random threads and sometimes posting something based or weird was icing on the cake.
Of fucking course he lives in Japan. It's a move calculated to piss /jp/ off the most, his favorite pastime. Good on him.
the point is that moot trolled Yea Forums because he doesn't like them or weebs in general
I miss him and at the same time Im happy for him
>protecting site and himself from alphabet agencies is being a faggot
Sure, if you’re a faggot.