Why haven't there been any video games set in Mesopotamia?
Why haven't there been any video games set in Mesopotamia?
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When society was first formed, how did they choose who the king was gonna be?
they didn't, the ones who became kings did
biggest dick
>tfw no bronze age game
>still no game taking place during the death of the great North American civilizations in 1100-1350
Well one time a man amd his dog had to dive into the water to get some herbs that didnt work, and he was king and he said I was king next
same way all royalty got into power
Kings dont rule because they are king they are king because they rule
Anunnaki vidya when?
Those are not Anunnaki
Where's that Gilgamesh and Enkidu RPG?
because uneducated americans couldnt comprehend half of it
play Dominions. pic related is the 'wiki'
It wasn't formed over night.
Before there would always be tribal leaders, usually the oldest and wisest ones.
Here's your Enkidu, bro
Whoever had the most charisma or physical strength. Those two attributes are the core of human society, no matter how many layers of civility, logic and law are developed above it.
they dont really want anybody taking a close look at it
how exactly does a fully fledged civilization just pop up out of nowhere with no precedents?
Americans just don't care about anything that isn't the blandest vision of medieval europe with, sometimes, ninjaland Japan.
>how exactly does a fully fledged civilization just pop up out of nowhere with no precedents?
>With no precedents
Are you stupid? We have Anatolian and Iranian settlements for millennia before the first cities.
Gilgamesh ain't shit Sargon is where its at
tiny fucking villages don't count, user
sumeria had everything, and nothing (that we know of) before it was even close
I’m really hoping for a “Classical Age:Total War” going back to the Assyrians, Early Egyptians, and Minoans. Only stretch as far west as the Etruscans maybe. And go back to MTW2 style gameplay with a new engine.
user ...
You've got large cities that existed four to give thousand years before Mesopotamia
Only difference is they probably didn't have any written word.
I think the issue is that we really don’t know much about how the battles were fought. Kings would inscribe that they won this battle and drove out that enemy but that’s it.
The only thing we really have in any sort of detail is the Iliad, which has a lot of really interesting details but you can’t get a picture of warfare from it. The earliest detailed historical records of battles are Herodotus which is 500-700 years later.
Tower of Druaga series
>No RPG's taking place in Lemuria
Maybe one day
since when have they actually dated those?
we're talking the underground ones?
This is correct
I've no idea, everywhere only says 7500Bc ish. I guess through carbon dating of burnt matter there?
They're not underground, it's a hive like city where all the buildings were attached to one another. You've navigate by walking on the roof
Malta has that cave city which is absurdly old. Is that what you were thinking of?
>Malta has that cave city which is absurdly old. Is that what you were thinking of?
pretty sure the one I'm talking about is in turkey; it's completely underground but has space for like 20k people
serious sam tse lol
imagine the /pol/shit and Yea Forumsermin aspergers if such a thing gets announced because they think wh*Teoids were the origin of civilisation when at this very timescope they were living in huts built of dried faeces and a few centuries later were getting exterminated by med romans and greeks.
Whoever was the strongest in the field of battle.
Oh I know which one you mean. I thought they were originally Byzantium but you're right they're about 10000 years old.
Which is better, Dominions 3, 4 or 5? Should I get just one or get all of them?
it's just a coincidence that the leaders of so many ancient civilizations were blonde with blue eyes, huh?
play age of empires 1 you fucking zoomers
were clearly the creators of civilization
the strongest, smartest and most charismatic guys gathered people around them until they where enough to form a tribe/village, then it was always about being able to hold on to your leadership through loyal people around you
There's been settlements older than Sumeria but it's just not the same thing, Sumeria is on a whole other level. Every other early civilization was fucking around when they already had
>architecture and design
poor bait
This is your last (You)
im sure
Modern DNA studies are pretty much telling the story that Aryans came from their original point and wiped out the subhumans in the Near East and Europe who were already there. Obviously the people studying this are being pretty careful with what they say because of the thought police but it’s pretty interesting.
May I see those studies?
>proto-Germanic city states in the fertile crescent
>not white
if you want to play Multiplayer (I recommend it, incredible fun), buy dom5, as it's hard to find dom4 games consistently. Dom3 will give you a fine idea of how the game works if you buy/pirate that one, or just pirate 5 and try it out.
Here’s a write up in the Economist
Like I said, we are talking about studies and write ups in pozzed institutions so it’s pretty soft-pedaled.
Get 5, it's pretty much a straight upgrade of its predecessors. There's no real reason to play the others unless you want to see how different they were.
You only proved that most Europeans are Indo-European rape babies who had their original pre-IE cultures and languages wiped out by Indo-European conquerors.
dick contest
sure, before civilization
>Why haven't there been any video games set in Mesopotamia?
Because no-one's ever seen them, and no-one's ever heard of their band.
Iraq doesn't have a good vidya industry right now, but when it develops one I'm sure we'll get a bunch. It's hard to make any form of media about far off cultures.
My feral compainion can't be this gay?
because it's forbidden to show an unbiased PoV of the First Realm.
also reminder we're all doomed thanks to an exiled Sumerian guy.
lmao no, mesopotamians were mostly fucking semitic, to the point the little we know of spoken Assyrian o even Sumerian is extremely similar to motherfucking hebrew and aramaic
No brain dummy
Judah and Israel were founded by Germanic warrior tribes
The only difference between Sumeria and those settlements is that more people reproduced and more people showed up. Sumeria was just a small settlement that grew larger by surviving a bit longer and being where people might find it
Also the Indus Valley Civilization I believe predates Sumeria and was quite sprawling
Sumerian is a language isolate.
Babylon and Akkad were Semitic.
We know you retard
It's not gae if it's clae
Imagine being this retarded.
They're baiting for (You)s which you just gave them, good job.
Or am I also being baited?
Yeah I could definitely see that being an issue. I know we have some depictions of battles in Egyptian reliefs, but it’s not very descriptive and it’s usually them routing an army rather than engaging in battle.
I would just love a TW style game where you could play as the Egypt at its prime, against the Hittites and Assyrians.
jordan peterson said they chose a king he would be king for a year then he would be left out of the place to die
until galgamesh came
Okay. Whats wrong with that?
>when it develops one
it never will
Sumerian is the father of those two tho
glad someone does an actual debate and not just bait
Does he have a source on that?
saddam killed the kurds and any terrorists. he was characmatic and people were willing to die for him
Nouri almaliki he's western type leader bought up by jews who are just a puppet if shit hit the fan no one would be willing to die for him. So it's fucked up
Sumerian isn't the father of those two. Their culture and language were influenced by Sumerian however, just as Sumerian became influenced by Semitic.
google says sumeria is older
>haha, your arguments are no match for my ad hominem!
Nouri is also a member of a terrorist organisation called the Dawa party that's been trying to infiltrate and destroy Iraq through the entirety of Saddam's reign and orchestrated alot of bombings. It was legalised after the old regime was deposed and continues to run alot of militias and terrorism in sectarian wars.
Assassin's Creed Origins and Elder Scrolls 6 is the closest you'll get.
>Nouri is also a member of a terrorist organisation
so he's a cia agent? where did the nigga get the monies for the bombs?
There are definitely some games made on the US invasions of Iraq.
There have actually been several.
Prince of Persia, dude
they're based on Medieval-era Persia, not Classic Mesopotamia
no, the capadocia ones
That's a little too vague for me to suss out what series of events you're actually referring to.
"WE WUZ" isn't an argument. You'd know if you actually tried learning what "argument" means instead of memorizing rethoric that you can't even apprehend properly.
>they're based on Medieval-era Persia
that was arabic culture, PoP is pre arab conquest.
To be fair, most Prince of Persia games are a mix between Arabic and Indian influence.
More akin to the Disney Aladdin than anything Persian.
Though a lot of typically Arabic stuff does have its origin in Persia.
when maya died out, my guess, it's a vague period
last year several cities were found out of nowhere in the jungle, not very well researched history
medieval era Persia ended with the islamic conquests, dude.
>PoP is pre arab conquest
How do you explain Persians bitching the game is too Arabic, then? With Arabic writing and concepts all around?
Prince even name-drops God in the Ubisoft games.
>a mix between Arabic and Indian influence.
yeah, that's what persia was for a looong while. such underrated country.
>tfw still no Call of Duty: Finno-Korean Hyperwar
tell me something new.
Persia became islamic in 7th c., and not completely. 7th c. is not middle ages by european standard.
He's mocking your reliance on shaky evidence that your race is superior for something ancient unrelated people did
>everywhere only says 7500Bc ish
Modern humans are only around 12k years old, so seeing cities like that just boggles my mind.
>Persia became islamic in 7th c., and not completely
C'mon, dude, magi were still around after initial conquest. The Middle East for a long time harbored many infidels.
>7th c. is not middle ages by european standard.
Actually, European middle ages happen ~500-1500. Not that European eras hold any meaning outside of Europe other than a time reference.
The Prince of Persia games are set mostly in the Arabian Nights storybook version of Persia. It's kind of like what the legend of King Arthur is to real medieval England. It draws from ancient folklore, but it's romanticised as hell, there's a thin coat of Islam on top of it to make it palatable to contemporary audiences, who didn't want to blaspheme against Allah with all that pagan shit.
There's no real time period, or even an exact region that Prince of Persia would correspond to, but it's still obviously Arab in the same way that Baldur's Gate is obviously European.
>Modern humans are only around 12k years old
you mean 120k? cromanions been around for a while
AAAAAAAA yourself.
>still no Bronze Age collapse game
Building civilization isnt insanely hard though, just cool and thought provoking.
the european standard is wrong, user.
each region entered the medieval era at their own time
for example Rome is considered a Classic civilization but actually was in the medieval era for their last 150, even 200 years
middle ages=/=medieval era btw, that's also VERY WRONG to imply
and this is coming from an european
well I can't prove you wrong in that, but story-wise it's nearer to the first islamic conquests than the absolutely fucked up 18th century Persia
the oldest Cromagnon was dated on ~80kY tho, nowhere close to your 120kY mark
if you mean Neardenthals then you're correct
sea peoples,famine, earthquakes
fall of first global world was a mess.
True dat
>Building civilization isnt insanely hard though
>building electric engine isn't insanely hard just look at the lightning
how fucking retarded are you?
reminder Atlantis is actually Tartessos.
lol what? He was the one implying that.
god I hate making everything bishie. It's on the level of making every cute girls
fake news. everyone knows the earth is only 6000 years old.
1001 Nights is great, by the way.
The framing story is that a king gets savagely cucked by his wife's black slave, and goes for a walk to wallow in despair. He comes across a sleeping djinn, whose wife forces him to fuck her, threatening to wake up her djinn husband and scream rape to get him to kill the king if he doesn't obey. The king realizes that thots are gonna thot, and decides that the only way he can avoid getting cucked again is to marry a new woman each day, and execute her the next morning.
He does exactly that for some time, and the realm starts to run low on girls, but then his vizier's genius daughter concocts a plot to string him along with bedtime stories that end on a cliffhanger right when the sun rises, forcing the king to stay the execution for one day at a time. The book mostly consists of the stories she tells, which often segue into characters in them telling their own stories to each other.
lmao just plant some grain nigga
just build some farms to support permanent settlements
Isn't there a Mesopotamian sequence in Clive Barker's Jericho?
>just invent something you have no concept or idea about
go invent FTL travel if you are that clever.
Yes, the final quarter or so of the game is set in Sumer. Very beautiful art from the guys who made Castlevania LoS
Society wasn't exaclty born in a day. The current theory says that the idea was born from farming. Eventually someone had a surplus of food and realized he could exchange it for some work. Someone with a lot of food could command many people... see where we are going?
Spaniards are very autistic on Art design in videogames
just look the Commandos series.
shit still looks beautiful for what it is
Puzzles and dragons just added the Mesopotanians. Giglamesh, Endiku, Ea, Shamash, Alatu. I figured they'd go with more girls, like they did when they gender swapped Noah.
I suspect you don't get woke credit for making a game in that era either.
>devs portray the characters accurately as Sumerians
>blacks get pissed because "We Wuz"
>someone doesn't believe my delusions
>must be bait!
what are you talking about?
Circumstances pushes random inventions like that. It either would've happened or we wouldn't be here right now to dwell on it.
has any 3D game ever done chariots correctly?
>no third person ARPG set during the Late Bronze Age collapse
>civilization breaking down due to climate change, new iron weapons and invasions by mysterious 'Sea Peoples'
>while investigating and trying to deal with these problems, discover that they're connected
>the Sea People are actually the last survivors of the sinking Atlantis
>they're behind the various problems (raiding towns, dispersing iron weapons, Atlantean weather-control technology
>have to rally the bickering city-states of the eastern Mediterranean and set off with a great fleet
>final battle against the Sea People as you fight to sink Atlantis
assassin's creed origins' hippodrome races might be the closest
>>final battle against the Sea People as you fight to sink Atlantis
did anyone ever actually sheath their sword across their chest with no protection like that?
Are there any bronze or stone age games outside of RTS shit? I only rememeber Far Cry primal
No way that was a girl
ironic the fact you're right.
also the elite races are absolute bullshit
Pharaoh is a City building game with an actually historical campaign mode and the Early Kingdom Egypt qualifies on what you're searching
Probably reconstructed by Bioware
In that case that's one tired face
the villain's name is literally jaffar, a fucking Arabic name.
Holy shit dude, you're right, it must of been angles or aliens or something. Crazy as fuck.
Careful, or she'll chew your skin into soft leather
Indeed. They shouldn't assign a gender to her. They don't know what she choose all those years ago. She may have decided to be a boy or non-binary.
>not Eye of Richat
The biggest land owner or the leader of the biggest/strongest tribe.
Fucking angles, I bet they're behind the pyramides too.
How did Trump become president with neither?
No one knows
or maybe history just isn't quite what they teach
The other guy had less
So yous be sayin that joos are white?
Strength of will.
I always found a bit interesting how barely any progress was made in the 3000 year gap between the Sumerians and the Egyptians, compared to how much humanity had accomplished in the 20th century alone
could it possibly be that a billionaire playboy with a household name has charisma? no...
It's a shame we know so little, and what little we know isn't common knowledge except among history and literature buffs. At best someone knwos about Gilgamesh, but few people know about the temple hymns and instructions that are the oldest exstant literature known to man.
the jews chose him
What are you talking about thats how most greek teenage girls look like to this day.
post cute gils
trump has charisma? Sure he can say things people want to hear but he's about as charismatic as month old milk simmering in a rusty saucepan.
poo in the loo
>3000 year gap between the Sumerians and the Egyptians
I don't think there was that big of a gap. Sumerian cities started getting big around 3500-3000 BC, and Egyptian pyramids were being built around 2500 BC.
maybe you just have low wisdom
The alternative was literally Satan
Is it just because of my shitty American education or is Mesopotamian history severely undertaught in schools?
Seriously, your average person at least knows a tiny bit about the Greeks, Romans, and Egyptians, but I doubt they would have even heard of the Akkadians or Sumerians
A bunch of societies in what is now the USA also went into decline, like the Mississippians. At the time a lot of native american cultures weren't living in the small forest villages or clusters of tipis that we picture now, there were several fairly large cities for the time not just in mesoamerica. Tribes along the Eastern seaboard were chopping so much wood it had a climatic impact that scientists today can see in soil samples and shit.
When you have no viable countermeasures against natural disasters, plagues, the mass migrations that result from them etc. those act as a reset button on civilization.
Those resets are freaky. Bronze Age Collapse. Fall of the western Roman Empire. Just a few decades and the entire systems that just everything going are just gone.
To be fair, thousands of years ago women used to be more masculine and men more feminine compared to modern ages.
>ancient history thread becomes another /pol/ thread
>Israel were founded by Germanic warrior tribes
if you mean the nazis, then yes
>why don't my /his/ threads on my beloved Yea Forums stay on topic!
It's not advisable to teach human civilization originating on the home turf of the evil enemy nation of Iran.
Better to teach it being Egypt -> Greece -> Rome -> Western Europe.
If you haven't heard of Sumer, you did go to a shit school.
Normal western curriculum starts off with Sumer as the first attested civilisation, covers Akkadians, Babylon and cuts off with Persians to go through acncient Egypt.
There was this Indus Valley civilisation that disappeared, and Chinese.
Only after that we started Minoans, Greeks and all that jazz.
Please /his/ is nothing but /pol/fags coming in making "COULD NAZI GERMANY HAVE WON #51235312623" and /his/fags going "HAAAAAAAAPLOGROUPPPPSS"
I'm talking about the original Kingdom of Israel, Khazar nu-Jews are just steppe niggers in disguise
There have been many, many civilisations across the recorded 10,000 year time period. It's unrealistic to cover them all in basic schooling.
If you want to learn about them, you're free to do it yourself. Schools have enough shit on the curriculum to cover already.
so you have to come here?
Did anyone ever get to drink that mummy sewage liquid after they dug up the grave?
lol Mesopogaymia
I'm European, and Mesopotamia was also kind of glossed over as well.
I think the problem is that they go through history chronologically in school, meaning they start out with the Sumerians. That really isn't the most easily accessible period of history, given how far removed it is from our societies, and you need to be somewhat mature to appreciate it. So realistically, junior high school kids grudgingly learn about the Sumerians for a couple of weeks, and then it's dropped and forgotten and never revisited.
>implying an actually natural rock formation is Atlantis while the clearly manmade circles of Doñana aren't
step up your game dude
it's the same game and the same content upgraded every time. so you only need to get dominions 5.
the game is awful as single player. it's meant to be played multiplayer.
t. persian
ive heard that theory. something about sacrificing the king to make sure the harvest is good or something?
its from some anthropology books that mainly did it as a way to try to explain why myths are all similar
We need a game where you play Ashurbanipal
no farming happened 12k years ago
Mardek RPG? It's medieval fantasy but it's aboot Anunnaki aliens and stuff.
He had more charisma than the Lizard opposing him
user, please, you can't be this retarded. You can do better, I believe in you.
he has better memes
Too politically charged by far, imagine what some libshit would attempt to make out of such a game/how they would respond to it. Ditto some cuckservative. It'd be hell.
People who have a neat interest in the history and mythology of the near-east and people who make and/or play video geams have very little overlap, and that's not going into actually money and marketing power.
Choose is a modern-era notion. The king was evident back then, same as the concept of kingship itself was evident. Saying that a group of people can be lead or determined by means other than kingship would be like saying that you and I aren't real. Just pretentious nonsense to these people. And they'd be right.
When one understands this, one understands that kings never really went away at all. But that's a bit much for small brains.
wow great gameplay
The Emperor of Mankind?
>this is what 9000 year old jailbait looks like
>Wrestling is real
>a fucking iceberg outside of /x/
We learned about Mesopotamia, Gilgamesh, and Hamurabi's Code, but that's about it.
I don't know shit about Mesopotamia.
Someone please enlighten me/
One of the first human civilizations. They farmed and whatnot.
who's this semen demon?
they were black kangz who mastered everything and passed it on to everyone including whitey.
supposedly smart niggers but the only reason they were black was because of their tan. everyone knows black people don't actually have functioning brains
Reminder that his boobs in all pics are fake plastic.
>offensive content on my Yea Forums!?
Kys, just call the other guy a faggot and get on with it you underaged cunt.
>building your houses that close together
What the fuck why wouldn't they space them out a bit more
Do you really wanna hear your neighbours fuck at night?
Yes, they're just merchant caste huwites that went a bit funny. Started selling strange things like metaphysical ideas instead of stuff
Playing Assassins Creed origins really made me want a mesopatamia game... the Ancient world is so interesting and unfortunately ASSCREED only scratches the surface and was actually set in like 40BC so not really ancient...
>user starts to realise the timescales put forward by modern science make no fucking sense
Endiku literally has one trait and is that he is a wild beast of a man so he contrast with the civilized Gilgamesh, Fate fuck it up by making him a femboy.
which vidya has the best portrayal of gilgamesh?
There is a very interesting theory that cities and civilisations started about 14,000 to 20,000 years earlier, before Egyptians or mesopatamia.
There is a HUGE meteor crater on Greenland that is estimated to have been made 14,000 years ago. Right around when many forms of megafauna also started to go extinct. So the theory goes the fuckhuge meteor basically caused a global apocalypse, killed many species, and wiped humans back to the Stone age for a while.
Now I'm not saying they had flying cars and skyscrapers, that shit is ridiculous, but they likely had mass agriculture, big cities, and even seafaring.
Got any sources on that?
fate go babylonia has the best mesopotamia setting
prove me wrong
Perfectly possible. A 30km crater is certainly something you would feel.
Can't imagine how it got through the global energy shield, though.
But were they atleast black?
No, the crater was discovered only recently and there has not been any testing done because it's currently under a glacier. It just fits current timelines of civilisation really well, and the extinction of megafauna.
The only accesible and relevant Bronze Age lore and worldbuilding are found in the Bible, but making fun fiction and video games out of that setting is out of the question. Because Christians are either casuals who doesn't care about games and fiction or humourless, onerous busy-bodies who can't stand any deviation from their canonical Biblical interpretation, even if said interpretation are not heretical.
t. Christian
>there has not been any testing done because it's currently under a glacier
You say that as if they're waiting for it to melt before studying it.
Such an event would also have melted Greenland's glaciers on a significant level, enough to raise sea level by 10+ meters globally. So, not only is the sky black and raining fire and choking entire species to death, but your coastal city is now under the fucking ocean.
Oh it gets better.
When your family members die, you bury them under the floor.
Shit was crazy 10000 years ago.
Why is antiquity so much cooler than the medieval/modern era?
Lmao I hope not. It's just hard to do soil samples when there's hundreds of meters of ice between you and the crater, not to mention being located in an EXTREMELY desolate part of Greenland to begin with. I hope someone manages to do it eventually.
Nigga we still do that with appartments.
>Do you really wanna hear your neighbours fuck at night?
No haha imagine that it would be awful
There's like 2-3 Neolithic citybuilders and 1 bronze age egypt one coming ut this year or next.
There's a lot of archaeological evidence and material that's allowed a picture to be put together, despite the limitations. The biggest problem is until 1000-900AD or so you have no cavalry whatsoever. Horses could be ridden but were small and bony enough that you wouldn't be able to ride them in war, and they had some kind of a negative reputation. In the Amara letters or some other findings a guy tells his king when greeting/visiting this bigger king "Ride in a chariot. If you can't ride in a chariot ride a donkey. If you can't do that, walk. Don't ride on a horse, it's unseemly for a king." I think he says to ride the donkey side-saddle or says if you have to ride a horse you should ride it side saddle.
Followup post in a sec
>Tila Tequila?
Now what kinda conspiracy is she involved in?
Also, no Time Cube?
What the hell happened to arabs?
They used to be cool and respected when they were the ancient Mesopotamians, Persians, and Egyptians thousands of years ago
Nowadays they're all just low iq retards who bomb shit and rape children
Is that a bad thing tho? I bet fake tits are not as good to the touch.
Inbreeding and islam.
>there's a thin coat of Islam on top of it to make it palatable to contemporary audiences, who didn't want to blaspheme against Allah with all that pagan shit.
A thin coat? Man, this shit is fucking DREDGED in Islam. Thanks to how many times it is used in the book when something bad happens, if something fucks up for me I'll say "There is no might and there is no majesty besides Allah, the Glorious, the Great!" It's just fucking imprinted itself onto my brain through repetion.
Not only the framing story, but there are so many of the stories and stories within stories about dumb thots. The first two stories of the brothers in the Barber's Tale of Himself about never trusting a woman, the Fisherman and the Jinni with the cursed king's wife cucking him with a black slave, both of whom are slain messily for it, Chanticleer's advice on how to control an unruly wife.
It's an actual set of plastic tits. Maybe actually silicone or rubber. But it's just separate thing he wears on his chest, puts a bra over it and then airbrushes the seam.
That's actually really interesting to think about
only woke reply to this post. sad.
Same thing happens to all of us. The chinese used to be great, and no they are soulless wretches. We anglos used to be great, but no were weak-willed pussies.
Total degeneration seems inevitable. Who knows how long it takes to bounce back.
The other problem is that from my experience at least there's a gap in material for Babylonia from Hammurabi or thereabouts until Neo-Assyria/Neo-babylonia in the early Iron age. If I recall right the Amorite Hammurai era Babylonians seem to predate the Mitanni revolution in warfare which introduced the Mariyannu (basically 'knight') charioteer with scale armor. And clearly predates the emergence of the sword and shield 'revolution' in warfare argued by some who deal in the bronze age collapse (shield, javelin and sword infantry - IE the Sea people, ushured in an end to the predominance of the chariot).
I remember finding a book that covered a whole range of Muslim Indian arms and armor and as good as it was, it was surreal how every chapter started with a blank page with one such mantra. And yeah, I get a kick out of how 1001 nights introductory story is literally /r9k/ blacked.com posting. And then the fucking Djinn the two sultans meet LITERALLY HAS A ONEITIS WAIFU.
And literally a waifu who cuckolded the Djinn something like 523 times.
Tribal leaders that formed the first steps of the civilization later became kings?
How retarded can you be?
>Sure he can say things people want to hear
That's what charisma is. Contrast that with Clinton who wasn't even the most popular person who had ran for the Democratic seat.
The chinese were always shit. The only thing the chinese people were good at was fighting was against other chinese people
Because it seems remote and distant, which gives it an extra mystique. Knights, castles and serfs are old news in western common consciousness, so they seem naturally less interesting because you're fatigued from hearing about it so much.
The best chapter of FGO is set there, if gachashit counts.
Mongols screwed things up real good for them.
His campaign at its core was "I´m successful so I know what I'm doing"
He has charisma , but is less about the person he is and more the kind of person he represents, back in the 80s he represented wealth, success and power. All the things the common folk seek.
Combine that with his weirdly simplistic message, Notice how he talks like an idiot but keeps what he wants to say very clear to the people he talks to "Im the best", "there is nobody better at ________ that me", "Fake news". So even dumb people or people that aren't paying attention to what he is saying get the message.
So now that I think about it 1001 nights is a 200 year old netorare story. Assuming the French or british guy who translated it wasn't making that part up, it's a +1000 year old netorare story.
Since this pic isn't translated, it's depicting Mesopotamia from Sumer down to the aformentioend Amorites. Sadly it's not really in chronological roder. I can say with relative certainty any with fuzzy/fleecy clothing are Sumerian, #5 is Amorite-babylonian, 14 are the Gutian highlanders.
In this pic 1-3 are Hittite/Anatolian
4 is the Mitanni Mariyannu style armor, but could be any number of peoples
5-6 are Canaanites
7-12 are Mycenaean.
Gacha shit does not count.
Based self-aware Christian, hope you understand that every other denomination (including major social and political, cultural movements etc.) is exactly the same. Batman fandom has the same problem for instance.
They had some good philosophy, engineering and a great deal of myth. They created a lot of art and all sorts of good stuff.
Now I don't know what they are. Not even that parasite that rips out a fishes tongue and then burrows into the wound and takes the tongue's place is as soulless and pointlessly cruel as the average chinaman.
The people who start great civilisations are not those that end them. "Arabs" are a novel species of weak, failed yeastmen. They have reduced themselves to pure life, with no reason to live. See chinkroaches. The west is fast going this way as well. Yet the fire lives on....
Although unlike Blacked posting and netorare it's treated as shameful and the guaranteed death of the perpetrators a good thing.
As it truly is.
Assassins Creed game when?
Correct me if I am not remembering it right but I don't really even recall the slightest veneer of Islam in the Prince of Persia Games. In fact the only mention of god/faith I really recall (excluding 2008 since that was literally Zoroastrianism 1:1) is in the movie where the Prince's brother says the prince's warnings are pagan nonsense. That it's always set with Babylon and not Baghdad should say it all, really.
Now 1001 nights yeah that shit is Islam as fuck.
>Who knows how long it takes to bounce back.
When the last person alive before the fall of civilization dies, then humanity will rise back up without our taint.
The arabs were never respected, Persians, Egyptians (Coptic and other subgroups) and Mesopatamians were their own peoples comlpetely independent from Arabs. Then those people exhausted themselves through centuries of constant warfare with each other, pushing their advanced civilizations to the brink of ruin with their continued fighting and Mohammad at the time united his bandit subhuman tribes after robbing enough jew caravans to fund his invasions and rolled over the weakened superpowers. Egypt at that time was already subjugated almost entirely by the Romans and the Romans themselves among with Persians and Greeks were in no shape to fight them off. Muslim invasions happened, now everyone in those places has shitskin genes because mudslimes slaughtered all the men or turned them into slaves or eunuchs and captured millions of women to rape them and make more soldiers out of their children.
Those people that created those civliizations exist today only in memory, not even a shred of their intelligence or genetics has been passed down. It's why mediterranea and Egypt, Africa and Arabian peninsula are shitholes and forever will remain shitholes. Arabs.
Why do Americans think that every Middle Easterner is an Arab?
Eresh a CUTE
Shit education. Instead of insulting them, educate them, that's what everyone should do when they see someone who is not educated.
>not even a shred of their intelligence or genetics has been passed down
What about MENA Christians?
They're the only group that has remained genetically unchanged for the past 1600 years.
Granted, they're pretty much a fading minority.
Yes, I definitely was exaggerating, some remnants of those people exist, but as you've said it is a fading minority, dispossessed after a millenia of subjugation and extermination. There's no way they will ever make a difference now.
kys weeb
Damn....history is so fucked up.
We weren't discussing beliefs here, but facts.
dont expect too much
it's just a random image from my reaction folder, don't pay it any mind.
yeah this is what is theorized, its said to be the origin of the alantis tale, and the dates line up with what some philospher talked about 1000s of years ago, plato or some shit like that i forgot the actual guy
>intelligence is a question of genetics and inheritable
lol dude back to school with you little racist
>parts of science that I don't like are wrong, go away!
Reality won't change no matter how much you scream and try to suppress it. Oh and Africa wasn't the cradle of humanity either, recent findings discovered.
this date is already beginning to be pushed back with recent findings. British archaeologists in Jordan found a site that had remains of bread that were 5000 years older than the prior earliest known instances of it, back to around 12,000 bce
Denominations are fun as long as it's not counter-gospel heresy. Until actual factional violence break out or partisan bickering becomes so bad the Gospel itself is on the verge of being corrupted in the minds of believers. Then it's just tragic, but of all the things people have fought each other over, the understanding of man's place in the universe isn't too bad of a cause, followed by the pursuit of human welfare.
Fuck, now I want a game loosely based on the sagas of Saul and David in Samuel that deal with these themes. RPG or Kingdom Come type game where you build up your crew and wrestle with history. I want to fight nephilims and sea people with my proto-monarchic gang of military hooligans!
There's a clue in the name and identity of their greatest leader: "The Yellow Emperor". Look up chinese mummies, see what you can find out about their appearance.
>Judah and Israel were founded by Germanic warrior tribes
>"The Yellow Emperor"
Now thats a bit racist dont you think?
>tfw no Gilgamesh or Enkidu bossfight in any video game ever
Uhh not quite. Those 2 things are thousands of years apart. Great flood myth, maybe. Atlantis is something different, it was likely a city somewhere in the Atlas mountains in northern Africa.
Just imagine being this wrong and so smug about it.
to be fair...
FF9 and 12
No it fucking isn't. The Chinese culture claims the colours yellow (divinity), along with black (the depths/gravitas) and red (vigour/power) with pride. Anyone who find associating Chinese/East Asians with the colour yellow are either brainwashed PC cucks or SJW nazis.
why was this spoilered?
Racelity is realist
Why are you swedes so fucking cucked?
Come on, you know I'm not going to look it up myself. Spoonfed me.
Bit weird, that. Saying he invented everything. Worship of him keeps popping back up every few centuries or so. Looking a bit illuminati like, to me. As if this hidden cult is always behind China and just makes itself known for a brief period before going back into the shadows.
What the fuck is going on with the chinese mummies? Most look identical and then there's this. user, I'm scared.
How about you wash your penis, clean your room or go to bed at a decent time instead of listening to Juden Peterstien? Literally anything else would be more productive.
t. yellow ass chinkroach
Do we know how the hell she Mummified so well despite no efforts being made to preserve her body?
Not looking too bad considering she's a few thousand years old now
Excuse me while I shill his book
"69 rules for washing your uncircumcised penis"
So why isn't there a Bronze Age Rome: Total War type game yet?
>Can't imagine how it got through the global energy shield, though.
Relativistic missile.
Wrong. Arabs hardly had a genetic impact after the conquests. The invasion = rapebaby belief is a meme. "Arab" isn't a single ethnicity but a pan-ethnicity like Hispanic.Those conquered people adopted the new language and their culture changed but they still descended from their ancient ancestors.
Its a given that warlords and some tribal leaders /city state 'governors' would control the foodstuffs. All sources of power are under contention, and often they came under the control of one man and his subordinates. That is not to say that 'plantation' owners did not have power nor a high place in society, or that they could not have become a king (or rather, their descendants) but saying that is the only way to kingship is, in my view, wrong.
Dominions 5, it's awesome
reminder Hispanic=/=Spaniards
even better, Spaniards=Caucasian as fuck(specially Basque)
we're just tanned because Sunlight has always been abundant as fuck over here
The universe was created in 4004 BC.
Modern scientific opinion says modern humans evolved around 200,000 years ago.
However recorded history doesn't go back farther than 2000-3000BC
So for 195,000 years modern humans didn't record anything....
Then all the sudden they started building major civilizations and recording?
Those older dates for things come from radiometric dating.
Radiometric dating is the only thing they base old dates off of, and they can't even preform radiometric dating on anything but radioactive substances, which they usually find somewhere near a site, and then date the site by that.
The global flood happened in 2348 BC, the first major civilizations that appeared after that were Egypt (AKA Mizraim, son of Ham), Canaan (another son of Ham), Mesopotamia, Nubia, etc.
>The universe was created in 4004 BC.
u must search within for that answer ... the power of miao... must not be underestimate...
Spoonfeeding a mind without the power to feed themselves is merely prolonging the invevitble. u must think with the front of your brain, grapple with evidence and see clearly for yourself, not on second-hand moldy reasoning. Then you're ready.
>hey let's talk about mesopotamia and the cool things we from its mythology/culture that would be insteresting in video games!
>endless shitposts about race
Imagine being this delusional.
Its islamic in culture and architecture.
Records don't last forever. Some day, even the bible will be forgotten. The last copies will crumble to dust and no-one will ever know when the universe was really created or who made it.
Maybe because it fucking sucks
The vast majority of the world's religious population believes in an Abrahamic religion and the chronologies in Genesis tell you the universe was created in 4004 BC, the global flood happened in 2348 BC, and the Tower of Babel event happened in 2242 BC
Recorded history doesn't go farther back than about 2000 BC, even according to atheist scholars.
Most of the ancient civilizations had names deriving from sons of Noah.
Except they did.
It shows up as a higher SSA admixture/higher Arabian admixture/different haplogroup frequencies in Muslims.
Multiple studies show that.
Because it would expose ancient ayys!
Video games & ancient connection to meme magic.
is that the one with the ventilation system?
The popular conception of 'civilization started in 4000 BC' is retarded, but that does not mean that it was aliens, god, or a previous civilization's people that created all of these out lier settlements.
Only boomers remember the bronze age. kys gramps
The impact is minor. For example, the majority of Magrebi Arabs have E haplogroup which Peninsula Arabs don't have. The closest overlap are the Egyptians but that's mostly because of all the Bedouins living there.
Take a look at the image here:
Actually the reason it doesn't go further back is because the first thing the jews did when they started their religion was to begin a purge of everything from before them, to establish themselves as the true first, the true chosen, so that no-one could ever discredit them.
Not a lot of people know this, so keep it to yourself.
imagine a world where mohammad was never born
>tfw Atlanteans are behind global warming
I don't like Trump but you can't deny his charisma
>Trying to discuss ancient civilizations with literal underage b&
Try this thread again later when these tardlets have to go to bed
Imagine a world where you were never born, oh wait thats just a few missing shitposts on 4channel and happier parents.
D O M I N I O N S 5
>blacks get pissed because "We Wuz"
>/pol/fags get mad becaus ethey still aren't white
>no one is happy
When I said 5, I meant 5-10.
My curriculum began with the Neolithic Age/ City States and settlements --> brief touch on fertile crescent and Egypt --> jump to the split of the roman empire and the classical era (middle east, India ect.) --> HRE and 'roman successors' --> renascence/ age of enlightenment/ protestant ref.--> then like three months on the colonial era filled with so much white guilt its nauseating. I may have gotten the time line a bit wrong but you get the point, it was a long time ago i was in a world history class.
Basically, you are wrong. We are not tought about it because 'muh evil iran'. Fuck off Ahmed.
That's not to mention there are quite a few factions based on them.
>no one is happy
More like the people who don't matter are pissed, everyone else is apathetic
Modern humans exist for what 100k years? can anyone explain why civilization rose basically around the same globally even without any contact with each other?
It didn't? There's nearly 1000 years between each one.
Everyone is completely apathetic here, bro. This is probably the most interesting thread on Yea Forums and it's not even about vidya.
in a 100k span thats nothing.
Plato was taught the story of Atlantis by the Egyptians, which combined with their date on the event, match the skeptical evidence that a major flooding event occurred 12 - 2000 BC.
It's all speculative and theory, we don' know allot.
>First civilizations were in the middle east
When will this meme just die?
Wasn't the earliest established city/town Jericho, a middle eastern city?
It was tribal chiefs + priestly class that cohabited/unified to form the kingship(s) of Mesopotamia. Pretty simple.
Both are described as beautiful and it's for the fujoshit audience
>control + F Populous
>0 results
I, hate you, all, younglings...
seething sandnigger
No, the majority is annoyed by commiefaggots and naziniggers constantly flinging shit everywhere and constantly trying to "colonize" every board in existence. But anonymity ensures that the only way they can be stopped is through fast and efficient report handling and that's Augean work in the context.
So what is it? The earliest "complex" societies sprung up in the middle east.