Granblue Fantasy Versus and Relink Are Both Planned to Be Released Simultaneously Worldwide



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Does that pretty much confirm that they will also be PS4 exclusives (at least for a time)?
Since it was assumed that they were only on PS4 because they would release in Japan first and later they would get a western PS4/XB1/PC release.

They better have a PC release at the same time as PS4 for Relink. I love Granblue and I really don't want to bust out my PS4 again, since I never use it and want to play with all my friends without having to pay for online.

The director of the game, who is also an executive at CyGames said they want to bring it to PC, so if anything, it'll be a delay. Everything CyGames has ever made had released on PC as well.

Hopefully more news in March 9th.

more like HUGE SHIT

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>“For Versus, we’re definitely going to have 60 FPS. As a fighting game, we believe that’s a must.”
At least he understands what the audience wants.

Should I play granboob or just wait for these?

Sure but a delay can be a delay of a couple of months or a delay of 12+ months.


Hopefully not
I need a reason to use my PS4 more, shit's getting dusty
But sadly it is inevitable that a PC port will happen and to make it worse, get all the good features that makes PC ports always better than the original like 60 fps, better framerate, meme 4k etc etc

>At the moment it doesn’t have a release date because we already delayed it once, we never, ever want to do it again. We will release that information when we’re absolutely sure that we can hit that date without risking any more delays.

So this is the power of gacha bucks.

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Shame that Versus won't be on PC, I wouldn't mind giving it a shot.

literally what?

Both will come to PC, don't worry.

don't worry bro, Days Gone coming out real soon.

>Imagine being a PC gaymer these days
>Imagine begging for ports

Oh my

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Fuck cygames and fuck niggers

I know the other one is coming to PC and I'll be definitely looking into it. I guess Versus will eventually make its way here.

Versus is made by AcrSys with battle direction by Pachi, so I don't think there's any reason to worry.

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imagine the smell

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>disappointing year when all we missed out on were the shallow PS4 exclusives
I fucking own a PS4 and if I was interested in any of those games I would have bought them. All I own is Bloodborne, Persona 5, and Uncharted 4, and I've got my PS4 unplugged and I'm over this console generation.

>upset more people will get to use a game
Consoles are only worthwhile for exclusives.

Yeah, yeah, cry me a river

>playing fighting games on PC

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seething console cuck

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It's counter intuitive but they somehow always end up being the most resilient communities for fighting games even if their numbers never reach the highs of consoles during the release period.


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>having to anounce youre targeting 60 fps as a feature for a fighting game
>furries trying to shit up the thread saying theres no pc version when it was hrts plan from the start, no to mention any gameplay shown so far is from pc

>haha ps4 has no exclusive sonygers get fucked
>nooo! waaa! why is this game exclusive to ps4! fuck exclusivity and snoy

get fucked faggots either buy a ps4 to play the game
or wait a year or two for us to be done with the games and then maybe you'll get some of our leftovers

>>furries trying to shit up the thread saying theres no pc version when it was hrts plan from the start, no to mention any gameplay shown so far is from pc

Every game is being developed on PC, so far, there's no announcement for it, and you shouldn't expect it.

seeth more

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I never said it has no games. I said I don't want to get out my PS4 and pay for online.
I'm just a lazy fuck user, why can't you respect that?

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Why did you retards respond, now he's samefagging

>S-seeth more
>J-just wait!

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at the end of the day all the shitposting you pc cucks do is of no use

your shitty machines are dying with mobile exploding in popularity and consoles making a comeback

no matter how much "seething" shitposts you make you will get these games a year later (the earliest) and you will like it
that's the reality


>Don't have money to pay $60 for a year
>But has a shitty PC that barely can run games


I just want early PC versions. Fuck the PS4 and fuck PS+.

I mean, if you want to play waifu pokemon attached to a somewhat okay oldschool-style RPG, go for the mobage while you wait.
Or don't, and just wait. Wholly up to you.

>not committing to bullshit release dates they can't hope to hit
>'it's out when its ready to BE out'
Why don't more game devs do this?

Nobody gives a fuck about PC, deal with it.

>he thinks my 1080ti can barely run games
It's not that I don't HAVE the money, I don't WANT to pay pay Playstation+ considering they have the 2nd worse online service only beat out by Nintendo's absolute turd.
Their download speeds are offensively bad.
It's about personal worth, but I don't think you could understand that concept.

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But PlayStation online is pretty great, i don't have any problems, no idea why you have to bring Nintendo's shitty service, not even comparable in the slightest.

One of them is an action game rather than a fighting game right?
Anyone got news or webms for that one?

And who is working on Relink now that PG is out of the loop?

Maybe their actual dedicated servers are good, but I gotta be honest, I really don't like paying to use my own internet especially when I'm used to it being free on PC, and with how slow their download speeds are.
CyGames' internal studio, which have proven themselves to be competent.

i don't mind paying for PS+, since i got lots of freebies and discounts, plus trying some games for free is pretty cool. But each their own i guess.

>You lived long enough to see a mobile gacha game company adopt the old "When it's done" Blizzard release date motto while Blizzard turned into a company chasing mobile gacha bucks
Life is quite a ride.

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Have they done a proper 3D action game before, besides mobile crap and some ports?


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Thanks user.

They got themselves an actual good dev studio
They're doing this as well
Buy all their games so we can get ZOE3

Well they're working on not-Dragon's Dogma but besides that I don't think so, hence why they brought on Platinum to begin with.

Like i said, try for free.

The core of the game was done by Platinum Games but they are currently making two 3D action games right now, Relink and Project Awakening:
Otherwise they also did the PS4 remaster of Zone of The Enders 2: Mars.

It might have less players but I sure as hell ain't paying for PS+

>playing fighting games on PS4
Try telling that to actual fighting games gamers on /vg/, they'll btfo your "argument".

They did the remaster of Zone of the Enders 2nd Runner, which had an incredibly large amount of improvements not just visually but gameplay wise as well.

based underage Sonyfag

>no pc
I sleep.

I don’t play gbf but I want to impregnate Vira

PC has plenty of players for fighters and a lot of people double dip for their main games anyway so they can play more people.

He is right tho

>PC has plenty of players for fighters waiting to snipe max when he streams

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Who in the world gives a shit about Max? I don't even know what games he plays. Hell, didn't he have to admit that he didn't know jackshit about GG despite saying that he loves Xrd?

Good taste

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really high expectations for both games
cygames is literally drowning in money so fund is the least of their problems
just hope the long time to release means they're actually putting effort into not disappointing instead of releasing a rushed mess

>get all the good features that makes PC ports always better than the original like 60 fps, better framerate
not just that you said the same thing twice, it is pretty much granted (especially for Versus) that these games will run at 60 fps on the ps4 already

No Yuisis no buy

>playing fighting games on PC
>especially niché ones
enjoy your sub 50 players online playerbase

the only fighting game that remained playable on PC after it's honeymoon period is SFV, and only because it's the only fighter to have crossplay with the ps4

>paying for online to play fighting games

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do you guys think cygames genuinely cares about anything they make or they make things to earn alot money?

always work for profit
only jannies does it for free

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Grandblue fans have expectations ?

I want this game to come out to PC just so it won't get shitposted to oblivion on Yea Forums, and we can discuss it normally.

I still remember how much shittalking Let it Die got when it was still a ps4 exclusive. We literally couldn't have a single thread without 90% of the posts just consisting of shit throwing. Then when they finally released a pc port we had constantly archiving discussion threads about it for a whole month.

They're actually the most based developer out there, not even joking, it's a bunch of ex-Square devs and guys who genuinely love video games. They're funding projects they personally want to play, like Project Awakening was because they wanted a new Dragon's Dogma but Capcom are faggots and aren't making it so they're doing it themselves. It's like the real life version of those fantasies everyone has if they won a billion dollars in the lottery.

>5$ a month is too much for third world shitters
>even when you get 2 full games for it every time, a bunch of extra discounts and access to betas not available on pc
I mean even if you are a poorfag, this shit is really not that expensive


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I have zero interest in Granblue the gacha game, but the character designs are cute. an ARPG based in the same world I will eat the fuck up.

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Of course Cygames as an entity doesn't give a shit what people think, they're just after profit. It doesn't mean that the people who work for them feel the same way.

you only need 2 players to play fighting games

>an ARPG based in the same world I will eat the fuck up
So, Relink.

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CheVira FLB when? I want to see her skill fate episode, that tender moment she had with danchou at the end of her first one was so sweet

Yes, hence why I said that. Looking forward to it. More properties should go this route desu, have a gacha game to reel in the whales and addicts then make a good game with the profit. I'd love a cool action game based on Girls Frontline or KanColle.

Actually, the guy behind Cygames is a vidya lover.
He wants to make ZoE3 for example.
Making mobileshit was their business plan to make actual games.

Cygames isn't as corporate as you think, that's the benefit of being a new company that found success overnight. It's run by people who love video games instead of soulless suits who talk good in boardroom meetings.

you need a lot of players if you want to have good matchmaking and match finding times

if you're getting btfo by one of the weakest fighting communities in the world I have really really bad news for you

arksys games have it only as a legacy feature
the real matchmaking is player-made lobbies

They earn a lot of money already user.

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imagine if they released both games on the same day

>I fucking love Ronaldo
>let's throw money at Juventus and tattoo our name on his ass
Like I said before, they're living out those lottery winner fantasies. Except real lottery winners usually end up dead within a week without fulfilling any of them.

Praise based nip gods

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isn't that counterproductive?

They better not rush it out the door so it can be at EVO like idiots.

Tekken 7 too

Are you hyped for the new golden age of jrpgs?

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To whom?

they want money and they already have boatloads of money but they also make quality games and don't treat their playerbase like shit

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I would be, but it ain't coming.

Cygames will only die if mobage game dies tho.

so why pay to play on ps4 than free on pc? what benefits are there really?

>not a single ugly mutt
God bless Japan, I hope their sense of loving beauty things never fade.

I don't mean Cygames will die, I meant that normal people who suddenly have hundreds of millions of dollars end up dead on a pile of cocaine or stabbed in the back before they have time to enjoy it. Most people have their priorities/dreams totally changed when they actually win the money.

>by anything made by Square Enix

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Go play Fortnite if all you give a shit about is how many people are playing.Such a stupid scrub mentality. I play T7, DBFZ, SC6, and GG XRD and I have no problems finding matches on PC. And if I do there are plenty of discords of people willing to play.

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oy bitch
hisoutensoku is best fighting game and it's a PC exclusive

If they just cared about making money then they certainly wouldn't have made the ZOE remake or be making a fighting game.
They would double down on squeezing gacha whales.