Detective Pikachu Trailer 2

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I don't even like Pokemon but this could be good. I just wanna see the trailer for Sonic because I know that'll be a shitshow

>>Yea Forums

Imagine being able to say you're both Deadpool and Pikachu

I'll watch this regardless of whether it's good or bad because even if it's gonna be bad its at least gonna be hilariously bad

ok, that doesn't look too bad, ludicolo looks really nice, aipon on the other hand...

>putting the entire movie in the trailer

>Kids movie they said

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AND Green Lantern!

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>should had worn a helmet
got a chuckle

>Mewtwo at the parade
>Pikachu trying and sometimes managing to do electric-type moves
I guess it's actually pretty close to the game despite what they initially stated. Still looks really nice.

Pikachu sounds like it's Deadpool narrating over the movie, what the fuck? All people sound like they're in the scene while Pikachu sounds like he's talking into your head.


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They're being accurate to the source material with Game Freak spoiling everything in trailers before the games come out, including the postgame episodes. :^)


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oh god it's so fucking fluffy

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Ludicolo is my GODDAMN favorite pokemon

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Based and Bpilled

Look at all those good boys.

Also wasn't expecting Golurk to be police agents/bodyguards, but I guess it makes sense.

That golurk is actually pretty fucking cool. This really got a lot of care even if it looks kinda fucky.

It stillnfeels surreal that this is real.

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Only care about the Mewtwo scenes.


yea no only is it a terrible casting for his voice, but there's no direction of his voice. how did they fuck it up this bad?

>a literal roadblock

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>good boys
>that spacing
/r/pokemon is two blocks down.

It seems like the pokemon are really hit or miss
Mewtwo looks bitchin, so do the Greninja

>posting the wrong theme

This looks so fucking shit. They clearly want the Deadpool audience.

Me on the right

Hollywood literally uses the same 10 songs in their trailers all the time. I'm fucking tired of it.

The jokes, stop the millennial jokes.

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I don't think people bought DP

spotted the redditor trying to fit in

why is ash black?

i fucking love how the Joltiks are crawling on the cables like fuck if they were real ofc you would find Joltiks on cables

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have you not gotten sunburned before?

Who's the chick, she cute


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This stupid shit again

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We already knew that from the first trailer though. His league invite says sinnoh

Looks fun
May take my nephew to see this.

I can't watch the trailer right now, please confirm my suspicions: is this Flareon preaching to a congregation? It's got Arceus behind it. The false prophet returns?

that music is awful and doesn't fit at all

What a shit fest. Kike corruption doesnt give a shit

I see my boy Kingler in the background

Absolute unit.

reddit spacing is a retarded meme and you know it.

Why is Snorlax so fucking small?

So is it supposed to be Rustboro City or something new?

have you ever looked at his pokedex entry? he's always been like 5,2

Blocking off the cycling road too, kek.

Racoon City

Man this looks like some shitty fan movie someone made on youtube in 2011

>join the police force and get your very own Growlithe
Would sign up immediately

nvm its called "Ryme City".

It's supposed to be the city in the Detective Pikachu game...I think.

You must be blind or baiting.

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Ryme City, a new place that's also in the Detective Pikachu game. A region is never given, but it's clearly an American town so it's either in Unova or another unseen US-based region.

Not really

Think we will see Charizard vs Blastoise since they both appear in the cage fight?

Can't wait to record clips from this movie when it comes out so I can fap to that Mewtwo.

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where muh gal leafeon at

There was a Detective Pikachu game?

Literally haven't seen this kind of bait in the last decade on here.

KYA I wanna nuzzle it!

wait it his mouth was a beak all this time?

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Why does this look like the movie version of Jump Force videogame? THe GCI is hard to look at

>post yfw it outsells infinity war

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do you even know what a kappa is

>aaahhhgg my clues!
ok this is going to be based

pokemon is like a force nothing can stop it.

All the road signs are UK tho, vehicle stopped by Machamp is driving on left side of the road

It came out on 3DS in March 2018.

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>They kept the coffee gag
Absolutely based

it was based on a kappa? i didn't know that either

I like this Snubbull

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Aw shit nigga, is that a Squirtle? Is that a Squirtle Squad callback?

Think I spy a Kingler claw in the back there too. And that new Pikachu-clone in the dude's bike basket.

>Ludicolo's poncho is his fur
I'm retarded.

>That ass

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Its a very brief shot.
It looks like maybe it just evolved and jumped up on to a desk.


Then I guess it's in the UK-based gen 8 region that will be revealed tomorrow. :^)

Yeah. It's even more obvious in Colosseum when you fight Mirror B who has a full team of them.

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>That golurk
This movie is rapidly approaching based territory

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Also it came out in like 2016 in Japan but only released internationally after the movie gained traction

>Ludicolo is in
Yeah, I’m thinking it’s kino.

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Oh shit, I didn't even catch that. Good call user.

a mexican kappa but a kappa nonetheless

Its not scary or anything its fine. Its just aipom. They fucking suck.

Dude same.


>That Golurk
Pure sex

Shiny textures are way easier to pull off than fur. it's one of the reasons the bugs from Starship Troopers still look good to this day.

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Emolga isn't that new

its just ready player 1 except you're supposed to clap when you see a new pokemon you recognize (it looks so weird! LOL!!!) instead of an 80's reference

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No, not quite. What released in 2016 in Japan were simply the first three chapters of the game and digital-only at that, called Detective Pikachu Episode 1. It was meant to be published in three episodes over time, but they scrapped that idea, finished the game and released it all at once (nine chapters total) worldwide both physically and digitally. Who had Episode 1 in Japan could upgrade it to the full game as DLC.

>mfw "I need a Hero" started to play
I went from interested to excited. This is now my most anticipated movie of the year

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My fault. I didn't play anything past Emerald, so I know what they look like but have 0 clue what their names are or when they were released.

Let me guess, you fags are going to say it looks like complete shit all day long until they release a new trailer and then you will say "DUR IT WAS ALWAYS COOL" like a bunch of sheep

>Get me the hell outtta here


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Why is it London?

only absolute sour autists think this hard about what other people do with their lives, get a grip loser.

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Welcome to contrarianism on the internet.

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>Snorlax blocks the cycling road

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Mewtwo is so fuckable in this,

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Woah, lay off the weed Bulbasaur

That's fucking ugly
Now imagine if they had used Ambipom instead

>that ludicollo

helloooo reddit
jesus christ how much of this numale can someone be? quick anyone give this man his basedbottle already

I -AM- the weed


>>post yfw it outsells infinity war

I would not be surprised

Bruh...........he is weed.

Not really? Ready Player One took property from other people´s work to become popular. This is a pokemon movie set in the pokemon world produced by the company making the games.

Have you never seen it in 3d? It was always a beak.

The most famous detective is from London.

doesnt look terrible tbqhweiit

if Pokemon terrorism was to happen anywhere...

That's an easy dab Photoshop

>movie explicitly based on 80s and 90s references through virtual recreations of them is the same as a movie set in an established world focused on telling its own story
Based retard, guess you would've preferred if the movie had been set in a white void to avoid all the evil things you recognize.

If the Psyduck doesn´t evolve to Golduck in this movie I'm gonna get pissed


You could pick anywhere in Europe really.

Can't wait for feet close ups

>Ay bro what pokemon tattoo you want
>just fuck my shit up
>I got you senpai

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looks kind of generic but visually it's nice to look at. Fans wanted a "gritty" Pokemon didn't they?

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Still don't know how to feel about this.
But I'm curious that it might break the video game into movie curse.

The strangest thing about this movie is that it looks competently made.

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I thought the prince of persia movie was fine. Was it bad?

Toothless wishes he was that popular

but it was a mouth

It's pretty much the same plot as in the game but with some extra danger here and there. I'm sure it will have the same villain which is a terrorist organization developing a drug to both control and turn Pokemon more violent.

>police isn't even cloned sameface people

Why, Psyduck is the superior form.

Disney shill seething

Flareon best eeveelution

Vaporeon would look really horrid in that style.

I'd be surprised if Nurse Joy and Officer Jenny don't get cameos along with Jesse and James

UwU it’s so cute!


the thing that gets me is that while it´s visually gritty, it doesn´t seem to be thematically gritty. It's a buddy cop comedy that has fun Pokemon. The visuals make it look edgier than it actually is.

The really sad thing is even if this movie is a mediocre comedy, it will be the best live action video game movie ever made.

I want a fluffy Snorlax to sleep with

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no I mean his face reminds me of one

>wanting to be popular

Ew, no. Just let the movie be its own thing. We don't need any cameos from the anime.

>Charizard owner
>Gangbanger with a cringey tattoo
Fucking accurate. I bet he breeds his zards to be SQUASHED, SMASHED, and SLAMMED.

>Goes to local Potion store
>Come to buy Amigo?

I think it simply comes with the decision of making the Pokémon look realistic to avoid the "CG cartoon characters slapped into live action" effect that would occur had they just used their game models.

but it isn't edgier? it just has noir elements in film

I can´t believe a Nintendo game is going to be the first good video game movie after the shitshow that was the mario movie

well that's not a high bar to pass

I don't like the artstyle but i'll give it to them, it at least looks like effort went into creating it and into making the world really pokemoney. However, holy shit!
>voice acting is total shit, specially pikachu
>those songs trying to cash on shrek's memery
>obviously using their funniest scenes in the trailer and they rip ass
>using so many scenes in the trailer, fucking redflag
I'd see it if it weren't for the jokes honestly, it's amazing how bland they are.

This honestly looks better than I ever could have expected a live action pokemon movie to be. I get the feeling I'd wish pikachu would shut up soon enough though.

Don't remember much from it, desu. While I love Gyllenhaal's work, I think the script was just really generic with a vague connection to the series. The Tomb Raider movies with Jolie weren't too bad either, just very 90's, for lack of a better description.

but they slapped something I like on it this time so it's different. its NOTHINg like ready player one. product good.

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>Ew, no
if you're not a girl, you sure do act like one.

>that guy who ordered an almost to scale Snorlax and had to go through hell to ship it home

Get fucked man, any time I hear that song, it takes me back to Short Circuit 2, and I fucking loved that movie.

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>Movie is suddenly interrupted halfway through with Gary Oak breaking the 4th wall and challenging the audience

>Me have some goods to sell Amigo



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Psyduck is the meme form but Golduck is much cooler.

I just realized that his tattoo is a charizard fursona design. It's wearing a vest and everything.

yeah I think it's going to be a big YIKES from me sweet summer child

>no gardevore
>no lopunny
>no meloetta
>no ditto
it's shit

No, I'm not interested enough to go see it in theaters.

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It's supposed to be shading. It's just that it's very bad.

just admit that you hate this film because it lacks underage girls

Mortal Kombat exists.

God DAMN IT I want that Flareon

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It´s not that, it´s that they are sticking to ONE thing. It isn´t like RPO where it´s stuffing references in your face hoping that you like it. It´s a Pokemon movie, so obviously there´s gonna be a lot of Pokemon in them.

that's just shading


Based Legendary pictures paying homage to the franchise’s very own kamiwaza

I think that's just godawful bootleg shading

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>he thinks there weren't several transformed Ditto

Probably the only non-terrible looking 'mon shown so far.

the soundtrack sounds generic like the marvel cinematic universe, damn it.

>no ditto
Plot twist, there's no MewTwo, it's just Ditto.

>the first good vidya movie in history is based off Detective Pikachu
what fucking timeline is this

>no gardevore
>no lopunny
>no meloetta
thank god

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>I need a hero

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It's so sad that Flareon is a shit pokemon to use, oh if only it had a little bit more speed and a better movepool

I wonder if Giratina is behind this

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Do so many pokes really have cobalt blue eyes like that? It feels unsettling

Damn, I hope no religious group gets mad about referring to arceus as god.

looks fun desu

Fuck that is actually hilarious

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Spotted my boy Treecko hanging on the side of the 8 POOL sign.

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"Hell" is only offensive to atheists who love to bitch about religious references, so Legendary gives no fucks about them.

Too bad about the copy-paste Aipom, though.

>this thread

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Yeah, I don't wanna fap in the theater.

>detective pikachu looks more cyberpunk than fucking cyberpunk, or even alita

>it outsells Avatar
A man can dream

At least it shows they have a shit-eating grin when they aren't screaming.

So, was reptile the lizard or the corpse?

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He won't, Psyduck's is Masuda's favourite.

Snorlax is more ripped than you

There have been over a dozen pokemon movies user. this is the only one thats deliberately cut for you to smile and clap when you recognize the pokemon.

>I am so enraged at you for not being me. so this it YOU
grow up, little girl.

Is that a Spinda below the LOUDRED sign?

Mortal Kombat is not a good movie.
Its enjoyable as action schlock, due to competent choreography and not taking itself too seriously, but the plot and acting are barely there and are mostly boring.

>Gritty looking city
I tried to come up with more but I couldnt, how the fuck is this remotely cyberpunk?

Why did they make Mewtwo so stick-thin

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Detective Pikachu? More like Detected Pee and Poo!

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>this is the only one thats deliberately cut for you to smile and clap when you recognize the pokemon.
except they don't? the trailer focus on that but at no moment you really see the character stop and say "wow I recognize this pokemon".

You could enjoy yourselves less like fags.

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based retard

What's with those toys of Palkia and Dialga? I thought they were treated with respect as form of giant statues and shit.

No, it's a Loudred.

dude are you an adult? you are failing a fucking Sally Anne test there.

A gritty looking city is already way more than Cyberpunk has got

>no Glaceon yet
Fuck this gay shit

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They are giant statues user

Would be better without the nigger and a loli MC

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>the polack defense force doesn't know cyberpunk
who would have thought...

>people call him black
>only 1/5th black

Still waiting

>Its enjoyable as action schlock
That's all they needed to make a good MK movie. Shit's campy as hell.

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Kill yourself.

this actually looks like it could be a fun movie. the warcraft movie was ok so i'm not expecting it to be really bad or really good

I'm actually incredibly surprised by the generation variety we are seeing. Obviously there's a lot of gen 1 presence to appeal to normies, but it's actually dope to see Joltik, Pancham (even Palkia and Dialga in statue form) and other later generations being shown which really makes me think that they are making this film for the actual fans. Has any Pokemon from Sun/Moon been shown yet?

this is going to have so much porn~!

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morelull and comfey

So Team Cipher?

Mewtwo looks really sexy.

>only 17 views
lmao, nintendo babies on suicide watch

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Not thicc enough

I could hear the 'woosh'.

he said the word God before, and there is an Arceus statue.

Where's best doggo? Are they not including any recent Pokemon?

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He's gonna show up in the background isn't he?

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I'm really happy that we're getting so much variety. I know Greninja's getting so much attention because he's the Lightning of Gen 6, but it's nice that we got Ludicolo, and Aipom is appropriately horrifying.

I really hope that one of these has Protean, leading to the protagonist outwitting it through type advantage via prediction. Given that he's apparently a failed trainer I think it could be a cool moment for him.

Det. Pika came out pre gen 7

>oppresside city controle by big corpor, dirty, filled with neons and smoke, and the population is enslaved through animal fighting rings
more cyberpunk than your californian shooting game lol

Why did they made the player character a nigger?

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>literally a variety of pokemon, even from the first trailer
>muh genwun

im not a furry but

i'd totally go balls deep in every single eeveelution

Lucario is best doggo

Moreluk,and Comfey.

you are trying way too hard to fit in

Heh I kinda like it after this trailer.

>Its nice we got ludicolo
Why wouldn't we, shes the barista of the cafe. They're not going to write out actual characters in the game. she has a whole case based on her wanting to sing in the festival.

image if he was included and he had eyes like dr doom

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>I know Greninja's getting so much attention because he's the Lightning of Gen 6
You say this but there's no sign of Lucario yet. Also, Ludicolo and Aipom were in the game, Ludicolo even has the same role as the waitress of the Hi-Tech Café.

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Who gives a shit, there was nothing special about him in the first place. It's not like they're making a character people actually like like Misty black.

I’m pretty glad this movie isn’t just gen 1 and that they’ve included other gen Pokemon too.

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>nonononon delete this and go away we won

>im not a furry but

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No one played the fucking game

Because political correctness. It could be some strayan abbo and I still wouldn't care if the movie is good.

It will outsell star wars, but thats a given

No, by the time the full game was out, they had gen 7 Pokémon in it too. So do these movie trailers, though in a limited capacity so far. Might have something to do with production times.

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Don't you bring that evil here

That'd be pretty sick actually.

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Doesn't look terrible, I'm shocked.

what the fuck Yea Forums is the only board that hate this movie.
are those Disney shills

Pikachu said the hell word!

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still looks like shit

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It's male on male, isn't it.

They actually made him better. Tim in the game is so generic it hurts.

>flareon gets to be in the movie over all the other eeveeloutions

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So did your favorite make it in? Nobody gives a shit about magmar...

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This thread is youtube comment tier look at this shit, you're telling me it's excitement for pokemon that makes them post like retards and it's okay to be a dumb fuck going waaaah i saw a snorlaaax!

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I can already tell this movie will be a success and will get a sequel. People will wanna see their favorites in the hyper realism style.

Actually they're probably doing the manga thing where Eevee can shift between eeveeloutions. it clearly merged from vaporeon in the trailer

Yes but it doesn't hurt to be aware of its existence.

He's clearly a half black and his dad is Ryan Reynolds. Though I'd expect Reynolds' half black son to look better.

Still the worst one (and yes I am saying that even though Leafeon exists).

I will apologize NEVER. Get me Espeon in this movie.

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My nigga

What creature is Magmar even meant to be?

Says the retard spending his time shititng up a thread. If you really want cringe you'd invest in a mirror.

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Me too user. I can never hear that song without thinking of that movie.

that's because he has an ass on his head and his evolution looks like anti-negro propaganda

i know they wanted to make deadpool more kid friendly but this is over the line

Of course she did

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Looks like soï guzzling millenial bait. Especially with the edginess and black pandering.

I'll stick to the spinoff anime.

No, there was Mortal Kombat which was a good video game movie because it's actually a martial arts movie that just happens to have a story and characters based on a video game.

Detective Pikachu will be a good movie because it's actually a detective movie that just happens to have a story and characters based on a video game.

Good video game movies will try to be a good movie first and a video game movie second.

Because whites, spics and chinks will see any movie.
Having a nigger mc is how the big studios try to make the movie appealing to nignogs.

>Magmar appears
> plays

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If they follow the game's plot at least a little, Detective Pikachu is not a transformed Harry Goodman (Tim's father). He was Harry's companion and he survived the car crash with amnesia.

It's m/f in places too

I haven't seen her but I'm confident she'll be in the movie.

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>reaction videos are popping up

maybe a duck...?

A duck.



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Justice Smith is such a fucking great name, I cant help but like this dude

Not him, but hyper-sensible atheists are really a thing. Seriously, just say Jesus' name even in the blasphemy way and someone gets the need of throwing their atheist dogmas as if the name alone was a bad thing.

>Flareon trending
Who would've guessed this would happen.

This looks gay as fuck and you're all fucking faggots.

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Or maybe they're trying to draw attention away from the human protagonist so people focus more on the Pokemon.

Suddenly the idea of a nigger MC makes a whole lot of sense.


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They wouldn't have the balls to put Volcarona in the movie.

Doom was a fun military vs aliens/zombies movie that happened to be a videogame adaptation and you don't see people praising it as well.

Yup. Since the first trailer, really. One of the few non-Gen 1 pokemon in prominent display, which is pretty cool. My bro has come far.

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the fucj

There's a plot-relevant Milotic in the game, but it's in a pretty out of the way place so I'm not sure they'll adapt it.

I want to be that eevee...

Too bad it's anti-white leftist propaganda

Most pokemon really put me out of it
Maybe they're still rendering

The Doom movie was shit user, and that's coming from someone who paid money to see it. Mortal Kombat was good.

user those obviously are statues. Whether its a museum, penthouse, or executive office I can't tell but those are obviously statues of them.

Ok, this is not bad, this is NOT bad at all. even if it ends up bombing (which it probably will), it WILL be a legit entertaining flick.

but DEAR GOD THAT DEMONIC AIPOM! what the fuck were they thinking with some of the Pokemon designs?


Jokes aside I wish this was made with 2D animation instead of CG, I remember some "Pokemon in real life" ads in the past that were pretty cool, this just doesn't capture the same vibes, it feels more like one of those parodies about pokemon being violent or some shit.

I'd say chances are good, it looks like they enjoy making Pokemon that would look creepy IRL.

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I know all reaction videos are fake shit but Etika takes it to the nth degree of fakeness.

I have faith, she'll be in the movie.

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Fuck off. The hyper realism thing is cool.

>live-action movie of the highest-grossing media franchise in the world
Maybe if it looked like absolute shit, but it's been getting tons of positive reaction.

you just know

Don’t think I saw any of the Totodile line yet. Or maybe I have and don’t remember, haven’t watched the first trailer in a while.

But then why is charizard so huge? Hes only supposed to be 5'7"

Nah, it just looks ugly, it also gets old after 30 seconds when the novelty is gone

>military vs aliens/zombies
That's why it was shit

Yes, it was a blink and you miss it moment, but he was there. Golurk looks nice too.

Attached: detective-pikachu-trailer-3-e1542048047578-700x356[1].png (700x356, 356K)

Actually it's both, starts as an Eevee fucking all of his sisters to prove he isn't gay and then all of his brothers as well to prove he isn't straight.

So how good is the game? its an actual detective game, or more like a vn where I need to do puzzles in order to continue with the story, can I play the whole thing in one afternoon?

You're too naive, this is Hollywood jews we're talking about. Let's hope politics won't get too much in the way this time around though as it's supposed to be a movie about fucking Pikachu.

I haven't seen a Mawile yet, so I doubt it.

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Doom sucked ass so hard, so that makes sense. The only people who claim otherwise are the fat dudes with beards who suck up shit like the Resident Evil movies.

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You have shit taste. You probably also still watch the anime.

So I guess theyre still going the "Pikachu is his dad route"
Though theyre making it so obvious that I wonder if thats on purpose so that real twist is that hes NOT his dad

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Probably not

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Maybe if you're 12.

black guy in the movie is a generic as it gets too though
he's literally tim but black, I honestly didn't even know a black guy could be so generic and non charismatic

t. 12 year old

>that sign in the background
I really hope we get to see a live-action goomy

It's very similar to Ace Attorney Investigations if you've played that, but the cases are simpler. Don't expect difficult brain-teasers, it's for kids.

>can I play the whole thing in one afternoon?
Not really, it's 10-15 hours long.

fucking retard, the counter is clearly frozen

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Joltik and octillery are both in. I'd love to see a Tyranitar, but I'm happy already.

>Jokes aside I wish this was made with 2D animation instead of CG
Yeah you have 21 other fucking movies for that

You were probably born in July and your favorite color is lavender, you also like long walks on the beach and your mother's name is Suzan.

Is Detective Pikachu canon to Pokemon or how does this shit work

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6'11", but yeah.
Despite how big he looks he's only like a foot taller than the average human.

That movie was terrible but also it seemed to be taking more influence from Doom 3 so the shitiness was expected.


Pokémon are established to have varying sizes even in the games
>waaaah why is my dog so small compared to this other dog

Will they actually put Gardevoir in this?

They must know they are walking a dangerous line if they choose to.

I do want my nigga Sharkpedo in it.

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May actually.


more like MILK MY DICK

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Psyduck is in the movie. If he evolves, he´s in. If he doesn´t, he didn´t make it.


I meant 2D animation mixed with live action, basically Roger Rabbit but with Pokemon.

lean is just a pretty boy

its as canon as mystery dungeon.

I feel like that's the case
Like midway, they're going to realize "oh shit maybe I'm your dad" and he's going to have some kind of crisis over it but towards the end of the movie they find his dad wherever he is

>Will they actually put Gardevoir in this?
I bet she'll be in a poster or something, not physically present. That way they can play it safe while still baiting degenerates.

Lewd! Milotic is for hugs, not fugs.

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while I understand the idea of an adult hero and all, I'm kinda wondering, why aren't there any kids in that movie, like, not even in the streets or anything. It's really creepy.

Maybe the real dad was the friends we made along the way.

Nobody would give a shit then. The hyper realism thing is what's drawing people. If it doesn't interest you, that's fine, but that's the appeal of this movie.

This, also Pixels.
I can't understand people rightfully hated those but also think this garbage looks good.
That fucking charizard, for the love of all things sacred, HOW CAN ANYONE THINK IT LOOKS ANYTHING BUT AWFUL?

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Oh my god he's adorable.

Yes, it's just another story taking place in the world of Pokémon. If you want to get autistic with cross-references, the movie has a bunch like a Sinnoh League poster and the game (and possibly the movie as well) has a chemical made from Mewtwo's cells that was in Gold and Silver.

In terms of Pokemon I think is cool I didnt see Buzzwole, in terms of one I want to fuck didnt see Braixen

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I have a feeling all 700 something pokemon from gen 1-7 will make it in as background characters, cameos, etc.

Just imagine being the director who could say "I put every single fucking pokemon in one 2 hour movie"

Its certainly possible with name drops, posters and signs like

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I bet my favourite one won't be in the movie...

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I can fed see him getting in, you know they are gonna hit up a jewelry store at some point.

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But the game never made it that far, did it? I thought the game ended before anything was answered.

Pixels was cancer. I'm not going to see this movie but don't compare it to that.

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No way they'll include the UBs. I would love it but it doesn't make any sense storywise to have them, user.

havent watched a movie since prometheus killed the medium

is the 3DS game worth marathoning?

why are you replying to that faget? its obvious is just hating for hate sake, or to feel popular.

When is the Sonic Trailer meant to drop?

that movie was shit and the director is a jew pedo
they're nothing alike

>Mario movie
Excuse me

I dann well wanna see a tyranitar bust down a mountain or something.

the Yea Forums thread is as reluctantly positive as this one though

The fact that this is so highly anticipated only shows how much people have been wanting to see what life would be like if pokemon were real.

Instead of the big picture, look at the same details. Like
If they get those down, it's going to be a good movie.

As an ancient fag, I'm looking forward for this, it would probably be the first movie people from Yea Forums would all go to see together since Snakes on a plane.

I really want to see that damn Sonic.

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actually born yesterday

How old are you?

The strangest thing about this movie is that it's real in the first place.

he meant the original movie from 1993, not the new one from illumiation that is being supervised by Miyamoto.

There was a Gengar float in the first trailer. But honestly Im okay with Gengar not getting cgi-creepified. Just have the float come alive.

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Shes gonna be on a playboy magazine parody and you know it.

I hope the movie got cancelled or they went back and re-rendered Sonic to be less scary

>Gardevoir's appearance in the movie is as a centerfold in a fetish magazine half-hidden under Tim's bed
I could see it.

Did you not watch the trailer or are you in denial?

>Detective pikachu ends with mewtwo cryptically telling pikachu he isnt tim's dad
>Katrielle ends with Layton cryptically telling her he isn't her dad
>Rhythm thief ends with Rapheal learning his dad is in another country, and the mystery isnt over
>Doctor lautrec ends with slyvia chasing after her mom to learn the secrets of babylon in Italy.
>NONE of these games will have sequels or see proper closure

Is the 3DS just fucking doomed when it comes to mysteries? It still hurts.

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This looks like pure garbage but it's even getting praise here.

I don't udnerstand zoomers.

This, Ub are framed as a dangerous, standalone category of peokemon. If they show up, it's gonna be a core plot point

So, they aren't limiting themselves to kanto only

you havenidea of what you are talking about. I know it makes you feel badass and all to bark that bullshit, but you are among adult there, kid, not your kindergarten.

But this is literally, 1:1, the exact type of Hollywood cancer. It has I Need a Hero in the trailer, for fucks sake, what else do you need, a Starbucks product placement?

would be nice if they fit every pokemon up until now into this movie in some way
the director would have a lot of bragging rights

I could see it being a thing in the sequel (if Gamefreak decides to do the UB thing further). But I really doubt we'll see the aliens now.

We've known that, though.

Detective Pikachu game spoilers: Detective Pikachu was a regular, non-talking Pikachu who was Harry's companion Pokémon and assisted him in his detective work. When Harry gets involved with the case of the R chemical, his car gets sabotaged, he crashes and Pikachu, who was with him, gets amnesia. Nothing else is clearly answered beyond this, but it's heavily implied that Mewtwo (who was also involved with the case since the chemical was made from him) was there and saved Pikachu/gave him the ability to speak while someone took Harry away. There's the chance Mewtwo transferred Harry's consciousness inside Pikachu as it's noted Pikachu only started enjoying coffee like Harry did after Harry's disappearence, but they're not outright the same being. Mewtwo tells Tim that his father is still alive somewhere at the end of the game.

That thing fighting Blastoise wasnt Gengar, it was some ugly monstrosity.

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I'm 31, kid. I assume a lot people who are looking forward to this are around my age.

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damn, you're completely right, I hate this movie now

I kinda wanna see Nightmare fuel Sonic though

Id probably be more excited if the MC wasn't a fucking awful actor and they chose anyone else for Pikachu

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Mental illness it is then.

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>Mewtwo tells Tim that his father is still alive somewhere at the end of the game.

So that could still be Pikachu.

one Twitter screen cap thread coming right up

Arceus is directly behind it, too

>But this is literally, 1:1
No it isn't you fucking dipshit. You've spent too long on shitposting forums.


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>Shit, an actual human being and not a shill posting, quick let's call him a kid to desmoralize anybody else to admit they don't like eating this garbage!

Why wouldn't Detective Pikachu and Layton get sequels? Just wait, DP is still very recent and Mystery Journey got rereleased on Switch and Level 5 is currently swamped with development issues on all their other games.

theres no mermaid pokemon so no, Primarinabucks maybe.

Thanks I hate it.

>theres no mermaid pokemon so no

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In the sense that his father's consciousness might be in Pikachu yeah, but his actual body is somewhere else and he'd likely return while Pikachu becomes a regular Pikachu again in a sequel.

>looking forward to this shitty live action Pokémon movie with shitty actors, CGI and jokes

Okay zoom zoom

>Why wouldn't Detective Pikachu and Layton get sequels?
DP is different in the cinema sense, and people will complain if they go back to the original story instead of a cinema-based retelling due to character dissonance

Katrielle wont get a game because everything is being revealed in short bursts every month over 5 episodes in the anime instead.

why are there so many furries in this thread

>uses zoomer/boomer meme
Anyone who actually does this is a mental child.

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I mean it would have to be something like that for the mascot, but why not just call it Starmie/yubuckes?

>giratina not one of the statues
Damn that's some good lore

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I understand most people's boners for many pokemons, but this one is just a cute snake, how can you be attracted to it, not (you) but its been said by several anons already in this thread.

I don't see any.

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>having shit taste

Go cry to mommy.

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This is like the Dark Crystal of 2020

People like a cute snek I guess. Some people are really into that. Not me though, I really just like Milotic's design, stats, and rarity. Getting one in gen 3 was a real treat.

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I feel like this movie is going to make practical effects cool again. CG is shit in comparison.

All i hear is deadpool talking. good job casting a guy who can't voice act

looks like it'll be a fun movie honestly

This is a normal western city with Pokemon plasted all over the place, and a fucking buddy cop plot forzed because it's one of the most beloved and safe Hollywood type of stories. It has NOTHING to do with the actual games: Where is the kid and his travel through a fantastical world with his monsterS partnerS, battling 8 gyms and the Pokemon League as a coming of age? Nah, better just get a mediocre film and paste Pokemon over it.

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Live action is complete and utter garbage, what's the fucking appeal that people see in this shit?

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Goddamn almost looks like a puppet

>t has NOTHING to do with the actual games: Where is the kid and his travel through a fantastical world with his monsterS partnerS, battling 8 gyms and the Pokemon League as a coming of age?
Spotted the fucking retard.
Its DETECTIVE PIKACHU you fucking dipshit genwunner.

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>T. hasn't played detective pikachu
It has nothing to do with the mainline games you mook. At least educate yourself.


Is this a puppet? Doesnt look CG

Stop posting.

Yea Forums sucks so much ass I can't even believe it. /vp/ has problems too but Yea Forums is literally unbrowsable for me, its just too dumb.

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Raccoon City?

If this movie was not Pokemon you would call it trash instead. Literally switch pokemon with some random monsters instead and this movie is already disliked heavily.

god damn faggot that will eat up every shit that gets pumped out.

Its based off the fucking spinoff retard

>Actual puppetry

BASED. I dont care if its scale in CGI, movie fucking magic is back

Attached: Audrey2.jpg (310x173, 16K)

>never cared much for pokemon after like diamond or so
>this movie looks like the most generic hollywood movie ever made in terms of plot and jokes, i can already see at least 3 shit/fart jokes and 1 hit in the balls joke
>but the pokemons are somehow competently made
i don't know how to feel about this

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People with depression shouldn't be allowed on the internet. Fuck off, zoomer.

Can you make it play forwards and then backwards? Like a loop? Also cut off the last bit or so where he closes his mouth.

>Literally switch pokemon with some random monsters instead and this movie is already disliked heavily.
No? What? If this was an original story about some domesticated monster city that would still be fucking cool.

But hey whatever imaginary scenarios help you justify being a contrarian fuckboy, user.

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I never really cared that much about Aipom, but seeing some of these interpretations make me interested.

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I can't see Creatures not making a Detective Pikachu 2 if the movie turns out successful, it doesn't need to be exactly the same thing. Marvel comics don't drop their storylines and characters just because normalfags are more familiar with the movie versions.

>Katrielle wont get a game because everything is being revealed in short bursts every month over 5 episodes in the anime instead.
They definitely wanted to announce and possibly release a Layton sequel by the time the anime finished airing, but their entire development schedule got fucked by Ni no Kuni II, Inazuma Eleven Ares and Yokai Watch 4 being delayed by a ton. Consider the fact that the IE Ares game is still not out and the anime not only has finished airing the Ares arc, but it's close to finishing off the subsequent Orion arc as well. Yokai Watch 4 was meant to be the first representation of Shadowside in a game, but the entirety of it has been spoiled in the anime due to the massive delay and Shadowside is even ending in favor of a OG Yokai Watch anime reboot before YW4 is out.


I'm just reposting stuff from /vp/

She. And no I don't mean it in the meme sense, it's canonically a female ludicolo in the game.

The lizard. there's a scene were the creature appears to be spying on people.

Who the fuck talks like this

Why dors he have to be white?

>Shantae monkey form.jpg

This movie is for zoomers dumb basedboy.

The lizard. There was no corpse that was a statue that he possessed.

Eh, its Hollywood, they nominated Black Panther for Best Picture just because it tickled their fetish. You just gotta accept that that part of America is weird like that. They just have funny attitudes about black people.


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Fuck off.

>Literally switch pokemon with some random monsters instead and this movie is already disliked heavily.
That would never happen retard, because this movie is based on Detective Pikachu, a fucking Pokemon game.

Then why don't you like it?

I'm disturbed and need an adult.

I wanna fuck that Mewtwo (Male)

No Oddish, no buy

Attached: oddish.png (278x300, 34K)

A monkey is fine too

>they nominated Black Panther for Best Picture just because it tickled their fetish.
They nominated Black Panther because it was widely popular and they've been criticized again and again for only nominating artsy dreck that no one watching the Oscars has ever heard of or cares about

Yeah but that Machoke crossing guard tho

you're not fitting in, reddit

>Spotted the fucking retard.
>Its DRAGONBALL EVOLUTION you fucking dipshit spick.
>T. hasn't played detective pikachu
1. That's something anyone would be proud of, if you are trying to insult me for not wasting my time and money in a shitty spin off.
2. the game was made first for a terrible anime which was cancelled, and then to allow Warner to buy the rights of the IP, but letting them to be as unfaithful as they wanted to be to the games people have actually played and made the series popular in the first place. You know, like every other shitty Hollywood adaptation, go figure because this is somehow good.

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I'm honestly hoping this movie is good.


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This we've spent too much in bots and shills to be proven wrong so easily.

Is that freedom bird? God damn I love that pokemon.



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is that a slaking in the background on the far right?

No, they nominated Black Panther because they like to fetishize black people and you know it.

user how long have you been shitposting in this thread?

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Yes, it's even in its classic idle pose.


t.assblasted furry zoomers

enjoy your garbage faggot.

Wow you're a fucking retard.

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Wtf I hate Hollywood now

>Snubbul is in
Cool, I always liked that ugly clown pug

How old are you, user? I'm 29, so I'm willing to bet you're younger than I am.

This movie will be a success and you can do nothing but seethe and fume.

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>Golurk is literally the only decent looking Pokemon in the movie
There's always a silver lining I suppose

I want to fuck Lilligant

I like the idea that religion still exists in this world but instead it's arceus.
Real world would be fucked if any of the box legends showed up

Smells like samefag


Good job, namecalling always work as damage control, and proves you are right and the other wrong!

Just stopping by to mention that boy milotic is dreamier and we're likely not to see one

>those thighs
>those feet
>that everything

I want Mewtwo to sit on my dick and call me a pathetic human.


You're a dumb retard, you proved yourself wrong without my help.

Part and parcel for London, really. It's why all of the big important characters are black or some shade of mocha and all the villains are white. It reflects reality.

>There are anons in this thread who are legitimately upset that Pikachu said hell

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>Why is it not POKEMON
>That doesnt count because I dont like that game
Just accept that whatever movie came out you would have never accepted it and your posts would be exactly the same even if it was stop motion.

seriously though why are his calves so stronk if he flies everywhere

My three coments are answering to people who replied to me, so obviously it's me answering, what did you expect? or do you reply to others trying to appear as the OP normally?

Liligant? no i doubt it but i hope so.

Attached: liligant.jpg (466x700, 250K)

He exercises.

>It has NOTHING to do with the actual games:
It's literally based on a game with the same name you tard

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Who gives a shit.

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>Shill class 101: Continue to namecall, that make him go away eventually!

Either this or a cabaret singer at some dive for detectives. That long, flowing dress with long slender legs is just *meant* to lounge on a piano somewhere.

I do, but nobody is going to see this for the nigger. They're seeing it for the hyper realistic Pokemon.

t. Jamal

Yes anyone who likes this movie is a shill, you fucking moron. Who needs a Pikachu with an ace detective like you?


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>Yes anyone who dislikes this movie is a retard, you fucking moron.

>whatever movie came out you would have never accepted it
102: Go for more falacies if the namecalling doesn't work.

So you fucking admit the movie isn't based on the original games like you said but still say it's bad because you didn't like the game? What kind of retarded shit is this?

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Every pokemon has basketball sized eyes.

Got dam

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>no danny devito pikachu
1 fucking job

Hey I like Magmar.

A lot of pokemon I like made it in actually.

Im genuinely curious, what does whatever movie company need to do in order for you to accept for what it is instead of calling it generic, soulless, hollywood trash, not that I think you are wrong or right, but do you think thats possible, and if it is, what does it need to be/do in order for it to be good?


New thread where