Would a game story written by him be any good?

Would a game story written by him be any good?

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who is this ? he looks like your friendly old neighbourhood pedo

It might have an interesting world and premise, but ultimately make no sense and not be satisfying in the end.

>you have to play as him in god mode


3/4 books by him are complete garbage
but the 1/4 is gold

Movies made by him are shit, so no.

have you played Alan Wake? That is what it would be like, but with wifebeating and alcoholism.

he never wrote anything good, he's only famous because he's a pedophile and hollyjews love those.

King can't even write books, all he does is rip off better authors and try to be shocking for the sake of it. Also never forget that one time he was so seething at that truck driver he had an accident with once that he set out to ruin the guy's life and also wrote him into one of his books as a bumbling retard

The IT orgy scene is hot t b h.

How did he try to ruin his life?


Can you find dev Kubrick?

not today, anyway. 30 years ago when he was doing a bunch of coke he could have written a good premise for a video game story, sure. just get someone else to write the dialog.

king is the very definition of a hack. wrote two good books and somehow tricked normies into thinking he's the greatest horror writer in history.

Pursued fervent legal action for a long while afterwards and whined about the incident while talking shit on the guy using his real name every opportunity he was given.

Are there any signs that he's a pedo besides the fact that half of his stories involve molestation in some way, including his best sellers and his most recent film adaptation?

Would be surprised if none of his books got used for a video game, even if said game is by proxy based on a movie based on his books

decidedly not.
a game world conceived of by him and written by an actual good writer? probably. his imagination is legendary but he suffers from lovecraft syndrome- expansive imagination, zero ability to craft a compelling and efficient story

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The original IT book featured a child orgy, like it's not implied or anything he goes into great detail on what happens

Considering he's never written anything good before, why would it?

Only the ones where the director doesnt change Kings shitty writing.

obsessed with children, sex, and combinations including both
his books featuring some kind of "girl was sexually abused by her father" or "kid gets bullied with sexual overtones by other kid" is a running joke among fans and critics because he does it in virtually every possible story

In case my post wasn't clear, I was being sarcastic. The guy writes some sick and fucked up stuff so I'm not surprised that he gets called a pedo. My preferred stories of his don't involve that stuff. Then again, he's a horror writer so he's probably doing something right if his content makes your skin crawl.

is king the shadman of horror novels?

I mean just the DEMO for silent hills that junji ito helped write along with GDT was really good. I know king gets a lot of shit but I think he's competent underneath all his retarded political spergery. I'd give a game he had a hand in writing a try, for sure.
I think a dark tower game would be neat.

>video game

I think the constant molestation stems from some kind of childhood trauma, can't explain the orgy though