Lets Go Pikachu/Eevee are the big fancy console games

>Lets Go Pikachu/Eevee are the big fancy console games
>the new gen will be "handheld focused"
boy I can't wait for the new games to literally be upscaled 3DS games that look worse than Lets Go

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Other urls found in this thread:


Tomorrow is going to be one of those days

Threadly reminder
>We recently caught up with Masuda to talk about the Pokemon series, and we asked him for his thoughts regarding why recent games have made things easier for players.

>"Rather than any actual feedback from players, it's more accepting the realities of modern life," he said. "Kids these days or even people who grew up playing Pokemon--everyone is a lot more busy. There are a lot more things competing for a person's time than there were back then. For example, there are so many free games you can play on your phone now, there's so many entertainment options, so making it a little easier to play is the reason for that."

>"Back when I was younger, someone would buy us a game and that was the only game we had, so we had to play it," he added. "I don't think that's really the case for many people these days."

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That means no co-op and no Pokéball Plus control method, nor the idea that you go outside to catch Pokémon in Go and transfer them over to see them on the big screen, all of which was plainly explained by Game Freak. You people are retarded.

Gonna post something nice and nostalgic to help us brace for tomorrow's inevitable dissapointment

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A day of 50 pokemon threads even though we have /vp/? Yeah probably. Im sure itll be endless shitposting here on /vintendo/

And you’re just as retarded for talking out of your ass as if you were one of these devs.

/vp/ isn't a containment board in the same way that /mlp/ is. You have always been allowed to talk about the games on Yea Forums, its pokegirl threads, anime discussion and gay furry shit that has to stay on /vp/. No one actually likes talking about the games with the autists on /vp/, they care more about the brand name than they do about playing a fun game.

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They literally said gen 8 will look better than Let's Go.

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>Can't escape from Pokemon on social media
>Can't escape from Pokemon on the non-vidya boards on Yea Forums
>Can't escape from Pokemon on Discord
It's amazing how the internet managed to take the amount of time between "oh this is neat" to "I'm sick of hearing about it" and reduce it to the span of a half-hour

Reminder that Lets Go sold over 10 million copies and that Gen 8 is gonna be another Kanto Pandering fest with the new gimmick being mostly tied to Kanto Pokemon and only 70 new designs with no postgame and a region with bland route/dungeon design.

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The fact that devs crafted such a world on a fucking gameboy is really a telling of game design then and now. We have absolutely pathetic western game devs with a poor idea of how to properly make a video game. I honestly believe pokemon red and blue especially G/S need to be looked at for inspiration on how to make good map design that even reuses original areas in a smart way. They should be teaching this to devs in school, but instead all we get is marxism bullshit and tranny acceptance. Fucking pisses me off, even the nips aren't making good pokemon games like days of old. The only good thing about Sun and Moon was the pokemon being used as rides instead of an HM whore in your party slot.

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shitty games devalued and ruined by hackers and there is nothing nintendo can do

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My childhood usually comes back to me daily in the form of traumatic memories but this...

Thank you user.

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Only time i've hacked is to get zeroara in sun and moon because you could only get it in ultra and that pissed me off because i didnt want to buy ultra

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user don’t do this

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>it's going to look worse than LGPE
Oh deary me

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Double reminder

>The main entries in the Pokémon game series have always been on handheld systems – from the Game Boy all the way to the 3DS. For this next entry, the Nintendo Switch has a variety of playstyles. While you can still play in handheld mode, you now have the option of playing on a bigger TV screen while in docked mode. Given this new hardware, I've found it harder to make a new mainline Pokémon game than I had originally thought. Even as a Pokémon game on the Switch, does it still work? Is it possible for me to make all of those playstyles interesting? I think it's probably about five times harder than any of you could imagine! (laughs)
-Tsunekazu Ishihara the president of The Pokémon Company

Nobody’s asking you to look at it.

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>Tsunekazu Ishihara who provided a few minor tidbits about the upcoming Pokémon game for Nintendo Switch due out in 2019. He reconfirmed that this game is due for release in the second half of 2019, will have better graphics than any prior Pokémon game, that it'll be completely new aimed at experienced fans, not like Pokémon Let's Go Pikachu & Let's Go Eevee and states that it will contain many brand new Pokémon.

But Yea Forums loves being retarded so this will be ignored.

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I'll believe it when I see it. Only morons would trust Gamefreak/TPC.

These are the same people who are responsible for the past 5 years of the franchise including ORAS, USUM and LGPE

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>these scans
Remember when gaming was about fun, guys?

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Game Freak already showed a game of theirs on Switch with considerably better graphics than Let's Go.

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>they care more about the brand name than they do about playing a fun game.
that's nintendo/pokemon fans in general

Shh, we can't talk about when games had soul , the zoomers get upset because they never got to experience it

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So? Town is the definition of an unambitious, small budget, small scale project. Let's wait and see how they handle a game that's more than just one fucking town. These clowns couldn't even get 3D running right on 3DS.

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>Game Freak's B team
those nigga's actually know what they're doing.
>Game Freak's A team
can't even run let's go above 20 frames

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>Shit all over the internet
>Get mad when people say you should stop, "haha nobody's pointing a gun at your head, how dare you tell me to have self-control"

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Pokemon x SMT when

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Do you have autism?

You realize that "handheld focused" could just mean that they won't use motion controls and that saving will be lax right? Has very little to do with art direction.

That already exists and it was pretty good

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Are you so new that you've never seen anons story time comics or dump manuals before?

If LGPE is their concept for a couch game, I'm fucking horrified what a handheld focus will look like

I should break down my gold RBY strategy guide and scann it to make one of these.

>listening to the guy who's job it is to make sure that Pokemon sells
lol, you're such an idiot. Obviously he's going to say a bunch of fluff because even he noticed how a good chunk of people were not pleased with Lets Go.

OR , here's an idea, go do something in real fucking life instead of bitching because people on the internet are talking about something you find annoying

This one

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>no it's your fault I have no self-control

The irony of your post is palpable,
Just get off of social media for a fucking hour and do something else if you don't want to look at people talking about news regarding the most popular IP on the planet

I predict it will look worse than the other latest mon series but people will eat it up anyway.

Nevermind, here's a PDF of it:


Inb4 another kanto remake

Like nigga just turn of the screen

Remember to report board crossover threads

Except thats wrong, talking about the pokemon games on Yea Forums is fine and has always been fine.


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Ditto looks like Thanos cum

I can't wait for you to shitpost about the New Pokemon games all year long and then get BTFO like you always do.

Town only seems decent compared to LGPE. It still looks like complete and utter shovelware, which is a testament to just how bad LGPE are.

>and then get BTFO like you always do
This, people said ORAS would suck, they said USUM would suck. Where are those faggots now? All of those games were amazing

What are these supposed to show?

Changes in the art direction for the franchise.
Whether or not this is a good or bad thing is up to you, but some opinions are more objectively correct than others

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this looks like shit, and i am telling you now, the game will look worse than this, yokai watch 4 really set the level for monster collecting high until they announce the new dragon quest monsters

I thought the washed out watercolor artstyle looked like that due to aging. It still feels like someone just scanned a decaying manual.

>putting the gen 4 remake versions of the gen 2 protags in super gay tier
maybe the female one, but male protag is still pretty close to his original look. He just chose different colors and more basic clothes from the original is all

>male protag is still pretty close to his original look. He just chose different colors and more basic clothes from the original is all
He also looks like a total bitch boy faggot from San Francisco or something.
He doesn't look like he's ready to kick ass an go on an adventure, he looks like he's ready to eat ass and go to a yoga class

It's funny that they would say that Let's Go was designed for living room play but then not include pro controller support. I only play the game in handheld mode because that's the only way the controls aren't retarded.

Op are you literally retarded? Do you stuff dicks in you ears every night? He said living room play. The motion controls you fucking ape.

No he doesn't? He looks like a regular kid.
Maybe you're confusing the gen 3 male protag you mistakenly placed in okay tier twice.

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>you mistakenly placed in okay tier twice.
Not a mistake, its the originals and the Emerald redesign Originals are better but the emerald designs are alright too I guess.

I hope you got that from somewhere and didn't autistically make that image yourself.


So what are the chances that this new game will have the prof ask if you've ever played a pokemon game before when you start a new file so you don't have to waste the first 20 hours of the game learning how to play a literal game for babies for the 9th time?


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0% because they know reviewers will fuck up and blame the game.

Piss off you idiot bigot.

RBY and GSC are outdated, clunky, and in RBY's case super glitchy games that have been surpassed a million times over.

>/vp/ is a tranny hotspot
Makes sense.

Shit meme desu
I kinda miss when consolewar shitposting targeted the weak aspects of games or consoles, and wasn't just "HAHAHA IF YOU LIKE THAT GAME YOU'RE A LIBERAL! HEHEHE, HOW DO YOU LIKE THAT YOU LIB? HEEHEE THE LEFT CAN'T MEME!"

What the fuck do limp wristed liberals have to do with games? Literally what kind of faggot gives a fuck about american identity politics? Is this just how americans are? Is everything over there part of their retarded slapfight "culture war"?
I don't even give a fuck that you're trying to shitpost about a game I'm kinda hyped for, thats fine, thats part of Yea Forums, but fucking at least try to be funny and accurate about it.

No one is going to be upset that you posted the same tired old /pol/ shit for the millionth time, but if you actually shitposted about the problems with modern pokemon that absolutely exist, the obvious actual mockable things about the fanbase, and the sorry state that is Gamefreak, you might actually piss off some autists and make fans that agree with you chuckle a bit.
Your post is a literal waste of time and space and I sincerely hope you don't think its funny,

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The absolute state of /vp/ sperms.

>the one time Yea Forums is allowed to talk about Nintendo games, it makes this place Yea Forumstendo
You're free to go return to Reddit if you'd rather not talk about video games, kiddo. This place is Sonygaf every other day of the year anyway

It's worth it if it makes people like you get angry.

I don't have to be angry to think you're a faggot.
Do you think to yourself "Wow what a fag" when you see someone with neon cat ears and a fake tail out in public because they made you angry, or because they're a huge faggot?