What's your main cause of suicide in Smash Bros

What's your main cause of suicide in Smash Bros

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My friend mains lucario and has a nasty habit of charging Neutral special off stage and just falling

I have a nasty habit of pressing up-B to the opposite side of the stage as Mario

Trying to gimp someone's recovery offstage and whiffing/fucking it up.
It's worth it though for those times I can actually pull it off and recover, though.

mii brawler suplexing

Being too greedy offstage

Forget I did double jump already

facing the wrong fucking direction when recovering
especially frustrating when I'm close to the edge but still don't grab it

Panicking and doing 623 wrong

Two things: there's a weird glitch where warping into the corner under the ledge on battlefield as palutena seems to cause her to ricochet and reappear nowhere near your target. The other is when I try b out of dash with wolf, and the leftover stick input turns it into a side-b.

Rolling off the edge with the inkling.

I main narutoad, and I sometime sideB instead of upB when trying to recover

Recently I've been practicing shulk, and I have two bad habits. First, I'll side be instead of up b because I put too much horizontal pressure on my stick. Then more annoying and sadly prevalent method of suicide, however, is trying to switch to monado jump while on the left side of the stage. 2/5 times I'll use my jump tryin to switch to it AND I'll select smash instead. Yep ways of guaranteeing suicide. God I hate my fat fingers

I don't because I play DDD

>playing Belmonts

not hitting the b reverse with his trash up b

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>Be Corrin
>Press 0 buttons
>Controller decided that I wanted to Dair
>I'm off stage.

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Air dodging I guess. Or going offstage with an attack with a long duration.

being distracted by the nauseating body odor of my opponent

>no magnet hands for super jump punch
>fast falling the dunk and not being able to make it back
>failing to reverse the up b

Mario and Doc main

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Mostly being greedy offstage

I main Mac, so half my deaths are unintentional SDs.

Leaf shield, I think. At least that's what it was in Sm4sh, and possibly still in Ultimate.
