So let me get this straight... In order to get the good ending you cannot kill anything even generic badguys and mutants that aren't vital to the plot? Then what's the fucking point in guns if you can't use them then!? This is literally worse than Canadian's leader's quote" if you kill your enemies they win!" Shit.
Metro Exodus SUCKS
Other urls found in this thread:
you can kill generic badguys and mutants and still get the good ending
just dont murder every fucking thing before considering it
lmao how bad
I was death incarnate with the throwables vest. Got the good ending.
No i looked it up several times and apparently you can't and cannot evrr use your guns on anything even generic bad guys and generic mutants. This game is literally almost on the same levels of ace combat 5's "WAR IS BAD REEEEEEEEEEE" which just absolutely fucking sucks because what is even the point innusing guns or spending on guns if you are punished for using guns WHICH THIS GAME FOCUS ON WAS CUSTOMIZING GUNS in the first place? I fucking swear it's like peta and liberals made this game and just had russians do the coding and the designing instead.
Fuck moral preachy shit games i rather play stalker where you aren't punished for using a fucking gun or told how evil you are for killing a bad guy that tried to kill you in the first place.
Apparently you aren't punished for using non gun related items so maybe op is onto something since this game feels like a liberal college student played metro and decided to make a ripoff of it himself. It honestly feels like Stealth The Game.
You can kill anything with a red cursor over it that hasn't surrendered. Cannibals can be killed even if they surrender. I think only one tries to do so though. Good ending depends on 3 side quests, and that. I killed all of the forest tribes that attacked me, and a lot of tribals (not slaves) and still got the good ending. I did melee every bridge soldier on the Volga though. Ending was pretty weak though and the game was Deus Ex MD levels of short.
This game is garbage. Never seen a game with worse shooting mechanics.
You need to hit the moral checks. So if u lose all three members ,Duke, Damir, and Alyosha you get the sad ending.
>don't kill anyone throughout the entire part of the Volga chapter
>only fucked up once during the church sneaking mission, got spotted but i still didn't kill anyone
>only knocked out like 3 or 4 people while bolting for the boat so i can get away
>at the end of the chapter the game still gives me the worst outcome for whatever reason
>get told by the fanatic leader that i killed his people and that i'll have to pay for my sins
>tells his men to open fire on us and Duke gets fucking shot and leave behind, dying
It's shit. I uninstalled it right after that. Can't believe I wasted 2 days pirating this 50GB broken turd.
According to the article you are not allowed to kill anything if you want "le good ending"
Your suppose to sneak through the bridge and the church without being spotted in order to save duke.
So because I fucked up once during the sneaking section in the Church yet didn't kill anyone I STILL get the bad ending?
How the fuck did they think out the morality system in this shit?
>Killed everyone shooting at me at the church until they surrendered
>Killed every bandit at their camps
>Killed every merchant at the tugboat
>Did the Silantius completely stealthy and Duke survived
Maybe you just have to do the final volga mission 100% stealthy, maybe you just need to do the teddy bear and guitar sidequest, I don't really know
>get to desert
I'll finish it one day maybe but it's boring as fuck and empty.
>mark locations
Oh sweet. Places to explore
>a shelled out 8x8 room with 2 bodies with scrap on them
WTF is this lazy ass bullshit?
Stalker 2 is gonna be the game that blasts metro out of the sewege water and throw it into the ocean of piss and best part in stalker 2 is that you will be able to actually use your guns and actually kill without being branded as a bad guy because everyone is on equal terms of being shitty onlike metro exodus
I wasn't even looking for a stalker like game. I really enjoyed the first 2 metros but exodus is hollow. I feel like it's totally directionless too. I really don't even have any idea what i'm doing. I'm just going from marked location to mark location until I "complete" them whatever that means. Then on to the next location. The open world concept was a mistake. Maybe something is lost in the translation but I feel aimless in Exodus.
Seriously why do they even bother giving you a gun if the devs going to punish you for using it?
The reason the first two metro worked is because it focused on a focused but bit of an open approached style of the game and the fact it was in metro systems and going to the surface is almost a death sentence gives you a real apocalyptic feel and survival while actually being a good game. Stalker is a good open world because it treats all sides of it as a giant danger zone and you have to rely on yourself to survive since everyone are out for themselves but the difference between the two is that metro was designed as a linear game and staljer was designed as an open world from the start which is why they are good in what they are at. When they tried to make metro exodus two open world andnditched the staying in metro system for safety and so on they pretty muched killed the game and the replayability because surprise most nee players dont know what they want and the devs stupidly went with the open world lazy approach because in their minds they think that open world means replayability when it doesn't and the fact that a metro old game which is a leaner game has been replayed much more than this game says alot why turning a focused game into open world is the worst fucking ideal ever.
I was spotted on the bridge and got the good ending. Also knocked out literally every single dude with a gun in the church. I killed all the bandits and none of the fanatics. Also rescued fanatic villagers from the bandits.
the game is a let down but not because of this so called dubious morality system, it has a lot of other issues that make me glad i pirated
anyone claiming you can't kill obvious enemies or mutants is a flat out liar who didn't even take the time to pirate in order to post intelligently about flaws
i killed a bunch of people at the church and knocked them out when they surrendered
killed all bandits in the area unless the surrendered
killed about half the barge crew, didn't kill any of the bridge villagers
found the guitar and doll and duke lived
in the desert, openly murdered every bandit unless they surrendered, found the picture but didn't free the boat slaves due to a bug where they didn't spawn so i ended up having dmir leave and in the forest, didn't kill anyone except a few bandits and mutants and alyosha stayed
my artyom lived at the end
No you fucking retard.
Don't kill the innocent (like the slaves at the desert)
If you can dispose of a bad guy use the stun, not the kill move.
If they are asking for it, let them have it but don't kill people that fall on their knees and give up.
Do obviously good deeds like punching the bad guy who touched the slave etc. if you are actually not a mentally incapacitated retard... But seeing your retard logic.
Anyway I got the good ending from the first time and I scorched any mutant infested den I could find killing them on sight. Same with bad guys. I killed everyone of them until they give up.
The game gives you hints story wise like Giul begging you not to harm the slaves.
>A game about war being bad punishes the player who chooses war
>This is a stupid thing
You are clearly new to the series... You try to explore everything, listen to most of conversations, don't kill important characters etc... so you get white flash and the good ending, its not that hard.
That's like how Dishonoured giving you all this cool murder shit then telling you killing assholes who deserve it is bad
Moral compass systems are never good
Game's really fucking ugly, too.
crying because you don't get the good ending
"gamers" this day
Maybe on console. Looks pretty bad ass on my PC @1440p max settings.
>If you fail this objective a certain character can't be saved
>fail the objective
>character can't be saved
"The game is broken".
You are just bad.
>are free to kill bandits, mutants, and cannibalistic shitheads as you please and still get good ending
>basically free fire on non-surrendering bad guys
>anons are such bloodthirsty savages that it's not enough and they wants to kill every single fucking person they comes across
>waaaaaaaaah why am I punished for being a bad guy
And then there are the retards who haven't even played the game and are complaining about things that aren't true. The game is plenty disappointing in other ways (like the AI being shit) but the morality system is simple and allows for a lot of shooting.
The game is literally a First Person SHOOTER though. Not a fucking First Person Pacifist Simulator. Admit it -- it's retarded.
And we all know video game articles are notoriously right and written by true masters.
The Pacifist ending should be a good ending but not the TRUE ENDING
Dishonored was trash to begin with though
Except that article is right
no the article is fairly accurate but since he hasn't played the game he doesn't understand what it's referencing
I play at max settings, looks like ass tbqh.
bullshit you can kill stuff but there is a limit, things you're not supposed to kill:
-Volga level, the cultists
-Desert, Slaves
-Taiga, the pirates, pioneers or children of the forest
All three things have a negative thing associated with it if you go overboard
-Volga, Duke get's killed
-Desert, Damir stays with crazyhot desert bitch
-Taiga, Alyosha get's shanked by an arrow
metro isn't doom you fucking brainlet, and there are still plenty of mutants and bad guys to kill
Metro Exodus seems to be another game in a long line of bad releases where narrative constantly conflicts with the gameplay (which isn't that strong to begin with). If they wanted a good/bad ending dichotomy, they could have just made it so if Artyom does the side quests for NPCs or doesn't, that effects whether you get the ending or not. Punishing the player for using guns in a first person survival SHOOTER is just asinine, and can only lead to frustration down the line.
>game has guns
>I have to kill everything. Game is retarded if it gives me the choice to not do so and then rewards me for it.
>morality system is simple
LOL ok look metro 2033 got the moral system right and metro last light is bit dodgey on it the game still works but this game takes the moral compass and goes full ace combat 5 tier autism with it.
Go play ace combat five then go play ace combat zero and you will understand why one game got the moral part right while the other went too far with it and in this case Metro 2033 is ace combat zero and metro exodus is ace combat 5
Anyone knows when do i get the electric mod for Tikhar?
The only things players should be concerned about in the middle of a gunfigiht with baddies and mutants is:
>I need to Survive
>I need to keep track of ammo and supplies
>I need to stay stealthy (if applicable)
If the player is constantly worried about shooting the "wrong" enemy that's currently trying to KILL THEM, then that just leaves the player with unnecessary headaches.
Both had shit, arbitrary, picky requirements to getting the good ending though. All three Metro games are guilty in that regard
You can still punch the shit out of them if they surrender and not get bad boy points.
I think I had this same problem in Last Light, annoying.
>don't kill innocents
>do the secondary objectives
>get good ending
>this isn't simple
Congratulations, you're retarded and probably haven't played any of these games. 2033 had a more convoluted morality system that included obtuse shit like
>stopping and listen to random conversations
>acting a certain way during Dark One cut scenes
The morality system in the whole Metro series has been retarded since the first game.
>if you kill your enemies who are trying to kill you, they win
> - Justinov Trudevanov, 2030
Isn't Nuking the Dark Ones the good and canon ending?
how is that moral
At least on ace combat zero you hot to kill enemies and still get good endings
>movement is clunky and Artyom moves like he has 100 pound weights attacked to each ankle
>gets stuck if he so much as brushes up against a railing
>flashlight effects are weak and isn't that helpful
>game is still forcing the player to constantly worry about which enemy is the right one to kill
>way too much micromanagement
>landscape is empty as fuck, no incentive to explore unless you want upgrades for all your shit, circular game pacing in other words
>subtitles are currently bugged to shit, multiple ones on the screen at a time
>subtitles off just leads to the player not being able to understand shit because of the heavy accents
I have never felt such a complete absence of guilt for pirating a game before, especially with their dealings with Epic
there is never a point in the game where you have to be worried about that
i've pirated it, i've played it, you haven't and your opinions on it mean jack fucking shit because of that
the game is a let down for actual grievances and not some contrived bullshit like you and OP are claiming
>Started playing Redux 2033 and LL since lasy week and completed 2033
>Search up later in the achievements and discover that there's a karma system based on small actions like giving bullets to poor and kids and that those white flashes in the game had a reason to exist
Why not explaining it clearly at the beginning? This shit is unnecessary.
shut the fuck up excuser
>you haven't played it
burden of proof is on you faggot. I pirated the game two days ago and have been playing it since then.
I got my personal good ending by gleefully slaying all the degenerate fucks I came across. Imagine caring what happens in a pointless cutscene more than enjoying the decision to have more gameplay. You CHOOSE to have a horrible time stealthwalking across a bridge so you don't hurt the feelings of rapists and murderers in order to get a dumb cutscene while I had a great time murdering them. You chose to let the slaves live as uneducated enablers of a chaotic system that exploits them. I set them all free in body and mind. The game is shit anyway but letting the dumb ass game bind your hands and feet in order to get some abstract narrative reward in a random cutscene is cuck shit.
AFAIK none of the guides are 100% correct yet, eg. I got the good end for the first chapter by killing everyone but stopping once they surrender, except for the boat part where I followed Anna's instructions to do it silently.
Last mission of the game
then you wouldn't be saying such retarded shit you dumb faggot
It's canon but it isn't the good end
Most new games look like shit thanks to post-processing shit that blur everything and overusing shaders.
killed a bunch of villagers at the church because i failed stealth, but when they surrendered i knocked them out
i killed all bandits until they surrendered, and helped villagers when i could
also found the teddy and guitar
had to kill the barge crew because i was messing around and they saw me
stealthed past every villager on the bridge
got the good ending
the game is sub par because of the garbage AI, the desert area and the forest area
desert was too big and too long while the forest was too short and too linear
You have yet to explain how it's retarded though. You're jumping straight to the conclusion without putting forth an explanation.
shut up, nigger.
There was literally no downside in being an asshole in fallout
Metro is shit
Thats because everyone in fallout was an entitled asshole so being a bigger asshole at them is actually more rewarding than it was in metro.
Don’t know what you’re talking about, I killed every single mutant and bandit, only people I spared were the church dudes and tribal camp kids and still got the good end
Bullshit. I killed the cultists that shot at me, I killed every single bandit in every level except the one in the forest that was tied up. I killed every single mutant that attacked me. I killed pretty much every single pirate except a few I snuck around and I still got the good ending.
I was running low on ammo a lot.
>no Dark Ones
ayy hol up das rayciss mane
How long is this game if you take time to do all sides/100% it?
>I've never played the game
thanks for keeping the Yea Forums stereotype true and current
He already has, dipshit. You either
A) are retarded
B) haven't played it
C) probably both
Here's my guide to getting a good ending
- First section
You can kill the cultists that attack you at the church
You can kill bandits
Don't kill the traders / Don't kill the cultists in the last mission
- Second
You can kill cannibals
- Third
You can kill slavers, don't kill slaves
- Fourth
Don't kill pioneers or pirates
- Fourth
Only mutants here so go crazy
If someone gives up (surrendering enemies or the slaves in Caspian) or isn't aggressive in the first place (Admiral) don't kill them.
There's some leeway with this last one (I killed surrendering enemies a couple times) but you shouldn't abuse it
They should have died after 2033
No he hasn't. Feel free to show the post of his that proves otherwise.
If STALKER 2 ever happens it won't it'll be trash.
Damir staying doesn't have to do with killing, you're supposed to do every slave freeing side mission in Caspian
I spared technophobes, always used stealth in missions over gun blazing, killed mutants, spared even more dudes, killed bandits but knocked them out whenever i had the chance.
Still got a good ending.
This been a thing since the first game and still is alive in the present one. The point of Metro, is not losing your humanity.
You are wrong, and now I will laugh at you, for being wrong.
Clear Skies or Call of Pripyat aren't sequels?
There is no reason to spare cannibals
They basically aren't people anymore
I don't get how people can be this bad. I really don't. The stealth paths are so blatantly obvious. On the boats you can go the whole length without having to knock out ANYONE. The game gives you a quicksave feature in the menu to prevent you from fucking up and you still fucked up. I could understand bitching about the AI or the generic as fuck humanimals that are overused, but the karma system? Are you fucking kidding me? It has been made much easier to get the good end than ever before.
They do if you make the right choice of nuking Moscow again
You are a brainlet and a zoomer. Aside from the Church and the final mission in the area, all hostile humans can be killed, on top of the mutants which you are never punished for killing, unlike the previous games which would give you shit for it. Again in the open world for Caspian you can kill most of the people you come across. The only time where the game makes it difficult to not kill anyone is at Taiga, because only one section is bandits and the rest are manchildren trying to defend their tree fort. The reality is you have never played a Metro game, or at least not any time recently, otherwise you would know that sneaking past shit without killing people is rewarded.
ay yo hol up does ranger hardcore hide button prompts on pc or does it make them transparent ?
>not playing metro games on rhc
>expecting to kill every enemy in a fucking "survival" stealth game
you're both retarded
RHC FD is literally a meme difficulty. Instead of giving you extra animations to check for your subweapons, or Artyom raising his hand to indicate you can interact with things, they just took the easy way out and removed everything.
>implying these brainlets are playing on Ranger, let alone Hardcore
So I just pirated this game and god damn is the voice acting and sound in general bad.
you know that Trudeau never actually said that right?
I'm glad I passed on this one.
>do the church, ship and last area of the volga without killing anyone
>but I got spotted for half a second before the knocking out animation began playing, so now Duke dies and all I did in the volga is invalidated
This is fucking stupid.
I killed shitload of bandits and mutants and still got good ending, fuck off with this shit b8 faggot
Yeah they are, but we are talking about STALKER 2, retard
Justin pls
He did. He also said that having a dog knot in your ass is alright.
is STALKER not related to S.T.A.L.K.E.R?
Mods when. I want model replacements
Normal human beings are able to establish causality between events. I'm sorry that you need a tutorial for every single mechanic.
>freed slaves in desert
>Recovered photo
>Did nothing else
>Damir left me
volga karma is broken on the pirated release, based 4A games. I had no trouble getting the good ending without stealthing and killing every bandit that didn't surrender
>No i looked it up
So you didn't play the game. Gg ez
Same. Still got the good final ending though.
True but it would never happen.
Maybe you accidentally killed a slave or something.
I got the good ending as well. I initially thought Damir just left to hang out with the Chinese girl.
Nope. I scared a few but that was it. I didn't stop the guy who hit the slave, maybe that was it?
>2033 Miller is old military man with dreams of retaking the surface
>Last Light turns him into a chad military ruskie hoarding D6 for himself
>Exodus turns him back to old man
The books explained him better than the games did
good ending best ending. Your brothers donating blood to you, your wife pulling you back to lifd, Miller's speech presented to you as if you're a child, him passing on the torch, his heroics didn't go to waste. Shame Miller had to die.
>in a FPS
>with a silent protag
who the fuck cares? get the bad ending, watch the other on youtube
>He tells lies on the internet
You can actually kill quite alot of dudes without consequences.
>Desert, Damir stays with crazyhot desert bitch
how is this supposed to be a negative?
Thats completely false. I played through Volga multiple times now and didn't notice anything wrong with it.
>sneak through the church/traders barge/bridge
>save two prisoners from the bandits
and thats literally it, thats the maximum amount of karma that you can gain in the level I think.
Stalker 2 is being worked on right now dipshit.
But will it be a comfy gf simulator?
did you give nastya the canteen? are you sure you didnt shoot a slave? some of em will attack you.
Fuck girls, your rifle is your girlfriend and your hand is your sex toy get used to it.
I wish there was a final train walking simulator section at the end. Maximum comfy.
Not really, its pretty hard to actually lose karma. While to gain it, its pretty easy, just listen to people and help people out (giving MGRs to sick people/hobos/etc)
I'd buy a story dlc that was nothing but banter between the different crew members aboard aurora, i feel like I was among the minority who sat and listened to all their gossip and stories to the end.
Technically CS and CoP are standalone expansions for SoC. STALKER 2 was the name of the game gsc worked on for several years before they closed their doors.
The entire ending sequence with the kid being amazed at so many new things while Miller is just there sitting and not moving and you getting fucked by the radiation was kino as fuck
Pretty sure the DLC will be:
Giul taking over the desert
Anna scouting the desert
Alyosha befriending the forest people
Miller's trek to get the new map and traveling back with the kid
So it's what would be considered the next mainline title to the Stalker franchise
thanks for clarifying
The game sucks because the entire appeal of metro was the fucking metro and most of the game is outdoors. I'd rather play basically any other game in my library
you can choose to fully hide everything or make it slightly transparent when choosing ranger hardcore
you can change the transperancy in the config file too
You can kill the generic bandits and mutants. You can't kill the slave soldiers only knock them out but other bandits are fair game. You didn't play the game you fucking retard, here's the (you) that you're so desperate for
Ending with Miller was great. Especially the scene in the car
>game characters tell you not to kill X or Y people
>wah, I can't kill anything
You're a moron
>eastern yurop got nuked to the stone age
>sweden get's one giant nuke and a fart storm in places where fucking no one lives anyway
>>game characters tell you not to kill X or Y people
>mutants trying to eat your asshole
>kill one
>lol no good ending for you now faggot
you're full of shit
>three cultist retards in volga actually manage to destroy the anomaly
it was pretty cool watching it desu
apparently the GBP system is bugged in the unpatched version
i pirated and it still worked for me. i'm pretty sure i even gon detected on my way up once, and i got the good ending.
also, there's a couple of side activities that give you GBPs, did you do those?
You can see them do it? I just left them alone because they were reeing about me being a heretic and I didn't want to lose karma or something
wait til the night, might need to stand around a bit but it will happen
fugg, i killed a mongolian looking dude in the tunnel beneath the lighthouse
If you don't like this game you are a zoomer
It's so obvious
The game is literally a mash-up of all the good early-2000 FPS's and their beautiful game mechanics
Game is great, literal 10/10 for me.
First playthrough on ranger hardcore, got the good ending. Took 35 hours. All 3 crew members stayed.
If you beat the game in under 25 hours you're obviously an ADD-riddled infant who rushes past literally everything.
Focus. For fucks sake.
it's a fucking Faraday cage
turns out the priest isn't nearly as ignorant as you'd think
also, keep a quicksave before it, for some people quicksaving is permanently disabled after the scene, so you want to reload if that happens
i'm only in the Caspian but I doubt it'll take that long
it feels like the game actively hates you for going back to the train to switch loadouts and shiet
Im not sure about the canteen, I don't even remember that. Didn't kill any slaves.
Newfag and epic shill all in one that didn't play the game either. You disgust me you lowly creature.
This shit feels more like a farcry clone instead of STALKER. What a piece of shit.
Not ignorant, but he was and still is actually crazy, iirc in one of the audio logs it mentions that he spent time in a psychiatric ward before the war
fuck off faggot
How about you stop stealing other people's screenshots and actually play the game. And how about you complete every quest too. Piece of shit.
fuckings this. I loved the first two Metro gaems. Exodus is fucking unplayable.
oh shit, must've missed a lot
i never went back to the church after fleeing from there so i had no idea you could pick up diary entries from him
I think the audio log might be in of the safehouses. Or its a diary entry, I don't recall exactly. Esentially there was this community around the church and this retard Silantius came by and fucked everything up. Even the educated people with a trade ended up getting brainwashed.
am I retarded, or is the third weapon slot permanently reserved for the Tikhar?
what's even the point of including pistols and a sniper rifles? your other two weapons are obviously going to be an AR and a shotgun
What were your favorite crew members?
For me, it's Idiot, Krest and Sam.
Third slot is pneumatic wepons so yes Tikhar and later the Hellzing crossbow.
best track in the series desu senpai
Probably because you are stuck with 1.0.0, they already patched most of those issues. Too bad you can't patch bad VA direction
I doubt they patched the terrible walking/ footsteps sounds. Absolute shit tier.
oh wow, didn't even notice this
there was a church in 2033?
Both of the endings aren't that great.
The bad ending should have had the game just end when Artyom passes out behind the wheel. The good end should have mixed in parts of the bad end like Bourbon and Khan but had Artyom ultimately pull through. The current good end throws Miller under the bus with the fever dream where he was like "yeah you were right the whole time lol, I was just a big ol dummy" even though he was still saying it was better in the Metro in that final level.
So Khan was the only one who wasnt dead but rather visiting the afterlife?
It is in the sparta base, you visit it after you get picked up by the Rangers when leaving the library. It's on the 2nd floor, its easy to miss if you go straight to Millers desk, its on the opposite side. You meet Khan there.
That is what he implies while he is scolding you for being so shit. I am kinda surprised Khan wasn't in this game. Maybe he really is dead though. At least the remembered him unlike the Dark Ones
Go make a game better then faggot.
me neither because in this game, even looking around feels like a chore. The sensitivity settings are such shit on console that I feel like every movement needs to be deliberate and purposeful so as to waste a minimal amount of time waiting for the FPV to finally arrive where I want it to be. This of course is coupled with motion blur out the ass.
I wonder what Orthodox rite is like.
I went to an Eastern Chatholic mass once, all I remember is that there was a fuckton of incense and we made the sign of the cross every two minutes.
I think its a closer tie in with the books. He was always an extremely weird individual in comparison with the others.
Wasnt there a Dark One on a roof before entering blind Ape factory?
the default mouse setting is really slow, but once you find the sensitivity that suits you, it's a delight
it's weird that Artyom holds the iron sights perfecly lined up even when moving the mouse, this way the difference between iron sights and red dots is purely cosmetic
it sucks that you can't disable motion blur altogether, but the highest setting isn't very intrusive imo. must be worse on lower framerates, though.
why can't you disable the sound for the fucking motion scanner, it's unusable this way
didn't even realise there were multiple endings until now. also I had to download another dude's save because I got the stuck in the bridge elevator bug so I have no idea how he played before
So is the game worth it if i give absolutely 0 shits about the story and just want to explore and schuut in a stalker-like aesthetic?
I think i'm gonna go back to the default watch for future playthroughs since all of them are fairly useless
Not really no. There are like 2 truly open world maps
did you find the booze in the March 1991 slot?
you can hear voices if you drink it, though i couldn't make them out
Doesn't altering the FOV like this fuck up the blood vignetting at the top of the screen?
i would say yes
not nearly as big as Stalker maps, but the encounters are more unique in turn
There's like 5 point checks in the game, I beat the Luddites stealth, beat the boat, then saved the slaves in the sandbox, then on the kid land I stealthed the first town but killed everyone of the pirates, still got the good end. Much easier then the last two games where you had to explore fucking everywhere and retarded shit to get it.
Diversify your sources user, one place no one has ever heard of is not the only answer, nor is it guaranteed to be right.
In short, you must be at least 18 years old to post on this website
he doesnt give blood for you to live
The first open area map is the most stalker feel you will get out of the game
I didn't see it, i'll look next time
Yeah but it's not too bad
not true at all
that fucking vignette is disgusting anyway
is it disabled in Ranger mode?
>look at hookers
fuck that shit
I really enjoyed the game.
Felt so refreshing playing a game with no agendas, just a normal game with great atmosphere, pity it seems unfinished
Well, the pirated version is bugged to hell and back and artyom is carrying around 40lbs of gear on him if you count weapons. Have you ever carried that much on you while backpacking? I highly doubt it.
I can change some things in the user.ini and see what happens
>not editing the cfg
I really enjoyed the game, thought it will be a little longer. Got the good ending by playing normally, listening to what the NPCs say to you and when to not kill and stuff. Last chapter was great
i tried to get every morality point in that one, but i guess because i shot up the first outpost after you escape with pavel, i'm literally hitler and deserve to be blown up alongside D6 even if i spared everyone else after
>Well, the pirated version is bugged to hell and back
It's the newest version.
i think you don't get GBPs for listening to conversations this time around
most people got the bad ending in LL because they didn't listen to converstions till their end in the walking segments
>the pirated version is bugged to hell
it isnt
played pirated version and never encountered any bug
The weapon variety in this game is so fucking bad, there are less than in the old games and the weapon customization is really just an upgrade system, attachement on the right will be better than attachement on the left 99% of the time
i turned some things off and on in the ini but don't seem to be seeing anything different
you're at exactly the point I stopped playing
Yeah, the variety is shit this time. I guess they figured none of the SMGs from the other Metro games would work in a big-ass open map.
>The weapon variety in this game is so fucking bad
There is some real funky shit going on there:
- The Gatling gun being in the upgrade screen despite there being NONE for it, even though according to concept art they planned a whole bunch of them
- One of the Spartans runs around with some weird LMG hybrid of the Kalash despite that not being an actual upgrade in game
- During the last bit of the Caspian level you'll see the bandits working on an flamethrower
- Similarly during the Dead City metro sections you'll come across several dead bodies with the MG/shotgun conversion from Last Light in their hands
I mean conversations say things like don't kill these slaves or they aren't really bad, don't kill them
>FPS focused on single player
>no unlockables like infinite ammo or big head mode
>no new game+
>literally no reason to replay the game whatsoever
I miss replay value. I miss when developers made sure you got your money's worth for 60 US dollars
should i start the game in hardcore or ranger hardcore?
>be bad
Now, memes aside, permanfetly orcing Tikhar into 3rd slot is a fucking crime. It's a good gun, no doubt about it, but I think I'd rather have a fully pimped revolver for 3rd weapon. Also bootiful wooden furniture with carvings>shitty tacticool stock.
>infinite ammo or big head mode
oh yeah those add so much to replayability
you could just say "fuck it" to stealth and morality points and play it as a straight shooter on a second playthrough
i'll be mad though if all the weapons and gear aren't unlocked on a second playthrough
ranger hardcore
Can't wait till someone tabs that song out. All I could find is:
>permanfetly orcing Tikhar into 3rd slot is a fucking crime
i hear you
putting the 7,62 rifle in a normal slot is intentionally gimping yourself, even if it's a really fun gun
isn't no hud just a stupid way to increase difficulty?
I agree, the only time the Tikhar is nessecary is with the spiders, after that I should be able to switch out for a third weapon
>Weapon 1, Midrange Assault
>Weapon 2, Shotgun, or Pistol for close quarters
>Weapon 3, Sniper Rifle or Long-Range Weapon.
Ever Since Borderlands 2 I've gone with this as my standard rule. in the best are of 4 weapons, it's the first two, with the pistol as the third, and the 4th being a sniper, or a special weapon.
Retard. You just can’t kill any humans that aren’t labeled as Thugs or Bandits. That’s it.
The slippery slope lies on the slaves at the Caspian and the tribal warriors at the Taiga, but the companion characters make it blatantly obvious that it is bad to kill them.
The hardest part I guess is going through the Taiga stealthily if you were always going guns blazing.
Yeah, but i think most of us played on that mode since the first game
Shame only thing like the friendly metro station NPC hubs in previous games was the train, all factions being hostile was too repetitive for me to replay this game anytime soon.
I don't care how it ends, I was just bred to kill.
The only real bug I found with the pirated version is the boat not responding to controls in Volga occasionally but that's about it
>Playing without guide
>Find out Duke can die
>He dies if you kill the fish cultists
>I think I killed one of their Paladins during the church escape
I would bet money on there being some sort of "Gun Pack DLC" in the future. The gun modification is one of the selling points, they have to get more use of it somehow.
Don't know how since the Gatling, Bastard and Shambler are completely useless and good luck trying to salvage those. I don't get how the double barrel can only be 3 damage strips ahead of the shambler and take one shot to kill a ghoul at medium range but the shambler can take up to three shots to down one of them at close range.
Also do we have a list of weapon mods yet? I went through each area as meticulously as I could but I feel like I must have missed so many. And why did they make the shitty metal janky gas pipe mods be better than the nice looking wooden ones?
Is it food?
wtf you pig
Artyom is a married man
even the rice qt is off-limits for him
>Exclusive Screenshot of Artyom armed with duplet in Yamantau. 2035 Colored.
>the duplet is O&U instead of side by side
I mean it's not that bad but I would like the option to go full farmer.
Eh I kinda prefer the O&U variant. The Last Light version was more traditional and unique in it's look, but it was very clunky looking. Exodus is more cleaner of a look.
Why Artyom has voice during the diary narration but not during the cutscenes? It is really weird when Miller or Anna get angry with him and his answer is radio silence.
Yeah it's just an aesthetic matter. I kind of wish there was a way to somehow restore it into a normal looking prewar shotgu
Wooden shotguns are my fetish
>Yea Forums bitches incomprehensible about menial shit in a game that is fucking awesome
You are like a nursing home. Sit around and bitch about everything when you’re old and forgotten faggots
The weather system was a nice improvement too
No you fucking blind idiot, the game isn't good because it drags it heels all over, and the open levels are just privy to crafting materials and combat encounters, THAT'S IT.
And fuck the Caspian Sea zone, just fuck it, it's just a giant sandbox to parody Fury Road, except instead of a cool fast dune buggy, it's a loudly squeaking, rusting shopping cart.
Not to mention the plot doesn't really grab you.
you can "not kill" slaves and still have Damir leave, I know because it happened to me.
its to point out that humanity is literally on its last leg, and killing humans when you don't have to is fucking retarded.
the ending to Exodus is Miller DIRECTLY TELLING YOU that you must unite everyone and save humanity from itself, even if they are violent.
that is the moral, they are shitheads, but killing them is a net-negative, except cannibal fucks, kill them.
Ah yes Americans. Just shoot everything lol!
They are in the game though, during the last mission when you are in a heavily radiated zone, you can spot darkones hiding in places, looking at you. Presumably helping you through the radiation zones to find what you need and by showing you visions. But that's all really up to speculation, make's sense though considering darkones feed of heavy radiation and considering no one can even be on the outside in that city, it'll make a good place for them to live.
>FPS with gun customization
he didn't have much longer left anyways, the entire game he was judging you to see if you were worthy of command, and of taking care of his daughter.
when he finds you with the medicne for her he knew that you were the one, and finally calls you Son.
he is legit more happy in that car ride back to the train than anytime else in the series, it doesn't matter that he's about to die, Arytom is everything he wanted in a Son, and he's about to save his daughter, he is elated even though he has like an hour to live.
shit was amazing.
This is true. And just like a nursing home you cannot leave unless you are dead.
Damir also left in my playthrough, I probably missed a slave freeing mission, i hated the desert map.
Falling for the open world meme really fucked up the game. They should have kept it linear. Volga at least had that Nuclear Aftermath feel, Caspian is just a Mad Max knock-off.
They should have taken some time from Caspian and Taiga and expanded on the Winter level.
Tbf senpai, the linear parts of the game were probably the best especially the last level.
MIller was saying that to Arytom in the car while he was passed out.
So I kept waiting for them to expand on the war still going on, maybe have us meet generals or politicians or something. Or was it ALSO a ruse? It just feels unfinished
the books
It was made pretty clear through diary's and the story that there was no war anymore, Nato forces never occupied Russia and were probably too busy mending their own wounds, though Washington was apparently fine according to one of the diary's in the satellite station as it was reported there being lights on in city. Maybe Russia is the only country that got hid this bad, dunno.
there is no war, everyone in the entire world is almost definatly focused on localized shit like in the Metro and everywhere else you go, the idea of a war of nations when said nations were literally obliterated is insane, and only people who lived before it would believe it (Miller).
the last level is a thing of Art, you feel the urgency of finding the medicine, both because of Anna's health, and because you are quite literally dying with every step.
I think everyone knew Miller was going to give you his shot too, but it still got me, he was happy that he had a real man, worthy of his command position and daughters hand in marriage, he was so elated and content in that car ride back.
The good endings aren't the canon endings.
They are endings you have to EARN.
Doing GOOD DEEDS should lead to a GOOD ENDING.
Killing an entire village of people that just want to protect their home is a pretty SHITTY thing to do.
Fuck you, OP
You're a fucking child.
When will someone make a fanfiction that's a horrible abomination of Mad Max, Metro and Fallout?
>Artyom dies in the bad ending of LL
>It's canon bro
How to get the good ending:
1. Volga. Don't kill the religious people, do all side quests including freeing the religious people. Bandit deaths do not matter.
2. Yamantau. There are no different outcomes on this, it's basically an autoscroller.
3. Mad Max zone. Always knock out enemies, never kill. Do all the side quests. Bandit lives are tied to the good ending here.
4. Forest area. Do not kill any of the Pirates or Pioneers. Feel free to murder the bandits near the church though, to save the tied up Pioneer.
5. End city. No human enemies here, another autoscroller.
You need to do 2/3 good ends of chapter. You can mess one up as long as you have two good outcomes.
Ruse by Invisible Watchers to maintain power and control.
Just a read a summary on 2035. Sounds cool. Is it pretty much confirmed then that the war was a Rússia vs The World scenario? They always mention NATO as opposed to singular nations.
The final level makes a great job of making you panic. It was a nice touch making your filters run out in seconds whenever there was an window or crack to the outside.
A lot of anons seem to forget the sidequests. You need to return the bear, get the guitar, and free the captured cultists on that level as well. Same with the desert level, you must do all side objectives, including finding the secret area.
That sucks lad, but how does one get spotted, I found stealth in this game to be the easiest one yet out of the two metro's that feature it. Last light was annoying when it came to stealth, but this game was insanely easy, I never felt like I had to wait for opportunities to arrive to move on, there was always a path that you could take without getting spotted.
>Bandit lives are tied to the good ending here
What the f*ck? How is killing slaver bandits a bad thing?
They're not, you can kill them, as long as you do all the optional stuff, such as saving all the slaves in the optional slave freeing sidequest, killing all the bandits in the water mission, so the slaves can escape later, rescuing the one resistance leader which afterwards he shoots him self and leaves a death note, as well as not shooting the wounded soldiers that are in the lighthouse.
I think it's a gamebug honestly, but after testing it on my first Normal playthrough, then my Ranger Hardcore, I can pretty much confirm that the slavers need to be knocked out. It's the only thing I did differently, and Damir ended up joining the Rangers again after when I didn't harm a single human.
Nah, you can kill the slavers all you want.
I'm not sure abot the tribals tho, since they are basically slaves with privilages/guns, so I just avoided them/knocked 'em out
Btw, anyone got a link to the pirated patch?
Getting spotted doesn't matter unless you're trying for the Forest achievement. I ended up running up and punching enemies in the mouth when I got spotted. Still considered good karma.
You can't kill tribals, but you can kill slavers, tribals are the slaves with guns.
Haven't read any of the books besides 2033, but real world NATO is in large part a defensive alliance, so anyone attacking one member state would be going up against NATO as a whole by nature.
>being this optimistic about stalker 2
I probably fucked that up on my first run, then. Very easily missable is at the very end, you can knock out/kill the slaver that was beating the slave for easy karma.
As much as I want stalker 2 to be a thing, it'll never be.
do they ever touch the American flag in the Volga level?
is it a big plot point?
i'm in the Caspian and I've found no reference to it
There was no America flag, it looked like it, which is why Anna fell into the dump, but it actually wasn't one. It's touched upon later.
Is it just me, or is Anna useless? Constantly being captured or falling into holes, etc. The damsel in distress thing got old at Yamantau.
fuck, i thought i took a screenshot of it, but i can't find it now
it really, really looked like and american flag, at the very least you could make out red and white stripes and a blue upper corner
Is it me or the soundtrack is clearly inferior to the two first games?
I went to check, and the dudes who worked on the two first games are completely absent from Exodus.
> patch
Would really like to get my hands on that, hopefully the optimization will fix the awful stuttering.
you all get captured in Yamantau, Sam just finds you first
the only time she appeared incompetent was in the sniper duel in the Caspian Sea
even then she'll kill the enemy sniper if you drag it out too long
Dumb nigger, stop spouting memes about a game you've never played.
Yeah definitely. The dark ambient sorta stuff they had going while you explored was cool, but nothing will ever come close to these for me
inb4 radiation makes you go full retard and you suckstart your gun to anhero.
It turned out to be a shirt of some sort, but it wasn't a flag, the whole "occupation forces" tensions made Anna rush the gun a bit and make a mistake and if there were occupation forces, there would have been diary's about it, or at least a mention about landing forces, but the locals never said there was. It's safe to assume they never came, and that the war was over as soon as the nukes started dropping, plus with no radio jamming, there have been no American radio signals or anything and no mention of there ever having been any. But yeah, Anna did fuck up quite a bit, though Yamantau can be hardly her fault, the only thing she screwed up was by falling into the bunker and that was because everyone was on edge.
church theme was pretty cool
and ofcourse this
You're forgetting no quicksave too.
spot on, user.
I cried like a bitch during the ending.
You can choose to have a transparent one or no hud.
That autumn train ride was bleak but damn wetr the screenshots kino tier
Post more screenshots lads
The thing I really liked is how they remove the QTE indicator to tell you when, and which button to press in order to survive.
The worst thing being, you sometimes have cutscenes of Artyom beating up monsters, and sometimes it's a QTE, and you have no way to differentiate them without the QTE indicator.
Even worse, the game won't teach you or tell you about the new mechanics they introduced in Exodus, such as salvaging guns to acquire crafting material.
Basically playing Ranger Hardcore Full Dive means that you'll get fucked in a purely artificial manner.
>tfw Metro 4 you go back to Moscow with Duke n Pals and fuck shit up to free the Metro from Hansa control with the help of the Dark One kid that you saved in Last Light.
I mostly used stealth. It's easy I am rambo in these games. I killed everybody who shot at me, isn't that hard. You can even do one map without killing a single person. Also I would give it a 7/10.
Things I didn't like
>the story
>the open world
>the lack of gas mask filter
Would buy, sounds good in copcept. But honestly, I'm fine with Artyom's story ending as a trilogy. I wanted a game to be a bit more 'metro', but it was a satisfying conclusion all things considered.
yeah, the only UI element that casualizes the game is the crosshair, and you can turn that off individually
>ywn get to give Anna a boost IRL
why live
>tfw you play as Artyom's son and free the Metro
I'm on board. Hopefully the whole Epic blowback (scummy as their move was) doesn't fuck over the developer and they keep it coming
I don't think it will be the end, I think the next game might be either heading back to moscow immediately to save the metro, or a prolonged trip to Moscow, picking up allies along the way to fight the Watchmen and ultimately free the Metro.
Aren't the Watchmen the big mutant dogs? That stand on their hind legs?
About to start 2033. Whats the difference between regular hard and ranger hard? The game just says that enemies take as much damage as I do when shot. Is Ranger the "realistic" difficulty or something?
Anna is BAE
This the ending was unsatisfactory for me. I hope they save Olga and the forrest kids, they go back to save those Kazakhs too. Also my favourite part was in the game when Miller executed the cannibal minsiter of war in the Urals. "Die like humans" .
Also what happened to Moscow? I am pretty sure that without the Order supervising peace there the Red Line took over the whole thing.
Movement is meant to be clunky since you're in so much gear. Not meant to be DOOM or Halo 5. You're a normal dude carrying heavy shit.
I never got stuck while playing.
I only got infrequent stuttering.
Flashlight is meant to be shit to increase the tension, also it's old as fuck and not maintained since there was a nuclear war. Cobbled together shit doesn't work as good. Also more incentive to search for night vision upgrade.
Characters literally say "Do not kill these people please" or "Let's do this without killing them". If you rush in guns blazing and kill innocent people, you are the person they are targeting with the bad ending.
If you got the bad ending, it's because you are who they wanted to give it to.
Micromanagement is not real.
Upgrading your shit is good.
My subs worked great and I could understand the accents because I can speak the english language.
Does anyone know if the crafting materials and ammo you lose between chapters is a set amount/percentage or if the game automatically starts you off with a set amount of ammo and mats each chapter?
I didn't notice until I lost over half of each between Yamantau and Caspian.
>subtitles off just leads to the player not being able to understand shit because of the heavy accents
How come so many retards can't follow the dialogue?
Not sure but you are given a ton of crafting materials when you use the workbench in the train. Don't if this is every time of at the start of each new chapter.
I'm pretty sure I didn't lose anything between Yamantau and Caspian. I was actually trying to not be capped on resources and supplies.
never noticed that
you cannot kill these particular groups
fanatics,tribals (unless it is a forced shooting section),Polis soldiers (unless forced shooting section),Pioneers and Pirates,Slaves
Bandits and literally every mutant are fair game
the fuck are you on about
this game is just full of raging Goose moments
Why do they have such a shitty technology? Didn't the war happen in 2013, yet they have 80s technology.
>caring about the ending
>in a non stalker game
>that fight in Yamantau after your bros rescue you and Miller and you're waiting for the elevator
>on RHC
Fuck that noise. That was awful. Thank Christ I had molotovs.
It's Russia dude, they can't even afford 140 of their new tanks at once.
You probably didn't do all the sidequests. They give a ton of good-boy points. Why would you not do the sidequests when going for the ending you know involves a bit more effort.
Is everyone forgetting that in the books, Artyom rarely kills? And the few times he does, he regrets it?
Anyone else having performance issues?
My shit in on low and it still stutters hard and has massive fps drops, making the entire game unplayable
this bugged me too, the first two games weren't so heavy on the 80s nostalgia
in particular the city sections really looked like the rockets hit in present day
but i guess you just can't avoid commie nostalgia with Russkies
Because they didn't play the game and watched some retard speed run it, or they did that themselves. There's far too many people who don't like games who just rush through them so they can get videos out or voice their opinions after speed running on easy and missing everything.
They don't know or care about the books even though exodus takes place right after 2035.
They're just busy basing opinions off of incorrect information because they're either too stupid to listen to their companions about not killing innocents or haven't played the game and are reading stuff written by people too stupid to listen to their companions about not killing innocents. Or they're just bloodthirsty maniacs who want to shoot absolutely everyone capable of still drawing breath and are the same sort of bandit fuck that willfully shoots lonerbros in STALKER.
So what did they drop on Novosibirsk?
no frame drops, it sturrers a little after the game loads, especially when you open doors / take aim / other shit when animations play
had to lower graphics from the recommended Ultra preset to High though
i'd try installing it on an SSD, might get rid of some of the stutter
I'm pretty sure you can kill bandits in the desert zone, but I think maybe doing stealth kills as opposed to stealth knockouts when in melee range might give bad karma. IDK about the pirates though. I know poineers and tribals are good guys.
cobalt bomb probably
Miller: We must split up into two teams: Team A and Team B. Team A will consist of myself, Anna, Stepan, Sam, Damir, Idiot, Yermak, Duke, Tokarev and Alyosha.
Team B will consist of Artyom.
Now, listen closely, Team B. Your goal will be to lower the bridge, kill the cannibals, obtain satellite photos, find water and fuel. Meanwhile, Team A will go to the kitchen area, where there is a guitar which Team B found and some vodka. We will drink the vodka and take turns playing guitar until Team B makes it through.. By that time, Team B, remember that's you Artyom, should reach the outer core of the Novosibirsk metro. It will be a cold and dangerous descent, and there could be radiation and monsters here. Once you reach outside, we will drive by in the train we could have brought earlier, you should be able to get a clear view through the window of us drinking vodka and playing guitar. Are there any questions? Great, let's do it. Go, Team!
I killed those tree people and olga sounded like if I didn't she was gonna come with us. No wonder they gave anna some shit because every other girl you ever meet is thiccer in every way.
Everyone living in the metro was subject to a super rushed evacuation, so it's just random people instead of an organized effort to maintain order.
I don't give a fuck about the bad ending, the problem with the game is that movement is fucked up. Like Artyom walks too slow and get stuck everywhere. Plus weapons has the worst accuracy I have ever seen.
still beats having to follow an NPC all the time
i'm glad even Giul didn't follow you into the ruins
A butt-worm bomb
The weapons are plenty accurate assuming they have decent accuracy ratings. If you aren't using a heavy barrel you shouldn't expect pinpoint accuracy.
I noticed sometimes I'll sit down at a workbench and randomly get a couple mats when I get up but I can't figure where they come from.
I got a hint/tooltip between Volga and Yamantau that said some of my mats were taken to maintain the Aurora but I only lost about 100-200 of each. It didn't bother me until the Yamantau to Caspian transition. I had 700+ mechanical mats that dropped to around 340, and 150 reserve rifle ammo that dropped to around 50-60. Also had full reserve pistol ammo that dropped to 17.
It really bugs me because there isn't a single laptop or smartphone or anything. You could say that the metro warehouses were filled during the cold war so there are only 80s stuff there, but outside you should find newer stuff. Also at radio jamming system they show you a map with the Soviet Union, but in Novosibirsk (or Caspian) they have a modern map.
>Find the minigun in the Bunker
>Inaccurate as fuck
>Have to pump it ontop of reloading it
I have never been so disappointed in a weapon so far and i thought the pump rifle was shit too
>put long barrel on AK
>still shoots like a fucking airsoft gun
No point putting anything other than a reflex on it with how inaccurate that thing gets past 20m. Haven't used the sniper rifle yet, but at this point I'm just hoping it isn't as bad. I don't at all expect it to be accurate.
I understand everyone's using shit, surplus ammo, but come the fuck on m8.
you literally type like a 14 year old, but that's Yea Forums's main demo now so I guess that makes sense
The AK isn't supposed to be super accurate considering it has a decent rate of fire and decent stability. The Bulldog which basically replaces the AK is what you are after and can get really early on in Caspian.
Weird. I never noticed losing materials, though if what the other user said about getting some from accessing the train's workbench is true, that may be why I didn't notice. I accessed the train workbench in Caspian pretty much immediately, so I left Yamantau barely managing to avoid capping at 300 by making Tihar ammo and consumables and got off the train on Caspian under the same circumstance.
Her greatest mistake was not beating the stupidity out of Artyom or believing her father had any credibility. The game makes it fairly clear that they are the main drivers of what happens. Anna really only suffers because she doesn't really take control.
just get the 75 round mag for the Kalesh it's much better.
maybe you could say that 80s tech is more primitive and the lack of electronics makes it better suited for the post-war world but it still doesn't explain the pre-war locations
the PCs in the Caspian facility have 5,25" drives for fuck's sake
i'd still be okay with that in a nuclear shelter since those don't really get new hardware after they're built, but in a facility where people worked daily for decades it's retarded
>no opportunity to use Railgun outside of endgame
Why? I get that it's busted, but restricting it to half of the end mission is stupid.
There's not being super accurate, which would be fine, and then there's the AK being comparable to an actual toy, which is stupid. There's no excuse for the AK being the piece of trash that it is.
The AK with the heavy barrel and best stock/foregrip are plenty accurate. Are you moving and shooting or not crouching when taking pot shots?
No. I had the best mods on mine. Take the thing out to like 50-75m and watch the tracers. It's a god damn joke.
The AK is fine and I had no issues hitting things with it. Are you sure you just aren't aiming properly or that your gun is somewhat clean?
>doing good end run
>finishing up the terminal
>what is all this shit by this window?
>cut down the bodies
>oh it brings in the fish
>pull the lever to drop shit on it and kill it
>no negative effects, Preacher lets me leave peacefully
>after I killed their god
Should have worshiped the anomalies, can't kill those.
Anna is a stripper/hooker with combat training, she works out. Of course all the hillbilly babushkas they meet aren't as fit.
I mean 75m is pretty damn far out in this game and it's also a 7.62x39mm rifle as well. It's fine in midrange which is what it is designed for. The bulldog is the one that trades stability and fire rate for damage and accuracy.
I'm pretty sure you get good karma for killing it. I can't exactly remember. They sacrifice humans to the damn thing.
Why the fuck is the pistol with the long barrel mod the best weapon in the game?
from what i've read in the fluff, it uses .44 Mag
Earlier today
>take AK I'd never fired since cleaning
>put crosshair upper center mass on guy 75m out
>watch bullet veer up and to the left
>then down and to the right
>then straight down
>finally it hits his face
>was still aiming in roughly the same location from crouch
Not on Caspian it's not. You can't be a dev, give a map with huge sightlines, give a nigga a rifle, and then make the rifle's accuracy beyond pissing range a fucking joke without expecting some complaints. The AK might as well be a fucking SMG for what it does in Metro.
>it's 7.62x39
Not an argument when we're still within 300-400m, even with the shitty ammo we're supposedly using. And if you wanna talk about the ammo, why does 7.62x39 do such shitty fucking damage? The AK is crap.
any bare titties like the stripper in the first (or was it second) one?
revolver was always very good in previous metros
Just think of how assmad they will be afterward. They weren't just feeding it their dead it was also keeping the humanimal population down.
quite a few in the second map ending
I tried feeding it and letting it get away and also I tried killing it. I didn't get the karma sound for either. Also they only feed dead bodies to it.
Does anyone else think they might feed dead to the fish for a reason? One of the humanimal lairs in Volga is an old cult burial ground. Maybe they feed dead bodies to the fish to avoid attracting mutants?
I know about upgrades, but it makes no sense that they put that focus on weapon "customization" when is more like an upgrade system. I just wanted to make cool shit like an ak74u bit it's completely worthless. I was hyped reading the different parts descriptions since I thought they will change the weapon behavior instead of being just direct upgrades.
It's done for weapon balance purpose, as the vast majority of engagements occur between 5 to 50 meters, and also the Kalesh isn't supposed to be a long-range weapon really. The Valve, Bulldog, Hellsing and even revolver with heavy barrel are made for the longer-range engagements.
Same here, I was expecting the ending to just try and pull at my heartstrings with Anna only. Didn't really expect millers death to effect me but the way he went out just made me cry like a bitch. Artyom trying his hardest and dying to save his wife and failing and Miller coming to save you so that you can take care of Anna. The little boy being in awe of the world at the end while you're driving, I just kept looking over at Miller That whole final mission was great.
Olga has pretty bouncy tits too.
>the Bastard uses the same ammo
>fully automatic .44 sub machine gun
Too bad it doesn't reflect in the damage
I know. And the weapon balance is shit. There's no reason to use the AK when the revolver simply exists, the shotguns do way better up close, and the Tihar has virtually limitless ammo with good accuracy and one-shot headshots with high pressure. The only thing the AK is good for is wasting ammo
>weak damage
>bad accuracy
>makes you pass up better options because you're stuck with special weapons for the third slot
Miller was such a badass, he didn't even need his shot of green goo to last as long as he did. Artyom got his dose at the end. He also did everything without his signature weapon.
I mean aside from stocks/grips getting straight better there's usually a decent toss up between using a heavy barrel vs a suppressor or a smaller magazine vs. a bigger one. But, yeah, I usually just went heavy barrel and modest magazine sizes pretty much every time since I had a quiet weapon in slot 3, anyway.
considering you load the ammo yourself, i explained that as you loading either 9x18 (or x19, i don't know) or .44 depending on which gun you carry
that they're interchangeable in the game is just a video game taking liberties with realism
Yeah the AK gets phased out pretty hard in caspian, but the bastard and minigun are probably even more worthless when you think about it.
Oh I know they are. Hence, the weapon balance is shit. I mean, miniguns are never good and purely for cool factor in games. But the Bastard was at least serviceable in earlier games, and now the AK basically does its job.
True, but in the earlier games the AK 2013 also existed and totally one-upped the Kalesh as well.
The kid telling you what he did just made it so much better. All that to save his daughter and the man she loves so that he can protect her when Millers gone. I really didn't expect it to hit me as hard as it did.
>minigun are probably even more worthless
The part where you attend the Admiral's tea party made me legitimately sad. He set out to protect his friends from mutants directly where they came from, and fell into madness when they died and he got radiation poisoning. I wanted to take him along and get him leg replacements/augments like Miller has. The part where he asks you to stay was the worst.
Yeah, the music keeps climbing as Artyom holds on for dear life. Didn't expect the game to get me, but it got me hard.
Some criticized the stuff with Anna but it was well done imho and necessary to make me give a damn about the character.
Yeah they give a nod to his endurance at the end, when they mention how his body's readings were off the chart. The old man really grew on me.
Which was fine because the Kalash was still good. I took it all the way through the game with me in multiple playthroughs over the 2012 or VSK-94 because it performed more than adequately. But it's actually trash in Exodus.
.the amount of spelling errors
I am imagining a fat fuck just completely raging at his monitor while furiously typing. Thanks for the laugh.
Same feels. I stayed till he fell asleep. This game has some pretty good emotional highs in general, surprising for a shooter.
I mean, in the earlier games the 2013 literally does everything but better. Now the bulldog is probably for all intents and purposes the better rifle but the Kalesh can still slap on a 70 rounder and become and LMG-type thing. I mean it's not great but definitely slightly more interesting.
And like I just said, in the earlier games the Kalash wasn't a piece of shit. I don't care that there's a straight upgrade so long as the other stuff is decent, but the Kalash isn't even that.
>but the Kalesh can still slap on a 70 rounder and become and LMG-type thing
>saying that like it's somehow redeeming in a game with limited resources that heavily incentivizes you to shoot at least somewhat carefully
There is no way you can excuse their making the Kalash substantially worse than pretty much everything except the shitty machine pistol and a the memegun.
The game really requires you to stick around during the dialogue bits to get the most out of the characters. I imagine that someone who rushed the game and didn't listen to their party would have a very average experience with the story.
As long as you have enough teammates alive with you at the end to donate blood you'll get the good ending. That being said I always hated the Metro series morality system, this type of game doesn't really need that or multiple endings. Plus this setting is supposed ot be morally grey, killing the cultists in Volga is considered bad by the devs but from annother viewpoint I'd say its justified. You learn from npcs and diaries that anyone who crosses through that area gets kidnapped, forced into their cult or tied to a post and get eaten alive by mutants. It would be safer for other travelers if you killed them.
Seeing Anna repeatedly and it just keeps getting more intense and you start shutting down. Then miller shows up and is just as fucked up but he gets you out. Granted he wasn't as fucked on radiation as artyom was due to all the surface time. I really don't understand the criticisms about Anna not acting like a cunt to you "she has to be a rude bitch because shes tough she can't be nice" Just acting like a newlywed couple.
I don't think it was that bad, but I'll level that the Exodus Kalash is probably worse than the 2033/LL Kalash.
On the other hand, they're just misguided idiots trying to survive, much like the Forest Children. I spared the Paladins on the idea that they're not all bad, and showing them that they don't have to be assholes. On the other hand, I killed everything but slaves in the Caspian Sea, even when they surrendered, which I felt was justified.
Anybody know where to find the heavy barrel for the bastard gun in the Volga level? I've always managed to find it before but now this latest time I don't have it. I have the long barrel for the pistol but not for the bastard gun and I swear I feel like I'm going nuts but I thought those were the same thing.
In fairness, part of it is probably me being bootyblasted and making it seem worse than it is, although I'm sticking with what I said about it being outclassed by just about everything else. I'd honestly be less irritated if I could simply put whatever I wanted to in my third weapon slot.
I love the volga area, feels like a stalker game but that's about it.
Metro Exodus sucks because:
>no trading
>desert map is bland as fuck
>the valley is too small, not much to explore.
>dead city area feels rushed.
>the crafting feels shallow, not much to go with.
The big advantage that the Kalash has over the bulldog is reload speed, that bullpup takes a significantly longer time to reload. Also higher rate of fire can mean more chances to land a headshot.
I didn't touch the bulldog for the first couple playthroughs I did and felt that the kalash worked perfectly well, accurate enough to work at medium range and fast firing enough to handle in close.
Whereas when I used the bulldog, I really liked it but felt I needed a bastard gun for close quarters work as the low rate of fire of the bulldog really doesn't cut it for close quarters engagement a lot of times.
Yup that's probably true hence Metro 4 will be about liberating the Metro and bring the people out to the surface.
>Also higher rate of fire can mean more chances to land a headshot.
Controllerfag, please.
The forest children did escape, after the Taiga level you can listen in on a radio chat of some bandits getting slaughtered as the forest dwellers are on the warpath doing a mass migration and cutting through the bandits in their way.
Yea Forumsirgins are sub human apes. Fucking hell.