Bros. it's over

bros. it's over.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>microsoft game studios?
wait what

>no krogan romance

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microsoft published on 360

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what, did you think Bioware has been owned by EA for its entire existence.

fuck, ME1 was the first vidya ever I bought with my own money from my very first job so it means a lot to me.

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>thinking about all the squandered potential

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zoom zoom

that smile

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god, I'm getting nostalgia from games that came out between fucking 2007 and 2010

I'm sure EA will reboot it in a few years after Bioware has been long buried.



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>that music
>that space drama
>them infinite possibilities for storytelling
>that clunky gameplay looking to be ironed out and refined in future iterations
>that potential
>my fucking face I have no face
I mean, even though 1, 2 and 3 were overall very meh games, I was still hooked to that "magic" that sadly doesn't exist anymore

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We had a good run. Be happy it happened and that it won't be continuously desecrated like a lot of other franchises.

Reminder that Earthborn Sole Survivor is the best background for Paragon Shep

>Activision, EA Bethesda
>enemies everywhere

Mods, delet this thread, it fills me with sadness.

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I hope EA sell Bioware back to MS

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>it won't be continuously desecrated like a lot of other franchises.

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That game was shit, worst group AI I have ever seen.

I think they're just saying that as a last desperate attempt, there's no way this studio gets another big budget after anthem. I hope not anyway, they've proven they aren't the bioware of old.

Tell me about the year you first played mass effect 1, how it felt when you finally got control over the SSV Normandy, and then at the end when these credits played and you had finished the game for the first time.

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I don't know if I'm happy or sad the franchise is dead as shit

Nothing of value was lost

>That feel when you actually enjoyed MEA

What do Zoomers see out of this boring and generic series?

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when I finished it I immediately went online to see if there was news of a sequel


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this game was released when boomers were in their prime. Zoomers were still suckling their mommas teets

>germen sovereign

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Just give me DA4
Then you have my permission to die

It's WRPG fans, they'll swallow any shit that's put in front of them if they're given the illusion of muh player choice

The same year PC version came out. The pirated copy I had had a faulty crack that caused Galaxy Map to just be a black screen(some say it was released by the devs themselves), I was hooked up pretty bad that I bough a physical copy. The rest was the love fading when I found out how fucking repetitive it was and trying to get to the end as soon as possible. Didn't care about the ending song because I was hitting esc like possessed the moment credits started because of the frustration over the repetition and that joke of a endboss fight. It was only years later I heard it properly when I was watching a streamer jaming to it.

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most people hold games most dear to them they played as a young child. gay effect was popular when most zoomers were young. therefore most zoomers who played gay effect are its true fans

Holy fuck german Wrex. Also the German voice actor for Shepard sounds ridiculously like a German Mark Meer what the fuck. Doesn't seem like a bad effort at all.

why did you finish the game if you didn't enjoy it

Notice I said BOUGHT. The store I bought it from had a no-refund policy for ANY opened products.

Yeah damn that sounds like Mark Veer, and Sovereign sounds good too.

It would make sense if Reapers were dumb robots with faulty reasoning to carry out their task. I had problem with synthetics vs organics thing from the start desu. First game should have been the end of the Reaper story and then we could have had Sheps shenanigans in Terminus and other parts of Galaxy doing Specter shit. And more galactic politics.

>he doesn’t know about the originally planned story

so? you suffered through it because you spent money?

Hey me too

I bought the trilogy years ago but never bothered playing it, give a reason I should at least try it?


What's wrong anons?
Can't handle a what real woman look like?
Bunch of pigs the lot of you!

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Now post the woman she was modeled after

>Game 1
Love letter to pulp space opera, complete with a shitty grain tv filter. Action RPG with some jankiness but a solid foundation. Frisbee grenades
>Game 2
Slick third person shooter with some squad tactics and RPG elements. More streamlined inventory/weapon customization system.
>Game 3 had to be there.

I do, I'm just mocking what the glory of ME1 sovereign's speech turned into by ME3

I love my cute, autistic sister!

2 is garbage

Is ME1 worth a replay Yea Forums? I rented it for a few days before ME2 released and I enjoyed it but I rushed and didn’t get to fully experience it. At the time I didn’t really care for the graphics or the reading and dialogue with side characters etc. But I think if I were to play through it again I would take my time with it and try and soak everything up. I also never ended up playing ME3 but I really enjoyed 2.

Would it be worth it to give EA my shekels again?

I have Andromeda installed on my PS4 after I bought it on sale and I need to get around to playing that as well.

Thank God. You have to know when it’s time to just put a sick old dog down.

Pirate it, it does a great job at establishing the franchise.

No, my Shepard is a Spacer who had the concepts of honor and duty instilled upon him by his parents from birth - these things were never lost to him even after he suffered the devastating loss of his entire unit on Akuze.

*tips fedora*

No more miri ?

No more Miri

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>cyber saren is that glimmer of hope after mea was announced
>shepard's squad is all the post-release reviews and videos
it still hurts vros

ME 1: Garrus and Wrex
ME 2: Garrus and Mordin
ME 3: Garrus and Liara.
These are the only correct choices, with only a small amount of variation allowed for people like Legion.

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boomers in their prime bought this game and thought it was a 7/10 compared to past Bioware RPGs.

this is 100% a zoomer game like CoD4, its one of their childhood nostalgia games

Lone Survivor

which was?

I'm 30 and ME1 is one of my favorite games of all time. You're just wrong, most Zoomers were too young to play ME1 as kids when it came out.

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zoomers nostalgiafag over modern warfare on this board constantly and ME1 came out the exact same year and month.

you need a biotic for warp to break barriers. Unless Shepherd is the biotic in which case, well, OK.

Boring fuck still using outdated memes

Probably because they were legitimately good games? Do you seriously think CoD always had that certain reputation?

I'm gonna do it...

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2007 was one of the last great years for video games.

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Do you have all the DLCs and content released for all the games? I downloaded a torrent that had all of them, + i used some texture mods and restored content mods. Made it more enjoyable to play the first one.

What restored content?


I just want a followup/sequel to ME:A

Also Vetra best girl and talifags should fuck off

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How long does it take to finish? I want a new rpg to play and the memes here have me interested in ME

At least they made a nice Mass Effect easter egg in Anthem

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17 if you just play.
44 for 100%.

Sadly I've been here since 2005 so I can tell you that Modern Warfare kiddies used to get shit on here in its heyday, especially since it used to be a PC franchise and we had comfy 1/UO threads at times. We all joked that MW would became a nostalgiafag series for Yea Forums kiddies at some point and it actually did

Based but I didn't play 3

Look up the mass effect nexus, there are some mods there. Don't think ME1 had much, but there's some for ME2 and 3.

thats it? i thought it was a huge space opera rpg? does that mean literally just blazing through the main quest?

Mass Effect died with 3, was resurrected and shot in the head again with Andromeda.

Raising it from the dead again would be beating a dead horse, and the product of its resurrection would never be what you wanted. Just let it fucking die and rot in the ground.

How are you love scenes?

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Some games should never have sequels.
I literally have better memories of Bloodborne than Dark Souls because it wasn't sullied by terrible sequels and awful fanbase.

go to nexus mods and atleast install the texture mod and the mod that increases the elevator speed.

the elevators literally take up to 2 minutes from 1 level to another without it

>only female turian romance trapped in a shit game
absolute suffering

Why can't Yea Forums just enjoy playing video games?

And you still can get random loading messages after you get off the damn thing either way!

alright thanks
any restored / cut content mods i should look for?

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Another ME game would just be as boring and sterile as Andromeda was. The story has no where to go, it's uninspired, uninteresting and so are the characters.

The only thing they could possibly do is a faithful remaster / re-release of the original trilogy, with a complete re-tooling of 3's story and ending in order to make it tolerable and final.

just the story, yes

If you actually explore and do sidequests it will be longer, but still probably won't break 30 hours unless you're retarded.

There isn't any. I have no idea what they're talking about.

Are we talking general love scenes or straight up sex scenes?

For love scenes it does some pretty well, and some poorly
>the hetero ones are the best, omegalul

For the sex scenes, most are sadly fade to black, however Cora's one is worth it for her Ass and is really welll animated for some reason

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MS published the original ME on 360. In hindsight, they probably should have bought Bioware outright when they had the chance. Might have worked out better for both in the long run.

Because the games are all terrible

It's been over for 7 years, bro. Andromeda was just digging the corpse up, and raping it, and Anthem was dropping a nuke on the entire cemetery.

...why are you even here?

common man. atleast proof read that shit before posting

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>Another ME game would just be as boring and sterile as Andromeda was.
I guess I am the only one who likes the setting and wants to see it continue. I feel like MEA could do better with a more focused story and more interesting squadmates. Its a whole new galaxy to salvage.

>likes the setting
What was the setting besides 'some place in space'? Nothing there was interesting or memorable.

alright how much $ is it worth? full price or wait until sale?

This, somebody else can take up the mantle with a game that is like it in spirit but not the same game so they arent bound to this shitty universe

Well what about Shepard? He grew up in the colonies

He knows how tough life can be out there. His parents were killed when slavers attacked. He saw his whole unit die. He could have serious emotional scars

Every soldier has scars. Shepard is a survivor.

Is that the kind of person we want protecting the galaxy?

That's the only kind of person who *can* protect the galaxy

...I'll make the call.

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Just buy the fucking game, you retard. Jesus Christ. I swear to fuck this place is filled with fox-and-the-grapes poorfags and actual retards. The game's like 10 bucks/

>we'll never have that final epic battle with soverign we were meant to
Put an end to me

there's a mod that restores or just writes it in using unrelated dialogue, the description isn't clear gay stuff with two party members through unused dialogue and a few unused weapon skins you can add with the console, that's pretty much all there is.

that's pretty normal.

ok user well i just got my first job after years of unemployment and im trying to fix my life and save money

>Giving EA money.

i remember Cora's ass to this day. also the gal with the scottish accent + meme enemies and the transition screen between each planet/system

Well I didn't make and besides it's fitting, isn't it?

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>Not selecting Spacer

very very much this

>im trying to fix my life and save money
if you want to save money maybe you should acquire games some other way.

Spacer is for goody two shoes Paragon Shepard

Colonist is for Renegade asshole Shepard

>What was the setting besides 'some place in space'?
More space exploration in a Mass Effect setting but with decent writers who don't shovel pandering shit down our throats?

random question:
Was it ever explained why Shepard is breathing/alive after the high-score destroy ending? they rendered a whole cinematic so it has to have some kind of meaning and thought behind it

You'll be fine. There's plenty of ways to play even if you don't like one of them. Yeah, yeah. Best of luck.

I want Grunt to call me mommy as he fucks me and cries softly for a childhood he never had.

Survived to bang the LI again.

Tease that he survived. But purposely left open-ended so make your own headcannon as to what happens after that

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>Colonist is for Renegade asshole Shepard
Colonist is pretty much Luke Skywalker.

Why was Bring Down the Sky so good bros?

>so it has to have some kind of meaning and thought behind it
You get a bonus scene where you survive if you got a high readiness, that's all.

>gay effect
Haha, epic post my man. Screencaped

>Its a whole new galaxy to salvage.
Which is why the game's story is retarded beyond belief.

It's similar to saying Colombus crossed the atlantic ocean to find water.

Put off playing through the series because I read bad reviews about 3, but since I got Origin prime or whatever I decided to give them all ago, just beat 1 in about 40 hours and I have to say that I am pissed because I romanced Liara. Why did the game force her onto me? And who is the best romance in 2 for male shepard?

Dude the guy who did sovereign sounds just like his english va, I wonder if it is the same guy?


>was on the fucking Citadel
>somehow survived open vacuum of space
>somehow survived re-entry of earth's atmosphere
>somehow survived impacting earth
>somehow was able to breathe with only a dinged set of armor on the rubble of earth

yea. i just meant that Shepard surviving is kind off a big deal. if you want "your" hero to survive and fuck up the reapers, then destroy is your only option left

Is there a graph showing how many people picked each ending?

I want to see how many retards completely fucked up their galaxy by picking the retarded Synthesis option

Bioware already went from 8 studios to the present 2 (Edmonton and Austin).

With sales this bad they're going to mothball the studio entirely. If they save the name, it won't be the same studio at all.

destroy is the only good option anyway.

I was listening to Dan Harmon's podcast "Harmontown" a while back and during one episode they started playing the main menu music from mass effect but no one on stage knew where the song was from. They all loved it and replayed it multiple times improving comedy over the top of it and it was too bad no one knew what it was.

"Fucked up" how?

God damn imagine being this much of a contrarian pussy.

>implying he was on the Citadel in the first place


Has any company ever willingly given up a studio to another one just because it wasn't profitable anymore?

>Why did the game force her onto me?
You could have told her to fuck off.

I thought I would get asshole points for that.

thats my take on the whole situation too. after the Leviathan DLC it was clear to me that peaceful coexistence is literally not possible with those machines. they have no conscience no empathy. literally Super-Predators

Mass Effect was originally an Xbox 360 exclusive. It was later then ported to PC by Demiurge Studios a couple months later, and Playstation didn't even get Mass Effect until Mass Effect 2 released.

ME1 was completely a Bioware/Microsoft Games Studios product, but then EA came in and swooped up Bioware and we got ME2 (and 3)

Microsoft not obtaining Bioware when they could was easily one of Microsoft's biggest fuckups.

Imagine how different the ME series could have been if EA never got their grubby talons on BioWare

>not wanting asshole points

nothing bad happens, she gets embarrassed over misreading you and drops it.

Gaming memories/milestones that will stay with me until the day I die:
>Battle Arena Toshinden
>Tenchu 1
>Bushido Blade
>MGS 1
>Fallout New Vegas
>Mass Effect 1
>The Witcher 3

RIP in pieces, Bioware.

Tali gets some good development between games, but if you don't like her personality, there's nothing wrong with Miranda or Jack. But everyone agrees Garrus is the best romance anyways.

they did try to bioware. but bioware turned them down.

> It's not about owning the talent; you can't ever own the talent." That said, Kim admitted that Microsoft tried to buy the studio: "Well, I tried, but & not everybody wants to be bought, Elevation owns BioWare," Kim said.

Some shit about dark matter slowly destroying the universe. Still no reason of why would reapers harvest civilizations

who else remembers this

Doritos Pope left in utter disbelief

Ey, I had hopes that Anthem would be a new Mass Effect, but no, they had to turn it into a shitty loot shooter

I enjoy video games. ME was never very good.

I bought the trilogy on some sale origin was having and still have yet to actually play any of them. I really should

Because there is a KCD thread up and I always hope to see someone discuss an actual fun game.

>but with decent writers who don’t shovel pandering shit down our throats

Did you forget the embarrassing tranny character? Asari pronouns?

>"well, I tried, but & not everybody wants to be bought"
>gets bought up by EA a month later
oh fuck you Bioware


>"Have you ever played the game?"
>-laughs- "No way"
so this is peak Journalism

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BioWare hasn’t existed for over a decade, user. It’s now just an unrelated studio wearing the flayed face from BioWare’s corpse as a mask.

>Tease that he survived. But purposely left open-ended so make your own headcannon
no, to keep the door open for sequels, and the other endings are not sequel compatible.

The only valid ending is destroy, anyway.

You have been dealing with the Reapers for years, have seen them kill millions, kill friends and colleagues, enslave entire races. And then you finally amass an army to kill those cyberbug monsters, and when they're about to get exterminated all of a sudden they're like "wait Shepard you don't understand" and try to trick you into becoming a robot so they can just control you as well.

Destroy is the best endings. Fuck the Geth, they're just robots. Also fuck EDI, you can just rebuild her. In fact, everything that would be destroyed can be rebuilt.

>ME:A Menu Music

Its too good bros

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Yikes. You can feel the half-assedness in that. "Thank you for playing, don't forget to give us more money"

fucking based

What made ME1 memorable to me was that it was OUR universe, and humans were part of that story. Earth existed, and there was all the lore of humans being the newcomers to the galaxy with established races and civilizations that already have a sort of interplanetary government.

That's what made ME1 and 2 (and lesser extent 3) interesting to me. I don't care about the Andromeda Galaxy. I don't care what happens there. I have no interest in it, and the plot is convoluted, boring and super convenient that the races had the resources to send all these massive starships to that galaxy despite there being zero mention of it in the previous ME games.

I just don't like the premise, the characters are trash, and the Andromeda universe is 100x less interesting than the Milky Way with the Protheans and reapers and whatnot. That said, the reapers are trash post ME1.

Why is she so perfect?

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For me It's Halo 3 multiplayer right when it came out, my first time playing Mass Effect 1 and just being absorbed into the lore, worldbuilding and universe and nostalgic soundtrack. Exploring the Citadel for the first time and all the wonder of encountering these new interesting alien races and their culture, and aliens that actually looked like aliens not just people in costumes (outside of the Asari).

I miss what video games used to be.

just finished playing ME1
The story is just okay. Cutscenes and dialogs are the best thing in the game.
The gameplay is awful, the vehicle parts are tiring and the gunplay is worse than in fucking VtMB.
Very overrated IMO

>Steals your secret government stealth tech

No, shes not

She exists

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>worst romance options
Kek she a shit

Whoops user, you uploaded the wrong picture, here, let me fix it

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Chances are you'll like the second game better then, give a try. Gameplay is more polished, more shooter than RPG focused, no vehicle sections but more characters, cutscenes and conversations.

>no geth romance

Will she get a real sex scene in MEA2?

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IF we get a sequel I hope so

Her Drawn porn is A+ Tier

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Has andrmeda been fixed with patches yet? Or is it still an unplayable bugfest?

>No good femshep romances besides Garrus
>Don't want to cuck him and Tali
Shepard lived a hard life.

It's considerably LESS buggy. And completely abandoned.

From what I understand its been fixed, you will want a few mods.

There was only 1 patch, in which they took Jaal, turned him from being straight; Fem-Ryder romance only to being Bi and able to be romanced by Fem-Ryder and Male Ryder

They they gave everyone the middle finger and NOPE'd out and abandoned everything in the game and turned the lights off

>Not getting Garrus some pussy at the bar


yes your life is over dumb fucking frog poster


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What the fuck, did Shepard get cancer from that Collector base? The ending must have come as sweet release for him.

I think battlefield or cod is more up your ally.

>preorder ME3
>digital soundtrack releases before the game launches
>listen to
>get hyped for an incredible conclusion
I've experienced many disillusionments up to that point in my life but the pain of 2012 is still real.

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Pisses me off when people talk shit about the first game because of "muh gameplay".
It has so much amazing world building and story potential that ends up going nowhere because Bioware changed writers. The best one in the series.
Mass Effect 2 shits on the story, but the quality of the companions, and the suicide mission make it a solid game.
Mass Effect 3 is garbage. Not just the ending, but the entirety of it leading up to the ending. DUDE LMAO SHEPARD 1V1S A FUCKING REAPER LOOOOOOL
Mass Effect Andromeda is better than Mass Effect 3, because it at least doesn't shit on a previously established franchise.

yeah i feel your pain dog, ME3 was pretty much marked the end of my bright eyed and hopeful teenage adolescence and the beginning of my bitter cynical adulthood. i felt betrayed and massively letdown, lost trust in people, and learned not to be excited for anything ever again.

I just finished watching a well articulated video on Mass Effect Andromeda. Beyond the memes and EA is bad face criticism, this was a breath of fresh air. How early the project started, who left and who remained and at what time, plus the deconstruction of the plot.

In all its a mediocre game that's one poor Star Trek episode stretched out to 20 hours. And the writing was cornered by refusing to step back into ME1, 2, 3 Milky Way due to 3's ending. Great video analysis, learned a lot.

Tuchanka would be better if there was an actual moral choice there even when Wrex is still alive.
Rannoch could have been improved by not pushing geths as pacifist dindus and forced you to make a choice instead of letting you use the colored text to make everyone friends.
Despite those shortcomings I still find those two story arcs good. They delivered satisfying pay-offs to side stories that were built up over the first two games.

Man I realy enjoyed watching raycevick videos about mass effect, he's right about everything.

I enjoyed Andromeda over 1. One's gameplay just drags it down that much.

Im not even sure why everyone likes me2

ending screens at the end of missions like a fucking arcade game
streamlining equipment was ass
streamlining level system was ass
all of a sudden guns have clips
everything that happens in the game is completely irrelevant
last boss is giant terminator

only good thing from me2 is legion and he is only available for a small part of the game before its over

>expecting third person shooter polish from a crpg developer
1's gameplay is perfectly acceptable on its own and moreso satisfying and fun as part of an rpg.

>retard ME2 fan.

1 > 3 > Andromeda > 2.

Spotted the rpgfag

You can either enjoy your companions and their personal missions that also contribute to the overall world building and approach suicide mission without save & load attitude and actually letting characters stay dead if you fucked up or you can nitpick irrelevant things like UI and changes to gun.
Your call.
ME2 is still an incredible experience.
Except the final boss. I prefer to forget about it.

>Lol just kidding we’re actually robots made by an A.I. as an experiment.


so i go into the sequel thinking im going on a wild ride trying to stop a race of machines wiping out all life

what i get is dicking about with friends watered down rpg edition

amazing experience

you can literally play me1 then 3 and miss absolutely nothing

If you skip all the the cutscenes you can also skip ME and just play any modern bang bang shoot game, dear reddit spacing friend.

What am I in for?

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Literal fucking zoomers pls go and stay go.

dont like im slamming your shitty filler game which was the writing on the wall for the shit stream that was me3 but you all worship it all the same

mixed quality with a terrible ending

Is the ME1 ending shitty?

Mass effect released over 10 years ago. Even if he started working at 12, he wouldn't be a zoomer.

Kill yourself.

Are you retarded? Me1 came out in 2007 and no 7 year old will have a job

Graphics mods not working due to file checksums not matching with retail, steam or origin versions.

i assumed it was me3 because they used me3 art. me1 ending is fine, disregard that post.

I'm pretty indifferent because ME is already in the past. I liked 2. I gave you the reasons why.
You're the one chimping out over someone liking something you don't.

wasnt there already like 2 other threads with the exact same image, text and first few replies some days ago? you're giving me deja vu

Right in the feels.
Is it really so hard to make a proper space opera RPG? Ye olde Bioware had a monopoly on that.

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Not that guy, but anyone who wasn't 18 by the start of 7th gen has shit taste and is cancer killing video games.

The first game is the only good one. That soundtrack is so good.

They had the whole genre on lock-down and they blew all that away.

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I'll take her over Aloy for sure

>using alot
Just learn me3explorer nigga.

stop signaling faggot, no one cares

Look, some of us get really bad withdrawal symptoms and pic related is super hard to keep up

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I'm so fucking sad every time one of you guys post this. ME1 is my favorite game of all time, peak comfyness

all that salt

And I am still mad.

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Why didn't EA just tell them to keep making ME2 forever?

ME1 used to be a 360 and PC exclusive, for real

>second post

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Yeah, I have no idea what management was thinking
Fucking EA were pricks back then too.
I mean they really started pushing the envelope more and more around then but it doesnt mean the writing wasnt on the wall

End of Rine, end of Mass Effect.
I remember when I firt heard that line:
"... and they call it Mass Effect."

Complete and total incompetence I guess. The usual EA spiel.

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I know. I feel a little sorry for you.

I would call 18 in '05 a little too restrictive. Anyone coming of age once the industry started going to shit, sure. I would place that as maybe 15 past '07.

im not attacking you with comments about reddit just making points why the game was pointless

good on you for liking it but you are fucking stupid for doing so when it is a crap sequel to a much better game regardless whether fanfic bullshit no5 is your favourite gay genderfluid xir and how much you liked its short pointless story (this is me being a bellend learn to tell the difference)


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ME1 costs one hour

He's starting the threads so he can post that, the great big homo.

And I need you to recover,
Because I can't make it on my own...

Shit, ME1 was a 360 exclusive for 6 months.

Hey Yea Forums,

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Bioware isn't done with Mass Effect, but people are certainty done with Bioware.

(Codex pic before being finalized for BDTS)

I liked all 3 games to an extent. Yes, even 3 had its moments.
I have better things to do to than put every thing I enjoyed in some meaningless order.
And reddit spacing is redundant obnoxious. Stop doing it already if you don't intend to go back.

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>tfw no Turian gf

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good job you are a fucking moron


some more

reddit spacing


solid-to-good quality with a kino ending

God damn, I want to live through 2010 again

>even 3 had its moments
3 is a better game than 2 by a mile.

Nigga you wouldn't stand a chance.

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I hated how you had to complete NG+ in ME to be able to hit level 60 and get your ME2 bonus. I did however complete each and every side quest so I was pleasantly surprised to see them brought up in ME3.

>no spectre adventures throughout the galaxy

this series had potential. Fuck them

Well it came out just as I was finished with school, then I joined the army so I didn't really have time to play it.
Then when I got injured at the end of 2009, I had a lot of time suddenly so I played it through with my first character, and immediately after the fucking sweet credits I replayed with a new character, and then a third one after that. Just to see what I missed and what choices I could change.
Then ME2 (not to be confused with #metoo) came out about 2 months later and holy fuck I was annoyed at the changes in gameplay and dark looking graphics, but I liked it.
My favorite part though of the entire series is still talking to Vigil and hearing that fucking amazing music.

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God damn it Yea Forums, stop having Mass Effect threads. Don't make me go through all the joy and anguish all over again.

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You spelled RPG wrong.

Gameplay wise yes, everything else nope.

So is Andromeda worth playing for cheap or is it just going to piss me off?

She is the only fuckable female crewmember that isn't a human.

I'm glad my Tali died in 2. I'm also glad I never bought 3.

Why the fuck are we having a random Mass Effect 1 thread?

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Turian girls

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>mass effect

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This will never not make me laugh.

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>you can literally play me1 then 3 and miss absolutely nothing
This is literally true for the first game as well though. If you played just the 3rd game you would only be missing at best 10% of the overall plot.

Mass Effect WILL make a comeback and Andromeda WILL be retconned. You just gotta have a little more FAITH

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>mass effect

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holy shit that's old

ME vs ME3 is literally soul vs soulless except it is not bait

It's awful because Vetra was actually good too. But she's stuck in a steaming trashpile

It's not very good, but then neither were ME2 and 3.
Combat and exploration are alright. The protagonist is fucking boring compared to Shepard.

>And who is the best romance in 2 for male shepard?

how did they get away with it again?
was it so hard to just have someone make a concept art of what she'd look like or a full colored painting and put that in the game with her saying how someone from her homeland drew that picture of her year ago when she was younger?

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>You feel it to...don't you?
>mfw I realise no game will ever keep me entertained for months at a time and touch me emotionally like this trilogy

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It's alright, the game still gives you that discovery thrill, and considering how shit the industry is getting, chances are it may be the last grand AAA rpg.

We have this thread every day user.


Andromeda is the best way forward

So he couldn't even do that right.

>they spent 10 minutes in photoshop to make a character reveal people had anticipated for years
>not even a plot point of the game, it's a photo if you romance her

if it wasn't so sad it would be hilarious

The Turian Female is built for Human C*ck

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The whole fucking series should be retconned.

retcon everything and start over, remove the asari while at it

Oh just suck it, why do you have to remind me how comfy it is to just hearing crew out, suggesting the solution to their problems and then hearing "really? I guess I could do that... thanks, commander, you really are the best"

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Meritocratic human cock.

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This guy sees through the lies of the parasite.

Fuck you faggot.
If your space opera doesn't have hot blue skinned babes it's not space opera.

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>You will never hang out with punished Garrus again
>You will never go on freaky adventures with a japanese cat burglar again
>You will never again get drunk in the terminus systems until you get thrown out

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>hidden face actually a plus with bioware models
>nerdy space girl who can look after herself
>slow build romance, takes a game and a half before she starts actively pursuing your dick
>Her character doesn't revolve about how much she craves your dick
Tali will forever be best girl, vetra a shit

Shit taste.

>humans but blue
lol no add more female turians in their place

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no u

>literal photoshop
>almost dies several times and only survives because you intervened
>romance that takes longer than 1 game=/=good
>instead shes whiny about MUH FLEET and MUH GETH and steals your shit anyway
>So do Turians

Mass effect 3’s multiplayer so was fucking fun. Tfw you unlock a rare ass character or weapon, tfw you’re the last one standing in the wave and finish it to revive all your bros.

Suck it, nerd, booze has melted my brain already, all I remember is Ash Williams being called Ash Williams, Garrus turns into the real bro, gay male Ash and Garrus being called Ghost in ME2.
Close to none memories about ME3 aside from genocide plot and the ending.

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it is what started the lootboxes though


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>play me1
>pressing delete quits the game with no warning
>learned that the hard way

Look who's talking.

Hell no.
We need more crazy hot chicks (most humanoid species are fine except Turians and Batarians).

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>i can't have fun because people are stupid with money
That's a retarded post you've just made.

This is true. I never got to play in a squad of just Geth Juggernauts, I always wanted to. Krogan squad was fun, though. Every time someone got a kill we'd all headbutt in solidarity and every time a round was over we'd heavy melee. There was a lot of "HRAGH" going on.

Vigil's theme really captures the melancholy atmosphere of Mass Effect. I can't be the only one who felt there was something very sad at the core of the world in ME1.

I want to fuck Saren

I think people gloss over the fact that the biggest tragedy about the whole Mass Effect situation was how unique it was. We will NEVER get a game like it ever again. A space opera where you create your protagonist, develop relationships, make choices that carry over to the next game, a rich and creative setting, all that. We will never see it's like again. No other video game developer will make something like it.

Mass Effect was a failed experiment. As such, other devs will shy away from making a game series like it. Bioware had one shot to make something truly special, and they fucked it up. It is one of the greatest cases of ruined potential in gaming, that still bums me out to this day.

Fuck EA and fuck Bioware for destroying something so fucking beautiful.

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Jack is for homosexual biotic fisting.

Mass Effect: Frontier

A bunch of centuries after ME:A
You play as a rugged sheriff in a backwater desert planet; krogan twin-brothers for deputies
Culture and faction relations have stagnated into a weird lull
Milky Way colonists have reproduced into viable populations across the Heleus Cluster
Unreliable narrator-type mythos; the Ai was success, many species came, stuff happened, remnant tech, friends/enemies kinda coexist, pathfinders are a distant legend
Fuckery ensues and you fuse with the last remaining SAMnode like ME3's green ending
Stuff happens and you try to usher in a new age of hybridization with AI inadvertently pushing evolution forward
Expand outside the cluster, discover remnant wonders and mythos; they too were hybridized, there's more to it than meets the eye
Reintroduction of larger-than-life villains to the ME universe; remnant purists who have turned themselves into perpetuals-gone-mad from their incessant rejuvenation cycles

What do you think?

>there was something very sad at the core of the world in ME1
Yeah we had no idea how it was all going to end.

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>failed experiment
did not fail making them heaps of cash

Pls no fag S&M shit.
Gayness has been cured in the ME universe.

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That's a pretty weird cosplay of Tali as a krogan.

>How we go to the bathroom? We just don't.

>I can't be the only one who felt there was something very sad at the core of the world in ME1.
Phrased it perfectly why I love ME1 so much. Everything, the world, the comrades, the plaets, missions and the story in general as well as the villain's story.

Yeah they essentially sent all gays to andromeda even if a few escaped like cortez

True, Mass Effect had a special feeling to it. And now it is lost.

a lot of nostalgia for a series that had only 1 good game

>Gayness has been cured in the ME universe.
>Entire alien race of dykes

imagine actually aiming with a fucking helmet and a scope

This. This is my fucking problem. I was basically baited, took it and loved it and now I am cucked for the rest of my life. Fuck everything just let me fall into a coma and dream aber living such a life.

I got a cheap copy at target for $20 for reorganizing my parents cd collection when I was in middle school. Making me feel like a damn sad zoomed now. Please hold me Yea Forumsros

That's because ME3 rode off the success of ME1&2. Most of ME3's sales came from Week 1. The hype leading up to ME3 was fucking massive.

He's aiming as you would with any other gun. Look at it.

I hope that's a reference to Hitchhikers Guide.
Were you able to cure Cortez of his faggotry through the power of femShep's vagina? I never tried that.

That's how fanfics with adult diapers start user.

Mass Effect wi-fi.

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I didn't mean that. The Protheans as a spectre (pun unintended) that haunted the entire galaxy is just a single aspect of this. I really can't explain it, I just know that when I play the game I feel as if there's a sense of, well, like I said, melancholy to it.

Other devs would've been hesitant to make a game like that, because creating a trilogy where your choices carry over is a huge task. But the fact that Bioware fucked it up, will only repel devs even further.

As such they best we can ever hope for now, are one off Rpgs that are like it. For example, Cyberpunk 2077. It'll probably be a great game, but it won't be a trilogy where your character and choices carry over.

There's also the reputation. The breeding of BioWare, and the reputation of it combined with Black Isle, has given it an "if they can't do it, what chance to we have?" air.

When was the last time we even got a trilogy with the same MC telling some huge epic continued story that was planned out from the start?

I remember when moot (not Hiroshima) changed /v to Tali Yea Forumsas Normandy.
The hype after ME2 hit was insane.

I was just joking. The Vigil fit the theme Protheans of ME1, a species wide genocide by a uncaring, unfeeling, unstoppable force.

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I wish human females were real.

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>almost dies several times and only survives because you intervenedalmost dies several times and only survives because you intervened
survived polonium rounds, responds to an ambush by lobbing a grenade and becomes unkillable by placing 6 points into a single skill
>romance that takes longer than 1 game=/=good
Better than fawning over you and only talking about what an awe inducing godly man you are since conversation one
>instead shes whiny about MUH FLEET and MUH GETH and steals your shit anyway
>muh genophage
>muh red tape
>muh genes
>muh cerberus
>steals your shit anyway
so did cerberus, plus she traded cyclonic barriers and quarian puss for it :^)
>So do Turians
meant curvy sensual hips, not actua,l spooky skellington, hips
>literal photoshop
got me with this, fuck bioware

>nigga with shit taste doesn't want more turians and batarians

kill yourself

Good. It should have been over sooner.

>a species wide genocide by a uncaring, unfeeling, unstoppable force.
I remember thinking "The Reapers are just time."

All the "romances" in 1 and 2 are cringe garbage.

Tali and Garrus are okay in 3 partly because each only have one big "dramatic" scene and the rest is mostly playful the others still have the cringe set to max.

I just want to romance a vorcha, is that so much to ask?

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They're just hacks it works fine when you don't end the series. Dragon Age carried over choices to sequels despite playing as different characters in each one.

BIotics accelerate the dark-matter entropy, so all civilizations that would develop biotics or have the capacity to need to be wiped out. Still no real reason why it can only happen once every 50,000 years though.


There was a teleporter. That's how you got on.

Most tragical moment of the entire series.
He should have won or you should have been able to save him. Also, both endings would have prevented ME2 and 3 so that's another benefit.

Was Kai Leng hired as a PR manager for the reapers?

Shepard has gone through an unshielded entry intact before, apparently N7 armor is really good.

And again how that is a "failed experiment"?

Yeah they really pulled a stinker with that one. The original dank matter plot line was far, far better.

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Fuck you I want a ME prequel.

The mental gymnastics of tali-fags trying to justify their cuckoldry for a cockhungry, backstabbing, obnoxious self-important space gypsy whore
>be galaxy's CIA+Master Chief
>invite space-rat into your top of the line black-ops space Maserati
>She emotionally manipulates you
>You put up with her shit, save her life literally and figuratively
>She still partakes in industrial espionage and cucks your space Maserati's plans
Muh fleet! Muh geth! Muh immune system! Muh I already have a home!

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That ass tho

dude... mass effect was over after me3

Yeah this board went mental for all the spurging teenagers jerking over the females in ME2. It got so bad the constant Mass Effect generals it inspired generals of every other game and got to such a point it culminated in the creation of /vg/

Shieeet nigga, any exchange of Turian fluids would lead to you getting poisoned.
Some things were just not meant to be.

>Drunken Sex after browsing the extranet

Living the life

Whatever Debbie Downer.

I meant that what the reapers really were didn't matter. They're just a physical manifestation of the endless march of time. The Protheans might have been killed by the Reapers, but thematically it was just that their time had come to its end.

Yeah, it was over like 15 years ago

>muh dick
Literally nigger logic



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>planned out from the start
you almost had me for a minute there

What about Witcher and Cyberpunk 2077? They don't seem like a failed experiment. In fact it was Witcher that made CDPR a major player. So I expect something like this will happen in the future, especially when VR becomes affordable and well developed to play this type of game.

Because of the typical immune system response and naturally building up resistance oer time, could you eventually become immunized against Dextro Poisioning?

>body like a chicken with insect exoskeleton
>ass like an 18 year old gymnast
Fuck off tumbr

Lmao she's directly responsible for you getting appointed spectre, getting command of the normandy and exposing saren to the council (which actually saved the fucking galaxy), then performs literal top tier maintenance on your ship and helps you save the galaxy again. You mad because she learned you can put heatsinks inside the hull?
Tell me who do you romance so I can laugh at you some more


I think we need to realize that Mass Effect was never good and Bioware has never made an amazing game.

thicc is all the right places

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>Mass Effect was a failed experiment.

No, it was a failure in writing by Casey Hudson prompted by EA meddling. The format of the game was great and the series made a lot of money but the franchise is an unsalvagable mess because the writers destroyed the entire setting in Mass Effect 3.

That's why they moved to another galaxy in Andromeda because they wanted to side step the bullshit ending of 3. Andromeda itself failed because Bioware is a husk of a company that lost all its talent years ago and is no longer capable of producing a game of Mass Effect 1 or 2's quality. The concept of a space RPG series and the gameplay style of Mass Effect is still a good concept though and another talented company could succeed with it.

The only way Mass Effect could be saved is if Bioware got its talent back or the franchise was sold to another company and they proceeded to re release the trilogy with a new ending for 3. There's no way to get past an ending that fans of the series hate and that destroys everything good about your setting.

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>That feel when you wanted to romance Sid more than Vetra

Dude like half of my starting crew in ME3 were gay. It was starting to resemble more Priscilla the Queen of Desert than an Alliance stealth warship.

I really liked the planets in Mass Effect 1. They gave a real sense of the emptiness a galaxy-wide exploration must be riddled with.

Shit. Gonna get my 360 down from the attic and replay ME1.

They were a vibrant culture that covered the galaxy end to end. Their time was not at an end, they were snuffed out by something incomprehensible.

I don't think so. The incompatibility runs too deep. I am not sure about the severity of it all.

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it was never good.

All that was planned before Tali anyway they didn't send Nihlus there for nothing. Shepard was the only hope for humanity to have a Spectre.


>Andromeda itself failed because Bioware is a husk of a company that lost all its talent years ago and is no longer capable of producing a game of Mass Effect 1 or 2's quality

Andromeda wasn't made by what you think "Bioware" is, and all those people have since been fired.

>Would've prevented the better games from being made
Trash taste detected

>needs fanfiction to make her less hideous to look at

>tfw you will never get a Turian bf to fuck with
Ironic how I always use fiction to escape and feel better only to feel even worse afterwards and for the rest of my life because none of the good shit that made said fiction appealing to me exist in real life.

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It’ll just be a few billion more credits and he’ll be good as new

I'm starting to feel like this entire board is having a collective quarter life crisis. So much posting about boomers and zoomers, aging, getting tired of vidya, etc. Is it just a phase or is this how it's gonna be for good?

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Good taste.

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you in denial, desoid

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aus Fleisch und Blut

I felt bittersweet but fulfilled after I finished the trilogy. I'd love to see more but sometimes we shouldn't.

I mostly liked reading the descriptions some were really fascinating or creepy. Survey missions not so much it's clear that the technology wasn't there yet so it was always one of three types of settlement but it was always great when we got additional extended dialogue scene that made it look like a proper side mission (like the Rachni assault).

>Implying shepard or any human whatsoever would have another shot at it after the evaluator ended up dead on the first mission
you haven't answered my question

It's just a phase. We just need another vidya catastrophe to get our minds focused.
Maybe the Fallout 3 remaster will do the trick.

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>Fallout 3 remaster

not ever happening and so confusing that people think it would

>more fanfiction

I am in a midlife crisis since hitting puberty and I am 32 now. Shit never goes away once it started. I was always a grumpy sad kid though so maybe I am just doomed in general.

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Oh ye of little faith in Todd.

First of all, thank you for paying so much for a Blizzcon ticket. To further that end, we have added some features in Diablo that may not be apparent at first glance.

Diablo Immortal is a very different play experience. The tactics and strategies we employed to market this game is a sheer folly for anybody to attempt.

Again, thank you for paying for that Blizzcon ticket. Always remember: If you think we are going to present PC games on an expensive event dedicated to our fans, the PC users, you're wrong.

Activision Blizzard

>and all those people have since been fired

>There will never be another game like ME1 ever again
One of the best games ever made didn't get a sequel, it's sad almost.

you mad, son?

>more denial

Yikes, snap out of it

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google? the ones who werent fired (most of the staff) were merged into a developer called EA Motive

andromeda actually shuttered the entire bioware montreal studio

>getting tired of vidya
Those are casuals.

>ME3 last mission
>choose Garrus as one of my squadmates
>he gets blasted and almost dies
>that voice acting as he gets carried to the ship heartbreaking

I knew I got the best possible variant of the scene and I wasn't always this lucky.

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I don't. Aloy looks good in motion (when she is talking) and sometimes even when static from certain angles.

If they ever do make a direct sequel to MEA they better make Vetra and Jaal the Tali and Garrus of Andromeda.

how bout you post an actual picture of her legs

Well yeah, they planned it to be a trilogy, and they made three games with that narrative frame in mind.

With every Mass Effect thread the need to replay the games rises

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Anyone have that quest completion scene where you broadcast an opera song?

>not using mods to make the character look the way you want them to look

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Series went to shit with ME2 when it became Call of Duty

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Wait, is the franchise officially dead? I mean, I really really hated Andromeda and it's probably the worst space themed rpg I've ever played with zero redeeming qualities (they even managed to make the decent combat shitty since you fight against the same enemies over and over in the same shitty basic environments), but I liked ME 1 and 2 (and a huge majority of 3 including it's story DLCs that should've been in the main game since they are integral to the overall plot, excluding the Citadel one) a lot so it's kinda sad. I still hoped that Karpyshyn and Hudson team up again for a better entry, I didn't know that one really horrible game is enough to kill a franchise that had overal critical praise and decent sales before that three times in a row.

I think in a lot of ways it was the best but I certainly felt that it was where the gameplay relied too much on endless shooting. More than in other ones.

Any game that won't let me save Nihlus is irrelevant for me anyway.

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*goes to med lab and changes skin colour to black*

This is nothing new. Seriously this was almost always the case.

Management wanted to cash out. Notice how all the bioware bigwigs were gone within a year? The founding doctors went back to practicing medicine and one opened a vineyard. Vineyards aren't cheap you know!

I liked this gun

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...ouch. spent much time in those.

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What's with the stuff about him being a war criminal that came up in later games? That was weird.

Bioware says it's officially alive and in production. Anthem may kill the studio, though

How are they doing, sales-wise?

Shit, I could understand talifags somewhat since Quarians were hinted to be mostly human-like in appearance. But I really can't understand why so many people apparently want to fuck a dinosaur/crustacean hybrid so badly.
How would it even work? Even in best case scenario you'd probably bleed out after accidentally slicing your dick off with some sharp edge down there.

I want to pound Tali

War Hero
Assault Rifle bonus talent

Why, because it was best one?

Sharp edges. Risk of chafing. Recommend oral intercourse.

They recently said again that the ME franchise is "defenitely not dead" or something along the lines so there is hope for another game.
How GOOD that game will be is another question. I want another one and I would play it, but I refuse to get any hopes up that it might be anything like ME1 and I doubt even more that it will have characters that I like as much, let alone that the ones I might like will have any sort of own route or anything. I personally fear another human centered game with a lot of mainstream pandering and a more "humorous" attitude like MEA and less like the melancholic atmosphere ME1 had.

>he doesnt want to fuck a turian

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Wasn't it in 1 that anderson tell you how saren blew up a factory full of workers/slaves or some shit in order to get the job done?
Also, wrex tells you how saren sanitized a bunch of mercs he had hired

He was a war criminal in the first game.

The worst case scenario would be that Turian males actually have naturally detachable penises that grow back after use. Females have specialized serrated cutting and holding appendages to facilitate semen extraction.

The idea that we're not getting any more ME games is foolish at best. Not only is it an overall critically acclaimed franchise but its also a billion dollar one. We WILL be getting more ME games. They just probably won't have Bioware attached to them.

>Implying I don't want to fuck both
I like Xenos I would fuck a fem krogen if it were a choice between her, an asari and human girl.

Best female character but she's built to be a little sister type of character. It was hard to turn her down in ME2. If only she was available since the first game.

Male turians are objectively more sexually attractive than females. Though that feels wrong to say, since it implies female turians are attractive at all

Anthem appears to be an abysmal failure based on what we know so far.

:( RIP. "You're a queer fellow!" will be one of those random sound effects I hear in my head until the day I die.

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>they will never get Motive to do all the mocap and facial animations for a ME game despite them being the best when working with frostbite

MS is shit, but they aren't EA shit.
They aren't ruining franchises by turning them into live services at least.

Reminder that they released all the character kits for the ME:A squadmates for Cosplayers


See I wish more Sci-fi games let you romance aliens that were just barely humanoid. From a writing perspective you could do way more interesting shit (like, vetra had the best character quest in andromeda)

How do ME1 and ME2 perform on PS3?

And no I'm not playing on PC.

>mfw bought Mass Effect 1 on the day it came out on the 360 back in November 2007 and seeing now

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it is my guy. it has the saddest skill trees of ANY ME game including andromeda. its plot is a glorified side quest, that shouldve been focused on the reaper invasion. most of the missions are just recruiting people/helping them with their daddy issues. planetary mining. mako replaced the worst missions in ME, those firewalker missions. the only good thing about 2 was the Normandy looked sleek af in cerberus black, white, and gold.

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On ps3?

Okay I guess, I had no real bugs or anything

>saving the genophage by impregnating krogran females
Living the dream.

>this meme again
Sorry, but Drew's ending was just as bad, if not worse, than the one we got. Only difference lies in the Reaper's motivations. Fuck off and stop pushing this, because it was never true.

Why tf did EA thought "Hey, do you know who would've been great making a Destiny rip off just in 3rd person? The guys who made rpgs with classic D&D rule systems and needed Epic games helping them out for good dynamic shooter gameplay in ME3! They're totally qualified for this job. Just throw 300 million at them and tell them they should remove everything that makes people want to play their games."

It's like they WANT to kill the studio with full force. I googled the director for Anthem, it's "some guy". They literally gave a 6 years project and a couple hundreds of millions to "some guy". Do you know what he did before that? Live service portions for ME3. They didn't even bothering putting someone in the leading role who has at least SOME experience.

probably, I also like the krogan nail gun

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They run well on the ps3.
ME2 on the ps3 actually runs with an improved version of UE3, the one used for Gears 2.
Original ME and ME2 on the 360 and PC run on the old build of UE3

Saren or Nihlus? Nihlus was always cool, he was recruited by Saren and might have been his friend, he just had a hard time being respected earlier in life due to his origin.
Not sure how crazy Saren was, I only remember that he got shit done and was rather ruthless. I am talking about him when he was still "normal", during the Human/Turian war. Not his later, reaperfucked version.

You've gone too far.

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The female turians crave the human phallus

The way bioware writes dialog feels like it changed a lot in recent years. Like, in Andromeda and Anthem all the characters are so fucking smarmy and I can't stand any of them. It's like bioware wants them to be characters from a marvel movie but they can't pull it off at all.

Sales are shit but I am curious if Origin pay2play thing hasn't made it worth it.

That being said Anthem is the first bioware game I haven't bought right out of the gate in a while. Who the fuck asked for a looter shooter from a company that is known for creating CYOA games?

I feel your pain, brother

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>It's like they WANT to kill the studio with full force

Things happen for reasons that we don't understand that go back to taxes and shit like that. You could possibly even be correct.

>swing for fences
>if game is a hit, it's a hit
>if it fails, write it off somehow

Knowing the """reason""" the reapers actually exist, this speech is just comedic


I would say with Ryder they can kind of get away with it with him being like what 25 or something? I saw dozen of Ryder's in the IDF.

Maybe Sovereign was just mad and invented his own bullshit in the ultimate act of cope ever.


Damn lads /meg/ is active tonight.

Isreali Defence Force

Hahaha. Imagine thinking anything is serious. Like, just snark the boss to death. XD

Sadly, no matter their appearance, all humans in ME have human motivations and human-like behavior. Vetra herself was just an insecure big human girl in a monster suit.
It would be REALLY interesting if alieness would somehow come up in dialog and behavior as well, and THEN there would be an attempt at romance.

Allegedly and according to conspiracy theories, EA intentionally sabotaged TitanFall 2 sales so Respawn would be in a tough position financially and be recessive into being bought by EA cause that would be the only route for Respawn to take since they had no money thanks to TF2 poor sales, a lot to do with terrible release date and marketing.

EA sabotaging studios and games for hidden agendas is a credible thing

Knowing that it takes almost no time for the Reapers to simply fly to the galaxy, the entire plot of ME1 is just comedic. They really fucked up the sequels.

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And nothing of any significance ever came about from the reveal that Protheans fucked with humanity.

Enter at own risk. There's a reason why Turian dicks are shaped like can openers.

Where is that ball located?

> dat scream

nope nope nope

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>But I really can't understand why so many people apparently want to fuck a dinosaur/crustacean hybrid so badly
I wish I know. And I am saying that as raptorfucker. I blame my autism.
Also, there are worse ways to die than dying during sex, so whatever.

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We can't keep a general alive in /vg/ because mobilefags kill it as soon as someone visits toilet, but this is the next best thing.

>YWN have to sit down with Vetra and meticulously go over human and Turian biology trying to figure out how to make things fit properly.

I only fond out about their instakill move the third time I played 3

>me1's dream killed by sequels
>me2 only makes sense as a stand alone game
>me3 forever soiled by ending
>me andromeda has the best gameplay but got the sjw writers

>Protheans fucked with humanity
They did?

The problem of ME:A wasn't that it had none of the old characters (which wouldn't make any sense anyway in the setting and their arch is basically fully told) or that it was humor based, the problem was that it had nothing of the stuff bioware games normally had, like being able to be the second coming of christ or literally Hitler, a story that at least TRIED to be engaging and good characters with actual in depth personalities. And it had a shitload of SJW pandering, and even if it's a meme, none of the Bioware games really had shit like that. You had a lesbian in Kotor which you only can know if you hit on her (if you didn't kill her at the very first time you meet her), the gay pilot in ME3 who didn't bothered anyone and he didn't introduced himself with "Hi I'm gay" and the tranny in Iron Bulls squad in Inquisition who only tells you that after you know her since 10+ hours and she says to you "Yeah, I pretending being a man, can we skip that subject please?".

But Andromeda? "HI I'M TRANS" and fucking discussions about gender pronouns.

Javik slipped your neanderthal greatmom his prothean d

>"Yeah, I pretending being a man, can we skip that subject please?".
That's not how that conversation went.

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Using the orb gives you a flashback of a primitive human getting ayy'd by a Prothean UFO.

>ctrl f
>0 results
nobody cares about joker

Nothing will stop my Crusade

>its just a pic of Todd Howard saying "it just works"

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There should have only been two mass effect games and the second one should've taken place centuries after ME1 and been about the Reapers finally arriving.

>the gay pilot in ME3 who didn't bothered anyone and he didn't introduced himself with "Hi I'm gay"
Except one of the first very things he felt he had to talk about to his new commander was his husband. And he never stopped about it.
I guess the potential gay romance option had to be declared somehow. It wasn't what I'd call subtle, though. But then again none of the romances in the ME series were.

>Allegedly and according to conspiracy theories, EA intentionally sabotaged TitanFall 2 sales so Respawn would be in a tough position financially and be recessive into being bought by EA cause that would be the only route for Respawn to take since they had no money thanks to TF2 poor sales, a lot to do with terrible release date and marketing.

This is nonsense though, because Respawn as an entity wasn't worth anywhere near the amount of money this cost EA.

Does anyone have that video where it records the amounts of "Enemy is everywhere!", "go go go!" And "I will destroy you!" In a single engagement?

>the potential gay romance option had to be declared somehow
what about having it happen organically through conversation? traynor was almost as bad with casually mentioning how much she wants to fuck edi in your first conversation.

Have all your choices be ultra-long term (also gives them an easy out in that some choices stopped mattering ages ago, but here's a text box), and have a Matriarchal Liara remembering Shephard and all the others.

It was weird that in ME3 the galaxy became so much more gay. I kept my distance.

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Respawn still had value as a creative studio with talented people. It has value for potential IPs and TitanFall was popular enough for EA to have an interest in it as a first party franchise.
And costs? The money for TF2? I doubt TF2 was a big investment for EA and the price for owning another studio, another IP and a group of talented people, the creators of CoD, was more than fair in the eyes of EA

Well I didn't neccessarily mean old characters, just characters I like. Hell, I wouldn't wonder if there were more people interested in Nihlus like that user above than in most of the relevant side characters in MEA that are part of the game from the beginning to the end.
I don't like that SJW stuff either but this would be the least of my problems or is just part of another problem, and that's unrealistical dialogue. Same shit with the humor part, that's why I mentioned it. ME1 just felt so real to me, so serious, but without ever being outright edgy or tryhard. In MEA everything felt like one of these typical hollywood movies to me that want to alure the biggest possible audience and say "fuck the plot, let's do more funny scenes and quotes and meme dialgues fans want to hear" and it pisses me off because that shit is one of the reason for why I hate most modern cinema movies. SJW is just part of this big pandering and don't-make-it-too-dark/sad/complicated/serious problem.

But what reason to they have for Bioware? They already own the fucking studio and ALL their rpgs who at least tried to be rpgs were financial successes. They tried to force Bioware in a completely different direction with Andromeda and Anthem and both flopped massively, meanwhile Inquisition, which is based on classic D&D role playing systems and is a hard game if you aren't experienced in the genre, was a massive success both critically and commercially.

Plus respawn are releasing Jedi:Fallen Order soon, placed in December which is star wars season

Sorry but this is tinfoil hat stupidity territory. It's just not believable to an intelligent person; the motives don't match up with reality.

Forever War will never be on the big screen because of all the forced homosexuality stuff. I know Ridley's trying but I can't see it happening.

visceral and maxis were also creative studios with talented people, look how that turned out.

>playing ERA Effect

I hoped that this side quest had some importance on the sequels since the text seemed to be built up on that idea.
Like the dark energy stuff, it got completely ignored and never was mentioned again.

Well knowing him he wouldn't be faithful to the original reaction to that situation that was pretty much "I'm tolerant and all but fuck you weirdos".