Do you think the game will come out and bankrupt Bioware, or Bioware will be bankrupt before it even comes out?

Do you think the game will come out and bankrupt Bioware, or Bioware will be bankrupt before it even comes out?

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Other urls found in this thread:

I think EA will cancel it after Anthem

"Bioware" is just a name. EA will either fire or move the dev team to another studio. Bioware's series will either be forgotten by EA or used to support some android game project that wouldn't survive as a whole new IP.

before you fags go
you fags are the reason these threads keep showing up, this is Yea Forums - baiting general, calm the fuck down

What is with all the Quarter Pounder posts on Yea Forums these days?

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this retard makes a living from whining about insignificant politic shit in games, I don't know why he pretends to be upset

>It's a small, rootless, international clique of video game journalists

what did he mean by this?

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Man this guy. He's just so ugly I can't look at him with his autistic glare. Jesus fucking christ.
Wait I realised. It's the fucked unkempt jihadi sòy beard.

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>Bioware" is just a name
What did he mean by this?

Anyone who unironically watches an outrage culture YouTube personality needs to kill themselves. You failed at life.

>when you get anally annihilated by the combination of a bored gnome and a boomer

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1)that website hires multiple journalists
2)how do you know any of them is an incel?

is metokur /ourguy/?

I only know he's absolutely despised by furries and pedo advocates

his entire channel and streams are about making fun of degenerates, sjws, and anti-sjw retards like quarterpounder and sargon of cuckad

calm down tardo that's what people here call OAG

big titties please

arachne, vampire or dark priest pls

I dont want to listen to all that but im curious about this, could you tell me what happened?

>quarterpounder goes retard and starts shitting on keem and jim on twitter
>invites them onto his stream
>once keem and jim join the stream he shits himself and gets btfo because he's a pussy
>he complains about the forcing of politics in media and games despite his channel also doing just that
>stream ends with quarterpounder blocking both like a bitch

Man I haven't seen this guy since his temper tantrum over mtg
I'll give it a go


stop posting this right wing piece of shit on Yea Forums

What if the "forced politics" were just debates about the pros and cons of taxes, wars and citizens with boring C-SPAN dialogue?

>advertizing your shitty channel on Yea Forums of all places.

Fucking disgraceful.

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Rolling for dragon.

Doesnt belong in games

Judging from his receeding hairline and soibeard, I'm assuming he's one of our GG allies?


Didn't even look


I hope "dread wolf" isnt refering to that guy. He looks like a walking numale stereotype and about as dangerous as a tranny.

what if the game was just a fun videogame that used fictional settings and their politics to tell entertaining stories about morals and values without ever referencing real world politics in a cynical and immersion breaking manner


in that it does not contain any of the people you associate with their good games any more

>dislike e-celeb
>make constant threads on Yea Forums
>people start to notice and dislike it just because it keeps being posted over and over

Also zoomers, ever noticed how nowadays you see a lot of people sperg the fuck out if you even say his name?

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*mispronounces a word*
*spends 15 minutes covering a topic that was basically described in the clickbait video name*

Itll probably be cancelled. Retards on Yea Forums are convinced that games dont get cancelled if theyre already in production, regardless of the fact this happens all the time

Congrats you grew your site. Now get the fuck out and take the discord trannies with you. Is cripple chan not enough for you?

you forgot
*talks incredibly slowly*
oh and uhhhh *sniffs* of course all of uhh us uh agree that uhm
quarterpounder a shit


I don't like this guy's mannerisms, they're so weird and off putting

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Actual politics
>we need to barter/take resources we need for our country from others
>we need to manage our government and people
Video game politics
I AM AN [self insert] BEING [problem faced by everyone] BY [insert boogeyman]

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what did he mean by this?

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This. Actual politics could be funny or interesting, but this is just opression olympics.

I hope this isn't shooped.

084 please

lmao i cant get over this shit.

Ok, this is epic.

Jim please BTFO him again. I hope he ends up like Mundanefatt and Donga Donga

please be real. this is amazing.

I mean if that is what makes them happy, who cares.



Reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeally makes you think.

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Should I subscribe to this guy? I already watch Yong Yea and Jim Sterling, so I have a source for gaming news, but does this guy bring anything new?

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Are you into this sort of clickbait shit and fearmongering about SJWs? If so go for it.

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i like to think shes just trying to shit talk him for funny time, that's ofcourse assuming this is real

>Are you into this sort of clickbait shit and fearmongering about SJWs?
Well, I visit this site every day, so yeah, I guess I am. Thanks for the recommendation.

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I love my wife.

>quaterpounder video thread
New DA game is gonna be bad since EA still has the reigns and wants a new game every year so shit will be rushed, dev team will make dumb shit, some sort of sjw or lgbt thing in the game that Yea Forums will be mad about for all of a day. Game will get 7/10 and a 60 dollar season pass.
Doubt Bioware will go bankrupt but it will be cut in half again and be forced to make a crappy multiplayer game then go bankrupt or taken out back by EA.

You're about as subtle as Jeremy.

I like the idea of him making a no politics allowed game review site but the fact that he won't stfu about those nasty sjw's tells me he should not be in charge of that site.

This guy make more money than all you crybabies. Just reminding you.

>I like the idea of him making a no politics allowed game review site
lol at anyone who believes him about that shit

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