VR Thread

Lets get to talkin'

Poorfags go home.

Attached: vrheadset.jpg (972x912, 65K)

Poor fag here have a free bump
Shame I can't get odessy + for 300usd here they are like double that ffs
What's long vr sessions like I only had 30 mins or so with psvr but I liked it.
Only gonna use it for sim work
Needs to be xled I can't stand small lcd screens

>What's long vr sessions like

Tiring and hard on your legs. I want to play and everytime I do I have a blast, but I have to get over than initial barrier of remembering how fucking tired I was last time.

And it's not like a good work out tired, you don't get those endorphins.

never skip leg day

Fuck my legs I don't give a toss I'm talking about sit down sim driving flying etc what's that like? Is the headset physically heavy and annoying?
More like neck day

VR is like $200 now, dude. No one is buying it and no one is making games for it.

The rift isn't heavy at all, but the pressure needed to keep it still on your face eventually gets to you. Sometimes your hair or eyebrows touch the lenses and leave oil which you have to wipe off. Loose hairs can get inside the open cell foam padding and irritate you.

Still would never go back to playing through a tiny monitor again. A monitor takes up like 10% of your total field of view, it cannot hope to compare to a headset even with low res and screen door effect.

Tempted to import a oddesy plus since there's no way to get them in aus
If anyone owns one I'd like to pick your brain before I order it
300 for midrange sets
I'm going from a fuck huge 29" uw and 48" TV shoved in my face so it would be a welcome upgrade from lcd shit I hope my gtx 1080 is enough

Finally got my tracking number and l'm getting my Pimax 5k delivered in a few weeks. Is there some reason why Yea Forums rarely talks about Pimax even in VR threads? Less SDE, better resolution and large enough FoV to fill your peripheral vision seem all improvements that blow Rift/Vive put pf the water.

Attached: FOV-PRIMAX-omparison.gif (680x383, 3.6M)

I bought one of those shitty phone VR things just to test out but wearing it is extremely painful and heavy and it blocks my nose, I'm afraid my head is incompatible with VR.

Only good for porn!

The phone experience is largely just a ploy to profit off of people without much knowledge about VR. Biggest issues that cause headache are improper interpupillary distance (cannot change on phone so IPD is wrong if you're unlucky), low FPS (phones cant handle VR) and stuttering/lag (phones cant handle). If you try phone-VR and are disapponted, don't be surprised. You heard about a great restaurant but were served garbage from their dumpster. Of course it tasted bad. If you're still interested in trying VR, most first-world countries have VR arcades nowadays where you can see if playing with a headset fits you or not.

Apparently there is some distortion around the edges. It seems like it could be solved in software though

I know someone who got the pimax 4k before he got his oculus. It was apparently so bad that after using it he nearly wrote VR off altogether. Shotloads of ghosting and it wasn't even real 4k.

I've heard so too. Some of the people reviewing it haven't noticed it at all though, while others deem it disruptingly strong. So either some reviewers are half-blind or its only issue in spesific (older?) panels. Either way, with me using glasses it won't be a problem since l can't see it anyways.

Pimax is a meme that uses the old chink tactic of claiming big numbers but completely failing at user experience and "invisible" details you can't put on a tech specs sheet.

4k received lots of flak for the ghosting. Deserved it too. Even though it was mainly an issue at

Copy/paste from a older VR thread that died before it could get going.
>Plan on getting Pimax 5K('+') (Decided /years/ before it was made apparant scaling 1440p to 4k looks like shit, because that was a 'no duh' long before it was tested and confirmed that non native scaling does infact, look like shit)
>Not getting Pimax branded lighthouses or controllers, because rather get hardware I absolutely know is solidly built
>Look into Vive lighthouses and controllers (Was holding out for Knuckles but figured getting current gen controllers and relegating them to foot tracking later was a smart move)
>~$500 for just lighthouses and controllers
>Look on ebay
>Easy $300 - $350 used Vive set, and get a free extra headset to boot
The price of VR and VR accessories is absurd. I get that headsets are still expensive and that's fine, but why is a (as in singular) controller not much more complicated than a steam controller anywhere close to triple figures?

>why is the most expensive set so expensive?
VR is no different from any kind of hardware, there will always be price tiers ranging from cheap garbage, to best-bang-for-your-buck, to overpriced gimmicky ricing.
The options are still more limited than flat monitors for example but you can already see these tiers forming.

>Reading comprehension
The question wasn't "Why is VR as a whole expensive? (I get that headsets are still expensive and that's fine)", the question was "Why is a (as in singular) controller not much more complicated than a steam controller anywhere close to triple figures?", as in the accessories that aren't more complicated to manufacture than a device less than half the price. More a point of how VR hardware is absurdly priced across the board regardless of whether any one item is actually worth that much or not, because of a "Oh, VR is expensive, so paying absurd prices for any VR related hardware is fine" mindset these manufacturers seem to think people have.
>No tracking
That was that guys first problem.

I knew it was going to be a total chinkshow when they promised delivery within 1 month of the kikestarter ending even though they didn't even have a working prototype.

I can't consider it as a serious option knowing that it still uses the stupid vive wands.

The Oculus Rift released at $599 without the controllers, the full setup is now $350 and cheap but still decent HMDs can go as low as $99, naturally it's still rather expensive but not absurdly so anymore and it's still trending down.
Compare that to gaming monitors for example which are easily $800 or any niche input device like a steering wheel which is $250 for the midrange G29.

Anyone here use quill to do animations n stuff?

>Is there some reason why Yea Forums rarely talks about Pimax even in VR threads?
Barely anyone has one? Aren't they still struggling to fulfill backorders to their fucking backers?

I don't know why you think phone VR is comparable to real VR
Do you think phone vidya is comparable to real vidya too?

I didn't imply that or even mentioned tracking and video quality, I just said how horrible the headset feels to wear even though the reviews don't mention that.

Is Vive worth it? I've been hyped up like crazy lately watching VR videos, I know it's probably a gimmick, but it looks genuinely good fun.

Can't have this thread every day, mods will move it for being a general.

>No one is buying it and no one is making games for it.
I just bought the Samsung Odyssey Plus, and even Insomniac has a new VR game coming out. Install base is just getting larger.

Hopefully there's raep porn

>Poorfags go home.
What are you talking about, headsets are cheap as fuck.

Attached: Capture.png (537x191, 63K)

You said your head was incompatible with VR while using a device built for cheapness, not comfort.
Even the most bottom barrel HMD is likely more comfortable than the highest end phone VR.

It's a gimmick, it's genuine fun and it's the only sphere where innovation will happen because flat gaming is totally played out.
Vive has the best tracking, the worst prices, the worst controllers until Valve releases their knuckles controllers (still no ETA) and it along with the Rift have dogshit screen quality compared to Pimax and high end WMR.

Attached: 1550803953475.jpg (1920x1080, 261K)

>Hopefully there's raep porn
Playhome with the VR mod is your best bet.