What went wrong?

What went wrong?

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Other urls found in this thread:


>a dumb father and a clueless daughter
>well apparently the story sucks.

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>pete hines and emil pagliarulo
>card games suck

get woke, go broke

All have one thing in common, multiplayer.

>WW2 game
>Allies are represented by the British

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entitled gamers

what was woke about Artifact?

>Fallout 76
Bad, unwanted
Bad, unwanted, pay to pay
>Battlefield V
Bad design, devs told us not to buy game, we obliged
No content, unwanted

>Hack fraud developer trying to make a game in an oversaturated genre
>Has-been developer trying to make a game in an oversaturated genre
>Developer trying to fool people that it is a WWII game but it's just bullshit
>Has-been developer trying to make a game in an oversaturated genre

In Bethesda's case, after they sold Skyrim 8 different times, they thought "These dumbfucks will buy anything we shit out".

>Broken piece of shit
>No one asked, no one wanted piece of shit
>Woke piece of shit
>Just an overall piece of shit

They were all made by developers who are COMPLETELY out of touch with the market.

F76: Rushing out a blatantly unfinished game and shitting on your consumers while doing it
Artifact: Too many paywalls to attract the VTCG crowd, also I heard it's kinda meh
BF 1: Pissing off your consumers and making a sequel that felt more like DLC
Anthem: Horrid technical difficulties and making a game about flying around in mech suits blasting shit generic and bland, some-fucking-how

SJWs ruin games since pandering to women doesn't affect much, since they don't play games.
TLDR: get woke, go broke.

Artifact is fucking boring shit
Garfield is a hack

I wanted Anthem but good. It didn't even come close to any of my expectations, let alone my hopes.

>selling a card game with a way above price than other card games
>and still forcing users to purchase microtransactions
Why would you do that?

While the others can be justified by plain arrogance and lack of self-awareness, Bethesda's case is unbelievable. How the fuck they could decide THAT was in good state for release? It's something that would be unacceptable even from indie developers, let alone an AAA corporation.

>devs told us not to buy game, we obliged
this restored my faith in the gayming community

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nothing woke about fallout 76 either. I assume he meant the bottom ones.


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I was actually pretty surprised at the resounding "fuck off" coming from gaymers in response to that. Battlefield V was a big release and I haven't heard ANYTHING. it's like it never came out.

>Battlefield V sold 7.3 million copies but it's still not enough

>sell your game based on marketing values only
>put no effort or money in actual substantial gameplay
while this worked for a while due to people just buying games because it was *expected* to work decently or be good if there was a big budget or company behind it, that is no longer the case- because companies knew this was happening and thus tried to divert funds away from the actual game to- make more money.

But because everyone are narcissistic idiots, the system of trust is now broken and the consumer/producer relationship is now borked beyond repair

Why do you think so much effort is put into shilling preorders? that's right, because you preorder based solely on marketing, you have no idea what the actual game is like. And marketing is all games have now.

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The goyim know and are putting their feet down for once.

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>it's because of battle royale games!

rofl I have no interest in battle royale games and I was 100% going to buy BFV and then the trailer came out and just shocked me, left my mouth hanging open...I couldn't believe they actually took that angle

My grandfather fought in WW2...You think I'm going to accept you distorting the conflict like that in front of our eyes?

Gamers are unironically rising up.
And that's a good thing.

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It doesn't matter, normies still buy that shit.

Thank you for your service.

except they didn't, data we have indicates bfv sold under 50% of BF1

this, fucking priveleged incels

I too, would have figured that the normal fags wouldn't give a shit about the drama and I guess they didn't all that much, given that it still sold a lot of units. EA not hitting their projections is victory enough, tho.

>pre orders were 85% behind CoD
>went on sale 1 week later
>Twitch viewers were absymally low
>sold 7.3 million


it literally sold like 7-8m less than projections, it's a disastrous bomb and it cost the "don't buy it" guy his job. probably a lot of other people too.

It really makes EA seem like the worst EA ever that they dropped Battlefront 2, BFV, and now Anthem in the space of 2 years

I highly doubt it sold that much. They're probably using some corporate loophole mental gymnastics to get that number. I never see anyone actually playing it.

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>fallout 76
>released at least one year too early
>also they refuse to use a modern day engine

>literally who

>battlefield 5
>dude let's make a ww2 fps shooter without usa, russia or nippon lmao

>quantity over quality
>too much focus on world building and story
>too little on gameplay, missions and enemy types

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>still buying AAA western games


It's the exact opposite of that for Anthem.
You can tell they spent the last majority of their dev time on the visuals, movement, combat, skills, and shooting at the cost of the story-telling.

>I was actually pretty surprised at the resounding "fuck off" coming from gaymers in response to that

No wonder companies like EA have been paying people online to mock this kind of anti-corporative bootlicking stance with these Completely Organicâ„¢ "gamers rise up" memes and whatnot. Same goes for those "EA bad, praise Geraldo" posts that try to mock people pointing out the disparity in pro-consumer policies between certain companies, which just so happens to highlight how fucking garbage EA, Activision and the like are.

nothing really. all decent games. not best ever made but still good

i dont know what your blathering post is attempting to say

Flying feels sloppy on pc but all other movement and combat feels nice and tight.

He is probably trying to say that people with anti-consumer memes are getting BTFOd.

All of them have a singular problem when you boil it all down.
That is they built something and told people they should want it, rather than building something their customers actually wanted.

All of them come off as tone-deaf, like they put plenty of money into the development and marketing but nothing into market research.

>That is they built something and told people they should want it, rather than building something their customers actually wanted.


that's why the next Valve game is going to be Dota Auto Chess, probably launching within 3 months.

They spent millions and millions hiring richard garfield, doing all the art, design, coding the game, etc etc etc, and all people actually wanted to play is a dota mod where you drag pieces onto the board and they fight each other.

I would like to think that this experience will very strongly remind Gabe of how Valve became successful.

basically the companies that make AAA games have grown so big that they hired loads of people who are just normalfags who think candy crush and angry birds are the pinnacle of video games
the people who made all the games you loved were either fat white male nerds who never saw the sun, or fat japanese nerds who never saw the sun
these people have all been replaced by zoomers with pink hair and tattoos who are completely clueless about what makes a great game actually great

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Every single time people try to give a "resounding fuck off" to companies, they are met with an armada of shills trying to mock their stance with these "gamers rise up" memes out of nowhere, SPECIALLY when EA is the target. It's just a case of corporations trying to game forums to control the narrative.

oh, I don't agree with that at all, I think that's your perception

game companies care vastly less about controlling opinion on websites than people here think

>game companies care vastly less about controlling opinion on websites than people here think

Uh huh, sure. That's why they spend fortunes on marketing, shilling and astroturfing. That's also why there are entire businesses dedicated to selling and controlling reddit accounts for example.

Because of fucking course a corporation doesn't want to tame a narrative that goes directly against their best interests, nah.

>Uh huh, sure. That's why they spend fortunes on marketing, shilling and astroturfing

they don't, the time you've spent here listening to people in an echo chamber has distorted your perceptions.

>extremely broken
>following a 4 year old fad but it's not f2p
>"don't like it, don't buy it"
>painfully mediocre and followed after another shitty bioware launch

Unoriginal, tired, soulless western video games that suffer from grandiose scope syndrome.

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>"You know that genre that is teeming with Freemium games that have been around for years? Let's try to make a pay to play game that also has digit card prices dictated by a second hand market!"

What in the everliving fuck was Valve thinking.

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your grandfather is tumbling in his grave because of the complete shit you've became after all he did to make this world a better place

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Why can't I dislike a video game's depiction of a real event?

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Unironically agree with this, 100%. The type of people making games at AAA companies these days are disgusting hipster, tattooed, normalfaggots trying to push agendas instead of pasty, autistic, mega-nerds who just want to go on a grand adventure.

>What in the everliving fuck was Valve thinking.
Money and testing the consumer base to see how much they're willing to shell out.
I guarantee you developing Artifact cost them like 2 subway sandwiches and a shoelace.

kys furfag

I think his grandpa would be pleased as pie just knowing he's not a russian or a nazi (or black)

Shut up beta basedboy

That other comment that said based boy was supposed to be basedboy

Not him, but this is epic

make like a spring, discord tranny

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mad cuz bad

>devs told us not to buy game
imagine being this much of a snowflake

>based furfag decimating a cringy tranny
I never thought I'd agree with a furfag...

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In all 4 cases it's an example of cynical game design by corporate committee, the attempt to monetize trends which are already going stale without a solid framework on which to spring forth from. Anthem and Fallout were additionally seriously hurt by their engines which were not intended to do and violently rejected the framework they were trying to build off of them. Gamebyro does not into multiplayer, Frostbite does not into 3rd person or dialogue wheels or other shit. Anthem ironically is surpassed by Andromeda because the B team on Andromeda managed to do a fucking rebuild of Frostbite that worked for what they needed it to do, it only took them redoing and scrapping everything multiple times and then an 18 month bantam death march rushed development to throw together a game from scratch.

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But the devs did say not to buy the game.
Do you know what snowflake means?

It means you spend 2 years crying about what 1 dev said on a team of 100+ people cause he hurt your feefees

He's just butt blasted since all his gangweed posts in BFV threads actually made gamers rise up.

I have tried so hard to get into Fallout 76 considering I got it for $5 and it's just mind numbing how shit it is.

>Cap influx is slow as shit at my current level
>Enemies are all bullet sponges
>Still haven't seen a weapon above and beyond a hunting rifle or a pump shotty
>Nobody communicates
>Nobody works together
>Just pick up this trash, scrap it and then store it
>Keep doing this goy
>Isn't it fun to repeat the same process with seemingly no end in sight and no reward beyond a flashy level-up screen?

Every time I try to play it, I've quit once again within 15-20 minutes. Fallout 76 makes Fallout 4 look like a fucking masterpiece.

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>If someone makes a game you have to buy it
Wow, I had no idea EA was entitled to my money, regardless of how shit their game is.
No wonder you trannys are so easily convinced to cut your dick off, you are actually fucking retarded.

I didnt buy it either, but I dont cry endlessly cause some dev was mean, you tiny dicked whiny bitch.

>People willingly buy unfinished content-free 60 dollar games

Is it the game companies fault that sheeple keep sheepling?

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>I... I'm not crying
Look at all the autistic rage seeping from every post you make. I cannot imagine being this mad at people on an anime image board.
I know dilation can be stressful, but I'm not the one who made you cut your dick off.

Artifact was pure greed with it's tripple dip antics of having to buy a game, the cards and also catch a percentage on all the steam market trades

The single most infuriating thing about the whole BFV race bullshit is that they just stuffed niggers, gooks, and what could possibly be a spic in without rhyme or reason. They left out the fucking indians, you know, the one fucking non-white race that fought with the bongs in decently large numbers.

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it didnt

The absolute state of the westacuck industry
How the fuck do you go from Mass Effect 1&2 to Anthem? it's not fucking fair

I own 3/4 of the games in OP's pic. I'm sorry.

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It's probably 7.3 million copies shipped not sold.

Creative bankruptcy.
Acute allergy to risks.
Virtue signalling.
Bean counter and investor expectations.
World of Warcraft and Fortnite.

>forgot about mass effect 3

>video games have become a hallow cash grab of their former status
>put in minimum effort and try to trick the players into spending even more money
>the ego's of these companies are so inflated that they're literally telling customers not to buy the game
>firing e-shills becaus they tell the truth

The video game market is the biggest it has ever been, in the history of video games and these AAA companies are shitting the bed

Or it could be amount of players which includes origin access and other variants of jewing.

>companies think we want a diversity left leaning game with pandering to gays
>put in minimum effort and hide behind "live service" so they can add a few skin or a map every 4 to 6 months
>customers really just want something that's fucking fun

ME3 was the beginning of the end

Artifact probably is was the only project that manage to get done before being sabotaged by people working on other projects.

>ridden with bugs and bad decision
>loot shooter with no loot variety and abysmal tier endgame/enemy AI

Vastly over-estimating the consumer's tolerance for bad games and bad game design. In a way I don't even blame them since it's mostly worked for them in the past. The overall majority of people always forgave Bethesda since their games are bug ridden messes. I hope F76 convinced those people of the obvious.

Based mods.

what is woke about anthem?

Stop crying that your game flopped. It is embarrassing.

and yet he's 100% correct. but yeah, keep playing your shitty MP games because you continue to tell yourself that they are the best video games have to offer in terms of each franchise.


I enjoy singleplayer still, but Multi offers a new experience literally every single time you boot up the same map thats existed for 20 years. Play the same level over in a Singleplayer game and you figure out the AI in 10 minutes. Real people are better and more retarded than AI, so it's always new. Even when it's nothing but meta game at the highest levels, you still can meta trick the meta trick to trick the trickster with a slightly different move or be slightly faster, always different.

>Unfinished game
>I don't know
>Not a BR
>Not a BR

BFV is actually alive and fun too.

Yeah sure it is

Fuck off Dice.

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>Fallout 76
Literally scamming customers

It's a card game

Android feminist super soldiers

Played it so safe that it became boring.

depends on year 39-41 was Britain carrying the allies

This, name a community with worse customer practices

>It means you spend 2 years crying about what 1 dev said
No, it means we took what he said to heart and realized that the game was not for us. I genuinely wish them all the luck with their new demographic.

Nice arguments you fucking faggots LMFAO. Sorry, i'm not a Yea Forums autistic bandwaggoning shitter who hops on every autist hate train. Sorry faggots but i'm not gonna skip a good game just because of "MUH WYMYN N MINORITIES" Because you see, i actually play videogames. Not identity politics. I know it's hard for you to wrap your double digit iq brains around this, but try.

>took what he said to heart
hahaha faggot

BFV as a game is fine but underwhelming. Awful marketing didn't ruin it for me

Simple. They're not making games people actually want to play.

>too big to fail

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>no name has opinion no one cares about on no name website
>Get angry and post it everywhere you can
I posit that you are the true cuckaroo.

Anthem flopped so hard it was forgotten the week it came out.

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It was as a joke, there was only like 20 copies

Everyone finally saw how truly greedy and stupid Bethesda really was.
Valve got too lazy and the employees working there all hate and sabotages each other and Gaben doesn't give a shit and just plays DOTA 2 all day long.
EA being EA.

No one wanted artifact. All the other games are dog shit

>employees working there all hate and sabotages each
Why do you say that? I dunno nothing about them, curious.

How boring are you? Do you never stumble upon things? Do you never share anything you find?

dude, just taking some random's opinion and running with it is about the surest sign of a dumbfuck.

How big of a faggot are you?

He doesn't know anything about them, either.

A useless woman who cut up commercial controllers all day and taped them together (she literally did this) as "research" for the Steam Controller was fired for being useless.

She left a twitter rant of course suggesting that Valve is misogynistic and she used a lot of keywords like "bro culture" and blah blah blah, said employees didn't work together; all of it basically means she was excluded and nobody worked with her because she was useless.

Like four years later, somehow this has manifested into some substantiated idea on Yea Forums, who think they know how Valve's offices work and what the culture is like. Lol.

Never bother listening to people who claim to have an idea about something they couldn't possibly know about. This board hates Valve because they're young and don't remember when patching games took a day.

I'd hate to burst your delusions of Yea Forums importance, but I find it much more likely that BF1 was a but disappointing and the market is tired of battlefield games right now.

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>Is a broken buggy piece of shit that is the epitome of Bethesda cash grabbing
>A card game with a shitty ass ranked system that doesn't mesh with anything else and something no one asked for
>Yo this game doesn't look so good
Damn I wonder indeed
>A buggy broken mess that has no endgame content and casts it's net so fucking wide to appeal to everyone it appeals to no one.

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"market is tired" doesn't explain a >50% drop in sales

>Publishers control games now.
>No idea how video games work.
>Lol they'll buy it because I said so XD XD
The eternal boomer strikes again.

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Well if that's true I'd be willing to believe that there were other significant factors, but citation needed for sure, my dude.

Well they were the only ally really left. Until Hitler's brilliant plan to attack Stalin.

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chill out, man, I'm not angry
it's just another grain of sand on the mountain of stupidity that is the modern left
also the "too big to fail" is a nice example of stupidity from the right or if not right then capitalism

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It looking exactly like BF1 explains the drop. I want to play it but I keep telling myself just play BF1. The minor change to aiming and health arent enough to make me care. I want to drive them tanks though.

this is a big sign too

What I'm legitimately more shocked about was (except for Battlefield 1), how much the news media was on the players' side this time. Again, except for Battlefield 1, it felt like they were actually agreeing with the company's bullshit. Anthem is the biggest one. I expected the usual "manbabbies whining"

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>turning war into game = a-ok, nothing to see here
>putting women into game = disrepecting the fallen

BF4 looks exactly like BF3 and sold like 30% more

they literally turned off their entire audience (95%+ white males) and that's why it failed. Combined with fortnite/pubg. I don't think it's fatigue, just sudden irrelevance.

making a representation of something for entertainment purposes isn't "turning" anything into anything else. it's a representation

representations are desired to be accurate, otherwise they're just fictional scenarios, not representations.

It's not even about women...It's about one-armed women with 1940 prosthetics using 2020 technology beating up men in close quarters combat. Do they think women play these games?

I skipped bf3 cause it looked dumbed down from oldfield 2. Then I bought BF4 for 50% off like 2 weeks after release on black friday. Then I got BF3 in a humble bundle for a dollar a few years later. Good times.

Worst part is that they could of used one of those Russian snipers girls instead of that one armed British woman.

The gameplay changes make BFV much better gameplay-wise than BF1, it's just that everything else is half-arsed and feels like an early access indie. For God's sake, not only do Germans airdrop out of C-47s, but they couldn't be bothered to change the soldier models inside to German ones!

>making a representation of something for entertainment purposes isn't "turning" anything into anything else. it's a representation
I'm sure you'd have no problem with White Genocide Simulator 2019 then, and definitely wouldn't accuse it of making genocide look fun?
>2020 technology

BFV is a good game though

>I'm sure you'd have no problem with White Genocide Simulator 2019 then, and definitely wouldn't accuse it of making genocide look fun?

No, I wouldn't have a problem with it at all. Why would I?

I bought BF5 hoping for it to be a fun game since I enjoyed BF1 but holy shit the maps suck, the weapons suck, AA on planes is trash. Im considering reinstalling BF1 to see if people are still playing it.

arr rook same

Fallout 76 reddit
>fuck the haters this game is awesome thanks bethesda I never knew I could feel these emotions again, thanks for the gold stranger

Now nobody plays anymore

Artifact reddit
>best cardgame ever fuck the haters valve is god richcum gurglecockfield designed it its the best, youre just poor you dont understand the deep mechanics xdd

Now its abandoned nobody plays and the reddit is dead.

Anthem reddit right now
>TIL reviewers are stupid and their opinions are bad I really like this game. Guys dont listen to all the hate the game is amazing. As a father of 15 children this game is perfect I only have 5minutes a month to play and I feel like a child again thanks bioware

I wonder whats gonna happen.


Unlike you people i actually play Battlefield V is actually pretty good. Love how the classes progress and they just added hunnaunt pretty fun.


I am not even white, you useless retard. Your game was shit. Get over it.

Multiplayer as fuck

Spic here the the game fucking sucked get over it AMIGO

I hate you retards that are still defending WWII cybernetics even after it was removed.

BFV is dead

People have left DICE

Game has sold under expectations with deep discounts

There has been no promised content past March, and even then we still haven't gotten everything promised to us.

At the same point of previous Battlefield's life cycle, all the future expansions were revealed with expected dates. We have no information on the future of BFV

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you mean shipped.There is a difference

Nothing went wrong!
Artifact is flourishing.

Cheap, lazy, boring, literally a FO4 multiplayer mod
Let's release a card game for 20 bucks when literally every other competitor on the market is f2p, especially now that THE card game is releasing too.
game tries his hardest to piss off its audience, manages to do so and flops. Glorious.
Not only it's the safest most boring idea they could shit, but they manage to fuck it up too.

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Japan needs to save gaming again.

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Still higher than Battleborn.

I didn't ask for your opinion you fucking wetback. LMFAO. I really dont give a shit about anything that isnt the gameplay, and the gameplay is good, is my point.

Only DMCV is coming out this year. Everything else is animeshit.

A FO4 multiplayer mod would have been more fun than the pseudo-rust they went with.
I just wanna do quests and fuck around with my friends. Not collect scrap to build a shitbooth and shoot skyrim dragons

Give Mtg Arena a try. A 26 year old card game won't die as easy.

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It is with the Switch.
Nintendo saving gaming once again

>Fallout 76
Unplayable cash grab, it still would have been a success if they had just made it fucking playable.
The worst competitor in a saturated genre, also mismanagement of DotA 2 turned people off.
Get woke, go broke.
Buggy and generic.

Fallout 76
>released 3 years too early
>lol never even heard of it
>lol fuck you don't buy it then
>just give me an option to not play as a wymyn or a nibber please
>most of the NPCs are mongrels
>white boys are soft femmy gaybois
>the women all look like bull dykes
>story sucks
the combat and the gameplay fucks big time tho, the endgame is already miles ahead of Destiny, its a shame about the characters and story, the lore seems interesting too

BFV was a success, stupid incel.

It's the kind of garbage they used to get away with but the rise of indie developpers created healthy competition and people have now better game to play

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Vidya market is overheated and the publishers got too used to everything new outselling everything old with little effort. It doesn't work anymore since the walls of explosive growth are closing in and even normies are starting to have standards. Infinite growth for entertainment corporation just does not really work in the long run.

Yeah sure it was

Is there? Shipped implies the stores purchased it, which means EA got dat mon mon regardless if the store sold copies or not. Also shipped implies physical only. So if it was 7+ mil shipped, and god knows how many digital sales, thats so much mon mon. Like, the type of money where you build a mclaren out of money.

I'm not defending the prosthetics. The full quotes was:
>women with 1940 prosthetics using 2020 technology
I want to know where the 2020 technology is.

no sexy artwork
pretty stupid decision on valves part
magic build up their card empire on sexy artwork alone

BFV sold extremely well, around 7.3 million.

EA declared it a failure, since it's not enough if listed company makes profit. They must always make much more profit than before to keep investors content. Company without infinite growth is not worth investing in.

considered flop because EA blew too much money on marketing. fucking hardline sold more

Is this it?
Is Triple-A gaming finally dying?

>Fallout 76
The first time developers heard that it was going to be online was from Todd at E3 with the rest of us lmao. They spent so much time thinking about how they should, that they never stopped and figured out whether or not they could.
Literally nobody cares about DOTA lore though it did have some QTs. Card games where you buy cards are inherently pay to win, and nobody's going to buy a pay to win game. Why play this game when you could play Hearthstone if you're a casual and magic the gathering if you're a competitivefag?
>Battlefield V
Believe it or not normalfag dudebros are not massive cucks. Guess who the target audience for """historical"""" multiplayer shooters is?
Why try to do a generic sci fi looter shooter when there are already generic sci fi looter shooters? The funniest part is that it feels like the devs thought their setting was so interesting they didn't need interesting gameplay, when the setting is fucking store brand.

All in all people don't like derivative garbage that treats them like retards. (Before you start I mean derivative of other better series, the same game 900 times is just because people want to play the game more)

>just give me an option to not play as a wymyn or a nibber please
...but they did?

>Not animeshit
We got a closeted weaboo here.