How would you go abouts telling a tale, keeping the action and staying true to the cast and setting?
What premise should a new game in the Shantae series have?
An older, more developed Shantae.
everyone tries to rub her tummy and she runs away from them. she ventures to find a way to turn people back to normal.
How would you feel if a new game followed Shantae and/or her children/descendants in a co-operative beat 'em up (e.g. Castle Crashers) format?
I want to actually go to the genie realm and see other genies. Maybe figure out what happened to Shantae's parents too. Of course, all this is unnecessary if Risky mode comes back. On second thought, just give me an original Risky game.
Shantae's futacock
Ive said this in a few threads, but I would just be happy if they continued the direction they were going, with more inspiration being taken from the original game. Like the palette shifts that happened in different events, and the return of the day-night cycle and all the different things they offer. Maybe later in the game, Shantae can learn a sun dance to bring the sun out, but there could be a cool down period for that? It would be able to give her access to daytime events, but you cant make the sun go down, you would have to wait for that normally.
I also would love it if we could finally get to meet Shantae's mother. She seems a little bit closer to meeting her each game but they just keep teasing it.
do pirate's curse 2. either a spinoff or mainline series, idc just do it
I want them to be real and so I could cum in them.
Chapter 0
>Shantae awakes to the sound of a seagull squawking, perched upon her open window.
>Upon reaching Scuttle Town, she's treated to a surprise birthday party her friends have thrown for her.
>A large birthday cake is rolled out as they wish her a happy birthday.
>Upon the climax of the little musical number, come a loud 'HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOUUUUUUU~' as Risky Boots bursts out of the top of the cake in a one piece suit fashioned with fishnet stockings and donning her pirate hat.
>Audience agasp, Risky licks some icing of the cake off her finger and compliments the chef.
>Leaping out from the cake, she lands in front of Shantae, covering her in cake residue.
>With that same finger, she scoops up some more cake that landed on Shantae's shoulder.
>'Here, try some!', she says as she places her finger in Shantae's mouth, giving her a taste.
>Recoiling in embarassment, Shantae demands what nefarious business Risky has in mind this time.
>'Oh, nothing much. I've just been hearing about the coming eclipse and I just so desperately wanted to investigate the matter. Personally.'
I think they should just remaster the first game.
>The eclipse she refers to is the Lunar Eclipse - one that is only seen about three times in an average person's lifetime.
>What Shantae has yet to have revealed to her are the circumstances of her very conception.
>The Lunar Eclipse is the only time where a genie can concieve offspring,
>Shantae goes in to hiding when her Uncle is forced to reveal this bit of news at the behest of Risky to everyone in attendance.
>A silhouette is at the back of the crowd and you are offered the chance to create your very own character.
>You can choose who to play as from amongst the selection of Shantae's friends and enemies to go out looking for her.
>Regardless of who you choose, your efforts will result in a romantic union and you will consumate a child with the Half-Genie Hero of Scuttle Town.
>because magic.
Shantae vs. ISIS
I want everything that was in the first game to come back
>multiple towns
>day-night cycle
>different melee attacks and combos
>Zombie Caravan
>emphasis on exploration
The fact that Half Genie Hero is so watered down compared to a game boy game from 2002 is insane.
Shantae gets a magical flu and accidentally transforms everyone and nearly everything into women, or women shaped objects/monsters. She has to find a way to reverse this, but inevitably not everyone and everything gets changed back.
Fund it.
>be offspring of tinkerbat dad and half-genie mother
>feel incredibly out of place and have to work for Ms. Boots
>have boatload of magic
>can pretend to be a human to fit in
>fail miserably
>leave the ship
>run away
>run far, far away
>learn about the secret realm of the genies
>encounter with someone who claims to be my grand mother
>learn more about my magic
>can become a monkey
>become a monkey
>settle down with a nice monkey
Pirates Curse is the best game in the series by a huge margin, imo. Just more of that.
Maybe bring back the proper art design, too.
This sounds more like an episode from a Shantae TV series.
And it sounds good!
Shantae is bad
Travel to more parts of Sequin Land. Probably end with a visit to the Genie Realm.
We already meet Shantae's dad.
Sequin Land's layout changes every fucking game. About the only consistent part is that the cornfield and forest is always to the east of scuttle Town.
And even that wasn't in HGH.
Because in that game, you never even leave Scuttle Town and instead fly directly to each major area.
If Shantae grew out her pubes could she use them in combat?
And PC had her sail places. That was a good idea.
She still walks out of Scuttle Town to visit the palace, cutting through the traditional cornfield and forest along the way. HGH is the only one where she never actually sets a foot outside Scuttle's walls.
Man I remember trying to find Shantae porn back when Risky's Revenge came out, it barely existed.
Now it is everywhere.
Fucking fake porn fans.
When will we get to learn more about Shantaes father as well?
If he is the guy Im thinking of, Im having trouble buying into the idea that he was able to charm a genie. Let alone have a child with her.
Everyone become a genie, from Risky, Sky and Bolo up to last tinkerbat and animal in forest. No one has any idea what is happening, multiple conflicts arise here and there. Shantae takes up the task of sorting those conflicts out, and eventually, much to her own surprise, becomes a queen of new genie land.
Gameplay-wise, it is like HGH, but actually fleshed-out and not bite-sized.
Dude, the implication is that it's Karnov. I can't imagine a genie saying no to someone like him.
what is shantae looking at?
I know who the implication is, but think about it.
He has a limited vocabulary
He smells like a mutated buffalo
All he seems to know is violence
I know he has a deep-set love for his daughter and even tho he cant remember who she is, he remembers her strongly and seeks to find her.
But what must he have done to charm Shantaes mother?
I just cant think of anything besides maybe smashing a gremlin with a ladder.
Which, admittedly, that scene never fails to make me laugh, but was she charmed with humor?
I would make her a big fucking SLUT sucking cocks and ingesting semen in order to live.
I really, really like the flash of Risky letting one of her tinkerbats fuck her tits
>Karnov finds the hidden treasure cave, as seen in the ending of his arcade game
>Among the treasures is a magic lamp with a genie that he releases. She swears her undying love to him as thanks for being freed
>Shantae is later born
Should Shantae get a love interest?
The public backlash would tear the Net apart.
...I guess it could be as simple as that, yeah.
But I like the idea of them forming a connection which led to Shantaes birth. And then they spent time together raising her until Risky took out the genies, banishing them back to the Genie Realm.
I just wanna discuss how that might have happened because its hard to picture unless Karnov just has this undying passion and incredible depth for affection and unconditional love towards those he cares about.
Why would she need one?
If you get to choose/create that love interest in-game? Absolutely.
>Bozon said they have scripts written for a cartoon
Someone pick that shit up.
Those were dark times.
Shantae is far too sexy to be in a modern cartoon.
Who said they don't make a connection after meeting?
And from what I understand, the genies simply left on their own volition, at least those that the Pirate Master hadn't wiped out yet. Risky wasn't even a factor back then.
Women exist, user.
They really do.
>FIgure out what happened to Shantae's fathers
Didnt Pirate Curse reveal that they all sacrifice their stay at the normal world in order to contain the Pirate Master?
But didnt Risky say that she was responsible for Shantaes mother vanishing, and toyed with her asking which Genie she was. The firey one, or the song bird?
That seems like a pretty clear indication to me that Risky was responsible, and besides, she is much older than Shantae, so it is likely she was old enough to do such a thing while Shantae was still little.
Right? I would watch it every chance I got! It sounds like it would be incredible~
I just hope they try to stick to the world they created for Shantae and not change it too much cause I love it just the way it is.
That was the Pirate Master who said all that.
Just get the french to do it.
It was the Pirate Master who did that, but Risky did meet Shantae's mother and told her she is very much alike her mother after defeating the Pirate Master.
wait... Shoot, Im mixing up my lines.
He did say that huh?
Risky said something like "Youre just like her. Only shorter. And more annoying."
Dunno why I mixed that detail up.. my bad.
also meant for (but I already posted before I saw it)
An evil genie wants to destroy Sequin Land for some reason, and he will use artifacts both from the Genie Realm and Sequin Land, so Shantae needs to go to both travel through both places to find and protect the artifacts(which she will lose eventually because of course she is). The evil genie promises the Barons protection and power in exchange for their loyalty and sends them to get the artifcats. Risky comes and goes from being an ally/rival.
The final level is either a three way battle against the evil genie vs Shantae vs Risky or just Risky + Shantae vs the evil genie and the actual final battle will be Shantae vs Risky a la Shantae 1(and dmc 3)
I want a 3d Shantae game!
Nah, whip weapons suck in 3d, just ask Castlevania.
Getting fucked by all the animal she can find.
>An evil genie wants to destroy Sequin Land for some reason
>and he will use artifacts both from the Genie Realm and Sequin Land
This genie is either artificially created or an impostor disguised as a genie then cause I think its canon that there cannot be any boy genies in this universe.
There is a colored version of that you know!
And a 3D Shantae game would be interesting. Being able to explore Sequin Land in all directions would be awesome, but quite the endeavor too. The developers would have to account for completely different level designs to make things interesting and explorable.
Also as this guy pointed out:
you would have to change how Shantaes hair worked, or at least how the attack does.
She could maybe change to a more combat-oriented style of play where she can lash and do sweeping attacks with her hair to cover more space...
The more I think about it the more fun it sounds, but they would have to get someone who designs games in 3D space and has mastered it as well.
Shantae doesn't work in 3D. Like, her character. Never seen a good model of her.
>Finally getting an actually good Shantae model
Jesus, took long enough.
>No male genies
Where do pure genies come from, then? the only reason Shantae is not in the Genie Realm is because she is a half genie, I must assume there are male and female genies in order to create more pure genies.
On the subject of 3d:
Seriously for her hair to work in 3d she would have to move it like Kratos swings his swords or do whatever they did with Fury in Darksiders, which I dont know was good or not since I dont play those games.
They're magical beings. They don't have to follow the rules of human biology. New genies likely just poof into existence whenever.
Pure Genies come from the Genie Realm I would assume.
Shantae is a special case because she was born from the love between a Genie and a human. She did not have to be born from another world necessarily. And being half-human means that she can bridge the gap between the worlds once she can unlock her full potential. She already hinted towards doing this in the end of the first game. And she traveled to the Genie Realm at the end of HGH (tho it was rather anticlimactic..)
And you will not see any Male Genies in any iteration of the Realm. I think Bozon himself stated that Genies can only be Female.
>On the subject of 3d:
Seriously for her hair to work in 3d she would have to move it like Kratos swings his swords or do whatever they did with Fury in Darksiders, which I dont know was good or not since I dont play those games.
Not quite. If you turn Shantae more combat oriented, it would only change what her hair does and what ground it covers. And she also has her magic and acrobatic moves as well.
Honestly, I really wanna see a Shantae game combine these elements of combat together, with different variations of hair attacks, kicks, flips, spells, transformations, and tricks.
It could work if its done right, and it could be a brand-new take to the way Shantae plays.
Well then I change everything I said to include a "evil female genie"
I guess it could work in 3d, it would give me an excuse to actually use the fire and storm spells, and for them to use again the physical skills from Shantae 1, the only problems is that as far as I can tell, Wayforward doesnt do games like that, so they would have to outsorce the job to another company.
If I recall, WayForward considered a 3D game, but Shantae's ponytail being too big and obscuring her body made the model extremely difficult to work with.
How about we finally meet her mother?
There's supposed to be many half-genies in the world, not just Shantae.
On that note, you could completely change the item menu to instead be a wheel on the corner of the screen that you could change which type of menu it is using the bumper on your controller
for example:
>magic wheel
>items wheel
>dances wheel
Then you simply use the d-pad (or even the action buttons depending on how you do it.)
And mastering this would mean creating cool combinations of moves to take out enemies.
Sure! But with technology being as good as it is now, hair physics would not be hard to do. just have her movements be very animated and you will have it obscure her far less often, showing her behind the ponytail.
Ok youre right. And I do remember this line vaguely, but what I said does not disclude the possibility of other half-Genies. Simply that Shantae is a special case from the Pure Genies.
Or at least enough that no one questioned Holly's claim of being one.
She exceeded her limits in the first game and was offered to become a full genie (she refused because it meant leaving her friends behind). Presumably, any half-genie who proves her worth can ascend.
I think she actually was a half-genie, but her arrogance and ego got her punished and cursed into the memory leech she is now.
Yeah but would they offer her that possibility again?
She already thought about it and turned it down before, and its highly unlikely she would change her mind about her friends.
And again, that makes Shantae a special case~
But you did make me just think of the possibility of "Full Genies" starting off as half-Genies and ascending...But then I started thinking about who made those Genies?
Who was the first Genie? She had to have simply materialized in the Genie Realm. Either due to all the wishes on earth gathering in one place or some other reason, like, she just simply WAS after she was not.
>Holly Lingerbean was actually a half-Genie, but her arrogance and ego got her punished and cursed into the memory leech she is now.
These are actually great ideas...
It would explain how she was able to stick around, outside of just being a Lich. But she is known to be an impostor Genie, so who knows?
Genies are known to be lovers of ironic punishment. Holly was all about making everybody in Tassel Town love and worship her, so the Realm no doubt gave her a fitting punishment for abusing her position by wiping out her town and erasing all memory of her existence from the rest of the world. They likely also cursed Holly herself to remain trapped in an eternity of existing without anybody ever knowing she exists.
You do good for people, the Realm rewards you. You make people miserable, the Realm makes you miserable in turn.
Modern hair physics in a Shantae game would be cool.
In my head genies are human creations through magic that were put in lamps in order to create a way to make people's wishes come true, somehow they freed themselves or were helped by someone to be free and created their own safe haven in which they live in, the rest of the genies that stayed for X reason were the ones who imprisoned the Pirate Master and now theres only Half Genies.
Worked for Wakfu
I don't care about the premise, the only thing that would make me care is if the game is good and enjoyable to play unlike the rest of the franchise.
Yeah I know, that falls perfectly in-line with Genie logic and how Genies behave, reward, and punish. And I love it. In your headcanon, it presents the possibility that there are half-genies being tested before they are allowed to ascend to the Genie Realm, and what determines what happens to them is their attitudes towards other people and how they use their Genie powers.
Shantae was a good girl and uses her powers to help those in need of them. She even tried to grant her first wish to the Mayor of Scuttletown despite his horrible treatment of her.
Holly was the exact opposite. She wanted everyone to worship and love her, and not only did she lose her passage to the Genie Realm, but she also was PUNISHED in quite the horrifying way. Being unable to be forgotten because her heart is now a lingering memory unable to leave the world that she haunted, long after her admirers moved on or died.
I love this so much, and its now my headcanon too.
Human creations? I dunno about that. For one, magic seems to have originated from Genies, so if humans could create magical beings, why didnt they just grant themselves those Genie powers rather than assign them to a fictional being they invented?
Its an interesting idea, for sure, but it doesnt add up the more you think about it.
Also lamps would be a rather arbitrary thing for Genies to be put in. For the sake of creating a narrative, how about the notion that humans created the lamps as a way to communicate with the genies?
And some ended up being trapped partway into reaching the human world.
This would mean only humans are capable of freeing them from their new prison and feel obligated to grant wishes using their powers. What do you think?~
Risky's Revenge explains that lamps were a human construct designed to trap and enslave genies, so the genies obviously existed before the lamps did. In Shantae's case, since she's only a half-genie, Risky's lamp enslaves her genie magic as a separate entity (Nega-Shantae).
Sounds good I guess, from my point of view genies's origins have to be the lamps, for any reason, and then they created and fled into the the Genie Realm, and the thought of them just existing inside of them from the very beggining doesnt make much sense (even though that sounds to be Shantae's origin, she had parents but somehow found herself inside a lamp that Mimic found) so either they were forcefully put in the lamps or their existence started there, any way is good to me. Also, there is magic outside the genies influence, so I think ancient humans(which also had advanced technology) may have a way of using magic and concentrating it inside lamps for whatever reason, just a thought.
God its been a while since Ive played that game. Maybe I should go back and play it again.
I assumed the lamp that Risky had was a special kind of lamp designed to ensnare Genies, so I thought there was room for speculation.
That makes sense although I like my idea a bit better honestly., but the idea that Genies were created by humans feels forced.
Also I never said Genies didnt exist before lamps, I was just trying to come up with a reason why they get trapped in lamps for the sake of creating a narrative that works.
>The developers would have to account for completely different level designs to make things interesting and explorable.
This is one of the major reasons I want it. Shantae is extremely well known for being mediocre, so I think a radical change in formula could make Wayforward find another way if implementing her transformation playstyle that might be more fun.
I actually agree with you completely.
If anyone from WayForward is reading this thread, I hope they get inspired by some of these ideas.
Also you guys are really fun to talk to~
that's bullshit, the model posted is pretty good for example. You only have that opinion because a shitty porn model is the only one available for her right now, which is why we need a proper game in 3d to rid the world of that unspeakable abomination
Shante games are mediore
2 are good, and 2 are bad(some may differ on HGH´s quality) so I guess its a Half Decent franchise