User, why did you leave tf2?

A lot of people stopped playing tf2 at some point. Too many shitty updates that fucking ruined the game imo. So a couple years ago I just gave away all my hats, items, stranges, unusuals etc. I was sick and tired of that shit. What about you guys?

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Other urls found in this thread:

I quit in 2013 and came back last year. It’s the only FPS worth playing currently.

I played yesterday, I stopped because after 1 hour and a half of Dustbowl we played on Steel, then right after the first match everyone voted for Dustbowl again.

Because I got sick of dying to rng crits, shitty netcode that compensates third worlders with retarded advantages like mile long melee ranges and bullets that can curve behind walls, and hackers running rampant

LMAOBOX hackerz and my favorite server died

the matchmaking update killed the community servers I played on.

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Matchmaking killed it, Noone plays custom maps anymore.

Play highlander then

They released so many buggy updates that caused it to start crashing to desktop so frequently (every 10-20 minutes) that I just got fed up and quit around 2014. I do have an older PC, but it ran fine otherwise, like 100-200 FPS on high settings. Even lowering the graphics settings to the lowest didn't help, it was probably caused by adding too many faggy cosmetics and dances. Oh well, fuck Valve for ruining/abandoning all their games that actually mattered.

It's fun for a few days before you realize the new medal and XP system encourages tryharding from other morons and you'll soon end up raging over every death, failed kill or even just losing the round/entire game.

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>custom maps

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It went f2p and the artstyle was ruined along with the game mechanics

OP here. I can confirm that the matchmaking update was the thing that made me quit. Plus all the previous lame updates and overall cancerous community. And i had 700+ hours.

I didn't feel anything when I won, I didn't feel anything when I lost.

>same engine
>same models

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Cause most of the surf server is dead and only stupid orange map still remain.

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>ffxiv has a breast slider
>meanwhile there's no butt slider so all of the female models are stuck with hank hill asses

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I did a bunch of trading and overall playan on random pubs, eventually I stopped and when I came back they introduced matchmaking and stuff.

Was a turn off.
The game going F2P wasn't that bad either.

Just got tired. 2500 hours since launch. I can't do it anymore, the game is not fun anymore and never will be. My favorite server died years ago and everyone moved on to games I don't care about like MMOs.
I download it every now and again, but only play for a half hour before uninstalling it. It's just boring to me.
I also hate the art style getting killed because of autistic niggers wanting their weirdly dressed characters with a bunch of particle effects.

I didn't. Meet your Match made me leave for a year but I came back.

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I think the last enjoyable update was the Heavy vs Pyro one

I'd rather play Minecraft or Smash Ultimate

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I'm not good enough to play on private servers with people who know what they're doing, but not retarded enough to have fun playing with literal children on valve/skial servers

It's too different. I have trouble finding fun servers to play on.
I just wanna jump in PLR or CP and shoot people, but it seems every server is either dead or running some weird ass mods or whatever and I don't get that.
I also really liked surfing, but it seems the servers I was into are all gone.

i leave and come back in the span of 3-12 months... i cant forget this game, its literally good times nostalgia for me...

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TF2 in Smash when

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Fuck valve for killing off community servers and force that sv_pure crap

holy shit this
fuck f2p trash for sucking valve's dick for more hats

Nothing in particular, I just got burned out of it. I have to admit tho, it's the only good FPS nowadays.
No bullshit ultimate attacks, no scout planes or minimap, no bomber planes... Everything is based on your own skill.

>Late at night/early in the morning
>Light rain tapping the window
>Only guy left at a rotation server
>Rocket/sticky jumping all over the place for fun
>Listen to the ambience of nature and humming of the saws
>Oddly soothing

I miss it so much.

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tf2 is fucking terrible at managing its community, mods are just really stupid

The server I frequent shuts down because everyone there moved on to dota 2.


The game died as a quality game for me back in 2012. I still play it for the micspam server sometimes though. Sadly community based servers died in games in favor of matchmaking or I'd be long gone completely.

Classic Valve. Instead of working on new IPs, sequels or any original product at all they just keep ruining the only few games they have.

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hopefully never

Like the faggot I was, I played because a friend of mine played and when I did play with them I was always their personal medic, granted I can't pc game for shit so I used an xbox controller so if I wasn't a medic heavy or engineer I was useless

But I only played when they played, now they're gone, and so is my desire to even open steam anymore

So basically I have no friends. literally, at all, to play with, which is a shame because the concept of tf2 appeals to me better than any other fps game

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They nerfed my main weapons

I can deal with everything you said except for the magic bullets that curve behind walls. Shit is frustrating no matter the game but if was prevalent as fuck in TF2

You sound like a phlog user

why arent you playing artifact user?

CSGO made me stop playing honestly.

I prefer orange box xbox 360 TF2 over all the new shit they added

My internet stopped working and now every time I join a server I'm frozen in place 90% of the match.

because i'm busy playing apex. tf2 was my main game for 7 years (~4000h) and apex is the first game in a long time that makes me wanna play more and more. i will come back to this sad excuse of a game called tf2 eventually though.

And yet their reputation still is mostly intact somehow

You'd be right. And Pomson.

Around the time it went F2P is when I stopped regularly playing it.
Around the time that PVE robot thing was released is when I stopped playing entirely.

Still to this day haven't found an online game I've enjoyed as much as TF2. It had the perfect blend of being engaging competitively, while at the same time not being filled with esports faggotry thus allowing you to actually enjoy the game.

Wow that's nice. Just two of the most broken and cancerous weapons in the game.

A series of very poor life decisions forced me to quit games for about 3 years, including TF2, which might've been my most played game.

The day I got my shit straight after suffering a lot I got a new PC. First thing I played was TF2, I think it was just after Meat your Match.

Still play a match or 3 almost every day.

I have no shame. I easily use the must crutchiest and broken weapons available in any game that I can.

MvM moneygrab.

Why are you like this? I'm interested in knowing why you lack the drive to do anything, why others before you?

>css surfing and climbing
fuck, so much fun

>be average skilled
>find server with other average skilled players
>Games are mostly balanced and its FUN
>Most servers dead
>matchmaking is awful
>most rounds have one team absolutely dominate the other
>not fun

>tfw I was a DR+L'etranger spy
>be that guy who just won't die by picking up ammo to refill the DR and cloak again
>repeat until half the enemy team is trying to kill me

I know I can't do that anymore but it was fun

Games stagnant and disorganised like in 08 I first bought it before it went f2p
Valve just need to rip the bandaid off and admit they no longer make vidya all the devs left 5-10 years ago.
Blacksite was a fucking joke it plays worse than a mod I loaded it up once and laughed my ass off at how bad it is.
Tf2 on the other hand is kinda sad since it's dispondant and just rotting away.
They could actually not be retards and put it on mobile devices but we know how shit source is.
Source 2 flopped so bad the last big game studio devs (respawn) using it ditched it for modded source engine one (titanfall/apex legend devs)
Such a shame as dx11 is so fucking long in the tooth and vulkan would be awesome but Hay one old quake engine fork dies another one steps up
Nah it's been shitter lately it's just aids

>Seeding a server with some pals while you guys shoot the shit
I want to go back

I just need Valve to show they care for TF2. Something, anything. TF2 is too good to die because of neglect.

Most of the time I get matched into balanced games, but then people quit when they can't break the stalemate, so naturally things go unbalanced and steamrolling happens.

Play Artifact.

I gave up on valve after the announcement of that turd and the hl3 leak

>be fairly shit at online games
>was usually in the upper middle of the scoreboard
>F2P hits
>top the scoreboard every single match without even trying

I still remember when I saw a teammate engineer build and man a turret facing our spawn, while we were the attacking team, then in the same match I saw a scout repeatedly for like 30 seconds try to jump over a chest high wall not knowing you could double jump. Right then and there I knew TF2 was dead.

I get so pissed off when a good spy is in the server with the DR, even after the nerf. Never actually know whether he's dead or not.

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I just go on a 6 month break if i get the feeling its getting boring.

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I got bored and left. Came back a few years later and a retarded matchmaking system got added, along with a overwatch-tier leveling system.
Also the community feels more shit to me. Maybe it's just me but i don't remember tf2 having this much of an amount of edgy teens and manchildren

Those are just new players learning the game. I've seen demos trying to spawn camp their own spawn. We all did stupid shit when we were starting out.

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Man i just wanna tryhard and play in a 6s league with a bunch of other people that quit and want to get back aswell

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I was about to type up a storm but you know what

it was a girl who I was fascinated with as I actually hated fps at the time as I felt they were all the same, they taught me a few things and I learned from them but could never do them myself being a controller player, I'm more a console fag as well, changed platforms just for them

I also don't have any gaming friends at all, they get a game I play but stop after 2 games and non of them can go online at all, when I ever play a team game all I do is carry, I lost my competitive nature when I entered my first video game tournament when I realized that despite being top shit amongst my friends I was just a big fish in a small pond

I have screws loose basically, not happy or sad, just living with memories of being with a competent gamer, pc gamers truly are god like beings to console plebs

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i'm still here... waiting for the last update

Key inflation

Can we agree that MYM was the worst update

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I moved and I couldn't get my community server backup to run due to router problems.


I soiled diaper

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>gave away
>not sold

I sold most of my inventory as well and made back 80% of what I spent in total

how much did tf2 last in terms of popularity after release?

There is a difference between being a new player and mentally retarded though.
I'm by no means the sharpest tool in the shed but it's fairly common knowledge to read a short description what the classes do before playing them, and the fact that you point your guns towards the enemy team, not your own.

Even like 2 years after the game went F2P the overall skill of the players never really recovered.

>Just ran into starykrow in a pub
>Accidentally ran into my rocket while cloaked and ragequit

Never played it.
Hero shootan is fucking trash. They were always trash and they will forever stay trash.
I'd rather play fortnite than this fucking garbage.

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>Hero shootan

I just felt very generous. I've always liked to give away stuff i owned. That's why my Steam account is full of +reps

Good thing TF2 is not a hero shooter then.

I still play it. It's better than ever imo (playing since 2008) and it's alive and well.

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Same here. Took something like 4-5 year break and I'm back kicking again. Just as fun as it ever was.
For those of you that also come back, try and find a server in the server browser and make it your home. Find when it's populated and play there all the time. You will meet people again and it will feel like '07 again.
Uninstall Overwatch and your Battle Royales and become unjusted with your fellow /tfbros/

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Valve caters to poorfags and degenerates, I rather pay full price for a badly optimized game than putting up with 3rd world scum and furries

>Hero shooters are a variation of multiplayer first- or third-person arena-based shooters, where players, split among two or more teams, select from pre-designed "hero" characters that each possess unique attributes, skills, weapons, and other activated abilities
>A popular hero shooter is Team Fortress 2, considered one of the first, along with other games such as Outtrigger, Gunslinger Stratos, Overwatch, Gigantic, Paladins, and Quake Champions.

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futa furry fetishist

>calling classes "heroes"

I still play TF2 and stream it sometimes. It's bretty fun.

People would never just follow me and take the objective when im completely obliterating everyone.

Will be completely apart from everyone else on the scoreboard and cant get a medic to just pocket and take the objective. Got really tired of it

When I came back and tried to play TF2 a few more times in the years after that, the game had been 100% ruined by unwanted and unneeded matchmaking. It's unplayable now as games like this are supposed to be drop in drop out.

Yeah, some of those players abuse it, even today they still roam around, like a Heavy missing the obvious spy, the engineer without metal who keeps hitting the sentry, etc.
But the game doesn't do much to help these people. The tutorial is a joke, these players might get matched with pubstompers who will barely let them out of spawn before dying. I used to laugh at these players but then I see them disconnect and that's one less person who will miss out on how good and fun TF2 is, just because the skill ceiling is high and after 10 years, some players have reached it.
From my own experience, I only started in 2012, would get matched with people who would destroy me, and after some 10 hours I quit. It was only after watching a bunch of random videos on how to play properly that I decided to give it another chance.

>unique models, stats, personalities and weapons
>not "heroes"
I bet you also think it was Overwatch who made lootboxes popular, and not Valve

I don't know what retard wrote that, but it ain't a hero shooter, it's just your run of the mill class based shooter.

If TF2 is a hero shooter so is Battlefield, Tribes, Red Orchestra and Insurgency.

sorry m8, "heroes" is the zoomer-word, not "class".

Hero shooter is just a zoomer way to say class based shooter so you are all wrong guys

Still play. Still fun. Stay mad.

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>r/tf2 thinks it still fun after they killed it for everyone else
in other news water is wet

Stopped playing when Overwatch released, never really played much after that.

...also stopped playing Overwatch due to shitty class balance and endless RNG loot crates and forced limited-time events.

Honestly my only problem with TF2 is that it just feels horribly dated in a bad way. It's so un-optimized that the game takes like 30 seconds just to start up, even on an SSD.

That explains it, yeah women makes us do stupid shit, we all feel that way for someone.

TF2 was so elegant before any class updates. Give me a populated server running pre-Medic update and I would play everyday.

my god is this meme tired as fuck
Look, I was never hardcore. I have about 650 hours, since 2007. So I'm casual. But I can pop in a couple times a week, maybe a couple times a month, and I can just queue and go. Yeah pugs suck. But it's still TF2 and it's still fun.

I did the same thing on Well. Theres something melancholic but also tranquil about being the only one running around. The almost setting sun really does it for me.

Also theory time. Last panel showed that Helen only has about one hour to live due to there not being any more Australium in the world. As she's about to die, the spaceship made of Australium that Sniper's mom took to space will crash land right in front of everyone, pretty much guaranteeing that Helen stays alive.

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indeed, the experience has left me cold and dead on the inside, I just play what works for me and me alone and I delete friend request from any and all players in games I do end up in

Knew that friend for 4 years, just stopped talking out of the blue even their boyfriend who I barely knew but never knew was her bf, reached out to me to ask where she went which is rather concerning considering they're both from different countries, e-gf's not even once

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I sometimes do that with 2fort. Reminds me of that Ignis Solus video. Very melancholic.

the game became so tacky to me I couldn't handle it anymore with all the items they added.

Every update beyond the Engi one where they added level 3 teleporters and dispensers was garbage.
Every weapon addition sucked, hats even more so, trading killed many servers since people would just fucking idle all day. Almost every patch was a downgrade in some way,
TF2 is a death by a thousand paper cuts. No one thing ruined it really.

This whole comic god fucking damnit.

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I found a $300 hat and I sold it. Didnt need to play anymore after that

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Bad news fellas, straight from the artist. Looks like it won't be finished any year soon

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>not being worked on at the moment
I'm angry but at the same time it's more transparency than Valve has ever demonstrated

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>it's just that now the 3 of us
The Valve-curse has struck again.

>9.6k hours
>every couple months I boot the game up
>just to pubstop
>gets old after a few days
>go back to hibernation
>its been this way for since tough break
800 hours (started game 8 months ago)
>boot the game up as my daily ritual
>play 6 hours straight
>play with friends
>have fun on 2fort,well and a bunch of other maps

>i want to go back

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I don't have an angry enough image to express my feelings on this.

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>join pub
>replace someone who ragequit
>game ends before I can do anything because of horrible team balance
>everyone leaves
>no community servers with vanilla tf2 rules and map rotation
>not autistic enough to play comp
How the fuck do you play tf2 in 2019 ? I just want to join a server and spend a few hours on it and have fun

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Gee thanks

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>Used to love playing on the Snack Shack
>Server is entirely about custom maps
>Even the traditional tf2 maps are added in but as variant like filled water or other shit
>Halloween update with magical spells somehow fuck the entire server up
>Breakfast Bungalow rises from the ashes
>Fun for a while but it eventually dies
>Someone makes the Lunch Lounge
>It dies pretty quickly

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Yes, by far. Never has an update removed so many good features for no good reason.

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Only a retard would play a free game. That's just asking for hackers and underages to join.
Plus the flood of gimicky weapons and from what I've seen now an eye-raping "e-sport" interface and designated shitting servers.


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And here I thought I was having a nice day.

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Just endure losing, keep playing, things balance eventually. It shouldn't be this way, but that's how it is now.

Perhaps, but I bought it and was in the pre-release beta.
I dearly miss the game when it was pay to play.

Completely misinformed post, GTA is a paid game that requires a somewhat decent rig to run properly and it is plagued with modders and underage kids, I encounter more modders and kids on a single game session in GTAO than modders and kids in a week of gameplay in tf2.

I'm playing the superior TF2, Titanfall 2

I started playing in 2008, almost ten years later it was time to leave it in the past and do something else.
Valve started funneling people away from community servers, my favorite servers disappeared, the people I used to play with moved on, the art style and characterization lost all restraint, the game started running like shit even on new hardware, nobody ever plays arena anymore and so on.
It's still a fun game, and I still play it now and then. Everything about the matchmaking system can fuck off though.

Isn't it as abandoned as tf2?

Children have been GTA's target audience for almost two decades.

So? It isn't marketed towards modders, still full of that filth.

I played it on my 360, eventually I got a PC and started playing it, and it was a stupid fucking mess with a ton of item options removing the need for skill and other shit. It wasn't about the game, it was about stupid faggot hats and garbage like that. Why bother?

Modders just latched onto it with VC (when the game let you do minor "mods" like custom shirts and radio stations) and haven't let go. I'm sure it drives someone at Rockstar mad as hell and is related to how delayed and shitty their PC ports are.

>hats remove skill
>sidegrades remove skill

>he likes community servers
>he enjoys bronies and getting kicked for killing the admins gf

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Excess of niche weapons turns things into rock/paper/scissors. This is a universal fact.

First, that wasn't the point, tf2 being f2p has little bearing on having modders or not. Second, those modders are different modders, you are talking about people that install Dragon Ball mods. I'm talking about people that join sessions just to bother people, putting them in cages, teleporting all around the map destroying cargo, all of that shit.

Too many cosmetics ruined the game for me desu

fuck off you autistic faggot. Try new games

Show me one instance of that happening in tf2.

I got bored of it after 1200 hours

>he didn't play one of the 100's of 2 fort clones

cant remember it was a long time ago

Stupid ass whiners . I can already tell most of you are mic users who always sound annoyed

It used to be one of the most fun weapons in the game and now it sucks.

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Not him but Only thing I can think of is razorback blocking back stabs

Aagh motherfuckers, and all just because one furfaggot obsessed with compshit listened to bitches bitching about it.

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I play regularly and this is not true at all. I'm very rarely if ever thinking about the opponents' weapons, unless it's a particularly unique one. Honestly it might be better if I did have to think about it. You're making it sound deeper than it actually is.

But that encourages skill development, forcing spies to find ways around it, hardly a hard counter to spy.

The artist that works on the TF2 comics just announced on her tumblr that the last comic is not being worked on.

It's over guys.

I still play it, I still love it.
My only gripe is with Valve. I sometimes wonder if Gaben ever actually cared about making games, if that was ever Valve's plan. It's entirely possible that even when they were first developing Half Life 1, his only purpose was to use the game as a setup for Steam, basically just because they needed to make a name for themselves first before entering the market in publishing.

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If you're close enough for a backstab, two-three quick shots with the revolver will kill the sniper before he even has time to unscope.

>implying I didn't play anything else but tf2 in my life.
unnecessary salt is unnecessary.

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Impossible. Half life is too good of a game to be just a setup

I really liked the beta and the version of release up until the first class patch. I didn't like the game as much after that and just gradually stopped.

I am shocked to hear they introduced matchmaking. Is the server browser completely gone then?

>I’m very lonely

I have like 5.5k hours in that game and I have had enough. Sold all of my hats and shit like that and bought games with the funds. Still don't give a shit. The game's crap now anyway, every single server lags and they removed the server browser so lol gl hf here's a random server we put you on in like the east coast of the USA while you live in a shithole Welsh town, UK.

And what the fuck is up with this queue and rank shit? They trashed tf2 by making it too much like cs:go. thanks lol!!!!!!!

Still there, but it's the last option in the UI while queue options are at the top.

>They trashed tf2 by making it too much like cs:go. thanks
tf2's hats faggotry killed cs. It was only fair.

No one cares about your shithole internet

Alright, whatever makes you happy. If i was you I'd get that Napoleon complex checked, nigger

I don't know. There's been interviews where people describe Gaben early in Valve's history as already having an eye in the future in a way that no one else did, but they couldn't just create Steam without any incentives behind them. And their obvious lack for game development couldn't have been a sudden change that happened recently. A company doesn't just go from game development to software/hardware development without it having always been a goal.

I literally never have lag. Usually everyone has green bars. I just wish they showed actual ping.

There is a server browser. You just have to use a console command to open it. Stupid. Should be a clickable option, but if you're just rando pugging, there's literally no reason to not use queue, and even knowing how to access server list, I never do, because queue does exactly what you need (find me a game to play on a map/mode of my choosing.) It's not just throwing you into a random game. You can specify map/mode. Queues/ranks are just for lazy people like me who want to jump into a match without reading a spreadsheet and trying to decide what map/player combo I want. Rank is just a nice positive feedback loop.

Maybe it's because you're filthy Anglo trash.

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>mile long melee ranges and bullets that can curve behind walls
How does this feel so much worse in TF2 than CS? Does CS:GO use a much newer version of the engine that fixes this garbage?

I got into playing TF2 with my ex back when. She helped me find out about the Demoknight and it's all I exclusively enjoyed playing - aside from Engineer on the rare occasion. Naturally, as it turned out, she was quite casual at the game and I ended up developing a competency for the game when it came to winning games more than her but she was still fun to play with and it invigorated me to get better and invest in the game more. She and I didn't play very much together, and when we did, she and her friends always would gang up together on me. I found it very odd but shrugged it off. Eventually after three years, we broke it off and I played by myself. Wasn't very fun, even as cathartic as adding kills to my Eyelander was. At some point they added the shield that lets you maneuver your charge and it just felt so cheap, and even later on the Demoknight was more nerfed than not. Eventually the game just lost its magic for me and was attached to too much negative emotion so I left. Tried it a few years later and it just doesn't feel the same.

>the 3 of us
hl3 confirmed

>You just have to use a console command to open it
Dumb frogposter

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I been playing since day 1, 2007.
I still jump on 2fort every once in a while.
TF2 still scratches that itch other fps don't

i left tf2 because meet your match killed community servers in one single violent stroke and i can't play with yankees anymore

I can only guess now that you have a Napoleon complex since you brought it up randomly

>Almost an entire post is wrong
>Uses facebook frog
What a surprise.

Yeah but people have long since realized that there's literally no point to the medal system. It doesn't reward you with anything, despite tracking arbitrary things. I'm not sure who you've played with, or if they've added benefits to their shitty XP system since I last played, but if there are people who prioritize leveling up then I don't want to be matched with them.

Are you me?

Game was at its peak 10 years ago.

You can see ping, it's either a command or in advanced options. Been a while since I changed it.

Got em!

>I can only guess now that you have a Napoleon complex since you brought it up randomly

You're basically saying "no u". Are you fucking 12?

I would still play if the game wasn't FUCKING FORGOTTEN BY VALVE, jesus christ i swear Gaben wipes his ass with money from hats all day.

You think I’m one year younger than you?

Hats was the beginning of the end. Mann Co is what killed it.


Why the fuck can't you pay people Valve? Is it so fucking hard? You can just skim some off the top, just a fucking bit. Not even a skim, like a fucking atom, no fuck it, a fucking neutron off the top of that fucking mountain of money.

Two fucking years since the last issue I knew they had abandoned it.

Nobody fucks up like Valve. Nobody can take a sure fucking thing and just neglect it like Valve can. Holy shit. I can't believe this company is the thing between us and Chinese domination and we have to fucking continue tolerating its bullshit.

Still playing and I still love it to death as I did when I started playing almost 8 years ago
Yeah its not in a great shape since MyM, yeah its getting more and more bloated and running worse every update, yeah it's community is dying, yeah I've started playing other games to waste my free time with, but I still love it after nearly 10k hours
I'm not willing to abandon it just yet, I still have a glimpse of hope

Best DR move
Ducking after feign death

They always shoot at your upper body or head where you WERE.

A glimpse of hope? What are you waiting for if your still playing it all the time. I still play it all the time also but I don’t understand what your waiting for . It is what it is

I have a primeval warrior medal. Nothing really ruined TF2. It's the same game just with more stuff. It's been more than 10 years. No other FPS has lasted this long and still kept this tier of population.

I more enjoyed them for killing bronies and getting several-year-long bans for calling the admin a cocknose. That and making the edgy 14y/o on mic whine because me and my buddies made fun of his black-painted Anger.

the only thing I got wrong was the server browser, betamale

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damn, frozen looks kinda bad now. animation changes really fast

I gave you all I had, Valve.

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and the ping thing, but c'mon. Who the fuck knows that.

>Too dumb to figure out the simple option to display ping numbers
You should feel embarrassed for posting Facebook memes and for being retarded.

Honestly I never expected for the final issue to even be released so I'm glad we got some news. Not that they're happy news though.

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you can set a ping limit so you don't get put on servers the other side of the world, faggot.

Hope for Valve fixing all of the shit that’s been plaguing the game like the trashy optimization and rolling back things like casual matchmaking
Actually no I take that back, Casual would be fine if we could use ad-hoc connections and join from the server browser
I still hope that the team tries to fix more problems than create them

Too bad a class shooter isnt a hero shooter
TF2 has roles to play
OW has bullshit hit Q to win shitfuck

My IQ doubles as my penis length.

This cannot backfire.

I'm either a genius with a leviathan dick, or a retard with a still pretty huge dick (but I repeat myself).

heavy update when?

Jesus fucking Christ, the artist works for Valve. So she's subject to their high school clique bullshit where your popularity determines your annual pay. That means she fucking has to work on things that matter because nobody in that fucking building cares about TF2 anymore. Even if she wanted to spend her time doing the comic she'll walk home at the end of the year with like 25% less than she would if she kept on focus.

>ywn play tf2 in 2007 ever again

Problem is most of the community servers left are 2fort/turbine/hightower 24/7 or trading servers. I've found a few good ones with payload maps, which are good, but playing badwater and upward over and over gets stale after a while. There are just no good servers with an actual map rotation anymore.

I came back to it last week from a 5+ more years hiatus and honestly im having a great time. Most of stuffs is low price on community market, with 10$ you can get a lot of shit to your liking

I remember earbuds were 30+$ before, now they go for 9$ or so.

I dont find all the new gears gamebreaking. A lot of the time stock option still rock

Still mad they killed spray and SLAM DJing though

I remember leaving some time after the robot killing update. I recall not liking the fact that there weren't any more new items, only hats and other cosmetic shit.

Better to have loved and lost than never loved at all, right? Hahahaha... Fucking Valve.

My friend sometimes is just like that too. It's really weird. Albeit he often just ended up not playing medic, I felt like he always wanted to just pocket me (and even told me that he'd happily do so). Maybe it was due to me top-scoring and him thinking he'd never be this good, I don't know. Also, he never plays any games on his own, though every time I am online, he messages me.

I can be the Demoman that takes the uber and blows up the enemy sentry nest. I can be the medic that ubers the demoman. I can be the soldier or heavy that protects the medic so he can get the uber.

But I can' t be all of those guys at the same time. Now the demoman is running around with a sword. The medic is using a medigun that isn't at all suited for the task, assuming he's even using a medigun instead of shooting arrows at people. The soldier is flying around with a parachute trying to hit people with a shovel. And the Heavy isn't even playing the game, he's in the basement throwing sandwiches at the enemy while shouting "I'm friendly!". The gimmick weapons reached critical mass and now you can't even trust players to do basic things.

It doesn't help that TF2 players only come in two flavors now:
>I'm playing a videogame for the first time
>I've been doing scrims since 2008 and I brought 3 friends

They probably just enjoy doing something and medic is easy and you can watch tv on the side and eat

desu a lot of people only stayed because of trading. why do you think cs:go is popular now? all those people who traded on tf2 now trade on cs:go

>they removed the server browser
No. What the fuck are you talking about?
>here's a random server we put you on in like the east coast of the USA while you live in a shithole Welsh town, UK.
You know, in the matchmaking settings, you can set the ping limit to like 40 or whatever. I live in Europe too and I only remember being put in a Virginia server TWICE. Don't know what the fuck is going on with your internet, but I am pretty sure that it is impossible to just keep getting put on USA servers when Luxembourg and Stockholm servers are not only more proximate to you but also more people play in these regions. Also, the servers sure as fuck don't lag. Even when I was on a Virginia server with like a 100 ping it still was playable. That being said, I doubt you have 5.5k hours in this game.

TF2 has such a depressing atmosphere now because of matchmaking. Nobody even bothers to talk to each other anymore.

Matchmaking turned online gaming from a community experience to you and your clique vs faceless strangers.

Wut? People talk to each other all the fucking time. Many times I have to turn tf2 chat off and mute mic users because no one shuts the fuck up

Plenty of bantz on Dustbowl games still.

Where do you live? Every 3rd match I play, there's a mic-spammer, pretty much every match there's a person using the chat a lot, like what? Do you play on Asian servers or what?

I still play since my best friend still plays it a lot. I also can't play it sober anymore and need to be totally shitfaced to still enjoy it.

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2fort matchmaking is where the memes and fun is now. But at some point you cant stomach that map. But still, people are more friendly and fun on it

Why do so many people still play 2fort Invasion? Pretty much everytime I tick "Misc" when queueing I get put in a 2fort Invasion match.

Beam/ayylmao memes

>spy frag video
>all kills involves uncloaking behind hatless players

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I still play TF2. I still enjoy TF2. As long as the servers live and people still pubs I'll still play TF2.

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This tbqh. If Valve still made games it wouldn't be a problem, I'd dig a TF3 set in the 80s-90s.

>If Valve still made games
But they do?
>b-b-but i dont like them so they don't count!!!1

I started in 2017 and i enjoyed it over other shooter games, i dont play this genre much either but it was refreshing. My only gripe is that i am bad at these games and i feel bad for letting the team down but i enjoy it nontheless.

Also something is very wholesome about the game i cant put my finger around it but it does have a bit of a depressing aspect since it seems valve (?) doesnt seem to care about the boys anymore. Sniper is a cutie too.

FPS games, you mongoloid. No one cares about Shartifact.

Pugging in casual is just that: casual pugging. You shouldn't feel bad if you suck. No one gives a shit. Half the players are soloing or emoting anyway. Use it as a training ground.

Yeah, gonna install the game again.

Dota 2 officially launched in 2013, after being in beta since 2011.
Between 2007, the Orange Box launch, and then, in each successive year they put out L4D, L4D2, Alien Swarm, Portal 2, and CS:GO as well as put out major updates for TF2 in relatively strong succession.
Not a bad job for a company as small as Valve, even if they're functionally subsidized by Steam's de facto monopoly.
Since 2013 all they have put out since then is Artifact, and presumably eventually in the Valley of the Gods given their acquisition of the devs. A fucking card game and a walking simulator that only counts by virtue of acquisition. Beyond that it's just CS:GO updates(handled pretty well admittedly), Dota 2 chugging along, and TF2 occasionally being flipped over to keep it from getting bedsores.

Yes I would say Valve is struggling to put out games, or really put out any meaningful content or communication.
The most interesting thing that's been done with a Valve property lately is Epistle 3.

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I quit around the time of the new items being introduced to the game.

I quit a pro TF2 team and normie lobbies were too easy to solo. (Played rocketjumping soldier.)

It was just too easy to clean out entire lobbies and the pro scene was super stagnant compared to Quake.

I play third party competitive now. Fuck casual.

I quit the game once they decide to give you a fucking debuff for using the practice Sticky Launcher and the pipe bomb. Literally anti-fun, fuck game companies who's only mindset is THING GOOD NERF NOW

how do?

I do Tf2center, but there is RGL and Faceit also. Highlander and 6’s are fun highlander is what casual should be. No random crits or random shot spread. People actually trying to win without being cancerous tryhards.

Let me clarify I don’t mind random crits in casual but I like playing competitive and having it based on skill rather than RNG. I hate battle royale because of RNG.

God I'd kill for a TF3, just to serve as a reboot of TF2 from the ground-up.

>same classes, but a new cast of characters fulfilling the roles
>set in the late 70's/early 80's
>make heavy, pyro, and spy not complete garbage
>make demoman and soldier less obviously-better than every other class
>scrap all the shitty, gimmicky weapons, but keep the ones that don't fundamentally change everything about how a class is played (eg the kritzkrieg, jarate, and sandvich are fine)
>instead of new weapons, have updates focus on tons of new maps and game modes
>optimize the fuck out of it on a new engine, fix the hitreg and shitty netcode
>if you HAVE to have cosmetics, make them more like the first wave of hats that at least fit the artstyle. no fucking paint cans so i don't have to see lime green scouts.

anything else?

it doesn't play good like it used to back when the game was 1st released, probably cause of the weapons

I would take TF2 ported to source 2 at this point.

>same classes, but a new cast of characters fulfilling the roles
>one white guy, the rest are overwright black muslim trannies
Fuck off. TF2 was one of the last games to escape this bullshit.

>sour-ce 2
Why do you hate TF2?
now look up when source 2 hit dota 2, i'll give you a hint: its when the biggest playerbase drop "coincidentally" happened

why would it do that? I know nothing about tech.

worse performance
higher system requirements
nothing special

>a new cast of characters might be neat since we've been hearing the current voice lines for over a decade and it's been getting harder to get the old actors back to do new lines for updates
nothing was even said about diversity you fucking dipshit.

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Holy fuck, is there even anything that Valve can complete?

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see except add matchmaking to that list
i really want tf2 to be fun again but with current valve i dont see it happening

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You don't need to say it or even want it for it to be true. We both know that all games with rosters are now forced by the elite culture (journos, celebs etc) to have a diversity quota. I don't even hate niggers. I hate revolutionary, anti-west, subjectivist leftism.

They fucked up when they started to balance the game based on casual shitters and plebbit.

Prime example was the stickies nerf and the retarded pyro buff.

>It’s the only FPS worth playing currently.
Sad but true. Every FPS these days is either battle royale or MOBA garbage.

>spy frag video
>all kills involves abusing the cl_interp 5 exploit

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F2P lowered the barrier to entry and makes most public matches miserable. I used to enjoy just messing around in public servers and everyone understood the atmosphere. Nowadays, it's just constant random F2Ps with shit ping playing random and leaving. No real community.




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>Meme that the Final tf2 comic is going to be then ext HL3
>it comes true

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Would you prefer "worse" TF2, but "complete", or how it is now?

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>Tfw people died waiting for the Heavy update and the final comic

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>why did you leave tf2?
I didn't. It'll be 5k hours soon, fucking love this game.

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nothing will match TF2 from the years of 2008-2010 for me.

>reminder Scout is a pedo
>reminder Soldier went to Europe by himself and killed any Nazi he saw but he stopped his rampage in 1949
>reminder Pyro is insane
>demoman is a drunk, depressed man with a haunted sword

I can go on, none of them are heros they only really care for the Money

Furries and trannies but also friendly heavys and this

Lost the will to play right after they released force a nature and gave up after the dead ringer update. It was also the time that I've dropped out of my tf2 comp team but still.

>boot up tf2 after this thread
>check out any community servers
>curious i check out sourcebans
>i'm still banned because """aimbot""" since over half a decade
I miss community servers but god damn crybaby admins were a problem for sniper players.

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That's always my problem, I'll come back for a monthish, but none of the pl servers run custom maps anymore.

literally same as WoW with it's development downfall and current state of the genre.

Overwatch came out so I spent time playing that. When I was finally tired of Overwatch and it's problems and wanted to come back to TF2, they decided to throw in a stupid matchmaking system to try and make it more like Overwatch and it made me disgusted so I haven't bothered playing since then.

After about 4.8k hours, I decided I had enough. I'll never play another competitive class/character based FPS ever again because TF2 was the closest game there was to perfecting it. Nothing since has been able to match it in terms of character and mechanical complexity.

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The magic just kind of died for me. I got into TF2 pretty late (couple months before the Pyro update) but man did it have me hooked. I’ve reached the point where the only way to improve my skill would be 6s/HL lobbies and honestly I have no interest in that so i’ve effectively reached skillcap. I have all the hats I want, I can topscore as any class as long as I put in minimal effort and don’t use a completely worthless loadout, and all of my friends have moved on. I still play every once in a while but I can’t play it for hours like I used to. If I could still find a community server worth a damn I probably would pick it back up, but MYM killed most of them. I miss them so much bros.

t. 3700 hour publord

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All my favorite communities are dead, Valve doesn't give a fuck about updating the many parts of the game that desperately need updates and instead we get updates that are filled to the brim with those fucking lazy-ass retarded contracts and weapon skins.

I quit this game at the end of 2015, and there's no game that has yet to fill the hole that TF2 once filled. Fuck Valve for ruining this game.

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