Hey, vote for your new canon female Shepard! We respect your votes, really!
Mass Effect
>no krogan romance
>when most of Yea Forums is too young to remember the ME3 pre- and post-release shitshow
>when most of Yea Forums is so young they think Androme was bioware's first bad game
>there are people who defend Mass Effect 3 and say "it was good, besides the ending!" or even worse "the extended cut fixed it!"
>"the extended cut fixed it!"
Couple extra questions for the starbrat that won't get answered and a slideshow.
Much wow
>there are people born after 9/11 who say 2 is better than 1
Top row are okayish, bottom row are space glamazon crap.
Where's the fucking default redhead?
this just played all ME game in past 6 months including Andromeda.
love the series but got bored while playing Andromeda. Also i don't get the fuzz around hurrdurrr bad ending....
Never existed, they tossed everyone's votes and mixed 5 with 2.
>no female krogan romance
Hair color was voted separately.
Blondie winning caused autistic screeching so there was a second vote.
>Also i don't get the fuzz around hurrdurrr bad ending....
>Promised the ending would be majorly different for everybody and that your decisions would matter
>Several years after the first game is released, with a minimum investment of $180, you're then shat in the face with a game that not only doesn't respect any of your choices, it them vomits a red, green and blue ending into your face after Casey Hudson explicitly stated that wouldn't happen
Gee, why were people mad again?
>the kid in the epilogue being a scaled-down adult silhouette
>tali's stock photo face
>every fleeing citizen on the streets of earth being jack's model
>literal 2D npcs in heavily populated areas
>joker looking worse than ME1
>indoctrination theory
all those collages lost to time
your opinion isn't and could never be valid
I was so mad over the ending I couldn't sleep that night.
I will forever be mad and I genuinely hope that all those involved in the writing of this game will find themselves jobless soon.
>there are people who haven't watched biowares downfall since DA awakening in real time
>"it was good, besides the ending!"
The ending overshadowing the rest of the game's awfulness annoys me more than the actual ending itself. There was so much that didn't get nearly the shit flung at it that it well deserved.
Man. I was there when the endings leaked. I thought they were fakes. I then thought would put that much effort into leaking fake endings? So much disappointment.
>best girl is in the worst game
It's not fair.
I actually think the extended cut made it worse, with the original ending at least it was vague; if you wanted to be delusional you could say it was going for a Kubrick or Lynchian ending that wasn't answering any questions as some kind of artistic statement
with the extended cut they doubled down with the retardation and the more they tried to explain the starkid and the synthesis ending it made even less sense
This is what I don't understand. Even IF you are stupid enough to believe 3 is an okay game. Even IF you are retarded enough to think it had an okay ending. How in the ever loving fuck can you honestly not understand the outrage if you took the time to actually read what Casey Hudson has written over the years? The man didn't just imply the ending would be different. He didn't just mistakenly say something taken out of context. He explicitly lied over and over again about what the ending would be like. Every chance he got he hyped that ending up to be the exact opposite of what it actually turned out to be.
So even if you are one of the idiots that thinks ME3 on its own is okay, the only excuse for not understanding why people are outraged is pure ignorance.Even if you think the end result was fine, they still lied to get people to part with their money.
Mass effect 2 was a ducking masterpiece and the high point of biowares career
user, the writing in ME3 was so shit specifically BECAUSE the main writer of the series left the company after 2. He left before giving them an ending and Casey Hudson, rather than trying to hold onto the guy, insisted he could finish it himself. I can't find the source, but someone from Bioware once claimed Hudson literally locked himself in a room for a couple days and made the ending to ME3 on his own.
it's because the majority of the flaws were technical shit and that's shit the average person will completely overlook because they played it once for 15 hours
the ending was one thing you couldn't not notice, but personally it didn't bother me half as much as all the amateur-hour lazy trash all over the place if you stopped to look at anything for more than 5 seconds
It was a forum post from Patrick Weekes, a writer on the game. He claims that Casey Hudson and Mac Walters wrote the ending entirely by themselves and it was the only segment of the game that wasn't subject to peer review by the entire writing staff which every other aspect of the game's story went through.
I just finished the OT for the first time this weekend and I didn't mind the ending either. In fact the moment when the squad puts Shepard's name on the KIA plaque was up there with the emotion I felt during MGS3's ending.
From what I gather though, the ending at launch had less content, (including the scene the afromentioned scene).
Also retards were gullible enough to believe the pre-release hype that there would be 100s of unique endings.
>From what I gather though
stop trying to talk about shit you have no concept of
>Also retards were gullible enough to believe the pre-release hype that there would be 100s of unique endings.
>"Hur dur its the players fault the devs lied!"
You like the taste of Casey Hudson's dick, don't you?
It wasn't voted seperately, blonde Shepard won and was supposed to be the canon option, but characters that look Aryan are racist propaganda, so they gave people a second chance to make the correct choice.
it was actually that she was cited as being too hot, hence why they panicked and made her a redhead and also ugly
Regardless of the what any of the devs said or didn't say, if you take a second think about the amount of resources it would take to make 100s unique endings based on choices made a across 3 games you would realize that expectation is unrealistic.
Only a naive idiot would believe the pre-release marketing hype would come true.
>and made her a redhead
They didn't make her redhead. They had a second round of voting for the hair color. Red won.
>it would take to make 100s unique endings based on choices
you'd have to be a retard to think this was the only complaint
people hated the ending for dozens upon dozens of reasons, and "not having 100s of options" wouldn't even be in the top 25
also fallout 3 and new vegas both had "100s of unique endings" based on slide show variants, it's not hard
there was no other poll after the blonde won
there was backlash and they switched to the redhead
And all was right with the world. Blonde Shepard looks stupid.
>Its okay that they lied because I think their lies were unrealistic
Yup, definitely sucking Hudson's dick daily.
Looks like you forgot Shepard 7.
Well, they learned their lesson, Anthem is full of qts
the in-game model for "canon" femshep is the single ugliest female in the whole series
if you don't think this was a direct result of the disgusting tumblr landwhale proto-sjws getting triggered by Samus Aran 2.0 in between writing their gay fanfics of Kaiden (which is the reason he mysteriously became a fag in 3) or self-insert OC x Garrus shit, you're delusional
Bioware caved like cucks
>Its okay that they lied
I never said it's ok for them to lie, but you're still a fool for believing them. Did you believe the Nigerian Prince emails too?
eat shit casey you fucking fraud
Whoah, my heart stopped for a second
>any of those
>there was no other poll after the blonde won
monstruos del espacio
You know top #2, #5 on fourth row and #4 on bottom row aren't that bad.
To be honest I preferred the gameplay to 2, everything else was ass though.
Can we get one with an emo hairstyle?
5 for obvious reasons
Give me 4th with ultra pale skin.