God I love Linde

God I love Linde

Attached: ba5ab66c58aa076e1d8f4b06ffba21cb.png (376x981, 690K)

Other urls found in this thread:


I love Nonko.

Attached: nonko (16).jpg (333x538, 166K)

Who are they? Can you show me?

Nice email faggot

it's not his, michael fucked his wife so he is getting revenge by posting here in his name

Attached: 45e5968ceb66d3329b2d9c640763667b.jpg (2240x1260, 365K)

I'm just logged on what's the big problem?

Attached: bully.jpg (947x854, 136K)

God I love Celica's big hairy bush.

Don't bully my Linde

Attached: 8eac314015a955062a7f6163d820fc83.png (1002x1447, 623K)


lol you know exactly what youre doing

>I'm just logged on

Attached: 1542114550207.jpg (226x223, 8K)

Ophelia is my wife

Attached: 9a2wodibnzl11.png (1672x1206, 844K)

Better be in 3 Houses.

I impregnated your wife!

I'm engaging a hot topic. Nothing wrong here.

>he doesn't know
p.Yea Forums.org/v/thread/452456736
get with the times, grandpa

But wait I did that

Attached: 64095589_p2.jpg (566x800, 314K)

Sylvia is better

That is cool, I am sterile.

That's what you think.

looks like poplar

fire emblem should have died after kaga left

Kaga's new game comes out [Current Year].


>Best girl is (you)

Attached: __female_my_unit_and_my_unit_fire_emblem_fire_emblem_kakusei_and_fire_emblem_heroes__sample-961a56f6 (850x1201, 286K)


Attached: Linde_Fire_Emblem_Memorial_Book.png (888x1249, 1.63M)

Attached: d53a981825b88977093f5378dee16abf.png (1000x1406, 1.24M)

Linde comes from a Kaga game


Attached: 599c6027a83c057cfd23b138b225c19c.jpg (2125x2000, 454K)

Too bad I can’t find the source with iqdb

Is that a penis?

Attached: 1545321209778.jpg (1200x675, 30K)

Just a reminder what Linde is for.

Attached: linde.jpg (1241x644, 185K)

ISIS has a foot fetish. Now it makes sense

try using a good reverse image search


Attached: Linde_Summer_Damaged.png (1684x1920, 2.01M)

Attached: 367e27aa92a17230000154d850225a17.jpg (1075x1518, 852K)

It’s always nice when retards put in their two cents

Attached: 8674B626-4490-4AE4-A6AA-0406B8030A46.jpg (510x800, 108K)

>Can't even use a good reverse image search
since I feel so bad for the people you interact with on a daily basis, I'll give you a hint 4chanX has it built in
Now hopefully you'll be a little bit smarter now and not drag down the people you interact with from now on.

Attached: The wonders of actually using a good reverse image search instead of a shit one like imdb or google. (2555x1444, 665K)

I need proof of her hairy bush.

Big meme thinking I’m going to download some channer shit on my phone

Attached: 201B7C7E-1E30-4853-89B3-8730F533C6CA.png (645x729, 105K)

Pretty sure this was a mitranslation from "legs" but I mean he isn't lying

>God I love
Kill yourself you disingenuous pigdog.


Attached: Screenshot_20190226-102708_Chrome.jpg (1080x2220, 340K)

>thinking i didn’t find it already long after you decided to open ms paint to prove a point to yourself

>gets annihilated
>j-joke's on you!
Why do retards find it so difficult to admit they're wrong?
Not him, btw.

Because on the internet, it's so easy to pretend to be something you're not, especially with anonymity.

God I love Linde!

Attached: FESD_Linde.png (1129x3044, 2.5M)

Still annoyed Linde's tits don't jiggle in FEW.


>like imdb

>phone posting
We can't help you if you can't help yourself.