>apex legends is a well designed gam...
>apex legends is a well designed gam...
Other urls found in this thread:
>Larger characters have larger hitboxes
Imagine my shock.
but the same HP LMAO
But deal more damage
what, no they dont, post proof
They really clearly didn't think this'd be as big of a problem as it ended up being. Not surprising, since Titanfall 2 also had some pretty glaring balance issues on launch. Most everything else is fine, but there's some really bad outliers.
Hoping they'll adjust this shit soon. Seeing Wraith, Lifeline and Bangalore topfrag every game is getting tiring.
Bullshit, they don't.
They just compensate her unfair disadvantage of being female.
They're gonna have to buff the health for the bigger characters or add some kind of damage res proportionate to the increase in hitbox size.
>Living creature has as much HP as a similiar living creature
Are you just pretending to be retarded, or... ?
Yeah, that seems to be the most requested change. Hell, Team Fortress 2 did this 10 years ago, and even Titanfall 2 had different health and speed values for the titans. I don't know why they simply forgot about it in Apex.
I just want Caustic to be better. His kit is so much fun but playing him is just shooting yourself in the foot because he's so huge.
>every human has the same endurance
man your just baiting but your argument doesn't even make sense
It's amazing how this board only has two threads about this game up, and one of them is negative.
What do you people have against new games? I'm sure part of it is that people here blow at adapting to new things, but jesus, you have to get tired of playing the same games for the past decade.
I told you wraith was S tier
>only two threads
A board should only have one thread per topic
Only Mirage ,Caustic and Pathfinder are fun to play
Yea Forums doesn't actually play games anymore. Anons are constantly chasing the high of the TORtanic, wanting every new game to be a massive failure.
Apex has some pretty glaring issues, but I think it's the best BR game to date because it actually adds onto the formula and is extremely well designed in certain areas. But since every other BR game that came before it was utter dogshit, it must be too.
Bloodhound is fun, too. I hope they rework Mirage though, his Q is his only decent ability.
Have you ever thought that maybe Yea Forums isn't just one person and there's literally no possible way there would be a game created that everyone on the planet likes?
A pointless fact; The current iteration of Mirage is actually the 2nd rework they've done to him. His ult used to be even more useless.
You're not wrong. But most of Yea Forums doesn't like games, they like shitposting about games.
It's insanely popular. When there's even news concerning smash the board breaks.
I've thought about it, and I find it odd that this board alone refuses to play the game or enjoy it. People are playing it everywhere else.
>A rhino and a rabbit take the same damage from a BB gun bro! Both are living creatures!
>only one negative thread about a new game
That literally the Yea Forums equivalent of getting an Oscar
What did it used to do? Because I have a hard time believing it could be any worse than it already is.
They could easily make it more useful by making his ult decoys move instead of standing still and/or by letting him break out of invisibility instead of being locked into it. It has the same issue as his passive where you may get fooled by it at first, but once you find out how it works you just look for the real one.
Or hell, just give him the holopilot ability from Titanfall 2, the one where it creates 3 decoys at once in a fanning pattern.
go to their subreddit, one of the dev just confirmed this. shit gayme btw
Fuck these people
Which is ironic, since FO76 is about as big a failure as you can get in the modern age, and yet nobody talks about it anymore
You used to be able to select a team mate and then the decoy you send out would be them instead of you. That's it.
Caustic's biggest problem isn't his size, its how fucking dogshit his abilities are. If they shortened him to Bloodhound sized, he would still be shit. People finally learned you can shoot traps, people finally learned you can melee doors. People really don't like it when Caustic's gas affects his own teammates. His shit is just poorly designed. Mirage is only slightly less shit than Caustic but very slightly. Mirage is tied with the worst passive next to Pathfinder
the larger characters deal more melee damage
>he can't into fear tactics
i pity you
Real shame because Caustic is the only Legend I play besides Pathfinder.
wow its fucking nothing
Considering these hero classes have different abilities, like Gibraltar throwing up a huge shield like Reinhardt in overwatch, i don't see how this is a big problem.
All characters deal 30 melee damage. All have the same health. There is no upsides to playing a larger character outside their kit.
Is there something in there that makes his passive not shit? Not watching then. Its something that activates when you lost a fight, and is super fucking useless
They don't. Or it doesn't show. All melee damage is 30.
That actually sounds kinda neat. I have a hard time believing it'd be worse than the current one.
>Caustic's biggest problem isn't his size
I'd argue it's one of the major reasons he's bad. He doesn't get a shield like Gibraltar does, but he's just about as big as him. His abilities are flawed, but have their uses.
Being able to disable the traps isn't a huge disadvantage if you place them around corners and such. You can still momentarily block doors and stall enemies which is good enough. And they're invaluable as a scouting and ambush tool.
The biggest downside is that his gas affects teammates though, you're right about that. If they changed that, he'd be a lot better and have more synergy with his team.
No, they don't. Every character deals fixed 30 melee damage.
>being a min maxing twitch streaming zoomer fag
Hold still while i gas you.
you want to preserve 3 characters, and the game is exclusively played in teams of three
get fucked, you'll always have one of the three you want
>i don't see how this is a big problem
because their abilities are shit and there's no reason to play characters with bigger hitboxes. gibraltar's shield is literally useless in 90% of situations and borderline hindering to his own team. i love pathfinder's extra mobility but if you're not picking bang/lifeline/wraith/bloodhound you are making your squad worse
This game and Titanfall 2 had the most aggressive astroturfing campaigns I have ever seen. I wonder what kind of company Respawn hired to do the work.
or maybe give gibraltar some wait of mitigating damage like a shield or two maybe idk
whats so good about banga in terms of teamwork
>Gibraltar's dome heals his shields while he is inside it
>dome lasts longer than it does
Ultimate dome baby
Try playing the game first before voicing your retarded opinion dipshit. Gibraltar shield is useless
The ONLY case where Gib's shield is useful is when you use it to protect your team from a missile barrage.
Using it in a standard firefight is practically useless. You can't shoot through it while inside and most players have this strange sense of confidence, so you'll likely get swarmed while inside.
doesn't the dome also disable any grenades thrown into it?
i've experienced enemies try to lure me out by throwing a grenade while inside without them going off
Her passive is absurdly good for escaping and rushing enemies down or running to teammates to res them. Smoke is a really valuable tool to disengage or rob players of their sight (especially if you have a threat scope) and her ultimate forces enemy teams to retreat out of a HUGE area.
All of her abilities work really well together too. If you get caught in a firefight you can run in like Sonic, smoke up and set up an airstrike.
Wraith is the only "top tier" character I'd argue whose abilities are pretty useless to a team, but because she's so small and runs like Naruto everyone plays her anyway. Not dying is more valuable to a team than being a big, hulking target.
Smoke is decent but it's countered very hard by the threat detector attachment.
It's really useful for mid to long range firefights. You can safely heal and help teammates up, and peeking out to take a shot is useful in most close range firefights. Shotguns are practically mandatory for it though.
Grenades bounce off the dome. I think if you throw one inside, it'll just stay inside and detonate.
it's been like 5 years of these hero shooters and you faggots still haven't realized that it's impossible to make a roster of more than 4 or 5 characters "viable" for tryhards.
they threw it inside the dome and it didn't go off
Is this what americans believe?
>random runs off 500m alone and starts a firefight
It also gets countered by Bloodhound, but it's still a really useful ability. Early on nobody will have a threat scope, and you'll rarely go up against squads who all have one by the end of the game. Neither outlines cover either, so it's still useful to smoke up and retreat behind cover.
Huh. Guess that's something to test next time I see a Gibraltar.
33 x 1.4 = 46.2 not 79 lol
who wrote this brainlet article? lol
The teleport is pretty nice though.
if new games want my respect they should stop being shit
It's okay, but I don't think it's that useful.
>enemy here
>enemy here
140% larger = * 1+1.4 = * 2.4
10% larger = * 1+ 0.1 = *1.1
>>enemy here
>>enemy here
I do that to inform where the enemy is. Should I not do that?
>dude come revive me right away turning this fight from 2 vs 3 into 1vs 3 because i got caught in a retarded position
well if your 500m away whats the point
Wraith chads win again
>queue up
>spend minutes waiting for a match, then watching retarded animations about "the best previous team" or whatever the fuck that means in a game like this, then spend even more time as each person slowly picks up their character as you watch their retarded animation
>loading screen
>get into the match
>wait until the plane slowly gets to a point where your team jumps off
>spend even more time going down there
>spend copious amounts of time picking up scraps and running trying to find anything
>spend even more time chasing the center of a meme circle
>proceed to watch as you and your team get gunned down by someone you didn't even see and die instantly
>go back to the beginning after spending like 15 minutes doing virtually nothing
Great genre, guys
As they say, "git gud".
> whatismath.png
I agree this is bad, but it's not worse than meta gaming. Like is this seriously where we're at in vidya? Everyone from the 8 year old squeaker to the 39 year old wizard, thinking all games exist with only 1 playstyle in mind. And that playstyle is whatever Reddit or generic ex semipro Youtuber #247 says
Well, I usually die with my team nearby unless they do something stupid like running down in the middle of the river where you can and will get fucked from each direction from high ground
It's about advantages
This issue is pretty black and white. Why would you use something that puts you at a massive disadvantage when you could use something that guarantees you'll perform better?
If the cast were more evenly balanced, your argument would have more ground and different playstyles would flourish. They shouldn't design each character (or weapon for that matter) to be symmetrical and homogenous, as asymmetry is what makes it fun. But the current state is simply that there's obvious winners with little downsides, and not picking them is just handicapping yourself. It has nothing to do with which community or e-celeb faggot says what, it's an evident thing just by looking at player statistics and playing the game for yourself.
Save for shits and giggles, nobody would play a game picking only Gibraltar and using only Mozambiques. That's not a viable playstyle.
Everyone copies streamers and goes full YOLO without an ounce of skill to back it up and then blame everything else.
>when you could use something that guarantees you'll perform better
I'm not a Chinese bug who needs every advantage i can get my grubby rice filled hands on and enjoy succeeding through adversary?
>and different playstyles would flourish
If character skills would be so important then the hitboxes wouldn't be so important in the first place
desu it's bullshit that the guy gets a peacekeeper out of the supply bin while all I get are attachments
I think it has to do with the fact that BR is the assfaggots of 2019 and people seethe at it because normalfags adore it. There's nobody that defends F76 which nullifies the contrarian nature of Yea Forums.
Yea Forums as a community is generally against whatever hot meme multiplayer genre casuals are obsessed with this month
hurry the fuck up then. I don't want to spend the entire game looting buildings like my teammates always seem to
The odds are already stacked against you, not picking the best tools provided to you is simply sabotaging yourself. That doesn't mean you should go as far as cheating like a bugman and make all competition moot.
BR games are about making the best out of the cards you're given and taking from your enemy. If you throw your best cards away, you're just playing like a moron.
>If character skills would be so important then the hitboxes wouldn't be so important in the first place
I don't disagree. They obviously meant to make Gibraltar's shield a tradeoff for his huge size, but it's not even close to enough.
How much of a mush brain do you have to have to think a game where you run around looting crates for 10 minutes before instantly dying to someone from behind is worth your time? Literally baffled how many sheeple jump on these bandwagons.
>tfw my last 100 games were wingman games because it's the only viable gun along with peacekeeper
git gud lol
literally this. i tried it was ok, but far from worth being the most popular game.
>git gud lol
invalid argument. by game design half the people will die first, so just getting shot like a tard is the average experience.
>bigger hitbox
>same hp
>no other advantages
Lmao, thx female characters, really appreciate it.
i belive their special abilities are balanced in a way that take their hitbox size in consideration
Who gives a shit about some fucking Titanfortnite.
>everyone is equal in skill
>on average one out of two matches you will be in the first half of people that died
If only this thing called skill existed that could sway the balance in your favor. Nope, no such thing, right ? You absolute brainlet, get good twat.
Unfortunately that would be fucking awful to balance around because the main method of killing is just shooting them and it's not something they can change on a whim since the hitboxes are meant to match their model
>by game design half the people will die first, so just getting shot like a tard is the average experience.
Then git gudder so you're not part of that half. The best way to play is to ambush enemies to eliminate competition and steal their gear, not by playing like a pussy and looting scraps. And the only way you're not going to get shot like a tard is by outperforming your enemies, both in terms of tactics and skill.
I reiterate; git gud.
watching Yea Forums's relationship with this game is funny. It's so goddamn obvious that this'll turn out like pubg and overwatch. Everyone here is jerking it off because it's the new hotness right now but in a month, you toxic fucks will be screeching about a certain buff or nerf the devs made until these threads end up as porn dumps and fade into obscurity. always the same with Yea Forums
>implying any normie royale game is "well designed"
Never saw these PUBG porndumps
Quit posting trashy youtubers who post obvious tips.
I'd say the problem isn't entirely the hitboxing, but the amount of hp and damage each legend receives. Gibraltar should obviously have a marginal hp increase alongside increased damage reduction through armor.
Meanwhile, Wraith is a fucking twig with a "Press Q to escape all responsibility" feature. Her durability should reflect how easy it is for her to avoid damage altogether.
If you spend 10mins looting then die afterwards you’re playing the game wrong. It rewards aggressive gameplay such as Halo or Titanfall. You’re not suppose to stay outside the circle waiting to be top 3. Git gud, user.
>square cm
>release patch after almost a week after big launch to fix crashes
>release patch that makes crashes more common afterwards without changing anything about the game
Are they playing 5D chess?
What are you talking about?
Wraith having the smallest hitbox isn't surprising but she also does that gay Naruto run so it's like she's always crouched. I knew that would be the only reason "pro" players picked her. Her crutch hitbox, and goojf card.
Or Fortnite porn dumps
I'm not posting porn for you user. go google. it's out there
Not him, but the Wingman and Peacekeeper outclass pretty much every other gun if you can aim.
Wait, devs have to balance hitboxes with kits now too?! OH NO! No dev has ever had to do this in any game of any genre ever!
Someone tell the news, Apex Legends will be the first shooter to balance hitboxes and kits.
Wingman and peacekeeper are the only viable guns and if you don't use them you are at a huge disadvantage.
>play as wraith
>switched to steady aim
>wingman doesn’t miss a shot
>add skull piercing mod
>two shot knockdown squads while having the tiniest hitbox
>think randoms are retarded
>friends are even more retarded
>take 40h to loot a single body
>first engagement die and all the time looting is wasted anyway.
R99, Prowler (automatic) and R301 are also pretty good.
Energy weapons are decent too. They might not deal as much damage with a shot but the firerate makes up for that
You shouldn't underestimate those. Sure, the peacekeeper can oneshot people if you hit the head but you can still lose a firefight against SMGs with it, especially early on.
Steady aim?
If this ain't the truth. Sometimes retreating to a better position is the right move, but fuck that, I've got a p2020 and I'm about to wipe the squad
Kill yourself
>first day
>play pathfinder
>die instantly
>switch to bloodhound or heal nigress
>instantly perform better
I noticed this shit the first (and last) day I played the game. Horrible balance, and horrible game.
They are pretty good but not viable as long as wingman is in the game.
>require far more attachments
>far more ammo and inventory space
>enemies usually have time to trade damage unless they are wearing crap armor
I can go an entire game with a full stack of heavy ammo and instead pick up a ton of grenades.
Wingman feels out of place in this game honestly.
You can add surface area to a 3d object just by adding bumps and valleys, without changing the overall size of the silhouette. Talking about overall area to measure a silhouette only works if they're straight up cubes or some kind of constant geometric shape.
It's a fancy term for Team Deathmatch
It's about gitting gud.
People ask "How do I git gud" and the answer lies in the heart of the battle
Ah, I see you've at least made it through middle school geometry. If you had pursued further education, you would have some basic sense of order of magnitude to know that square cm is a retarded unit here both by scale and by context (digital, not physical), that the numbers are out of scale, etc, and et fucking cetera.
Not saying they're bad, but none of them can 2 shot like the Wingman and Peacekeeper. Compared to everything else, save for the Mastiff and Kraber, their time to kill is too low.
They're also incredibly ammo efficient and require few attachments to be good. R-99, Prowler and R301 all need attachments to get the most out of them.
I think i can count the amount of people who doesn't use recoil macro on one hand.
>tfw 4 KDR with wraith and almost never use the abilities
On the other characters I have 2 or 3
Yet I have my best games on Gibraltr and Caustic. Weird.
The amount of retards in this game is astounding. I've managed to find a good guy to play with and we outclass full teams with basic communication and our third teammate usually comes out at the end of the game with 0-1 kills and less than 200 dmg.
What kind of mutant freak are you to have so many fingers?
My bad. I meant the response curve steady option for controls.
Just use them to flank. Teleport is also neat to jump around like an annoying faggot
>friend takes too long to loot have tunnel vision and expect us to lift him up instantly during gunfights
>when he does good due to the amount of logistic it takes just to keep him alive he thinks it's because of his skills
Then we listen to him complain hard that it never goes well when he plays with random or anyone else.
>and our third teammate usually comes out at the end of the game with 0-1 kills and less than 200 dmg.
I'm flanking and offer suppressive fire
the game is trash but reddit's boy shroud and and that other faggot play it so there ya go
>Have 4 friends who play this game
>terrible chemistry with 2 of them
>always afraid to get into fights
>spends forever looting
>wandering off and gets into fights by themselves or is away from a fight that starts
>only get far if they land so far away so that nobody is around
While with my other friends we get into fights constantly and the momentum from winning fights alot of the time snowballs into a full game win
>tfw a decent player is okay playing with me even though I am way too suicidal in attacking people
dont know why he puts up with me, since people are getting better its hard to carry me
People will always underestimate the importance of support in a shooter, except actual esports pros.
Having someone who can make calls, make smart moves, be there to properly revive, and use their abilities to force the opponent into bad spots, is the difference between a team of good shooters that lose before the final 3, and a team of good shooters that are constant champions.
No one here is Shroud. Embrace your supporting friends.
>dont actually mkae the kills
youre useless
>No one here is Shroud
I'm sure there are some cheaters on Yea Forums but you are right not everyone.
You'd have to be retarded to be surprised by something like this. You'd have to be retarded if this actually bugs you about the game too.
Personally I don't give a shit about BR games, so I don't really care at all, but you still look dumb for bitching about something as simple as large characters having larger hitboxes. If they had the same hitboxes as the smaller ones, you'd be bitching that their hitboxes were smaller then they should be.
>some profiles are double the size of others
>wingman fires quickly like an evo 8, deals damage like a sniper, and gives movement like a pistol
>peacekeeper deals insane damage, has an attachement so eyou can even kill someone long range, and barely uses ammo meaning youre free to stack up on other shit
>meanwhile devotion requires a legendary hopup, and good barrel and stock to get decent recoil
>and the wingman and peacekeeper only need 1 slot filled to be useful.
I like the SMGs but every time I try to use it against a peacekeeper nigger I wonder why im even bothering. Same with the longbow, a wingman does so much more with less
No one plays that garbage
Those are probably getting nerfed anyhow. I'd like to see other guns get a damage buff too, any other gun usually feels like I'm tickling them to death
>any other gun usually feels like I'm tickling them to death
really? I find them tear through enemies pretty quickly if you have a steady aim. Only issue can be magazine size. Since with a full magazine you have to hit every hit against someone with decent ammo, which is another reason peacekeeper and wingman are so good, they have a high amount of damage in their mag
>. If they had the same hitboxes as the smaller ones, you'd be bitching that their hitboxes were smaller then they should be.
of course, because that would be a shit solution.
if you want to have differently sized characters in a shooter, then they need to have different hp.
balancing them with their kits would also be a shit solution because small characters then would have to have shit abilities
I told my friends from day one that there is no way they don't nerf the shit out of this wingman. A wingman and any of the machine guns and you're good to go
If you main any of the top 4 you are subhuman.
Jeez that image needs loomis
You don't understand game balance very well, do you? Not that I'm surprised. There's a lot of faggots like you who like to pretend they understand how to properly balance a game.
ah yes, this is simply the epitome of great balance in a game where 99% of all kills are with guns
all you need to do is walk up and drop a grenade inside or just peak the tip of your gun through and you can waste the faggots who think they're safe
>intentionally gimping yourself makes you smart
>if you discuss any games you are a shill for those games
Is this board retarded?
>No one here is Shroud. Embrace your supporting friends.
yeah mean we actually play games based on skill and don't cheat to win to get the zoomer viewers
not using the mozambique, which with proper aim does more damage than the wingman
>MOBA doesn't even bother to change characters' HP
Fuck, even DOTA did that. What's their excuse?
I don't even pick that piece of shit up
How does he cheat? I saw some clip of him get 22 kills in a game on YouTube and it didn't seem like he was cheating. Granted, the pc game appears to be much faster than the console version I play.
I've had more success beating people to death with my fist and jump kicks than the mozambique.
>play with friends who are pretty good but often die to retarded shit
>I just hide in the back when they go on through one of their bouts of retardation
>zoom past and get both of their banners, revive them
>end up winning the game through sheer perseverance
This has happened to me at least 9 or 10 times and I've probably only played with them 100 games in total
If you don't think he's cheating you're literally retarded
unironically this
try it close range shots landed do 50 damage
i bet you think he's so good and intuitive he can track people through walls
I don't watch a lot of those videos so I don't know. I watched one game. That's why I asked how.
Not them but there's mutliple webms. he's still pretty decent at games though and probably doesn't use it all the time but idk
I too love perfectly balanced games where every weapon feels the same, every character plays the same and everything is calculated and predictable.
pure coincidence, he got caught off guard by him peaking right after.
>I want my hitboxes to be like this
No thanks
kek I haven't played in years and I know she's still awful
his crosshair snaps right into that dude behind the wall
>Shroud: "It was just the normal thing to do. You cheated. It's not like you were aimbotting, you were just, you know, throwing a little bit of walls here and there... a lot of pros cheat."
that's based as fuck, for the most part nobody on Yea Forums gives a fuck about EA trying to cash in on the latest shooter trend.
in spite of all the shitposting this board on average has great taste in games
From queue to on the ground is like two minutes, also git gud and win gunfights haha.
How the hell this is an issue?
I remember thinking I was crazy because I couldn't hit Lifeline with my reticule right on her. I'm sure if I recorded a clip I didn't hit her as well as I thought but it was still pretty jarring how fucking hard it was to hit her.
The problem with giving different characters different health is that if you play the training mode it's pretty clear that all the damage values are balanced around characters having 100 base HP.
The Wingman does 90HP with a headshot and 45 to the body, it would seem like the idea is that you need 3 body shots or or at least 1 headshot to knock someone without armor. Against the Wingman, Gibraltar would need a minimum of 140HP to have a practical survivability greater than that of smaller characters. If they zapped the smaller characters down to 90HP then they'd get knocked in two Wingman shots to the body which would change the entire dynamic of the game.
IMO just give everyone the same fucking hitbox and focus on balancing weapons and abilities.
Because there's nothing that fucking great about playing as Gibraltar, Pathfinder, or Caustic to justify being easier to get shot. I'm sure someone will challenge me on this but those are arguably the three shittiest characters.
there's coincidence, and then there's snapping and sticking
Pathfinder's grappling hook opens up opportunity for some sweet movez. That's about it.
currently the shotgun is the most powerful weapon the in the game. Having twice the surface means it can get fullshots on your from far longer distance. And there is nothing to make up for this drawback. the bigger guys dont have anything special that makes it worth it. In fact, the smallest models also have the best abilities.
But THUG 2 exists user..
do you mean hurtboxes??
The Gibraltar and the caustic have horrible abilities anyways. Defensive players in an offensive game. Those gas traps don't even do shit you can run right through them and kill the guy. And gibraltars shield can be seen from across the map.
thats why her names wraith. fucking retard.
The problem with that kind of mobility in this game is that you want to remain close-ish to your squad, so to a large degree you're only as fast as your slowest squadmate. In theory mobility could mean getting to my squamates faster or maybe flank better, and for sure when everyone is on board with zip lining somewhere that can be...helpful and convenient I guess.
I bet if I look on YouTube there's some asshole who's great at offensive grappling. But even then, would the payoff for that skill be worth it? When I could be dropping a robot that heals the entire team just for standing next to it and getting a free shield during my extra-quick revives? idk mane
Is this a meme or did "hurtbox" tards finally win?
There are two types of people I get when I play with randoms.
Dudes who run way ahead of everyone and then bitch and call you a pussy when they get downed nowhere around you.
And dudes who want to play this game like its treasure hunt and run around every building looking for loot, even when there only 3 or 4 squads left.
>dude what the fuck there's guys on us
>sorry I was looking for a purple scope mine was blue
There comes a point in these games after you loot your first or second town, where what you have is what you have and it's time to stop worrying about it.
ur that idiot that doesnt check every building for loot. and i run in and find a yellow armor lol.
i prefer to treat this game a little more light hearted than you do. wow.
>not looking for fights right after getting guns and maybe some armor
Unironically, get good fag.
The hitbox is what hits things. The hurtbox is what gets hit.
ur that idiot that loops through white gear buildings 5 times
only good thing about this game and whole genre is that maybe new players will come to titanfall 2. 20 sec of footage is enough to tell it's trash for underage
yup, found a peacemaker and wingman and all armor. idiot. keep dying with ur mozambique no armor.
>Implying I play those Fags
Yeah no
>When there's even news concerning smash the board breaks.
cool i guess other people drunk drive so i'll do it too who gives a fuck right lmao
congrats everyone else already has 3 kills and is in purple because they've been through 3 zones, now they're rolling into yours and you'll get oneshot
nope i have better gear and heals cus i loot
>i loot
>get to midgame in blue because the two places you looted thoroughly weren’t actually that good
looting is fine. When your team has moved on and you're still going into buildings they already hit you're being a faggot and going to cost the team when they encounter a full squad.
Based Apex for saying that fat people are losers
>crosshair bouncing for GIVE FUCKING YEARS at this point
>female characters in their games always have smaller hitboxes
>R-101 dominated Titanfall 1
>arc grenades existing at all
>arc stars being the worst version of arc grenades and you can spam them
>Stim and Grapple in Titanfall 2
>the enture SMG archetype in Titanfall 2
>now Apex legends hitboxes
>along with wingman and peacekeeper
Like literally what the fuck is wrong with them?
Nothing wrong with that. I wasn't trying to be combative I'm just a sperg that's really into this game.
Reddit mentality. Go back.
the map is litetally just groups of boxes for buildings its absolute dogshit
It's surpressing fire, they don't know which side to focus on and my mates collect most of the kills while I finish them off or force them into bad spots
To have to farm plebs and only harvest them when they are fat and juicy then you eat them while you play apex ledgends
>I like the SMGs but every time I try to use it against a peacekeeper nigger I wonder why im even bothering.
Don't even try to fight them closerange, just stay midrange.
>game that launched two weeks ago with no public beta test is unbalanced
uuuuuh what the fuck did you expect? It will probably be fixed in future patches.
Point to me one mp game where it was all balanced day 1
>i quite literally havent played the game
great post, man