"Steam Game" is now a banned term on Chinese social media

Time to update the pasta

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Nice, fucking chinks are worse than russians.

I got a 3 day ban last week for posting the pasta. Chinkmods are really seething.


TRUMP needs to NUKE the fucking CHINKS now. It got Japan in line,it should get China in line too.

Ahahahahaha Epic Games wins again

Ruskies gotta step their game up now

Gooks are a cancer.

Tianenman Square.

Xi is Winnie the Pooh.

Steam Game

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Well, seems like Tiananmenposting really does work.

TFW these Californian dipshits are race traitors and traitors to their country.

High treason.

Wait a sec, so those retard chinks who spambomb steam games for retarded reasons like not having a chinese translation will now be gone forever because of their own stupidity?

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>will now be gone forever
>all chinese userbase
Yeah, great win for steam. I think Gabe celebrating right now.

>Trump says video games once
>100 million Resetera threads about it and capitalism sucks threads
>Communist China forces a game down from Steam and will censor its art when it comes back internationally because hurt feelings about Winnie the Pooh glorious leader meme
>Resetera avoids talking about it as much as possible and will defend how its not real socialism in China



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The pasta is banned on this site.

>epicfags finally admit to being bugmen

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I’m just laughing at the retards. They suck up so much to their retard leader that they will now lose their video games. Great job, faggots.

Now everyone can go back to complaining about the BRs.

So you are saying Steam is about to lose like 50% of its userbase and 90% of DOTA esports scene?

it's a good thing. Are you chinese by chance?

I never said its a bad thing.
I am just scared for the future of DOTA CHESS

lmao who's still playing dota in 2020 AD

Dota chess not dota.

hmm ive noticed a distinct lack of epic games shill threads lately, guess talking about steam gets them executed


This. DOTA 2 a shit

All of the day bro