Hey I'm bored and want something to sink time into. Is Black Desert Online, fun or even worth putting time into...

Hey I'm bored and want something to sink time into. Is Black Desert Online, fun or even worth putting time into? There doesn't seem to be any other MMOs that are actually popular right now, seems the genre is a bit dead right now.

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It's fun when you are leveling due to combat being flashy af but after that it's just boring grind with no real gameplay.

Yeah it's good, just buy it. It's not expensive and has no sub.

How is the remaster?

Why is that?

>it's just a boring grind with no real gameplay
Isn't that what MMOs are though? Or just Korean ones? Either way, if that's the case, is there anything else even out right now worth touching? I've been wanting to get back into MMOs, but all of the MMOs I use to play are either dead/cancelled/shutdown. I tried Warframe but got bored with it, might give it a go again.

You can try FF XIV or ESO, other than that there is nothing worth trying when it comes to MMO these days.
Have you tried MH:W? If it clicks with you you will have fun for at least a hundred hours.

I'll look at some gameplay for FF XIV, but is ESO actually good? I've honestly heard nothing about it since release, neither good or bad reviews, just no one talks about it from what I've seen. And I've dabbled a bit in MH:W I'm not too interested in it.

Ok, so I didn't presonally like ESO and opinions are divided so you will have to try it yourself.
What kind of games you like besides MMOs?


Well outside of MMOs, I play racers/fighting games and some FPS games. That's really about it.

To get some things out of the way: Black Desert has no max level. You can get to the level softcap in around 2 hours if you know what you are doing (and unlock a new way to play your class). After this, if you want to compete in PvP, then you're required to grind every day. There are people who grind 10 hours every day for 1% xp bar, just to stay competitive.

Here are the good news: The game gives you no other reason to go beyond the level hard cap, other than PvP. You can enjoy leveling PvE to the soft cap, do world bosses, do all the story quests or side quests and do non-combat jobs. You can even opt-out of PvP entirely by simply not removing the level cap.

Non-combat jobs can be fun. It includes being a trader/merchant and doing trade routes. Hunting beasts and sea monsters. Gathering materials. Crafting furniture, potions, etc. Building sea ships. Farming etc. You can also employ workers that will do all these things for you while you're online. You can setup a trading empire that chops wood, makes fishing rods and flips them on the market, for example. The ones I enjoy is horse breeding, where you go out in the world and capture wild horses to breed domesticated horses with, with various skills and stats.

If you like GW2, you would like ESO. Both games have no character progression and just trick you with pseudo mmorpg mechanics.

There really isn't a lot of these genres...
Well, if you haven't already, try Path of Exile, that's the best I can think of.

If you want to play an MMO, then yes. It's one of, if not the best around. That doesn't mean it doesn't get old pretty quickly, but I guess every modern MMO is like that.


the only thing this game gets right is the combat, every other part of the game is total shit. when you get to lvl 56 and get your awakening weapon, you will quit when you realize the gear progression system is the most retarded chink RNG shit ever conceived and that the p2w cash shop feeds right into the machine. do not play this game until they AT LEAST overhaul the RNG upgrade system

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Do you like killing the same packs of mobs over and over like it's your fucking job while trying to avoid hyper autists that one shot you over and over?
If yes, then play BDO.

Post taken.

It has a great community

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Play Blade & Soul.

Attached: blade dancer vs force master double ko.webm (1280x720, 2.3M)

I don't know if it was my class choice or what, but even leveling up was just so, so, boring even compared to other mmos with much longer leveling process.
The whole time combat consisted of me pressing 2 buttons.
Charge attack and big dick damage attack.
Maybe sometimes i would grab something just for the lulz, but there was no need to.
I played destroyer btw

What's the difference from killing the same bosses for half a year (FFXIV, WOW) that's literally shitty grind as well.

MMOs are all about grind. Retards doing the same bosses in a theme park MMO thinking they aren't grinding are delusional.

MHW is literally one big grind.

The difference is that those are modern mmo""rpgs"" where character progression is not tied to grinding challenging content like it used to be.

Someone raiding in FFXIV doesn't do it because they need the gear, but because they want the skin (hello ERP trannies). WoW characters get downscaled in non-raid content and the aquisition of that gear only means you're getting better at finishing the current raid faster until 2-3 months later your gear gets invalidated.

BDO is different in that regard, where grinding equals raw PvP power. If you don't care about PvP, then there's effectively no grind.

You'll have blast for the first two or three months or so, after you've established a solid understand how the game is working you'll either want more or find it a pure grindfest

the fuck are you even talking about
character progression is tied to challenging content in both ffxiv and wow

there are extremely few guilds who clears the top content without top character progression

>WoW characters get downscaled in non-raid content
LITERALLY just happened 6 months ago and wasn't a thing before that
and you're retarded because getting good gear means you can push logs, m+ and mythic raiding

>Someone raiding in FFXIV doesn't do it because they need the gear,
uh, yea of course they do what are you talking about lmao

>getting better at finishing the current raid faster until 2-3 months later your gear gets invalidated.
what the serious fuck are you tlaking about? 2-3 month raid tiers? what game are you playing?
lie after lie

In wow grinding (raiding, m+, pvp) gives you raw power both in pvp and pve
????????? go duel someone with full mythic gear in green and tell me how it went

why wouldn't grinding equal raw power? there are many forms of grinding and almost all of them gives your character power

In L2 arguably the best pvp game ever created grinding was present to equal pvp power
In RO another top pvp game grinding was also equal to raw pvp power
Early WoW? same thing you grinded months for huge power

Because you still have to somewhat pay attention in raids. BDO is closer to a musou.

It's good until you get to trying to get your gear to from DUO to TRI and beyond. After that your extremely expensive upgrades can either go backwards in the case of main pieces of equipment, or in the case of accessories, they just completely blow up and you lose everything.

If you don't have that higher tier gear, you're basically walking prey for people in the open world and they can and will kill you and force you out of your grinding spot.

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>or in the case of accessories, they just completely blow up and you lose everything.
Let me clarify. Accessories have a chance of blowing up and you lose everything from the get go. They also don't even go through the going from standard to +15 before attempting to go PRI, DUO, TRI, TET, and PEN. They just go straight to PRI and so forth when you upgrade them.

>uh, yea of course they do what are you talking about lmao
Do you seriously not know what welfare gear is in ff14? people dont want the gear drops to wear, they want them for the glamour.

Welfare gear exists so people can do raids in the next cycle

Considering most people glamour over their raid gear, that's not even remotely true


Graphics are pretty but the world literally looks like it's randomly generated.
Combat feels fun until you realize that 95% of attacks deal no damage to most mobs.
No fast travel, you can pinpoint location where you want to go and then watch your character run around mountains for 10 minutes, horses are goddamn useless.
I didn't bother with PvP, desu.