How did they do it?

how did they do it?

Attached: finished.jpg (1073x1055, 561K)

Other urls found in this thread:

By being a better game

Team based and giving a chance to still win after you get killed.

even without the wall running and titans, titanfall 2 still has far better gameplay then fortnite

>industry veterans who made call of duty 1, 2, MW 1 and 2, plus titanfall, all games with smooth movement and insane popularity (even titanfall, just not sales for that one) take on a genre where all the other developers are basically just turbo charged modders

>they perform better

Surprise surprise.

one game was shit to begin with then turned into a battle royal
the other was an alright game that had features stripped and turned into a battle royal

>pubg alive and well and not just a skull on a pike
LOL the guard should've been Minecraft survival games

By accident

>no building shit
>better gameplay

The true test is soon to happen though. Fortnite gave out a free battle pass, and Apex is going to launch theirs in a week or two.

I think Fortnite will for sure copy the respawning mechanic for a BR, Realm Royale also did it but its way more intuitive in Apex

Why the fuck is he beheading him from behind?
Look at him, the nigga is literally preparing to side swipe his head off

No retarded building mechanics. I mean holy shit It isn't that hard

I wish apex had big mechs

Fortnite is old now. The tweens go for the latest shovel. Nothing new here. *sip.

Pretty much this. Brother wanted me to play fortnite, I gave it a whirl and imagine my fucking face when I poked some dude with my shotty and an autistic fort materialized out of nowhere. How can people stand that shit?

>No retarded building
>fast, responsive, fluid movement and gunplay. It's not TF2 but it's good enough
>varied and mostly useful character abilities
>ping system that eliminates the need for human interaction of any kind
It's still a battle royale, and coming from someone who can't stand them, this one is actually fun most of the time

They didn't. Fortnite had a healthy rise months after launch and Apex is already declining and hasn't even been out a month. Fortnites new season is also out in 2 days Apex is done for kiddo.

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I hope the enhanced climb distance and downhill slide speed make it into Titanfall 3.
Also the morons forgot to put the climbing in the tutorial.

Zoomers have zero loyalty to anything and will move onto the next meme fad as soon as it is trendy

PUBG is still absurdly popular in Asia.

But isnt Fortnite back infront again, shouldnt that be the other way around?

fortnite is still popular but kids are slowly starting to be self aware at how cringe they are and that game is

Should Apex and that blonde fag EA not be the same?

Turns out fortnite was popular because it was free. Who would've guessed it.

Post the source please

Attached: 1551192043688.jpg (1073x1055, 264K)

>no source

Attached: arras.jpg (593x151, 17K)

Sheer luck, a lack of a 'hype' period to lose interest and probably a lot of (((sponsored))) jewtubers.

January drop after December rise?


Stat tracking. People love showing off stats, and no other BR has it for some reason.

>Sheer luck
>make a product people want to use and its now considered luck

That Sansa and Joffrey look too old.

I think a lot of people gloss over the fact half the characters were 13-14 years old

Because Fortnite is already on the verge of irrelevancy.

yeah, but Ned looks around his age

>make the same fad product as everyone else with a dead IP in an oversaturated market with a clear dominant force present
Yes. Luck is an enormous factor.

they didn't lol
>Fortnite: 7.5 million concurrent
>APex: 2 million concurrent

Attached: 1496238492030.gif (360x360, 1.91M)

>shitty free games for plebs, faggots and grills
Literally who cares.

>we lucked out and accidentally created a BR that people wanted to play
>samsung lucked out and made phones that people want to buy even when iphones were out
>all those car companies just got lucky creating a similar product to ford!
based brainlet

Really makes me think.

Attached: big_think.png (499x450, 261K)

I was thinking the same. I actually look just like that Joffrey, except I have facial hair too. I'm 21 though, not 13.

Apex look and feel like dirty bomb

And only retarded see potential in it for compete with fortnite, these people don't even realize how much content epic put in fortnite

Attached: 1551061910772.gif (800x450, 1.31M)

seething ninja subscriber who doesn't want to see the $300 he spent on skirts go to waste


I'm glad you're self aware

it's twitch viewers you can check it on twitch.

PUBG never had building in it and it lost to Fortnite. What gives, then?

Attached: 1551110840231.gif (500x430, 1.51M)

PUBG is unoptimized clunky shit

>twitch viewers

>the only reason people think it's doing good

Its something new for free.
Streamers are also playing it so their kiddy audience does so as well.

But Apex has had more viewers than Fortnite since launch, routinely. And there has never been a time going back as far as the beginning of 2017 when it was fresh in which fortnite had 230k average viewers like apex did. So not sure how this info really benefits Fortnite

I agree, that's why its a bad metric

Apex has more twitch viewers right now but Fortnite has more than triple the players online

fortnite's still taking a fat shit all over pubg though. It's more like apex is crushing blackout, pubg, and h1z1. Fortnite will exist for the cartoony market, apex will capture the "REELISUHM" market.

>realism market
wtf? it's more like Apex will capture the market of people who actually want to play an fps BR that isn't dogshit, seeing as fortnite is 3p

Everyone is judging them by those standards
Apex tripled fortnite's numbers at launch but now it's less than double on a regular basis.. Fortnite still triple's apex in concurrent players
We'll see how shit unfolds with season 8 and season 1 from apex. As for twitch views, it's pretty much what ninja/shroud/dizzy/tfue play and if they're online at a time given. The rest is pretty even

this, Apex is an improvement over Blackout in nearly every aspect. Fuck cod BR and it's shitty fucking armour system

t. plays both fortnite and apex

It wasn't made to appeal to only zoomers by just being "reference, the game".

fortnite didn't pay every streamer to boost the numbers and it has had consistent growth where apex is declining.

>I agree, that's why its a bad metric
yep it shows that even with the only metric people have in favor of Apex is showing it doing bad.

What fucking logic is that, still, Apex has more viewers than Fartnut atm.

Attached: REtard.png (2283x337, 1.33M)

It's new

>more people watching the videogame
literally who cares

>it has had consistent growth
Really? 205k avg in July 2018, 170k in jan 2019, 124k in feb. Where is the growth?

>Fortnite beats Pubg
>Yea Forums praises Fortnite for a whole month
>Fortnite becomes too popular and associated with normies
>Yea Forums starts hating Fortnite

>Apex beats Fortnite
>Yea Forums praises Apex for weeks
>Apex becomes too popular and associated with normies

Apex Legends feels like a good FPS game but playing it I'm reminded that Battle Royale is a fucking horrible genre and anti-fun.

What is so hard about breaking the big map into a bunch of sensible maps and having different game modes?
Why do zoomies want to wait around for 15 minutes before they even see another player?

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Did you even look at the post? Fortnite increased for months after released and Apex has declined in mere weeks. Just goes to show it was just paid hype and people don't actually like the game. Fortnite has its new season in 2 days, with Apex already declining it's done for.

>mfw Yea Forums said it was just the flavor of the week and Fortnite would bounce back

Attached: Ready at Dawn developer.jpg (480x360, 36K)

I wish I was playing fortnite right now, but my PC is busted

The market has been saturated by small scale shooters since the 90's. Battle Royale takes it to the next step and the drive to survive until the end and become #1 out of 60-100 people is what makes it addicting.

Maybe because you have to have a high end computer to have a stable framerate.

Nothing about playing 30 minute matches with ~5 minutes of actual action is addicting to me.
The "market" can suck my dick. There's a reason TF2 is still alive and kicking while BR shooters except Fortnite are dropping like flies.

Attached: 1551078463517.png (296x461, 105K)

>Zoomers have zero loyalty to anything
good, wish millenials were like that instead of keeping shitty companies and franchises on life-support due to brand loyalty

>ping system that eliminates the need for human interaction of any kind
That fucking ping system, man. Every multiplayer game out there needs to copy it ASAP, it's an absolutely brilliant too. It's ridiculously useful even if you're playing with a team of friends and voice comms and I can't believe how much I've missed it after going back to other games.

In the previous post I was referring to the growth during the start of the game. I don't expect it to grow much when it's this old. But also for your dates,
Fortnite Season 5 started in July 2018
Fortnite Season 7 started in Dec 2018
Fortnite Season 8 starts in March 2019
It normally dips in the off seasons so comparing July to Dec or March would be more realistic comparison.

>Apex has declined in mere weeks
So Apex viewership declined to a level that is significantly higher than the average viewership of fortnite has ever been? yikes

Twitch viewer counts are not a reliable method of gauging game popurality.

I'm tired of getting paired with fucking niggers. Why did they have to make this team based?

Yea that's what happens when you pay every single streamer to play your game. If people actually liked the game it would grow but the decline shows how fabricated it is. Also factors of how it hasn't even been out a month and Twitch is much bigger than it was when Fortnite was at its prime and that Fortnite was in its off season.

peak delusion

It's interesting that you can justify a lower viewer count by the off seasons of battle passes and yet don't even consider the impact of Apex's first battle pass which is a week away, and continue to point out how it's 'already declining'

That's what these Apex threads are going off of though. Fortnite has way more players.

I justify it by one being years old and one having just came out this month. It shouldn't have gotten stale right away.

>twitch numbers show its significantly higher than fortnite at any point in history
>doesn't have the actual playerbase numbers
based retard, is this a personal argument for you because of how many V bucks you've purchased? nobody is contenting that a game that lets you dress up as a pink bear or cute little rabbit and turbo build to safety is going to have more players than a game that requires you to aim to kill someone.

Not going to happen. Apex doesn't appeal to the preteen audience like Fortnite does.

What will be the realistic outcome for Fortnite in Season 8? Twitch counts will probably rise again, but would a good chunk of players go back? It seems like Apex carved out a steady niche and stole a good chunk of players.

I miss when game of thrones was good

There will always be a huge amount of 12 year olds who appreciate the artstyle and the culture it provides

Free battle pass so people who weren't super invested in Fortnite and swapped, will actually have something to do daily/weekly. It also depends on Apex's battle pass and big content patch probably within the first week of March. Fortnite will probably do something cool with the map that might get old within 5 games anyways

The only time it was good is the first book. Every single thing that comes after that is dogshit.

By having fantastic hitboxes and stronk indepedent wehmen who don't need no men (and are also the best characters to play if you actually want to win).

Attached: 1523328570252.png (1826x1436, 640K)

This. Fortnite's core kiddy audience will mostly stick with it, the people playing Apex aren't the same demographic.

Fuck off Shitpex shills, go be bitter somewhere else thaty your shit hero shooter is dying

>tfw knew the hitboxes were this fucked early on
>i'm the guy who exclusively uses wraith and the wingman and nobody can hit me while I strafe left and right at near sprint speed
cant wait for it to get nerfed so I'm not at a disadvantage picking anyone else

>twitch numbers show its significantly higher than fortnite at any point in history
They paid all the big streamers to play the game so the numbers are obviously that big. If the game was good it would be growing but it isn't. Clearly you can't register this fact because you keep comparing the two when one paid every streamer under the sun to play. A single Fortnite stream got more concurrent viewers than the whole paid Apex community combined so I dunno why you say at any point in history, it's just fabricated numbers and you are gullible enough to believe they weren't when all facts show you're wrong.


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It's actually fun. Im not good at either but the building shit really quickly is retarded for a shooter.

Never said anything about Fortnite. Reminds me of Xcucks crying about Sony whenever their shit gets called out.

So Apex on average still has 40k viewers than Fortnite at the absolute peak of its lifespan, and it's a week away from its battle pass. gotcha

>Never said anything about Fortnite
So how is it dying if not comparatively to fortnite?

>seething tfue subscriber recoils after being found out

They build a game from the ground. Not repurposed it like Epic did with Fortnite.

Attached: 1549974385000.png (276x254, 107K)

>built a game from the ground up

Attached: nick-young-confused-face-300x256_nqlyaa.jpg (600x512, 26K)

Fortnite players are mechanically retarded which is why there are no real aiming mechanics in the game, I hope season 8 does well and keeps a firm grip on the women and 9 year olds who play it so I don't have to deal with them in my apex squad if my friends aren't on to fill a team

Because going by this shithole's favorite metric (Twitch viewership) it's getting less than it did three weeks ago and continues to slowly drop.

>pic related
but let me guess, fortnites will go up when the new season starts, but apex won't experience a similar phenomenon when theirs gets released

Attached: nice.jpg (1170x170, 28K)

>t.buildlet who gets constantly shit on by 9 year olds
Nothing more hilarious than a retarded shitposters who's also retarded at games

Honestly blackout is probably the worst br out there right now, even worse than the generic knock offs. Almost everything is counter intuitive and very anti fun, not to mention most of the map is just dead air making moving a stressful and irritating slog due to how shit sound is and how obnoxious vehicles are. At least pubg had the decency to make vehicles less annoying and not make footsteps louder than guns.

>retarded at games
>unironically plays fortnite and uses fortnite colloquialisms like buildlet

Attached: buildlet.jpg (623x623, 59K)

>no building metagame bullshit
>amazing ping system
>stable gameplay
>legend based characters instead of avatars with shitty skins
>No game journalism involved

>he thinks everyone who flocked from fortnite isn't the same audience
why do you think the fucking fortnite viewership/userbase dropped you idiot. if it weren't the same demographic then numbers would've been the same

Considering the complaints I've heard about fucked hitboxes and lag, I'd expect a slight bump before people realize there's better alternatives for people with attention spans.

>there's better alternatives for people with attention spans

>no argument
typical buildlet who got shat on

*flosses* based

Which somehow still requires more strategy and forethought than Spergpex rush rush rush respawn respawn respawn

Are you daft? They paid every streamer to play it why are you comparing it to a game that got it naturally?

funny how this is pretty much a tier list besides Mirage being out of place

>Search for "dude being beheaded" online
>Download the picture
>Open Paint
>Drag and drop the picture into paint
>Use the text tool to put text over the image
>Save as "finished.jpg"
It's not that fucking difficult.

And yet no streamer has apex partner in their title and it has more viewers than fortnite. Weird, maybe they're paying them under the table sneaky sneaky

The Ping system. It's been mentioned in this thread already but the fucking ping system should be a necessity for all BR games moving forward, or even shooters with high TTK

The only thing stopping me from trying it is the lack of grapples. Is it any good?

And bangalore needs to be before bloodhound

So how do you explain Blackout being irrelevant?

i-it's ok
my investment in 20$ a piece skins isn't going to waste
i'll just invest in apex now, it will surely last forever

Attached: uhoh.png (665x295, 33K)

You can do a nerfed version of the grapple with pathfinder, it's not much but it's something, you can slide after landing and carry on the momentum but the webm doesn't show that

Attached: slingyboi.webm (1920x1080, 2.86M)

It's already declining, fast. See you in 3 months.

Attached: 778878787.jpg (330x319, 48K)

Actually it should be in every game where you can play with others period.
The only game it wouldn't improve would be a fighting game

games are like whores, apex is the new young looking one, fortnite is used up already but she has a nostalgic effect... she gonna be around for a while pleasing peeps just like counterstrike does

Samefag cope

Bloodhound is overrated if you ask me. But caustic is hands down the worst at least in the team based meta it has now. Others like Gibraltar and mirage are just one tweak away from being really good or at least good enough stand alone

My personal tier list
Top and easy mode

Power gap and scrub friendly

Takes time and effort but still good abilities in their own right

Needs a buff to reach their potential

Needs entirely reworked cause they are too situational and trash out of those

PUBG is insanely popular in Asia, more so than Fortnite

No worthless retarded building mechanics
No shitty cartoon gprahics

The only reason Fortnite became popular was because it was a free version of PUBG. Now that there's a more faithful free version of PUBG, Fortnite is irrelevant

when it released it was a week
after the week it was a month
now that we are at the month it's 3 months
how far will the goal posts move?

Figured it would be the Xnigger with that syntax. Fuck off.

Gibraltar needs a full hitbox overhaul to be even remotely viable in this game, and this will only become more necessary as players get better

Attached: nonono.png (700x1080, 1.1M)

Shroud said he was in development months before the game came out and people like KingRichard who was the top when I checked earlier signed to an Apex team within a few days of the game being out. Also you can't seriously think the ripple effect of paying every streamer on the first day (they all had ad in their title then) would instantly drop do you? Copycat/fad streamers would cling to it longer than 1 day and they have to practice to make their stream entertaining. Despite all this the game is still going down in views. Your cope is showing real hard when you keep ignoring this fact.

>it was a free version of PUBG. Now that there's a more faithful free version of PUBG, Fortnite is irrelevant
while this is spot on, on why Fortnite became a hit initially, it eventually created it's own unique niche with the building shit.
many people including myself hate it but others love it
it won't die that easily

Mirage just need to be able to cancel his invisibility
and maybe an ai on the clone instead of just go to point

treyarch are hacks who never made a good game

Cuckpex is woke ADHD zoomer hero shooter garbage. No wonder journalists and retards love it so much. Fuck EA.

>Extremely crappy performance
>Tons of bugs
>Even more cheaters
>Additional content patched in too late
>Semi-realistic shooting and movement mechanics scaring away total casuals and kids

Gibraltar will also be the messiest to touch. Buff his hitboxes too much and he'll be a nightmare for everyone with his shields even worse than wraith. But leaving it as is hes just a headshot giving tree since his gun shield doesn't cover shit on himself at all.

>Despite all this the game is still going down in views
Fortnite is literally below the just chatting section which is 5/10 e-girls doing ASMR when the fluro haired queen of fortnite isnt playing (the guy you subscribe to)

Also lol at that logic
>streamer plays a game that looks good
>I play it but dont like
>I force myself to play it even though I dont like it because I saw a streamer play it
the mental gymnastics are amazing



>60dollar entry fee vs free game
>terrible netcode that I assume still plagues the game not sure about that haven't played it in months
>extremely slow additions to the game
>took them 2 months to add camos in the BR

You're not very good at this, EA marketer.

Lifeline should be its own class considering almost every game winner is a lifeline or has a lifeline on the team.
Other than that, solid list.

The discourse has literally been Apex vs Fortnite since the beginning of the thread you brainlet nigger lmao

Why do you keep mentioning Fortnite? What does that have to do with Apex dying already?

You must not have read the post because again you're ignoring that every streamer was paid to play the game but you seem to think they played it because it looked good.

I'm not sure how they did it at all. The game has a disgusting aesthetic and objectively the worst netcode out of all the BR games. It's also a clusterfuck combining gimmicks from the other games. Not even a solo play mode. Yet people sing it's praises all day and night.

I think that people were just eager to jump on a free BR game that doesn't have the bad reputation of being for 6 year olds.

Attached: 1392958975568.png (872x720, 516K)

There are a lot, a LOT of people that hate Fortnite and want to see it gone, it looks like Apex is conglomerating many PUBG, CoD etc players but it's going to take much more to beat Fortnite. Honestly Apex is very generic, it really doesn't have anything special going for it.

This is like when people claim that a WoW killer or Minecraft killer has arrived but in the end it never happens, Fortnite still has it's meme dances, skins, autistic building and the zoomer legion backed by their parents wallets.

>mediocre everything
>turbo sperg dev

>mediocre gameplay
>autistic children fanbase
>Tiananmen Square massacre of 1989 developers

Apex Legend
>abysmal looking characters
>decent gameplay

I don't know who to root for. All these options are shit.

Attached: 1532629543436.jpg (1890x1417, 161K)

You know ninja is playing fortnite again right?

>the fluro haired queen of fortnite isnt playing
he also plays apex more often than not too nowadays

Eh Fortnite is still alive.

It arguably killed Black Ops instead

>Apex Legend
>>abysmal looking characters
If Apex had characters looking like the starting roster of OW it would have made billions in skins already
Unfortunately for them they chose their characters to look like shit



>Steam drones seething so hard they start shilling for a free to play battle royal filled with lootboxes puplished by EA

Because if Apex is dying based on viewership metrics then Fortnite is dying, and you've been adamantly defending it this entire thread
>inb4 it wasn't me

Explain the ripple effect logic to me, why are streamers who were paid to advertise the game still playing it, and why would regular players continue to play a game they didn't enjoy just because it was advertised? Seeing as you're attributing all its success to paid streamers

>giving a chance to still win after you get killed
So, more casual at it's core but even more imbalanced toward OP three stacks?

serious answers only please...
next thing you'll tell me is to play realm royale

i dont get the hate for this game it looks fun

apex netcode is worse

Attached: 96823223-a1db-42a5-a7af-386378c660bd.png (1920x1080, 746K)

do you even know how that shit works?
or do you just spout retarded shit for the sake of it?

>crashes every other game on nvidia cards


>he fell for the rtx meme

Does apex have a non-BR mode? Game looks good but I am not a huge fan of br games

Apex won't go the distance, the thing that kept fortnight going money wise was skins, little shits went crazy for new skins. Apex has disgusting character design and ugly skins, they will of course make money off if the "this rare this good me want" retards, but not gang busters like fortnight and overwatch. With those games you could actually see genuine excitement in the fan base for new skins. Apex will never have that.

People keep branding Apex as a FN killer but its really Epic simply shitting the bed because a little competition popped up.
>guys here's a free pass come back
>hey guys we're fixing bugs so come on back
Respawn and EA haven't tried very hard to get people to play.

why the fuck is this happening?
is it the latest drivers?
i can't play 5 games without having a crash

yes it's called Titanfall 2

>he thinks that epic didn't also pay people to play fortnite
It's not exactly new ground they're breaking here, and it doesn't disqualify it either. Almost every big game has paid streamers now.

This kind of makes me feel good about playing Bangalore, since it means I'm winning with the exact middle of the tier spread.

Jesus Christ respawn. This won't get fixed as well, they never fix a fucking thing.

How dead is titanfall nowadays?

less dead since Apex

>Make pubg
>Game is decent but with a lot of netcode problems, bad optimizations and other bogs
>Popular beyond belief due to 0 competition
>Fortnite comes and it's great in terms of optimization, brings a new mechanic and, most importantly, it's free
>People bail PUBG because of it
>Devs fuck up the balance and forced people to build if they wanted to win
>Every weapon has a fuckton of spread
>Apex comes
>Has enough depth so that the game doesn't feel braindead
>People bail in favour of the better game
>All the BRs clones that were released during the PUBG-Apex timeline had NOTHING of value to offer so they died
It's how it's always been with all of the genres, user. Let's not forget the doomclones, CS clones, and all the moba clones that fell into obscurity.

Surprisingly, still alive.

Medical expert here, fortnite shows signs of imminent cardiac arrest, apex legends is at stable resting heartbeat. By this graph, fortnite is going to die from overexhaustion.

Attached: 2C141541-D62D-4E23-AC9C-C8A14E473FF2.jpg (768x1024, 132K)

Most active on xbone but still decently active on pc.

>Because if Apex is dying based on viewership metrics then Fortnite is dying, and you've been adamantly defending it this entire thread
lol okay I never said Fortnite isn't dying though? One is dying at Explain the ripple effect logic to me, why are streamers who were paid to advertise the game still playing it, and why would regular players continue to play a game they didn't enjoy just because it was advertised?
Maybe you haven't before but lots of people buy/play games based off hype and hype can generate a feeling of enjoyment despite the quality of the product.
>Seeing as you're attributing all its success to paid streamers
attributing the views to paid streamers*

What depth does apex have that fortnight doesn't have? I haven't played fortnight but other than perspective shooting looks like shooting but it it has building on top of that. Are you talking about character abilities? Because that shit isn't depth.

It's a shooter,fortnite is not.

Hold the fuck up
I am not at into battle royal games, but if you die you can have to watch them play for 1 hour until your they die or win?

you do realise epic paid youtubers to upload fortnite content right? they were listed under 'commanders' on the search for survivors page. in addition to this during fortnites boom twitch had not adopted the legality of having to declare sponsorships in stream titles, that is a recent amendment. so really you have no fucking idea what you're talking about

fortnite grew over months because it was babby's first BR and it drew a lot of new people to the genre
apex doesn't have to make the genre popular with console users like fortnite did because they're already invested in the genre
not saying apex will necessarily kill fortnite but that's why you aren't seeing a huge upward trend like fortnite in its infancy

Neither is spamming walls

What? Speak english.
You can leave the match at any time.

>I am not at into battle royal games, but if you die you can have to watch them play for 1 hour until your they die or win?
In pubg you had to watch them play or leave the gale.
In apex they can take your ass to a beacon and respawn you if they didnt let your banner expire

Yep. Didnt help that Fortnite had literally its glitchiest week ever right after Apex launched, so bad they had to delay the tournaments.

Trust that Epic is swinging for the fences next season .

>One is dying at

Building shit surly adds some depth? Apex is just a compitent shooter with very watered down abilities. I really wish they would make abilities more impactful. That or just give me a character with a wall running passive.

that's why you drop in hot zones and move toward gunfire in the distance
BRs are only slow games of hide and seek if you make them slow games of hide and seek

Nah it's like 60-90 seconds before your respawn times out. You can decide to stick around or leave either way after you die

Are there any BR games that didn't explode at release? Even TABG a joke game had tens of thousands playing but then the retarded devs took a 5 week vacation and let their golden goose die.

Attached: 1478064069259.png (750x750, 170K)

>not on Steam
why do these people like to fuck up their own profits for seemingly no reason?

>Building shit surly adds some depth?

People wanted an optimized, F2P BR that didn't have building. Also, people were becoming fatigued with Fortnite.

It's not rocket surgery.

Grappling and sliding for a lot of mobility. That's literally it.

you have to be pretty dumb to think fn is going to die anytime soon, even fucking lol is still around and strong

I think the extent to which a free game did it was unprecedented in Apex. Look at the twitch numbers on Fortnite it barely had any on the BR launch and didn't get big till months after. They also got the biggest streamers involved in development months before the game came out. Lots of games have paid streamers but this was one of the first games to go all out with it.

paid all the youtubers and twitch streamers to play it and kids followed. It's quite easy if you have money. What could it cost? 1, 2 million? That's nothing in terms of advertisement

Wow, that was easy

How is this shit okay with anyone?

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How could all of you forgot that PUBG IS PREMIUM AND FORNITE FREE
That was the ONLY reason it won, anf as Apex is free too, on top of not retarded building, it won again.

I can't say the gunplay is anymore than competent with how shit the net code is.

I'll admit that I'm a buildlet, but I have zero interest in learning the ins and outs of the building mechanics because it was always my least favorite part of the game

this. the sheep will play what ever their shepherd(s) play

You and I both know that wasn't what I was laughing at.

I prefer Apex because I want to play a shooter, fortnite is not a shooter, and PUBG is infested with cheaters in my region and runs like dogshit

it's just way more casual than Fortnite. I got 4 wins on my first day of playing Apex. on Fortnite I still struggle to even get one solo win after fucking months!

>How is this shit okay with anyone?
I choose wraith/lifeline with a wingman and clap fatbois up all match so it doesn't bother me TOO much

>it's just way more casual than Fortnite. I got 4 wins on my first day of playing Apex. on Fortnite I still struggle to even get one solo win after fucking months!
more like fortnite kiddies cant aim for shit so it's easy to have win for now

>being a Wraith Wingman main


it feels good to play and is fairly forgiving

>fast pace
>no cartoon kiddy graphics
>good variety of guns
>nice loot system

>infested with cheaters
>server instability and lag
>random disconnects every other game

It's still a good game because EA wasn't involved in anything other than the lootbox system.

8/10 with lots of potential if they focus on anti-cheat and new content.

Because you can create character tiers and then talk shit when you kill someone with a low tier character.


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I Winn my first game of apex and pretty much have a goleden formula now that makes wins easy as fuck. Just hug the outskirts and pick of stragglers then wait for the two of the last teams to engage and mop them up. Aim doesn't even matter much since I just play wraith so my hit box doesn't exist.

>thinking you can use anything other than the wingman with its current state
Against an equally skilled opponent you will always lose to a wingman. When ever I get destroyed it's because I don't have one and they do.

>comparing two completely different time spans
you guys are actually fucking retarded wow

My aim is good enough that I don't really have an issue landing solid hits on any of the characters, and I don't play the giant hitboxes. My experience so far has been that winning fights and games comes down to timing, positioning, and mechanical skill 99% of the time and not much else ends up mattering.

BR games only attract normalfags, so I don't care.

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In Apex Legends first you get knocked down, then when you die you drop your banner so they can bring you back using a beacon. The only time you should leave is if they never pick up your banner and you get timed out.

>Tfw they will nerf the wingman instead of buffing over guns
It's the only gun that feels good to use, most other weapons make every fight a reload fest.

Not only that but you have to pay 30 bucks for that buggy mess

Do what? Did they make more than Epic’s three billion?

Lmao nobody is playing Apex for the realism. You have superpowers and guns with barely any recoil.

1. Fortnite isn't dead. The free battlepass brought a ton of people back and season 8 releases in like 3 days. A new season ALWAYS brings even more people back. So much so that servers become overloaded a bit. Chances are Apex will still be on top after season 8 hype dies off though. who knows.
2. the reason apex is successful is because of three big reasons. Movement feels SO much better in Apex compared to fortnite, killed players can respawn so the game feels more forgiving, and the ping system makes it so that you can still have a chance even when playing with randoms. The guys at Respawn clearly did their homework, saw the problems this genre was facing, and came up with great ways to overcome those issue. It's up to Fortnite to adapt now.

epic would very clearly have the advantage if they were to incorporate those 3 ideas into their game but as of right now they haven't. something tells me they're waiting for the right moment

wait...Apex is launching a battlepass in addition to lootboxes..? seems like jewery

I am more interested in the repercussions for the Epic game store, they were very clear that Fortnite money was helping fund the store, i wonder what will happen now that Apex cut a huge slice of their pie

people getting tired of fortnite
CoD BR was dogshit,
Apex was something better

it's that simple

let's be honest. anyone who said blackout was competition for fortnite was retarded. it wasn't even close. blackout fizzled out and died almost immediately

It’s simpler than that. Anyone who’s paying for a streamer knows when the streamer switches games. Ad buyers don’t need to do anything. Streamers will naturally compete.

>Showboat on your enemies as you mock their inability to hit a Caustic

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Of course you wouldn't feel the need to spam all these threads about it if it were truly a better game. Fortnite isn't going anywhere and it's a lot more fun than gaysex legends


I am such shit at this game it is absurd


It´s way too early to say anything

If the leaks are correct the new Apex game mode will be amazing

We will have to wait a bit more

fortnite has boxes also just for the singleplayer.

They didn't. Fortnite still has more players, Apex just currently has more zoomers watching it, and even that goes back and forth depending on who is streaming

fortnite is not even an FPS

For me it was the fact that it's in first person and it has no dumb building gimmicks, decent movement, the ping system is glorious and I like being able to mess around with certain guns, being able to use the Triple Take as either a Sniper or a mid range Rifle feels gewd.

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the chance is slight and requieres your team to go out of their way to get you back up and risk their own life. also you have no items when you spawn making it extremely difficult to win late game.