Pokemon Direct presentation!

>Tune in on 2/27 at 6am PT for roughly 7 minutes of new information in a livestreamed #Pokemon Direct presentation!


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Banjo for Smash

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why is no one posting about this

where y'all niggas at mang


I am ready for pokken 2

>7 minutes
Confirmed to be so shit they don’t want to show off any gameplay



They don't need to show gameplay for me to realize that it's going to be fucking shit


5 games
5 years
All of them were fucking garbage

Smash Reveal at the end?

Let's go pikachu/eevee dlc for gen 2
Gen 8 Is delayed until 2020

Wonder if they're going to keep the Z-move gimmick or completely trash it for the next gen.

I can't wait to see Gamefreak's newest Pokemon game for the Switch! With the same shitty visuals, and same barely managing 24 fps game.

Predict the names
>+ and -
>crown and scepter
>king and queen
>chaos and control

>Detective Pikachu for Switch
>Pokemon Gen 8 trailer

hello falseflagger

They didn't trash Mega evolution, so I doubt they would trash Z moves. They might not add any more, but they'll still be in the game.

I fucking love Kanto

the last time they did a new game
it was only 5 minutes

Hope for real time open world ARPG.
Actual good turn based gameplay like DivOS1&2 would be great, but japs have never in their entire history made even one game with good turn based combat, so may as well go full ARPG which they actually do pretty well.

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>last pokemon direct showed pokken dx, usum, and gold and silver vc
What will the use the extra 2 minutes for?

>tfw didn’t backup my sd card before trying to hack my 3ds
>tfw card got corrupted
>tfw lost a 7 generation living dex

I don’t even care about gen 8 anymore

>There's people looking forward to this after the franchise was molested four months ago by the last Pokemon Switch games

BIG yikes

Pokémon Ketchup mayo

They basically trashed Mega evolution, which fucking sucked. It was such a non-factor and relegated to post game.

Pokémon Big Maring and Pokémon Big Chungus

Screenshot my post

This shit will come to switch AND 3ds
And because 'they have to hold back for the 3ds shitty hatdware' will look shit again

Because nobody has any hope for the new generation of Pokemon being any good.

idk user pokemon never had a cross-gen release before

>7 minutes
Confirmed for another lazy rehash

Z moves were the hawaiian region exclusive though, seeing that you need to do a stupid dance to activate them.

If it's like Sun and Moon, it'll only be a title reveal, with more info on E3 and then the few weeks leading up to release.

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I want a gen 4 remake. I loved Sinnoh so much and to me it had the best starters of the entire franchise and best soundtrack. Though now that I think about it modern Game Freak would find some way to totally ruin it.

Well, this is the gen where they WOULD make a Sinnoh remake going by their pattern. So maybe after the first Gen 8 games they do it.

Fucking same on all counts, user. Guess we're stuck replaying Platinum since it's better than anything Game Freak can put out.

Who else here is more than ready for the inevitable D&P remake?