So what do you want this fucker to actually bring to the table gameplay-wise?
I want some more anti-heal like ana's 'nade. Way too much healing in the game.
So what do you want this fucker to actually bring to the table gameplay-wise?
I want some more anti-heal like ana's 'nade. Way too much healing in the game.
Other urls found in this thread:
haven't been keeping up with the updates
how much do we know about this guy?
He is non binary and genderfluid
Who dis? I ain't played in over a year, even uninstalled. Just got bored.
Isn't 2 demomen a bit redundant?
That he's going to be in the game, and be a dps+healer.
He'll have an ult that just lets you win the match
Since op is a fag
>War orphan who joined talon, regrets it, now good
>Combat medic
Thing is, he seems to step on a lot of fucking toes of existing champs. There's already a grenade launcher hero, Anna already has healing grenades, his story beats are similar to others like McReeeeee
Not exactly sure what they're doing here. Anyway he's a support
they are*
>another nigger
why am I not surprised
I'm more so concerned that GOATS is completely unfuckable with. An issue pertaining to this is the fact that if they introduce a character that is viable anti-GOATS that character will become a hard lock pick just the same.
I would like to see dive, deathball, and goats all relevant simultaneously in a best-case scenario, killing GOATS at this time seems like a crapshoot due to Brigitte and just the general durability of the current meta, Zen is the weakest target and he literally blasts people to bits with higher DPS values than most DPS themselves.
Even if they bring in some form of anti-healing (an aoe to inhibit lucio/brig aoe heal being the obvious pick), people can just swap to healers with greater throughput in order to compensate.
It's a tricky business, right now. I have the most fun just dicking around with Genji, though the stints between sessions is getting to be longer and longer.
if you haven't noticed blizzard reuses lot of abilities like brigette flail is just genji ult but smaller damage with lucio healing aura and mccree stun but instead granade she moves forward.
Why does Yea Forums get triggered by black people in games
>press Q to win
How is this casual babby shit a competitive game again?
i dont care because hes so ugly and lame i wont play him anyway. only if he has amazing gameplay and costumes then maybe.
I dont play Overwatch but I welcome more BLACKED SFM porn.
ana has anti healing nade but dva eats it anyway
2 people pressed q pal
Thing is, if he is only an anti-goats character, only being really profitable against goats (which is unlikely to happen with blizzard-balancing), it'll go like this:
-Red has goats
-Blue goes Baptiste
-Red swaps off goats
-Blue swaps off Baptiste.
-Back to start
Something I'd still prefer over:
>So what do you want this fucker to actually bring to the table gameplay-wise?
he brings enough by being a man over watch has to many girls.
>playing this zoomer shit game
little babies
yea that's the obvious logical conclusion, which does at the very least return to a series of counterpicks, but they're pretty minute and the tanks will likely be the ones dictating everything still regardless. I feel like the game is starting to become bloated with characters and that is harming it far more at the end of the day, considering when some broken ass character does come in and shift the meta, the amount that it displaces all the other characters (usually DPS and support, since there's like 2-3 actual maintanks and that doesn't seem to be getting fucked with).
What I would suggest would just be some sort of crunch on the existing characters to maintain some relevance, the DPS role is so underwhelming right now, and something needs to change in order to help diversity.
One of the biggest issues here is that OWL is on and it's a fucking terrible look for the game to just always be GOATS or like, GOATS+sombra, the game has a few really interesting characters that are getting pretty hard cucked out of the meta right now and that's kind of a shame. It's understandable since it's a team game that people would play so safe but the tedium is going to become unbearable to watch soon enough.
>another hybrid healer/dps
Why does this game hate pure healers so much? Is it because they're incapable of balancing mercy?
He is a guy who is like "you don't know how it is to live without choice" and is like ok I'm gonna join Talon because I like food.
Then he is like Talon is bad so I'm gonna quit and be a good guy and then his a good guy and Talon hunts him because nobody leaves Talon, the end. His design is pretty mediocre, I don't like how he looks like Lucios big brother with same kind of armor design recolored.
>Is it because they're incapable of balancing mercy?
I feel like it has a lot to do with shit OW map design.
Because black people have no place in a modern, civilised society.
OR they play GOATS and switch one slot for him.
to be fair genji's entire kit is based around building blade and hoping to pop off. a competent team knows how to easily shut down an ulting genji, even with a nano or trans. He's a sitting duck otherwise. Most characters arent like that. Tracer's ult is ok, but most of her power is from her abilities.
Orisa was becoming a decent counter for GOATS, only for Jizzard to nerf armor into the fucking ground so now she's about as squishy as a 250HP hero with the hitbox of Winston.
thisOverwatch has atrocious level design.
Baptiste looks like if demoman got transported into Fortnite.
>heard they were bringing in a black healer
>thought they were bringing in old giganigga mercy
>it's just some chump-looking nigglet
I still don't give a fuck then
>Literally one post about niggers
Ever consider drowning yourself?
>yfw the "new" Overwatch hero is quite LITERALLY just Demoman
>one post about niggers
>Yea Forums
People still play this?
There is nothing any new character can add that would improve the gameplay of OW. All of the characters need to be revisited and the utility of ultimates worked into their kits.
>wait out 6 second shield
>walk in, throw down nade so it heals you while bursting them.
>don't be a bitch and sleep a fucker on your way out.
>hit some squishies with darts while you back out.
wow. I beat goats. who could've guessed.
Oh they ran out of ideas and just blended McCree and Soldiers outfits together and made him black.
Shit was bound to overlap at some point. All games with growing casts do this
>6 sec shield
>doesnt even know Dvas abilities anymore
I love how these threads are 90% complaints from people that haven't played in over 6 months. Absolutely yikes.
>present yourself on the front line in any capacity as Ana
>instantly get gibbed by anyone with a modicum of sense since if she dies the fight is completely lost, meanwhile surviving the 2 second anti-nade proves trivial since it was bodyblocked by your reinhardt/only hit one-two targets who quickly retreat behind their ubershield/zarya cleanse
>the target you slept was brigitte, her heal was going off the whole time she was sleeping
wow dude you're sick
so they want women to play a black guy?
healer role was at first affirmative action role for shitters so they need to keep it somehow interesting for skilled players that are forced onto it if they want to win.
I think actively playing such a garbage game is a bigger yikes.
Brig’s melee is Genji’s ult? They have literally one similarity, they both swing a weapon. That’s like saying soldier’s ult is like Reaper’s primary because they both fire hitscan bullets. Fuck, you’re stupid.
HE is a support, probably has AoE healing with his grenade launcher
currently its brig lucio zen rein zarya dva, though some of the players can be interchanged due to the maps (monkey for verticality instead of rein), it originated a while back with moira being the main healer and has since been foundational as the strongest meta in the game.
In a nutshell.
His design is so fucking boring, and I say that as someone who actually likes most of the OW designs.
I love how he hits wm in the air with his skill based 20yd melee attack
>We wan't all characters to be viable in our maps...
>So we made all of them the same map with absurd production costs
Wow, two of those characters require any sort of aim. The rest of the comp is brainless fucking baby tier.
God Overwatch is such fucking garbage.
Good to see Rein is still king, love me some swinging.
>generic black guy with loud colors and a gun
>Dragon Ball scouter for absolutely no reason
So fucking lazy and barely thought out
He'd better have a fun kit at least
It's more about comprehensive movement and targetting with your teammates, not that I would expect people to really appreciate it. It honestly is not that great outside the higher level of play where it shows its true strength since everyone is communicating and they all have ludicrous amounts of game sense.
The issue hurts the top level of the game and its watchability more than anything.
For me, OW has always just been a fun romp in a pubstomp setting, I played 1.6 competitively for an incredibly long time and the only thing that has really recreated stupid pubstomps in 1.6 to me is QP in OW, which I have honestly a hell of a lot of fun in. It is also very interesting from a sociological POV magnified by my time spent with the 1.6 community and the CS community in general, one of the most 'toxic' communities in all of gaming as far as I've encountered.
To go into a lobby and hear a girl talking with her friends while they play is honestly really refreshing, the common boyfriend/girlfriend duo is usually really fun to poke holes at, and the REEing tryhards sound like most of you guys that bitch about the game, which is of course to be expected.
it takes 5 year old to notice they only changed animation and weapon model
Why are you so willingly blind? You even said "niggers" , which says it all
He's right, mechanically speaking.
Brigitte's melee attack is Genji's ult swing, her area heal is Lucio's, her shield bash is the McRee stun, the flail launch is Roadhog's hook, and the shield is Reinhardt's. They make new characters by recycling and combining the mechanics for other characters.
So this new guy will be Junkrat's grenade launcher with effects like Ana. Stuff like that.
Nice, can't wait to see Mercy get BLACKED by in in all the upcoming SFM porn.
Almost three years since release and still almost next to zero new content.
>dying zoomer game
>let's add another nigger
Do people still seriously give a shit about OW?
I'm probably gonna main him and bind macros to his abilities to spout memes in text chat like "BLACKED".
skin to make him white
is he gay or trans?
Regardless of the dudes group of identification. It is funny how the game is at its most dead and they seem to finally add a new hero.
Him also being a support class is likely to bring more people back to play over a dps or tank class since it appeals to more passive players who prefer to support than be the star player.
It’s also reused asset as fuck move wise so this was probably a low cost to make hero.
new guy has the worst design in the game, shame since good character design was the only thing the game had going for it
have you been on this site at all for like, the past four years? genuine question.
The game went down hill the moment they added Ana. What makes you think adding a nigger is going to save this game?
This dude looks like a female version of the black chick from Apex Legends wearing clothes from Fortnite lmao
They’re both swinging, that’s where the similarity ends. Different range, damage, rate of fire and swing arc. Again, that’s like saying all guns in the game are the same because they both shoot bullets.
Female to male
>the way they begin to back away from the shield as it dawns on them what's coming
>goats was booed massively by the LIVE OWL AUDIENCE
>brig is hated so much someone even messaged her voice ctress telling her that their hero ruined balance forever (and she got all scared over it because lol sweden people)
>jeff will gut someone after owl is done
I imagine he will be hard anti goats and punish grouped up enemies. Which supposed to be Junkrat's work, but he can't do this because of shields and matrix. He'll probably shoot aoe goo like torb's ult, so shields won't save you. But because goats doesn't afraid damage his aoe will probably have slow or anti heal effect.
The problem with overwatch is that mirror matches exist.
>mercy dominates the meta
>both side have 100% mercy pick rate
>the stats show that mercy winrate is 50% :^) so everything is fine t.blizzard
Hero winrate is probably the most big brain stat that tells you nothing.
>Jeff the cuck guts something
imagine typing up your entire gaming CV in a thread about a dead game like any of your life matters
If you didn't play UT/Quake growing up you dont know shit about competition.
JJonak is a support player and is also the star of NYE. You fucking Genji Tracer mongs are a dime a dozen.
Those are both 1v1 arena games, which I did play extensively, but I am very competent at shot-calling and play-making which is more suited towards team-based games.
Be as much of a cunt as you'd like, I paid for my education with 1.6, actually making my hobby valuable in the process.
But do go on, tell me about how much money is getting slung around in the UT Quake scenes.
game needs more tanks.
And something other than shield, dive, or a combination. We need an artillery tank.
I'll keep playing as long as they leave my favorite girl alone.
I like how they didn't even try attacking, they saw goats and did 180 to spawn.
And people were genuinely happy to see some Tracer gameplay. Blizzard fucked over their own mascot with goats.
>i sure hate overwatch!
>better keep posting in its thread that its dead!
A black man with a grenade launcher and and an accessory on his left eye
>healing grenades
it's literally pip from paladins.
what is this like the 4th hero OW basically steals from paladins?
what the fuck
Wow it's almost like paladins is unoriginal or something. How about that.
did you mean overwatch?
>what is this like the 4th hero OW basically steals from paladins?
Oh the irony
>Someone OK'd this design
They made Low Tier God playable?
>aight, coming to shatter you a little, k?
Only Orisa is shooting at him for the most part.
they dont care anymore. Its met diversity requirements, so its ok.
Why does he look so boring? Like literally generic space marine-tier boring.
Do people still play this dysgenic dogshit? Do black people even play it?
Also why is a game that uses the white nationalist emblem have so few straight white Male characters?
>tfw every DLC character has either been a woman or black man
holy fuck
It wouldn't surprise me if he completely overshadows Junkrat, because blizzard can't into balance.
>season 1
>reach diamond league as Mei
>never play again
OW is boring and I hear it's even worse now
That was beautiful.
>"Asian babes are robbing me" said no one ever
This can only be a person that does not frequent far eastern brothels.
You're forgetting the robots and animals, shitlord.
blade is my favorite thing in the game, i have countless clips of blades that might not even be that impactful, just pretty.
>nine characters at least four maps and numerous events is a lack of content.
The real problem is that most of the content is mediocre is short-lived at most.
More like BRAPtiste! ahahhaaa
Why did they make those nice concepts only to never touch them again?
It's amazing how americans are obsessed with race, whether they're right OR left wing. Like you can't see a black and not be for one second painfully aware of his race, whether you see it positively or negatively.
>Adding more niggers to diversitywatch
Did they stop giving a shit about the older maps? Will they ever be redesigned or will they just keep pumping more and more maps and heroes out?
They don't give a shit unless they fucked up hard enough they can't ignore it. The changes on Eichenwalde might be the only ones you'll them ever make to a map once it's been released.
>what is Horizon Lunar Colony
>what is Dorado vault flank
>what is Nepal: Sanctum widened choke
You fucking idiots don't even know the game you hate.
They're really racists. Niggers, that is.
Settings where the minorities and faggots take 90% of the world's population are unreal utopias. Theres not going to be any children with everyone buttfucking and if white men are not there to make peace among races, theres going to be race war. Only white nations are diverse, while every single "minority" nation is of single ethnicity.
This is like saying "they reuse a lot of guns because the shotgun is just a pistol with wider spread and more bullets" Abilities will have common attributes. That's the nature of the game. It's the combination of those things with other abilities that make the heroes different. You're complaining because there's more than one character with AoE healing. That's stupid. Of course there's more than one. Just like there's more than one who has AoE damage. AoE abilities are an atomic part of the gameplay design.
>every dps plays genji and tracer
>doesn't do shit for damage or get any kills
>tell them to play something with more damage so we can win
>get banned
I uninstalled a few weeks ago and will never look back. Game is fucking trash and the player base is sub 80 i.q. making it impossible to rise in rank solo-queuing since it's not possible to carry 5 fucking retards.
Does she take those arms and legs off in bed?
Another fucking nigger?
Im so glad i stopped playing that shit
>still no evil Omnic
>still no Max
>we'll probably get a black woman next
>year of our Lord+8
>STILL playing Overwatch
>Only white nations are diverse, while every single "minority" nation is of single ethnicity.
What about Africa having Arabs,Egyptains,Whites,Blacks,and Chinese?
We only got two fucking blacks added to the game user calm down. More whites have been added post game than anything
malaysia is diverse
>a continent is a nation
Found the retard.
based retard
It took me a while but I finally stopped a few months ago. It's weird how Overwatch is one of the only games that frustrates me besides Quickplay on Smash
I am black but I don't care about any of them except Lucio because he's cool and upbeat. I hope Baptiste has some sort of personality since Doomfist is so damn boring.
not willing to admit their obsession
you are retarded kys
I want to still like this game. Games like Apex are good but are just too uneventful most of the time. Overwatch gives me that twitchy action fix, or at least it used to until they moved away from heroes that require pure skill to play effectively. They've turned it into a game for babies and I fucking hate it.
One new hero isn't going to fix the colossal mess they have made.
Hey guys do I fit yet?
Why can't Blizzard stop copying Paladins? Hirez should sue.
user do you want me to name the various countries instead? I'll give you three, Egypt,Ethiopia,South Africa
He looks like he'll be cool, I liked Moira when she was added.
*ruins your league*
I feel the same about this subgenre in general, there's a lot of potential here for a game with fun and deep gameplay, if only they would get it just right.
god what the fuck is that design, it looks like somebody googled color theory and decided they should just wash the entire character in bright blue and orange.
and don't even get me started on that generic ass, dinky looking armor. looks like they just slapped a bunch of beveled objects against the model and called it day.
its a really bland design.
did they run out of japanese games and hentai to rip off
I like Moira too. Everyone calls her weird looking but I think it works and her voice is amazing
Its odd because for the most part OW has good character designs(a lot of their skins are questionable) but the standard designs are across the board good.
Then theres this new guy who looks like a fucking fortnite character.
I love my wife Brigitte
Is this guy gay too? Because his face looks gay as fuck. There's just something really homosexual about it.
Oh good, can't wait to see all the Overwatch chicks taking new and more black dick.
>Hirez having any money to sue anyone
>Design is bad
>Another fucking support
I'm glad it took 3 months to get this shit.
She has one of the best Halloween skins imo
Meh I bet his Legendaries will fix it just like Doomfist and his Avatar one
Why does he need those Dragonball tier visors/glasses?
It looks stupid
They ran out of ideas with the hamster then just gave up this time.
I can't wait till we jail racists and strap them up in electric chairs with the other losers.
>neat healing gimmick that actually offers viable support
>great cc and escape abilities
>fun nationality
>looks like david bowie
she's pretty good.
here's your (you) nigger
Is so obvious they got him tagged with a "Turn-him-gay-in-case-outrage-to-calm-down-masses-number-2"
Nope, if you tried to be a one of these cool, polite trnnies, you should go back to plebbit for your upvotes
Have been using nigger here more than a decade by no. If you're offended, feel free to fuck off
>only the Orisa was really shooting him
If you think this is bad don't look at the reactions of 'woke' minorities when ashe, a white woman character was introduced.
He looks like shit
Took you two minutes to use photoshop?
Wasn't Yea Forums also pissed because it was a woman?
Imagine being this new, nigger tranny
I don't know how a healer would do this but kill goats
Nope, /v was happy to post multiple screencap threads full of abonominations being angry that there's no we wuz kangz nigger stronk woman that need no man
My dick was pissed because of the overtime I was putting in.
>get a person
>slap some robot armor and shit all over them
That's how they design characters
>It's amazing how americans are obsessed with race
You will be too once you learn about genetic heritability. Stay in school.
This is peak Overwatch
I do remember anons getting man she wasn't a man or B.O.B.
she looks malnourished
>like playing Tracer
>movement is fun and the rewind is nice to get out of/get back into action
>only problem is her horsemouth english VA but I play with JP voices
>love playing super aggressively and slaying unaware targets in seconds
>know deep down that even with dogshit aim I can pull out better results and more frags with Ashe with full safety
I don't get what spurred these edits. I can't remember any other Overwaifu getting no-makeup "realistic" edits.
So, how big was the meltdown on tumblr and twitter when it was revealed that he wasn't a black female hero?
Most of Yea Forums is convinced brown women are niggers, so I'd imagine an equally uninformed place with usernames would be no different.
Probably because Ashe "has the same face as Widowmaker" threads.
Literally nobody cares about tht anymore, and the only few who post that shit on Twitter get shut down by other users who tell them that the game is already diverse enough and to stop whining
Tumblr even anything anymore?
>adding in yet another fucking character instead of mod support, new maps, actual balance or just any other real content
Not even surprised or mad, just disappointed. At least maybe this summer they'll stop being cowards and give Mei her bikini.
>tfw I thought overwatch was dead
>Stopped playing it
>Heard about goats meta and no dps no skill heroes
>Heard OWL was going to be only goats
>Watch it
>It's exciting as fuck
>Everything is mind games, abilities and ultimates are used like chess pieces instead of "I pressed Q I win"
>Tanks and supports look fun as fuck
>Play game again
>Play only tanks or support (rein, dva, zarya, zen, brig)
>Place diamond
It's actually a fun game
It'll be a dive suit and we both know it.
>the only interesting designs this game gives us are robots and animals
>they're so few and far between
>constantly shitting out these boring, generic, post launch characters
Fighting christ. The main cast wasn't amazing by an stretch of the means, but most of these new characters are dog shit.
A new hero is real content and potentially a balance change. They just added a new map and already have custom game mode support
Not really sure why they announced a new hero out of the blue with no info on his abilities. What are they expecting us to get excited about.
I love my wife Mei!
Let me dream, damn it.
>fighting christ
I want monk jesus as a hero now.
her armor comes off in pieces for easy access
Stop niggerposting.
I dream of Mei. You should, too.
I want to be Olivia's white husband and the father of her children.
As much as I love Zen, I'd love for some form of Melee Monk character that actually has short/medium range.
Why do people still play this shit, especially with all the garbage Blizzard has been doing lately
i wonder where i've seen this guy before...
>black guy
>has no father
>basically Finn from nuwars
Quality writing blizzard
i want to fuck sombra so much
Same, I got my hopes up for Doomfist but he isn't that fun for me.
He's a nigger
>Months of Yea Forums creaming themselves about new smash heroes with no movesets released
>Christmas gift under the tree with no into on what's in it
Are you a human?
I hope I'm wrong though.
But I do.
Smash is a crossover so that has more potential for discussion.
>Tease paris being a shithole filled with anarachists
>It's completely fine
Why is the Overwatch world so boring? The only location that is even slightly interesting is Australia.
God I want her to be my wife and bear my children
>people calling blacks niggers
>weird on Yea Forums
hello newfaggot
>Blizzard team that can do whatever it wants makes a phone game because small projects are fun.
>Blizzard fires non-devs to hire more devs to make more games
Fuck blizzard!
...he looks like shit wtf,...
Overwatch is shit YES but the characters were always pretty cool, mcree, genji, reaper, ana, mercy, pharah, all cool character...this HONESTLY looks like a makeawish foundation design, did they fire the guys that made the character designs?kek
Well given that people are already familiar with Smash characters, there's actually something to talk about there.
>support character that's a mix of healer and DPS
Now where have I heard that before?
>OW steals from Paladins
>this makes Paladins unoriginal
You can't make this up. You people are literally brainwashed.
>His scouter is even on the same eye as Demoman
It doesn't even have to be a swimsuit at this point. I'll take cute casual summer wear Mei or something. Anything to get her out of a uniform or baggy clothes.
>hey let me just conveniently display my muscles despite wearing an almost full suit of armor
OW has had healing grenades since release
T.Blizzard shill
dont forget to pay extra plus tip for your lootcrates goyim
Get lootboxes for the actual cool skin :^)
As long as my perfect wife Mei gets more good legendaries in general.
I love her very much and want to see her happy.
It could have upset someone, better safe than sorry.
>game is dead
>add the most generic, ugly looking character possible
What exactly are they thinking?
How did we go from this
>Complaining about loot crates that can be infinitely earned from playing the game
>Complaining about purely cosmetic loot crates
You realize this is the absolute top-tier model of loot crates, right? Most games don't get this right at all
I really loved DF when he was first released. Before people stopped using his signature ability as an actual damage source, and instead just another form of mobility. The bullshit E, knock up, gun combo sucks and I hate it.
Gotta preserve those silhouettes, user :^)
Why is he so generic and uninteresting looking?
>I no longer love DF because people play him differently than me
Offensive support. Blizzard seems to want people to play support by making those heroes more fun/engaging. Nobody actually enjoys playing Lucio yet he's necessary for almost every game.
Because it's just Fresh Prince-era Will Smith with a DBZ Scouter
I want to preserve her smile
B-but he's black! That makes him interesting! He's even got a neat african accent!
I hear lots of complaints about Overwatch but honestly is it a fun game? I tried it out when it first came out and i had fun for a match but never went back. Should i go try it even if it's for a match or two?
Fair point, they've been good at giving her adorable and nice-looking outfits. I just want one to break the mold.
Nigga fuck your silhouettes.
>loot crates are good
Yikes, there is no top tier model for such a shitty RNG reward for player progression, dont even pretend most people dont outright buy the lootboxes when those events roll around either
I mean, if that's how you want to read into, sure. He's objectively fucked 9/10 if he engages most fights with his fist, especially at higher ranks where people can capitalize on it.
> Nobody actually enjoys playing Lucio
Wrecking ball isn’t ruckus, I wish ruckus had a cool physics mechanic to him
Hanzo’s rapid shot is a copy of Sha Lin though, true
If this character was white it would look like a character from a F2P mobile app, the fact that hes black is the only thing making him stand out. Doomfist looks rad as hell, this guy looks like a generic mook you shoot in a singelpalyer gamemode. What the fuck happened to Blizzard.
I remember seeing class designs years ago that they were playing with and there was some really neat shit in there, and THIS is what they go with. Im hoping someone else has the image.
Didn't they nerf the time you were stunned for that? Might have been a while ago so I'm not sure.
I own all of her legendaries except the lazy Christmas one that's just her default but red and with a hat. I love all of them.
The issue is that since there is no hero banning and teams have access to all heroes whenever they want, each teams can choose the best heroes at any given point. Of course mirror matches will remain the meta for the entirety of Overwatch's competitive scene because not only will teams pick the best overall composition, they will pick the ones with the least number of hard counters. You will never see a meta where Bastion is "viable" or any other niche hero. The default will always be mirror matches. If GOATS dies, double sniper will return. If you think Dive should counter this, keep in mind Brig will always be run just in case.
The game was designed too heavily on the concept of counters. I doubt a banning system would make the game funner since having a balanced comp would be difficult. All main tanks or healers could be banned. Having access to one or two supports for the whole game does not sound enjoyable. We know how fun 4-1-1 usually is.
>Complaining about loot crates that can be infinitely earned from playing the game
>Complaining about purely cosmetic loot crates
go fuck yourself both of those are perfectly valid reasons to complain seeing as they negatively impact the game in other ways
Is this Soldier 76's lover?
Ok let me rephrase, the top 5% Lucio players enjoy him but thats it.
>Nobody actually enjoys playing Lucio
If more characters had mobility like him I wouldn't stop playing this damn game.
he BETTER be gay
>any sort of loot crate system
>top tier
Go fuck yourself, this was a full-priced fucking game and they still hid unlockables behind money and massive time sinks.
At this point I'm pretty sure anyone who consistently plays OW has more than enough coins earned to just outright buy the new skins they like, though.
It can fill the itch of "casual competitiveness" if it's something you're looking for but the game has fundamental flaws that hold it back from being as enjoyable as something like tf2. The 6v6 style was created because blizzard found it was the perfect amount to make everyone feel as if they contributing to a win, which is correct but it also forces everyone to specifically focus objectives and end the match instead of trying to have fun getting into fights. There is a similar problem with the time limit, making sure games don't drag on too long which means you can never really have a comfy drag out death match like you could on something like 2fort.
It's really fun just starting out. There are a ton of heroes to try and the notion of filling or swapping is kind of exciting. Once you get accustomed to everything, it goes downhill.
It's cosmetics. You don't have any argument for them affecting the game negatively
He'll have Ana grenades as M1
I don't think silhouettes should really matter too much anyway. I'm sure Mei is thicc enough to notice.
Why did you @ me for fuckboxes? I couldn't care less.
Guess i will stay with Tf2 thanks guys.
I spent coins to buy the Christmas one because I really, really like Christmas time and her snowman ice cube is adorable. I'm still missing her pajamas and beekeeper outfit, I'm hoping to get those once the archive rolls back around.
She deserves to share those gorgeous games with the world.
Wallridelets will never understand.
Mei is unironically what the definition of thicc should be: short and wide but no gut.
>bothering to make QA in polish
Isnt 95% of polish playerbase are under plat?
She deserves a better Christmas legendary, regardless. Though since she's my wife if it were up to me she'd have a legendary for every event multiple times over by now.
That was supposed to be gams, fingers.
This art style makes me physically Ill.
Why are devs trying to imitate this uninspired shit?
This is the most generic shit I've ever seen.
Mei is a gem.
What would that be, though? They already picked the most obvious thing, just a lazy implementation.
It's not even about the silhouettes, most of the animations were done with certain proportions in mind, that's why the casual skin still gives Mei those retarded gloves, they have zero impact on the silhouette
Is this an out of season april fools joke?
>One new hero isn't going to fix the colossal mess they have made
Very true. I about lose it when people think a new hero will fix this game and create a healthy environment. Brig should make it clear that designing a hero to counter the established meta will only shift the meta in another mandatory comp with the new hero included. The game needs changes at a fundamental level and honestly I think a sequel is about the only proper solution at this point.
I'm not sure, all I know is she deserves better.
I thought Tumblr took a nosedive in site hits after they decided to ban porn
Ow honestly need to pump out characters more quickly and get in line with the moba
variety is the spice of life as we say and it make the game more replayable so idk
>Who is widowmaker.
Dude looks like a pedophile with that facial hair, what were they thinking
He looks fine at every point in the video EXCEPT the final game look, what the fuck
Forgot about the glove shit. Wonder what they could do aside from that though.
Man it sucks that such a shit game like LoL actually has a great roster of characters.
Who approved this charcater design? It's beyond bland.
I don't buy that they can't just take her gloves off in first person, it can't be that hard to model her perfect hands
The game definitely needs more tanks and supports. When you break down these two categories you really only have 3 main healers and 3-4 main tanks in the entire game.
He looks like an unnamed NPC. Like he's the definition of "Soldier #14"
What? No, the Lunar skins don't have any gloves, they're just being dumb for no real reason
Love it.
They have her hands showing on her chinese outfits too
>mercy dominates the meta
>both side have 100% mercy pick rate
>the stats show that mercy winrate is 50% :^) so everything is fine t.blizzard
wew. fuck blizzard and fuck overwatch glad I didn't have to waste money on this myself and just played on my friends account to realize how shit it is after he quit on level 10
Looks like Kinessa too
>another support nigger
what did they mean by this?
What's wrong with the design? I think he looks kinda cool.
I love her so much
me too
What an interesting hypothesis
Im in good company, then. I've loved her since the beginning, to the point where even getting frozen and having an icicle put through my skull doesn't bother me because the last thing I see is her smile.
your game is fucking autistic
Cute hands
he's hatian
I want to hold them
>Why does this game hate pure healers so much
Lucio still exists
My thoughts exactly, early years of LoL they were constantly pumping out characters to vary the roster. Eventually they slowed down, which was a good move, but OW needs way more characters to shake shit up. It's why the meta's stay stale for so long until characters get heavily nerfed or buffed around the beginning of each season. Then again, Jeff literally thought that "maining" wouldn't be so popular, which is a complete buffoon statement to make considering what type of game they were making.
Sounds like a strategy that struggles against a team that has Junkrat and Reaper.
>shame since good character design was the only thing the game had going for it
are we talking about overwatch?
Ana didn't get added until months after launch negro
Really boring design, he looks like R. Kelly in shitty futuristic armour. My expectations for his kit is
>primary fire is a rifle, slow rate of fire
>secondary is a single grenade gas canister
>self-heal on shift
>dispense health pack on E
>ult is a barrage of gas canisters for area denial
Gas could potentially have a healing AoE and poison enemies, possibly hinder vision for area denial and LoS denial. Depends how nuts they're feeling.
Haiti was colonized by France you uneducated faggot memelord
She was already a hero in private blizz servers at release though
So his abilities leaked
>Biotic Launcher
Three rounds burst damage, hurts enemies and heals teammates.
>Regen Burst
Healing bursts that heal him and teammates over time.
>Immortality Field
He puts down a generator that stops allies from dying.
>Amplification Matrix
A wall that doubles the damage/healing output from allies put throught it.
>Exo Boots
Crouch and then jump to jump higher.
It's funny how hots would release new hero every 3-4 weeks, and they had more skills, talents and ults than overwatch heroes. What the fuck overwatch team is doing? They obviously don't playtest new heroes because brigitte exist, they have bigger team, overwatch heroes have less skills. What are they doing?
lol is a good game what are you smoking
So he's Pip
Does OW have banning heroes in competitive? Do you think that would help?
that sounds fucking awesome
>Immortality Field
Is this gonna be broken with all the extra shields and shit in this game?
Ana and everything after Ana was a mistake
Depends on how hard it is to destroy the generator
Clearly fake and retarded
>bastion hides behind rein and orisa with a generator tucked beneath him
Has potential. If it can be thrown, and subsequently thrown through portals, it's gonna be wild.
You should see the post under the one you quoted
They've considered it, and it would definitely help. Even if they put it down to team choice to ban 1 or 2 heroes for the opposing team.
Is he pro-goats or anti goats? Seems like most of his abilities are stationary so he might be part of a new stationary turtle defense meta?
you just KNOW
Yeah I saw it as soon as I pressed send.
>blacks and women get healing duty
There’s just one
Man, black guys are turning into the white guys of this generation of games. So boring and uninspired.
Fuck are you talking about? Goats is all about the mobility enabled by Lucio. His abilities are stationary
What make me a good demoman?
His healing isn't nigger
>burst rifle for damage
>healing grenade for heals
epic gaymer moment ftw
What here is buffing goats? Regen burst might be helpful but is easily outclassed by other heroes, the generator isn't gonna be moving with goats to keep shit alive, the matrix field is gonna be useless for goats, his gunfire healing isn't going to put him anywhere ahead of current goats support.
Maybe he could work, but he's definitely propping up defense, which is gonna be a fucking pain on almost every 2CP map, and every choke.
I love burst rifles so I'll have to try him out a bit.
oh boy you wish it did lol
>So what do you want this fucker to actually bring to the table gameplay-wise?
Just replace him with something that could be actually interesting.
Like echo or recluse
Marine Bioligist skin when.
Meirine Biologist
I love my wife Olivia!
>nade launcher aoe heals something around 65 hp
>lucio-soldier like aoe heal
>double damage double heal
Oh boy immortal GOATS here i come. Moira on suicide watch.
>What here is buffing goats
His Ultimate and immortality field
I admit to not being very good at Overwatch but the way I see it Junkrat can just drop in and cause mayhem and get out before they can do much. I'm also not seeing how GOAT can have enough to kill Reaper if he has a support to back him up
So could the Immortality Field save your team from Dva selfdestruction?
His alt fire is a healing in an area and his burst healing is healing in an area. GOATS comps are always extremely close together and rely on that type of healing.
A Dva or fully charged Zarya can handle a Reaper by themselves. GOATS is a fully charged zarya, a dva, a rein and three support backing them up. Tanks do a lot of damage at close range. Reaper gets rolled.
>Amplification Matrix
>Doubles healing
Oh no.
I guess, the only thing keeping the immortality field up is a generator that you can destroy. So I guess it depends on what takes priority
This retarded overloaded kit will be nerfed like Brigitte one like for 5 patches in a row.
reaper wont do enough damage to that tanky ass ball of death and would die instantly
it's 3 tanks 3 supports he never had a chance
So what is the answer then, snipers? Explosions? Bastion?
Bastion could be the answer if they gave him better DPS against barriers or more mobility/faster transformations
The answer to GOATS is GOATS. Snipers have nothing to shoot at, there's too much damage denial (rein/brig/zarya shields, defense matrix, etc) and half the enemy team are tanks anyways which are strong against snipers because they can't be killed in one shot.
the counter to goats is anti-goats which is just goats with one or two characters switched. usually sombra EMP
Immortality field only stops your hp from going below 15, it will probably only be used to try to save someone with low hp but the generator can be destroyed so it'll probably have similar use to mercy's Rez to reverse and early pick (but it works for a group of people instead of just 1)
Just tried him out on PTR. The nades only heal teammates and they really gotta stand close togheter. Also the heal effect isn't that high. For some reason he also can't heal himself.
The primary fire is a 3 burst damage assault rifle. Think Soldier 76 but with 3 burst per click, accuracy is ok.
His ult is nice but the box size is small and the ult only lasts 5 seconds.
Overal I don't see this guy buffing or nerfing goats. In fact I don't see him being meta at all.
Watch OWL. Teams have had success with bastion and 4 dps comps against it
Sounds boring, why are Overwatch players so shit that they can't come up with decent counters. HOTS had the same problem
He actually seems pretty fun to play, but I wish they'd add some more tank heroes. The hamster was a bit underwhelming imo.
So should I buy the first tier if I'm a JRPG fan?
Healers and tanks that have too high numbers to feel actually useful is a fucking mistake.
Delete these roles, make everyone a bit supportive.
it's almost like that's what everyone is complaining about and saying how this character does nothing to help the stale meta you fucking retard
A stationary immortality field will not benefit goats, the idea behind them is to keep momentum and push on the enemy team. Unless his ult is moving, attacking goats aren't gonna benefit much at all.
We're both assuming his healing is going to be more effective than the typical GOATs support. Yeah, you can mix in any support at some point, but I can't see those two factors putting it ahead of other support that seem better for attacking pressure. The ability to disable and even minor cc is way more useful for goats.
Yeah, it's fun and cute and cheap
And I'm saying come up with decent counter picks.
It's not the players fault exactly.
1) Goats doesn't get play below masters. Only coordinated teams can pull it off
2) GOATS is Overwatch's endgame. It's the result of people fully taking advantage of fucking TANKS and HEALERS in a first person shooter. Notice that 5/6 of the characters in the comp were there at the beginning of the game. Pro teams realized that if they practice a lot, they have enough damage denial abilities to cycle through them constantly, barely allowing any damage to get through. Then they've already speed boosted themselves on your dick with Lucio and all those tanks brawling in your face are unstoppable. Unless your team is also composed of meat shields and healers pocketing them.
why don't you do, you'll be signed to a team at 500k a year if you could do what they cant
>genetic heritability
>Letting that dictate whether you enjoy peoples presences or not
Thats some shit you have to work through man.
Only reason you’re not is because you’re still too homogeneous for (((anyone))) to use race as a hammer yet.
>since good character design was the only thing the game had going for it
Also why would you play this faggy game? damn
He can replace Moira in goats just because he has actual utility.
There was a meme comp with Symmetra and Bastion where you teleport Bastion around from people diving it. But it requires team work and hard to pull off, and we can't have that in overwatch. Only low skill high reward.
You can see every comp even in platinum. I was in gold during tank meta days and EVERY GAME was 3 tanks 2 healers soldier 76. I saw a lot of dive in platinum and it supposed to be the hardest comp to pull of. Goats usually used as desperation pick, and usually countered by Pharah.
Well then the white race in America shouldn't have been racist then
His design is okay in Overwatch's generally inoffensive and plain way.
Sure, here is my advice to thouse people. Go Junkrat
Moira has already long been replaced by Ana (sometimes) but more frequently Zen in OWL.
He looks boring as fuck, like a Fortnite character ripoff.
this is the next strawhat member
Wrong board?
Why don't you just play TF2?
>french guy
>a nigger
why? why are only the white countries supposed to be "diverse"?
imagine the outrage if they announced a jamaican character or something, and it was a white guy. imagine.
Read the bio.
He is from Haiti.
>french guy
But he's not, he's from Haiti.
Yes because the last Dps/healer was good, better add another one.
Good thinking Blizzard
oh yeah, i forgot niggers might have french names because of haiti's history
unironically 2x better.
Funny now go be edgy somewhere else.
isnt he haitian?
Don't expect much out of people who are clearly idiots.
samefag nigger detected
I can handle "diversity" just fine but why does diversity always mean a generic nigger? No fucking Eskimo? Hell, why not some SEA gook?
>4 Asians and 1 asian robot
>2 Black guys
>1 South American
>1.5 Egyptians
>1 Indian
>10 whites
bUt WhY sO mAnY bLaCk PeOpLe?
You forgot .5 native Americans
I also skipped all the hispanics
It was getting a little longwinded.
Why the fuck do redditfags keep coming here?
Maybe you should go back to Yea Forums?
I love how they made Pharah half Native American to get away with "appropriating their culture " with her legendary skins
I don't think that's the point of anons post
I think he just wants devs to stop doing really boring blacks with either almost 0 personalities or 90% ebonics shit
I want a cute dark skinned that doesnt look like shit design wise
>1 South American
South american isn't a race, he's black.
Race doesn't exist, user.
>1 south american
are you another clinically retarded subhuman who thinks brazillian is an ethnicity?
How would an *artillery* tank work?
The Immortality Field thing floats high in the air. No one can meatshield it, andbit has 1HP to destroy. But the enemy has to go inside the field to destroy it, if I remember right.
>Anyone who disagrees with me is reddit
anyone else notice how dominant asians are in OWL
literally every match is decided by who has more asian players
makes something like excelsior vs outlaws really fucking boring because you know it's gonna be a sweep as soon as you see the rosters
>Soldier McRee, now with 100% more black guy
>multiple important people said 'yeah, this looks good' several times over before this point
Genuinely the blandest-looking character in the entire game. It's quite impressive really.
there is only two blacks in the game user Doomfist doesn't even speak ebonics
That's literally the case
>diversity isn't a problem but you deserve it anyways
>only two blacks
are reaper and lucio not black or something?
i don't think it's bad but for me it's just SO BORING holy fuck, even when playing with 4 friends it's still a chore, but the characters look so cool in the splash art lol
He's basically Support 76.
Black people have French names even in America, because of the creole culture that mixed the deported Acadians (French people) with Blacks in the American south (like Louisiana). That's where the cajuns come from.
I'm Black and my middle name is faux French.
I thought Reaper was latino or is he like a Dominican?
Reaper is hispanic.
Lucio is Brazilian. They like to consider themselves different. In the same way Egyptians are not Black, Brazilians aren't Black.
Now count how many are straight white males.
they need to make more iconic designs. this guy looks like a completely random dude you could meet anywhere. that's the kind of impression his face and looks give off.
it doesn't work like that when designing white characters so why is it like that when designing poc ones?
western artists REALLY need to lay off the realism pill and fucking start exploring again.
Mcree, Rein, Torb, Junkrat
5 white Straight females (Only by purposely not counting Moira who I assume will be revealed as gay)
So I miscounted my whites by 1. There are 11. Only three of which are probably gay.
Reaper is latino
they are both californian imports, please vote democrat nancy needs your body
I used to play TF2 alot but Meet Your Match killed it for me. I'd go back but I'm not sure what state it's in now.
> Overwatch
Also that character design is complete garbage.
They should have made his armor modified Talon armor.
>Only by purposely not counting Moira who I assume will be revealed as gay
Asexual. Moira doesn't have time for slapping genitals together.
>Another nigger
I'm all for 'representation' and 'diversity' but it's getting tho the point where straight white men are the underrepresented group
it's the koreans, they live in such a shithole that being paid roughly $30000 a year to play a bad game is actually a viable short-term career option for them, they fade into irrelevance when they get older and their reflexes stiffen but until then they play this trash every single day for hours on end
Sorry, I should have said LGBTQ. She is in some way queer, and therefore not counted for the user who wants straight whites.
so Im a brainlet, so Im still googling this and trying to understand
but from what I'm seeing latino isnt a race and they can be white or blacks
please dont bully
I'm gonna bully your dumb ass
>Only one other black has been added besides this new one
Never liked any of the classes or the visual appeal. The premise is exactly what I like but the execution is exactly what I don't like.
>There's too many niggers in this gam-
Nope, they're nom-white i.e. a nigger
>You realize this is the absolute top-tier model of loot crates, right?
No. Adding LIMITED crates for 2-3 weeks with skins that cannot be traded between players is definitely not good.
And that is ignoring the fact that this is a fucking $40 game in the first place.
Small minorities should only have a small representation in games
Most gamers are straight white men, so most games should be about straight white men
It's really not that hard to grasp
Point is that their design philosophy isn't "What would be a cool and iconic character design", it's "How many intersectionality boxes can we check off?"
Latino (or latinx/latina whatever you want to use. Gendered languages are silly to an English speaker) is just a shorthand for a cultural/racial identity.
It gets stupid because a large amount of the latinx community is also mixed with people from the African diaspora, aka former slaves that were brought over. So you have Black Latinos, and non-Black Latinos who are just from Latin America (Central and Southern America mostly, but definitely not Europe) but don't seem to have African features.
At the end of the day though they can be considered a cultural group or a racial group.
It's ok if you're retarded
luckily there are more straight white men than blacks in the game
Most Latinos are mixed breeds
>another black guy
someone on the dev team loves interracial porn dude there's no other reason the new character wouldn't be a black chick. the people who want this shit have been begging for a black female but nope it's another beastiality porn stand-in hero. nice one blizz.
>go to UN assembly
>why there's so many niggers here
>American video game is the UN
But in an ideal world they wouldn't be at the UN either
Won't be long before we'll be giving chimps human rights
So what are the odds that he is gay?
>make new Fortnite nigger character
>give him the most boring, overdone kit in the game with generic assault rifle, meme launcher, lucio heal, and Mercy/Orisa/Nano damage boost ult that lasts 5(FIVE) seconds
>also "we can't die" ability so GOATS can remain the most relevant and universally hated comp in the game, forever
>literally a worse combat medic Pip
thanks i hate it
It's cosmetics. If you seriously are willing to shell out money to get a bikini skin faster then you only have yourself to blame
Why are niggers in Japanese games adorable but western game niggers are the ugliest turds in existence?
That's what he reminds me of. He looks like the generic Fortnite Black guy!
>another black guy
Same reason the white girls in western games are ugly
>they need to make more iconic designs.
This, they aren't even trying
This design reeks of people who grew up with participation medals
>Another buff black dude
Not sure what drives them here but I can't stand them. They come here and apply their r*ddit hive mind logic and observations pretty much ruining any thread with their endless brainlet arguments.
Oh man it is the middle of the day, I can't be looking at these.
QUESTION Is Lucio canon gay? Or Doomfist?
"ProlikeChro" just put up a video today of him as Junkrat and 5 supports vs GOAT and kicked ass.
Neither, as far as I know.
Though I'm sure both have been shipped gay plenty of times.
Looking at what?
New heroes have more abilities than old one. I already see a power creep. Usually hero will have shift e and right click or secondary fire.
Hamster has ctrl, this guy too. Brigitte can shield charge. Ashe quick detonation.
Welp, this guys prob going to be gay.
>ability field that prevents everyone from standing in from dying
>another AOE heal
I thought blizzard were trying to fix GOATS
You should wipe your face, user.
Maybe not.
Homosexuality is a hot-button issue in the Black community. Blizzard doesn't have the balls to step into that minefield. Other companies have done it, but remember this is the Blizzard that had to assure everyone that Mei is indeed fat and edited a skin.
>pooladins gets a new warhammer tank with goofy time control powers
>Overwatch gets this shit
If only it wasn't hirez
Man, that's generic.
I remember when people thought that Hammond was supposed to be Winston's chimp buddy and then we got a cringy fucking hamster, altough his robo-voice is pretty satisfying. OW should have more diversity seriously.
Gotta fix that sweating problem one day, user.
I mostly played mccree and I quit when they went full retard with shields in brig update. hitscan just isnt fun in the game anymore.
How can you say that when we get a new pig of color or white woman every ~4 months? Making video games on a multi-million dollar budget is hard dude
They're not really all that similar though. Hell, even though Lifeline looks like a fucking melting ogre, I'd have to say that her design is still stronger. At least she looks like a combat medic entering a blood sport.
I don't give a fuck if the character is black, jew gay, sand nigger, a-sexual, pan sexual, unicorn or a fucking attack helicopter AS LONG AS the designs are cool.
Too bad that's not the case. Somewhere along the line jeww kaplan forgot what cool is.
Same here. All the barriers and healing are extremely oppressive and everything just knocks you around now.
I think they want to keep speed of character releases down to keep the game balanced. Overwatch isn't a game like LOL where having these releases is okay. Paladins can do it because they sell characters and have a much lower budget.
When did the topic of me ever come up? It doesn't change the fact that this game was designed from the ground up to be f2p shovelware but blizzard felt like they could add a price tag on it too because of their brand name.
>If you seriously are willing to shell out money to get a bikini skin faster
You're NOT getting all the skins in a new event without paying. They made them cost 3000 coins, 3 times the normal amount for a purpose. And that purpose is jewing those retards that love choking on blizzard cum and faggots who choke on cum in real life daily in general.
Ashe and Bob were cool.
This character is stupid generic, but it is dumb to use him as the ultimate design of Overwatch design. Why do nerds have such short memories?
>wanting to play a skilled hero
user, this isn't the game for you. Only autoaim characters like Moira and Brigitte are allowed to be good in a Blizzard game.
>hurrrr Lucio isn't a nigger he's LATINO
What the fuck happened to this place? LMAO
There should be no barriers in fps games full stop. Playing competitive tf2 made me realize how much overwatch is frustrating. I always feel like i died to some bullshit or game doesn't depend on my actions. Also you're not forced to stick with the team.
>I think they want to keep speed of character releases down to keep the game balanced
patently false
>Overwatch isn't a game like LOL where having these releases is okay
>Paladins can do it because they sell characters and have a much lower budget
also false, HiRez sells cosmetics and a one-time character pass for less than Overwatch's initial asking price, even has half-off sales a few times a year
Paladins is buggy and run by incompetent buffoons but you are still a Blizzard cocksucker and I do not envy you
>nine characters at least four maps and numerous events is a lack of content
thats like a small map pack/expansion. Used to be you could get that within 6 months post launch for $20. Now yes, OW content is free; however they also raked in money hand over fist with illegal child gambling.
In fact I'd rather they did offer paid content instead, it might get them to work at a pace faster than glacial.
Gotta get some BURST damage else that beaner you headshot just became immune with a safe exit and 150 regen.
Unrelated, Baptistes heal grenades don't affect himself which is retarded. I assume they'll change that.
>Letting that dictate whether you enjoy peoples presences or not
I learn from the best.