Why females in body and mind with a penis turn me on now?

I blame you homos Yea Forums
You made me gay
Burn you faggots
Also Not catherine thread
Fuck off with that shit

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Tranny thread?

Because you were always meant to be a bitch who worship cocks. You just didn't knew yet.

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because having a penis or vagina are minor details when they already have another hole. so you're left with a female who actually enjoys anal sex

Rin is pretty much my dream girlfriend

Tranny thread. Cute girls get in here

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Trannies should be executed.

you're gay op


But I hate anal

Fuck off faggot, IRL trannies are fucking disgusting

Everyone is bisexual

I bet I get laid more than you (:

Please off yourself. Your parents would be happier.

>Why females in body and mind with a penis
>in body
you fucking degenerate slime

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Cause japan draws girls and gives them dicks

>But I hate anal

the only feeling better than estimulating a girl's prostate with your dick and see her leaking in the front, is going raw and cumming inside of a girl (female)

>not girl(male)

That has a dick? Fuck I need to know more.
And yeah Yea Forums and /pol/ are like southern US preachers in that the ones that scream faggot the loudest are usually the most repressed fagmosexuals.

2D =/= 3D
Genderbent and traps are fine on paper but most real trannies are sad, hormonally confused beings

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Today i will remind them.

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>pregnant Astolfo

my fucking dick

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but I only like to cross dress

If you've ever met real life trannies, they're revolting.

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I bet I'm not mentally ill unlike you

Where be the video games? I can't seem to find them.

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no problem if it's a feminine penis

>Why females in body and mind with a penis
Rin is a female with a dick

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Literally all you had to do is take the fullpackage pill and like futas with vaginas
Instead you choose to be a faggot

>a genuine romance with a dude
This is a pretty progressive move from Atlus, given their last handling of gays in Persona 5.

the dick only makes it better

This is pretty gay and I don't like gay.

but you post on Yea Forums

Cant you just ignore Rin? I didnt play the game but im assuming you could just go K/Catherine and not care for Rin during the whole game, if you are gay is because you purposely pursued it, dude.

there's nothing wrong with liking penises

>like futas with vaginas
those look so weird that it's almost a turnoff


girls with feminine dicks are fucking great

yes, I love them!

>females in body and mind
Trannies do not fit this description, my dude.

That's because penises are fun

>tfw no Rin wife

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Yea Forums - video games

not Yea Forums - mentally fucked tranny meetup

Its not a female if he has a dick

So when you fags use "breeder" as an insult it's actually sour grapes

are you saying this qt 3.14 isn't a female just because she has a dick?

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No those anons are closetfags

Yes you faggot nigger not neither accept reality or commit suicide.

This meme is as stale as the thicc shit.

I haven't played the new Catherine cause I thought playing it once is enough, but is this character really just a cross dressing dude?
And if so, why would you ever choose a man over a super hot otherworldly being or a super hot human cunt? other than the fact that you are a faggot, and in this your opinion is discarded and atlus is in the right to steal your money again because you would buy anything with a trap in it you stupid faggot

Correct. You are the big gay.

>you fags use "breeder"

do i? i'm not gay

besides it's obvious when gays call us breeders it's just bants

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It's a cross dressing alien. Because neutralfags weren't gay enough already.

(slim) thicc girls and girls with pps are two of the best female types

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Correct, the player has to go out of their way to go on the Rin route.

>tfw no Rin, Erica, Katherine and Catherine harem ending

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Wtf man
I said girls with dicks
Not gay with retardation

Lurk more faggot

Seeing as first and foremost he is an alien who can shapeshift, I reject any kind of human form he may choose to disguise himself in.

Literally has Breasts

Eric is a happy gay man, homophobe.

Eric is a rapist. A happy rapist, but a rapist nonetheless.

Cat represents lust.
Kat represents love.
What the fuck is this shit supposed to represent

those are called men, gayboy

I'm not a perfect guy, I have some deep-rooted prejudices unfortunately, but homophobe isn't one of them. Hell, Revolver Ocelot is one of my favorite characters and he's openly gay, I fucking love the guy.

Erica is a girl at heart and you want her to deny her true nature.

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lust and love for cock

May be wrong, but I think "she" represents Change and "breaking boundaries", you literally have to destroy the Chaos-Order meter in order to get "her" ending.

Pretty much this, the change and new beginnings theme also crosses over into the new endings for K and C as well.

All fucking trannies must hang

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Kat represents love for old men.

>he's openly gay
Ocelot is Bigboss-sexual and literally every character that met the Big B was completely enamored with him, he had infinity charisma

Why is Yea Forums obsessed with trannies?

lonely and autistic hormonal teenage boys being told they can be a girl if they want to by modern society, and they realize that they can get attention on discord being a tranny so they go that route out of sheer loneliness and desire for human interaction which they don't receive outside the internet

They won't stop spreading their rotting taints all over the place.


The rob us of cute boys.

>le epic feminine benis meme XD
kys trannyfucker

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Desperate Yea Forumsirgin who would jump on any piece of arse given even while screaming faggot to look “cool” for /pol/ failing to understand /pol/ hates them as much as anyone else.

why are people so insecure about their sexuality here? i consider myself straight, but if a nice looking tranny wanted to fuck, i’d be down too

sue, im looking at you ;)


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If you faggots would just shut the fuck up, and not make Atlus censor the game then I wouldn't give a shit.

>/pol/ starts to influence Yea Forums
>Yea Forums slowly develops a tranny fetish just like what happened to /r9k/


Post some good trannies.

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she would be the perfect waifu if she didn't cut off his dick, that shit is full turnoff.

that face is busted

>all the good points of a girl
>dicks and male brains > vaginas and female brains


>call hets breeders for the bantz
>tfw I actually have a biological child irl too


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That's the first step. In a few months from now on you'll realise you want to be the girl (male) you once wanted to fuck.

>horizontal cuts