How dose this make you feels Yea Forums

how dose this make you feels Yea Forums

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I just want to know how this happened. Why did no other indie game reach this level of success before?

It's funny because the fact its so low effort is what makes it stand out the most

it's unironically perfect

its going to be a 47 pages about toby and the making of undertale and deltarune and it includes a chat between toby and Yoko Taro wich i fing very interesting

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I like his games. Good for him I guess.

It's extremely accessible and has good music from a guy who came with his own fanbase built-in because of Homestuck.

>chat between toby and Yoko Taro
... why? What's the correlation?

hope someone translates the chat desu

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Sort of like Undertale...

Angry, Japan shouldn't latch on Western shit especially Western shit associated with the dens of autism that is the earthbound fanbase

they're both autistic

They're both weirdos who passionately made strange games that garnered a cult popularity

>pretty much full on shitposts in adverts and trailers
>gets away with it
How the fuck does toby do it

idk thats why i find it interesting also some new tem art

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Toby is based despite Undertale's shitty fanbase

Wtf i hate yoko taro again

Yoko Taro wants to tell Toby about all the Undertail porn he's been collecting.

Autists make better games than boards full of aging jews.


Goat mom makes me hard.

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he is kinda stuck up though

Big deal. What's even the point if in 2 years max you'll be forgotten

>Why did no other indie game reach this level of success before?
Minecraft, the second best selling game of all time, is an indie game

Fuck you Taro is the man

That honestly doesn’t surprise me

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makes me feel happy for all the retard fans from that IP
new games are always good news, even if both the fanbase and the game are a fucking disgrace

Still nobody will buy it. Its like Animage covering Steven universe. Some Famitsu editor must be a westaboo but it has nothing to do with japanese gamers

If Undertale can achieve massive success then maybe I should start making a game

I think that's quite literally what he was referring to, user.
Good job for conceiving the same joke though, champ. You're halfway there.

Undertale is popular in japan

The implications of your post tells me you would not fair well. You may want to sit this one out.

>Some Famitsu editor must be a westaboo but it has nothing to do with Japanese gamers
But Toby lives in Japan, speaks Japanese, has a massive Japanese fanbase, has been contracted by Japanese companies to make stuff like the Japanese wrestling video, and released Deltarune in both English and Japanese simultaneously? Seems like it does have something to do with them

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Why does Japan love this hack and his games so much, all he did was rip Japan off.

You aren't at all familiar with the level of Undertale's success in Japan.

among Twitter fags. which doesnt mean anything. Its a typical internet trend that doenst last so long.

Pure coincidence

most nips are westaboos the same way most people are weeaboos

>lives in japan
the absolute madman became rich and went living the dream, he won't even have to be a wage slave for the japanese work culture to sustain his lifestyle, the absolute madman

>released two good games
>one for $10 when not on sale for even less
>the other is free
How did he rip anyone off?
And before you start tearing into "the games actually suck", try to point out why they suck without mentioning its fans.

Both untalented assholes with undeserved success

Undertale is on sale on eshop, what even is it? Looks like an ugly rpgmaker game.

>People still don't think an Undertale rep has a genuine chance to be Smash Bros DLC

ripoff as in his games are full of shit from JRPGs and other japanese games, not price

doesn't this mean most games are ripoffs

Oh, okay yeah that makes sense.
Both games have plenty unique elements too though, both in storytelling and gameplay.

Is that you, Dating Start autist?

>Referenced or parodied by multiple animes
>Referenced in a popular Wrestlers entrance
>Multiple appearances on Nintendo Direct
>Just a twitter fad


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Bullet Hell RPG with an emphasis on characters and story with multiple endings depending on how you approach enemies. Endings depends on if you kill the enemies or spare them. Really quirky humor if you're into that

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>Referenced or parodied by multiple animes
care to name a few im interested in knowing other then pop team epic

i dont even know who the fuck that guy is. i dont care about devs or journos. this thing is similar to the awkward hype of dudebro shooters last gen in japan. this game will be the first and last youge indie that became somewhat popular among a japanese SNS community.

not just the endings but a lot of things change depending on who you kill or spare


On one hand, I hate how this fuck became so fucking overrated.
On the other hand, I'm glad because it shows that ANYBODY could have success.

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It is, but it's a really good ugly rpgmaker game with great music, writing and gameplay.
Ignore the fans.

it has le quirky characters and wacky antics similar to something like adventure time. if you want your indieshit to be successful always remember to rip off whimsical wacky stuff.

I thought it was made in GameMaker Studio and not RPG Maker

>it shows that ANYBODY could have success.
It really doesn't.
Few people have the raw weaponized autism Toby has while at the same time having enough social skills to tell a good story with funny jokes.

fuck if i know, or care
it looks like shit, it plays like great shit

i cant believe that earthbound is a rip off of adventure time

>Toby lives in Japan
Does he? He claims to have voted on the 6th of November, which wouldn't have been possible with an absentee ballot.


>Undertale is more successful than Minecraft
I fucking wish

Well you can't just make a game, Toby Fox didn't "just make" Undertale and Deltarune, because it took up a significant portion of his life before it was even revealed to the world.
You have to conceive the premise through a vision that came to you, these usually come in the form of dreams or long walks with headphones in.
Next you gotta have the passion and determination to set out and recreate what you saw while fleshing out the characters and story over the course of many years.
Toby poured his heart and soul into his craft, not everybody has the will to learn game development just to turn their own little imaginative world into a fully fleshed IP, that's that's what makes Toby Fox and Undertale different. Most people pick up game development to make video games, Toby picked up game development to make Undertale, you see where I'm getting at?
If you just plan to make any kind of video game with no real motive then what you will produce (if you even finish or let alone, get started) will be a soulless product devoid of any life or character.
The best books, movies, songs and video games come from ideas that the artists have wanted to express to an open audience all their life.

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since toby is so popular with japan including nintendo, he should force them to release mother 3 for the west

Crazy how he actually made it. Good for him.


i dont think he dose but he did go to japan to meat with nintendo of japan about porting rpgmaker to the switch so undertale can be put on the switch

funny you say that cuz the ending to deltarune (the full game) came to toby in a fever dream back in high school

i don't know much about undertale but it seems like it's exactly like adventure time in that they both involve a world of wacky monsters who all have wacky dialog centered around the only human who exists in said world. so yea, like adventure time.

actually he picked development to make deltarune, undertale was just a test to see if he could make a game, deltarune is the real deal he wanted to make all along

not really its not just wacky shit and your not the only human

funnily enough RPG Maker actually had switch support before game maker did

post cute goats

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undertale is in gamemaker you clown

oh right my mistake i get the two confused sense i dont use them

god damn what a lucky motherfucker

Yeah well, I aimed to address both Undertale and Deltarune but I was afraid of making my post sound more redundant by naming both titles.
Would what you call really this whole IP?

They're f**ckin epic
I liked it when they broke the 4th wall and it made me go all "wtf I though this was a game :O"

>good story
I guess?
>with funny jokes

dont forget be associated with two popular fanbases as well. As much I hate breal this for you, good marketing is what will make your game be successful, when it reaches enough people, let them spread the word alone.

>"Undertale isn't just some videogame, it is ART"

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the amount of salt this guy generates on Yea Forums will never not be hilarious

>his own fanbase built-in because of Homestuck.
the majority who played his game doesn't give a fuck about homestuck tho
I dunno why you keep bringing this up

I was just giving a brief description of what goes behind most passion projects, really. It's not some huge revelation.

That undine theme got me shivering

which is another fashion and just a "reference" to an internet trend. it always happens like youges last gen. they actually care about western stuff when westerners make it in a japanese way. rwby is more popular compared to undertail.

those who play games like undertail, and life is strange?, i forget the name, are a japanese version of tumblr users such as hatena blog ones and some cringy westaboos who dont even speak english but think playing youges is "cool". it doenst last so long. dudebro shooters were just like that.

Funny of you to say that 4 years since the game's release.

He means that he got his first followers because of homestuck fame, then it got word of mouth from there
his current fanbase might not be completely fans of homestuck, but the early ones were

earthbound's release in both japan and USA was a total sleeper hit that became a cult classic.

toby taps into the same magic to make a game that gives the same kinds of feelings and gets a good enough japanese translation to repeat the earthbound effect, this time in reverse.

the rest is history

Toby Fox is unironically my idol. You can all suck my big toe.

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Does Toby know Japanese?

Based. Dude's living the dream.

>mfw toby made megalovania when he was 15

undertale has been popular in japan sense 2017

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So, in order to make a massively popular game, I just have to know how to make music, and pander to the tumblr-furry crowd? Damn, and I've been fretting over gameplay this entire time...


it's because you are only in utg. get outside that and you will see. For people that genuinely think homestuck is not popular just wanted to remember that the threads about it on Yea Forums reached limit and hiveswap did fine enough just in the first episode, thanks.

Wonder why the elevens like Undertale so much. The localization must've been fucking amazing.

you really think gameplay matters after decades of low effort AAA shit?

if gameplay mattered shit like furi and MGR would be the everyday talk and not battlefield or rainbow six siege

>because it took up a significant portion of his life before it was even revealed to the world.
No way
The graphics are shit, the gameplay is derivative, and it doesn't take that long to make music


also check'em

Because Undertale, despite all the memeing, is actually good

most people in the world care about story and characters more then gameplay dose not mean the gameplay can be shit but it but its not the mane focus anymore

I followed the development of Undertale through it's development stage and I never paid attention to Homestuck.
I was just really into rpgmaker freeware at the time and heard that a new one was coming out in the form of a demo and it had an evil flower and it looked neat.

played undertale first when it barely came out because my friend was following it and earthbound first time only last year. How exactly it gives the same feelings aside of graphics style?

you =/= the entire fanbase

>that cover
Man, it must be great to be known for minimalistic style
Just shit something out with minimal effort and everybody will still love it
I'm genuinely jealous

>Bullet Hell
Stop. It's not bullet hell. Bullet hell means there are a shit ton of bullets on screen and it's actually difficult to not get hit.
People like you fucking tricked me into playing the game.

Homestuck fans =/= the entire fanbase before it got popular

Then maybe try to not sound so overly grandiose when talking about a game as gay as this
Its true that a lot of people don't give Tobyfox any credit, but you're basically the polar-opposite, talking about him like he's some mad genius when half of Undertales success was just him being internet-culture savvy enough to know which buttons to press

never said they were, just saying that a major part of toby's early fanbase was because he was known from homestuck, so he had a jumping point already


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Wow, that's great. I honestly didn't think that someone like Taro would care about Undertale, but this is pretty cool

it's the closest thing you can compare it's combat to when asked how it plays

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I mean he clearly cares about gameplay because he created some weird mix of rpg/(easy)bullet hell/platformer and he gave unique patterns to all of the monsters. May not be the most important thing, but he wasnt lazy on that part.

>someone like Taro
dude's a fucking nerd, no reason to be suprised

Bullet Limbo

Happy for him. Played his game, enjoyed it.

t. Seething and starving art student

I never implied he was a genius, just one of the few people that gave enough of a fuck to turn one of his visions into a reality.

In a dev panel in Spain several indie devs were asked about what tools they used to design characters etc and why.

I remember the guy before toby fox going on and about how he used photoshop because of the freedom it gave him and how he could afterwards modify this and that if neccesary.

Then toby's turn comes and he says something like "mspaint" because "it's cheap, does the work and I don't know how to use other things"

The absolute madman

If only there were a term for bullet hells without an excessive number of bullets...

Does Toby know how to draw, though?

thanks for killing sincerity, millennials

that term is the closest we have that describes it, what would you call it then?

and this is him
how does that make you feel Yea Forums?

Really? It looks like it's something right up Taro's alley.

Kek fucking brainlet

He just seems to have like, weaponized autism about the games he likes. I remember that Persona 5 video he did where he basically said that Nier, FF, Persona and Danganronpa are the only series he gives a shit about

Look at the silly little doodle of a dog again, and then reflect upon that outburst you just direct towards it...
Feeling a little silly now, huh?

taro called the game a masterpiece filled with love when he talked about his fave games from 2017 the dude loves it he even attended a live orchestra of the undertale soundtrack and if you pay close attentions on his twitter you can see he bought some merch reacently

Is there any other RPG with bullet hell mechanics? Besides Yoko Taro games, now that I think about it.

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>goes on video game board
>"i don't care about people who make video games"
Well, we do. So fuck off.

bullet purgatory

Yeah, totally.

I don't know. Make something up. But when I hear "bullet hell", I think this

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>that dance he makes at the intro

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bullet heaven

What's the first?

What's it like going through life without a pulse? Do you think the people around you know you're lifeless walking corpse?

Yeah in hindsight it seems obvious I suppose
That's great, I'm genuinely glad Undertale is that popular with the guy

Because Toby learned the secret that all the best Jap devs (i.e. Pixel) figured out:
Don't make yourself the focus.

What a chad. I'd love to enter anywhere with Hey Arnold music in the background.

It doesn't really, both games do different things that make them good

Pretty good. Am I supposed to be mad that such a happy and cheery fellow fulfilled his dream and obtained success in life?

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Good for him.

>uses his self-insert epic funny oc as a joke over and over

>that Hey Arnold! intro

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I'm mad because I don't understand why he's successful. Everything I know about what makes a game good is lacking in undertale.

Please, do share what you think you know makes a game good.

I love Suuji.

maybe what you know is wrong? what is it tell me
found it

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It has a lot of personality and soul, and honestly sometimes that's all you need, takes Suda51's games for example. They're often grindy, have janky controls and have too much filler content but you stay invested for the characters and world.


Good gameplay
Non-obnoxious story without questionable moral lessons
Humor that isn't excessive and based around being wacky
Visual consistency (only graphical requirement I have)

Bullet heck

Shoot em up without shooting
>but that doesn't make sense
Neither does an easy bullet hell

I like that one.

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>even a huge cringy faggot like him can find success
feels good man


So he could've just made a basic platformer

to me undertales gameplay is good but i can see why someone like you wont like the game but alot of people like storys with questionable moral lessons and wacky humor if you really whanna get why the game got popular you have to understand that people have different taste in shit

Undertale is hella inspired by NieR. They are both action RPGs that incorporate japanese bullet dodging mechanics.

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Look into punctuation, buddy, it makes your posts less painful to read.

There's no reason to be irrationally angry at this stuff but no need to suck him off either to show how "not mad" you are

Is there a term for this? Contrarian optimism?

I didn't say anything like that, and I have no idea how you drew that conclusion

sorry english isn't my thing

In what way is Undertale not consistent visually
Everything looks like shit

>Action RPG
How so?

>Is there a term for this? Contrarian optimism?
Yes user, we need to look for a word to label people who can find light in dark situations and be happy.
Fuck them cheery guys, amirite?

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I'd say Undertale's gameplay is at least decent. It works as intended. The RPG mechanics are shallow as a puddle but the battles themselves and the ability so end them without killing and sometimes without violence is pretty unique, so are the bullet hell/limbo aspects of it.
I personally didn't find the story and it's characters obnoxious at all. I don't play games looking for moral lessons either. Alphys did get away scott-free, that bitch.
The humor in the game made me smile from time to time, never made me cringe. Can't ask for more than that.
I think it nailed visual consistency, the aesthethic of the game is well thought out and knows what it wants to be and how to show it.

You have to dodge enemy attacks in real time

>Good gameplay
Even if Undertale never fully explores the best places its gameplay could go, the basic concept of "RPG with bullet hell patterns and dialogue tree puzzles" is pretty strong.
>Non-obnoxious story without questionable moral lessons
This one's pretty subjective, and you have to remember that Undertale's "moral" is only really supposed to apply to the world it presents.
>Humor that isn't excessive and based around being wacky
Again, humor is pretty subjective. There were some pretty great jokes in there for me, personally.
>Visual consistency (only graphical requirement I have)
Even Toby admits they fucked up on this one, honestly, though if you read the artbook he actually rejected some better artwork from the other guys he got to help him just because it made everything Toby drew stick out like a sore fucking thumb even moreso than it already does.

How is he "sucking him off" exactly?

>what is soundodger
>what is zeroranger if you go for a pacifist run

"JRPG-inspired with Action RPG elements" seems like a lot to type

is there a game you wish would be as popular as undertale even if it had a shitty fanbase?

I found out about the game knowing Toby from homestuck. After seeing him promote the game a few times at events I also realized that he was the same radiation that did the Halloween hack and my mind was blown.

Puyo Puyo Fever 2 and The Underside.
That way Puyo Fever 3 might happen or The Underside would actually get fucking released, anybody complaining about Toby's dev skills doesn't know true suffering

it doesn't seem to beat as much like your overly emotional ad hominem in broken English. it's a videogame, no one kicked your dog.

Undertale has decent gameplay though, it could be harder and make you do more stuff in the menus for more involved battles but it doesn't need to since it's straightforward and focused enough to make you feel like you always know what you're doing without getting repetitive (in a normal game at least, fuck genocide)

I think it's nice that he's reached that level of success, even if I wasn't the biggest fan of Undertale.

what a faggot

I just want to remind everyone that there was about a 3 day period just before Undertale caught on in the mainstream where it was Yea Forums's favorite game. Seriously it was like a Smash Bros reveal there were so many threads. And pretty much every one of them was positive too. In fact, that initial circlejerk is why I bought the game, because no one here would shut up about it. Then, like everything else that gets popular, Yea Forums had to go full contrarian and hate the game, even for reasons that were outright false or unjustified.

The music. People underestimate the power of good music in a game

makes me almost feel like I could put effort into something and someone would probably like it

that's true for every good indie game out of Yea Forums's radar that blows up. It was the same for Hollow Knight.

i done know why but genocide seems to be the most popular thing about underetale in japan
care to give is some of those threads of when undertale got released

Yea Forums being Yea Forums.

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using that image doesn't make you sound any less gay. Either way you missed my point

the funny thing is when deltarune was released Yea Forums liked undertale again and when silksong was announced we had good hollow knight threads

>begs people to say they love him behind a couch while making voices
if you call this anything else but being a cringy af faggot, then yeah, you are sucking him off

Why do people even like this game? I don't see the appeal. And I like Earthbound. Is it because it's a poorman's version of Mother?

I never saw anyone hating on Hollow Knight, save for that one person going into HK threads to bait with "incel game".

I'm surprised that Yea Forums doesn't understand just how much of an impact the power of music has.
I can't be the only one who looked at my own drawings in highschool while listening to music and watched them come to life in my head.

Because intead of being indifferent since there's nothing to really be mad about he wants to oversignal how "not mad" he is by going all the way in the other direction

It's just the only influence the game had so Mother always gets mentioned when talking about the dev

Notch did it with Yea Forums's backing back in the really early days of alpha

It wasn't the same people who praised it, the shitposters just caught on to latching on to another game. Deltarune's demo was pretty similar with the positive reception but released at a time when RDR2 and smash news were popular.

Sega should hire Toby to make music for the Sonic series

The battle system is unique and the music is pretty good.

Is seeing the best in people a bad thing now?
I don't care if his silly puppet show was cringey, the guy has got character and charm.
When you compare him to the two other big names in indie games, the bitter and old twitter Notch and Phil Fish, the first thing that strikes me is just how pleasant he is, it's refreshing.

Cause you have bad taste

I hope that every time someone says this they genuinely remember that not anyone sucked this game's dick even in the launch. I have been metioned for years how I was one of these people that played the game right at the first day because my friend told me to do it and I found too flawed in concept and lacking in characters. The storytelling wasnt bad which I think might be the strongest point of it but even then there were genuinely awful moments for that, like the corridor for asgore's fight because no matter how you say it I am sure no one liles to give 3 steps and be interrupted by another screen with text for 5 times or the secret lab with a wall of text which feels like a lazy way in a attempt to give your story "depth". I remember like yesterday how there were a lot of people on twitter, blogs and podcasts comparing it to earthbound, toby got the earthbound and homestuck fanbase because of his noticeable works for them, which gave him more chance to be successful, over the other rpgs with poor graphics like UT. That and characters designs that were easy to please, since toriel got a lot of porn.

Don't pretend like you didn't revel in your contrarianism in your initial reply. This isn't about your opinion, but the way you present it
And even then it only bothers me because I see this more and more often and I can't find a term to describe it. Like when someone posts a "cringe" video there's ALWAYS some schmuck going "oh wow look people having FUN :) I'm so HAPPY for them :) Do you hate fun?", but only AFTER at least 5 people commented on how cringe the vid is, it comes off as really insincere and contrarian, like you don't actually mean it but want to be the first "not mad" guy in the bunch

>lmao look at this FAGGOT! look how STUPID he is! what do you guys all think of this LOSER!
>I dunno he's not that bad, he seems quite happy
Let me guess, you would have been totally okay with me ragging on him and calling him a piece of shit?
Just because you didn't receive the answer you wanted to hear doesn't mean you have to be such a crybaby, sheesh.

>even for reasons that were outright false or unjustified.

Definitely not undertale's case, this game got a ton of very valid criticism around here.

Sans for Smash anybody?

Definitely gonna be Frisk or whoever the MC of Delta Rune is

no wonder he wouldn't do any more video interviews after the game came out.

>this lad gets to talk with Yoko Taro
>he made it
>meanwhilr I'll never be able to make something like that
Fuck life, fuck luck

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The MC of Deltarune is Frisk

Literal Race Traitor with 0 patriotism
People like him is the reason the whole world is overrun by arabs.

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I was typing that post out it only had two comments, and one of them was already positive. Stop getting mad that people aren't as bitter and miserable as you.
Listen to yourself, you're treating this as if it's some sort of fucking epidemic.
I'm sorry my positive outlook on something pissed you off so much, I'll never say anything nice about Toby again.
Seriously, stop getting so worked up over other people's happiness, it makes you look silly and just turns you into a poisonous and unpleasant personality to be around.

The gameplay in Undertale is great though.

Everyone is forgeting about homestuck, the guy already had a big fanbase unlike other indie faggots

Does anyone else remember when an Undertale Comic was allegedly going to follow the release?
Or is that just me remembering rumors from several years ago and getting things mixed up.

Not the same user but calling him a chad is sucking him off desu

>genocide seems to be the most popular thing about underetale in japan
It has 2 of the 3 best battles in the game, makes sense. Being the bad guy is interesting too.

>no one has heard of a game and it's a new thing
>talk about what makes it good and why people should play it
>super popular older game that everyone knows about
>talk about its flaws and temper people's expectations

Frisk would be a waste, he/she is designed to be a blank slate with no striking personality or feature. So many characters from the game have an actual personality and would fit much better in Smash. Even Sans excluded, I would rather have Undyne, Asgore or Toriel before Frisk.

Good! He deserves it!

>Let me guess, you would have been totally okay with me ragging on him and calling him a piece of shit?
well, no shit? even the undertale fans on youtube comments agree he is an awkward faggot
congrats on having lower standards than them I guess

There was supposed to be a comic and an alarm clock app.

I liked it too user.

Yeah he probably only said that to piss people like you off because you expected him to echo your own thoughts and rip into Toby.

>ask a question "how does this make you feel, Yea Forums?"
>subvert the user's expectations and answer honestly without just giving him what he wants to hear

Not him but are negative comments or feelings insincere by default though? I can assure you I couldnt care less about toby or suck his dick for nothing and while I dont hate his game, I for certainly think it's overrated as fuck and not that I want to be a contrarian for the hell of it.

He 'made' it. How is he not a chad?

>make silly little rpg with good music
>Yea Forums SEETHES at the though of it
Why don't you like Undertale, user?

>i-i sucked him off ironically to piss you off!

I have already said it in some threads but part of Yea Forums also called me a contrarian despite playing the game early on in the year it was out.

And it seems it worked. kek

I just started playing it. I should kill everything first playthrough, right? Toriel is already dead.

>makes music for that shit game YIIK
>shills it on twitter
>notices the game is getting bad rep
>quickly deletes tweets shilling the shit game

Why do you have so much trouble accepting that people have different thoughts from you?
Would you be happy if everybody on earth just thought the same things as you? What a boring world.


No side character has ever gotten in over a MC before. If anyone had then I'd be way more on board with this idea

You can still be redeemed, don't walk the path of darkness. (also because it's really tedious and just sucks to play. if you want the true ending on first playthrough quickly go back and skimp through that part of the game again, and just never go near the attack button again)

is that true? why do you guys like him again?

Arent you guys the one that also say that anyone that disliked this game is lying and being an attention whore or dont have any good reason for it though

Doing full genocide on your first run effects the endings on subsequent playthroughs.

No. I can understand why people would dislike Undertale.

In what ways? Can I still get to see all the content?

take it easy discordtranny, just because you like undertale doesn't mean you have to defend toby's faggotry

Resorting to ad hominems now?

play it blind first time and the decide if you want genocide (better battles) or killless . genocide is better if you have know the characers before in my opinion

you cant see all the content in one playthrough

Shump, bulle hell is a sub-genre.

>They're a blank slate with no striking personality or feature
Mario, Link, Ness, Pokemon Trainer, Captain Falcon, Marth, Chrom, Young Link, Toon Link, Villager, Mega Man, Wii Fit Trainer, Little Mac, Cloud, Corrin, Inkling
Moveset wise, a side character might be more interesting but aside from that being a blank slate doesn't stop them

>better battles
This is misleading because the genocide bossfights pale in comparison to how much time you spend grinding areas killing literally everything.

true, should ve said best/hardest battles mixed with grinding

I mean "insincere" a in "he doesn't actually mean what he's saying"

If I already know the spoilers and beat this fight (with the blue attacks showing as normal white ones) is there any reason to play the real game?

How many spoilers do you know?

The difference is Japan actually likes Undertale and no one but Yea Forumsumblr faggots likes Steven Universe

Games with similar themes and gameplay elements.
I really wouldn't be surprised if Taro tries to implement a pacifist route in his next game because of this.

>You have to conceive the premise through a vision that came to you, these usually come in the form of dreams or long walks with headphones in.
Single most low IQ basic bitch thing I've read all day.

it was pretty much the shock factor of genocide route and source for memes about his character that helped spread the game around so yeah, that's a huge spoiler for the experience of the route, would ve lying if I said it wasnt

Homestuck is an English-language webcomic, nobody in Japan read it

That's how Toby came up with all of Undertale and Deltarunes, so that shows how much you know.

If anything, it's an eye catching cover.

we were talking about the western audience and there are homestuck fans from other countries as well. popular western things call japan's attention and they happened to really like it.

not him but that sounds pretentious as fuck

Kinda pisses me off that some people who discuss Undertale will just casually spoil the "Sans is a boss fight" twist. Even my friend who just started playing like 2 days ago knew about the Sans boss fight before anything else.

But it's true

Toby didn't come with all of Undertale and Deltarune out of dreams and long walks, he came up with the ending to Deltarune after a fever dream and all of Undertale and Deltarune has been him building up to it.

Barely anybody in Japan knows English beyond common words. When you combine that with the fact that Homestuck was always a pretty niche comic, I doubt the number of Japanese people who read it was above the single digits.

sans has been memed so fucking hard that probably anyone who gets into Undertale now will see sans for the first time and immediately think "ooh that's the evil skeleton!".
I remember when Flowey was the poster child...

So this is what undertalefags look up to....woah....

who do you look up to?

i ve masturbated to asriel and asgore porn before played the game

how did wojak become a popular meme?

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You didn’t learn this from Fnaf’s

the thing is Undertale itself is a fine game that's been ruined by the internet. If the fanbase wasn't autistic, and the game got to fade out like Toby wanted, people would look back on this game fondly

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I am saying exactly that the main reason undertale got their interest was its popularity here, the same reason homestuck even had oversea fans to begin with but unlike undertale, it wasnt translated to japanese.

because wojack is based

welcome to the tem shop

I feel like Toby sometimes forgets who he was in the early days of undertale

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Do you ever feel you sound like a robot sometimes?

It's Toby Fox and Yoko Taro, of course it'll be translated by rabid fans immediately. The question is which fans will make it first.

Dunno about anime, but I know that it was referenced in that manga about thick elf

Can't be worse than being a Toby Fox follower to be desu

toby btfo

That's neat
Full Deltarune when

The siren song of merchandising claims another

A bit jealous desu but it drives me even though I know I won’t get the 1 in a million success.

>thick elf
literally every manga ever?

how does this btfo toby, I unironically love this

It probably is.

it was a joke
also that isn't actually toby in the video, it's michael guy bowman, another former homestuck musician

The difference between Fangamer and Hot Topic/Target is I can't drive down to the Fangamer store that's anywhere in America

Also probably after he played Persona 4 (which is one of his favorite games), because Deltarune seems to be very similar to Persona 4 in its concepts.

>We value freedom
>But also fuck you if you do anything but what I want

At least Fangamer are massive Earthbound autists like Toby

The Baby is You is still Toby's greatest artistic creation


I have an idea for the game that was born while I was taking a long shower, does that count?

Fangamer is basically just the hot topic for gamers.

So you've never even played the game and you're here trying to explain away why people find it appealing?
Classic Yea Forums

susie was inspired by a character from phoenix wright

Made me snicker, but other than that, nothing.

I'm still happy he's getting all this attention for Undertale, but Deltarune was a fucking demo. Stop talking about a game that won't be done for 7 years and just develop it.

everything is art, nothing is art, stop using the word art like it has meaning.

Yeah, I've seen that he wanted to make a Maya-like character, and that Susie ended up being complete opposite of her.

>Broken English
>Typing like an ESL
Is this bait?

> dreaming is pretentious

literal NPC, do you not have dreams?

Good music, relatively creative and we'll written and 100% think the pacifist gameplay contribute to it's success. It was something that wasn't really seen much elsewhere and had that viral "Just go in blind" aspect.

The original guy you replied to literally just said "pretty good". How retarded are you that you immediately construe that as dickriding as opposed to just saying what he thinks.

Okay but Fangamer isn't as huge. Toby probably didn't want to cooperate with a megacooperation

>defending that video
redditeracord is here...

So does he sell merch at Hot Topic or Target, or let others create products based on the license without personal oversight? No, he doesn't. You can make your dichotomy or never selling any merch or being a sell-out, but the real world doesn't conform to it.

This. Makes me laugh at how much SEETHING it causes.

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The game is trash that ripped off something actully original and so are all the retards who unironically like it.
Sorry to be the one breaking it own for ya.

>47 pages about toby and the making of undertale and deltarune and it includes a chat between toby and Yoko Taro
Somebody better fucking translate this.

Touhou did

I can't believe Toby commissioned someone to make this.

Good on him. Most great artists had these things called "life experiences".

don't you have something else, you should be doing right now toby?

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Is undertale one of the few games to really take off that was inspired by video games and not a developer's life experiences?

Name a game that derives from nothing

touhou is only big in japan undertale is much more popular

nep thread

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You sound like one of those underage kids who unironically makes cringe compilation videos while having Rick and Morty as the profile picture. Go be twelve somewhere else.

honestly, furries are so desperate they'll throw money at anything pandering to them

sure let me read my ecelebs blogs about how he dreams, that's what us mature people do

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Undertale doesnt have its own conventions
Touhou does
Gensokyo wins again baby

only because vidya is much bigger now, 2hu has pretty much defined otaku culture for years

he does, but only in japan
he doesn't give a fuck about anything but japan

It wasn't in a blog it was literally just in info page for the Deltarune demo on the eshop, nerd.

>The original guy you replied to literally just said "pretty good"
Yeah LITERALLY, expect not really
Either get your eyes checked or stop being a lying retard

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>babbys first ""psychological"" rpg

fucking zoomers.

this is literally the fortnite of RPGs

>zeroranger pacifist run
wait what

pretty sure there was an undetale thing that was like a conventions i think it was in japan and again touhou is big but not as big as undertale undertale is worldwide

The game is pretty damn campy and happy go lucky just as long as you don't murder everyone.

>You have to conceive the premise through a vision that came to you, these usually come in the form of dreams or long walks with headphones in.

How the fuck this isn't pretentious? It's literally pretending you are special for being blessed with having dreams with a unique vision. You dont need that to create something passionately

>It's literally pretending you are special for being blessed with having dreams with a unique vision
Where was this ever implied?

Undertale would never have gotten popular in Japan if it was made by a Chinese. Interesting to think about, how much Japs worship anything made by the glorious white masters.

You can beat every level in Zero Ranger without killing anything. Literally nothing different happens as a result, but you *can* do it.

>Legitimately trying to get internet cred on an anonymous Himalayan Alpaca Shearing forum by lying about about anyone caring about opinions you may or may not have posted, or even thought, years ago

This level autism deserves at least one (You).

>""psychological"" rpg

You cant even call it kidding because literally how even, the game barely scratch the depth of it morals values it implies

ok there are a lot of takes on undertale, but this is by far the stupidest one. if that was the case, every western game would outsell Japanese games there.

no other indie game was shilled this hard before
well except gone homo but undertale has a lot more going than that

How can you be this retarded?
Most popular things in japan are shin-chan, anpanman and one piece.

wouldnt be needed if there werent autists were believing that "everyone loved it now they are all contrarians"


Yes user, you're very special and unique.

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you know undertale is so popular in japan that even deku midoriya's seiyuu is a fan of the series.

god you reminded me of that japanese guy that makes anpanman x megalovania remixes

Because of Homestuck

>deku midoriya's seiyuu
What is this spacker speak

the fuck are you talking about. Seiyuus are regular people that do regular things, how is it at all shocking that they like something

What is a famitsu?

according Yea Forums, yes I am, since there arent people like me apparently without it being a contrarian, so.

It's like a perfect sphere. No matter what angle I look at it from it was 100% destined to be fucking massively successful. It did everything right, but doing everything right isn't enough, it did everything right while having mass appeal and being extremely unique. People can deny that, but that's all they can do.

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The Asshurt that surrounds Toby Fox and his body of work on Yea Forums will always astound me.

I think what really gets people about him the implications of what he achieved with Undertale, and just how impressive it is the game got released in the state it did.

Toby told a story he really wanted to tell. A game he really wanted to make. He wrote it competently, coded the whole thing, wrote an original score for this game. The only thing he didn’t do was the art, which he had a friend work on. Every other little bit is all from his mind, and the end result was a cohesive, fully realized game that gained a massive following.
And he did all this while being his own little brand of weirdo, not compromising his vision, and working tirelessly for two years. His only regret is that he’s not sure how much he likes his fan base.
By all means, Toby is a shining example of what a developer should be, and has done certainly what a lot of people on Yea Forums want to do; the man’s garnered respect from the likes of Satoru Iwata and Yoko Taro. How many people have thought of impressing their inspirations like that? How many wish to do something that makes someone like, say, Hideki Kamiya look on in awe?
And yet, there is a deep animosity that surrounds him on Yea Forums. Why is that? The only conclusion I’ve been able to draw is that his success has prompted people to ask what separates them from Toby, which leads them to conclude that he simply has a higher work ethic than most, but it sounds both too reductive and condescending to suggest that public opinion is against the man because he’s more successful than most could ever ask for; sour grapes and all that. So what is it?

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from the creator of pop team epic

something better is that the guy that sang the 2nd mha anime op made a song that was inspired by undertale

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Combine earthbound and homestuck

I hate "Japan noticed me" threads

Why do Amerimutts do this?

a japanese game magazine.

Toby did what Yea Forums wishes they could do, but they'd rather hate him and say Undertale is shit than face the reality that they are just fucking lazy.

It baffles me how there are people here that think you dont need marketing in any way to be successful and deny that toby's conttributions to two huge fandoms did a lot of difference thinking like it is any sort of criticism in some way. It explains a lot why marketing is so poor with indie developers, no matter how genius you could be, you aren't going to reach it just from that alone, even cuphead had its artstyle as a huge marketing point.

I will never understand why UT triggers people the way it does.

>This person posts on Yea Forums

>Why did no other indie game reach this level of success before?
Minecraft is the most successful indie game of all time
Rust sold a lot
The Binding of Isaac sold a shit ton
Starbound sold $2m before it even came out

Toby had enough charisma to be the only Homestuck music dev to have his own fanbase.

Undertale only got popular because it released before BRs and GAAS/streambait games got huge and fundamentally shifted what it takes to makes a successful game.

If Undertale released right now, today, nobody would give a shit about it and go back to playing Apex and Fortnite.

Toby is not talented, he just got undeservedly lucky.

le boomzoom

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It's extremely hard for white piggu westerners to break into Japan's mainstream. Undertale and Deltarune are pretty popular exceptions.

t. seething zoom

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It was an incredibly solid title that appealed to the "your choices matter" meme

as much as I dont think undertale is that shit, I agree with you about it being released today. Dont know about luck though as toby's EB hack was well known by the fanbase.

Most japanese elfs are sticc

I dunno Minecraft was kinda popular.

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Thats literally all there is to every single success story

>DELTARUNE is an anagram of UNDERTALE
>TOBY FOX is an anagram of YOKO TARO
holy shit

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I still kind of hate how much emphasis that aspect had in marketing. It doesn’t hold up to scrutiny. Fighting is an afterthought. The content is in the passive approach. It mattered for a total of two fights. But I guess that’s just kind of how it goes.

it makes women cry a lot


>mfw I learned about the Undertale demo thanks to Yea Forums

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Bullet heck

>westaboos are just as tasteless as westaboos
Who would have thought?

but the chinese could have never made UT so your point is moot


I wish I could get a version of this that wasn't for ants.

Japan doesnt have to deal with western UT fans
They are allowed to like it

It's a preview, they don't want you to read it. The issue wasn't released yet.

>the amount of actual unironic seething ITT

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Like UT is trash?
Whats supposed to make me feel?
I dont care how popular it is, its still a shit game

You'd be surprised how many japs warmed up to tumblr thanks to undertale

No I wouldnt, it makes sense
Thank god tumblr killed itself though

Sometimes it's amazing how haters will think about something far longer than the fans do

It doesn't get more chinese than ripping off your favorite games down to their motifs. But you're right, chink Undertale would have better and more consistent pixel art.

It's literally the best game ever made. You have to play it to understand.

Can't Yea Forums make their own successful game?

Underrated post. Learned this by the hard way.

The fangamer merch is straight up just kickback for his associates.

ace combat

what did he mean by this?

Undertale is a Yoko Taro game, cheap drama, tone deafness, wackiness and all

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Did Toby meet ZUN?

yes they have an interview together

I think there's one for the DS, but the name escapes. It had an unassuming anime aesthetic.

You guys says it did everything right and that it contributed a lot to whatever but absolutely refuse to elaborate. You guys post might as well say "Because it was good" and that would be it with how much it adds to the conversation.

wrong kind of role playing, user

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you might have actual brain problems

I just replied to . I am not that user.

Rabi-ribi, I guess.

>carefully formatted and punctuated freudian psychoanalysis of people that don't like a game with gay skeletons

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I don't want to spend my whole morning writing a thesis paper on what it did right when anyone who plays the game can tell really fucking clearly, just to have anons who are desperate to find reasons to hate it point out stretched flaws that don't matter to the normalfags, that make things popular. I don't care about a discussion and doubly don't care to have one with delusional gaslighting retards on Yea Forums.

Did you play through it yourself? If so then fucking think about it. Down to tiny shit like combat ending right before it gets threatening. You're not a brainlet right user? The game's been out for half a century, I'm not going to spend any more time than I am physically restrained to explaining the joke to an audience that is already pissed and wants to hate it.

>refuse to elaborate
What you don't get from contribute to two huge fandoms by music and a hack game, gain the attention from them and getting it to build a ready fanbase for when your game come out?

The dogs are gay, not the skeletons

Frisk in Smash. Fucking calling it.

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The most Undertale is getting in Smash is an assist

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Because furry sells.

>Persona 4
Based, I'm glad he realizes it's superior to 3.

It's not a bullet hell just because there are bullets on screen. It's a regular shmup. Bullet hell is a very specific kind of shmup. I know it sounds autistic to outsiders but it's kind of like calling Ocarina of Time an FPS because you can shoot the bow/hookshot in first person.

i think there's touhou fangames that are like that, but i don't know the specifics

People just don’t like calling it a shmup because you don’t actually shoot. You just dodge.

Mass appeal != good, popularity is the WORST form of judgement to use on a product's quality and people keep making the same fallacy over and over again. If you want to discuss how it has mass appeal and therefore deserves what it got, then there is really nothing to discuss because I think people can point out objectively there are a lot of elements in the game that achieve that objective. Part of getting traction in life whether starting a startup business, investing, or making indie games is that there is an undue amount of luck involved and I think that the game can easily be passed over if the timing and advertisement wasn't correct, because indie games and even small studio games that are B tier always risk that no matter how they are built.

But if you want to argue if the game is actually good or not as an indie RPG, there is a lot to argue over that subject which has been beaten to death here already but the short answer is that it is shallow in mechanics and maybe innovative on its battle system, but there is a lot of "jack of all trade" syndrome with its attack patterns where it does the shump and platforming not so well.

it's the only persona game he played

Hey anything could happen at this point.

>on Yea Forums
basado retardo

Dude, it is one of incredibly few (if not the only) vidya that was mentioned in a communique by a member of the Imperial Japanese royal family.

Taro games have no good endings so there can be no pacifism.

>Humor that isn't excessive and based around being wacky
Everytime someone describes a movie, series etc this way always end up being exactly it. I'll pass, besides I don't really like those furry graphics in the first place.

I hope you know that there are things that are objectively more popular and have a bigger mass appeal than others.

See, you utter fucking retard, it would have been a waste of time talking to you because you misunderstood the subject of the discussion. It was, and let me put this in big letters so your little brain can understand it, WHY UNDERTALE WAS SUCCESSFUL, NOT WHY UNDERTALE WAS GOOD. God damn did I dodge a bullet there. You're exactly what I thought you would be. Knuckle dragging subhuman.

Pretty funny the way the Japs idolize a Western game even while Yea Forums screeches about how weeb trash is better.

You shoot Mettaton.

Indifferent, as it will not last.

I'm just saying, Shovel Knight could only get an assist slot and that had more presence on Nintendo than Undertale.

>Literally nothing different happens as a result, but you *can* do it.
Well you got my hopes up for nothing. Especially since a pacifist run is absolutely something a game like ZeroRanger would have included. I'm assuming you still have to kill the bosses?

Maybe keep the downer ending even with the pacifism, just in a different route than a "normal" ending, in a context of "you can't fight fate even if you try to be the best person in the world", something Taro is not completely unfamiliar with.

3 years and some change of "okay but actually undertale was a failure because--" from Yea Forums is what it feels like

Say voice actor like a normal person you fucking autists

They are both hacks. Although Fox moreso since he copies everything from others.

doesnt matter if you didnt pay attention to homestuck, you probably wouldnt have heard of undertale(hell it wouldnt have even been funded) if it werent for the homestuck fandom giving toby his footing.

>Based japs enjoying a game with soul and good gameplay despite newfags seething in order to fit in

Yea Forumseddit on continuous suicide watch

Most other indie games are western garbage and are either devoid of gameplay or are pretentious as shit. And Toby knowing how to market himself I guess

nothing is original anymore and there is nothing in undertale that is blatantly stolen, you have to make some logical leaps to assume some things

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Yeah, I know.

>you were born into america
>"you're enslaved here! respect this land! do what I say!"
he made the best decision possible, to leave this shit hole for the land of anime

undertale never was a failure but people (even haters sometimes) fails to understand that popularity doesn't mean quality and quality alone won't make you popular either. Even "important" people can consume shitty entertainment

I just wanted you to know that yoko taro also loves something garbage as danganronpa.

>nothing is original anymore
Not an excuse.

>"Oh no I'm so humble oh God I'm so humble (and lazy, haha, am I not quirky?) I gonna wear this mask made after the image I self inserted with in my own game!"
>Like Yoko Taro, who also happens to do that and self insert to a degree!

>A game has to reinvent the wheel in order to do everything right

It literally is just good. Name one aspect that you think it suffers in and I can probably counter it with an opinion that most of everyone will agree with

next time skip straight to the le cuckertale shitposting so you don't waste anybody's time playing coy

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The more Yea Forums hates Toby the more popular he gets.

I thought that was Famistu’s idea since it is a double billing. He doesn’t do it for other interviews.


Nice way evading to make any argument.

Did it at an awards show way back.

Don't worry, once people will catch on he is a one trick pony, he will be forgotten, or at the very least not treated with the same reverence anymore.

>Don't worry, once people will catch on he is a one trick pony, he will be forgotten, or at the very least not treated with the same reverence anymore.
holy fucking cope

Wow. Thank you for detailing the most basic bitch steps to design that every retard who participated in primary+ education would know.

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I hate it and it makes me fucking seethe.
It's the only thing that's rent free and making me seethe.
Fuck toby fox and his trash earthbound ripoff. It's bullshit. How can one low effort, mostly self made game capture such a massive market both here and abroad? It's garbage. That's why. It's perfectly reflective of the collective brainletism of both sides of the globe
>heh, funneh doge
>wow! So determination
>oh must dodge! This boss hard!
It's the same thing with dark souls
>novel stimulus
>likely eradication
Geez wow so crazy. Except it's game design 101, and undertale is really just a shallow shmup.
Undertale gets worldwide renown, yet these zoomers couldn't beat the first level of ikaruga.

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>I'm assuming you still have to kill the bosses?
Nope. Every boss has a timer that autokills it.

>respond to my argument
You didn't respond to the other guy's bit of "you have to make logical leaps to assume some things could even be stolen", either fuck off or start spamming those Isabelle/Toriel scat commissions you will never get your thousands of dollars back

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>this is your brain on undertale

People are excited around Deltarune. Toby was always just a guy who had a knack for chiptune and aping Hussie’s comedy. Being forgotten is kind of to be expected and I’m sure he doesn’t mind.


Ikaruga is a pretty niche product. Why get mad about something more palatable being more profitable? The type of people playing a difficult arcade shmup don’t overlap with the people playing Undertale in any capacity.

Why the hate for toby in specific? this coming from someone that won't suck his dick like Yea Forums does for no reason and isn't naive enough to believe in buzzword bullshit as "soul" and think undertale is nothing more than a nice game that got popular and overrated for "wrong reasons", but again why the hate for the man himself?

Oh sure, you can do counting and statistical measurements on those things, but it's a complete waste of time for anyone to really do it unless it was some academic research project, which is almost a low bar for anyone to reach with the quality of some subjects that some published papers have.

I wasn't the person you were talking to but you were trying to argue part of it on the merits of the game, which is unwarranted. All we need to agree on is that it really came down to the mass appeal elements in the game and luck, not about uniqueness because the battle system attack = minigame isn't a selling point of uniqueness and is a mass appeal element instead when it had been done before in turn based RPGs.

The memespeak is what seals this

Because his game is INSANELY popular, therefore he must be a hack. Legitimately a lot of the stuff peddled on Yea Forums about Toby as a person is a fabrication, Toby attracts autists like one guy in particular, around the time of the threads for the game's demo, that blew thousands of dollars on Toriel and Isabelle scat commissions to false-flag spam them on Yea Forums and cry about how degenerate the game's fanbase was. Later on he popped up again here and on cripplechan spamming about how he'd been cheated out of ten dollars and Undertale was a SJW degenerate memegame hack shitty shit shit.

Because it's everything wrong with consumerism to me.
A lack of critical thinking almost always leads to critical success.
The people put in place to determine what should deserve our attention (and likely critical success) "gaming journalists" are infantile rubes who attained their positions through nepotism and poor education systems.
There are many more things I wish to say, but I know they're single minded and won't change the success of this product (which I resent) or anyone's mind (which is to be expected.)


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>Oh sure, you can do counting and statistical measurements on those things, but it's a complete waste of time for anyone to really do it unless it was some academic research project, which is almost a low bar for anyone to reach with the quality of some subjects that some published papers have.

As someone with advertising degree, this isn't hard to do. All you need is to make a research around your main audience, being it by polls, by observing what's trending currently, get feedback.You don't need to waste that much of a time in more complex things unless you really need a lot of planning like AAA games. Also i can guarantee you that dedicating some time to marketing if it's that what you mean, isn't a waste of time in any way

He made it. I'm glad.

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Could you and your friends cease the constant data mining attempts on 4 chan? As a person with a background in psychometrics it really bugs me.

As long as you acknowledge that you're seething and that the indie game lives in your head rent-free.

no idea what youre talking about pal

because there are loads of drones on Yea Forums who will hate him to be contrarian.

>he put out a kickstarter, did not go over his budget and released his game on time
>he provided demos, updates and never once stalled to make more money
>he releases his game after kickstarter for $15, when most will price them at $20 or more
>he released it, then went silent for almost an entire year
>quietly releases a merch line to sate his autists
>releases a surprise demo of something he's been working on alongside undertale in secret
>ports of undertale as cheap as it was when it released
>dislikes preorder culture, will put the game on the store when its finished
>hates DLC, will only add extra content for free

he's everything Yea Forums would respect but because his game is popular, dumbasses on Yea Forums will shit on him.

>You didn't respond to the other guy's bit of "you have to make logical leaps to assume some things could even be stolen"

>Although Fox moreso since he copies everything from others.

That does not imply stealing, now does it? It's a logical leap to claim that. (And the sign of lack of reading comprehension, retard.)

>He doesn't mind
Remember when he went on twitter saying he'd rather have Undertale being forgotten?

And now there is Undertale 2, totajavascript:;lly not related!

My favourite of the autists is the one who keeps saying that Toby Fox is ripping off some other vidya music that sounds nothing like something Toby made and when anyone who's even just read the basics on music theory calls him out, he gets defensive and says they're wrong and using music theory is cheating since he doesn't get it.

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Why do you not mention the Kickstarter rewards that were not fulfilled?

Why do you not mention him humblebragging on Twitter despite being personal friends with Fangamer and having been part of the biggest webcomic of the 2010s?

If this is true then holy shit fuck him.

wait what

did this actually happen

The only kickstarter rewards that were left unfulfilled were the manual (which he explained the reasoning behind and even offered refunds over) and the comic. The Alarm Clock is still being worked on and he's posted development material from it every once in a while.
>Why do you not mention him humblebragging on Twitter despite being personal friends with Fangamer and having been part of the biggest webcomic of the 2010s?
What do you mean by "humblebragging", exactly? Because the closest I've seen him get is admitting that his code is a fucking mess and his art skills aren't great, both of which are true.


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Typical advertising cunt. One hand on the keyboard and one hand fondling the public's balls.

FUCK Yea Forums, FUCK Homestuck and most importantly of all, FUCK ANDREW HUSSIE

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not mad

>it doesn't take that long to make music
true but it takes a long time to compose good songs and their motifs.
say what you want about him or the game but his musical knowledge goes beyond hobbyist level, he's really good.

I could not envision a scenario where even with the backing and marketing of literally every single game journalist on the planet, Ikaruga got popular with as many people as Undertale. Just by the nature of what the game is and how it functions (regardless of quality) and not due to the system. It is like arguing over a tourist guidebook to Paris outselling a biography of Napoleon. Different consumers buying different things for different reasons.

Toby is just bad at creativity. Deltarune builds off of UT because it is easier for him not because he needs the attention.


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It would require a large chunk of the gaming population at large liking in depth shmups. But yes, besides that, impossible because people have by and large shit taste.

Taro is obsessed with the question of what it means to make a game where the heroes kill countless people. That's the entire reason Drakengard and Nier are the way they are.

Toby Fox makes a game with a central mechanic and structure pivoting around this exact idea. Of course Taro would be a big fan. It's not rocket science.

I hope Toby interacting more with Japs influences him to not make Susie gay for the deer.

Well, a lot of people are kids. It is hard for a kid to keep going after losing that many times and seeing the same intro and patterns. They get bored.

Megalovania is my guilty pleasure, and that one was some good shit.

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Thank you for understanding my argument.
video games now:
>take few shallow systems, offer internet/ripped off humor/themes/charms
What they should be:
>more and more in depth, compelling and mechanically engaging systems which explore complex concepts/art styles/difficulties.
I'm biased because video games are no longer aimed at me. Video games are for children. This website is for that period of life which resides between the freedom and prison of childhood and the prison and freedom of adulthood.

Sauce my dude

There’s only so many hours in the day. Games for enthusiasts will always be less popular than more generalist games. Kids especially. It just feels like complaining about blockbuster movies.

>all these retards seething in this thread

Why shouldn't you complain about blockbuster movies?
I used to expect cynicism from this place, but this isn't 2008 anymore. Enjoy your legitimate stealth marketing campaigns and the subversion of your weaknesses to sell you products.

they both make terrible games with terrible fanbases

Because understanding that multiple products can exist and be aimed at different audiences is rational? You can’t expect everyone to be as into this medium as you. It would be foolish to suggest it. The whole “games should be layers of thought provoking art, gameplay and improve you as a person” can be applied to literally every medium. I have a seven year old brother. He tried Devil’s Engine and got frustrated and bored of it within about half an hour. Should he just not have any product geared towards him?

As small minded as it sounds yes. Incapable kids can play hoop stick for all I care. There are children who can beat elder chess masters. Why can't we ask more of our media and more of our public instead of racing to the bottom dollar?