>Want to purchase some level 2 spell tomes in the Sun Temple
>The fucking shop is always locked
Where else can I buy spell tomes?
>Transmute talent in phasmalist tree
>mfw I am literally swimming in ectoplasm and soulgems
How do I start dealing damage? Even shitty bandits literally wearing some raggedy pants with old swords fuck me up.
She's the reason I have the rape mod
This is why you should never trust a (((Kilean)))
Holy fuck, the spider queen in Old Sherath is one tough bitch. Had to use my only stunning poison and invisibility potion.
And fuck everyone who shits on phasmalist's ghosts, Rugar is fucking based.
Is that Witcher clothing?
Go on...
How the fuck did this not go mainstream? I mean it's a straight up better verseion of skyrim, and with normies obssesion with skyrim you would think they would be claiming it as the second coming of christ
>Go to hit the flame elemental in one of the first quests
>Die to its burn aura before my power attack lands
Melee sucks.
What did she do?
>Hey lissen user I've got a brilliant plan
>Let's hire some mercs and take a bunch of people HOSTAGE
>*Hostages get killed*
>We couldn't have predicted this would happen user
Enderal uses a lot of recycled mods, another character wears Triss' Witcher 2 outfit just colored green
Just let Jespar kill it, lmao.
And what happens after he leaves smart guy? I can't take on two head on Highwaymen without dying, I have to glitch jump onto rocks where they can't get me and do a retarded back and forth dance just to kill someone.
>tfw using a nude mod and meeting her in the bath house
Back away. Wait until they attack. Bash them in the face. Attack while they stagger. Repeat. Circle strafe to keep one bandit between you and the other.
there's a rape mod
I can't believe that they got Raimi to guest-write for this game.
That caught me off guard too, and really enhanced the receptionist freaking out about her stark appearance.
It's so good bros. This TC is insane.
You can kite them with short bursts of flamethrower, you can summon a wolf.
Also, you can invest memory points into something.
How big is desert city? I'm currently exploring Ark and feel like everything after it will only disappoint
I'm probably being stupid but do I need to reinstall Skyrim to play this?
It's about the size of one Ark quarter with a small outside area.
nope, just press intall on the steam page, you don't have to do anything else
I don't know what those two are talking about because I did have to install Skyrim again.
So can I just install "fitting" skyrim mods to it or have to find separate version because workshop and nexus are rather empty
most of the body, graphic, and sex mods should work, the overhaul already has a lot of the more essential mods like Skyui, just check the credits list for whats already in.