Why is liking female warriors controversial all of a sudden?
Why is liking female warriors controversial all of a sudden?
who knows. in my book it makes you a faggot though
It's not, you're catching flak for being an obnoxious twat.
capable women threaten the masculinity of losers so they freak out
Gay and whiny
strong women are just men with vaginas
because of le epic politics war
you get a bunch of rpers who take knights and medieval period seriously that try to act autistically superior for having a different opinion
the types of dudes who have gigs of pics of armor saved on the computer and are subscribed to channels like lindybeige
>Why is liking female warriors controversial all of a sudden?
It's not.
It's certainly a good excuse to post qts in armors, though.
Nice christian lady
i'd much rather the feminity of a suit of armor to be incidental rather than the focus, it makes it all the much sweeter when you realize there's a woman behind the helmet.
not that this is a good example
Amazon position is not gay
Why do straight people still post in this board? Do they want to catch the gay or something?
i love cute girls in full armor
I think this is more a divide between Western and Eastern "stronk women"
For Western developers a woman never or rarely takes damage, always gets the quip, never shows any cowardice, and basically zipbopdoodops there way around you in any conversation about how she's done this before you were born so sit down sonny.
An Eastern Stronk woman usually has an actual arc of progression. They're not always certain what they're doing is right, but desire to do good anyways. They still feel emotion, but they aren't a slave to it (unless something truly tragic happens). They actually care for people, and that's such a dirty word because "women have cared for things and children and husbands all their life, thus they don't have to now". However even a Queens love for their people can look absurd to these types. Overall female warriors are fine, but the western developers have this dumb archetype that they can do anything and everything and it completely takes you out of the experience when your Protag goes against a woman and you're like "oh now I guess I lose for a while until I win in a cutscene"
Side note, list me some games where this doesn't happen. Not snarky, but I could only think of Deus Ex: HR with the stealth goth chick.
>Close faced helmet girls
>with wide hips
not much in the way of armor but
women and their orbiters being unable to decide wheter strong female are bad or sexist, so they cut all discussion short with a temper and forbidding everyone to make them until they make up their min.
She's thinkin about that AGI bonus is worth it, lads.
You may as well search for a needle in a haystack when it comes to searching for a well made female warrior character. Other female roles are easier to make and therefore harder to fuck up so I prefer them.