Metal Gear Solid without memes + pure gameplay + actual not-rushed-autist script

>Metal Gear Solid without memes + pure gameplay + actual not-rushed-autist script
I think it will be great

Attached: left_alive_main_art_reveal_header_1.jpg (1488x1204, 1.24M)

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It looks kinda cheap and dated tbqh.

Front Mission 6 died for this.

Gameplay looks like total shit tho

Trying way to hard user.
It looks like the hottest of garbage.

What game is this even?

Front Mission died like 4/5ths of the way through making Front Mission 5, when Square rushed it out the door and shelved the series, until the generic pile of trash that was Evolved.

This game represents good things, an attempt to revive interest in the series and reestablish the correct tone. Too bad it also looks like it fucking sucks.

why did it have to come to this kojima-chan? w-why...

it'll be a bigger flop than mankind divided lmao

this is what contrarianism looks like
your retarded mind starts thinking this average shit will be the best

MGS didn't matter for me since 3 spy shit.
FM didn't matter for me since 4
So nothing was lost, plus nips are now 10 years behind of western in terms of gameplay innovation.

That gives me some hope that they actually took some creative risks with the gameplay

I have never seen a boy this cute as a protagonist in a military shooter game before.

Attached: LeftAlive-4[1].jpg (1920x1080, 991K)

>That gives me some hope that they actually took some creative risks with the gameplay
This shit looks like the most generic third person hodge podge of mechanics imaginable.

Those animations though

Looks like something from last gen, I love it. But isn't it on the same day as DMC5?

It doesn't have Kojima's autistic attention to gameplay either.

Of all the gameplay shown, it looks like they took no risks. The level design in particular is extremely weak, a whole lot of fucking crates everywhere in nonsensical arrays just so you have cover-to-cover movements for the duration of "stealth" gameplay. Everything is laid out in fucking right angles.

It looks pretty lame in a graphics sense. I'm gonna pick it up though.

Look at gameplay. It looks like shift

Left Alive is a shining example of managing to botch a sure fire money maker with botched honesst marketing.
They should never have shown long gameplay sessions. Ever.
Left Alive's biggest strenght was in trying to fill the gap left by MGS. The marketing should have been a few teaser images from Shinkawa followed by cinematic music video trailers focusing on the cutscenes and the plot and maybe a few snippets of quick heavily edited gameplay.
They killed the game with the bad marketing. Sure, people would be pissed after release when they'd realize that it'ss a janky piece of shit with bad animations and gameplay, but fuck them. You've got the money.

Let this be a lesson to every aspiring game creator out there: Hide the flaws and try to create a much fake hype as possible.

Attached: SF Zero.jpg (800x500, 87K)

buy the game Yea Forums

do it for her

Attached: Left-Alive_2019_01-14-19_008.jpg (1280x720, 310K)

only if she s my d

>>Metal Gear Solid without a budget or a talented dev team

>implying this isn’t the second coming of mindjack

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I really like the art direction and character designs. Too bad the gameplay looks like complete garbage.


Why do you want every game to fail

I don't want this game to fail but SE has other ideas.

>pure gameplay
>actual not-rushed-autist script
Have you seen the gameplay footage they released yet? The only thing you're right about is "Metal Gear Solid without memes" and thats not a positive thing

Attached: 1551026821157.gif (300x225, 469K)

That's what i thought this game was going to be but recently i watched a new gameplay video and after some cutscenes you control a different character and the game just devolves into a really, really generic and boring (because it misses all the good animations of other games) 3rd person shooter.

The level design looked bland too. I'm worried bros.


Why the fuck did they go out of their way to show so much gameplay when it all looks like crap. Whoever was responsible for marketing this should 100% be fired.

busted face

Comes out in about 24 hours for Japan, 3 days before DMC5 for everyone else.

I watched the gameplay, bullet sponges. Stop with the fucking bullet sponge shit. After playing the Division, I absolutely vehemently fucking hate bullet sponges. I want the enemies to die in a few hits, and vice versa for my character as well.

I know it'll be shit but i'm a sucker for any third person sneakan/tacticool games and a massive sucker for Front Mission.

Currently in Japan so i'll try and nab a copy tomorrow and stream for a bit if anyone wants to laugh along.

Make a thread for your stream tomorrow user

you better do it fag

Well, every game is shit in the eyes of Yea Forums. Is this bait thread?
>there are bad endings
oh dear

this honestly looks like ps2 level gameplay and ps3 level graphics.